Executive Interview Tips: βœ”οΈ 6 Words to Help You Win the Job

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today I'd like to cover some super-secret ninja stuff that's going to help you win the interview and it's all about performing magic now I know what you're thinking yeah Timmy pull a rabbit out of a hat and get a job offer but what I'm talking about is magic words would you like to know the six magic words that are going to influence anyone in your life including an interviewer well get ready to take notes because I'm going to share with you the six words that if used properly can help you win the job and make the decision-maker think that it's their idea what's a magic word may be words like abracadabra or Alakazam come to mind but outside the realms of fiction and illusion magic words mean something entirely different so magic words motivate others and that makes you a more effective communicator and of course communication is key no matter what you want out of life and whether that be the dream of winning that perfect job or starting a business or devoting yourself to raising your children so yes you can try to force people to do what you want but that rarely works after all people don't like to be bossed around and that's especially true for hiring managers and that's why it's important to motivate their actions using words now the crux of the matter is that people don't normally put much trust in words there was some research done in the 1960s by a famous psychologist Albert Mehrabian he was particularly interested in what happens when a listener doesn't trust a particular message and what he found was gotten to be pretty famous what he found is that we're much more likely to look at body language or tone of voice to determine whether or not what we're told is true rather than listening to the actual words being used in fact he was the one that determined that words only account for 7% of we trust a given message luckily magic words are here to help you improve your communication making your speech clearer and more convincing even if your body language and your tone aren't perfect okay so a word of warning however magic words only work when they go hand in hand with a very strong positive human connection we are increasingly communicating with each other in more cold and unfriendly ways so you have to start caring more about the other person in an interview situation you want to work together with the interviewer with the other person to get to cooperate with them and get them to cooperate with you and that allows them to help you work toward your goals so what are the magic words let's start with number 1 the most important magic word and it's yes the word you should avoid the most is no how many times do you use or hear the word yes in your day to day life you probably can handle a few more yeses in your life and why well it's all because humans fear rejection we've evolved to be this way that's why interviewing can be so stressful being connected with others by being part of a group helps us to survive so the word yes is ingrained in our psyche I love hearing it it's the ultimate magic word so when you're trying to get someone to do something for you use questions that elicit a yes for example outside of interviewing don't say please fix this for me instead say can we fix this because if you can get someone to say yes they're more likely to actually do it in fact you're much more likely to be successful if you can get the other person to say yes two or three times before you get to the actual request in fact one study found that a group of salespeople can increase their success rate from 18 to 32 percent by inducing the people to say yes at least three times before coming to the sale all you have to do is get the other person to say and then there's another tactic and that's just as important as using yes and that's avoiding the word no avoiding the word no or any negative word is a magic word it's magic toward number-two so stay in yes mode when you mention something native the conversation moves away from positivity towards feelings of fear and caution and rejection so let me share with you a piece of advice that I usually save for my clients then that is at the end of an interview the last question you should ask your interviewer is so do you have enough information in order to decide whether I'm a great fit for the position or a great fit for the team now there's some additional neural linguistic programming thrown into that question but the main goal is to get the decision-maker to answer yes to your question let me give you an example of why you should avoid a question with no as the answer for instance if an airline captain tells his passengers not to be concerned about the turbulence or the strange engine noise that's not going to actually make them feel any better and as a matter of fact all negative words even if they are negated inspire negative feelings but don't overuse yes however remember it's powerful remember to use it wisely and use it sparingly now number three grab attention by using the names and direct attention by saying that the word but imagine you're in a noisy crowded bar you can barely hear the person right next to you but someone across the room says your name and just like that they have your attention why does this happen we are again biologically programmed to pay attention to the sound of our name that's why names are such a great magic word we've evolved to focus on sudden loud exclamations pointed directly at us because it helps us stay safe so if you want to grab someone's attention and their focus say their name before you make your point it's that simple now people also feel more important and more highly valued when they hear their name or even just something similar to it it's actually why statistically it's been proven that people named Kathy prefer coke to Pepsi and people named Peter prefer Pepsi to coke the number of women named Georgia is 88 percent higher in Georgia than it is in any other state and names are powerful use them and again use them rather sparingly I know I've talked with plenty of salespeople that have over used my first name and it starts to get pretty annoying when at the beginning of every single sentence that they say starts with the word Tammy all right so I want to give you an extra magic word to that might come as a surprise to you it's the word but there's a very specific power when you say the word but you decrease the impact of the preceding phase and that effect is called the butt eraser believe it or not and the emphasized phrase that follows is called the butt enhancer it sounds like a great product to sell you start out with the information you want the person to forget and then you use the word butt and then you end with the information that you want them to remember for instance if a physician is trying to calm down a patient they might first mention the injection the patient is about to receive but then encourage the patient to relax by looking out the window now in an interview situation if you're asked why you left your last employer you might say something like you loved your last job but there wasn't any room for upward mobility so there wasn't a clear path for you there and you're looking to grow as a professional makes sense okay now number four is the word because it motivates people to act and think you may have heard a famous Harvard study a professor used the word because cutting in line for the photocopy machine at the Camerons campus library she first tried to cut in to the line without giving any explanation for her rudeness and she was successful about 60% of the time and then so for the next round she used the word because but gave completely illogical reasons afterward like because I have to make some copies and the success rate jumped to 93 almost 94 percent because is very powerful remember you can't force someone to feel motivated they have to find that motivation on their own so if your company has recently for instance had a problem with deadlines ask your employees why they think that there's a problem with timing and that encourages them to search for their own because and once they find it they'll be much more likely to be motivated to act on it and if you're asked in an interview for instance why you want the job you should actually use the word because in front of the reason rather than just state the reason itself it's going to be much more memorable and will act to persuade the interviewer in a very big way now the next magic word is the word if it induces people to think more hypothetically and creatively if has another powerful ability to it combats reverse psychology so psychologists Matthew Crawford and his colleagues once conducted a study on if by asking participants to gamble on two equally skilled football teams so if one of the researchers suggested that they bet on a particular team the participants bet on the other team 76% of the time just to show their free will however when the researchers gave them advice using an if statement like how would you feel if they don't win then 73 percent took their advice so if you want to guide and interviewers thoughts in a certain direction if the person who is interviewing you insists they can't do something don't just say yes you can or instead just say what would you do if you could blank so then number five the word help is useful in delegating responsibility and the word thanks keeps motivation levels high how do you feel when someone asks you for help it makes you feel important and needed doesn't it and that's what makes help such a powerful magic word in an interview help me understand the job responsibilities in more detail and then the last magic word is thanks thanks is important in business businesses need to thank their customers and bosses need to thank their employees in a face-to-face interview remember to thank everyone from the receptionist to the HR assistant that scheduled the meetings so thanks for watching today by the way all right so just to make sure that you've got all of the magic words that we covered today yes avoiding no using names experimenting with the butt eraser the word because the imaginative word if the feel-good word help and ending in things okay I threw in a couple of extra magic words so I think there's eight total and I hope this is are served you today and if you found this helpful I want to thank you for subscribing and hitting the like button because it tells you that YouTube tells YouTube that this is good content and I want you to use these powerful words in a meaningful but not manipulative way and if you'd like to partner with me and my team to help you land your perfect job and get paid what you're worth I would love for you to click the link below in the description and set up a time to talk with us about your career situation so I until I see you again I look forward to hearing about your success so leave a comment below and I'll be sure and respond to it by now you
Channel: Tammy Kabell
Views: 86,093
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Keywords: career resume consulting, career seeker, career tips, executive, executive interview, executive interview coaching, executive job search, executive job search tips, executive presence, executive search, executive search advice, executive search consultant, executive search firms, executive search tips, hidden job market, interview advice, job search, job search advice, job search strategies, personal assistant interview, tammy kabell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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