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well that big dumpster mr. D's done oh my good but you got so in George fashion hey guys welcome to my new channel name taking a risk with George George I'm here with Jeremy Hales well yeah what the hell my name is not Jeremy sweat the Hales Jeremy and we're at the unit that he bought number 13 lucky number third how much did you get it for $25 how much stuff have we pulled out already $25 for me hopefully we've been here about half a day and we're not even halfway done we still have a whole nother unit to get to a 10 by 40 which is huge now just to be clear they're not gonna see any of this on what the Hales know they're gonna have to go to your channel to see the beginning part of this all the stuff that we pulled out so far and you're gonna start working on that wall of boxes yes I'm gonna start uncovering boxes for you guys and seeing what kind of treasures I can find that's about 15 foot of boxes a lot of boxes let's get to it all right so I'm just gonna pick a box since it's on top and just have picked out and we're going to go through this one first this has not been seen for thirteen years I have a feeling those bananas are probably gonna be rotten I would hope so so let's get to it Premium bananas nature your sister loves this stuff a lot to work on in here well you get back to work and I'll start doing puzzles what kind of value would you put on that box each one of these probably about five or six bucks but I mean in time alone family time alone spend priceless these are all the boxes that we moved out of the way to get all of the display pieces out because these people were at the local antique do you need a connive look at you you George's are all the same you always have a kunai for did you find that connive was that from a storage unit no this actually bought online just for Amazon it's all like look has it failed me yet Oh what do you have down in this box Oh what is it it's a guitar oh I should be a violin okay wait was the price hat yeah was that a hundred and twenty that's just twelve it got me yeah you know maybe he writes his hundred and 20s like that the little one is where the change actually starts okay this is a hundred and twenty dollar violin this is crazy because everything is priced there's another one fifteen dollars the beautiful part is everything is priced the not beautiful part is everything is priced are there any Egyptian fairy tales like three little bears do you remember the context of any of them like the three little pyramids or oh that's cool oh look it took when we had the only original now we have both of the only originals ducks in a pond I believe this is a Monet it's not gonna make us much Monet though okay everybody always wants to know what's the date on the newspaper Oh actually a special one you guys are not gonna believe this December 25th 2005 it's Christmas so I'm over here helping Jeremy empty out this giant unit we're about half way and I felt something touch me so there are a few boxes just like this and we keep finding animal poop and such and pee and this just goes to show you the destructive power of these animals we're thinking this was maybe a raccoon or a big bunch of squirrels and they just shred it and this is where they live this is where they eat it's nice and warm in the wintertime it keeps them out of the elements they ate Santa Claus dude I found something they could never destroy oh very nice an American treasure that is 1991 and they were trying to sell the sign for $35 $35 this is all from an antique shop and just some of the beautiful treasures that was in this box they just completely destroyed it but one thing we did find that was still intact is this awesome 10 electrified blinking hat Santa head light set still in pretty decent condition the packaging is just a little bit torn but that's pretty neat something you don't see every day and some Frosty's are in here that's a cute one I really like this one he was only $1 yeah these animals left alone can destroy some very valuable things oh that's beautiful oh wow they're framed together and framed almost looks like a Thomas Kinkade painting $15 for a puzzle already put back together or you could buy a brand-new in-the-box for five and do all the work yourself all right so here's another nice box frozen eggs we haven't gotten to in the eggs boxes but it's been opened before us we're gonna go through this one and see what we find I hope so too I love orange for a pet if we could find a pet for me finally what do you think made that hole I'm hoping a baby raccoon that's exactly what I would love I called them trash pandas I would love Ricky raccoon I call him Terry Terry the trash pandas I would love him and hold him and squeeze him tight raccoons are something special all right so let's see what's inside this box away from the sausage Oh more puzzles this is always fun to find oh hey what do we got here that's got a nice little woodland decal on it can you open it for me you'd never ask my puzzle pieces doesn't you know what this could be Legos maybe I'm guessing marbles oh well I'm completely and totally wrong are you ready in the comments what you think it is are you ready oh man I don't think they're ready let's take a risk do it here we go three two one Jim gold it's definitely gold lots of gold so you know what this is for right nipple clamps yeah that's a no clamp there no oops oh and shot that one too far so you just yep there you go one and one there I think that that looks about right well that was my best guess I don't know what your guess is but that was nice these are for shower curtains that's for sure no no no no George George these are gauges oh wow actually this is what they are just like that oh these are 1950s gauges these are tonight yeah just like that with your nipple clamps such a rockstar yeah what'd you find so I think this is actually a toy but probably a working toy it's made by playtime okay a sprint walkie talkie radio that is super cool so nine volt we're just gonna find the other one and you and I can have walkie talkie that's exactly what we need for this business guess what I found George George would you find out your marbles I've been missing those George George thanks out all right I found this awesome box on top of all the other ones I'm really hoping it's actually mementos and not yarns let's see nope it's yarns and actually just seem to be in good condition the my stick and get those yarns no which is surprising because this was right above their bed wind rush is brand new yarn that's pretty cool for all you yarn lovers so before I get any further into this giant wall of boxes which goes way back there's about at least ten rows I just want to show you some of the destructive power of these guys we've already taken out most of the boxes that they destroyed this was all the fillings that they had in their crazy and this is what happens when stuff just sits George I just got to say one thing you know how to bust it you just don't know how to bust it like your sister no I was saying she's shorter taller you you busted higher she bust it lower okay who makes that puzzle the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid that's the wolf also shall dwell within Gibson printed in Japan I don't know New York right Ono printed in Japan her gal some books I heard the Japanese or big fan of you as well namaste probably too a lampshade well it could be a glass flower we just need to just need to turn it into a oh yeah you know what those are yeah those those skate around with the magnet might be inside your it might be more down in there yogi yogi Georgey Georgey just a blank plaque for ten bucks huh I wish that's the plaque set the placard if anybody is missing their Honda Accord and Prelude okay manual now you may find this silly that on the eBay is probably gonna pull forty to fifty dollars this is your old your old manuals you can't get them anymore and so that's definitely an eBay that's an eBay seller right there Xmas I'm hoping Christmas is in this box I'm hoping gold Oh we three kings of Orient are I didn't know Jesus had blonde hair does that that's got to be worth something super ahead of its time we're not blocking Andrews number out everybody give Andrew Smith a call eight zero eight eight eight zero eight eight zero eight that's actually a binary code everybody give Andrew Smith a call he's not getting away with that so you have your fiction ice rink a couple ice rinks though bunch more figurines that were super cold so he wrapped them in blankets on the money look at that are you sure that's not one of the kings the wise men that could have been a wise man a Magi I don't know but he's holding of golden ice cream cone where they wise men or would they man joy they were both there were they wise guys there were white guys and when they saw baby Jesus they were white eyes just like that lamb is that it it looks like count whatever it is it looks like something punched in the eye I think there's your cow who's the pig okay that's the pig I'm off on my on my barn I am I know there was alligators at the manger but there's an alligator a powerful Chomper and is that Joseph well that's another magic he's got a golden Rubik's Cube one of the best gifts batteries supposedly the only person have ever solved a Rubik's Cube now if you could just solve the Enigma of a woman's mind all right so this box we found stashed away and it says roll towel so did you tell them where you had to use the restroom already if you call that big dumpster mr. Dees then oh good but you got so in George fashion uh it's another George that always that's this is the way it always goes with George's around I can't believe it what kind is it it's a Robert made in Spain okay van iord blade beautiful the family jewels are right there yes lonely box that we thought was empty had a sword no way this is an old-school pepper mill at least lift old school could be kind of new it looks really nice how do you use it you just you put your pepper kernels in there your whole kernels oh I see okay put a few in there you just spin it in between your fingers it is not usually that's like that's like milk another finger power to crush those kernels quite hard actually there's tons of seeds just laying around let's give it a go where you find in seeds at the boxes it's so weird so there was the the poop from the animals yeah there they were bring in seeds what kind of seed it is put something in there whatever it is I think you might be crushing up poo dude I don't know what he put in there but no it's not gonna crush no you might have to get the pepper yeah I don't think little old ladies would be liking these things it's jammed in here now there's story of my life Cooper in your pepper alright so that's the end of this episode make sure you tune in next time to see the next part of the unboxing if you haven't already make sure you subscribe turn on notifications so that you can see when I pop up because I'm gonna be dropping these videos not randomly but I am trying to get them out on a schedule make sure you thumbs up the videos if you liked them share a laugh if you did enjoy them that much make sure to share it on your Facebook or your Instagram or if you still have a myspace go ahead and share it on there Jeremy just over there destroying some trash so yeah check us out next time and see the conclusion hopefully the conclusion to this video bye and make sure you pop over to his channel as well what the hell is to see the unboxing of some of the stuff that you're not gonna see in my episode you will only get the exclusive of some of the unboxings on his channel and you'll get the exclusive unboxings on my channel so what you're gonna see on my channel you're not gonna see on his channel and vice-versa so you have to check out both [Music]
Channel: Taking A Rizk
Views: 18,708
Rating: 4.9327731 out of 5
Id: 0hdvwPd_VN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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