#265. Blooming with American Floetrol! Yes it works!!! /bloom technique/sheleeart/fluid art

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[Applause] [Music] hey youtubers it's karen from waterfall acrylics nice to see you i imagine you all in my kitchen hanging out having a cup of tea that's my tea so yeah today is experiment day with american flow and the shellyard bloom technique i'm going to show you a recipe i use with american flow troll to create blooms we're going to blow one out with our mouth so give a pop and get the camera down as perpendicular as i can to show you that excuse me and then blow one out with my mini hair dryer and then if there's time maybe a quick little flip cup to see if you get the lacing like you do with the australian float draw so uh let me get the camera down and get set up and we'll get started okay i am re-filming the part where i um puff with my mouth because i didn't have my apron on and i was revealing more than i'm comfortable with on video that's all i'm going to say so and also i want to show you um real quick the consistency of the american flow troll cell activator recipe um and show you my colors real quick and then uh i'll get the camera down perpendicular so you can see it just let me tilt this a little bit down so you can just like that so you can see the consistency make sure i had the correct cup so this is the american flow troll and basically it's marked it's one part paint in this case i'm using my amsterdam titanium white to three parts american flow trawl and then one part elmer's glue all and then six drops of the minwax uh pre-stained wood conditioner the stuff in the red can you do want to stir the hell out of this you want to stir stir stir because that's it that um that wood conditioner it acts like silicone does in that it rises out of the paint fairly quickly and if you just stir and then leave it sit for a minute or two and then you look at it sideways you'll see it floating on top of your paint so make sure you stir it really well and give it a stir before you add your puddle colors i'm just going to do two colors just for ease and i'm using my primary elements i have this shade right here it's payne's gray it's not gray it's so funny to me how every company has a different payne's gray it's a really really pretty um sparkly blue color it's almost like a phthalo blue to me um so that's our blue and then i'm gonna do a green and the green is where'd it go right here this is called olive vine by primary elements too and i only put in like an ounce of pouring medium uh in it and then just like the tip of it of my little eighth of a teaspoon into this just needed a little bit for today's demo um anything else i need to tell you recipe ratios for everything colors brands will all come up on the very last screen if you click on the little down arrow if you're on your phone you get to the description section which shows you all the information plus links plus some discount codes to a couple products plus the cellular course and if you're on a a computer or laptop click where it says more and it'll take you to the description section let me turn the camera off to get it done perpendicular right hopefully this works for this purpose um so you can see what i'm doing with my mouth and with my head as i blow into the white make my circle widen it and then as i'm blowing i'm going to lift up my head um to slowly decrease the force of my puffing onto the paint so uh yeah let's just give it a whirl this is my house paint mixed with my gak 800 nice little puddle i'm just going to put down some blue i highly recommend the four inch ceramic tiles the subway tiles for practicing your puffing to get that down first before you move on to the hair dryer you'll see in the next segment that i use the hair dryer differently than i do for this this i'm going to blow straight down and also if you're using a larger substrate you want to make sure your puddles have enough paint in them to reach the edges i see a lot of people will use a six by six or an eight by eight and use the same amount of paint and then struggle to get coverage on the edges all right stirring up my uh cell activator again make sure that wood conditioner is mixed in there and put that in i want to see it create a bit of a halo effect around the edges of that green hopefully you guys can see it it might be kind of tough it's more important that you see how i puff though all right here goes so there's my initial you can kind of see the cells there where i'm getting some cells looking good and then what i'm going to do is take those bits of white areas and i'm going to blow sideways to skim that white over the colors um i'm not going to move my head away the way i did when i made that initial circle i'm just going to kind of go sideways and blow it out make it easier on yourself turn your canvas as you go rather than try to contort your head make sure it's not sticking to your thingies you spin this around and one thing about blowing with your mouth is you can get really specific once you get the hang of it so like i have a little tiny white area here that i can grab with my mouth that i can never do with the hair dryer and blow it out i'm not really paying attention to my composition this is more about showing you how the the technique of blowing with your mouth let that all collect and maybe right here skip that over a little bit anywhere else maybe here i'm gonna go for that little tiny bit of white right there and let that sit all right while that's all collecting let me raise the camera so you can see this straight down all right this worked fairly well i got lacing i got cells and then once you just keep practicing that part part two like i said i always felt like um the bloom technique is definitely a 201 level technique because now once you get this part down and you get the puffing down then the next part obviously is the tilting but for me this is more about testing out this recipe with the american flow troll so just for i'm not going to try to make a perfect bloom typically let me back up because typically i would go to one corner and then go to the opposite corner so bring the weight of my paint back and then i would go to this opposite corner of course it's me so a lot of times i change my mind depending on the composition i like these colors together bring it back to the middle i think i'm going to go to this corner here simply come in frame hopefully i did that little corner with my thumb and then bring it back the other way it's stretching nicely it's keeping its cell shapes i like my house paint a little on a thicker side so it runs slower i feel like i have more control that way and bring it back i just want to see see keep its shape and it's slicing and it is so works it works fantastic it just takes a lot of practice with the um with the puffing technique so there there you have it it works great i think it'll work even better with the um hairdryer so um let me turn this off and um we'll try the same thing we'll do a um a test and compare do two blooms one with the american flow troll and one with the australian flow troll and uh blow them out with my mini hairdryer and see what we get i'll be right back all right we're back all set up um to try the same thing with the american flow troll this time using the hair dryer and then maybe i'll try a baby flip cup to see if we get the lacing as well so uh yeah big experiment day grabbing my house paint a little puddle and i made up another color um called olive vine which is a really pretty mossy green color and i think i'm just going to do blue and green on this one i'm kind of color testing i got my convexo canvases the ones with the rounded edges they came in the mail and so while i'm testing american flotrol i'm also kind of color testing for uh that project and so i wanted to try this green out very rich looking i do notice too that [Music] the wood conditioner kind of acts the same as silicon does in that it um floats to the top of the white i want to do my cell activator um and that if i look at my white sideways i can see it so i definitely recommend to stir the hell out of your uh flow troll stir stir stir like really really stir a lot with this all right so let's go ahead and put down our cell activator cover up the green and then we'll just do the two colors and give this um a puff with the hairdryer my mini hair dryer so with this i don't tend to go straight down first i tend to just automatically go sideways to cover up the paint so i do do this a little bit differently than i do with my [Music] mouth [Applause] now to me that has a completely different look to it than the australian flotrol in fact i made up a cup of the australian floetrol with my amsterdam titanium white just to show you the difference in the way it looks particularly with the hair dryer this to me looks like regular cells you would get when you use you know do traditional pores with flotrol or any other pouring mediums and these types of cells and it really doesn't have the lacing i'm going to stick my head in here and just give a puff on these white areas and we'll give it a spin but to me it already looks different not in a bad way necessary this is beautiful it's just different i got one more cell we'll try in that white spot right there and as usual you know me i love to add paint i'm going to do just how you guys seen me do it half a dozen times before where i scoop up the leftover and just throw it on the corner just to help things get to where they're going so i'm gonna do it no different this time and looks like it's collected fairly well got a couple more cells let's give this a spin oh that's enough don't need a lot of spinning well maybe a little more trying to get to this edge here let me see if i can get some more paint to put on there to help it along right on here smush and voila that is gorgeous y'all that is the american flotrol recipe way better than the job i did with my mouth right um plus i just think it's fun not gonna lie it's just a lot more fun um so there's that one there i'm gonna set him aside and i'm going to scrape that first one i blew out with my mouth and we're going to do the same thing and we'll use the australian float troll and see if we see a difference but i think that is spectacular love it so we'll just scoop him up and set him off to the side we'll do close-ups at the end but there's a little sneak peek of what it looks like let me grab this one from the puff with my mouth because i don't like it i think it was a good demonstration of puffing um but i don't like the the colors or the composition so we're gonna scrape that guy off and so this time this cup here that's unmarked this is australian floetrol mixed with my amsterdam titanium white this is um almost a four to one ratio because i wanted it to be the same consistency between this one let me just set it right there in my my american version which has the lines on it right there that you can see so this is how i know the difference plus i use the white stir stick um it's pretty much identical consistencies between the two so let's see how the um how this turns out using this other flow troll so same deal i can't remember what color i put down first i think i did the blue first right all right so we'll just do a little bit here and do the blue also if you're working on bigger substrates than say like a four inch towel those are perfect for practicing the um the puffing techniques especially with your mouth but as you move to larger substrates just remember that your your colors in the middle you need to add a little more um so that you get coverage all the way to your edges i see that a lot where people are using the same amount of color but have a like a six by six six by six or an eight by eight and then they're really having to stretch to get uh to the edges so make sure you make your puddles a little bigger all right there's the green and make sure i've got the unmarked cup so this is the australian photo i'll try to blow it out the same see how it's making hope that you can see where it's making a halo effect in the middle and then i'm going to aim for the middle but i'm not blowing down i'm going to blow out and skim it across the colors now this time it didn't collect in the middle as much as the american version did um so same deal i'm gonna puff here i do want you to notice the difference in this the the shapes of the cells though where the american version looked like traditional cells now after we spun it out it looked more like this but initially the cells how they how they appear are different like i can spot a painting made with american flow troll a mile away just just by the shape of the cells and i'm not saying that it's not beautiful or anything like that it's just a different shape that's all i'm saying so let me puff this here in the middle now one of the advantages of puffing with your mouth versus a hair dryer is you can get once you get the the hang of it you can get very very specific um in pinpointing the areas that you want to blow out like the tiniest little line of white like for example right there um in between this little row of blue cells there's the white middle um once you get the hang of it with your mouth you can get really specific and just blow right pinpoint right there and blow that and don't worry if you um distort the shape of your cells they'll come back they'll come back as that collects in the middle so we're just going to give that a second to collect in the middle and honestly so far i think the um the one with the american flow troll that recipe is prettier than this one but we'll see after we spin it out may be nice to have a couple of twinsies and then we'll do one more experiment and that'll be it because i don't know how long that that'll make this video and i don't want to bore you guys all right so let's uh give this as a spin different cells very similar pretty close a little more i like my blank areas and ta-da wow these are going to be very very similar i got more of a white lightning effect with the white than i did with the other one but let me i think i'm going to stop the video right there and maybe i'll do another one where i experiment with the australian float troll i'm sorry the american flow troll in a flip cup but let me uh put these two side by side so you can see the difference there's hardly any which is a great thing for uh folks in the us who want to use the american flow troll be right back okay guys i am super super excited because i can barely tell the difference between these two this is number two with the australian flow troll which is the green and the blue pretty right here is the mix of american photo check it out there they could be a little five inch little dip tick as far as i'm concerned look really really great there's that one and that one push them together kind of stick them to my canvas there they are together ah really super thrilled that means you guys can use this recipe and start blooming let me flip around say goodbye how exciting is that y'all i'm going to post the recipe right after this with the ratios and everything screenshot it watch this video a couple times practice your puffing i'm really really stoked that this works so so well definitely better with the hairdryer user air with me puffing it was more about showing you how you get close with your mouth and then pull away and you make that initial circle and then skim out to the sides um you can tell i've been an instructor in a former life because i try to reiterate everything anyway that's it for me today um see you guys next time y'all take care bye you
Channel: Waterfall Acrylics
Views: 22,683
Rating: 4.9269404 out of 5
Keywords: fluid art, acrylic pouring, acrylic pouring technique, acrylic pour, acrylic pouring for beginners, waterfall acrylics, julie cutts, erica hughes, molly's artistry, sarah mack, acrylic pouring flip cup, floetrol, arteza, pouring medium, pouring medium recipe, amsterdam painting, amsterdam paint acrylic, spin art, bloom technique, cell activator, american floetrol, australian floetrol, colour arte, bloom pour, acrylic pouring experiment, ksresin, shelee art, ks resin
Id: jEqEJLNf2_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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