#97. The Blowout / Dutch pour / fluid art / bloom technique / fluid acrylics

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hey everybody its Karen from our walk relax My Kitchen ready for action how about you gonna do some blow flowers today I'm gonna give that a road thanks to rinse key from I hope I'm pronouncing that right from the Netherlands for the inspiration I've done one already and sold it in like lickety-split so I thought was that beginner's luck or can you do it again so I'm gonna try again let me get you down and I have two little 8x8 canvases all ready to go and the colors are going to use this time are I think these are my favorite colors because they keep coming back to them we have the blue again the Grimm bond or Kadim II Grumbach er Academy Prussian blue and then we have a soft body the liquitex soft party in the Alison Zarin crimson where's the label right there this stuff and then three colours of the artists law fluid kulluk so I had the gold it's a darker gold than normal but I didn't like it at first but it's growing on me and we also have that in black and white so I'm a little nervous to use just water and paint because I just think that's a bad idea you got to be careful not to go over 30% or you'll break up the binders in the paint so I'm just going to use my my new favorite pouring medium recipe and then thinned out my paint with waters so the poor medium recipe was 12 ounces of Elmer's glue-all four ounces of floater all four ounces of oh I had something new today what did I do the bottle of the golden gloss medium general purpose acrylic fluid four ounces of that in four ounces of water mix well probably for the high flow and the soft body probably sixty percent paint the 40% pouring medium and then for the grim Bakr it was 50/50 and then all of them I added water you know for a more watery consistency so no real trace to speak of the pink pours directly into the cup without leaving the mound or anything it just goes right in I can't spell letters or do anything with it no silicon-silicon and yeah I've got a big old jug quart of my titanium white I made a lot just did I put it in a squeeze bottle and have it so I'm just gonna go ahead and dump a bunch on this canvas like that and give it a spread I'm sorry I didn't not post the second video from the other night oh I forgot to bring that up here to show you guys the last guy where I wrecked the wrecked a perfectly good pour to make another painting that guy looks fantastic and it dried in a day like it in a dried perfectly and it's all very shimmery and pretty and if I don't take too long filming this I might run down and grab it so I can show you guys at the end but I'm super tickled pink with that painting but I ran out of time that night I didn't it was getting later and later and I was editing you know that video and I'm like I just need to go to bed so I never did film and then I spent the rest of the weekend Reza name and I did about 20 pieces which is madness like I can't let it I can't wait that long to resin cuz it just that's just too much well I have lying around that I can show you that I present I did I know I showed you this guy before just this cute little round but it's like all super shiny and pretty oh look so amazing so he's done pleased to be going on etsy in a day or two what else is this guy here I mean it just it just adds a whole other dimension the resonate does he really does one of my favorites is this I have this blue and yellow guy that's one of a thicker around and I even managed to if you take your finger and just a little bit of resin and rub the sides and not get the thick runny lines it works out really well because I like the lines coming down but that guy too like this one's ready to go he did one coat one coat a resin just put my sticker on the back throw it on the store anyway that's how I spent my weekend doing or that all right that looks good so let me think about what I want to do just have something abstract I guess so I'm just gonna put down there yeah touch black maybe in the middle just put the gold on top of the blue a little bit a little bit of the crimson I mean I'm kind of go in the middle I guess I don't know I'm winging it nothing in mind in particular just something pretty yeah let me turn this around sucking poor my white around it a whole bunch in front were you gonna blow it over apologies for the noise of my trusty blow-dryer and you can tell I've done things like this before look at this guy I'm just gonna put it on low maybe [Music] cover it up don't let all the paint run off shut it down a little more in the middle colors already popping through [Music] something like that wow what pre that might be fast amazing we're gonna see if it sells up any without the silicon I like my hard lines at the end here I'm gonna torch a little bit for bubbles I like the red in the middle that was a good call so that was me making a V with the blue and the gold probably could've used a little more gold and then the black and the Crimson in the middle there that worked out really nice getting some nice little cells going happy might be number one done oh yeah a little-little while a seen popping up and voila I've been meaning to do these and film them and I thought today would be a good day because I have about 45 minutes to myself before I have to take my daughter to ice skating yet again so as soon as I walked in the door from mark I'm like go go go go just throw on a t-shirt boom um I'm not touching it that's great let me flip it around so you can see it put it off to the side leaving it just the way it is it's great it was like this I lift it up so you can see it and uh there's number one let's move him out of the way grab number two hardly any pain on my part that's great let's move him this style is all about knowing where the air is going out of your hairdryer honest to god oh I can see I need to touch up some corners with white on that one I'll get to that in a little bit this canvas here was new and like an idiot I had a when I was peeling tape for my resin projects hold on a second let me rinse off my gloves I was an idiot and I think it was like one of these I was one where I was just like this guy I had one of these and I peeled the tape off the bottom and I was looking for a cop or something to set it on and I stuck it on this canvas and look at that and like stock perfectly and pulled up a Jessa another another Karen classic do remove right there all right number two I'm just gonna do the two today hopefully this one will be uh is easy my right again I got plenty of white that's good puttin my squeeze bottle I'll give me a stick for my next project one thing I do like to do differently than they didn't do when this one is the first one I made I don't know if you guys saw it it had it was basically the same swap out the blue for a pink and it was the same you know black and gold and crimson but with pink instead of blue and what I did was waited until the first layer was almost dry and then I added a couple more dots and blue again to create layers on top of my flower and that worked out really well that's tougher to film because yet that you know you had that waiting time in between but I like that a lot because it gave it some depth but we'll save that for another day because I have limited time today so Oh should just do the same thing I'll do something a little more random let's be let's be random and take I have a big splinter something in the black off you go let's take go up a little higher this time to used to circle laugh let's do the gold something crazy Gold's getting up kind of high though so let's cover a little bit of the goal let's put the crimson at the bottom I don't know Jessie just see what happens bunch of the top there I don't know I don't think you need that much on the side to the bottom this is my personal theory came out of the way flip this around [Music] don't let it run off too much I could see a lot of the paint buried under the white though let's see maybe go set us straight up maybe try to do two sides let's see [Applause] I look very feathery very pretty duh let's give that a second what a chill let it recover from the shock what just happened what just happened to me this one got some cool effects like can you move it I mean these are a lot of fun and they seem easy and they are relatively easy don't get me wrong but in that like three seconds that you're actually using your your hairdryer every the slightest of moves is gonna affect your your the outcome of your painting so obviously when I got up here and I just did just barely went like this like I want to play when I turn this off and play back to watch it I bet you I moved just a little bit and it created this whole little series of little Wiggles on both sides that you know I would like to take credit for that I really can't the only thing I'm thinking about is I do have like this blob of red either I leave it because it looks like the outside of the flower with the petals on the inside or you know I could take it if I had time I might let this congeal a bit and then take a layer of gold and put it on top I like this pretty much as is let me give it a torch now you see Lux bubbles at the top there's some lacing coming up on the pedals maybe some in there I don't think that Reds gonna do anything though it's too thick let me get some at the bottom here maybe some along here I also don't like to torch these whole things like the whole painting because then it doesn't look like anything it just so it looks like a sea of cells like a sea of baby cells and you you lose your composition but that's just me if you like a lot of cells hey torch away go for it and let me turn him around obviously this is where like there's missing white here where I'm gonna go you know take my stick and to have this nice and clean do this you know stuff like this make sure I get my corners with the white make sure I get my sides really well like right up here I can see where I missed and since your white is is fairly thin even if it looks lumpy don't worry about it you know little self level fairly quickly if it's nice and thin with no trace you can just leave it be bumpy that it won't stay that way as it dries oh hey look at this sign yeah that guy's great let me flip him around so you can see him try not to mess him up and there's that guy pretty cool huh sweet knees he cute little pair done ready to go ready to dry I can uh clean up and be done before my daughter gets home and they'll never know cuz they'll get on put it on my drying table let me get the camera down I'll give you guys a better close up of both of them and say goodbye for now and yeah short and sweet today for me it's like what's wrong with her no fifty minute movie videos how long is this look at that not even 20 minutes very cool do you love the colors let me move the camera around let me get you down on this one first so you can get better look hopefully I can hold it steady well it's upside down oh let me turn it let me go over to the other one this way sorry here's the first one is he right side up no there's no upside down goober very pretty though love the little bit of cells nothing crazy that's the first one come around here to the second one and there's the parts I'm talking about with the slightest movement of my hand you get all kinds of cool effects so hmm uh yeah that's it for me under 20 20 minutes yay um oh you a couple pours still and I'll show you the goodies next time so take care from now I'll see you in a couple days but I know that wasn't very long I realized it's Monday which means my daughter can skate later which means I don't have to be out of the door at 4:30 sharp coz she only skates for about 45 minutes so I have an extra 15 minutes I grab two more 8x8 got me wrapped like an inch and a half thick I think I might have just enough paint enough white to cover both and do two more I did a little 6x6 that I'll show you at the end it's about two more and I was playing with how much paint to pour on the canvas and I think less is more definitely these are little Biggers I don't know it's going to be close with the white so let's see there's a spot and what I what I might do is not worry about my sides you know because you can always go back and touch up the white with the sides I can do that after the fact that's easy enough so I think that's what I'll do just in the interest of white pink conservation since I don't have time to whip up another batch of white we're just going to do the tops for now alright so I did one with blue black and gold and left out the crimson so let's time this time let's do crimson kind of more in the middle a little bit like that and the gold stick some gold just like that just a little and then maybe a little bit of black there's two dollops there like that around and kind of heavy on the one top on a circle HM maybe some right in the middle of it why not like that and I mean there's this one guy out of the way I can show you so there's that guy he's cool he's just more abstract which I kind of like a lot it's selective torching with that one as well [Music] so for this guy I do want it Oh see I'm thinking I wanted it to go up a little more here I kind of do but me and I love to sleep the little tentacles let me stare a second definitely we're white let me take some a little bit of gold don't splurge it everywhere Karen a little bit of black and my white put my weight on top on the bottom of that see the spot to blow it up [Applause] I'm not liking the composition of this one new there all couldn't be easy right and I feel like it needs a little more color yeah I really like the gold in this one now I may just do a bunch of gold and white and see what happens my sides might be covered anyway but keep adding paint to this cuz it's all spilling over let me take that up north voila like that way way way way better that's cool it looks like an iris that one does she sure does I'm gonna whip out one more and then I gotta fly so let me put him off to the side I was oom in clothes but he's great I mean I let him sit a second and give it a little torch some selective torching and the tops of these petals I'm on this guy some one this one this one sewed up all by itself down here some right in there believe they have the recipe that one plane leave that kind of plane yeah okay that one's cool and happy with the composition one more yeah I mean I love that one but I really did I really did want more abstract like the blue guy but beggars can't be choosers I guess last one last one I'm gonna clean up and hide all the evidence I think I have just enough white for the top and then enough to do my circle and then if I have enough I'm going to take my paintbrush off canvas and I'll do the sides of these two after but just let me get enough to cover the top for now I find to that with this this style I don't like the white - too thin you need some white even though you pour white around that you're your blob or whatever you do need the white to help move the paint outward so don't make it too thin on top leave a little bit it helps and I'm happy to say I am happy that it works with my pouring medium recipe - and not just water I just have peace of mind I guess and I know it's not gonna flake or fall apart because I don't I don't trust my sink you have to be really good at doing this to know when you have 30% I guess if you measured out your paint and you're the type of person who like uses a scale and you measure and then add your water and you've kept it under 30 percent you'd be fine but since I'm an eyeball kind of gal I totally don't trust myself to do that at all all right what am I thinking this time I don't want all the colors again I'm a blue and gold blue golden black yeah let's do that first whoa it's too much black easy on the black we're gonna do gold blue gold it's purple blue at the bottom to blow it up and then the gold again might kind of summer in the middle of that blue something like that oh yeah this is it cuz I'm not a white a bunch up here [Applause] oh my gosh do I have those colors don't like the composition again so picky so so picky let me stare a second yeah it's just way too Bobby it's not Bobby it's blobby let me goof around for a second see what I like that's a lot of fun though I do like that where you grab you go in you grab some covers and you whisk with wispy it off that's very fun me likes that a lot a lot of lots well that one's gonna get ruined but so basically I like this half of the painting and I'm gonna put a little blob here and redo it that way and see what happens and I got enough black bear and the bloom gold over here is stunning so let's just do blue and gold kind of right here you don't need a lot of paint with the gold any white left be getting right off the table next a little bit that way try to keep this half of the painting and that was really stupid I'm an idiot like I stuck my hair dryer under my arm for a second and I totally splooged my favorite t-shirt so we have to change it and spray it down and hopefully get that pain out cuz I love this t-shirt that I like way better I kind of want to stick my finger in it right here just to soften it up a little bit but man I love the gradiation of colors there I like my little wiggle lines a lot a lot I might pour some white I'm gonna I'm gonna fill this in with white so that it breaks right at this one like leaf or whatever and this part here is just gonna be white but other one and I still love my whispies everywhere else my hairdryer sprayed on my favorite t-shirt like let me show you what I'm talking about justify I don't wait take over this and say goodbye to it I'll show you the break I probably should have scraped at first but I'll give it that below something like there you go something just so you guys get the idea I'll have to go back up and uh touch that up my White has gotten uh dirty sighs it must have stuck something in it's no it's got like great lines running through it everywhere let me give this guy torch get you get there guys down close really happy I think that's my favorite definitely very lightly like torch in like the little petal thingies it may be some in there that doesn't need any I'm gonna leave it alone and the colors here is so great I don't want to my tee it up with cells yeah that's my favorite first sure I'm gonna I think play on this one a much bigger canvas and do that where you take your stick and make whispies and then blow it out I just think that adds a lot of interest to it so I think that'll be my new inspiration let me get you guys down of course see now it's a Karen video because I added 16 more minutes I couldn't no like freak you guys out by having this 20 minute video that would just be ridiculous ridiculous so let me go this way so you can see this guy here and Nicole that's my favorite yeah like I like him so much I don't know if I can sell him we'll see and then here's the iris one over here she's pretty and then the abstract one over there I wonder if these are upside down because I turned my phone let me turn it back so they should be upside down to you now I think and then I should be a right-side up oh I forgot to show you the painting again next time I promise this is it I'm done for real for reals so I'll see you guys soon okay bye bye
Channel: Waterfall Acrylics
Views: 36,741
Rating: 4.9156117 out of 5
Keywords: bloom technique, sheleeart, fluid art, acrylic pouring, acrylic pour, sheleeart swipe, sheleeart style, waterfall acrylics, fluid painting, tiktus color art, julie cutts, molly's artistry, acrylic painting, flip cup technique, sarah mack, lightning effect bloom technique, صب الأكريليك, colata acrilica, акриловая заливка, acryl gießen, shelee bloom, bloom recipe, bloom technique recipe, rinske, dutch pour, paint and water, dutch paint pour, rinske douna, acryl gieten
Id: qrEdUDmf6GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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