(445) Easiest (Only 2 Ingredients!) Bloom Recipe, Paint Mixing & Bloom Technique! Harmony House Art
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Channel: Harmony House Art
Views: 49,674
Rating: 4.8815913 out of 5
Keywords: bloom recipe, harmony house art, bloom technique recipe, bloom technique, contemporary art, pouring medium, sheleeart bloom recipe, experimental design, floetrol, art channel, art therapy, negative space, acrylic pour cells, aussie bloom acrylic pour, art studio, acrylic pouring recipe, visual arts, composition, etsy shop, bloom technique acrylic pour recipe, artist studio, bold and beautiful, ribbon pour, art studio vlog, paint with me, intuitive abstract art, decoart
Id: 6Sx13OwXP64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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