Overcoming Interview Nerves | Interview Tips

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are you nervous before an interview I mean really who isn't today I am going to give you practical tips so that you can combat those interview nerves and be the best version of yourself during an interview I am cassandra Thompson your career consultant and it is time to get down to business so my first tip to combat those nerves practice practice practice practice I know I say it every video but practice takes away anxiety basically the more prepared you are the less nerves can take over so keep practicing your answers and your stories that are kind of those go-to stories to answer tell me about it time questions practice that up ahead of time until they feel natural and if you need help figuring out how to prepare those answers and how to start working and figuring out those questions I have created a video for you and I'll leave a card right there all right second thing what you eat affects how you feel so this is a very practical tip but eat a light meal before the interview don't do anything crazy don't have some heavy meal of pasta if it's breakfast don't have a big thing of pancakes you're not carbo loading for a marathon you're going to an interview so eat something light that's gonna make you feel good in the room this is also not the right time to try anything new if you're going to lunch before your interview don't go hmm today's the day I try that cheese enchilada with the Molay sauce and bla bla that I've never had before like no no not today we don't want anything that's gonna make a start feeling weird and not good for our interview a big thing with this is if you are not a coffee drinker don't drink coffee I think some people are nervous and go okay well I'm nervous and I it kind of makes me shut down so I'll drink a cup of coffee because the caffeine will help me well coffee can also induce anxiety so if you are not a regular coffee drinker having that caffeine is going to make you like this and make you super anxious and not able to talk and you're gonna be crazy like this and talking way too fast and we don't really want to do that one thing you may want to do is eat a banana interestingly research has shown that the combination of tryptophan of potassium and beta blockers acts as a natural calming agent bananas have this nice blend of calming properties in all my research over and over again eating a banana came up so maybe before you get dressed for your interview eat a banana and let getting dressed be laughing and then head out the door and then this third tip is really more of two different tips but it's a choose-your-own-adventure pumpup playlist or meditation app nerves can hit people in different ways like I was mentioning with the coffee example your nerves might shut you down that you turn very quiet and don't really get very confident sounding and you kind of are down here and your answers so we need to pump ourselves up on the way to the interview maybe you need a comfort playlist go on Spotify find that you know motivational playlist or create your own leave me a comment below what is your pump up song everybody has one my friends is Katy Perry's fireworks I have a couple I can't think of any right now of course but I do have a couple lists on Spotify that are just kind of my go-to ones to get me energized and get me up if you need something to energize you use a pump up playlist now if anxiety hits you that you were at here in going oh my gosh oh you don't know how I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna go in that room and I'm gonna talk way too fast and no one's gonna be able to understand me we might need a meditation app so I recommend headspace or calm or if you have an Apple watch even that brief app that's on there just go through one of those in the car before heading in just breathe for a few moments to kind of bring ourselves back down so interviews make everyone nervous but with practice eating the right foods and either pumping yourself up or using some breathing exercises to calm down you can feel so much more prepared or your next interview and calm and ready and if you need help gaining more interview confidence I actually made a video all about that that you can get a link to here and I'll put in the description box below as well if this video was helpful please be sure to subscribe and hit the notification bow so you hear about new videos give it a thumbs up leave me your pumpup song in the list below and with that we are done for today thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Cass Thompson Career Advice
Views: 73,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: career, Career advice, job advice, Interview nerves, interview anxiety, Job interview anxiety, nervous before interview, interview nervousness, overcoming interview nerves, overcoming interview nervousness, how to avoid being nervous in a job interview, nervous about job interview, linda raynier, job connection, how to get a job, learn skills, get hired, jobs, career guidance, skills, career building, career services, job search, career coach, relationship building
Id: 4y0I22ydsk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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