Have an Interview? Try this Confidence Boosting Trick | Ziva Meditation

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interviews are scary I get it I used to be a professional actress and I used to audition many times a week and it was terrifying I used to call it very stressful but I would actually argue that it's not inherently stressful it's a high demand situation the artist formerly known as stress I invite you to call high demand because it's not our circumstances that create our stress our stress is our reaction to our circumstances so stress is not the stuff that happens to you it is your reaction to the stuff so an interview for a job is not inherently stressful it's what happens in your body when you start speculating about what may or may not happen as a result of that interview that's what causes the stress that's what creates that fight-or-flight physiological response so the first thing you can do to help crush your job interviews is to start a daily meditation practice but I'm gonna assume that you're already on that tip and now if we want to really boost our performance and boost our confidence before walking into the room I'm gonna give you an exercise that I actually put in my new book stress less accomplished more and I call it a super power pose so this is based on a TED talk on power poses which you've probably heard of by now you can assume some sort of a position like the superwoman position or V for victory position and while you're doing this you do Breath of Fire and the idea behind this concept is that our bodies will take the shape of our emotions so if you're scared and sad your shoulders might hunch over you might start to protect your heart but conversely if we start to open up our bodies open up our hearts and assume the position of confidence and victory this can actually change our brains this can actually change our physiology in our minds so before you walk into your next job interview I recommend that you steal away to a bathroom or a stairwell or maybe go into a hotel lobby next door and do three minutes of what I call the superpower pose so the easiest one is just to assume the superwoman or Superman stance put your arms akimbo smile if you can you're gonna look like a ding dong but smile anyway you know sometimes we smile because we're happy sometimes we're happy because we smile and then you just smile and then you do Breath of Fire and it looks like this I told you it you look real silly but I promise you I do this every time before I go onstage and you really feel better afterwards at the end of three minutes you actually feel happier you feel confident you feel willing to take up the space that you deserve and walking into a room with this energy versus this energy is very different people want to hire happy people people want to hire confident people people want to sleep with happy confident people so maybe you don't want to work with people you want to sleep with but we can talk about that in another video so next job interview try a superpower pose arms akimbo Breath of Fire big ol toothy Julie Roberts grin do it for three minutes bonus points if you do some affirmations while you're doing Breath of Fire so try it before your next interview try it before your next date and let me know how it goes over in the Ziva tribe on Facebook all right friends best of luck may the force be with you [Music] you
Channel: Ziva Meditation
Views: 64,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: confidence booster, guided meditation, emily fletcher, ziva meditation, interview tips, first date tips, confidence boosting trick
Id: ttyh-ZiYvOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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