[2.6] The Curse of Khaenri'ah - A Genshin Impact Theory

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i've been wondering for the longest time what the abyss order is even trying to accomplish between stealing books statues and brainwashing dragons their actions feel a little bit confused to me but with the chasm's release and the return of the elusive danes lift we finally have some insight as to the abyss order's greater goals and the type of threat they may pose to the traveler and tavat so with the help of my big brain buddy popingly over on discord let's take a look at the abyss order their curse of immortality and what all of this has to do with a partially released book of fairy tales my name is ashikai and this is a deeper look into the curse of conriya but before we begin i'd like to take a moment to thank the sponsor of this video opera gx the web browser built for gaming i've talked a little bit about opera gx before so you probably already know about features like the cpu and ram limiters for reduced lag the ui customization and the twitch and discord integration but there are some other cool features that i have not mentioned yet like this neat little option to hop onto whatsapp and instagram from the quick menu on the sidebar there is no need for extra tabs just tap and chat without having to toggle between screens you can even see your notifications right on the sidebar in a nice non-intrusive way and having all your messaging apps in one place is really helpful when you're juggling multiple conversations all at once and of course for all those nocturnal gamers opera gx lets you force dark pages even on sites that don't have this feature normally so you don't have to worry about your retinas getting blown out by a blinding white screen in the middle of the night that is a nice quality of life and there's a ton of awesome free animated wallpapers a quick import tool so you don't lose all your bookmarks and browsing history when you make the switch and opera gx is even compatible with google chrome extensions so if you're switching from chrome you can keep those you can download opera gx 100 for free from my link in the description box if you decide to give it a try let me know what you think of it by including the hashtag install gx down in the comment box below thanks again to opera gx for sponsoring this video and now back to our regularly scheduled programming starting with a disclaimer now this video assumes that you have read the books before sun and moon and have completed the encanamius main quest as well as the arkhan quest in the chasm if you haven't at least done these three things then pop this video into your watch later list until you have or you're probably gonna get spoiled in a bunch of things you don't want to get spoiled on i don't really think the spoilers are all that big but everyone's got a different tolerance for it so hey fair warning i will also be discussing a book at length that has not had all of its volumes officially released in the game in this video i will only be talking about the first volume which is released plus the short summaries of the remaining volumes which are also fair game please do not disclose the actual contents of the unreleased volumes of this book in the comments unless you're watching this video post their official release in which case they're not actually unreleased volumes anymore are they so yeah this is a theory video after all and that said i do try to still be as accurate as i possibly can so all of my sources can be found and linked in the description box while post release corrections and video notes will be put in a pinned comment below so please make sure to check those out if you're interested in looking at some further reading additional information that i may have missed or things that the community wanted to add post video release there's usually some really cool stuff in there okay that's three minutes of your life you'll never get back let's uh move on to the actual theory part shall we at first glance the abyss order feels very one note evil sounding voices monstrous bodies association with dark and sinister magic monster recruitment and summoning there's theft threats to overthrow the heavenly order and well they're just not very original i could honestly be describing almost any enemy faction from any fantasy game at this point it's not not a good sign and of course to make things worse the disorder seems to lack focus in terms of what they actually want to accomplish on the surface at least i mean look at this list so far they've tried to create a cyborg god to fight celestia for them they've brainwashed a dragon stole a statue of the seven and then hung it upside down for some reason that we still don't know about they stole a bunch of library books they like to hold dance parties with the hella churros although i suppose these are more like hillary recruitment ceremonies but still dance parties and they've also promised to restore the traveler's mysterious homeland for unknown reasons and they've tried to prove that celestia is made up of aliens so it's a pretty mixed bag it makes for a pretty confusing list and it hardly paints them as anything more than slightly more competent but really weirdly dressed treasure hoarders but if you take a closer look we can start to see a pattern forming and their actions kind of start to make sense all the way back in version 1.4 we learned from the abyss twin that the abyss order is entirely made up of the former survivors of conria who had been cursed with immortality and this includes danesliff this revelation mostly pointed to one primary objective or motive for the abyss order to get revenge on the ones that destroyed their home and cursed them into these monstrous forms that's simple enough right but in the trailer for that same quest the wii will be reunited trailer an abyss mage mentions the homeland something that isn't mentioned in the quest itself and the abyss mage kinda implies that it's the abyss twen's homeland saying when your homeland returns to this world and this statement has confused theorists for a long time it implied that the homeland of the twins had been to tavat once before and must not have been destroyed at all even though if you read their character lines and description text thingies it says quite clearly that their homeland was destroyed so that part's a little bit weird it also seemed like the abyss order was bringing the homeland of the twins back in exchange for something that the abyss twin had or could do for them which is also kinda odd but in the chasm instead of your homeland it is called the homeland which has very different connotations first off the abyss twin mentions the homeland as if it and conria are the same thing or at least that they're in the same place kind of like conriya was built over the remains of the twins homeland a new city a new civilization but the exact same location [Music] now this isn't stated outright but it's heavily implied the abyss twin claims that hilly charles which are former citizens of conria in this case are a required catalyst in restoring the homeland now if the homeland and conria are not the same place or in the same location then the need for uncursed hilly trills from conriya makes little to no sense this interaction with the abyss twin paints a very clear picture of what the abyss order is actually trying to accomplish the abyss order wants the removal of their curse and the restoration of conriya which might actually be what the luma fate operation is by undoing an event that was already faded to happen and actually did happen in this event being the destruction of the homeland aka conriya they would be effectively denying fate and technically re-weaving it hence loom of fate operation right because like if if you were to take an event that was faded to happen and then it actually happened and then you're like no i don't want that to happen even though it already happened and i'm gonna like go back in time and undo it or at least like make it so that the event never happened even if i don't technically go back in time and you're like breaking fate it's like a weird paradox but it's not really like a time travel paradox it's like a fate paradox and i don't know how to explain this but you kind of get the idea right anyway the twin seems to believe that by using this magic fountain water pool thing they can reverse the curse on at least a few hillatrils who were once conquering citizens and then use them to begin restoring the homeland we'll talk more about why how and all that kind of stuff in a minute but this kind of does explain why the abyss mages are going around recruiting hilotrols with their funky little dance parties the abyss order is also creating god-powered war machines and gathering intelligence on celestia by stealing supposedly important books and all of these play a role in their ultimate goal of restoring the homeland and destroying the people who destroyed them but apart from the whole how the hilotrols are actually supposed to be used to restore the homeland thing there's one other thing that really gets to me and that's which books the abyss order has actually tried to obtain because one of them makes sense and one of them doesn't if you didn't know or you don't remember these two books are before sun and moon which we can get in enconomia and the pale princess and the six pygmies which is a library book from monstat now before sun and moon makes at least a little bit of sense because it was a record of tavat's most ancient history and supposed creation given that the book supposedly contains info on the abyss order's greatest enemy this is a perfectly sensible book to target i mean the information must be important if its contents got oribashi killed right but the pale princess in the six pygmies book is a fairy tale what possible secret could that book even hold it's not a restricted book or rather series of books i mean lisa lends out copies all the time and no one's gotten smited for reading it yet it's it's like a children's book right so me and my buddy poppingly got to chatting about this little conundrum and came to the realization that the book probably doesn't contain information on celestia like before sun and moon does but it might contain information on another equally important topic the abyss orders curse and a possible way to undo it allow me to explain for those of you who don't read in-game books and i don't blame you if you don't let's talk a little bit about the pale princess and the six pygmies this book was one that we retrieved from an abyss mage during lisa's story quest because he stole it that abyss mage claimed the book contained a great secret and expressed surprise that we wanted to know about whatever the secret was from just the short summaries and the first volume alone it really does look like just a normal fairy tale until you realize which fairy tale this book is actually supposed to be referencing the title the pale princess and the six pygmies actually translates literally from chinese into snow white and the six dwarfs a title that is consistent across basically every language except for english because why not based on this new title alone we can make a few inferences about the story's contents without even reading it first the characters of the story should be a princess a prince the dwarves and an evil queen or in this case it's called a night mother second something's gonna get eaten that is not supposed to get eaten like the poison apple from the fairy tale and third somebody's gonna get cursed or maybe multiple people who knows so let me go out on a little bit of a limb here based on the short summaries the dwarves in this case are being portrayed as villains separate from the evil queen but no less malicious this is a little bit different from the original fairy tale in which the dwarves were actually you know helpful and allied with the princess although it does appear that these dwarves did play that role for the pale princess at least for a time the short summaries also suggest that the dwarves are greedy and want to see something that belongs to the prince or princess if i had to guess this might be some kind of hidden knowledge or something that they knew i suppose it could be a great treasure but i kind of doubt it because there really isn't a special treasure in snow white but what snow white does have is a poison apple that curses her and poison apples are really interesting because an apple is kind of considered a universal symbol of forbidden knowledge just like the apple that eve ate after being tempted by a snake in the garden of eden right genjin just so happens to put a lot of emphasis on forbidden knowledge as a general theme the stories told in the tiara artifact sets are a perfect example of this so what if the dwarves of this story are actually the conrhens remember that conriya was an underground civilization and stereotypically dwarves were denizens of the underworld now the chondrians aren't exactly fond of gods so it would stand to reason that they might actually have some malicious intentions towards them kind of so what if the princess and the prince in this case are actually likened to types of gods gods have knowledge that humans don't have and perhaps the dwarves or the conraians in this case wanted that knowledge they wanted that poisonous apple the forbidden fruit maybe they decided to steal it from them and consume it themselves only to be cursed as a result in other words this story the pale princess and the six pygmies might actually be a retelling of the events leading up to the cataclysm conriya's seizing forbidden knowledge and then getting their butts cursed by the gods as punishment well by the heavenly principles which are assuming our type of god right and this is why i suggested that the pale princess books contained information equally important to that of before sun and moon it's not information on the enemy it's information on the conrhen's affliction and maybe even a method to reverse it since in her story snow white did eventually break her own curse or well i guess technically a prince did it for her but whatever heck part of me wonders if the fountain that the abyss lector was trying to use to purge the curse was something that they discovered thanks to the pale princess books how else would they know to look in the depths of the chasm how would they know where to find it how would they know what they're looking for if they didn't have something to go on now i could say a whole lot more on this and some really compelling stuff at that but like i said in the disclaimer all at one of these volumes are still in lower jail so this is as far as i can extrapolate for now but as to the nature of the curse itself snow white fell into a deep sleep which we can see did not actually happen to the abyss order although although the idea of falling into a deep sleep does kind of make you wonder about this line from the travail trailer when talking about the konrian chapter in the perpetual mean time of a sheltered eternity most are content to live and not to dream but in the hidden corners where the gods gaze does not fall there are those who dream of dreaming all this talk about dreams and snow white falling into an eternal sleep kind of makes you wonder but anyway danes leaf does manage to give us some insight as to the nature of the curse he tells us that this curse is placed upon them by a god and that it takes effect at a higher level of reality which i think just means it screws with the fundamental laws of the universe he claims it's a curse of immortality and that they are denied death or that they are unable to die in the normal way so they are just forced to wander the world forever until erosion finally wears away at them until there's nothing left i took this to mean that the people who are cursed are basically unable to return to the natural cycle of life and death in tavat which involves returning to the ley lines we learned that from both hutao and yai miko during both of their respective story quests since the memories of everything that ever was and ever has been and maybe even ever will be exists within the ley lines being denied access to them effectively means that you don't exist as far as the history of the world is concerned you're not permitted to die you're not permitted to be remembered your memories are not permitted to enter the official record of the world so the cursed ones minds their bodies their identity their memories all of it just gets eroded until there's absolutely nothing left like they never truly existed at all and this process occurs at different rates it seems according to dainsley being in possession of a certain thing appears to be able to either slow or reduce the effects of this curse to varying degrees whatever this thing is dane's leaf apparently has a lot of it because he's still pretty human looking compared to the rest of his former associates but still the idea that one's memories can be lost forever and completely forgotten well that reminds me of something that might help explain why the abyss twin believes that a few uncursed helitures can restore the homeland [Music] in the chasm dane and haftan have this odd conversation which made me think why is dane's existence proof that conriya hasn't fallen yet and then it hit me because dana still remembers conriya his memories are still intact consider this what if the abyss order was trying to lift the curse for a few heliterrels because they were going to use their memories as a sort of backup data for reconstructing their homeland if we assume that the abyss order is only able to remember bits and pieces of things due to erosion then this idea starts to make sense even if they do remember things they may not remember every aspect of it they need more memories similarly the abyss twin might be immune to the effects of the curse but they spent most of their time in conrio actually traveling around tavat with jane's lift so they probably don't remember a whole lot of funria to begin with or at least not enough to reconstruct it and because there's only two of the twins left and no one else really from their civilization that we know of it's quite possible that it's impossible for them to restore their homeland from their memories because they don't remember it all that well to begin with there's just not enough data to work with so restoring conria is their best vet as close as they can get to restoring their homeland right and the longer they wait the harder this task becomes because being cursed denied access to the ley lines the very thing that holds all of the memories and all of the data of all of the things into that means that the curse is effectively deleting conriya and its people from the history books they were never human they never existed they were never a city they're just another faceless troublemaking hilly troll and even though daneslift seems to have no interest in actually truly reviving the homeland it doesn't make this line of his from travail any less sad when you realize the new implications of what losing his memories really means my memory has all but faded completely but i will always remember how much she too loved these flowers but that said all of this means that no one no one in the abyss order or danesliff knows that kaia exists think about it kaia was left as a child at the don winery by his father they're both from conriya his father called kaya their last hope leading most of us to believe that he was specifically selected for a reason the most popular reason usually involves whatever may or may not be under his eye patch but what's special about kaia might not have anything to do with his eye or some weird magic gift or weird experiment or anything like that or being a child spy even but the fact that he may contain completely uncorrupted memories of conria he might be a literal backup from which an entire country could be restored and this might be a little out there but you remember how i suggested that the dwarves from the pale princess books might actually be referencing the conreions well kaia's last name albrecht is actually the name of a dwarf from norse mythology his family line may have had a hand in the events that transpired 500 years ago but being able to remain completely uncorrupted while compared to the rest of the conreions implies that kaia has a whole lot of this mysterious special it thing that danesliff mentioned kaia is even able to age normally which is not normal because otherwise danesliff would be like a really old withered old man with white hair and a whole butt load of wrinkles kind of wheezing at us as he runs through the chasm and does his back flips like a very weird version of gandalf we know that kaia grew up alongside daluk right they met as children and now kaya is not a child which means that he aged correctly at the same rate as d-luke did so whatever he has that's preventing him from being corrupted he either has a lot of it or he was never cursed to begin with which has its own implications i don't really want to go into but i digress for now i would like to propose that this mysterious it thing is blood maybe noble or holy blood and as uncomfortable as some of the implications of some sort of noble or holy blood being the mysterious it factor and protection against you know corrupted whatevers might be yeah let's set that aside for now and i'm just going to give you my reasoning for it to start kaya's first constellation is called excellent blood in english while in other languages it's translated to excellent lineage or superior bloodline this coupled with him being called conriya's last hope and the fact that he's the only sword or claymore wielding knight of fevonius to use ceremonial blade work over femonius blade work for his normal attacks is what gives rise to the popular theory that kaia must be a prince of kanria in other words he may have royal blood really pure royal blood now generally ruling classes and monarchies are pretty intermarried especially in the knights level like that was considered a pretty noble thing right so it's not too difficult to believe that most nobles of conria including some of the knights may have also possessed some royal blood or maybe it's not even blood but something else that could get inherited that might be located in the blood or maybe just something that could be granted via transfusion like durin for example was said to contain dark alien blood just as all other abyssal monsters gold created were we know that his blood has this crazy power to transform or mutate other life forms as illustrated by the regis vines and crazy whopper flowers from both of albedo's dragon spine events oh and also the frost bearing tree which is apparently full of his blood and is now sentient and also wants revenge that's a whole other video but i'm just making a point here so if the magic it thing isn't blood we could assume that whatever this bloodlike substance is or was could have been harvested and administered to certain conrans granting them special abilities and unexpected resistances we've already seen god juice being injected into people a la collet so why not corrosive dragon blood huh i mean the conrayans are notorious for having this magical alchemical process known as kemia so why couldn't they use kemia to create some sort of substance that would give i don't know the people of conrie vision-like capabilities yeah okay that might be a little bit of a stretch but point still stands we've seen evidence that this is possible it's a possibility speculation aside it's not the first time mihoyo has relied on special blood to pull off some crazy metaphysical stunt in hong kai impact third there's another instance of holy blood as seen being used by cecilia skerrick one of the rightful wielders of the divine key known as the abyss flower which by the way is decorated with a cecilia flower found in genshin and has a design that is very similar to the black serpent knight lancers who were royal guards of conriya i feel like that reference is deliberate also one of these black serpent knights rhoneth says this to us when we fight him who art thou to stop us we shall cleanse the tainted thing from the skies with sacred blood so like i'm not ruling out the possibility of danesleep's mysterious it factor being blood it seems kinda likely to me okay step back let's recap as the evidence currently stands it seems like the abyss order is trying to restore their homeland of conria and the traveler's twin is assisting them in doing so to do this they are focusing on breaking the curse on the average citizens who are now hiliterals who can then provide memories and data from which conria can be reconstructed supposedly dane's leaf seems to believe that this is a terrible idea and also very unnecessary but we don't know why he thinks this and then we have kaia who has successfully kept a low profile for like at least 10 years and no one knows who he is or was or where he's from but he's still somehow connected to conria and he's still conriya's last hope because he either has a pure noble lineage that's protecting him or he's not cursed at all or he has a completely uncorrupted memory or all of the above we don't really know now as for the implications of all these claims well it's messy and conditional if we are correct in assuming that conria and the twins homeland are related then the twins have a much higher stake in the events that take place here they are no longer objective third parties or outsiders when the abyss twins said you will learn the truth of this world just as i did they may have been referring to how the world that they once knew had been twisted beyond recognition by powers that should not be here aka the heavenly principles it would also explain why the abyss twin is so keen to take down the heavenly principles as far as they're concerned they're trying to reclaim something that was rightfully theirs their home the one thing the twins have been longing for for thousands of years but unlike the abyss twin the traveler is having a very different experience in tivad the traveler is meeting the people of tavat and connecting to them on a personal level they're getting invested in what happens to each of them individually there may in fact come a time when the traveler decides that the world should belong to the people they've met here rather than try to retake it for themselves which means that even if both twins share a goal of destroying the heavenly principles in the end they may end up doing so for very different reasons that may pit them against one another dainsleaf may have even reached a similar conclusion although his perspective on everything appears far more better and you know negative and i think that just about covers it well there is more but you'll have to wait for that in part two and don't you roll your eyes at me because you know what happened the last time i said that the next video will be referencing parts of this one so it's not like a direct sequel we'll be talking about the chasm nail the miasmic mud and a third very secret thing that i want to surprise you all with so stay tuned for that in the meantime i just want to say thank you all for watching this video i really really appreciate every single one of you you guys make the video creation process totally worthwhile now i'll be back in part two so until then stay cool dry and fungus free as you continue to explore the chasm i'll catch you all later bye [Music] you
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 130,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact, mihoyo, theory video, game lore, genshin lore, chasm, dainslief, archon quest
Id: Y3X5Xo5h5Ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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