Treasure Island! Petoskey Stone Hunting! Kelley's Island Trip! ASMR

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welcome back to taking a risk with george george this is day four of my camping adventure and it's the day that we leave so it's a super sad day but we decided to come back to the beach to listen to these beautiful waves one more time and while just walking the beach i found something so incredible it blew jeremy away stay tuned alright so i'm back on the beach looking around and i have a blessing in the skies happening right now so as you guys know one of the best ways to find the potassium stones is in the water because it lights it up and it makes all the little uh plastics actually shine so the ones on the beach are so much harder to find but what's actually going on right now is it started lightly raining so it is gently lighting up just about every single stone on this island so i'm hoping to find a bunch more before i head out and it would be so incredible to find just a handful more absolutely incredible this is definitely one of my new favorite hobbies but not only that you can't beat that right there looking for these wonderful precious stones with the waves in the background it's just so soothing and calming and this is definitely something i'd like to get out and do again alright so unfortunately the rain stopped and the sun came out i know it's so weird to say unfortunate for that but the beach is now dry so it's a little harder to find the uh nasty stones within the dry rocks but what i did find are two really cool rocks and i want to show them to you guys so i found this first one and this is fossilized that's a barnacle and i believe that's a muscle just look how well preserved those are those holes are so deep the camera doesn't really show it but look at all these grooves and holes there's another barnacle just frozen in time in this beautiful rock and then the other one that i found which i thought was super cool is this little ball the weathering that happened to this just turned it into almost a perfect little round stone and it's just absolutely cool what a cool find oh you guys are wondering what happened to my palm there we were doing a small hike and i slipped and that's how i caught myself so george of the jungle isn't always on his feet all right so i was actually headed off of the island i was going to end my trip which made me super sad but we drove by this little beach and i decided you know what i'm gonna stop and look one more time so here we go here's some more potassium stones i just can't leave this island i love it so much and i haven't taken a real vacation in such a long time that this is just such a wonderful blessing this was so calming on my mind and my soul that i just i don't feel like leaving and looking for these stones with the waves in the background i've already said it before it's just and the sun is now beating down and it is absolutely it's majestic it's so perfect it makes me feel so good and i could totally understand why people can just sit on the beach for hours and just listen to these waves or actually people that just fall asleep to the sound of waves it is it really is calming and soothing and watching these ships go by this is this is definitely heaven on earth and this totally reminds me of living on hawaii and i don't remember it being this calm and it's probably because i was a younger man i was always doing something getting around getting in and out of the water looking for shells i wasn't really paying attention too much to my surroundings i was surfing a little bit but now that i'm getting older i think this is this is what my soul needed so let's see what else i can find if i was a kid on a kayak i'd probably do the exact same thing absolutely wonderful it's nice to see boys being boys in this day and age especially with everything going on so i was walking to find a garbage can to throw away some trash that i picked up off the beach and i found this beautiful little like little camp area right off of the uh pier here i'll show you guys so that's where they keep all the boats and this little campsite area look at how they have it decorated this would be gorgeous in the evening time when all these are lit up you got a bunch of swallows right there cool you've got two egg yards of coconut and you're banging them together so we have rhythm since the snows of winter cover this land through the kingdom of i thought you get the coconuts we found them found them in mercy the coconuts tropical what do you mean well this is a temperate zone the swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plumber may see warmer climbs in winter yet these are not strangers to our land are you suggesting coconuts migrate not at all they could be carried well a swallow carrying a coconut it could grip it by the husk it's not a question of where he grips it it's a simple question of weight ratios a five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut well it doesn't matter will you go and tell your master that arthur from the court of camelot is here listen in order to maintain air speed velocity a swallow needs to beat its wings 43 times every second right please am i right i'm not interested it could be carried by an african swire oh yeah an african sword i may be but not a european sword that's my point oh yeah i agree with that will you ask your master if he wants to join my court at camelot but then of course sir african flares are not my greater oh yeah so they couldn't bring a turn anyway wait a minute supposing two swallows carried it together so another one of my passions is watching birds i don't do it as much as i used to very cool look at this cute little area i love it and i've actually found i found quite a few stones i'm actually going to park it right here and show you guys what i found all right so here is the loot for today this is limestone on this side but this other side you could definitely see is the pataski and all i have to do is sand this down grind this side to get rid of all this limestone and then sand this side down too and this will be a wonderful find it's a palm size piece should be able to sell it for 50 to 75 depending on how well i can make it look and that's going to be another fun episode that i'm going to film i'm actually going to film myself grinding these look how beautiful and defined these ones are once again i just gotta sand it a little bit maybe grind a part of it down and this thing will shine and then i also found other things as well not just potassius i like to pick up anything that looks pretty to me and because of my 80d just about everything looks pretty to me so once again i'm just going to shine all these up and see what i can make them look like and oh this is this is a really cool find i'm not sure if it's sea glass or if it's actually some type of quartz but once again i'd like like to see what this looks like all shined up and pretty and this this was a cool find this to me looks like a piece of pearl it could just be the inside of a shell but with how perfectly shaped it is it could be a piece of pearl and then this one this one was really cool so you can see the tops of the columns you can see straight down as soon as that focuses you can see into the columns for this one this one's gonna look really pretty looks like a nice little honeycomb just cool and then i also did find more sea glass or at least a real piece of sea glass which i can shine up and make look really nice and this this was a cool find this is just one hole in my opinion it's a scallop but we'll see once i get it all buffed out what it really looks like there's some more potassium on the edge i just got to get rid of this little piece of limestone that's there very nice same with this one just more things to buff out and make them look really pretty start my display of kelly's island rocks george really likes these ones so i think i'm gonna buff this one out for her this is a really cool looking shell fossilized shell oh look at those this one this is just a really cool you can see all the different stone layers in this one millions of years of stone layers that i'm going to polish and buff out and i'm going to make this one look really pretty too so all in all for walking around for about an hour not a bad find definitely not a bad job i'd take this any day over a nine to five so while i was just walking around scanning for petoskey stones while jeremy films i hit the mother lode look at the size of this bad boy there's reference gigantic and not only that oh man it goes all the way through look at those beautiful fossils and it almost looks like a nautilus that's what we thought at first but it's definitely all 100 petoskey and i can't wait to buff this up and make it look beautiful that's gonna be the prettiest all right we're finally off the island and we couldn't think of a more perfect way to end our trip than to get some roadside ice cream brown's dairy dock all over their faces here jeremy got the kid's size take your ice cream put your ice cream in here like that okay take your napkins off what a perfect way to end this trip all right so i'm back here in columbus and my trip is officially over i've got my hall in the back of the car i'm gonna show you guys and i hope you guys enjoyed watching me find them as much as i enjoyed finding this is definitely a new favorite hobby of mine that'll i'll keep this forever every time i think about going up to kelly's island this is going to be one of the first things i do as soon as i get there probably one of the last things i do before i leave so let's take a look at everything i got so as you can see there's the big one in the middle and i'm gonna polish and shine and grind and make every single one of these sparkle and i'm probably going to sell most of them but i'm definitely going to keep a lot of them so if anybody is interested in purchasing them go ahead and shoot me an email leave a comment and i'll try to get back with you and we'll see what arrangements we can make but this is definitely such a spectacular thing i had no idea going up to kelly's island to be such worthwhile like this i just was imagining going there for vacation came back with a trunk load of treasure i almost feel like i robbed the island but these are just scattered all over the place hundreds of thousands of them just know what you're looking for so make sure you stay tuned check out the other videos that i'll be posting about making these look pretty
Channel: Taking A Rizk
Views: 618
Rating: 4.974359 out of 5
Keywords: Petoskey, Petoskey Stone, Camping, treasure, treasure hunting, how to make money, making money, easy ways to make money, money, precious stones, precious rocks, Kelley's Island, island life, island, beach, water, lake, lake Erie, lake Erie monster, finding money on a beach, finding money, looking for treasure, rags to riches, rock money, vacation, making money on vacation, how to make money on vacation
Id: sVmZ9zSedrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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