5 Tips to OVERCOME Interview NERVES! (How to NOT be NERVOUS in a Job Interview!)

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hi there my name is richard from pastmyinterview.com and in this tutorial i'm going to teach you how to overcome interview nerves a lot of you have been getting in touch with me on the channel and you are saying richard i have a job interview coming up tomorrow i am really nervous how can i perform to the best of my abilities well within this presentation i'm going to give you five really important tips that will help bring your nerve levels down considerably and help you to perform to a really high level so before we get into it if you haven't done so already please make sure you hit the subscribe button because i am on a mission to help as many of you as possible to pass your interviews and i can only do that if you are subscribed and please give the video a like give it a thumbs up because that motivates me to create more content for you let's get straight into it and i'm going to teach you how to overcome interview nerves tip number one for overcoming interview nerves is to stop treating it as an interview treat it as a meeting between you and a potential employer now the word interview puts the fear into people and believe it or not it is you who is increasing your own interview nerves because of what's going on up here we need to change your mindset and one way we can do that is to start treating this as a meeting between you and a potential employer now of course for the rest of this tutorial i will refer to it as an interview but when you go away after you've stopped watching this tutorial i want you to start treating it as a meeting and that will help to calm your nerves now whilst on nerves of course you need to have a little bit of nerves because if you don't you won't perform to the best of your ability and also i've been in interviews before where somebody a candidate has been sat in front of me and they are a little bit too confident they don't show any nerves whatsoever and that can come across as a little bit arrogant overconfident i want to see somebody who is a little bit nervous because it tells me that they care so tip number one is start treating it as a meeting between you and a potential employer and that will bring your nerves down considerably tip number two for overcoming interview nerves is to make sure you carry out some research into the company you are applying to join now we know that one of the questions you are going to get asked is tell me what you know about our company and if you can't answer that question competently and confidently you will not get hired and all of these tips are designed to help boost your confidence we want to decrease your nervousness levels but we also want to increase your confidence and the way we can do that is to make sure that you know a little bit about the company that you are applying to join so we know they're going to say to you tell me what you know about our company so what you need to do is number one go on their website find out about their products and their services what do they sell what do they do and also find out a little bit of historical information about the company when did they start who owns the company and where do they operate from and number two make sure you follow the company on social media have a look at their latest social media posts what have they been posting about on facebook on twitter and also have a look to see if they have a linkedin corporate page because then you can say i follow you on social media and i noticed recently you've been carrying out the following things that would tell me that you have an interest in my company and you have also carried out some research so make sure number two tip number two for reducing your interview nerves is to carry out some research because then you can answer that question with confidence tip number three for overcoming interview nerves and this is really important this will help you to stand out from the other candidates make sure you download a copy of the job description read the job description and have a look at the key requirements of the role now the job description is essentially the blueprint of what the hiring manager or the employer is looking for in the successful candidate now the vast majority of people who attend interviews don't even know what the job description is but you're going to be different and again this will help to boost your confidence levels get a copy of the job description and read it and have a look what they are looking for now more often than not they will be looking for certain skills such as teamworking being able to work under pressure being being able to communicate effectively and also being able to provide excellent customer service so if you know what they are looking for you can talk about the different skills you have that are a match for the job description and also be prepared for interview questions that focus on the job description so if it says on the job description the successful candidate will be required to deliver customer service to a certain standard i can guarantee they will ask you the question tell me about a time when you provided excellent customer service so downloading that job description enables you it empowers you to think about the questions they are going to ask you during your interview tip number four for overcoming interview nerves this is really important we know the first interview question they are going to ask you your interview is tell me about yourself so whether you have a face-to-face interview or you have an interview online a virtual interview the first question they will say is tell me about yourself now of course it makes perfect sense for you to prepare an answer to that first interview question because that then will give you the confidence for the rest of the interview if you are stumbling when they say to you tell me about yourself this will increase your interview nerves so my advice is to prepare a really good answer to the question tell me about yourself that you know off by heart and it then sets you up with confidence for the rest of the interview now a great format to follow a great format to remember when you answer the question tell me about yourself is seat s-e-a-t and you can remember this format because when you go into your interview you will be sitting in a seat remember s-e-a-t and this gives you the things to talk about s is for the skills that you have that are relevant to the role e is for experience previous work experience that you have that is applicable to the role now if this is your first job instead of talking about experience you could talk about educational qualifications a is achievements what achievements have you gained in your life so far and t is the type of person you are tell them you are the type of person who's going to come into this role and you're going to make a significant impact you will act as a positive role model for their company and you're going to do a really good job now if you want to find out a model answer to the interview question tell me about yourself click the link right now at the top of this video because i've created a brilliant answer that you are going to want to check out tip number five for overcoming interview nerves is to make sure that you have got some questions lined up to ask at the end of the interview now this is where a lot of candidates let themselves down we know that when you get to the end of the interview the interviewer is going to say to you that's the end of the interview do you have any questions for us now a lot of candidates say it's okay you answered everything for me i have no questions that is a mistake because this is your opportunity to further show that you are the right candidate for the job so we have to ask smart questions now i recommend you ask three or four questions that put you across in a positive light and they are also focused on not you but on the company so let me now give you four really smart questions that you can ask at the end of your interview to impress the hiring manager question number one what advice would you give to the successful candidate who wants to do a really good job in this position so that's a really good question because it shows that you are wanting to do really well within the company but you are asking them for advice what advice would you give to the successful candidate who wants to do a really good job in the position that's a smart question to ask question number two of the questions to ask at the end of your interview what's the culture like here within this company so that's a smart question because you are trying to find out what the companies like to work for and it enables the interviewer or the hiring manager to talk about their company which is something they should love doing question number three of smart questions to ask at the end of your interview what challenges are your company facing right now and how can i help you overcome them in this role that's a smart question because you are preparing yourself to be in the position and every company has challenges but you are asking what you can do to help overcome them so it's a very smart question to ask and question number four what would you need me to concentrate on in this role within the first 30 days of starting again you are visualizing yourself in the role and you are getting them to visualize you in the role as well and you are asking what do you need me to concentrate on in the role within the first 30 days so there's four really smart questions that you can pick from to ask within your interview at the end when they say to you that's the end of the interview do you have any questions for us so there we have it five really good tips to help you overcome interview nerves and don't forget being successful at an interview is all about preparation so it doesn't matter whether you have an interview coming up tomorrow or within a few days you can still carry out plenty of preparation number one don't forget make sure that you start treating it from now on as a meeting this is a meeting between you and a potential employer stop using that word interview because it puts fear into people which is what it is designed to do this is a meeting and you are preparing fully for it number two make sure you carry out some research don't forget to go on their website find out a bit about the company have a look at their social media pages follow them on social media and it gives you something to talk about when they say tell me what you know about my company number three make sure you download that job description this is your ticket to success download the job description read it and have a look at the essential criteria what are you required to do in the role and that will also give you a clue as to the type of questions they're going to ask you in your interview number four make sure you prepare your answer to the first interview question tell me about yourself remember to use that format s-e-a-t the skills and qualities you have the experience or the educational qualifications some significant achievements you have gained in your life or career so far and t the type of person you are what you're going to do in the role if they choose to hire you and then finally make sure you have some questions prepared at the end of the interview to ask so don't forget make sure you subscribe to this channel by clicking the red button below the video because i am going to help you throughout your career to pass your interviews i promise you that don't forget to give the video a thumbs up and if you have an interview coming up tell me what questions you have in the comments section below and i will give you some questions interview questions more questions to prepare for to help you part your interview i've been richard mcmahon and thank you so much for watching this presentation i wish you all the best for passing your meeting speak to you soon
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 951,034
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Keywords: How to Not be NERVOUS in a Job Interview, how to overcome interview nerves, how to overcome interview anxiety, how do i not be nervous in a job interview, How do I get rid of my nerves before an interview, How do you train yourself to not be nervous, Interview nerves anxiety, How can I calm my anxiety nerves, How to overcome severe interview nerves, severe interview anxiety, interview, interviews, job interview questions, tell me about yourself
Id: 7_aAicmPB3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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