The Hidden Beauty of the Holy Name of God - YHVH

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[Music] you [Music] I thought it's been a little time talking about the holy name of God because there's so many scriptures not only in the Torah but also through the prophets that tell us we are to know God's name it's not like we have been told that God's name is too holy to utter or that we should not know it God actually prophesized that as his children and as his bride we are to know it do you know in Isaiah 52 verse 6 it says therefore my people shall know my name so this is a mitzvah this is a commandment we should and shall know and if you're truly his children you will know his name she'll know that in that day I am he says the Lord here am i there was a time where I was praying the ironic blessing over my children and it hit me because Numbers chapter 6 verses 24 through 26 gives the priestly blessing on how to bless the children of Israel but verse 27 says in so placing my name upon them I will bless them so the blessing is inherent in actually pronouncing the name not substituting it with a deny or Hashem just like in the Shema a lot of times when we say shema yisrael adonai eloheynu because we're saying it so frequently it says to say it in the morning and the night and then when you're coming and when you're going and so that's why we substitute that so it doesn't become common language it's so holy but we are to know his name and we're to bless our children with that name so I thought father can you reveal to me how to say you're named so that I can place it rightfully upon my children and immediately it was like this flood of information this download he basically in a capsule said say it just the way it was originally given in the Torah to Moses at Sinai and I said how was that he says go back to the scrolls and look and you know even after the Masoretic text added vowels they never added vowels to the ode hey Bob hey the original Hebrew language was all consonants it had no vowel markings you would know what the vowels are to pronounce them but she you didn't have it written in and the yo'd and the hay and the valve and the hay have certain consonant sounds yeah if you don't tor tells us not to add to or subtract from his word and what we've been doing is adding vowels to his holy name and it's been done with a purpose because the jews have not wanted other people to know how to pronounce his name and thereby defile it and so they have added other vowels so I'll share with you a little bit about the Holy Name of God what was revealed to me here's that verse in numbers 627 in the Hebrew Vishal mu Eid shimmy alban a israel Vani of our calm and name my name upon the children so we're supposed to name the name upon the children of Israel and I will bless them so the blessing is a byproduct of naming the name thus we should know how to pronounce his name right isaiah 42:8 says I am Yoda Ava hey that is my name and we know that the Hebrew consonants are Yoda hey love and hey and that the name used to be pronounced properly but the vowels have been unknown since the speaking of the name was forbidden by Rome in 136 AD in an attempt to remove the new Jewish converts believers in Yeshua from the Torah they've forbid the the teaching of Torah on Shabbat they forbid the keeping of Shabbat holy they forbid the use of the holy name this was the Romans eroding our people from the most valuable things in that had been entrusted to them so from 160 31 from 136 ad until the Masoretic text put in bowels in the Torah there was absolutely no use of the Holy Name and no knowledge of how to pronounce it throughout even up to the Dark Ages and even when they did finally put vowels in the only thing that the scribes would do is put a little Shiva underneath the note here's a in large portion of what it looks like in the Masoretic text after these little Val points have been put in you've got the yo'd with a shiva which is not a foul underneath it and the Valle has a Kamat switch is an ah sound so what it's doing is its leaving out the vowel underneath the hay so that you will never know what this one value might get this vowel right in this Val right the Yoda is pronounced yeah and with a Shiva underneath it that's exactly how it sounds just like yeah the shortened name that we see in Psalms where he refers to himself david refers to God as yah and bah we know what the comet's it's an awesome and the final hey is silent just like in Sarah Rebecca it just has that all sound you really don't hear a heavy aspirated age what is missing what we need to find out is this missing vowel underneath this hey what it is not sometimes in finding what something is or doing research you have to first erode what is it what the possibilities that it cannot be and in ancient Hebrew there was no J sound and there was no W sound so this was only after our people in the Diaspora traveled up to Germany and France that they started replacing eyes with Jays with this etymology of words Jehovah which they used to put the O of out an i under here to make sure that you didn't say the Holy Name properly then they went from Jehovah with the wrong vowel to Jehovah changing the y2j so we know it's not Jehovah and the vol was always a V sound so it's not the W so it's not like a way we oftentimes hear or Jehovah or yes so the Romans first forbid the use of the name of God in the Hebrew tongue then as Israel continued their diasporic traveled to other lands they adopted like in Germany it's called Yiddish it's like a mixture of German and Hebrew started adopting other letters from other cultures alphabets and that's where the Jay came in was actually in Germany he's not an 136 but it was more organized around 300 under Constantine and that's when they kind of mix so much paganism with the first they had to erode from the things that were being preserved through the weekly Torah portions and the study of Torah so there's a slow erosion from truth during those early centuries so here in our tour portion we see the first introduction to this name even though this name is used in the context of the creation account remember Genesis 1 only refers to God is Elohim God created the heavens and the earth and the second chapter more intimate after he creates man the Yohei pavé is an intimate name for relationship so this is another clue that the first time the yo-dee-hey Vevey is seen in Torah is actually in Genesis 2 in relationship to Adam and Eve and Shabbat and so here is this a a yeah a share a yeah what's amazing is the yo hey valve hey when you look at the etymology of the word they say that it comes from this and you can even find that in the Strong's the Hebrew 1961 is this a high Yad now before the vowels Aiea probably would have been pronounced ah ha ha see the olive the hey the Yoda and hey and a hi-yah if you you can even find this in the Strong's comes from the royal hava and Ahava hebrew 1933 meaning to breathe so just like God breathed into a Dom the the breath of life he would have been referred to in the root as hava which is very interesting because we're talking about finding that missing vowel point in the context of the yo'd and the hay which we know is pronounced yah but then the hay to the vog how do you pronounce that and here the very root is hava he said thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel yeah I share yah has sent me to you and Elohim said moreover you shall say to the children of Israel yeah hava yo Dave up alo he of your father's elegy of opera ham hello here via get sack and okay Yakov has sent me to you this is my name forever and this is my memorial unto all generations so the yo devolve hay is his eternal name where ello he is his title so we know that the root for yahuveh comes from yah and we even see this in Psalm 68 verse 5 David refers to Ahava as yeah but also notes that the word a yah comes from the wood hava so I'm gonna give you a couple examples of the wrong valves that they have placed in to make sure that the people never mispronounced just like we say a denies the substitute and Hashem means the name the vowels of Adonai which mean master where we get the word Lord from in the English were the first vowels that they put in the yo hey Bob hey to substitute so you have the Yoda hey the valve and the hey but the valence of out of my are ah oh ah and this is where ye Hova first came into existence see they put the a oh and the a of out an i in the yo hey Bob hey then to further confuse the matter the title ello he they thought we will put the vowels of ello he in the yo hey Bob hey for certain usages so when they did that that vowel is the F and the O and the e sound of ello he and so this is where you hear sometimes people pronounce the holy name yeah V or yeah Ave and in order to prevent repetition of the same sound since elsewhere they were pronouncing the yo devolve hey with the vowels of a tonight they didn't want that to catch on and to be even used too much so they've got two different variations where they're put but both of them are to avoid the correct pronunciation because they think that the name is too holy so here's two different examples yeah Java comes from that which later becomes Jehovah and yeah Ave so how does the Yoda evolve hey sound without any vowels if you were looking at the ancient scroll and you just said the consonant sound without any vowels which is beautiful because God tells us to not add to it or subtract from it so how much more His Holy Name if you just said the vowels you would say yeah ha and it's just like breath coming off even that root of hava which Jehovah comes from you have multiple words that come out of that because of his father you hear often that and hava means self-existent the the breath self-existent breath of life and Ahava in the hebrew is love so literally when you say it that way it comes off your tongue like breath and you are hearing in the Hebrew tongue self-existent father of love so we know that a name reflects a character like in our Torah portion this is why whenever somebody's character changed they would usually be given a new name Yeshua who we talked about humbling himself to the lowest position is given a name above all names because he's completely revealing the selfless love of yah in his sacrifice there's some interesting clues that come out not only in the Old Testament but in the New Testament as well yeshua would have known the name of the father if anybody knew it and he would have shared it with his disciples his town idiom right and there's actually a verse in john that says I have shared with you the father's name I have made known to them he's praying to the father thy name and I will make it known that the love now here's the key indicator so what he's telling the father I've made your name known to my disciples and John is one of his disciples and Yeshua says the reason I've made your name knowing is so that the love which you have loved me with can be in them so his name his holy name has a direct correlation with love Ahava this is the clue to pronouncing it correctly the word for love as we said in Hebrew is a hava John his disciple in first John 4:8 is using a Hebrew idiom when he says God is love and the original hebrew would have been jehovah Ahava Ahava is a hava it's a play on the words he's revealing what you sure has taught him about the Holy Name of God and how it reveals the Father's love in that name here it is in the Hebrew olive hey this hey and it's a homonym again Ahava it sounds like even though this V in the euro Dave Ave is a Bob it has the same sound Ahava you hava is a hava meaning affection selfless love so if you even take the vowels of a hava and you do see obviously our people have known that it's the vowels of a certain word that we are intermixed with the yo da valve a that are going to give it correct but these vowels have to be like that which is not adding to it or subtracting from it so it also has to sound like when you just say the constants by themselves yo-dee-hey Vavi ya hava whatever the creek vowels are which are the vowels of love when you intermix them it's gonna sound just like it does with the consonants alone yeah ha ha you hear that ah sound but it's not really a vowel at all but it's in that when you say yeah hava you hear Ahava you hear ah father you hear hava self-existent one the original breath of life it's all connotated in this holy name that god is revealing to moses it's like the original name of God I am coming from the RET hava Ahava is heard in the holy name as well when not adding anything to it and it also hints at the invisible olive of Genesis 1:1 representing Elohim the father of all so all if alludes to the mystery of the oneness of God so here's some of the words that jump out at you when you say it that way without adding anything to it yah which is means to exist or to be off father hava breath of life and Ahava love or intimate affection all of these come out of the sound when you say yeah now I encourage you not to use it in everyday language don't make it common still use it but when you're blessing your children we're commanded to place that name upon the children of Israel and there's certain other times where we're commanded to use the name so i only share this with you because you're sincere truth seekers and this is a powerful name that we can use in our prayer life and in blessing our children for Israel in the Torah God clearly told his children what to call him Moses heard it from Ahava himself what to call him and Moses conveyed it to the people when writing the Torah there was no vowels written so Moses conveyed the proper pronunciation in Clues hidden in a Hebrew idiom in the most important command even in the Shema Moses hid this so we say shema yisrael Jehovah Allah he knew you have a hot butt we substitute that without an eye a lot of times because we're saying it so often right then it goes on to the very heart ah that's where we say and you shall love the Lord your God but in Hebrew words they are hosta and il Oaxaca he's saying Ahava Jehovah we have the other night Aloha backhaul that means with all lavaca your heart move a coal and with all your breath no fish huh big hole which means and with all mayo deck huh that's a Hebrew word that doesn't have any English comparison we say strength but it means everything you got you know like with all your might and with everything that's in your being we're gonna love him so here he Moses hid love and the Holy Name side-by-side and we see another glimpse of this in Isaiah 56 6 the very prophecy that talks about those who want to be grafted in to Israel will grab themselves in to the love the holy name it says also the sons of the stranger that join themselves and intertwine themselves with Lev heart just like the Shema says to Jehovah to serve Him and to hahvah Jehovah the name of you Hama so here it's a prophecy that whether or not you can trace your lineage as a descendant of Israel if you want to be a part of the bride if you want to be grafted into Israel you should know the Holy Name and you will hover the name you hava you will love the name of the Lord to be his servants every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it now it brings in the Sabbath as the sign which is like the diamond on the betrothal ring for those who love the Lord everyone who keeps the Sabbath from polluting it and taketh hold of my covenant will hava the name you hava says that any one of the foreigners who is intertwined or basically crafts themselves in to you hava and taketh hold of his covenant with Israel should Ahava love the name you hava so we went to a hava the name you hava here at the Assembly of called out believers and we believe that this reveals not only the one true God but his character of selfless love hidden in his name since we're talking about names in the context of names so let's look back at what the Torah and the prophets have taught us about his name before we go on in the Torah portion one in Isaiah 52 and 42 we see that God's people shall know his true name and there's prophecies that talk about in the last days how this name would be re revealed Yeshua has made known the father's name to those who love him John 17 and that has something to do with the Father's love in us Jehovah is a Hava John said in first John 4:8 making a play off of what Yeshua had told him in a Hebrew idiom and we are to a hava the name you hava whether or not you can trace your lineage whether you're part of Judah or the Lost house to Israel or you want to graft yourself into Israel you will love the name Jehovah and you Havas name is to be placed upon our children according to numbers 622 and 27 and six the foreigners who intertwined themselves and graphed themselves into Israel and into you have will take hold of his covenant and will love the name you have according to Isaiah 56 six so this is just a beautiful gift that the father has given us with new understanding as there's so much we know around the world not only division but conflict over the name and how to pronounce and I never tell people that you should pronounce it a certain way I'm just revealing what he's revealed to me and I don't want to put any pressure on anybody what however they're convicted but this is something beautiful that in my prayer to how to bless the children all of this kind of came in an email load you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 262,429
Rating: 4.8692846 out of 5
Keywords: Tetragramaton, the Holy Name, the Holy Name Of God, yod hey vav hey, YHVH, YHWH
Id: dbb45zmkli4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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