#183. BEGINNERS—How to Create ShelleeArt Blooms. STUNNING RESULTS!!! / SheleeArt

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hey everybody its Karen from waterfall acrylics welcome to adventures in pink pouring and today's class we're gonna do the shell yards down to a couple blooms and make ourselves a little purse box fun funfun and I will be sharing all the products and everything I use to make those this would be the one and only time where I do actual blooms because blooms aren't my bag get that that's a really bad joke anyway yeah blooms are in my bag and I prefer the abstract so we'll do this today in the next video we're gonna play with what other techniques can we use this pouring medium for can you do at rearing pour with it can you do maybe a floating cup interesting don't know I do know you can do flip cups and maybe I'll show you how I do that it's basically like all in a cup so last video was the preview video for the live auction this Sunday just in a couple of days at 3 o'clock Eastern Standard Time I hope you can join me here you got to have an active YouTube account to participate though and then the video before that we did an experiment to see how to get rid of the caterpillars which is the the string of cells that are connected and usually look like male body parts and I find them under zyre both some people like that personal preference but if you don't want them [Music] mix your paint give her pain a good stir right before you do whatever technique you're gonna do I had a habit of letting my paints it stirring and other than letting it sit and what happens it rises so to me it doesn't matter if your consistency is thick or thin because ultimately when it cures what happens the oil rises so of course it's gonna rise in your cup like duh like why didn't I think of that sooner anyway yeah here I ended up doing one of them I don't know if it was the first or second one I think it was the first one I just didn't like how the colors came out the color combination so I scraped it off camera and just made another layer and did another one and it was this guy here and I am much much happier with this these haven't been cleaned or anything yet but there's the first one it's very shimmery with the gold very pretty and then here's the second one and it has a lot more grey now my husband he's like all gaga over it and I'm like not not my preference right but there's all the little gray cells everywhere no caterpillars anywhere I just these colors just aren't my bag so again bag anyway there's a mess on my counter because I've done three pours already and I did the filming because their Commission's and there are Commission's are nerve-racking enough without having to film it so I tend not to film those so I do have a mess on my counter I can apologize for products I use so ultimately the deal is the pouring medium is intented house paint like you know when you go to Home Depot or Lowe's and you go and you pick your little chip of color and you're gonna do your kid's room or do your living room and you take your chip up and you buy a little can that little can is usually deep bass on tinted paint and then a guy like matches it up and puts in the color and gives it a shake and hands it to you that's the pouring medium it's that on tinted paint that's the the basis for all of this you do want to buy cans and lately I've been grooving on the Glidden premium and you want it to say base three this is a stopping some of them it'll have a little thing must be tinted so that's your clue like oh you want to put color in this right don't buy flat get semi gloss or satin those are the colors those are the types you want there's a wide variety of brands people been trying this has been working for me so I have this and base 3 and then your your puddle or your pillow I have been using the same brand the same thing and semi-gloss white and you'll notice it says pure white and it says base 1 which means you don't add anything to it this is your pillow this is your puddle that goes down on your canvas that always said let me get you down I'll show you how I mix so excuse the mess but here's my colors I take I take that base and I haven't used to measure now I just eyeball it and I fill it in this is about a half a cup so 4 ounces for ounces of the house paint into this I add two ounces of varnish now I have try the liquid text morning it didn't work quite so well so I did go one line in order the chroma Joe sana gloss varnish I find that this stuff just works the best this gloss varnish you can get it from flicks juries or drama Amazon had it and now they're back ordered but this stuff works great and 4 ounces of the base 3 on tinted paint with 2 ounces of the gloss varnish you give it a mix no silicone no torching this is it that's your poori medium out of a color should I make another color I'll make a color just to show you guys so here's my little carpet you need very very little to make blooms so I'm just gonna put in here wait am I on camera help with one that wasn't yet in frame so I take this maybe half an ounce now you can use to paint you can use High Flow use fluid soft body heavy body you would have to add a little water I have been using the fluid acrylic but since I think most people have to paint I'm gonna go I had some color ship folk art here that I made in my last painting that's what this green is right here I'm gonna go and grab another two paint okay sorry about that I like literally got over to my pink carton and I couldn't make up my mind so I just grabbed this assembly acrylics this is heavy body this is cobalt turquoise so it's kind of in between this green and my magnet Magnezone acquit a little bit of this to paint in here pops them in that seems like a lot go ahead get in there that's plenty and we're gonna give this a stir and if a course I forgot his stick I grabbed an extra one just in case and we're just gonna stir this in with the pouring medium and even though it looks white it's actually in the can has like this bluish tint to it and you can keep it like I just put it in the container with the lid and you can store it and it seems to actually get better with age it gets better over a day or two so right now this is kind of gloopy so obviously I want my consistency to be more like this with the like that so it leaves a trace for about a half second hopefully you can see that before it disappears so that's the folk art here it is with the fluid acrylic oh no wrong one yeah here it by the goal because the gold is fluid acrylic it's the same so I don't really mess with the consistency of that that on tinted paint I'd leave it be the only time I mess with it and add a little bit of water is when I'm using the house paint because the house paint you know this is heavy body so it's definitely thicker so when added just like maybe five six drops and give that a good mix got lots of greens going on here until we get it pretty much like that so it's the same and that's all the color I mean for what I'm gonna do so mix up a bunch of colors with my poor medium my colors ready to go I have a cup of my house paint sitting here ready to go and the cell activator you can basically use any color I am using today as my cell activator I'm in previous attempts I had been using Amsterdam titanium white and today I am using artists law Professional Series carbon black now this is separate from the rest of your mixes so my carbon back I added about an ounce of paint and three-to-one ratio of float all the American float raw to this so it's quite runny and then you just give that a mix and that's it except if it's the American version of float roll go ahead and grab some Minwax pre stained wood conditioner since I'm always working with wood anyway I had this on hand and I add like two or three drops to the carbon black in the float roll and I give that a good mix and that's it if you have the Australian version of float roll which has been extra ingredient that the Minwax has the Australian float roll looks like this then you don't need the Minwax because this will have the same magic ingredients that this has but I used regular float roll today and my black is already mixed and so he's gonna make me a little box so my boxes they could double taped and I eat the tape I use this is actually I know it's blue but this is be duty frogs tape I got it at a paint store like a proper paint store it's sherwin-williams and it's very very thick and I do two layers that's how I'm able to get my crisp lines and nothing seeping through I take off all the hardware the handles are glued on so they have to stay on and I give it a good wrap you want to tape underneath too because if you put it on a little stand or something the way I am and you happen to have paint on it it'll keep it clean I'm just probably this looks like it's too low for my little cookie cutter so I'm just gonna put one of my little measuring cups like this so I was checking myself before to see if I had paint my hair and take my this is straight white paint the base one right out of the can I just put some in a cup because I have a gallon of it I'm gonna make myself a puddle I'm gonna throw some white on my edges because this is such a weird shaped box something like that just take someone's smeared around now I try to leave it cushy in the middle where I'm gonna put my colors and it can be thinner on the ends this is something like that let me think about it now so have one in the middle now composition wise I think they look better when you just don't have a big old flower in the middle of something I like them falling off the edge or where you can only see parts of the petal so I think that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna add a little bit more paint right here to still have some cushion as I like to call it and maybe some right here is cushion and now I just layer my colors I do have a variety of opaque and transparent colors transparent colors everyone says they work better I haven't had a problem with the opaque and the cobalt turquoise that I just grabbed this is opaque so we're gonna start with that and you're just gonna make a little puddle on top of your puddle and I'll do them both at the same time and I might do the third one right on the very edge over here that's most of it's gonna get blown off kind of like that that's color one my next color I have and I'll put these up on the screen this is indigo interact it's just indigo I can't breathe the rest of it but this is golden this is more inky this is their high flow fluid acrylics and you just give a little squirt of a little bit goes a long way with the high flow stuff seem hardly putting anything on there so there's the blue maybe we'll do some I don't know if I want anything I was coming to going and kind of thinking I don't want it to be gold this time some of that shade of blue I think I'm kind of too close we'll see I probably should have had one right here - yep let me back up cuz they're all like too much in the corner let's do another one they're just a little guy giggles and then what I missing the blue this is such a pretty shade oh my goodness there and let's do the color shift green they're all up there oops it's blue June everywhere a little bit there and then the cell activator goes on top and if you watch it's heavier carbon black is some almost as heavy as titanium white so it wants to sink in pretty darn quick it's like oh I'm coming deep diving see ya now hopefully you guys whoa whoa too much black hmm you're gonna be able to see me blow because the idea is to go take the black skim it across the colors kind of like a sideways motion let me do this one on the corner and hopefully you can kind of see I'm just gonna let the rest of that go off the corner this is all like off-center for me it's my favorite I'll do this one right here I'm spin this around and then we'll take it off this way a little bit this guy that's just add some color in the corner that's really not gonna be blue obviously spin it around to see a little pop of color of cells right there something like that and then this one here same deal and I'm gonna let that sit before I move it around because what happens when you blow is you go into your puddle and you need the paint to like collect itself back up again I really like that composition a lot I'm just gonna pour off like the little ends try to save this a little bit umm and gosh that's gonna be a pretty box right let me hold it up so you guys can see what it looks like and we're gonna do the other one and this one can just hang out you can just chillax Wow I'd work on the other one so I saw usually wait I wait a good five minutes before I start tilting because if you don't the part that's dead center in the middle it won't move with the rest of the paint it will not move my hands are messy and this one's kind of low so I think I could put it on a cookie stand can you guys see that right there so again all taped up tape your bottom folks if you make these that is same deal just gonna spread this around not gonna do to let the puddle in the middle since I'm going to go off center again personal preference if you want to do blooms smack-dab in the middle those were gorgeous too definitely check out um Erica used channel she has been doing amazing swipes with her version of this recipe so let's add its add some extra there and over here and over here um that are just her her first swipes are just phenomenal gorgeous gorgeous alright there's coverage do I remember my order I like how this one is white too because I don't like everything matching see I forgot what I put down first we can usually tell so it looks like I put something light down let's good with the color shift kind of maybe in the middle bottom middle it's time there and one right there that looks great we got that let's do I'm kind of glad I didn't do the gold I don't like it without the gold this time we do the Indigo man I'm stripping which is good to go then you go we'll do the mapping Magnum means I can never say that word one two three and then maybe what else my god oh the color or the assembly a cobalt turquoise let's throw some of that in the middle there's the cobalt turquoise here and then the black to make everything go try not to do so much black see what happening on that other government if you can see right there oh it's off off-camera but that other one where is splooged too much black it looks okay but I try to be careful with the amounts do a better job this time alright number two I want to do this guy first and try and get up here a little bit so hopefully left me let me move him out of the way I'm gonna try and get close with you guys so you can actually see me blow we'll sit him there and what I'm gonna wake off my hands real quick I'm gonna see if I can fiddle with my mic on here to get you guys a little closer this way I'm trying not to get it in my hair my headbands upstairs I was too lazy to go get it pick this up mm I don't like that and you could see it all like sucking back into the middle I'm gonna go over here a little bit a couple to run off like that and then this guy just a little bit this way I could feel it in my hair turn this just spinning around [Music] pick it back up I see I like it with the black in the middle I do see how it sunk when that last one but it comes back up when you give her a little puff spin it around [Music] I was gonna have black Center so there's this guy or he guys there was that one we're gonna put him over here on this cookie stand he's gonna relax for a minute or two make sure he's level get on there get in there why don't you want to go okay Stan all right there you go and let's take this first one now and get rid of just a little bit of paints I'm just gonna tilt it towards this one corner a little bit nice to get rid of some of that extra color have some of that white flow off the edges that's good bring it back I would have liked I got a little overzealous with the one below because I would have liked a little more negative space but here's the important part to remember because I let that sit for a few minutes everything moves in unison if you ever watched any of the video snippets on Shelley Carruthers Instagram page whenever she would tilt remover or use a dustpan or whatever the paint always moved in unison that is really important if you start to tilt in your center part we you know will you start your blowing if it's not moving stop some people bang on it to get it to go I find I just you know patience patience is everything here I'm gonna give this a little blow but otherwise I'm kind of I'm kind of in love with this I lost a little bit of my cells right off the side which is kind of sad so I'm gonna give that a little blow just to put it bring some back and then right here as well but that's just blowing off colors right there so that one's done see all the paint I lost around the edges now my sides are all taped it would be pretty because it holds cells so well you could do one of these boxes and just let it run that would look pretty cool too or on a canvas you know don't tape your sides my husband's home so number two here has been sitting now oh my gosh so pretty Wow I did a good job if I do say so myself so here's number two they go together I have some white space what don't I like I don't like part of this white over here so I'm going to let that go off bye-bye everything's moving in unison very very important take some of that off on this side bring it back and then we're gonna come up to this one corner and just take a little bit off and then go back because now that other parts getting all stretched out now I like the way that looks kind of like that that's it that's how I do him I love how abstract they look I really do I'm a definitely a big fan of that let me put two cookie cutters here and set this half of the purse on here why does it seem it seems oh you know why because there's cutters stuck to the bottom oh now let me pop that off come on oh well if you're stuck there I guess I don't have to worry about the other one it's stuck on the bottom so we just leave it here again I don't know why I keep forgetting my gloves let me I'm wipe off my hands and I'll get you guys done for the closer look but my gosh love the colors sorry for that fast-forward through that part I couldn't help it they burnt my hands for totally gross and they don't want to touch my phone so let me pop you down get you up close on some of these there's a burst of color on that one I'm tempted to blow but I think I'm gonna leave it all right so here's number two up close there's just you can see the cells and everything there this corner here is amazing the other corner we're really gonna be really pretty and then here's the other one and here's where I've had too much black I'm gonna leave that like that because I like the white so there they be those would be dry in about a day they won't be cured but they'll be dry so don't hang out for a week they won't be ready obviously in time for the functional art auction so they'll go up with that box will go up on my Etsy shop once I decide how to sand it and resin the tops and everything and put it back together and put it up for sale super cute I hope you guys like it I will put all the colors in a recipe and everything in the video with a link to my previous video as well and I hope to see you guys on Sunday take care bye
Channel: Waterfall Acrylics
Views: 47,386
Rating: 4.8998933 out of 5
Keywords: fluid art, fluid acrylics, paint pouring, molly's artistry, julie cutts, heather mader, paint pouring tutorial, painting techniques, how to paint, christina welch, elyse fournier, melyd, acrylic painting, acrylic pouring, fluid painting, sheleeart, acrylic blooms, blooms, waterfall acrylics, pouring medium, acrylic pouring medium recipe, pouring medium recipes, pouring medium recipe, art composition, composition in art, sheleeart technique, acrylic pouring for beginners
Id: 7zXFsnWWp_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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