#81 - Cell Activator using ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ AUS Floetral & ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ US Floetral

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hi everyone sonia here and you are watching pouring with sonia and today i'm going to show you how i mix up my cell activator for the shelley art or shelly carruthers the shelly bloom technique i'm going to show you how i mix it up for both the australian flow troll which you can get um like on ebay and the u.s flow draw but the us flow trial like the aussie floetrol has a stain conditioner added to it that the us flow trial doesn't so i experimented and came up with a concoction that i like to kind of give it a little more stretching elasticity so let's mix up both some white and some black in aussie and in us and then we'll go from there what do you say so for the us or the aussie flow trial let's start with that it's a little bit easier i do it by volume instead of weight so i have these handy dandy little cups medicine cups that i get uh let's see if i can get a little bit better light here they're just little what is that like a one ounce cup it's just a one ounce medicine cup and i turn it to the cc side and i do a three to one ratio for the aussie flow trial by volume and not by weight so i fill up the aussie flow trial to the 15 cc mark and then i add paint until it gets to the 20 cc mark and then stir it up and i store it so that's all that i do for that pretty simple so let's give this aussie float troll a quick little shake i did shake it a little bit earlier and the first thing i want to do is pour in my ossiflow trowel and that looks about pretty much right on 15 cc's i'm going to do that twice because i want to do one black cell activator and one white cell activator um i don't know i think i'd rather if you're pouring the cc's don't go too crazy trying to get it exactly on that line if you go a little bit over i think i'd probably go a little bit over than a little bit under because there was some confusion at first whether it was supposed to be three or four parts of the flow troll to the paint so if you're between three and four call it all good it doesn't have to be exact but close you know so now the type of paint is important the type that most people have found works the best for the white is the amsterdam acrylic titanium white make sure it's titanium white and not some other kind of white um let me see for example amsterdam makes like a zinc white and this zinc white oops right here gosh that let me see if i should move this over here where there's a little more light so the zinc white does not work as well you really want to make sure that you get titanium white okay another brand that you can use um that works pretty well is the our atelier interactive artists acrylic and that again you're still going to be going for the titanium white in that okay so whatever brand you want to get give it a try but make sure you get titanium white pardon me have a frog in my throat okay and then in the pack in the past or black i have used the arteza okay and i have used the mars black um and that works quite well let me just make sure you can see that but today i'm just going to be experimenting because i at the same time i ordered that big white i got an amsterdam and i got the oxide black let's see if you can read that it's kind of hard to focus on that and get it to where you can see it okay oxide black that's what i'm going to be mixing up today i wanted to make sure you can see that so i've got my 15 cc's so now let's put in our 5 cc's of paint so i'm going to get pretty much down to this level so i can see the line real clear and i'm just going to start pouring this in a little drop by drop until it gets up to 20 cc's and i just want to kind of make sure that that drop goes all the way down before i add more and that looks just about right a little tiny bit extra just for good measure and i'm going to do the same put my little stick in there so i know i pour paint in that i'm so sorry i have a frog in my throat and now i'm going to do the same for the black i'm just going to start dropping in and make sure it goes all the way down and registers the weight of the paint before i start dropping in more and this should do it right here okay and that lid does not want to go on well it just won't close for some reason i don't know why all the way it's like leaving a gap i don't know so all i need to do now is stir it real good stir stir stir and i might even bring you down so you can see the real consistency here i want to get all of it off the sides i'm kind of scraping the sides the bottom you can even like run it up and down and go around okay and now we're going to stir up the white stir real good make sure you scrape it off your stick scrape the sides get the bottom and there's your consistency and that is just three to one by volume and so what i'm going to do now because i don't want to um spill this or lose it i i refer to the aussie flow trial as liquid gold so i order meals from home chef so every time they send me a meal they give me these little prep bottles and maybe contain some ingredients so i save them i wash them out and save them they're a nice airtight container so i'm just going to pour my ossiflotrol cell activator right into there [Applause] because i'd hate to spill this so i want to secure it right away scrape that off and i have labeled the lid aussie ca i can see the color obviously through it so i don't need to write down the color another quick stir pour that right in here scrape it all out so this cell activator is the color you put on top of the blooms or swipes or anything else that you do with the shelly crothers bloom technique which let me just say so i took this course when it first came out last year very first you know wave of people and the class is great it's fantastic i know a lot of people have you know including me right now kind of giving out some of the information i made sure to do it right and i got her permission i got a um affiliate code so that i could give more detailed instructions i've never shown like actual tutorials i've just shown kind of you know how i mixed up i've just shown how i come up with some paintings colors and whatnot but even if you watch my videos and learn how to mix up this stuff you should take the class because part of that class includes getting into a paid membership only facebook group for the sheila caruthers technique and i am telling you that that group alone with the synergy of all of these artists from all over the world trying their brands and techniques because obviously we can't get all of the same um uh paints and pouring mediums and things that shelley uses in australia so it's this great wealth of information there's files on there recipes all kinds of stuff and then you'll be inspired and you can ask questions and it's just great that right there alone is worth the class but if you want to take it i have an affiliate code where you can get 15 off so i just thought i would give her a plug because the class is great and i'm so thankful that she decided to share the technique with us um and don't think that just because we're sharing some of the detailed information now that that's going to replace taking the class it's really not this it's just incredible the community the artist community so i'm going to put my aussie stuff aside and now for the u.s floetrol let me show you what i do that i have to have a scale for i need to have some measuring spoons also i've got a little bit bigger cups i end up mixing up a little more of this because i found the proportions that work for me to give a good result so us flow troll i put in like a little this is a cake decorating like a little squirt bottle because i don't want to be pouring it in from this i should do that with my glue also but i haven't yet so and then what i do just to kind of keep the flow trough from clumping up on me because it does from time to time get clumpy i just have a little piece of stocking like a knee-high stocking i'm just going to stretch it out over that oops supposedly stretch it out over that put this lid back on and now that will capture any clogs so that what i use and i pour out will be filtered through that stocking and i won't get any clumps because you don't want any clumps so having said that i am going to put down my little three ounce cup because i want to have plenty of room to stir so i'm gonna turn on my scale set it to zero and i'm going to put it's still three to one but i'm going to measure by weight now and i'm going to do one and a half ounces of us flotrol clump free so that's one one and a quarter i'm waiting for it to okay one and a half i'm going to do this twice because i'm going to do both black and white and we'll play around with some paintings in another video okay so here we're gonna do one one and an eighth it takes a minute maybe i should get a new scale one and three eighths so it should give me about one and a half okay one and a half it did finally show up okay so there's my us flow troll to that i'm going to add one half ounce of glue all so it's just the elmer's glue all that's the kind that i use i don't know if any other kind will work i don't i don't know the difference in glues at all so now i'm just going to take this right up to two ounces okay that's one and seven eighths a little nervous that i might get a little bit extra in there i don't want to do that so i do get i'm an accountant i like to measure because i like to be able to duplicate my results so i'm a big measurer my friend makes fun of me she just eyeball stuff and i'm like i can't it's not in my makeup okay so i'm gonna add a half ounce of this so sitting at one and a half ounces i'm gonna take it up to two that's one and three fourths one and seven eighths that should take me up to two teetering back and forth there we go two perfect i'll put the lid back on this i had tried around with different recipes and you can too doing a quarter ounce of glue a half ounce of glue and up to 3 4 ounce of glue what i do now is i give this a good stir i'm going to stir in between each ingredient i want to get it stirred up real good mix those ingredients together you know how when you're like baking a cake or something it says combine ingredients well and then slowly add the next ingredient that's kind of what i'm doing here i don't know if it makes any difference but i'd rather not add all four ingredients and stir them all together at once so i combine them first now scrape that off and now i'm going to put this minwax pre-stained wood conditioner you have the aussie flow troll said floetrol and um wood conditioner that's what the us doesn't include in there so i'm just adding full disclosure this smells so if you are sensitive to smells or odors you might want to try and find something else or put on a respirator or something first because it definitely has an odor to it and what i have here is a quarter teaspoon just a little quarter teaspoon measuring so i'm going to dump that in there and i'm going to dump it in the other one as well put my lid back on because let's get that smell closed up okay so you can see it's just kind of a little bit and you'll be able to see from this it kind of skates across the top it doesn't want to mix in real easy so you got to mix it real well and for a little bit to get that all incorporated [Music] it's not the same as silicone because uh silicone when i want to resin something over it like this doesn't leave divots for whatever reason even though it's clearly like an oil so i'm gonna stir this one up real well too and i'm gonna put them back on my scale and measure one half ounce of paint um let's see what i have done before also is added them in a different order where i did the us flow troll to the um paint and then added the glue and then added the wood conditioner okay so right now i don't know why that's measuring one and seven eighths should be two i'm not going to second-guess it though i'm going to reset my scale there it is back at two and reset it so i did one and a half ounces of the flow troll and i'm going to do one half ounce of the titanium white set it to zero there's 1 8 1 4 3 8 one half i just let that glob go off still at one half put my stick in here so i know i've added paint to that one so i don't accidentally add the black to that one and um one more quick stir oops i got a hair in there let me get it out okay stir this up real quick put this down it is at zero which is good and i'm going to add one half ounce of paint 1 8 1 one-fourth three-eighths how come i didn't register he's playing games with me now okay one half and that's it move my scale out of the way and stir this back up give it time it's got to get that black's got to get all the way to the bottom get all that stuff in there all that goodness and she's starting to you can start to see when it gets pretty incorporated but you can also see there's little bits left on the side i can't tilt it too far but so i am definitely going to kind of scrape along the sides here to get it off to get the flow trial and everything that's stuck to the sides off and get it all incorporated scrape scrape scrape you can see it with the black because you can you know i can check and make sure nothing looks like it was left on the side of the glass you really can't with the white so just know you're going to need to scrape it okay i don't want to lose any of this so i have a little bit bigger because this definitely mixes up more cell activator than my little 15 ccs to 5cc's but these are the proportions that work for me so i don't want to mess with it so i have this other little home chef three ounce container that has a lid i love those meals it's just me and my husband we're empty nesters now and i find those meals save me a lot of money i can't seem to go in the grocery store without spending 100 bucks i mean granted probably 30 or 40 oh my gosh focus 30 or 40 dollars worth is beer or wine but if i could stay out of that and just buy these meals that has everything i need oh my goodness i can't believe i did that so it's a little paper towel before i close that up that's what i get for yammering on and talking while i'm working right i didn't spill too much a little bit though so here i have this labeled us cell activator this out of the way see i told you i if you've listened to me before i never claim to be a neat painter i have to wear gloves just to mix up paint and sell activator for crying out loud i'm so messy i see these people that do whole paintings and they never get anything on their hands their surface is perfectly clear i'm like no that's not me i'm not even trying now i know that there's stuff stuck on the side so i'm going to go around kind of scrape the sides you could see it very clearly with the black you can't see it as clearly with the white but i know it's there stir it up real good and of course now this is gonna sit for a few days my friend teresa jenkins who got me started on this paint pouring expedition probably in march of 2019 um i went visited her just a little while ago and we did some painting i mixed up a large back batch of cell activator i said it needs to be used within like three days she just texted me a picture of a painting she did yesterday so now almost three weeks after we mix up the paint probably three weeks after and it worked great so maybe this stuff it lasts longer that was the aussie flow trial so certainly maybe that lasts longer i don't know about this all right i have another little container you see i've used it before for the black and so we'll just dump this out and store it and uh that's enough for this video right we're already like 23 minutes but i wanted to show you how i mix up my cell activator for the us flow trial products and also for the aussie flow trial products or product same paint in each but different ingredients based on whether it's us or osteoflotrol let me support this this time because last time i just tried to scrape my stick and i ended up tipping it over put my little lid back on which i've got clearly marked here's another little tidbit for you i used a sharpie pen to label this and at first i had put u.s flotilla on this i'm like oh that was wrong a sharpie is nothing more than an alcohol ink so if you get a little piece of paper towel and just put like some 90 alcohol on it you can wipe it right off sharpie is an alcohol ink and alcohol removes the ink so i was able to clean that up and re-label it so there we have it we have aussie cell activator in white and black we have a usl activator in white and black and we'll do um let's say on my next one maybe tomorrow we'll do four tiles just using each one of these products using the same colors and we'll just see you can compare the white versus the black and the aussie versus the us they do give slightly different results i'm not going to lie but they both give very nice results so um but the webbing's a little different i i tend to think you get maybe a little more 3d with the us um and a little stretchier i don't know we'll decide you choose you decide for yourself tomorrow so all right until then have fun watching everyone i hope that you have learned a lot and can go forth and conquer in the cell activator method or portion of the shelly carothers technique take your class it's awesome all right thanks bye
Channel: Pouring With Sonja
Views: 1,272
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: shelee, shelle art, bloom, cell, cell activator, CA, recipe, tutorial, Floetral, Australian, US, acrylic pouring, paint pouring, fluid art, abstract art
Id: L7j43J8uaUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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