28 Years Abandoned!! We bought a storage unit that has accumulated over $20,000 in rent!!

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welcome back to taking a risk George George is rocking his new merch if you want to buy a hoodie or a t-shirt baby baby baby clothes the link in the description it's gonna be in every video from now on I'll post post the link and just about every video so we're here where we at we're at a storage facility in Akron Ohio I made the trip out here just to come watch Jeremy bid on this unit that's been locked up for how long 1t 8 years I'm 29 that's just as old as you just about so watch us go through it so stay tuned I'm here with the what the Hales cast she's my hired female actor and she plays the character of my significant other the one who records the one who bathes sometimes and the one that does super fist pumps and we just kind of look alike that's why I'm George George I hired him too but he always dress that's been stored for 28 years you guys ready to see what I ate how much did you get it for $25 and you were bidding against rob of second-century second my friends know he's supposed to be my friend but we're gonna change all that because we need friends friends are more important than money look at that we're gonna go through this and show you all the cool stuff fellas what are we doing now alright so we're gonna go through the boxes and what's going on is between me and Jeremy we're having a competition see who can find the best items per box and so far he's already opened one and I think the odds are good that I'm gonna win this first round so you guys have probably already checked it out but if you haven't go over to his channel what the hell's and watch that video to see who wins this first round you guys be the judge here we go we're gonna pick my first box I'm like [Music] it's not dark in there I put a flashlight oh well that's not fun our handy-dandy flashlight Oh something changes rattling around in there plastic wooden box that's a sterling silver set if that's a it's a nice sign embassy silver plate nice silver plated not full silver still impresses finally I can upgrade from plastics stuff all right George George what's your next gig gonna be I'm not gonna go with the mini blinds even though germy yeah that would be a dead giveaway because you're not really ready oh man there's about 15 pounds of fluff in here yes the first original Apple watch for my TV dinners I have a way to separate them for the people that don't like their food touching oh did you guys know that my brother George George went to culinary school so if you need any recipes he's your man yes and Google is my man that is beautiful copper [Applause] so how do they tell if it's crystal we're supposed to ask it excuse me are you trying to listen to it response did it give you that cling ding I know I don't know that's maybe try it without the gloves oh right here me what's the trick to finding out if it's crystal or not you gotta flick it and get that clean ding that day you never cleaned it and wait for the ding you never want to I want you to cling hey hey are you crystal oh and I love coffee mugs here we go nice thick Christmas coffee mug right on time boss man Jackie from double e I don't know it was gonna be easy to be I didn't know there's gonna be a boss man not an etch glass but it is still fact I have no idea exactly why milk would look amazing that what's the problem well he found his boss man Jackie mug ooh who the hell's knew that was gonna be in the how do you beat boss man Jackie that is how you lose I think what a year's make sure that George fashioned a kunai is finding two knives we could have used that yesterday this is one big little butter dish are you crystal oh there it goes there's that dang did you guys hear that side what do you think Jeremy with pudding then it's not my units or anything I might be mine you're not gonna get to see that until you watch the video Jeremy are you crystal yeah see you guys hear the difference no that definitely didn't give that gold plated 24 carats are you crystal definitely not are you sure are you crystal from the what do you call this the stem yeah call that the base the base okay are you crystal no I don't know no I don't think so definitely have you didn't have the same went over to the yeah baby yeah your brother's name look there it is this is deafening sense okay listen carefully guys are you crystal I don't hear you're missing it I'm not looking see now that sounds like my day yeah that's the ding you want to hear I like to look at the dates there's the lights cut out we may have just lost power in the building there is a thunderstorm it is raining out Jeremy's gonna go turn it's a timed lighter since it's indoor we are trapped in here we need your assistance please find Justin Grimes and ask him to help us he knows how to survive I don't know round two is it possible that you guys Christo may put you in the lead I think it may have I mean and this this big little mug alone the boss man hmm yeah all right round one definitely went to me just kidding round three here we go are you gonna do a bag or a box this time I'm actually gonna do a bag okay I gotta let Jeremy one-one are you getting tired of winning it's tough being on the top all right here we go you guys ready three two I'm thinking towels Oh a new blanket actually probably launched has tons of these so he has a ton more now those all look like the hospital blanket oh yeah they probably do you think those are stolen or Dead's no they're fresh you know what these have been in here for 28 years and they have not changed the fabric that they use they're still just as aichi and scratchy as ever back at it again all right so at home I'm actually really short on paper towels so we're gonna go with the paper towels box bounces all right hopefully this downy will take me up because I need to be at the top Jeremy's coming real close with his boxes and bags whoa whoa air fresheners no little lanterns and lamps oh yeah it's got a spotlight and a little work well there's probably no better than a really light battery I've got the red the black or purple sorry it's kind of dark in here does that why would you bring that up right now if you guys are interested hit me up I'm got the colors I want the purple I want to be able to see purple - about to be you're missing out purple Jerry's colorblind oh here we go yeah for our friends giving I saw first colored glass this is a depression what color does that look like to you Jeremy [Music] are you a brain yeah yeah yeah brain it looks like my leg in about nothing never been used before still fresh maybe somebody put up boots in English that was an Arabic English we've got a baby dude this show's over there decagon with a face behind it [Laughter] [Applause] still in competition Oh are there any markings on the back are you crystal definitely not hey there's peanuts in the Middle's of the flowers I've never seen a frisbee with peanuts no there's no markings on the back made in Sparta hit me up we're gonna put that juice in this yeah your sister's got a huge crack and I didn't set her aside that's just the way we were made yeah yeah I'm definitely taking round three or another picture for some Halloween's white cheese and I mean in vintage newspaper alone if this newspaper is not from 91 yeah what's the date on it this one after I show you this awesome cookie dish March 8th 2022 no 1992 so I was just shy of turning 2 years old when these and this was put in here and this has not been seen for Italy 27 years but look of excitement on your face would you just find buried underneath all the trash that jeremy has been showing you on his channel is one of the nicest box a nice purple toy Jeremy can't see purple that's why I shot it you keep rubbing it in I just found that out so I'm gonna run with it even though I'm not allowed to run in case you guys are watching what is in the toy box more more crystal and we're gonna sit here and ask every single one of these Oh or not are you crystal that's more than enough for me they're all crystal oh I've got some thongs it's almost Hanukkah if you celebrate only the first three days of Hanukkah hit me up I've got this for you nice actually we like these I like that you can't see what you're drinking you could tell people you're losing no o-silk placemats oh these are nice this but feels like something's touching my beard I don't think the viewers have ever seen you with the beard it's coming in because I'm I'm not at work Oh goober Movember for Movember tomorrow nice artwork prostate cancer awareness if you celebrate only the first or last day of Hanukkah or any day in between the single candelabra is for you for you are you crystal quick to respond are you crystal oh yeah I think I heard it just so your concept to me I recently found out crystal actually meant and it's not just a drug oh well it might be in the stand yep there you go oh that's pretty oh that's super pretty tree it's yeah it looks like a bunch of leaves that is super cool do you think that's real silver Grey Goose yeah made in China Jana that one are you crystal that's definitely Christmas I don't know did you not had like a dull and headed all day but this is once again yellow stained glass we all know where that comes from Jeffrey don't forget Jeffrey the butler has been cleaning it out good point I'm a huge fan of flowers and this has a beautiful flower gold lace trim are you crystal see that's the Dingman I do my thing yeah oh you put your milk in this one and your milk in that one this is a big box once again blue colored glass ball it's an ideal blue ball which yeah we've sent some of those grams fines you find something good I did it's an original Walkman so what you have to do back in the day because things were bigger back then you have to hook this on your hip and you'd have to stay near a wall outlet but you just plug it in your big ol headphones and go in here and you could walk and just jam out you go you got a circumference with about six feet just walk around did you find another piece yeah this is the second piece of that old Walkman and this is the actual Rotel stereo receiver Rx 503 not similar to what if there's a gene on the bottom 77 1977 on these these can go for hundreds of thousands of pennies if you know who your seller is which is usually the Hales it's who your buyer is what your one do you agree I absolutely 100% have no clue what you guys are talking about nothing I don't know I was dazed confused for the grand finale were both going to open the remaining boxes and George George still has that trunk but I've got something that's got a important word on it find out who's the biggest show-off gold all right so I'm an old one he's gonna open one I'm gonna open one he's gonna open one and you're gonna see this clip on both channels you just who the Wiener is alright here we go the solid-gold sound yeah oh really good condition yeah he's got the double dip the girl is mine can you use it why is there a date on it yes the date is we you and me somewhere far far away during our friends giving and people are gonna try and guess where this technology is beyond why you're figuring out your technology else you wow this is awesome why don't people still use that alright here we go better than duct tape Rotel we found some more retail stuff here that's what is this where this is where the money is in this unit this is the component system modular so we have the right one so we spent $425 on this unit if we have the right system here which we're going to look on eBay we easily got our money back I've got the ball let's see the date on the bottom come on in for the real thing we got a serial number somebody's looking enough right now you don't see a date but that's a beautiful gold thanks baby you're going to see a date you me 50 years all right here we go we're opening this one this one had done a whole little technology spinners tubes and let's see this could be big big money this could be the box yeah roll out we got the entire system there it is look at that look this razor blade away from me it's from direct-drive turntable RP 3000 oh wow it's gorgeous it's gorgeous look at this look at this sweetheart look at we got extra pieces just making it up as I go and I think this is movie gold oh no no it's not it's it's something else but that's besides the point I'm still gonna win [Laughter] some people think November 3rd 1985 3 years old today that George was not proposed to by Jeremy all right George's let's keep moving on I've been waiting for probably saw in the corner of every single shot so here we go we're all gonna find out what's finally in this 3-2 final p.m. oh god I can't get to it baby baby baby we got a sin selected to receive the enclosed free copy of dr. Seuss with four more always the foot book put all your foot lovers out there you love spell on my feet sweetheart very cool oh wow Washington's quarter state collection from 1999 to 2003 you think there's a quarters in there oh we got more there's always a third page I just had a good idea let's go off to dinner after this and let's leave this as the tip well just leave a quarter collection visit the tip what do you guys think well I mean the hundred and twenty five cents five tip that's not bad not bad that's not bad that's very misleading yeah it's gonna be McDonald's oh absolutely that's a good tip at McDonald's people Ninja Turtles oh very cool oh that's me when I don't think I've ever seen one like that for Ohio Alabama LT means let me guess the boonies that's pretty green one greens my favorite color I'm brand new one from 2003 just throw that one drop might as well oh you know what I think that's actually the initials of the owner hey LD got a nice screwdriver something brightly lit oh nice a nice halogen bulb more time we've got some you've ex industrial-strength protective eyewear you see the caution tape in the corner oh wow yeah that is why we don't have this if he wasn't a police officer you know what I really want to know is why your parents didn't wrap your sister with this she should be walking around with this they ran out after our first brother oh okay oh man weird-looking toothbrush some dentist tools maybe maybe maybe you drive me wild [Laughter] maybe maybe maybe baby you light up my world baby very very you bug the snot out of me baby baby baby your love is shocking we got some diamond grip gloves Wow these are nice I don't think there's any diamonds in it let's I'm allergic to latex oh yeah me too these are ambidextrous clothes that's always nice my hands break out into hives did you know that powder freely Texas working in health care that's how I discovered that we're gonna be using those exam gloves later here's a jump rope that belongs in this box for obvious reasons boom jean-claude is the nickel guy out of order I think it's teeth Oh lot of plated silver oh wow it's a power drill the Black and Decker yeah big deal let us know who won down in the comments what our names what the Hales or you know taking a risk also are you sure story's real anger risk as in risk Oh play on see we came stamped with a risk symbol and people just decide to ignore it
Channel: Taking A Rizk
Views: 11,357
Rating: 4.8773947 out of 5
Keywords: Storage unit, storage wars, Mystery box, treasure hunting, Disney, funny, comedy, money, how to make money, hustle, side hustle, art, collection, collectables, what the Hales, Jeremy and George, vintage, historical, family friendly
Id: HEmizuuwCNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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