AOElympics! 4v4 Black Forest | Norway vs Finland | RO16

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all right let's go wait so what series are you who is what i'm indians is kong even coming to voice spanish but i don't know it's a disaster no it's a masterpiece oh it will be a masterpiece yeah they have they've got one sniper 17-11 sniper thank you for the prime says azizy thanks one of the bits honestly it works better best with burba's cam launchers i actually tried it with burberry's actually [Music] oh this potato what is this wait we have do you mind wait no no they don't huh nothing okay i was hoping elephant arches were foot dodgers for a second i've never had if they would have counted they already have border sales buildings i mean technically you argue against the camel feet being feet well i caught myself in it it doesn't make it everyone argued he could he could have joined why is he not joining yeah i don't know i hate this noise keller you should know that you have to help your flank wall but he's actually going forward what is he leaving my board are you against gods i am against goth yeah he has pretty loom he's taking my boy attack my bar oh boy actually i'm taking my boar oh he's going for my second boar help [Music] i'm dog nice garrison kong keller come oh okay his villagers get the scout in the sky get scout okay go back oh run you need to get those walls up uh like you can sell more bills and stuff you know wait so can kong heroes or not i don't know why are you talking to me if you don't know you have to stream like i can't be asked to like write a chat for everything like it's not 2011 like kong can you talk to us if you can hear us can you write something in chat i can't hear us i guess like he's being like full militia i'm going to wall him out at this straight actually can't be asked make this one after all three or four yeah i'm actually going to go wall him out now like no okay you can leave now now you have served your purpose is mbl in chat mbl look at what you're missing amazing team cohesion amazing teamwork how do we even wall this ah is it going to be so bad what you want kong like he cannot hear you man i know his pc can't handle the team speak and you know the game at the same time makes sense makes sense man there's so many balls in the middle i go me too i'm going to lure them with my scouts wait you're mongols right yes make a meal there or something what the [ __ ] what go there make a meal what what what i can't believe you're saying that why not milling the bar you're mongols there's eight tourists i thought you were the best player in the world oh my god this guy never mind before you get way too much food your equals imbalance you get way too much food your ego is imbalanced you heard that as well now let's not use the mongol bonus like you'll get the balanced eco you know you have too much food i'm disappointed in you guys i guess i'll have to go camels here like and get some walls so fast [Laughter] he's talking though that's is it malay no and what's the point well haven't you seen the bf throws they all doc man it's the it's a cool thing for the kids to is this i'm being do i'm gonna lose five villagers imagine if you had the villagers forward you wouldn't have lost them in their home okay where are you being rushed even here who's trashing you probably got i didn't look good oh no he's gonna stop my baller i just wanna boom we're ruining my phone wait so how good are they uh 15 some couple are like 1600 coupler like 12 1400 how are we losing i mean they are too good fair enough are you fine kong it's like it's not even saying anything man my boom is ruined this sucks you have too much food no i don't balance eat gold too much food boom is ruined it looks like you might 181. thank you very much for three months with the prime support do i need two camels okay okay they walled me there i'll go camo sir uh you go he's going kong rush to you viper what rush to you no yes no yes i'm saying no nevermind mind no i wasted so much wood quick walling now he's just hitting your what are you doing viper what no i need food i need food but you will get imbalanced eco no it's fine i'll take it first you complain about having too much food and now suddenly you want food what i don't understand you yeah i have 400 food man and you're not i'm a future booming oh my god that's not even goth is it that's it's kong's guy kong are you being rushed by this guy [Music] boy i really dislike how when you're taking deer the villagers constantly bug out i mean they just bump into each other and stop anything like that yeah that's that kind of stuff yes that's exactly what i'm talking about actually it's lovely it's great they don't really respect social distancing indeed when i hate it when you mistake your bamboo for real trees yeah true actually i've done that i'm not afraid to admit what are menus like good against are you talking about mamluks well right now this should be good against walls or buildings because we have bonus damage but besides that oh my god what what's there militia here that was totally worth the big scream i'm sending a camo on there he killed our ears i'm expensive 85 gold oh my god oh the wolf is girly they don't feel that amazing against buildings dude your campbell is dying to too malicious he died you only killed one militia we just go skirms like that stand in another camel we'll kill one more militia yeah kill one more militia give it to me yeah there we go are you dropping a castle are you building a castle i'll have to do market to like i can't do this oh my god the volume spikes yeah i noticed that when i was watching your stream viper yes your sound spikes all the time it's not my sound for me as well you potato it's yours it's your microphone wow you blame me for that i was noticing was watching your stream like my volunteer's so loud i don't know what's wrong with your stream nobody has said anything to me i just assumed it was riper are what are you doing kong he's fish booming he's telling me to make camels against this make camels why am i making cattle oh my god i'm like i'm like should i save you you know like he's like yes make camels really oh my god i don't know [Applause] my boom is like terrible now because i've been making camels don't stop you're indians there is no such thing as terrible boom with indians uh you would be surprised yeah the only saving grace here i said i'm your team i know okay i go only see senator's name sounds like a bulletproof plan what can't go wrong nothing my guy went random skerm defense i guess he assumed that i would go crossbow masterpiece with that sarah sense picking services to go crossbow he was really uh counter-picking you there you know with the strategy exactly and the only guy in my game was himself are they open anywhere uh not on this side i will come there and try the sarason amazing i have camels i have camels we break somewhere just x i'm going there yeah i'll go there as well oh what the hell help what's there [ __ ] well you're surprised are you not what is happening what the hell you're gonna be fine i'm gonna wall you out but you're gonna be fine that sounds very that sounds like you believe it'll be fine you know don't worry i'm just rolling out i'm coming over there with my army i will be fine though okay mama looks me me luke sorry convert nice and i can really appreciate kong's masterpiece he's doing fine man he's booming he has the top scorer on the team sure well that's because he's telling everyone else to make army you know like and then he's just booming itself like and then it's gross that city game goes to you know the other pockets that's just monster club ah but he's doing great uh yeah i'm fighting man wow it's a lot of stuff happening this keeps targeting my skirms and my mama looks it's not nice are you pooping or something miss click of death oh look the wrong saved me the wall is paying off typical finland strategies trade a market there but it's it's not good so demanding egg open so it'll be gay big gate is there a small gate build this boom is so hurting he said oh my god this indian team bonus is amazing instead through man up [Music] he he got you there wow i was really like freaking out there was nigh wrong with the debates man not too bad actually not too bad awesome awesome we need to break this i guess he's doing rams i need more wood and i don't need any more food killing horn but kong is probably a fair man he's breaking bro i'm being chased by three people man where are you guys r4 there's four people on me man where's my team keeper oh god the kong pc is hitting you guys feel it yes do you feel it i mean we're killing all ours oh incoming incoming oh boy why's there so many spoilers oh oh my god leg this is why we have to finish before him talk to me you need to protect me i'm sure you're fine but i will still protect you i always ask myself what can i do for my team oh that castle was not supposed to go up oh [ __ ] we can just take it with your own just dude come and thank them two vanishers like human castle insta dead go go go come no you don't need me for that just go the kong is using his villagers see is too short come tank oh it's so time thing going to do it though yeah you better not you do it i'm leaving i'm not coming back oh yeah yeah you sure i'll cut a little bit more already thank god no i don't follow you [ __ ] now i lost score lead because of that morally did you see how much score i got from killing those units i would have done it way sooner than he did pretty much plexus 16 i think of the seven months fast in bomber towers not sure all right there has to be other things i don't know how many more tricks do they have up their sleeves after this first game well now i can expect the rush at least well there's like not that many series that can do it we didn't use goth right no it didn't no no are you hosting no i've been on the field thing again i will assume yeah you could hear that yes i could yeah they're hosting was that your girlfriend it was somebody screaming outside my window tell her i can't believe it it was a fun you know for my stream guys how's the show match with dalton teddy let's do this is it done i gotta poke it again and hope i won't be rushed because they're still playing i gotta find out what's the score there i think it's time to go uh i don't think max will be less than these guys signed up for this to do the same thing three one for tattoo hopefully you guys the real clown tennis out of the real clown after all i'll go lithuanian we haven't used lithuanians right we haven't you have mongols as well you want a bit no we use [ __ ] yeah you can choose pocket or flank with that there's a setting here called team positions that means that the if you have color one two four one and four will be the flanks and two and three will be the pockets three want for tattoo see nice looks like tyler is about to win this one as well came here for webcam got scammed again wow we have a commander left though viper what sieve are you i'm good fine are you happy i'm gonna commend them i'm khmer where are they going to well oh was it the best of five was it wasn't it yeah i thought it was the best of seven there were things no it's on the roof are you going to lay i'm going to do a sneak bill i'm going to make a barracks gonna lay him do whatever i can you know but i have to play black forest update the scoreboard i did what do you mean scoreboard is updated anyone want to make bets on when kong joins he probably has to be able to get out of the last game first oh he'll be here man he'll be here i believe do goth get cheaper malaysian dark age yes yes they do [Music] western with a five euro can you choose any sieves or are there some rules also good luck thank you for the five um and thanks for good luck you can choose so our team we can choose each civilization once throughout the whole series so if i play like i played sara since last game that means that none of my allies can play saracens nor that game nor for the rest of the set and it's the same rules for the opponents that they can play every sieve but once they have chosen it once and it cannot be repeated i'm going khmer i'm not going portugal what where's team club probably playing world of warcraft hello 07 thank you for the two months i think he plays on a scooter versus doubt is best of three organs played how are they i don't know muscular on game five faster than this i don't know oh he's here he's here let's go let's go [Laughter] [Music] i like this like 3 000 people are listening to me right now let's go i already have a headache please this is just making it worse how long can i do this for how long can you get muted [Music] yeah keller i'm muting you yeah there we go muted now that feels better [Music] i'm sorry guys i don't know let's go i'm just bored man can we play hey i'm back in town wow welcome glad you decided to join us welcome let's go let's go one second guys your stream loves me you go portugal portuguese for the team yes yes no i need chinese i need chinese no portugal no i need chinese we have no team communication we need portugal oh i need i need koreans guys i'm going korean no we need yes why koreans the chinese man [Laughter] like the bomber tower is killing everything for you you do make the sacrifice yes the great sacrifice the great sacrifice oh my god [Music] potato was even more potato what the [ __ ] man now we have to the thing is now he was on the finish team and he called the ree now oh boy i do that's a pay you a man i used to regress next lever strategy [Music] [Laughter] oh my god what happened kong went on their team [Laughter] what have i said yesterday i think camille is so lucky it's a long way to esports looking at this game no you think yes almost there i i was clicking the caller and i misclicked my i cannot it opened my profile my name to papers we can do this guys i believe i believe that we can do it sure actually i forgot to take this off i can fly while playing thanks for reminding me i'm not sure i didn't even know once i had it that's crazy maybe i can play with this it has bothered me before when i've been playing but i guess it worked i don't know the rest believe i can fly away i don't think that's how it goes you can't fly away keller i believe you can join this game please no that's my spot because people is taking the spot my shirt is beautiful look look it's very very nice very beautiful progress bye man this is not norway channel chatty man this is not norway channel man this is not nothing anymore man it's everyone's channel now forehead true there is no tyrant and mortality exactly hey olympics bye bye bye hasta luego tati could have been an interesting game though three of five i think we have a good job where where you can hear me isn't that good enough okay let's go yeah let's go can play for us okay i'm playing the game man i found the game finally it's randomly there man okay what team are you going on this time kong uh i have to go chinese but uh i'm not annie's yes the chinese team really choose team one jeez and choose the right sim so we don't have to do this one more time he thinks your name is konk which makes sense actually why would you be called kong you know it's a c where does your name come from kong forever oh my god it's just like is it like your girlfriend that kong forever i i don't believe everyone has the right to i can't i i don't believe it doesn't matter even if we are we play wait were you ethiopians yes that you can do it now four minutes oh what how did the game start so fast oh nice i don't have to wall anything yeah i'm going through i'm going the long way through the middle [Music] okay where do you happy to go i go where you act like oh there yeah i mean there might be wolves on the way though actually so maybe maybe dude then i'm gods ah that's a good point actually yeah that's a very good point this is why i'm not 2k5 make sure thanks for the help i might create uh man don't give the location away okay i'll go back and i approach the air yeah go back oh remember yeah i was going to say no screaming like i was like like i can't even say it oh my god yes you guys don't know this but when i was in live stage viper was something like every five seconds i don't know what he's talking about he knows what i'm talking about dr ghost thank you for prime where's mbl uh not here i'm very tempted to start timing myself [Music] now i see deer under his tc so it makes sense you actually lay in my deer kept wrecked no respect these days well you beat disrespect with disrespect it's fine hey why is my boy running no i took it from there what are you talking about you still have your board that's not my bar no you have two boards in your towns here what the [ __ ] you're welcome you can thank me later i already thanked you man i have such a nice pond why do i have to be ghost now i'll take victory man don't worry okay i won't take it okay farms with chinese ally a smear what more i want one more room but that's the other side of the map i'm hilt i'm i'm here as well i'm killing you all he doesn't have a look okay just x where you want me to go anywhere you want he doesn't have loom i'm killing all okay i want some of that action as well [Music] yes [Music] coming oh are they still like full open blue scout is there with 25 hp you can kill i get a kill you kill i'm [Laughter] just don't blame me straggler do you think there's a rule about that possibly i don't do that not that type of guy admin lawson will have to play game three then if i'm lucky enough i will get the kill off this building let's see you have to be very very lucky i know i have to be very lucky but i'm feeling lucky he's persian so i probably won't go for his town center to be fair gods from green are we not walls of course do you even have to ask oh don't block i'm asking i'm asking for your walls of course no i'm not asking you a massive viper if we are wall uh there's archers here help you're completely open how am i supposed to help like i'm going boom like [Music] hell there's archers i can go knights or something yeah well well i have pc watch out tctc i'm busy man [Music] no hello i can't help you what's the point of having you in our team if you cannot help i can help you in a little bit and the point is my amazing singing skills obviously don't worry will make it then you tell us what how many pillars do you have i want one i don't want to say i have 41 but i'm making alcohol ah hell i'm sending elephants he's under my town center man on my tower oh my god well you just passed yeah you're fine viper thank you glottally no problem [Music] no you can okay what is green of archers i i mean you're going full melatonin what you said i'm okay yes because i killed the archers doesn't look like it they're new then new archers you can't like i can't protect you for the future why not i can only prepare you for when the time [Laughter] comes where are the archers not here anymore they're coming like that what is that split it's beautiful man nice i hope i help i can split two don't feel safe i can make scorpions i will take the range i have a lot of expo actually yes i make scorpions you can't break the house oh [Music] oh ballista masterpiece i love it yes i'm terrified you're fine oh i'm gonna [Music] how is that my fault do i have to play serious well you're not playing serious i mean can i just do my best oh my gosh no no repair repair stay calm stay calm where do i send my elephants even if you're brave now you lock this gate you're right actually monks monks is cheating we get the opening it's open you can't yeah now run oh [ __ ] run no locked again oh now you're safe he will never get through there yes thank hello i want to build tc there man cannot delete this again no no no no no or something i need this number again there's nothing good there man okay save me don't hit the lumber cap keep me safe i know i'm getting it oh look at that debate such a masterpiece yes nervous laughter nervous laughter oh my god good gluten i'm going there i'm going there go faster your aim what's the problem why can i hear so many attacks around somewhere incoming gluttony incoming [ __ ] i don't want that in my no not in my base i ring town bell because they jump into all the houses then it's genius very very clever not the monks go away monks yeah stop that oh let him come to me you're supposed to help me grow tony that's not my side even i think i don't know it's not it's the other flank i'm returning the favor all good i just make sure you do it disproportionately he's dead he's super red actually what can i never trust ponga's plan nothing has changed from hd i swear not my score not my score you're out of position archers here what do you mean out of the position what's my position too far away from home i come home kong doesn't have a home to go to he's even now kong is doing his best to help what a teammate what a teammate what the [ __ ] is this i need to pay oh boy going to wreck you man i just wanted hold or can you get the monks it is so expensive you need to go back to your base after you're dying what team but i say you need to kill monk i don't have army i'm doing the only guy attacking the enemy this is a bad idea no it's kill oh my god it's a great idea look only lost like three conversions perfect and more farms using all your elephants man are you going to go hellscar soon just wondering me and kong are doing the counter attacks oh yes just make elite elephant you know you had the ford elite because i was raided i have no food why were you raided because older side attacked me man always older side yeah always other side i didn't play in the team i played the other side are you on the other side keller oh yeah you are that's true always blaming the other side yeah i click elite now don't worry oh my base no don't worry i'm going to leave don't worry oh is this him i have to get a leader attacking this is the moment to go this equal is disaster we're going to lose your bills if you're not careful there we're taking my gold man uh you don't have the villagers needed to take real gold that doesn't change my point what's your point that is my goal and i'm on your team finally michael the michael the michael the michael the michael the michael the michael the mic the micro keller are you doing anything yeah i'm trying to debate your armies i want to get that's the only important thing in this game [Music] they're not stupid enough to run into your army killer just attack they are they are you have to believe yeah but just go and kill all the buildings with your owners fine i'm waiting for chemistry please go fine if you don't go fast enough you know they will resign before you get to do anything you have to think about that oh shoot them shoot them shoot them shoot shoot nice no cc told you i told you that's why you cannot wait when you do mess up when you do masterpiece you have to masterpiece you cannot wait now you have built 40c genres and you're not going to do nothing oh goodness was that fun keller did you enjoy that i can't wait for next round who are you even playing next from mexico yeah you're against mexico i think oh boy was this round of eight around the 16 rob long way to go man oh they kept the truth [ __ ] monkeys uh well played team norway well-played team norway when can we play argentina um [Music] tryhard yeah we have to go full tryout okay fine do you cannot play mongo's pocket man 2018 okay we get mbl for that fair enough yeah sorry kong
Channel: TheViper
Views: 42,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8IhbmirF_1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 45sec (3825 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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