8 HOUR STEAK DINNER!! Taking a Rizk takes y'all to Dinner!!! Learn to cook like a professional!

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oh hi folks welcome back to another episode of taking a risk with George George on today's episode we're making dinner [Music] on today's episode I'm going to show you how to take any steak I just happen to have a filet mignon but you do not need fillet I've done this with a four dollar piece of flank and it still came out better than just about anything I've had at any mediocre steak restaurant and the best part about it is you only need one ingredient salt alright so let's get started here's what you're going to need steak so a rack and not the country one of these one of these some tin foil for easy cleanup and probe thermometer if you have it alright so before I get started with a demonstration I'd like to point out this wonderful table that I have here this was a gift from George I'm definitely gonna shout her out so thanks George thanks this alright so here we go super complicated so I'm gonna need you guys to pay really close attention what we have here piece of filet what I also have here is a cowboy rib eye I'm just gonna show you because you can do this with any piece of steak and it'll come out the same alright so for those of you who don't know how to measure by eye which there's a select few that can what you're going to need is a teaspoon so one teaspoon of salt per side so there's one teaspoon just let her have it now I know what a lot of people are gonna say is that's too much salt I promise you what it's not if it is too much salt for you go ahead and roll it back some all right something else you're going to need pair of tongs and this is just for handling alright and now comes the hardest part which is just letting it sit now you do want to put it on the rack alright just letting it rest in the fridge for a few hours okay so letting the steak rest in the fridge is definitely a necessary part so what it does is it allows the salt to penetrate into the steak tenderizing it what it does is it collects all the juices and it sends them right back in and I've tested this method with 30 minutes resting eight to ten hours resting and 24 hours resting and I found that 8 to 10 hours worth of rest is the optimal all right so it's definitely been about 8 hours and you can see I gave you guys a better look here in a second the salt has been fully absorbed and these steaks are nice and plump make sure to show your meat some look alright so the next step is the second-longest step and this is where you need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees only this is a solo roast alright so the next thing I'm going to show you guys is my probe thermometer I definitely recommend getting one of these this was fifteen or twenty bucks on Amazon and what you can actually do is you can stick this into the meat and then you stick it into the thermometer of course the probe Park and this can actually go in the oven and stay in the oven the entire time and what it'll do it it'll get you exactly where you want it to be so my temperature that we're shooting for is 120 degrees that'll get us a nice medium-rare so I'm gonna stick this in the fattiest part which I think he's gonna be on this robot here I just wanna right in the middle all right so our oven is ready and the internal temperature we're shooting for like I said is 120 degrees if you don't have a probe thermometer like I do to tell you when that's done it'll usually take about an hour and a half depending an hour to the oven is ready so here we go my favorite all right so it's not actually milk and cookies it is an amaretto sour so here's my amaretto our maretto however you want to say sweet and sour mix a cup of ice to drink and you don't need to be fancy like I am but I bought this on a whim it was on sale so here I am now I have an official cocktail set all right so now that I'm all set up first things first is pour your ice into your shaker I measure out half a cup sweet and sour which is four ounces in case you don't know cup sizes dump it in there get your amaretto and your [ __ ] which is that's what this little thing is this is a ounce and a half so a shot and a half and this is a shot which is one ounce I'm gonna just lowball myself now and just do one shot the recipe calls for two but I'm just gonna do one no need to get crazy on you guys close it up make sure it's nice and tight give it a good shake oh yeah I can feel it it's so cold all right I've got some beautiful I guess these are metal ice cubes it came with this set let's slide them in there gently I can pop this open pour it out check it every last drop alright and there you have it a beautiful amaretto sour [Music] that's smooth all right I was taking a nap after those drinks and it looks like my alarm is going off or at a hundred and twenty degrees internal temperature so let's check on these oh yeah those are done let's get those out all right so for anybody that doesn't know 200 degrees is still very hot so please make sure you use an oven mitt or a glove if you have one like I do and let's get these bad boys look at that for those of you that are saying you know those don't look that good I promise you this is the equivalent of a dry-aged so the way it looks is how it's supposed to look and once we sear it which is the next step that was the hidden secret that I didn't tell you guys yet it is gonna be beautiful all right so the next step is to let the steaks rest for ten minutes and while you're doing that now is the time to pull out your hardware and what you're gonna need is either cast iron which is an American classic I love cast iron another thing I don't like is how much it weighs but I love cooking on my cast iron and because of the weight I went looking for something similar that was not as heavy and what I found was carbon steel stuff is fantastic it is a cast iron pan with a third of the weight so I definitely suggested a 12-inch nonstick it is the equivalent of a cast iron all the qualities of a cast iron with alcohol right in the next step is to turn on your oven and you want to keep it on high because what you need to do is get this pan to 600 degrees yes you heard me correctly 600 degrees and that'll approximately take 10 minutes which lo and behold that's how long it's gonna take for these to rest so you might be asking how do I know when my pan is at 600 degrees without searing my hand off the key to it is this tool right here this is an infrared thermometer quite honestly it's not necessary I bought this thinking I would use it more than I do and I do not I rarely ever use this I do like how it works and it but it's not very accurate I don't think it has this one has two little beams and it's meant for construction and it's already at 300 degrees and I don't think that's accurate only one way to find out all right so if you don't have an infrared thermometer and you're trying to figure out if your pan is at 600 degrees rule of thumb is it's been 10 minutes it's probably at 600 degrees you're not gonna hurt it if it goes a little bit over but there is a little trick you can take a drop of water and drop it in the pan and if it sizzles and fizzes away in less than five seconds you're at five six hundred degrees okay this next step is absolutely crucial and please I urge you do not ever stick a dry steak on a 600 degree pan you will destroy the steak what you need to do is cover it in a fat which I'm using grapeseed oil because grapeseed oil and steak go hand-in-hand so just a little bit on each side and I've got a brush you're just gonna brush it all over and that's all it takes just a little bit and yes I am leaving the probe in there because if you pull it out too early you'll lose a little bit of the juice and the juice is the flavour give them all good flip and look at that it looks like I grilled it one of my favorite things about this it's nonstick all right as you can see my pan is smoking because it is getting hot and the reason it's doing that is because there's excess fat from it's just like a Kassar and so all the seasoning is still on there so just to humor myself I'm gonna see what it's at this thing so we're getting close but see I just don't understand and I do urge you when you do stick the steaks on here please open your doors and windows because it will smoke I'm unfortunate enough that I don't have a hood above my stove so I don't have that luxury all right so it's been about 10 minutes and I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys the test with the water one two three four five so it's still a little under but there goes so about six seconds so we've got it maybe a minute or two laughs all right so next step is to set a timer for 45 seconds yes just 45 seconds get that ready - I like to give them a little push to make sure it's going to be even superior and that's helpful check that out Oh beautiful Oh could eat a little bit more but is infringe on the taste the steak believe it or not is already cooked the fear is just for aesthetic just to make it look presentable and like I told you guys earlier does look a little ugly but and now once again you're gonna let him rest alright so here they are there is the finished product and I know some people are probably thinking did you just put cook steak or raw steak was sitting technically yes but remember this was in the oven so it cooked cooked off anything that could have been on there but even so there's people that eat their steaks raw so I doubt we're gonna catch anything but look at how gorgeous hmm my mouth is watering all right so these bad boys have had long enough to rest the family's getting Nancy they're hungry let's get into yes I am cutting against the green and yes this is medium rare what I found that is if you try to cook it any longer and get it to let's say 125 degrees it becomes super tough so 120 to about 122 is the magic number and for anybody that doesn't like fat or gristle as it's cold you're in for a treat this right here as much as I respect vegans and vegetarians this could change your mind alright guys and now it's time for the true test whether it is good or not Oh an apple treat hmmm dinner was absolutely amazing the family loved it thank you guys so much for watching if I inspired a few of you to want to make it yourself here's a recap on how
Channel: Taking A Rizk
Views: 772
Rating: 4.9813085 out of 5
Keywords: how to, how to cook, cooking, chef, great food, how to make food good, gourmet dinner, steak, steak recipes, recipes, cooking show, making food, hungry, good eats, cheap dinners, cheap good food, how to cook like a pro, how to cook like a professional, making food yummy, yummy food, delicious, delicious food, taking a Rizk, George George, what the Hales, Jeremy and George, mixed drinks, how to make drinks, bar, bartender, cocktails
Id: UaBk_S49jio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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