#16 Haftarah Beshalach - The Importance of Song for Yah's People!

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[Music] this morning we are study harsh shop maisha lock and fascia lock means sent forth because God is sending forth Israel which is casparo is sending forth Israel after the template that we studied last week and we're going to be looking at parallels this morning babies that we can find and not only the tour portion but we're going to parallel the torah portion like the hop tour of the prophets section with the song of Moses after they go through the Red Sea and the song of the Miriam paralleled with the song of Deborah and then we'll look at also the song that the Saints are promised to sink in the last days the song of the Lamb so the poor portion will be trying to put these parallels from is in Exodus chapter 14 verse 17 for keepers watcher 17 verse 16 and we're going to draw some parallels in the parting of the Red Sea and the song of the sea that Moses seems so there's three things that we're going to parallel the story we're going to see that the Israelites had to have faith they were backed up against the Red Sea and the gypsy army was barreling down on them and there was all this fear and murmuring and one of the things that Moses said was to not have any fear look your Bibles at Exodus chapter 14 and around verse 10 he is the first tenant says in great fear the people of Israel cried out to a denied and they said to Moshe was it because there wasn't enough graves in Egypt that you brought us out to die in the desert why have you done this bringing us out of Egypt didn't we tell you in Egypt to leave us alone just go on being slaves it would have been better for us to be to Egyptian slaves than to die here in the desert Moses answered the people stopped being so full of fear you know faith and fear cannot coexist the Scriptures tell us perfect love casts out all fear when you are perfected in God's love and you know this great love for you if you just goes by the wayside know that as a father loves his child he's not going to let his children wander in the wilderness and guy he's not gonna let his children be without food he's not let its children be overtaken by their enemies and so we have this parallel between faith I've been faith and not fear and we're going to see this with Debra in the horican judges chapter for that part was really for for through the chapter 5 is maybe the judges 5 of the song Debra one of the first things that she does when the Canaanite army led by a sister up its CG Israel if she calls upon Barak to lead the army of Israel and little gets here for some reason there's a lack of real male leadership in Israel at this time there's been certainly a number of judges thus far from the time of Joshua down through to Deborah and every time a judge dies we see Israel go wayward and that causes them to lose their protection and enemy of Israel content I will show you this morning has sequence of different enemies every time Israel gets weak until the new leader arises and these leaders were imperfect leaders they were imperfect judges these judges at the time let the people almost like a ruler before the and here for some reason there was no man at this point to lead Israel different is the only ruler and judge of Israel in all of his history and yet she doesn't Lord it's interesting that she calls upon a rock to lead the army she could have easily gone down and led the army and led them to victory her rock what does he say when she says to go down and to fight for his trail and to take some of the men and his tribe the surrounding tribes he says only people with me Deborah and he says if you don't go but if you go with me I will we have a little beard it kind of shows in his response he didn't just go down and trust in the Lord and of course that caused him to not get the glory of the victory she says because you have said this you will lose the glory and sure enough it was a woman who actually gained the victory of the whole battle not ever of herself but another paralleling this need for faith don't be afraid of the armies whether they're armies of Egypt the armies of Canaan the armies of the world we should not have the other parallel that we're going to draw this morning is to let God fight your battles it's so important to see how God had a way a miraculous way a way that defies logic to destroy the Egyptian army the Israelites never even had to raise a sword I parted the sea with the breath of his nostrils david says in Psalm 78 and the Israelites walk through on dry land and then when the Egyptian army is with all their chariots and horsemen barreled down upon them the Seas came back together and Todd washed away their enemies and we see in our haftorah that after Deborah that Barack in the victory over the Canaanites led by sister up the river it was called the Keyshawn remember must have flooded because in Deborah songs she talks about the rest of the story which we will look at it's not in the narrative but she talks about how the armies of Sisera were washed away out to sea deshaun is one of the biggest rivers in Israel next to the Jordan it's actually going from inland out to the Mediterranean around the place of Hoffa they would Haifa or where Elijah both fire down from heaven in that area of the Israel this is where this battle of being fought and we see a parallel of God doing a miraculous work and washing our enemies away will pair well that with our lives today the battles that we have something enemies that we have in our lives the third parallel that I find interesting is that after God brought forth the victory and delivered his people Israel always had a song to see Moses sang the song after parting of the Red Sea and after the deliverance from the Egyptians Miriam but the women in a chorus which was taken from the first verses of the song of Moses Deborah leads the people in a song after the armies of the Canaanites that my sister Oh were defeated so we're going to see that these rights understood that there was no wrong time to sing especially when God reveals his deliveries that is a time to sing and so we're gonna look at some aspects of singing and what David and some of the other people in scriptures and talk about scheme so that we can apply it to our lives as I mentioned the hump bar would be in judges for four through 531 paralleling it with Exodus 14 this week's haftorah it describes the fall of the Canaanite general Sisera and his armies in a similar fashion to the Egyptian army in the tour car shopping judges 4/7 Cicero's and I army is encamped at the Keshawn River and the Prophet Deborah predicts their defeat - judges 5:21 in their song of celebration Keshawn River is celebrated and praised for washing away the Canaanite army and as a parallels this week's Torah portion which discusses the drowning of the Egyptian forces in the Red Sea and the subsequent songs led by Moses and Miriam so Moses said to the people in Exodus 14 13 stop being fulfilled full of fear remains steadfast it's so important for us to remain steady that's what does it mean to remain steadfast when you're walking with the Lord and you are full of encouragement and let that's right don't lose your faith steadfastness means old firm to your faith and don't waver he said it's remains that ask that you will see how Adam is going to save you now this is important not only Moses day in endeavors day but in our day today as we get closer to the time of trouble there's going to be many whose faith is shaken there's going to be many who have fear but like Moses encouraged the people of Israel huzzah huzzah but then it's off to be strong be strong and be able to courage we need to also remain steadfast and to be perfected in God's love knowing that Wow anything to happen to us that is not for our best we have a concept in Judaism that when you have any obstacle or any enemy or any trial or tribulation if you will face it head-on instead of you know when you fear and run away turn your back to it but if you will face your obstacles it is an opportunity for greater light so remember that whenever you have an obstacle don't run from it but face it and that's why we say gods ooh lake toba whenever there's something seemingly bad or difficult we just remind ourselves comes ooh Leto above which means it's all for my good and that's a really good concept in that way you can be like Paul said when he says in 1st Thessalonians 5:21 rejoice with CC even in the difficult times we can rejoice give thanks in all things and pray always I want you to go forward this is gonna help your faith I want you to go and jump in the water basically he didn't just make the waters part while everybody was standing on the shore did you know that he asked the people to go forward into the water while the waters were still there and after they exhibited their faith that miracles would happen same way in our life sometimes you have to take that first baby step into stepping out in faith even when it seems illogical why would I go into the water so I put my feet in the water nothing's happened now I'm up to my knees and I'm up to my waist I'm up to my chest it said it is said by our sages that the people came all the way up to their nostrils there's an interesting min regime in both 37a where rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Meir are discussing this very aspect and Rabbi Yehuda says to rabbi mayer this tribe said I'm not gonna go into the sea first and that tribe said I'm not gonna go into the sea first then while everybody's arguing about who's gonna go in first you know they're full of fear in jumps Judah or the tribe of Judah it was actually the Shawn Fynn I'm in a table and he descended into the sea first and then he was followed by his entire tribe he was so all of the patriarchs of the 12 tribes had died back in Exodus long before the Exodus so it's their grandsons basically who are leading their tribes and so it said that the leader of the tribe of Judah went down into the water first while everyone else was as to who should go first who's really got to test this out and see what's going to happen for this reason because the show did this and the tribe of Judah went into the seat first the tribe of Judah is merited to govern Israel they were the ones that overcame their fear and stepped out in faith this is the sign of a true leader and so when Jacob prophetically prophesied over Judah because of this characteristic of this family as part of our family it is said that a scepter will not depart through that he will always be the leader over the whole house of Israel all twelve tribes so in Psalms 114 2 & 3 it is stated Judah became his sanctuary what does this mean it is inheritance in the land this would be the place where God would place his name this is the place where he would build his sanctuary his temple the seaside and fled the baranca interprets this verse in this manner what is the reason that Judah became his sanctuary and Israel came under his Dominion it is because the sea even saw his faithfulness is lack of fear so this is amazing when people leave sighs you know God's Spirit resides in you God is a creator he's created you in His image to be a creator he thinks something that he speaks it into existence and then he acts it out the same way when we think something it changes the energy around us and when you speak it it changes it even more because of the frequencies and when you act upon it it is a display of that faith that coupled with the mind has power so this is a good example for us because of fear that's two meanings like I said we can either turn our back and run or we can face it and overcome if you think of fear as an acronym FBAR it could mean forget everything and run or it could face everything and rise to the occasion the choice is ours I wants us to face everything and rise to the occasion proverbs 4:12 says as you move forward step by step the way so may we step forward in faith even though it seems a logical even though something seems impossible God calls you to do something know that you are the perfect person to do it you have the way that he has developed your character you are perfectly fit for whatever he's calling you to do and so we must move forward step by step in the way we'll be opened up in Isaiah 43 we know it's hard to see verses one through three says do not fear for I have redeemed you I have called you by name you are mine when you pass through the waters I'm going to be with you when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you when you walk through the fire you will not be burned for I am the Lord your God and it's interesting that we are talking about Israel going through the waters and through the rivers at the time of Deborah so it's very fit first for us this morning it's interesting in the last days it is said that even those who hold on to their fear because what is fear but a lack of trust in God and it from the web cast out fear that if you have fear what does it mean you're not perfected in love it's kind of like a logical equation this is pretty profound when it talks about all the idolaters and the wicked not inheriting the kingdom of God and being to the lake of fire it includes with this list those who are full of fear basically saying those who are not effective in love says in Revelation 21 7 and 8 even overcomes shall inherit all things so we must overcome what does it take to overcome to step forward in faith we have to step forward in allowing God to cleanse us to sanctify us to keep our eyes on him ever walking forward toward him towards that goal keeping your eye on the prize as they used to say one baby step after another conquers any mountain you know the mountain looks insurmountable but if you just take one baby step after another it will overcome it says but those who are full of fear and unbelieving so a couples fear with a lack of belief we really believe that God could do anything what we have so the fearful and the unbelieving and the abominable and the murderers and the mongers and the Sorcerer's and the idolaters and all Liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death we often talk about wicked characteristics evil characteristics but how many times do you hear somebody mention that those who have fear danger god it's pretty profound so may we be completely free fear but what is fear there's always something unknown for one thing fear us also caused by the selfish ego seeking to preserve this vessel the body if you think somebody's going to hurt your body also you have fear if you realize though that you are spirit if you connect with your true divine identity there's nothing to fear because nobody can divert the spirit so this is why it's so important to live in the spirit because then reactionary we won't be worried about what happens to the body the spirit only lives to love and to serve it doesn't worry about itself it's devoid of self and we'll be looking at that a little bit later on a little more of the overview of different story Deborah the prophetess was the leader and judge of the Israelites at a very difficult time the Israelites were being persecuted by King yeah being of Canaan and his general Sisera Deborah summoned Barack son of ABY Noam and transmitted to him God's instruction I want you to go and gather your men towards the mountain table or it's kind of like Moses but you don't bite God I want you to go forward Deborah's asking for rock to go forward to step out in faith to summon these from the mountain table or area we when we're in Israel we looked out not Taymor remember from not only Mount Carmel but fakie on was it or some of you don't that's the one I was thinking of yeah you can see Mount table table war this is was the valley of Megiddo where this battle was fought and this river is what washed him out to sea so even the dead bodies wouldn't stain littering the surface he's told to go and take with you ten thousand men of the children of Neftali and Zebulon I'll show you a map to show you why that's pertinent because they're the ones whose inheritance is in that area where sister has gathered his army so naturally the children of Israel whenever you know say but a serious coming down from the site majority people then Reuben and GAD and a half tribe of manasseh it would be the first ones to fight off that front they would be called to battle first and that actually in history they were the first one to be taken captive by Assyria because they chose to be on the east side of the Jordan in this case there the valley of Megiddo and around Mount t'ai bar is the tribes of Neftali and Zebulon and Deborah it says and I shall draw to you to the brook Keshawn sistera the chieftain of army with his chariots and his multitude and I will take him into your hand Barak going into battle without the righteous prophet saww at Brock's request he says I won't go unless you go with me but if you will go I will do it so never up company him and together they led the offense but he would receive no glory as the victory she said would be given to a woman because of his lack of faith so here is the tribal inheritance of the land and here's Haifa and Carmel Mountain board is down here this is the Mito Valley and this river you can kind of see it in blue is Keshawn and it goes and empties out into the Mediterranean and every so many years in floods and what do you know about you use that to watch the enemies of Israel out to sea very similar to the Red Sea experience we have so many other experiences that occur to the Torah that many people forget occurred when God was giving them the Land of Israel you know even the waters of the Jordan parted when Joshua led Israel across to Israel and watching the enemies of Israel away it's just like the enemies of Israel away so you see them Tolley here and Zebulon as totally because of its size and its number of those who were of an age to bear arms fight and Zebulon because they were known as good fighters and they were very well then Tolly was the fastest he was like a deer and said you can really run around do circles around people and right now here in the valley and we're going to see later is parking to help sure you will see all of these mentioned in the song of Deborah when she's talking about the car and from the higher country point down to the Mediterranean Sea and this is where the battle was fought here so last time we were in Israel we went up to tell them you know the actual ruins of so Cicero was informed of the Israelite mobilization and he gathered his forces have proceeded towards the Keshawn River Barack's army below and the heavens above wage battle against the Canaanites this was the way the Deborah actually described it in her song is that the forces of heaven were on Israel's side fighting the battle with them really beautiful imagery poetic the river then washed them all away and not one of the enemies survived the defeated general fled on foot and arrived with intent of yeah who was a wife of pepper aconite now it also mentions that ever was Moses his father also could this be another game of intro flick we have found in the past intro had any different names according to different characteristics and titles that he no it said that when Sisera fled from battle was the only survivor because they had kind of a friendly so many alliance the canaanites with the Midianites they didn't he didn't think anything about her inviting him into the tent arrest and she fed him and he fell asleep and we find that she's the one that ended up killing the captain of the Canaanite army Sisera instead of Barack and this is how the victory was given over to a woman because he wouldn't go into battle without a woman at his side very interesting parallel there so she ended up taking a tip peg when he fell asleep and he was laying inside the tent and she put it right through his temple and nailed him right to the ground that's how they found him but he would have never fallen asleep he didn't trust her right so also another lesson is be careful when you trust because we'll read about this in more detail but and then judges 5 is the whole of the song of Deborah and we will look at that I just want to give you a little historical background here going down this line are the timeframes of the different judges and there's about ten different judges will see one two three four five 14:15 from Joshua to Samuel Samuel ends up then anointing the first king over Israel Saul because Israel is calling for England and for nations now but you can see that at the time that they're led by a righteous judge no enemy can't harm them and when they die before another righteous judge arises on the scene over here is the oppressors so as you go down from dr. Joshua you see my impression and then God raises another righteous judge both both tml now what didn't l what I've been over here is showing you what track they were from Joshua was actually from Ephraim what Janelle is the only judge of Israel who was from the tribe of Judah and he ends the Edomite oppression and they have 40 peaceful years until he dies as soon as you guys you can see Israel kind of most wayward and when they go away word they lose their blessing of protection so then another oppressor pumps and this time it's the mole by oppression and they cry out for God and they repent so God raises up another righteous judge this time is called food from the tribe of Benjamin and said that he was left handed and that he was very tricky he actually because everybody always true with the right hand their sword from their left side he's trapped on he made a short sword and he stepped it on his by I could go underneath his cloak and it wouldn't be obvious and he could draw it with his left hand and he went to this team of the Moabites and with a message and they checked him and they didn't just find the sword and so he was able to come he says it's a very secretive message so I need to tell the King myself and so he went up they allowed him to come right up to the king's throne to whisper in his ear because he said no one else should be able to hear she would be true that sword and he killed the king of the Moabites and delivered Jericho and Israel from the mall by oppression well they have many years of peace under his judgement and then he dies and Israel's first ago we were to get him and they lose that blessing of protection and so all these years they had no oppressor Zuma's they go wayward and Canaanite oppression arises and this is where we're at in today's hot coral it's Sisera is the captain of the Keen air Knights Sisera is kind of this army and that's the one that never interrupted but they oppress them for a good amount of years before dipper rises on the scene there was no man at that time to the Israel so Deborah was from the tribe of Ephraim just like Joshua which is interesting and she ruled for 40 years and Israel had peace from the Canaanites for those 40 years that she ruled and then Joey now there was way between Deborah Gideon there was a little Midianite oppression it's interesting out every single time in between the judges when Israel doesn't have a good leader they go wayward and to trouble them to bring their hearts to repentance I think this is very similar to what's gonna happen in the last days when you start to see the nations rising up against Israel what is it to do but to our hearts to repentance and cry out for a righteous ruler once again and our righteous ruler who's going to come in the last days is going to be none other than mushiya who's going to set up God's righteous training once and for all and if we'll have a thousand years of peace at that time but after Gideon delivered Israel from the Midianite depression the people loved him and they actually wanted him to be the first king of Israel they actually asked him to go over them and he declined because he was a concept of the Hebrews that only God could be king we can rule and have dominion for God but he gets all the glory so he allowed the people to make it bold we fought for himself and he ruled them but he did it with giving glory to God his son not so much his son is called I've even left which means my father the king so even though it's published and don't call me pain you don't think of me that way his very name means my father he and he was actually born due to Gideon having relations with so he's not completely and he claimed the right to rule even most people didn't ask him to rule they asked his father his father declined but he says then when he died Israel went wavered again after a long period of peace and who does thought aloud to who rise up but the ammonite oppression ammonites were descendants a lot from the east of the Jordan and he gets bad enough to where the people repent God brings another judge for them yeah trail for about six years when you have it son from the tribe of Zebulun and Ilan and this time frame from the track you have the famous Sampson who was from the tribe of Dan we're all familiar with Samson many people aren't taught all these judges in between from Joshua to Deborah birth today from Deborah down to probably the next one that you're familiar with which is Samson and horse Epsons tribe actually means to judge Dan means judgment and their innocence it's time we start to see a rise due to Israel's wickedness from the Philistines and this is why Samson the stories of Samson's as always he's dealing with the Philistines that was the oppressor in his day after the ammonites were and then Eli is that high priest in sheilo where the temple resided for 369 years and where Samuel was brought to learn from him and the next priests and judge profit all-in-one these are all types of course he like was spot the best even though he was good for Israel and righteous in ruling Israel he wasn't that good with grooming his own children and so his sons weren't even fit for our following in his footsteps and that's why God raised up Samuel you I was actually from the tribe of Levi and the first judge from the tribe of Levi he's from Aaron's son it tomorrow after Pincus had died there was not someone from allows ours lion Aaron's other son to carry on and so God raises up July from the line of its farm there's a place in history ups of his babies then you have Samuel and then go into the period of the king so that gives you a little overview of these years Deborah rendered her judgments with me a date palm tree it is said in the beginning of our ha proportion in judges 4 and it gives the location it says that she sat and judged Israel and then to judge doesn't mean to point the finger until everybody where they're wrong but when people have a dispute or people have a question about how to live they already had the Torah so there was something that was not fully explained they would and this is where the physical order carries on after the time of the judges it is said in Turkey about that God gave Moses the Torah at Sinai and Moses passed it on to Joshua who was the first of the judges and Joshua conveyed it to the elders which were the following judges and leaders of Israel in that day and the tour was then passed from the elders to the great assembly in the time of Ezra 128 the great assembly all the way down to the time so this these are men who are supposed to be learning in Torah who can rightly divide the word whenever any question is posed that's not already obviously answered by the written Torah so income incorporates all written and oral so I'll show you where should that area is remember it says that she judged under a palm tree and a palm between Rama tribe of Benjamin and Bethel in the land of Ephraim so we have to find that border it's kind of fun to be familiar with the tribal areas Jerusalem's down here right where Rama Rama that's actually the prince has got here so between Rama and Beppo is this date palm where she would judge so it's not too far to walk for those of Judah and Jerusalem to come up and all the northern the House of course they want to play at this time they were all offering this one house of Israel we've come down the temple is residing here in Shilla and you can see shut down here where he has his inheritance and where Joseph was buried it's kind of a direct line with Rama and Jerusalem would be in direct line anyone from twelve tribes of Israel to come and to see her Debra it is recorded was the only ruler and judge and prophet of Israel was a woman she was a righteous woman a strong leader yet she knew and respected the place of a man this is why she calls Barak to beat the peoples so she it's not a woman who is putting herself in that position God is calling her to that position and then she's faithfully stepping out and yet she's allowing the other midcourt ready to lead to lead as well she's a thief remind so she had the firstborn West to lead and the whole house of Israel ended up in their dispersion in their exile being referred to as a front because of the first one blessings that he from received for the whole house of Israel and she's a judge would be she knew how to rightly divide Torah and to teach it and she's a prophetess you know in our torah portion Miriam Moses his sister was called a prophetess as well it's interesting that a prophet is not somebody necessarily that it's always seen the future but who will speak God's words in due season and so we see this song of miriam she's able to speak with Michael through speak the song of Deborah she's able to speak when God tells her to speak there's many prophets even today many people in Christianity promote that the age of the prophets is passed God prophesized that he will make young men have visions and old men have dreams in the last days God has messengers that he wants to speak his words through but will these men step out faithful they step out in comfort zone and let God fuse them so we don't often refer to somebody as a prophet today usually the people that we refer to as prophets are false prophets they're the people that want to be called prophets and they're the ones that say I have a word of the Lord for you and it doesn't come to pass what does the scripture say if a person who claims to be a prophet and he says something in it does not come to pass do not listen to long any longer and yet with the rise of the internet how many people keep getting listened to over and over even though their past prophecies of failed time and time again why are we listening to these people so we should know how to recognize a true prophet from a false prophet and that's a whole nother study there's actually five unique both nations for a prophet in scriptures but Deborah was a righteous prophetess so a little preview are pre-loaded to our tour portion which starts at verse 4 the first three horses through three verses gave a lot of context it says but after he would now remember he food was the judge that was before Deborah so it's basically saying after the previous judge of Israel had died the people of Israel in did what was evil in the sight of a denies perspective so who did he raise up to allow to oppress Israel until they repented but came two nights at that time so Adam I handed them over to ya been king of Canaan and he ruled from hats or and the commander of his army was sister who lived in harsh ed hot gooey the people of Israel cried out to a tonight because he had nine hundred chariots and for twenty years so many of these prophets ruled and had peace with Israel for 40 years this shows that Israel basically had to undergo 20 years of full oppression by the Canaanites before they repented and God raised up Deborah now we come into our hot flora with all those contexts now Deborah and it's good to note that Devorah the way it's properly pronounced comes from the word devour the same word that the book of Deuteronomy gets its name devar means word so here is a righteous woman who's willing to speak the word of the Lord and her name is like a self-fulfilling prophecy Devorah is the only difference from devar is the Hamming entity know that it's feminine so she has a feminine Hebrew name forward devar which is normally masculine so Deborah is the word a woman and a prophet and she's the wife this shows she's humble she's still able to hold down her household in addition to ruling and judging the Israel which is pretty amazing as many people say well I'm told of the Lord now I've got to you know get this Jezebel spirit from all over my husband or I'm going to leave my house be duties and just go and have a white ministry no a just unique that they tell you that she was a woman and she was a prophet that she was a judge and for Israel and she was a wife which is so beautiful I think because that shows that she was honorable - laughing dope her husband she used to sit under Deborah's palm between Rama and beit el hills of ephraim and the people of israel would come to her for judgment she said for Barak the son of a be known from Kadesh in Neftali so Barak was actually on the tribe of Naphtali and she said to him Adonai has given you this order go march to mountain temple very good clarification she's not saying I want you to go and build an army and delivers from the impression she's just speaking the word of the Lord as it gives it God has this for you he's giving you this order go and march to war and take with you ten thousand men from the people of Napoleon's up you want I will cause sister of the commander of Athens army to encounter you at Shan river with his chariots of troops and I will hand him over to you Rock answered her if you go with me I'll go but if you won't go with me I won't go there's that element of fear should we buy yes I will gladly go with you she could have done it herself from the first place right but she's trying to give him I mean it's the word of the Lord through her to him that he's to go and to take this army and conquer the Canaanites but she says knowing his fear yes I will gladly go with you and that's you know there's a lot of correlations lot of lessons we could draw from these clinical unique things but if you see that a person is lacking than a certain area rather than criticized them come alongside this and look at how it strengthened him to go and then he did what the Lord wanted him to do despite his fear she says yet the way that you are doing it is not going to bring you any glory God who's going to give you sister up into your hands and you would have gotten all the glory there would have been songs sung about you Israel would always remember how you've delivered them from the Canaanites now because you're asking for a woman to go with you it will actually be a woman who gets this glory instead of a man ad and I will hand this Astra over to a woman and she's not speaking of herself she just knows it's gonna be a woman we'll find out later who that woman is so then never uh set out went with Barak to Kadesh since where we can draw our first parallel we need to move forward without fear trusting God's on our side respecting ourselves and the knowledge of his love because then there would be no fear to what happens to this physical body in fact if God calls us to do something we would be assured that we would be successful at it and so we have this issue of faith versus fear in the tour car shop Moses tells the people to go forward into the ski yes some people are fearful to do it and hesitate that's what Judah rushes in and all of his tribe following him and so this is he's fit to lead Israel and a hot car never tells we ought to go up and go forward in battle remember Batian Locke means sent forth so it's all about us being sent forth and we are being set forth in our day to be a light to the nations and to be witnesses and will we step out the faith overcome our fear to trust God fill our divine purpose in our days and I always like to bring the application to us because what is a Bible story if it's just some ancient historical story we have to apply these principles to our own lives our need to go forward without fear despite the obstacles as we keep our eyes on him the author and finisher affects us in selfless love when we're living in a mindset of his spirit there is no ego there is no self there's nothing to protect so Barack summoned Zebulun and Naphtali had come to Kadesh ten thousand men followed him and Deborah went up with him now heavier the Kami now here he's described as a kami because he's living in the land of Canaan and cut himself off from the rest of the Canaanites so this is that first separation and look at how it identifies him the descendants of ho-bag Moses father-in-law so heifer is a descendant intro remember at Sinai came out to meet Moses he brought his children with him and his wife and Moses says please be a part of Israel be grafted into Israel even though you've identified as a Midianite in the past and your lineage is from Esau's lineage I want you to think of yourself as an Israelite if you part of the Covenant here at Mount Sinai come with us to the land experience the blessings that God has promised us in the land and so many emotions father-in-law family went with Moses and followed Joshua into the Promised Land so here they are they're not necessarily people can tell them they're not Israelites they're referred to as Canaanites Hepper but it makes a clarification that they're descendants of Moses is father-in-law and they're separating themselves from the other Canaanites and it's a good lesson for the world as those that seek to oppress Israel as Israel's enemies seek to come against them we either bless Israel and we separate ourselves in the world or we curse a betrayal with the world and we fall into the curses that come on those that curse Israel well this little group had separated themselves to present the Canaanites and actually had a mind set to bless Israel and that's why this blessing of overcoming sister Rock came through this lineage said that they had pitched his tent near the old at saw on on Eve which is close to Kadesh and sistera was informed that Barak the son of ABI gnome had gone up to mount a tower so sistera rallied his chariots all night littered in iron chariots and the troops that he had with them from Karl set on going to the Keshawn River and Deborah said to Barak get going sent forth it's just like God told the Israelites keep going move forward stepping to the Red Sea she's telling him now's the time to move the day when out of my hand Cicero over to you Adonai has gone out ahead of you so it's really had an eye in his host of the heavenly realm that are going to fight his battle we just have to have the faith to be implements to be vehicles for him so Barack went down from mount amor with ten thousand been following him and had a knife through sistera interesting doesn't say from rock through Cicero had an I drew Cicero all his chariots and his entire army into a panic before rocks sword so that sister it got down from his chariot and he began to flee on foot and Barak pursued the chariots and the army all the way to Harsha high chlorine and Cicero's entire army was put to death by the sword and not one person sir behind however sistera had escaped and ran on foot to the tent of Jael and because the cake these Yael is the wife of pepper and they're living as Canaanites with them he didn't think that they were aligning themselves with Israel or that they would go against him so here Yael the wife of pepper the canine because there was peace between yep and the king of HUD's or and the family ever the canine yeah l went out to meet sister I said to him come in my lord stay here with me and don't be afraid so he went into her tent and she covered him with a blanket and he said to her please give me a little water I'm thirsty well she showed her respect for him by not just giving him water but she opened up a both skin full of food goat's milk and she gave it to him to drink but then covered him up again and now what happens when you drink milk at night when you're tired you probably do a deep sleep yeah wonder if she knew what she was doing he said to her he's probably getting sleepy could you go stand at the entrance and if anybody comes let me know she not stirred goes off here and if anybody asks if I'm here to say no but when you was deeply asleep Yael the wife of Hepper took a 10-page and the camera in her hand now she's probably helped her husband being a good wife setting up the tents taking down the tents setting up the tents taking down the tents she knew how to use again or obviously she took a tent peg and old blanket that was covering him he's sleeping soundly and put it right to its temple before you felt it and drove a big blow and nail them right to the ground so died without even waking up these are serious times we have serious men and women to rise to the occasion from God calls us to do crazy things that we don't normally do that's right so here's the rock for pursuing sister Yael steps out to meet him and says come I will show you the man you are looking for so she brings Barak into her tent and their sister a-line dead but the tent peg through his temple and she remembered Deborah's words you won't get the victory because he's the head of the whole army so he gets the glory thus God on that day defeated gap and the king of the Canaanites in the presence of the people of Israel and a hand of the people of Israel came down more and more heavily against even the king of the Canaanite until they had completely destroyed Yemen and now the rest of the story in the song which we will look at and I'll just skip ahead to verse 21 we'll go through it verse by verse starting at the first nineteen it tells what happened to this huge army imagine all of those chariots and all of those soldiers just like these loaders of Egypt who were coming against Israel were washed out to sea by the Red Sea coming back together Deborah seems yes the kings of Canaan fought at top enough by the waters of Megiddo but they took no spoil of silver they fought from heaven the stars in their courses that remember in Revelation it says that the Angels the nars are angels so stars always represent angels what you say here in symbolic language is that Julis were sent by God to help you trail defeat the Canaanite armies she says yes they fought in their horses yes they fought against Sisera the Keshawn river swept them away that ancient river Keshawn River this is well known River so here we see her singing about them washing the armies away is what them away looks like what it happened either before or just after is there must have been a rain that happened that swelled the rivers and so all of these people that had died in the battlefield were basically lifted up and swept out to sea all the way to the Mediterranean pretty interesting so here we come to our second parallel whether you're looking at ancient Israel with the spreading of the Red Sea and the Egyptians or deborah and barak fighting the Canaanites we need to know how to let God fight our battles he says vengeance is mine says the Lord we should not never take retribution against our enemies ourselves don't think just because sometimes when you read these wild stories it's condoning killing this is unique when God inspires a person to do a certain thing it fulfills a certain purpose and he knows what he's doing but let God fight our battles as far as we are concerned we are to be at peace with all men and we're to be beings of love so just because we read these old battle stories let's not think that we are justified in rising up against our enemies God is going to fight our battles for us and he's going to do it in miraculous ways remember Israel when David talks about how God wanted to fight the Giants for Israel how he wanted to Flint the Canaanites from the land he said I would have sent a horde of these that would have made them run out of the land he would have been coming into a land flowing with milk and honey with houses already built and vineyards already planted just ready to move into but because of their lack of faith they came back brought a false report about the land and they brought a curse on themselves before 40 years wandering in the desert instead of letting thought fight their battles once again they didn't have that faith at that time and they let fear overwhelm them and then they reap what they sow cause-effect God is our protector he will wash away all enemies when we trust him and we obey Him trust and obedience are so important and advance just like faith without works is dead James says so in the last days we're told in Revelation that the dragon it's interesting that he's going to attempt to destroy the children of the woman the prophetic woman is Israel her descendants are migrating throughout all the nations and he would love to know where they're at he would love to know who they are so that he can kill them but he doesn't for all intensive purposes Israel starts looking like Gentiles and they are thriving in the lands of their exile and they're protected by God and God is fighting their battles and it describes the dragon wanting to hew out water from its mouth with a flood to to sweep away the woman the same way that he has seen God sweep away the enemies of Israel now he is seeking to symbolically do and what is water in prophecy and so if the enemy whenever there was a beast of world power in Daniel we know that every beast represented a broke power right Babylon was followed by Persia followed by Greece followed by this dreadful and terrible Beast of Rome which incorporated both eastern and western Rome the Ottoman Empire as well as the papacy all of these beasts rose out of the water when it's described in Revelation the waters represent the Middle East not just people's nations and tongues but the people of the Middle East which was the populated world of those days and so when you see the dragon spewing out water to to flood the children of Israel so to speak what if st. symbolically is that from the mouth of the dragon people from the Middle East are going to be used as the enemy and what we see is the rise of Islam surrounding Israel since the Arab Spring we have seen this four seal where they're going about conquering the surrounding nations all the enemy knows for sure is that those who come back to the land are Israel and he is to wake them out but we're gonna see persecution as the epicenter coming from not just Israel in Israel persecuted but those who keep the faith of God keep his Commandments at their testimony issue up wherever they are residing around the world we see this flood just like a flood waters rise and ends up consuming everybody the same way Islam and rose from that area of the Middle East to all the nations of the world and they are the final persecuting power that is the flood that is symbolically referred to as Revelation 12 15 it says that from the mouth of the Dragon was cast out a flood of iniquity and we can also recognize that through these people there is a flood of false doctrines this iniquity they are affiliated both legs Western Rome and eastern Rome with enmity with both doctrine we've got Western Rome promoting the day of the Sun on the first day of the week we've got Eastern Rome through the Ottoman Empire in Islam promoting Friday there's a ball spinning on each side of God's holy name Shabbat the seventh day counterfeits and there's false gods that are worshipped in both religious systems so it's described as a flood of iniquity as well and a false teaching and a persecution in the whole that Satan would forever drown out the truth by drowning out God's people but we know it's not gonna work what is the props you say God opens up the earth and swallows up that's blood so God has a plan to find our battle already in place we don't have to worry the thing we do need to focus on instead of an external enemy and worried about that God's going to take care of that but because of the freedom of choice there's one enemy that we have to choose to face and fight and that's the enemy within that enemy is called the ego and that is what the washing of the word symbolizes washing away along with the big foot cleansing before the priests were going to the temple you know how they always washed before people would come up to the temple in Jerusalem they would always wash when you're Christians both baptism when you're going down into the waters it symbolizes death to the ego death to self this is why you're raised up a new creature one who could totally live in the spirit and exhibit only the fruits of the spirit so as we seek to die to self and be raised in creatures my god selfless love God wants us wants to free us from all our enemies not just external but especially internal cuz we will be overcomers of us we overcome the enemy within ego it's another acronym it edges God out the more self that we are focusing on the less room there is for God and His Spirit we need to thank ou so let's look at the song of Deborah and then we [Music] judges chapter 4 we just went through we will start at Deborah's song and verse chapter 5 verse 1 it says on that day deborah and barak the son of ABY Nome sank this song and here it is the whole chapter is Deborah song it's very prophetic when leaders in Israel dedicate themselves and the people volunteer you should all bless Adonai this is a really important principle for us when the leaders in Israel dedicate themselves so first thing is the leaders need to be good leaders they need to be good examples but what's the job of the people if you're not a leader you need to volunteer there's only two groups here leaders in Israel and volunteers we're all working together we're on the same mission nobody's above anybody else there's no competition we're all working just as God calls us not as we put ourselves in that position otherwise it would be self exaltation so the more humble you are or you are apt for service as a leader this is why issue a says we shall be the last and is ready to be a leader so here Deborah starts off singing about the leaders that get putting themselves and the people who volunteer they should off less a tonight hero Kings little princes I was seen to out a night I would sing praise to Adonai the God of Israel Adonai means Lord it also means master but she's very careful to clarify who this is because of all it's also known as a master right we look at God it's our master he's the master of the universe we can do it without any connotation of paganism but we should always verify that we're talking to were talked about not talking about the God of Islam or the god or chrome or the God of Babylon we are talking about the God of Israel only the one and true God Adonai and of course when she's singing she's using the Holy Name she's singing so keep that in mind - she's not actually saying how tonight but she's actually singing the Holy Name very intimate close when you went out from say air when you marched out from the field of Edom remember how I showed that iam had oppressed Israel before and until a righteous judge came and their word them freedom so she related to the history of how God has delivered them from past oppressors the earthquake in the skies show yes the clout to pour down torrents the mountains melted at the presence of adenine at sign up before Adonai the God of Israel so she's relating this experience at Sinai and some of the words that are used are very prophetic to the end day because we know at the coming of Messiah the earth is point shade the clouds darken for downpours and the sky rollback like this roll so this very imagery of God descending down upon Mount Sinai is very similar to the imagery Qin God comes to deliver his people in the last days of the Messiah in the days of Shem Tov son of a not in the days of yael this is the woman that killed the sister of the main roads were deserted travelers walked by the by blades the rulers ceased in israel they ceased until you arose ever up it what grows as a mother in israel so normally if we sing a song about ourselves it's a little prideful but she saved the works of the Lord she's actually prophesied so God is telling Israel I raised up Deborah because you really needed a mother at this time there was no man to lead you and you needed a mother so she just saying that's God wasted on her spirit she's speaking of Israel and how they chose new gods in verse 8 when war was at the gates was there a shield or sphere to be seen among Israel to forty thousand men nobody stood up when these oppressors were in their infancy and said we need to repent and we need to come up against these oppressors of Israel she's saying that they had 40,000 with the shield and spear but they didn't do anything my heart goes out to Israel's leaders and to those among the people volunteer all of you less a tonight you who ride white donkey sitting on southside of blankets and you walking on the road talk about it louder than the sounds of the archers at the watering holes well they sound as they retell the righteous acts of Adonai the righteous addicts of his rulers in Israel you know when we walk on the road when we say the Shema it says when you rise up you might now when you walk in the way and so we are to walk we're to talk about God's wonders or to discuss or as we walked in the way it's not just saying the Shema in the way when it says and you shall teach you children sure write these things on your heart you should teach your children you shall speak of them what is Moses talking about it's talking about the wonders difference for us this is why issue on when he came to the two men walking on the road to where they walk into Damascus romance Emmaus and he said so what are you talking about see the Shema the greatest commandment tells us when you're walking in the way we're supposed to be discussing these things and Joshua the way he would teach would reveal himself in every passage of the Torah prophets and the writings so he's basically saying are you fulfilling the greatest commandment by talking about the Torah prophets and this happened for us as we now maybe not so much walking in the way but for driving in the way are we talking about the wonders of God are we talking about our tour car shots are we talking about useless talk we arguing in the car we talking about our next job in imagine how different I could be there always recounted past present future the wondrous works of our mighty God for his people that would be such an uplifting experience that our children would rise to the occasion in their generation and they were raped and that kind of householder speaking about it in the house when your mind down before bed when you rise up in the morning when you're walking in the way every moment of the day in essence if the ship is telling us that we shouldn't count these wonderful works just like Deborah insane retell she says in verse 11 the righteous acts of a denying the righteous acts of his rulers in Israel then atomized people march down to the gates awake awake Deborah awake awake break into song arrives for rock leave away your captain's son of a Beatle then a remnant of the know nobles march down the people about and I march down to me like warriors from Ephraim retain those rooted in emilich just remember that map that I had shows you with the different tribal areas around that River she's saying that the from Ephraim it's where she judged him those reuben in hamlet behind you benjamin is with your people from a map here the commanders march down from sell you on those holding the musters staff so what is a mustard staff it's kind of like somebody to lead the charge come on everybody we're going into battle so he's got these mustering the troops so to speak so he's going to lead everybody the princess of Issachar or with deborah it's a car along with her off into the valley they rushed forth behind him among the divisions of fluid now reuben remember he's on the east side of the Jordan he's way far away from this battle but as the first floor it's beautiful Reuben luckiest box and here west of the Jordan was to be the place that God was going to have all well tribes have their inheritance so they can be together protect themselves Reuben soften rich and green grasses east of the Jordan and he said I'd like to stay on this side Moses says if you do when you first to come in and take the land or your brothers fight with them clear out the Canaanites and whenever your brother Charney basically going to battle with it so it's good to hear that a people who remember this because he's going long ways out of his way to come for this bow and sister up close to high you know they make great resolutions in their heart she says but why did you stay and the pins for the sheep and listen to the Shepherd's play for the flocks so apparently some of Reuben were still more concerned about the Sheep then the children just like Rubens and he offered his children to his father Jacob if you didn't bring back in German he says then you can kill my children if I don't come back you know he takes such good care of his sheep he's offering his children that's a pledge he doesn't come back never seen two even though they came some of them among the divisions are Reuben they make great resolutions in their heart was dead with our brothers but why did you stay most of you at the pins for the sheep listen to the Shepherd's flute playing for the clocks concerning the divisions of Reuben there were great searches of heart they must have you know it's like their conscience is getting corrected no we need to go and support our brothers in battle but we've got this beautiful sheep here that we got to keep sitting with listening to the blue of the shepherd better or let's just stay here in a pocket yourself out of it you know but it's saying that they're searching their hearts amazing I find it comical almost how she's kind of call it roofing out she said don't think they use you know that I realize what most of you are doing Gil Adam it's beyond the Jordan River the tribe of Dan why does he stay by the ships so he wasn't in the Macbeth he was Dan and Dan throughout their migration to follow the waterways he would sail up burgers and you know main rivers after himself like the Dan knew and go up to Denmark and course in Russia most abundant to nest in the Ukraine and all these are named after the tribe of Dan along the waterways we stayed by the ships instead of supporting his brothers Asher his inheritance was one of the beautiful shores of the Mediterranean north of Haifa and he stayed by the it's pretty hard to pull somebody away from the beach life or the decision you know so she's saying ask her to eat by the seashore who literally about it says that people that W on they risk their lives Neftali to on the open heights so she's hungry puking them in a comical way these tribes that didn't come down they were close enough that they could have followed their problem brothers but God still delivered the Canaanites for the hands of even those few in Israel who stood up at the right time yes Kings came they fought yes the kings of Canaan fought at top not by the waters of Toledo but they took no spoil of silver they fought from heaven the Stars and on horses referring to the Angels yes they fought against Sisera the Keshawn river swept them away that ancient river the Keshawn river oh my soul march on with strength so here half of Israel doesn't show up to this battle but God is even sending his heavenly hosts how far away to attend she really drawn a beautiful all my soul mark John with strength then the horses hooks counted to the ground they're mighty Steve's galloping at full speed curse Burroughs says the angel of Adam I cursed the people living there with bitter punishment for not coming to help a tonight to help a tonight against the mighty warriors well who is the rose they'd all of a sudden in this song he did such a bad curse from Adam and she says she's actually says that the angel of the Lord versus Miss Monroe but we don't know in history anybody made Monroe's which is interesting or any tribal group so if this is symbolic just talking about maybe evil angels or against Israel for prowling the Canaanites they're being cursed there's a lot of devil - when song is being sung prophetically prophetic what's on the surface because we don't know if anybody ever being cursed and we don't know anybody ever made Moreau's and so we could speculate in the spiritual realm if an angel of the Lord just like in Jude chapter so vs. 9 Michael the Archangel comes against us a time and he says the Lord rebuke you Satan and he's continued over the body of Moses Satan obviously wants to keep the body Moses claiming his sin and strength in the wrong place the angel of the Lord basically is cursing asset on saying the Lord rebuke you so in this way when it says person arose said the angel of Adonai it makes me think that those fallen angels who are against Israel would like to destroy the children of God who are doing the agenda of the dragon an angel of the Lord when he comes to fight on our behalf he's even able to curse and to protect us Yael will be blessed more than all women she's speaking of the woman who killed the sister oh the wife of pepper the canine will be blessed more than any women in the tent yes for water she gave him milk in an elegant bowl - she brought him curves and she took a tendon in her left hand and a workman's hammer and her right with the hammer she struck sister I pierced his fall yes she shattered and crushed his temple he sank down at her feet down there the Hebrew this is all better right - and it's better just whoa so she's telling these amazing stories both in the physical realm and the spiritual realm repeating parts of Israel they didn't come to battle their brothers she's incorporated it all into this song amazing woman and here she's telling the story of who really gets the glory because what goes down through history is the songs the songs through the way to preserve these armies the paths to the children you know like grandpa's we think of telling the story through their grandchildren around the campfire well in ancient times it was you created the song and it was basically like writing in stone it would never be forgotten so when she tells old Barack prophetically that he would not assume the glory of this freak out winning the battle because he wanted whole men to go into battle with him who does she put in as the Guerlain but Yael personally does it she gets no one throughout history Cicero's mother looks out the window peering out through the lattice she wonders why is his chariot taking so long coming back home why are a source code to return the wisest of her ladies answers birth and she repeats it to herself but nobody wants to think of their son died right so the wisest of this woman it's kind of like a matriarch if she's the mother of sister up she has all these maybes and white women around her and they tell her of course they're just collecting and dividing the spoil horse was victorious in battle he's out there dividing the spoil he's probably also having his share of women a girl two girls for every warrior her sister is booty of die clothing also who prefect lots of Israel's real rich garments and wonderful artfully brighter garments to embroidered scarves for every soldier's neck so his mother is saying of course yeah that must be it it's easier to think of your son being victorious in battle with and dying in battle then Deborah says may all your enemies perish like this at a night but may those who love him be like the Sun going forward we need like the Sun going forth in its glory maybe we learn to sing amazing prophetic songs like Deborah their songs for every different commotion and different aspect of life and this is where the hot part ends but in closing I just like to look at some of the scriptures that pertain to the importance of singing to the Lord this is where we draw our third parallel between Moses singing and creating a prophetic song and Miriam gathering the women and singing and it said that she gathered the women tambourines now if you think about Israel beating Exodus that are in Egypt in the Exodus in a rush you wouldn't really think about the tambourine being the most important thing to carry when you don't even have time to put lemon in your bread right you're rushing out of Egypt but this shows how important the tambourine was to a positive mental outlook and that just like the women it is said by our sages delivered Egypt because of their faithfulness in making sure that they continue to have children even the children's lives were threatened in Egypt the same way those righteous women foresaw God's deliverance and by faith they took the tambourines because the tambourines are a time for rejoicing when God does amazing victorious work so even though they're being chased by Pharaoh's armies they know God's going to deliver and then bringing them tambourines with them so bearing up had a tambourine and it's recorded that Deborah also sang the tambourines so voice and tambourines you don't see you know a lot of depictions about electronic guitars or learn to wrong so our you know that there's a pulse emotionalism that is in the churches today and a lot of music it's used to hike people up and they say oh I'm so full of the Spirit then they walk out the door and where did wonder that the new spirit go God speaks with a still small voice and we can praise him abundantly from the simpleness of our god-given instruments from our voices and from our tambourines we don't need a big beat to high-pass up or to give us false emotionalism this is where a lot of spiritualism came from the east and you see a lot of Africans employed do this and it gets into like a frenzy people actually almost become in a hypnotic state to the Trump beats and this is probably what like the prophets of bail were doing what they were dancing on the altars at the time of Elijah and cutting themselves and working themselves into a big frenzy so it's beautiful to draw a correlation about how God's people see and they see with amazing joy on their lips and when they speak the words of the Lord prophecies come out in these songs about God's deliverance I'd like to give you in closing Tim reasons to see according to scripture the first one as we see in our torah portion with Moses and Miriam and our Hochberg with Deborah first thing we can do is when we see God's the difference in our life whether it's physical or whether it's spiritual the Scriptures tell us in Psalms 5:11 let all who take refuge in God be glad but they never sing for joy and may you shelter them so this is talking about his protection that those who love your name may have assaulted you Psalms 98 1 is similar he says Oh sing to the Lord a new song and we're going to sing a song called sing a new song here after we pray just two bows with song and feel the importance of singing and we have many miraculous deeds that God has done in our lives amen there's been many deliverances there's been a little mini battles there's been the obstacles that we've all fought and we thought how am I ever going to get through this this is the worst thing that could ever happen to me in my life I don't see like past this point and yet God delivered us and he gave us something better than as long as we continue to trust and obey and so we can sing we've had our own deliverance experience David says sing to the Lord a new song for he has done wonderful things his right hand and his holy arm have gained them victory for him and you know from past teachings I have shared prophetically what is the righteous pray arm of yah when it's made manifest it came to save us salvation issue up in Hebrew is the word for salvation and this is the righteous right outstretched arm that's got to gain the victory in the end as well the second reason that we should sing is the knowledge of God's love remember we talked about perfect love casts out all fear as we are perfected in love think about god's love david says in psalm 289 1 I will sing up the Lord's great love forever so it's never-ending with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known throughout all generations this is something we should teach our children it's not just something for ancient Israel the third reason to sing is knowledge of what God has done personally and corporately for us sing to him sing praise to him tell of all of his wondrous acts and it says in Psalms 105 - so in addition to those things we can also sing for joy anytime day or night we should always have joy in our heart even if the pointer obstacles and trials knowing God we have so much to be thankful for we should wait with gratitude with the modei I mean prayer thankful I am before you live in an eternal for restoring the breath of life to me in kindness and compassion even the breath of life we can have joy for waking up in the morning our eyelids opening up we always look at what we don't have we need to change that to look at how much we do have it seen for joy david says it solves 132 9 may your priest be clothed with your righteousness that's a reason to sing for joy then we can be covered in His righteousness we know our best righteousness is like filthy rags may your faithful people always sing for joy David said and we are called to sing throughout our whole life David says I will sing to the Lord all my life I will sing praise to my God as long as I live Psalms 104 33 you know David even saw some prophetically he also saw the stories of the past he preserved these stories like the story of the Exodus in Psalm 78 David was still singing about God's deliverance about God's mighty like and this is really what kept him connected to gods but God would call him a man after his own heart when you love somebody so much that you're singing of that all the beauty and wonders things about them there's an intimacy there you always think connected mentally and spiritually as well as physically David says or Isaiah says Isaiah 42 tend to sing a new song sing to the Lord a new song is praise from the ends of the earth you who go down to the sea and all that is in it you islands and all who live in them so there's no place where we should not sing that new song he's even talking to those who are the depths of the sea who is that is he talking to creation all of creation seems after sin the scripture says all of creation groans that joy and that song that used to be sung you know book of Job talks about the stars you can see at night imagine no we've had them that that was lost due to your sin and then seeing that all the cosmos all in creation groaning instead of singing so here David is saying praise him from one end of the earth to the other we should be able to sing even in times of trouble you know Paul and Silas when they were in jail instead of bemoaning their arrests and saying I thought God was going to protect us when we served him now look at I'm in jail I might as well be like the heathen and you know how many people get this great when times don't go well for them they're saying oh I tried serving the Lord a little bit and things didn't work out so now I'm gonna just do what I want they give up no Paul and Silas stay faithful they stay focused on him and even in prison they said there must be a purpose for us being here let's sing God is good and there was a purpose the other prisoners heard it and they tend it was like a testimony to the other prisoners it says in acts 16:25 that Paul and Silas were singing in jail with him so they were probably singing David Psalms Psalms that David had written them sometimes David with you hard times and in Hebrew they knew how to sing these songs whenever you're going to a hard times there's even a song through hard times the other prisoners were prisoners were listening to them and being encouraged and then of course we know that the gates broke open the Angels opened up the prison doors we can see in times of trouble as well as times of good when we should be full of gratitude Paul says in Colossians 3:16 let the message of God's love dwell among you richly as you teach and encourage one another with wisdom through songs or to teach and encourage one another through Psalms and hymns and songs from the spirit that so same prompt to words that you didn't pre rehearse and it's kind of like Deborah prophesying or like Moses prop sign in the moment about what's happening in the present moment singing to God with gratitude in your hearts so it shows it's not just an ancient thing even in the first century he's been understood the importance even it has over the songs that they say would have been songs from the songs this is how they closed their seder service but not reason to sing is to sing with understanding so what shall I do I shall pray with my spirit but I will also pray with my understanding I will sing with my spirit but I will also sing what might understand me so this is interesting if we understand what God is doing even though with our physical eyes we're looking at physical obstacles or difficulties trials and tribulations we can see with spiritual eyes that God can use all things for good and to his glory and to bring more souls into the kingdom and so we can sing with understanding even when it defies logic somebody would say what are you doing singing at this time don't you know we're about to die we're in the firing line I mean imagine even during the Holocaust if somebody was applying this principle you could see even in the midst of be ready to be killed we should always see from the heart as well Ephesians 5:19 says speaking to one another with Psalms spirit singing making music from your heart there are many people associated with the knowledge of God and their mind but they don't know him in their hearts so it is with singing to the Lord in order for us to really connect and know the Lord and song must first know and connect with him in our hearts the psalm is just a manifestation or a reflection of our relationship that's already existing with him on a deeper level we are told prophetically in Revelation that the Saints will sing the song of Moses so this means we should know the song Moses Moses was singing of God's deliverance our Torah portion and they call Moses the servant of God we're gonna sing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb the other service on the one in Deuteronomy each team who thought says I will send a prophet like unto you Moses he will be from your own kinsmen and I will put my words in his mouth and everyone who does not listen to him will be accountable to me who's that speaking up Shula the land was slain from the foundation of the world there's a song of the Lamb says the Saints will be saying great and amazing are your deeds O Lord because he's delivered us not only from our physical enemies but from our spiritual enemies well we see the greatest deliverance and redemption through the issue and so we'll be singing the song of Moses and the song of the lamb saying great and amazing are your deeds O Lord God the Almighty just and true are your ways well the king of the nations imagine the last days the midst of the Great Tribulation see Messiah come through the clouds of glory and breaking forth and song song of Moses and song of the Lamb because it's a song of deliverance God is always going to be protecting us he's going to be with us he's going to deliver us and he has a plan parts so imagine that great day we're able to sing together so in closing we will review we need to have faith not fear you need to let God fight our battles and watch our enemies away and we should always have a reason to sing about God and we should be able to sing our heart out not just neatly but with abundant joy and so as I close in prayer then I would like us to sing the song of the land closing Abba Father we love you and we thank you for revealing to us how you deliver us in every age our chosen people are the apple of your eye how do you protect them and every time we go wayward you bring us back as a Good Shepherd back to the flock back to repentance back to your ways because they are the source of life in and as Moses said we are to choose life as we return to your Torah we love you and we thank you and we have hearts that just burst forth and song for your love and for your faithfulness to us and so we ask father as we are so distant from our ancient forefathers we've forgotten even how to sing we've forgotten how to prophesize your song and how to praise your holy name with phony utterances we ask you to teach us father take the scales from our eyes from our hearts break down any stony hearts that are within us that are preventing us from having this kind of freedom like children to sing about your goodness and your love and give us hearts of the baby's skin father give us sensitive parts that trust you that have the faith of a child that never doubts you that are perfected in love and that can sing them this great love and be a light to the nation's through this great joy that we can share as one body is one yeshuaa we love you we thank you for your plan of salvation from the foundation of the world and we just want to sing you a new song every day father whatever we are experiencing whatever level of character development that you're taking us through we just praise you and we thank you as we know it it's all for our good so we thank you and we praise you now with this new song Holy Name we pray you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 7,353
Rating: 4.9431281 out of 5
Keywords: Haftarah, Torah, Beshalach, Song of Moses, Deborah, Song of Deborah, Song of the Lamb, Spiritual Song, Shira, shir, Songs in the Bible, The Power of Song
Id: x94vCH2Hgcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 13sec (5653 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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