Who Knows About The Traveler's History? [Genshin Impact Voice Line Analysis and Discussion]

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to think a human could wield the elements without a vision and not to mention your incredibly complex scent like that of some mysterious being hey stop evaluating us based on our smell it's weird the traveler's identity has always been a mystery to both us and the people around them as far as they're concerned the traveler is just a powerful person capable of fighting powerful things they can wield the elements without a vision and what they did around tavat is public information but there's a hidden layer to the traveler's identity that we as players have barely scratched the surface of their identity as an extraterrestrial entity capable of navigating the celestial atlas so today i want to ask an important question who knows about the traveler's hidden identity now this isn't actually a theory i just personally am curious but before i begin i want to contextualize what i'll define as the traveler's quote-unquote secret identity the traveler isn't really stingy when it comes to giving information out about their present self we know that they do talk to other characters about their experiences but are able to keep a secret if they have to but the traveler refrains from speaking about their past with others unless absolutely necessary the name that we have for them at the moment isn't even their real name you are different from all the others are you human well he is obviously just not a native of what tatsumi island that's all to that's day and night both seem particularly short the skies here are full of stars but they aren't the same as the one seen from my home i wonder if the fates of people from tavat are also related to their constellations oh do you know how to read the stars too that's amazing not a lot of people outside sumeru can do it pilot's curious come on do a reading for me quick hmm the night sky pictured on pymon's cape flows with the light of many stars and also of the deep ocean the movement of these stars tells me that in say seven days from now in seven days what something good or something bad might occur are you ready don't shame your master now we're about to meet that successor though when they're asked about their origin they usually aren't the ones that open it up their existence as an alien is instead based on the other character's knowledge when this happens the traveler doesn't really mind other people knowing they just don't go out of their way to tell a person they're not from tivat in the first place there are exceptions to this such as with paimon who he confided about the unknown god conriya and his longevity in this world another good example of this is john lee who he had to confide with given the traveler needed information about his sister so we know that each character has various levels of knowledge about the traveler's more divine endeavors so let's begin i'll only be going over the ones that have concrete illusions or hints and i won't theorize about the future i also will consider the traveler's dialogue to other characters as the only shared dialogue between them for now given that if we hint that they have a conversation off-screen the content of that exchange are virtually impossible to delineate but it is still safe to assume x character knows about the traveler's mysterious nature just that they haven't said anything about it first are the easier ones vendi and john lee have already hinted in knowing that the traveller is a powerful creature beyond the limitations of devot both are aware the traveler is an interstellar being given that they are archons who have a knack for sensing the divine with venti it's actually more difficult to discern what he does know but we can put in the basics paimon tells venti about the traveler's history as an interstellar being pineman will fill you in on her background story when we get the time this extends further to their last exchange where venti is aware the traveler is looking for a god though the traveler doesn't seem to know that the sustainer isn't among the seven since they tell wendy they're looking for an archon and venti has opened up about celestia to the traveler a lot but as for which of the seven took your sister i'm sorry i don't know wait as one of the seven i'm not clear of suspicion yet either am i however it's unknown whether venti knows that the traveler knows about conriya i'm making this video before the irridori festival so i'm assuming we will have to ask venti if he's sober enough but my guess is that he already has an idea it's the traveler's potential descent from glory wendy's memory has been known to be very astute especially with his willingness to weave people's identities into songs if by chance he ever saw the blonde travelers in the fight against conriya he would surely have memory of it oh that was a refreshing sleep ah traveler we meet again what you don't remember me well allow me to join you on your quest once again i must say to it that the bards of the world tell the traveler's tales though to counter this argument we had to tell john lee that we knew about conrad in the first place so i thought venti would have any reason to suspect the traveler was from an age that far back unless he has other connections like if he had connections with the god of time's magic to see who the traveller used to be before monstat's argon quest but i mean even if he doesn't know at the moment he will certainly know in the future when the traveler asks information from him venti is deliberately being delayed from giving information because unlike john lee who gets to use the contract ideal venti's advocacy for freedom will be tested if he's not allowed to divulge information about konrya now i've long since viewed this scenery a great many times there is something different about seeing it again with you surely you're not still concealing some other wondrous abilities hmm even if you were it would simply further prove that my intuition is correct chong li is an interesting notion here charlie's knowledge of the traveler's history is easier to discern than venti given that he tells us what he knows i need to find a better way of recording history in order to engrave its truth stone carvings were one such ancient method but unchanging stone immovable earth even ones such as myself someday we may all disappear therefore i thought of you traveller you are one who crosses the celestial atlas and who passes through countless worlds if our history is engraved in your memory it will one day accompany you into another world as long as a traveler like you is able to record what happened then a backup of sorts will exist for times and tides of to that and when confronted with the konryan situation we are met with this dialogue so not long ago we met a guy called dane he told us about conriya and the punishment of the gods that's when we realized that those events were connected to the person we're searching for xianli you're a god you've lived through thousands of years of history surely you experienced the incident i cannot say why you can't even give us a thread of information this is so important to us moving on to a and the write-in shogun i'll consider that if the writing shogun knows something it also knows the writing shogun inquired the traveller about their ability to manipulate more than one element plus she knows that the traveler doesn't need multiple visions at the very least they are aware that the traveler is an exception to the rules of tevat properly discerning their most likely aliens no i have nothing to share with you at this time but you you use elemental energy without the aid of a vision how is this possible please enlighten me his perception of the traveler's humanity though is quite fascinating my period of solitude will now continue but it will not last too much longer i will leave you humans to deal with any minor issues in the meantime do you wish to know the truth about the shooting stars at night they are but fleeting moments of luminosity of you used to be one of them oh are you a tengu warrior as for their connections with conriya a amongst the three archons would know the least about the traveler she knew significantly less than conriya given that she wasn't there but i'm sure that based on the traveler revealing their siblings past it can make educated guesses but even then it was never truly confirmed that she knows the traveler themselves were from that specific point from history 500 years ago sister i had heard that you were looking for your family you mean to say that she was somehow involved in the conrier disaster based on what we've learned so far it seems so yeah i'm sorry i wasn't there for the whole thing by the time i arrived the worst of the fighting was already over so i am afraid i can't help you now we move on to another category of important characters for the long con the harbingers knowing the traveler's power sets and their past will be an ultimate end game given that we still have the other seven to meet logically speaking it would be a political injustice not to know who the traveller is or probe at least to their past given that the traveler is public enemy number one in snes for not only foiling their plans at least twice but also aiding in the death of the eighth harbinger so first let's begin with the harbingers we have met and see if they know who the traveler is in 2.1 regardless of whether the traveler met scaramouche scaramouche hints that he has access to the information other fertility members know more specifically with the traveler's achievements with storm terror and liue it's also not impossible to think that the fatihi members under him would report about the traveler's ability to control multiple elements it's possible he knows just as much as senora which frankly isn't a lot i'm the balladeer number six of the fatoui harbingers delighted to meet you oh mighty traveler i'm obviously not the mastermind behind this aren't you supposed to be pretty tough what are you waiting for go get them so strong but but how i also heavily doubt that they have any idea who the traveler is as a divine being connected to the stars the stars the sky it's all a gigantic hoax a lie [Music] oh you are so naive it kills me still can't really blame you after all i used to believe the same thing myself up until a few moments ago that is now we contrast this with tartalia's knowledge of the traveler's divine power and capabilities tartalia knows they're able to use more than one element but italia also hints he understands they're more than what they seem after all tartalia is a travel companion and at the very least he had to fight the traveler head on and live you wield such powers without owning a vision i really am excited to see what you have in store for us let's see how far you can go just don't go dying on me before you lay it all on the line in our final battle i won't allow it comrade how would you like to join the fatoui actually scrap that with your capabilities you and i could go head-to-head with the harbingers and win wouldn't want to miss an opportunity like that i wish i could stay here a while longer the more time you spend somewhere the more joy it brings you when you return you're like the stars in the night sky comrade you never cease to surprise me now let's break down the other characters who have discerned the traveler's hidden identity based on their own skills again i'm only counting characters that have an idea based on their voice lines given it's impossible to theorize who knows if we don't have concrete evidence so unfortunately i can't really say that the look might know given he has connections to an underground network or etc there's no way for me to know if dielock knows about the connery and situation with the traveler so let's go i'll skip to the conclusion there's only one possibility after all you came from afar from another world correct however i have a particular seed in my possession the method i'm talking about has produced no results it's like you and that it hails from another world helping it to grow to bloom that's the problem my research is up against that's where i need your assistance as for his knowledge of the traveler being from conriya i don't think he knows but they did have a conversation with alberto's connections with conriya when you say kanria do you mean i am indeed somewhat older than my appearance might suggest but when i came into being conrie had already been destroyed i have no memories of it other mortal characters have also discerned the traveler's origins as an interstellar creature what a fascinating being you two give off not only the essence of wind and earth but also of yes the stars now that we're alone let me cut to the heart of the matter you are skilled in manipulating the elements and not just a single element but multiple is that correct prima knew that you were hinting at something from the moment we met you've known all along that's right if the other contenders were to catch wind of your elemental abilities let's just say it would cause some unwanted misunderstandings could you perchance enlighten me as to how you managed to obtain your combined elemental abilities as you are not from this world i am unable to give you a prediction all i can tell you is that your journey is far from over visions ah they're a necessary device in controlling the elements with you being the sole exception of course hmm as for why that is perhaps we can find the time to experiment a little huh you and i are both travelers from another world that our paths have crossed here is no accident but the will of fate other characters have vaguer ideas and while they don't mention they know the traveler's divinity they do separate the traveler's existence from humanity don't you realize how special you are remember the plane of euthymia is a space where only she is allowed to exist the fact that you could appear there tells us one crucial thing that you have piqued her interest perhaps it's because she has never seen an individual who is so unpredictable in the face of eternity yai miko hints that she understands the traveler is beyond humanity referring to humanity as a separate entity when she speaks with the traveler humans are just fascinating creatures that's why i'm so fond of them they live such short lives but for the time they're around they shine as bright as the midday sun there are some whose light never grows dim even over great stretches of time these are the lives that make for real page-turners your existence is more than just an opportunity it's the very key to all of this to that i say well done child you did not disappoint me after all have you ever seen the owl of dragon spine if you look directly at it it seems to see right through you while letting go of none of its own secrets quite fascinating don't you think kindria huh you sure know a lot the legacy of kynria is long gone the sinners are all that's left and they're not worth mentioning i want to understand more about humans and i especially wish to hear what you think of them why you ask because you're you're a bit different from most people in tivat just as i am please tell me what you think and then we have characters like xiao who refers to traveler as mortal which isn't completely wrong either we are personally unsure if the traveler is immortal or mortal just because they're different hiding i'm hiding nothing i just won't speak of desire to others do you mortals not have a rule about spoken wishes never coming true what do you mean that's not the same xiao also is a recipient of the effects of the traveler's purification ability but he doesn't really know if it's inherently caused by them are you asking about the effects of my karmic debt it's much easier to bear than before but that's just the tip of the iceberg i most likely miss some dialogue from somewhere because there is just so much so feel free to put it in the comments but what's the point of all of this well i think it's crucial to put into perspective how secretive the traveler is again they hardly share information about themselves unless absolutely necessary they don't share their age and have hidden their name from everyone but time on it's fascinating that we as the player hardly know anything about the traveler as well their character stories instead of being memories of the past like the other characters are mementos of the present meaning we have little to no current information about who they were this mortal form of theirs could easily not be the real form they could be a celestial bible accurate sarah for all we know but another thing that i want to point out is the direct contrast of their interactions with other characters as opposed to with paimon after hearing that the playable characters know almost nothing about the traveler it makes their friendship with paimon all the more special to them paimon is the only real creature that they can confide their real thoughts to everyone else from their perspective won't really understand because they don't know them like paimon does it's heartwarming that the traveler trusts paimon this much from their adventures in kanriya to them confiding in each other to them having secrets of their own but nevertheless my name is astor and thank you for chilling with me
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 177,902
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Keywords: genshin impact, genshin voice lines, yelan, ayato, genshin lore, genshin impact lore, genshin story, genshin impact story, genshin impact voice lines, genshin 2.6, genshin traveler, genshin archon quets, genshin venti, genshin archon quest, genshin zhongli, genshin ganyu, genshin xiao, genshin yae miko, yae, genshin impact voice line analysis, genshin theory, genshin impact theory, genshin discussion, genshin impact discussions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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