10 Things to Never Say in an Interview | Interview Tips

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hopefully when interviewing for a job you have practiced ahead of time you know the things you want to say and you're not gonna slip up in any way but I have sat in a ton of interviews and there are some mistakes people make some I think are from nerves some are from just not knowing better so today I am going to give you ten things you should never say in an interview so that you don't make the same mistakes and get the job in the end okay so I am Cassandra and I help motivated professionals build their careers in businesses through practical tips to gain career confidence let's get started so before we start I have to give this week's you got a job shout out so this goes to Shakira Abdullah she said she asked the hard question at the end of her interview and within an hour they called her and told her she got the job so congrats to Shakira if you want to know what that hard question is I will put a card to that video right here and if you like interview content please make sure to give this one a thumbs up hit the subscription button and the notification bell so you know when new videos come out and if you want a shout out make sure you come back on any video I read every comment so it doesn't matter what video any video and let me know that you got the job what helps you it cetera and you might be my next shoutout okay so let's start talking ten things you shouldn't do so this first one is going to sound really surprising but I got asked it a lot in the last week what would I do in this role okay so normally your chance to ask questions comes at the end of the interview which means you just spent a significant amount of time talking about what you assumed you were doing the role I've had people literally say so like what would I be doing here and it's not like there wasn't a job description with very distinct line by line details of what they would do in this position it just doesn't leave a good impression it makes the interviewer wonder did you do your research do you know what we do here are you just going to enter any interview if you're not sure of what it looks like all the time right because the Job Description will only show you so much it's more about how you posed this question so you might want to say something more like I would love to hear what a typical week is like in this position or what are three things you hope the person in this role would accomplish in the first 90 days those will give you an idea of what you'd be doing without going so like what does this rule do to when people start saying things like oh I can handle any situation just talking in a way as like they've never messed up a day in their life there's never anything that's thrown them I used to work in entertainment I love when people in entertainment go oh well I can handle any situation you work in that industry a couple months you tell me how much you can handle you're not a superhero you're not perfect there are going to be things that will mess you up now you don't have to talk about those but just make sure you don't talk in absolutes of I'm good at everything I can handle that no problem it's not gonna go over well okay number three you can't ask about pay they will talk about salary when they are ready to talk about salaries so do your research on salary calm on Glassdoor this is why we have friends in our industry we get to know people so we can ask them once you know people they'll let you know these sorts of things get a ballpark that way of what the salary is but you're not going to ask about it I have gone to many an interview where I did not know what the salary would be until the final final interview it's just how the game goes number four don't speak negatively about old bosses old co-workers just other work situations this can be hard y'all I know I have been in toxic work environments I know some of you haven't asked me about this this is why we practice practice practice ahead of time because you can't sit there and be like oh my last class was like super lazy and never did anything and so I never got the advancement I wanted because he didn't further my career now can't say it you need to find ways to talk about situations without throwing anyone under the bus number five you don't want to say things where you come off cocky there's a very fine fine line between confidence and cockiness be careful that you are not bragging yes you were supposed to talk about what you've done in the past and how it relates and you're going to kind of sell yourself a little bit but you don't need to sound like you're doing the company a favor sometimes this is tonal people just kind of talking like an N body language leaning back and be like yeah like I could do that and this is how I've done it before and you know no problem right it's just in the air of I've got this sometimes it's stories where you just keep saying and I did this and I to that and this person did this thing but I did blah blah blah you're not better than anyone else you need to make sure you're using words like we especially if you're in a company interviewing at a company where they like collaboration it can't be the me me me show you need to talk about we you need to talk about bringing others in you need to talk about our idea so make sure you sound confident and the things you did but not cocky and this is another reason why I really think practicing with another person is really important because sometimes you don't realize that you're coming off this way right so grab a friend and make them hear your answers or if you want stronger feedback you can hire me and we can do this together so just and the link to how to do that is in the description box this is why it's a great opportunity to practice with someone else you get feedback and hear like hey am i towing the line do i sound confident or if i delved into cocky okay sometimes we're at a spot where we need a job really really bad it is about paying our rent next month and we just need a job so tip number six though is do not tell them I really need this job like this is super important I need the money that's it's not gonna go over well instead just keep showing enthusiasm hiring managers are more likely to hire the person who is enthusiastic and passionate about the role over the one with the right skill set make sure you're showing your enthusiasm for the company so on the inside you can be like oh I really need this job let that come out and the idea of I am just so excited for this opportunity I think this job is a great fit for me and here are the reasons why they don't need to know we're like scraping the change out of our car all right number seven do not blame answers on nerd like you don't need to say out loud I'm sorry I'm just really nervous they know you're nervous it's okay that you're nervous it's okay it's nerves show a little bit I did a whole video on how to calm interview nerves I'll put a card to it here and in the description box below but just know they already know you're nervous so you don't need to state it out loud and I think sometimes people think they're gonna be given more grace if they give an answer and then go oh sorry if I don't know if that was okay I'm just really nervous like now you're making me doubt your answer because you didn't say I'm confident in it this is another reason why we practice so that you know how long your answer should be and you're confident that I have given the information I need to give and I can stop don't tell them sorry I'm nervous hope that was okay okay number eight I have had people in interviews say oh well so-and-so actually recommended me for this position and that's why I'm here if you were recommended they already know you were recommended you don't need to share that information and it kind of in this weird way ends up seeming like you think I've got this job already this is just a formality because they already recommended me so it's fine like I'm I'm really excited to be here because someone's so recommended I apply and really encouraged me to because they thought I'd be a good fit this person is making their mind up if they think you're a good fit the recommendation got you here and into the room but it's not gonna get you the job so don't bring it up okay this next one is shocking but it happens all the time number nine do not say you never use their product watch their show go to their website whatever it if you're going to Taco Bell you better have eaten Taco Bell that week so you can talk about if you like it if you are going to an interview at a website you better use their website working in television it was so shocking how many people will go oh I never watch TV then why do you want to work in this industry there are thousands of people who love television and are dying for this spot and you're getting this seat in the room and you're gonna waste it and tell me like I don't really like TV no can't do it so whatever it is about that company or about that industry make sure you have some things to say about it and even if you don't like it you're gonna have to fake it till you make it like if I had to interview at a snowboarding company I'm afraid of heights I've never skied or snowboarding in my life but I would go watch some videos on snowboarders and find something that I connect with and say that thing that they do I just find that so fascinating how brave they are to get up on that mountain and that just really is is something I'm passionate about that these people are so brave and courageous in that way and that's something I try to emulate in my own life like I don't know you got to figure out some connection to that now number 10 is kind of an offshoot of that one make sure you know that company's product so I had a friend who recruited at one television network and she'd asked on every interview what's your favorite show on our network and all the time candidates would say a show from another network she's like but that's not the show we make we don't make that show so it just shows you didn't do your research about the company you need to go find something about their product that you like make sure you're not talking about a competitor's that's kind of the difference on number ten number nine you need to make sure you have interest in that industry or that company number ten don't talk about a competitor so don't mess up and say I love your gordita crunch but you're at an interview at Del Taco that's a Taco Bell product right so you need I don't know why I'm not hungry for Taco Bell but I'm just gonna keep bringing it up you need to make sure that you were talking about them and not their so those are 10 tips to help you out things you don't want to say in a job interview hopefully this will help you in formulating your answers if you need more help getting prepped and ready for the interview I have my free interview checklist in the description box below please go check that out once again be sure to subscribe if you haven't already hit the notification though so you know when new videos comes out and give this one a thumbs up if you like this kind of content that's all for today I will see you next time bye
Channel: Cass Thompson Career Advice
Views: 892,215
Rating: 4.9153047 out of 5
Keywords: 10 things to never say in an interview, things to never say in an interview, Interview tips, interview, interview questions and answers, job interview tips, job interview, interview questions, interview advice, interview help, interview prep, career advice, interview preparation, interview techniques, job interview questions and answers, interview nerves, job interview advice, interview methods, how to prepare for an interview, cass thompson, casst thompson career advice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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