#20 - Torah Parashah Tetzaveh (The symbolism of the beaten olive oil and the High Priest)

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[Music] you [Music] this morning's Torah portion is called 10th Ave everybody say tetes Ave the tov at the beginning of the word means you anytime you see a table at the beginning of the word it's kind of like pointing to you to do something in this case a DA or where we get the word the root for Mitzvah is a command so he's saying to mo che you command the priest and those that are preparing the oil for the tabernacle and the garments and the altar command them on how to prepare these things and what's amazing is he says you the very beginning is they akka tensive ah at B'nai yes I am this means it's like a w via ties and you I toss you debts of off you command why is he not just starting like it normally does where it says provide the bar other my Elmo che and spoke God to Moshe a glioma are saying and then he commands them why does it just say you and not mention Moses his name remember Moses had asked when interceding for the children of Israel that God would rather blot his name from his book than to blot out the children of Israel and when he said my name from your book he said suffer cost F for his book cause yours and the cod the call comes from the COFF at the end of the word which has a gamete riah of 20 but rather than God blotting out Moses's name from the book of life he simply blotted his name out from the 20th Torah portion so you could look at suffer kha as your book or you could look at it as the 20th book in Hebrew and so we're not gonna see Moses name mentioned anywhere in this Torah portion which is interesting we can find it in our Bibles in Exodus 27 verse 20 and we go through chapter 30 verse 10 and in chapter 20 we see these instructions on how to make the olive oil pure for the menorah by pounding it and we're gonna look at the symbolism of these beaten olives and what that means for us and what it meant for Yeshua is our example we are to keep our light burning continually and this oil that was pounded was to keep the menorah light burning continually and we're gonna compare the oil in this chapter starting out this tour portion with what started out last week's Torah portion was the instructions for the menorah so he instructs how to build a menorah at a pure pounded gold then he instructs how to create the oil in this beginning Torah portion with pure pounded olives and then in chapter 28 we read all about the priestly garments and we can correlate this with last week's Torah portion in the middle remember how he described the coverings over the tabernacle now he's described the coverings for the human tabernacle he says build them have them build me a tabernacle that I might dwell in them it's all about man being restored to his image so that he can dwell in us so first he builds a model of the heavenly tabernacle and tells about those coverings then he's talking about the priest as an example for us of how to live a pure and Kadesh life of a pure and holy life and so we're talking about the coverings for the priests and they're symbolisms in chapter 28 and in chapter 29 we see the instructions for the altar of incense and in the last week's Torah portion it ended with the altar the brazen altar in the outer course so you see a parallel with each chapter and last week's chapter and we're gonna see parallels in the haftorah portion as well in our parties we see that the plain meaning is the instruction for the menorah oil the priestly garments in the altar but we see God's character in that he is using these as symbols for us to understand the importance of us being made holy so that we can draw near to him because he is a pure and holy God and what does holy mean because from the Hebrew word to Kadesh which means to be set apart so that which is common is not holy we have to set apart ourselves from the world we have to set apart Shabbat from the other six days and sanctify it we have to set apart our thinking and our speech and our actions to be a set apart people as he is called his bride to be and we're gonna see glimpses of Messiah in every one of these chapters that have to do with elements of the tabernacle like the beaten olive it says that he was beaten for us for our chastisement right for our iniquities he's also the high priest that's interesting in the heavenly sanctuary and the altar of sacrifice reminds us of his sacrifice which was the greatest revelation of selfless love to man that's ever existed so we're gonna see hidden glimpses of Messiah throughout this 12 portion and apply it to our own lives that we need to be refined as pure oil if he shows us that he was rejected despised by men beaten and persecuted then what did he tell us if you follow me they're not gonna recognize you either and you'll be persecuted for my name's sake and that's exactly what we have to be willing to do dying to the self to the flesh and allowing the spirit to thrive to the point where we're willing to lay down this earthly vessel for his name's sake and for our testimony of him and we find our testimony through perseverance through trial just like all of his beaten we're gonna talk about the parallels with how the spirit in us is purified through adversity through trials and through tribulations and John and vision saw the in time remnant of God's people and he said here are they here's the perseverance of the saints and the ingredient Saints is Hagios which comes from the reward hog which a hog is in Hebrew is a feast so basically he's saying here's the remnant what they look like they're feast keepers they keep the commandments of God that's one which is the written Torah right and they have their testimony in Yeshua who's the living Torah so really the true definition of the endtime Saints or holy set apart people is that their feast keepers are keeping God's written Torah and his MO Adam his timings and they have a testimony of that Word made flesh in the living Torah in Yeshua and so we see much beautiful symbolism even in the gematria of the Torah portions named 10th Ave which means to you command we see that the Tau is equaling 400 and the sadi is 90 the valve is 6 and the hay is 5 which gives it a total value of 501 and we see that other words with that same numerical value Lynne deeper understanding as to what he's commanding us it's literally his word that he's commanding us and his word when it was made flesh becomes the high priest we call the high priest the Kohen hugga dole and he's the rosh which means the head of israel and so the word head rose has a gamete riah of 501 also ha I mean the root word is I mean when we say ah man this is means we believe in something you shall believe we need to believe in the head priest the living Torah it also has a go Maitreya of 501 as well as a rosh i Ross this is the scene not the Xin Arras is the word for betrothal so when we keep our eyes on the one that we should believe in the head of Israel the high priest and King and mashiac we begin to be set apart as a bride without spot or blemish for the betrothal so there's a lot of hidden beauty even in the kamat ria of these words not just a commandment as a rule and restriction like many people think of commands you shall command them and it sounds arbitrary no his commandments are not burdensome his commands are instructions and how to be set apart how to live a holy life so keep all of these things in mind as we go through this tour portion this morning we start in chapter 27 the last part of it verse 20 and he says Viacom tit Savar it bnei yisrael olive table B'nai Israel you are to command or order the people instruct them the children of Israel to bring you pure oil of pounded olives for the light to keep the light burning singular to keep the light burning continually this word here is lamb and we remember god's word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path it's interesting that it is singular in this case where you see a parallel in Parshat amor in leviticus 24 where he's going through all of these different laws pertaining to the tabernacle and we see there in leviticus 24 he says to keep the lambs plural burning but here he says keep the lamp so it's not only the menorah lamps singular but it's a particular lamp in the seven-branched menorah that was the lamp that was the westernmost lamp that was closest to the veil and remember the veil represents the word whose veiled in human flesh so this light never went out it was a miracle while the other six lights would go out this one light would be kept burning continually by Hashem and oil would be placed in time of the morning sacrifice and the evening sacrifice by Aaron but this westernmost lamp never went out until Yeshua was sacrificed then they couldn't keep that lamp burning an amazing miracle along with the veil being torn and the thread that was tied around the horns of the scapegoat not turning white on the doors of the tabernacle any longer and the doors not staying shut any longer there was four major miracles that showed even though they kept the temple service going from 31 ad to 70 AD they were showing that the ultimate Lamb of God had been slain for our sins and that these things no longer meant anything compared to him yes Terrence it's okay so let's look at some of the symbolism here it is in Hebrew we have vampa tits of awe edit Bonet yes fil now shall command the children of Israel that they shall bring the pure olive oil beaten for the light and we know Yeshua was beaten to reveal the light of God's love to cause the lamp to burn always so here's an olive orchard that I took Terrance and Heather - and this is in the Garden of Gethsemane this is where you schewe spent his last night before he was crucified and this is where they would come and they would beat the trees and then when the all of branches would fall heavy laden with the ripe olives they would beat the olive branches on the ground further bruising the olives to get the olives to break apart from the branches then they would scoop up all the olives and put them in a press and a lot of times through adversity we feel beaten we feel oppressed and we're gonna see much symbolism in that here's a close-up of some of these all of us both green and red or purple the olives are first inspected we know Yeshua was inspected before he was crucified just like the lamb is taken on the tenth day of Nisan it's inspected for four days before the 14th of Nisan well the olives are inspected to make sure that they're ripe and ready then the tree is beaten and pounded here's a man with a stick he's beating these olives after he beat the tree and separating the branches from the olives and they're bruised as they're separated from the tree and the tree and the olive tree is a symbol of Israel so think about this amazing symbolism with Yeshua being separated from the people of Israel as he is falsely accused and beaten and hung up on a tree for our sins all because they didn't understand the plan of God's salvation in the word becoming flesh then those olives are taken to a press and this is normally where a donkey is this is a Nazareth and on this last trip we went to Nazareth and we saw some olive presses there so I'm under the donkey's yoke these olives would be placed in this basin and the donkey would go around in a circle and it would crush the olives and the first pressing is what they would use for this menorah they would take all of these crushed olives and then put them in this type of almost a wicker baskets that could be compressed or a him a mesh and they'd put a rock on it and they would have a long pole with leverage cantilevered over and to press down all of the oil out of the olives we see much symbolism in this first Peter 2:24 says who his own self bare our sins in his body on the tree the olive tree is not only a symbol of Israel but it's a symbol of Yeshua isaiah 53:4 through 5 says surely he himself bore our griefs and our sorrows he carried yet we ourselves esteemed him stricken we thought imagine the view whenever somebody used to go through hard times what did job's friends say to them you must have done something wrong right you're smitten by God so we esteemed him stricken smitten by God but was he smitten by God no we esteemed him afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised and crushed for our iniquities just like the olive to press out pure olive oil we need to be pressed through the trials and tribulations that God allows to come into our life to test our faith says the chastising for our well-being fell upon him and by his example by his scourgings by his pressing and overcoming we are actually healed through that process and he shows us the way to holiness here's an olive dripping olive oil just like Yeshua dripped sweat which is oil mixed with water and blood the Hebrew word bruised means crushed and the crushing and bruising of Yeshua began in the Garden of Gethsemane which was the very olive orchard where they would take these olives from and the night before his crucifixion he was in agony and his sweat it says in Luke 22:44 was as if it was great it was like great drops of blood falling down to the ground sweat his oil and water mixed with blood so we see a lot of symbolism in this exodus 20:7 verse 20 and 21 speaks of this pounded olives to make the oil to keep the light burning continually and we know his light is burning continually in the heavenly tabernacle as an example for us and they all of them the olive tree is a symbol of the whole house of Israel the Lord called thy name a green olive tree fair and of goodly fruit jeremiah said jeremiah 1116 and after the division of Israel in 930 BC God referred to his to Olive them of it being one unified olive tree the two olive trees is the house of Judah and the house of Israel the lost sheep which he schewe said he came from in all the lands of their dispersion we see that referred to in Zechariah 4 verse 3 and 11 and Romans Paul refers to in chapter 11 verse 24 about being grafted in if God allowed certain branches to be broken off for a time you who are wild olives like the lost house of Israel who lost the Torah and started to look like the pagan cultures in which they lived if you can be grafted back in to the olive tree how much more could the original branches be grafted in he says in Romans 11 so part of the good news is sharing with people that whether you're a Jew or Gentile or Christian you can be grafted in to God's bride Israel the pounded olive symbolized our refinement in our purity as a bride coming through in our characters due to being pounded in adversity trials and tribulations when we are tested as if we will persevere in keeping the commandments of God and holding fast to the testimony of the light of the world the Word made flesh Yeshua it says this in revelation 12:4 17 and revelation 14:12 as well as revelation 11 for it is this allowing of our flesh to be crucified with Christ that purifies the Holy Spirit in us and allows us to shine as a light to the nation's continually without wavering without flickering remember our God is the father of lights James says in whom there is no variation or shifting shadow that means there's not even a shred of Darkness and that's what we have to make sure for our life as we're being recreated in His image is that there's no shred of darkness in us so here's this menorah that we read about last week in last week's Torah portion and Exodus 20:5 37 says you shall make the seven lampstands thereof and they shall light the lamps thereof that they might give light from its face so what it was lighting was the table of showbread which represents the Torah and that's what we do as lights to the world we represent our we shine light on both the written Torah returning to God's Word and the living Torah as it's revealed more fully in through Yeshua revelation 4:5 talks about a lamp stand in the heavenly tabernacle it says an out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne in heaven which are the seven spirits of God so this represents the seven spirits of God and we are to know how to live in the Sevenfold beam of his spirits each one of these spirits you can find in Isaiah 11 the spirit of wisdom and understanding the fear of the Lord and it goes through all seven of them Jim revelation 1:13 says and in the midst of the candles the seven candlesticks one like the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to the foot this is the high priestly robes that he's wearing in the heavenly sphere he is walking in the midst of the seven spirits of God and Girt about with a golden girdle second Corinthians 4:5 says for God who commanded the light to shine out of the darkness has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge what's the light all about the knowledge of the glory of God now glory and Greek is doxa doxa means character so literally us being lights of the world is not just shining a light on the arbitrary head knowledge of memorizing the written word but seeing God's character this is why we go through God's character every week his glory were to make known the light of the knowledge of the character of God through the view or display of Yeshua because he was the ultimate revelation of that character which is selfless love so this is what this light is all about now you can't know Yeshua or the father how to draw near to him without the written word and this is why we start in the written word but do you know through the millennium when you sure is teaching as the living Torah writing the tour upon our hearts it's gonna become so natural that we are recreated in God's image and we live it out there'll be no need any longer for the written word it'll be a natural living of selfless love throughout eternity Psalms 119 in david says specifically what this light is your word is a lamp and like we said it's both written and living your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path so this represents the torah in both its forms the early written Torah and the living Torah in Yeshua his son Solomon in proverbs 6:23 says your Commandments are a lamp and the Torah is a light and this is why I correlated the word command so it's not only the word that's both written and living but even the command correlates with being a light yeshua as the head who we should believe in and be betrothed to Isaiah 49 verse 6 says I will make you a light to the nation's so you shouid didn't do it all for you the way it's often promoted like you don't have to do anything he did it all so just keep sinning the Torah do away with it no he was an example he showed us what it looks like to live out God's Spirit in human flesh so that we could have an example to follow so this is just a precursor he's taking us back to how to be purified so that we can draw near to the father in the most holy place and this is why God says I will make you a light to the nation's otherwise he would be the only light to the nation's and we wouldn't have any part in it but his desire is to make each one of us a light to the nation's after his example for what purpose so that his Yeshua his salvation can be spread to the ends of the earth and this is the whole purpose of his disciples going out to the lost sheep of Israel those who had already been in the Diaspora to every nation kindred and tongue to take the knowledge of salvation which is Yeshua in Hebrew to the ends of the earth so that all of God's bride could begin to be perfected in holiness and purity in preparation of the marriage of the Lamb so the Word of God came to be a light to the world has our example and we see this confirmed in John 8 verse 12 then spake Joshua again to them saying I am the light of the world anyone who follows my example shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of Life so how do we follow his example if he was rejected despised by men persecuted went through trials and tribulations and temptations but overcame in every area this is an example for us that we must be overcomers over comers of sin in the life John 3:19 says this is the condemnation that the light came into the world but the men loved the darkness rather than the light because they were holding on to that selfish nature that's what it means that their deeds were evil they weren't willing to relinquish their evil deeds which are stemming from their selfish nature and the wrong identity of needing to feed the flesh instead of feeding the spirit so we follow Yeshua to the golden candlestick where we are filled with god's spirit of truth like the olive oil and shine the light of Torah to the nation's we see in Revelation chapter 1 that the lampstand represents the body of yeshua around the world and that's why there was seven different lampstands in Revelation and there's seven different types of Messianic bodies so Revelation chapters four and five should really be interpreted not as a history Asst the historic view as something passed but it's something present it's basically the endtime bride preparing herself and there's certain things that she's still holding on to darkness with and this is why God rebukes five out of the seven churches there's only two churches Smyrna and Philadelphia that do not get rebukes one is because one is perfected and brotherly love and the other one is willing to die for the truth lay down the physical flesh these two don't receive any rebukes and it's a good example for us but other messianic believers they're still holding on to a bit of paganism from where they've come out of pagan religions so he rebukes them he says you follow the the deeds of the Nicolaitans remember the Nicolaitans Nicoletti thus there was a false god named Naik or Nike this is where we get Nike and singing nicholas from and all of these things and laity his followers of so he's basically talking about messianic assemblies that are still holding on to elements of paganism in their life they're not fully come out of Babylon and so there's certain rebukes through that each one of these menorahs these assemblies have called out believers he is lovingly admonishing so that they can be purified they can let go of some of their sins that they're holding on to others have the spirit of Jezebel you'll remember others do the deeds of bilham remember all of these rebukes and we have to ask ourselves what are these deeds of bilham it's turning the people to curse themselves by leaving God's ways by embracing different sins perversities adultery's and paganism in the life Romans 15:16 says that I should be the minister of Yahshua the Messiah to the nation's ministering the gospel of God so that the lost house of Israel might be an acceptable offering who's to be an offering the ultimate offering the lost house of Israel this is why Paul says I die daily we need to be a living sacrifice after his example then we can be an acceptable offering being sanctified that means sanctified means may be made holy by the Holy Spirit this is the only way were ever going to be able to be at one with the Father is if we go through this process of dying to the self being an acceptable offering and being sanctified through the Spirit of God the study of Torah and through prayer which the three pieces of furniture in the holy place represent that sanctifying process so what does the sanctification of the spirit of truth look like in God's people John 17:17 says father sanctify them in thy truth so we're sanctified through the knowledge of truth thy Word is truth and the Spirit of Truth will lead God's people into all truth so when people say that they're full of the Holy Spirit and yet they're rejecting God's truth in his Torah is it the Spirit of God or is it a spirit of emotionalism or it is a spirit a false spirit we have to ask ourselves because his spirit sanctifies us in the truth revelation 14 says here is the perseverance or the patience or the diligence of the Saints those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Yeshua Paul says in first Corinthians 6:17 for he that is joined to Hashem is one spirit by what pureness just like this pure olive oil there can't be any contaminants left in US after the sanctifying process otherwise we will not be able to enter the most holy place which we enter into one day a year on the Day of Atonement which represents total at one man with the father what's that one two three four five six seven good catch everything is symbolized in perfection is symbolized by sevens so we have the seven spirits of God and we have here the description of how we are joined to God through his one spirit by pureness by knowledge remember faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God by long-suffering this is that perseverance that we're talking about that presses us welcome brother by kindness by the Holy Spirit see how it's all leading up to his character of love unfeigned and by the word of truth [Music] so now let's go into chapter 28 and we're gonna see how it parallels the coverings of the tabernacle that we read about in the middle of last week's Torah portion chapter 26 and the coverings of the mik - you are to summon your brother her own and his sons to come from among the people of Israel to you so that they can serve me as a colony so what are the people of Israel to serve God as the priest this is the original covenant so this is a covenant that they broke by worshiping the golden calf and only the Levites did not bow the knee to the golden calf and this is why leave I've temporarily became the priest but God desires to restore and renew the original covenant and make all of us a type of firstfruits of Israel priest he says know ye not that you will be a kingdom of priests in the Millennial Kingdom and so we have to wear these garments symbolically this is what Paul was talking about when he says put on the armor of God daily it's not the armor of a Roman soldier a pagan Roman soldier it's the coverings of the high priest that we have to mentally put on remember the helmet of salvation we gird our Bell our waist with the belt of truth our sword is the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God we have a breastplate of righteousness and our feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel all of these are symbols of the high priestly garments which we're going to see here Aaron and his sons Nadav avi who al-ahzar and Itamar these are to be the priests you are to make for your brother Aaron garments and what does garments represent garments are symbolic of character so when Yeshua says buy from me gold tried in the fire and why arraignment that white ARIMA is what the priest would wear the regular priests there is many priests officiating there was one high priest right all the other priests for white the high priest had the ephod and the blue garments and the turbine and the mitre and the golden sash and so when he says buy from me gold tried in the fire that's our characters being refined through adversity through the fire of adversity trials and tribulations the dross in our character is burnt away and then he says and white raiment this is the white raiment of the priest because we're to be a part of the priesthood you are to make for your brother Aaron garments representing God's character set apart kodesh holy for serving God expressing dignity this is in Hebrew kavod which means glory once again a connotation of his character and splendor speak to all the craftsmen who are wise at heart God gave certain giftings to these men to know how to build these different pieces of furniture within the tabernacle in the hebrew has a connotation of being wise at heart who he gave the spirit of wisdom to and have them make Erin's garments to set him apart to Kadesh him make him holy for God to serve God in His holy Tabernacle in the office of Colin hog a dull high priest the garments they are to make are these and now we see the armor of God listed a breastplate which paul says wear the armor of God daily put on the breastplate of righteousness and then we see this ritual vest representing the shield of faith and a robe representing righteousness all of this you can find in Ephesians chapter 6 14 the armour of God the tunic and the turban is the helmet of salvation literally almost turban was a golden mitre that said Kadesh laoda my holy to the Lord that's placed over the mind every thought is to be holy to the Lord then our speech and our actions are going to naturally be holy if our thoughts are holy and centered and on him so very symbolic turban of salvation and what is salvation when Paul says put on the helmet of salvation what's the Hebrew word for salvation Yeshua so we're literally seeing God through the lens of Yeshua daily keeping our eyes on him and a sash sash was this golden belt that or in the case of the regular priest it would be blue mixed with red and crimson that Paul refers to as the belt of truth they are to make holy garments for your brother Aaron and his son so that he can serve me in the office of Cohen they are to use gold which represents our character blue which represents the commandments crimson which represents the blood of the ultimate sacrifice for us and when you have like John SAW and vision of people who are keeping both the commandments of God blue and having the testimony in Yeshua the ultimate sacrifice crimson and you mix those two together you get a royal priesthood and that's exactly what he called us and what's the color of royalty blue mixed with crimson purple and that's the third element here blue purple and scarlet yarn and fine white pure linen we see all of these reflected in revelation 19 verse eight where you yeshua is wearing the linen robe and the gold they are to make the ritual vest of gold of blue purple and scarlet yarn and a finely woven linen crafted by a skilled artisans attached to its front and back edges are to be two shoulder pieces that can be fastened together on these shoulder pieces had all the names of the twelve tribes of israel so literally the high priest is bearing the names of the whole house of israel on his shoulders representing burying their burdens always thinking about them it's decorated belt is to be of the same workmanship and materials gold blue purple scarlet yarn and finely woven linen take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of israel six of the names are going to be on one stone on one side and six remaining names on the other in the order of their birth an engraver should engrave the names of the sons of israel on the two stones as he would engrave a seal amazing how do you engrave a seal you either have a relief which means the image is coming out or you engrave deeply which means it's set in so be interesting to see whether the names of Israel are raised up or whether they're engraved deeply in Mount the stones in gold settings and put the two stones on the shoulder pieces of the vest as stones calling to mind the sons of Israel so if we have a high priest who's touched with the feeling of our infirmities in the heavenly sanctuary and he's wearing the high priestly garments guess what he is calling to mind the sons of Israel daily by wearing these that's beautiful because that includes you and me that means he's interceding on our behalf and calling to mind not only our original forefathers but all of their children and descendants in the Diaspora afterwards to our day Aaron is to carry their names before out an eye on his two shoulders as a reminder Aaron is just a type of the ultimate High Priest Yeshua it's interesting that when these 12 names would be inscribed or engraved on these two onyx stones six on each side the total number of Hebrew letters when you take from Reuben Simeon Levi Judah all the way down to Joseph and Benjamin there was 50 Hebrew letters and 50 is very symbolic just like 50 days that we count from Passover from the sacrifice to shava oh when the Holy Spirit came and descended upon the disciples or the fifty days that from the deliverance from Egypt to God betrothing his betrothed bride in covenant at mount sinai and giving her the ketubah covenant in the torah make gold squares and two chains of pure gold like twisted cords attached the cord like chains to the squares so another interesting thing that comes to mind is when you count from Reubens from the rash of Reuben all the way down those 50 letters guess what Joseph's name who you sure was a type of mashiac ben Yosef in his first coming right and you shoe is spelled with the little yo'd that Yosef is spelled with and also Yitzhak who was a type of Yeshua the Yoda is the smallest of all the Hebrew letters because it is reflecting God's selfless nature so it doesn't need to be big it makes itself small he who came from heaven lowered himself to the lowest place the Word of God well the very 41st letter is the yo'd and it was on the 41st day that Yeshua ascended back into heaven and so interesting that Yeshua would be reflected at even in the yote on his shoulders for the name of Yosef the 41st letter for Messiah Ben Yoseph he says to make a breastplate for judgment for the mishpokhe team for the righteously dividing the word to Israel this is why it's called a breastplate of righteousness have it crafted by a skilled artesian what's interesting is that justice when you're judging you're performing a work of justice making sure that justice is given both to the poor and to the rich to the innocent and to the guilty and the word for righteousness and the word for justice in Hebrew are the exact same word which is said digue this is the word for justice very similar to Sadiq which is a righteous person so here this breastplate of Zadok of righteousness was for performing Zedeck justice and it is to be crafted by a skilled artesian like the work of the ritual vest made of gold blue purple and scarlet yarn and finely woven linen when folded double it is to be square a hand spanned by a hand span put on it settings of stone four rows of stones the first row is to be a carnelian then a topaz and an emerald so a man's hand span usually a span in ancient times was three inches so this little ephod three inches by three inches a lot of times we see it really big across the chest but here we see that it's a hand span by a hand span and it has a carnelian a topaz and an emerald on the top and then the second row has a green feldspar stone and then a sapphire right in the middle of representing the very stone that the commandments of God was wrote it his finger width and then a diamond and then on the third row orange zircon and then agate and then amethyst and then the fourth row Beryl and then black onyx and then Jasper which is usually red but comes in different colors and each one of these stones would represent a different tribe of Israel and they were to be mounted in gold sockets the stones would correspond to the names of the 12 sons of Israel they were to be engraved with their names as a seal would be engraved to represent the 12 tribes so he's got the twelve tribes on his shoulders and two black onyx stone and each one of these twelve stones on the ephod would have a name of the son of Israel inscribed upon it so this means literally he's bearing our burdens and as our intercessor and he's carrying us over his heart which is beautiful in the heavenly sphere on the breastplate make two gold chains like twisted cords coming down for the breastplate make two gold rings and put the gold rings on the two ends of the breastplate but the two twisted gold chains in the two rings have the two ends of the breastplate attached the other two ends of the twisted chains to the front of the shoulder pieces of the ritual vest make two gold rings and put them on the two ends of the breastplate at its edge on the side facing toward the vest also make two gold rings and attach them low on the front part so that way the ephod didn't swing out on the front part of the vest shoulder pieces near the the joint above the vest decorated belt then find the breastplate with its rings to the rings of the vest with a blue cord so that it can be on the best decorated belt and so that the breastplate won't swing loose from the vest Aaron as the high priest will carry the names of the sons of Israel on the breastplate for judging over his heart when he enters the holy place there's a double witness confirmation as a continual reminder before Adonai you are to put the Ihram and the Tumen in the breastplate for judging they will be over Aaron's heart when he goes into the presence of the Lord so this Burum and would tell the high priest how to decide certain matters one would light up if it was affirmative or the other one would light up if it was negative thus Aaron will always have the means for making decisions for the people of Israel over his heart when he is in the presence of out and I you are to make a robe for the ritual vest entirely of blue it is to have an opening for the head in the middle now remember the covering over the Ark of the Covenant was a blue garment the priest gets covered the high priest gets covered in a blue garment representing he's fully covered by the commandments of God so we carry a little blue in RZT to remind us to keep the commandments but imagine fully wearing that blue how much your focus would be on every aspect of God's character as revealed through the Ten Commandments it is to have an opening for the head in the middle and around its opening is to be a border woven like the neck of a coat of mail so that it won't tear on its bottom him making pomegranates so they would have pomegranate of blue and then a purple and of scarlet and they would be alternated by a little golden bells around the hem of the priestly garment a gold bell and a pomegranate a gold bell and a pomegranate all the way around the hem of the robe Aaron is to wear it when he ministers and its sound will be heard when he enters the holy place before I deny and when he leaves so that he won't die so it says if he's telling the Spirit of God in advance whose dwelling there over the Ark of the Covenant I'm coming into the holy place I'm just on the other side of the veil and if it's the day of atonement then he has to enter through that veil with a sensor to even create more of a veil of cloud around the glory of God which is that Shekinah glory the feminine essence of God which we know our God is so pure that his the light of his love is like a consuming fire to anyone who's harboring any darkness and goes into his presence this is why God gave very strict instructions on how to make yourself holy and sanctified and pure to be able to draw near to him so it's a process that is taken since this time and will ultimately be perfected in the Millennial Kingdom then sin and death can finally be destroyed and we can be at one with the Father after being purified and made holy perfectly but there's a process that we have to follow in each one of these we see symbolizing the ultimate revelation of that process in Yeshua so he says you're to make we're in verse 36 to make ornaments and this word for ornament and the Hebrew is zis the same root as the ZZ that we call the tassels which reminds us of the commandments of God you're to make a little Zeit of pure gold and engrave on it as a seal set apart for out and I this is this is the name of the golden mitre it would be like a crown so this is representing that the high priest is not only officiating in a righteous pure priestly manner in the temple but the golden crown represents that the ultimate High Priest is also going to be king Yeshua will reign as both high priest and King in the Millennial temple fastened to the turban a cord of blue and on the front of the turban remember it said set apart for a tonight kodesh leh aldohn I would be over Aaron's forehead and this is what's over your shoe is for head he set apart for Adonai for God because the high priest bears the guilt for any errors committed by the people of Israel in consecrating their holy gifts this ornament is always to be on his forehead so that the gifts for out and I will be accepted by him you are to weave the checkered tunic of fine linen make it turban of fine linen and make a belt the work of a weaver in colors likewise for Aaron's sons make tunics sashes and headgear expressing dignity and splendor with them clothe your brother Aaron and his sons then anoint them and inaugurate them and consecrate them so that they will be able to serve me in the office of Cohen which is priest also make them linen shorts reaching from waist to thigh so even God did not want the ground to be desecrated by having a view of their private parts he had taught a element of purity in even covering your loin with these inner linen garments they were like linen underwear if you will and this is what when they were dirty and used would get shredded up and used as wicks in the menorah representing that the Spirit of God can flow through fallen man the goal of course was pure but the the wicks were the used linen garments of the priests representing the beauty of how the spirit can still make us lights to the world so he says make for them linen shorts reaching from wasted thigh to cover their bare flesh Aaron and his sons are to wear them when they go into the tent of meeting and when they approach the altar to minister in the holy place so that they won't incur guilt and die this is to be a perpetual regulation both him and for his descendants so let's look at some of the symbolism of these coverings now you see the high priest here and he's got the blue vest over the linen tunic white represents purity blue represents the commandments of God Gold represents pure character and the two stones on his shoulders and the twelve stones in his breastplate both represent the twelve tribes of Israel with them engraved upon it you have Kadesh set apart to Adonai on the miter and the turban this represents the helmet of salvation got the breastplate of righteousness you got the belt of truth the sash and the feet humility it worked even wearing any shoes into the holy place and this represents us in humility taking the gospel of God's selfless love as seen in Yeshua to the world we have to deny our flesh we can't build up our treasures here on this earth right our treasure is in heaven when we dedicate our lives to taking the gospel this way Paul says shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel which their feet water shod with anything which means we need to be totally devoid of self and self protectionism and here's a regular priest one of the sons of Aaron only the sons of Aaron could be priests so Aaron was from the tribe of Levi Moses was too and every priest was a Levite but not every Levite was a priest because Levi had many sons and only the sons of Aaron could be the priest so we see different garments and their symbolism here and we think of Yeshua as our intercessor and high priest in the heavenly sphere burying the names of the children of Israel just like Aaron did on his heart with the breastplate of judgment and on his shoulders before the Lord during this time before his return for the bride he's interceding for our sins Zechariah 3 verses 1 through 8 says and he showed me yahushua the high priest standing before the angel of the lord and hasatan standing at his right side to resist him why is he resisting him because yahushua is interceding for all the saints while hasatan is accusing you day and night before the Lord saying that person is worthy of death that person is worthy of death because of their sin because of their error and you're sure the saying I'm burying their sin I took the effects of their sin which is the second death and so it's like this little judgment before the judgment-seat that's why I literally the Ark of the Covenant which represents the very throne room of God and the heavenly sphere is called the mercy seat it's also called the seat of judgment because judgment is going on for all the 12 12 tribes of Israel and those who are grafted in and yet hasatan is seeking two judges to accuse us day and night but God is showing us mercy because of Yeshua it says and that's because of his nature as well you show it's just revealing his nature and his sacrifice the Lord says to Satan the Lord rebuke you Satan even the Lord who has chose Jerusalem rebuke you is this not a brand plucked from the fire so every person who is destined to be in the flames of destruction through their sins is plucked out and saved and so he's claiming each one of us as he's burying our names on his shoulders and over his heart now yahushua was clothed in filthy garments why in this vision that zechariah had this is a vision of yeshua who had taken our sins upon himself this garments remember represent character and all of our fallen character from adam and he stood before the angel and he answered and spake unto those that should be before him saying take away the filthy garments from him because he had not sinned in one iota so these are not going to be attributed against him and unto him he said behold i have caused nine iniquity to pass from thee and I'm gonna clothe you with a change of raiment i'm gonna reveal your pure character which is really yours and i said let them set a fair mitre upon his head this is the miter that says holy to the Lord see his character is pure and every thought is pure so he gets the miter of the high priest so they set a fair miter upon his head and clothed him with new garments and the angel of the Lord stood by and the angel of the Lord entreated yahushua saying thus says the lord of hosts if you will walk in my ways and if you will keep my charge then you shall also judge my house and you shall also keep my courts and I will give you places to walk among these that stand by here now o yahushua the high priest you and your fellows that sit before thee for in wondered at for behold I will bring forth my servant the branch so there was actually a high priest in ancient times named yahushua and god prophesied through the prophet zechariah that this is a type of the coming branch who would branch out from the root of Jesse who would reign on the throne of David and who would be a high priest the ultimate High Priest so we see a literal person symbolizing the type and anti-type in Yeshua Hebrews 9:11 says but Messiah has become a high priest of good things to come by a greater and more tak more perfect Tabernacle in heaven not made with human hands so imagine you sure right now in the very throne room of God officiating as our high priest burying our sins upon his shoulders but being recognized as the one who did not stand in so that filthy arraignment all those sins that he carried from this earth to the most holy place he's being taken away and this is what's represented by him receiving new garments Hebrews 6:20 says whether the forerunner is for us entered even yahushua made a high priest forever after the order of melchizedek now yeshua is order after the order of melchizedek not only spiritually but literally and his neck is a higher order of priesthood because it precedes the Levitical priesthood and the Levites were in the loins of Abraham when he was paying a tithe to Melchizedek it's recognizing him as the ultimate priest well do you know that Judah when he went to get a wife for his sons and he went to the most holy place he could find to kind of rectify the problem that he had done in marrying a Canaanite so Judah in marrying a Canaanite could not have the promised offspring that was to rule with a rod of iron so he was hoping that by getting a daughter from the most holy house the house of Melchizedek granddaughter Tamar that his sons could at least produce this offspring but his sons were the offspring of a Canaanite so God saw fit that neither one of them could consummate the marriage with Tamar and tomorrow was sent back to her father's house and later Judah was with her not knowing who it was and had two sons impregnated her and Zahra the one with the scarlet thread which today is represented by the scarlet line and Judah the Perez which is represented by the golden line in heraldry both lines of Judah's offspring had the scepter throughout all of those years there was Kings that arose from them and the ultimate King Yeshua came from the Lion of Perez so we see that he's actually his great great great great great great grandmother was actually the granddaughter of Melchizedek who was Shem and so he literally is of the order of Melchizedek and reigns as the high priest in heaven of that order seen them that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens yahushua the son of God let us hold fast our profession for we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities having come in human flesh the word knows what it's like to be tried and tempted and to be born into hereditary sins of the forefathers and tendencies imagined in his lineage through David and through Rahab I mean he's got prostitution he's got through lot remember the Moabite which Ruth came from was incest David was a murderer we have every different type of sin that we could be tempted with he'll even overcame diet just like Adam failed you know in taking from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in every way we have a high priest who's touched with the feeling of our infirmities but in every point that he was tempted he overcame he never fell into sin in one iota it's not a sin to be tempted it's a sin when you hold on to that temptation and you cherish it in the mind anything that's cherished in the mind will end up giving birth just like any seed when planted ends up giving birth if it gets watered that's what happens when you get tempted you need to rebuke it just like you rebuke Satan the Lord rebuke you hasta ton depart from me otherwise if we hold on to it we're gonna end up giving in to it but Yeshua he was a great example that even though he was tempted he never sinned which means he never acted selfishly in one iota cuz sin is literally self-seeking remember in John first John 3:4 says sin is the transgression of the Torah and the Torah is the transcript of God's selfless love so literally in essence sin is everything that's self seeking and that stems from the self and from the flesh we have the promise that we will be a kingdom of priests when you're sure returns Exodus 19 the original covenant says that God intended for all of Israel to be a kingdom of priests a holy nation these are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel Isaiah 61 6 is but you shall be named the priests of the Lord men shall call you from call you the ministers of our God you shall eat the riches of the Gentiles and in their glory you shall boast so what's their glory and what is boasting if we're not supposed to have any self what kind of boasting is this talking about remember glory means character right if by our being the holy light to the nation's helps them purify their lives and return to Torah and be grafted into the bride Israel then literally we can boast in their characters being perfected in Yeshua that's something good that's selfless we're not boasting because of something in us we're boasting because of the joy of seeing how our light has even helped the nations be purified and be able to draw near to the Lord this is what it means to be a priest and we're to start living that priestly mentality here and now don't waste for the Millennial Kingdom so now in chapter 29 we're gonna see a process of cleansing the high priest now that he's got these garments before he can put these garments on he needs to be cleansed and we're gonna liken this to the Laver before you could enter the holy place there was a labor of water that you would wash with and do you know that the Pharisees the root word of the word Pharisee is perishing now permission comes from the word just like perish I perish perish means to be set apart they were trying to hold on long after the true priestly lineage of the the tzaddik lineage of the priesthood was done away with by the Greeks these were a righteous people who were seeking to hold on to the instructions that God gave the priests even though there was no longer a temple there was no longer a priesthood and so the Peru shame they called themselves the set apart ones and they started practicing all the rituals of the priests and this is why they would wash the hands it's not a bad thing to wash the hands it represented the cleansing that the priests would go through before they entered the temple the only reason you surely buek them in Matthew 13 is that I think it's 15 Matthew 13 or 15 is that they were so focused on the outside projection of cleanliness and purity and holiness while holding on to darkness and selfishness inside so we called them whitewashed tombs because they've cleaned up and continue to look like priests on the outside instead of part people but they're secretly holding on to sins of greediness of sexual immorality of any kind of selfishness that you can think of I'm sure different people were dealing with different things so he was calling them out if you really want to be a proof shame which is not a bad thing it's good to be a Pharisee we want to be a set apart like a priest but the most important thing is to be pure within first then that inward purity will manifest in outward purity purity of thought purity of word purity of deed so we see that this washing of hands originated from these very instructions in cleansing and anointing of the priests and the Laver chapter 29 verse 1 says here's what you are to do to consecrate them for ministry to me in the office of Cohen take one young bull and two Rams without defect also matzo and matzo cakes mixed with olive oil now a bowl always represents a sin offering for a leader a ruler or a nation and matzah is bread cooked without leaven so your atoning for the leaders in this cleansing process and you're representing that these leaders should not have any sin this is why the matzah also represents Yeshua at the time of Passover the feast of unleavened bread mixed with olive oil representing the anointing of the Holy Spirit so this matzah the sinless wafer symbolized spread with the Holy Spirit made with fine wheat flour which we are to be the wheat harvest we're represented by the wheat at chauvel o time put them together in a basket and present them in the basket along with the bull and the two Rams so so much symbolism and everything bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the tent of meeting and washed them with water take the garments this is they would be washed from this Laver that you see here take the garments and then put on the garments on air and after he's been washed along with the tunic and then the robe for the ritual vest so interesting you wash them first which the New Testament says our conscience is cleansed by the blood of the Lamb the consciousness to sin we are cleansed from then what before we have a totally new character what's the very first thing that was put on the priest he's standing there naked he's totally washed right just like our conscience is washed representing no negativity towards your fellow man no Lashon Hara no remembrance of sin in your own life no remembrance of sin and Israel's life you're totally purified and the very first thing that's put on look right here in verse the end of verse 7 is the turban and then verse 5 also take the garments but before you put them on put the to put the put on Aaron the tunic the robe for the ritual vest the vest itself and the breastplate fastened the vest on him with its belt then put the turban on his head and attach the holy ornament to the turban so the very last thing was this mitre that says holy to the Lord put on all of these vests teachers are representing different aspects of character of purity in the character then take the anointing oil and anoint him by pouring it on his head bring his sons put tunics on them wrap sashes around them Aaron and his sons and put the headgear on their heads the office of priest is to be theirs by a permanent regulation thus you will consecrate Aaron and his sons bring the young bull to the front of the meeting Aaron and his son sir to lay their hands on the Bulls head and you're to slaughter the bull in the presence of Adonai at the entrance of the tent of meeting so when it says the office of Cohen is to be a permanent regulation we know that even in the Millennial Kingdom while Yeshua is reigning as the order of Melchizedek as high priest he will have Levitical priest also officiating and doing different aspects of the temples work and to this day you can track who is of the tribe of Levi by their last name like the name Cohen very popular Jewish name this is Cohen stemming from the Hebrew name for priests also levy remember you can tell somebody's a Levite because they might be Levites in their last name or Levi or so there's different ways that you can trace the tribes of Israel and specifically the Levites and but the sons of Aaron would be called Cohen and they will be doing a certain work in the temple during the millennium take some of the Bulls blood and put it on the horns of the altar to purify it pour out all the rest of the blood at the base of the altar take all the fat that covers the inner organs the covering of the liver and the two kidneys with their fat and offer them up in smoke on the altar but the Bulls flesh skin and dung you are too destroyed by fire outside the camp it is a sin-offering take one of the rams aaron and his sons to lay their hands on the Rams head and you are to slaughter the RAM and take its blood and splash it on all sides of the altar now we're gonna see this bull and this Ram offering also in the haftorah in Ezekiel in the haftorah portion quarter the RAM wash the inner organs in the lower parts of the legs and put them with the quarters on the head I mean and the head then offer up the whole RAM in smoke on the altar it is a burnt offering for a tonight a pleasing aroma an offering made to Adonai by fire so the Bulls would represent the corporate nation nation of Israel there's also on Sukkot 70 bulls that are sacrificed over the seven days there are atoning sin offering for the nation's the goat or the RAM would be a type of purification for the leaders and for the people and we see that this blood of this RAM would be placed on these leaders on Aaron on his sons in verse 19 it would be some of the blood would be put on his right earlobe and on his right thumb and on his right big toe the rest of the blood would be splashed on the side of the altar and on its horns then they would take some of the blood that is on the altar and some of the anointing oil and they would sprinkle it on Aaron and his clothing usually sprinkling of blood symbolized the Covenant being ratified and on his sons and on the clothing of his sons with him so that he and his clothing will be consecrated set apart for only holy use and with him his sons and his sons clothing also take the fat from the RAM the fat tail the fat that covers the inner organs the two kidneys the fat covering them and the right thigh for it is a ram of consecration along with a loaf of bread a cake of oiled bread with one wafer from the basket of matzah which is before out an eye and put them all in the hands of Aaron and his son so they would have to be holding these things as Moses is doing this they are to wave them as a wave offering in the presence of a deny then take them back and burn them up in smoke on the altar on top of the burnt offering to be a pleasing aroma before the Lord it is an offering made to Adonai by fire you're to take the breast of the RAM for Aaron's consecration and wave it as a wave offering before Adonai this will be your share consecrate the breasts of the wave offering and the thigh of any contribution that has been waved and raised up whether from the RAM of consecration or from anything else meant for Aaron and his sons these parts of the offering would be given to Aaron and to the priest to eat because remember they're not working out in the fields they're not hunting they are not taking care of flocks they're totally doing the Lord's work and so the people had to take care of them and part of the offering to the Lord would be for their consumption this is to be a perpetual statue this will belong to Aaron and his sons as their share perpetually due to their due from the people of Israel it will be a contribution from the people of Israel for their peace offerings and their contributions to add Adonai the holy garments of out and I will be used by his sons after him they will be anointed now remember who became High Priest when Aaron died Nadav and Avihu ended up dying by bringing strange fire into the temple and so this fell on Eliezer to continue the high priestly ministry so these garments were passed on to him then it says the son who becomes Cohen in his place who comes into the tent of meeting to serve in the holy place is to wear them for seven days this consecration took place over a whole week just like Moshe was up on the top of Mount Sinai for six days before the Lord spoke on the seventh day there's a process a cycle of seven representing purity and perfection of consecration they are to take the RAM of consecration and boil its meat in a holy place Aaron and his sons will eat the Rams meat and the bread in the basket at the entrance to the tent of meeting their to eat the things which atonement was made for them to inaugurate and consecrate them no one else may eat this food because it is holy if any of the meat for the consecration or any of the bread remains until morning burn up what remains it is not to be eaten because it is holy carry out all of these orders I have given you concerning Aaron and his sons you are to spend seven days consecrating them and it's a symbol of man being consecrated being sanctified over the last seven thousand years you know a day is like a thousand years to the Lord and so there's been a process for this earth since sin has entered in in the Garden of Eden of seven symbolic days to the Lord and we're about to enter into the seventh day the Millennial Shabbat in which this work of sanctification will be completed through Yeshua the living toro writing torah upon our hearts in fulfillment of the new covenant described in jeremiah 31 which is that god will write his torah upon our hearts he will give us a new heart and we will be able to live out torah naturally and be consecrated and spend eternity with god for ever after so each day a young bull was to be offered as a sin-offering besides other offerings of atonement they would offer a sin offering on the altar as for their atonement then anointed to consecrate it he said seven days she will make atonement on the altar and consecrate it thus the altar will be especially holy and whatever touches the altar will become holy now this is what you are to offer on the altar to Lambs a year old regularly every day so this is the origins of the morning and the evening sacrifices remember when daniel says unto 2300 evening and mornings because the day begins in the evening then shall the sanctuary be cleansed who had desecrated the temple Antiochus the fourth and so God was revealing through the prophet Daniel how long the temple would remain desecrated and since there's two offerings every day the evening offering of the lamb in the morning offering of the lamb which has since been replaced when the temple was destroyed we replaced those with an offering of Prayer and this is why we have so much liturgy in Judaism but the prayer sins like a fragrant aroma just like the offerings of old but this was a clue to Daniel only with a Hebrew mind could you understand it wasn't 2300 days that the sanctuary would be cleansed it was 2300 evening and morning sacrifices and since there was - a day you would have to divide that in half and you would have eleven hundred and fifty days and that's exactly the number of days from the time that Antiochus desecrated it with setting up altar to Zeus and sacrificed a pig on the altar to the time when the Maccabees could reconsecrate and make holy and cleanse the the altar eleven hundred and fifty days twelve 2,300 evening and morning sacrifices and this is why Daniel would pray in the morning he's in Babylon remember and the temple it's been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and the people noticed that every morning at the time of the morning sacrifice and every evening he would be praying and also David writes in Psalms that at high noon we praises the Lord so daniel incorporated this into his practice the time of the morning sacrifice high noon and the evening and this is why the princes of Persia said we know one thing about this man he prays three times a day faithfully he would be saying the standing prayer so one lamb in the morning the other lamb at dusk with the one lamb offered two quarts of finely ground flour mixed with the one quart of oil from pressed olives along with one quart of wine as a drink offering the other lamb you are to offer at dusk so this these two lambs are representing two different things with the things that are being offered with them the olive oil represents the Lamb of God being full of the ruach ha'qodesh the Holy Spirit and the drink offering the wine is a symbol of the blood that ratifies the covenant and his blood ratified the covenant renewing the original covenant of God with man making us a kingdom of priests once again this was all hinted at in these sacrifices interesting too that you see two different offerings because Yeshua is seen in in his first coming and then he's also seen in his second coming to different comings it's as if two different labs and the Jewish mindset believed that there would be two different messiahs a suffering servant Messiah ben Yosef and King and High Priest mashiac ben de vide and they didn't realize it would be the same person the Word of God the other lamb that you offer at dusk do with it as you do with the morning one with the grain and the drink offerings it will be a pleasing aroma an offering made to Adonai by fire through all your generations this is to be the regular burnt offering at the entrance to the tent of meeting before Adonai this is where I will meet you to speak with you there I will meet with the people of Israel and I will place then the place where I will where you will be consecrated by my glory I will consecrate the tent of meeting and the altar likewise I will consecrate Aaron and his sons to serve me in the office of Cohen then I will live with the people of Israel and be their God and they will know that I Adonai their God and the one who brought them out from the land of Egypt in order to live with them I am out and I their God so his whole and purpose is to live with us to dwell in us and yoshua what's beautiful about all of these things that will be taught once the temple is rebuilt during the thousand year millennial reign during the messianic age is all of these things are to teach us the symbols that we have missed throughout the ages that point to him as the spotless Lamb of God and that revealed God's character and how to be sanctified and consecrated so that God can dwell with us and in us once again that's the whole plan or purpose of the plan of salvation so let's look at this process of cleansing in the symbolism of the labor we see John 14 says yahushua answered and said unto her if you knew the gift of God who's the gift of God Yeshua remember John 3:16 the gift of God if you knew the gift of God and who it is that says to thee give me to drink you would have asked of him and he would have given you living water this is what we want and this is what we're gonna see flow from the temple in the Millennial Kingdom both to the eastern scene to the western sea Ezekiel says John 7:37 says in the last days that great day of the feast the feast of tabernacles which symbolizes Messiah tabernacling with man Yeshua stood and cried saying if anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink so what Yeshua was quoting here was the fulfillment of Isaiah 55 which was pertaining to himself which talks about living waters and we have a song that we teach our children from the young days called mine chyme means fountains of living water and this is looking forward to that Millennial Kingdom the brazen altar represents the altar of sacrifice this is the very first thing that you would see when you come into the outer court and it's just like a person in their spiritual walk the very first thing that really was them to return to God is the sacrifice that you see through Yeshua that selfless love Exodus 12 5 says your lamb should be without blemish and Yeshua was without blemish John 10 11 says he's not only the lamb but he's also the shepherd everything just like he's not only the sacrifice but he's also the high priest making the sacrifice everything symbolizes him he said I'm the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd that gives his life for the Sheep so what does this tell us about our sacrifice of praise and prayer we need to be like him in being willing to lay down our life for the Sheep and who are the Sheep the Lost house of Israel around the world so should we be building things up for ourselves building our Kingdom on this earth or should we be giving all and in our own way dying to self to allow God to use us to reach out because there's still many of the Lost House of Israel who don't know their true identity and they don't know what their divine calling is their purpose and their divine destiny so it's such a joy to be called to this work like yushua was for the Lost house of Israel but it takes sacrifice self-denial dying to self daily the altar of incense is what we look at in the last couple verses chapter 30 we only look at verse 10 and we're gonna see this parallel in our haftorah portion in Ezekiel with we moved from the altar of sacrifice to the altar of incense and then back to the altar of sacrifice chapter 30 says about the altar of incense you are to make an altar on which to burn incense now this instance would arise like a fragrant aroma before the veil and it represents our prayers which are a very big part of the sanctifying process remember the menorah is one aspect which is allowing the spirit to flow through us the table of showbread represents the Torah and the twelve tribes of Israel being grafted into them because there was 12 loaves and the altar of incense is our prayers make of it acacia wood it is to be 18 inches square and 3 feet high its horns are to be have one piece with it overlay it with pure gold it stops and it's sides and its horns and put around the top of it a molding of gold just like it each piece had its own crown make two gold rings for it underneath the molding at the corners on both sides this is where the carrying poles will go make the poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold place it in front of the curtain by the arc for the testimony so the only thing that was separating the Ark of the Covenant and this altar of incense was the veil in front of the arc cover that is over the testimony where I will meet with you Aaron will burn fragrant incense on it as a pleasing aroma every morning he is to burn it when he prepares the lamps so this would be ignited the same time of the morning sacrifice he's going in and trimming the wicks of the menorah putting more oil in and lay more incense on the altar of incense Aaron is to also burn it when he lights the lamps at dusk so morning and evening this is a regular burning of incense before a tonight so what does this tell you about your prayer life this is the origins of why you pray in the morning and why you pray before you go to bed this is a regular burning of instance before out of night throughout all your generations and when the temple was destroyed the Jews replaced the sacrificial system largely in part with prayer and at these timings they would pray and they had very specific prayers that they would pray during these times like the ami da the standing prayer or the shamone Israel the benediction of 18 different points that you know sometimes when we're just praying off-the-cuff or in a hurried manner we forget the dead so different aspects of Prayer and the things that we should be praying for an intra seeding on behalf of the whole house of Israel but this shamone is Rea this benediction of 18 points would remind us of each one of these different things that we needed to pray for for the whole house of Israel and for our sanctification you are not to offer unauthorized incense on it or burnt offering or grain offering and you're not to pour drink offering on it Aaron is to make atonement on its horns once a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonement he is to make atonement for it once a year throughout all your generations it is especially holy to Adonai and this is where our Torah portion closes but I want to look at some of the symbolism and then move into the haftorah because we're going to start covering the prophets section each week and showing how it relates to the Torah portion and so we're going to start this week by showing this correlation between the two James 5:16 says the effectual fervent prayer of just anyone know of a righteous man availeth much so this means if you want power to your prayers start living out the Torah of selfless love and that righteousness will manifest itself in power in your prayer life your iniquities isaiah 59:2 says separate you from God so first John 3:4 says sin is the transgression of the Torah then that means by not knowing what the Torah says by not observing it by not taking care of it you're actually separating yourself from the very source of life which means to say that you are severing yourself from life and entering into the domain of death this is why sin is self-destructive sin kills remember Romans 6:23 the wages of sin is death that's Severine yourself from the source of God your sins your iniquities separates you from God but the gift of God is eternal life through Yeshua your sins hide his face from you so that it seems like he doesn't here so this means if we're engaging in any sin in our lives it's gonna seem like your prayers are not answered like God's not hearing it you're gonna seem so distant and I'm sure all of us have experienced that at different times in our life where we've prayed and we've cried out to God and yet we know there's some issue in our life that we need to deal with and it just doesn't seem like we can in for we can come into that oneness with him until that issue is resolved in the life and either purified or rebuked or ask forgiveness for or rectified made reconciliation with our fellow man all of these things enhance our prayer life and if sin is the iniquity or the transcription of the Torah then returning to Torah is actually going to help our prayer life - they are a Solomon in proverbs 28 verse 9 says whoever turns away his ear from hearing the Torah even his prayer will be an abomination to the Lord this is huge if anybody is telling you that tour is not important they're basically going to make your prayer life your communication with God an abomination so don't listen to these false shepherds who tell you that God's Word is not valid for today our prayers are hindered when we transgress God's Torah first John 5 verse 14 and 15 says and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will and what's his will it's selfless love right so if we ask anything unselfishly for our fellow man for the good of the body he hears us and if we know that he hears us whoever we ask whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petition that we desired of him Romans 8:26 says likewise the spirit also helps our feebleness for we know not what we should pray for and we don't even know how how many times have you felt like that you're praying you know you got all these heavy burdens but you don't even know how to pray it says in those moments the spirit intercedes with groanings deeper than words for us on our behalf the spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings deeper than words praise God for the Spirit who knows our very hearts intent and what we want to pray and how we have will want to pray for our brothers and sisters yet we don't even know how to we're like babes we're still in the mouth it's time to grow up and mature in the word and become sanctified and know how to pray and know how to make our prayers effectual by returning to the Torah and living a righteous life John 3:5 says Yeshua answered verily I say to you except a man be born of the water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God this is symbolic of the cleansing that we all need to go through we need to be a pure kingdom of priests Paul says in Hebrews 10:22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts cleansed of the evil conscience this is what it represented by Moses cleansing Aaron and the priest cleansing even the memory of sin you know why sin comes back into the life because we remember it we remember the taste of it we remember the smell of it remember how it feels and God wants us to be cleansed of not only the memory of sin but even the guilt and self condemnation that comes along with it sometimes we beat ourselves up so badly that where's our focus when we're beating ourselves up or relating somebody else beat us up and point the finger our focus falls off of God we look at ourselves and we say I hate that about myself I want to change it but if you're looking at yourself remember the principle by beholding you become changed from the same likeness you only become more like that ugly self that you hate so much so guilt is followed by self condemnation and self condemnation followed by self-loathing and is that sanctifying no only by getting outside of yourself and looking at the father the author and finisher of our faith and keeping your eyes on him then by beholding his beautiful nature of selfless love you become changed into that perfect nature and you look back at yourself and you say whoa when did that change when did that go by the wayside because you were perfected naturally by keeping your eyes on him this is what it means to have your conscience cleansed you forget give even the old self you forget of the old habits you forget of the old struggles and you're washed with the pure living water of Yeshua who reflected God's selfless love in the ultimate nature and laying down his life showing total self-denial Ephesians 5:25 and 27 says for Messiah loves the Assembly of believers and he gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it he didn't die so that you can keep on sinning he died so that you can be sanctified and made holy and be an overcomer even as he's an overcomer to cleanse you with the washing of water by what the water only represents the Word of God we're cleansed that's why he said father sanctify them in the truth thy Word is truth in John 17:17 but he might present us the body of Mosiah to himself as a glorious assembly not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing this is why the bride is to be without spot or blemish but that it should be holy and without blemish this is beautiful so in this entrance these are the very first things that you see even before you can enter the work of sanctification in the life which the holy place represents you first have to see that selfless love exemplified in schewe sacrifice and that was you to desire to be cleansed and your conscious cleanse then you enter into washing of the word represented by the table of showbread which starts to sanctify you and the flowing through of the Holy Spirit which shines as a light from you to others and the prayers which is constant communication with God we're not supposed to just pray in the morning in the evening but what is first Thessalonians 5 say pray without ceasing yes amen so our spiritual walk through the sanctuary is all focused on getting back to the Father and being one with him and this represents the whole plan of salvation which in the outer core reveals our need for dying to self and submitting to God confessing and repentance at the entrance remember you'd have to confess your sins over the Lamb that was the offering sacrifice justification by faith at the altar and the Laver cleansing purification at the Laver and this is where unfortunately most stopped in their spiritual walk they don't want to go through the struggles of sanctifying their life being set apart for holy-holy use so most of the church stops right here but God has revealed that if we're going to get back to his image we have to go through this sanctifying process sanctification in the holy place sets us apart as a pure and holy bride through purity we shine the light of Torah to the nation's represented by the menorah and we live a life in harmony with pora unleavened by sin represented by the unleavened bread and our righteous life is mixed with prayer like a fragrant aroma to the Lord represented by the altar of incense and then we can go through the veil into the most holy place through Yeshua who is the veil who is lifted we have access to God he's the one that lifts our ignorance the veil of ignorance we're to be holy as firstfruits of priests like Aaron and his sons keeping God's commandments which are represented housed in the Ark of the Covenant and feeding on the spiritual manna which you sua says I was that spiritual manna your forefathers ate in the wilderness the ultimate revelation so with that let's dance and we'll close in prayer Abba Father we just thank you for revealing to us your amazing plan to not only sanctify us you have saved us you've sanctified us but you desire to purify us and perfect us so that we can have a most holy place experience with you we desire to be one with you again father and we desire to be recreated in your image so we pray that your rock Kadesh would sanctify us in your truth through your word your Torah and your Living Word Yeshua and we praise your holy name and we look forward to the day that you you will return as a bridegroom for the bride and may we be that bride grafted into Israel without spot or blemish we love you Father we look forward to that day and we just pray that we would be a living sacrifice holy and acceptable in your sight and everything that we think and everything that we say and everything that we do this is the desire of our heart father to return to you in your holy name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 17,993
Rating: 4.8952379 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Parsha, Parashah, Parashah Tetzaveh, Tetzaveh, Tabernacle, High Priest, Menorah Oil, Olive Oil, Menorah, Lamp, Priestly Garments, Laver, cleansing, alter of incense, Holy Place, Moses, Exodus, Called Out Believers, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Torah study, Pastor Isaac, Rabbi Yitzchak, Learn Truth, Torah Truth, The Living Torah, Yeshua, Yahoshua, Yahushua
Id: uOpQJUpVqSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 15sec (5775 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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