KAEYA PRINCE OF THE ABYSS! Savior or Destroyer | Genshin Impact

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the cavalry captain kaia has always been sus and the connections between himself and the eighth region of conriya will prove to be more and more prevalent as the story of genji impact progresses what's going on king's queens and majesties today we're going to be discussing kaya and my theory as to how he would become the biggest factor that involves saving or causing the destruction of all of teva a brief spoiler warning for you guys i will be talking about the story of kaya and a little bit of everything that we currently know about the gentian impact story and with that out of the way let's get started now in order to understand my complete thoughts on kaya i'm gonna give you guys some information and lore about the eighth region of kanriya where he's from and i'm also gonna be throwing in some info about kaya himself but if you feel like you're informed enough about the lore in this game go ahead and skip to this timestamp to get right to the theory conriya an ancient region that was once run by the ancient eclipse dynasty until 500 years ago when they had all fallen to the greedy alchemist gold and their alchemically created army of powerful creatures these same creatures had eventually begun to trickle out of conriya into the land of teva which led to the cataclysm during this time monstat's knights of fevonius had led a charge into conria in efforts to quell the threat these nights were led by grand master rudelyn and their second in command rival and best friend rostem it was on this journey that rostom had begun mentoring the white knight who loved justice above all else and fought against the monsters of conria it was in the midst of combat when the white knight had discovered himself to be bloodstained causing the people he was meant to protect to fear him the now bloodstained night leaves and travels further into conria where he dies battling monsters however it is then in the depths of the world i can only assume after his death that he learns the origins of the monsters that destroyed conriya and the injustice that happened to turn those very same people into monsters he swears his allegiance and joins the newly formed abyss order moving back on to the knights of fevonius during the battles rostem had died causing grandmaster arudilan to be filled with so much grief that they had stopped fighting altogether this defeat led to nobody in mount step being strong enough to take on the corrupt dragon durian thus causing barbados to awaken and call for divalent to step in durian shakes off whatever control that the alchemist gold once held on him in his moments right before death durian dies to the volun on the peaks of dragon spine his blood then poisoned the volun which sent him into a deep slumber meanwhile hilly charles increase in activity especially around monstat with the newly appeared eclipse tribe that seems to have some sort of connection to the eclipse dynasty i can only assume the hilly churro tribe to be the people of conriya and with all that there's still a bit more to talk about with the cataclysm but this is all the information that i'm going to be presenting to get my theory for kaya across now with that teva history lesson on your mind let's talk about kaya personally kaio was abandoned by his father as a child in monstat this is your chance you are our last hope his father looking through kaya onto the horizon towards their distant homeland of condria hatred in his father's eyes as those words left his mouth it was after this that kaya had been taken in by master crepus deluxe father it was then that kaya had been raised alongside d luke and they had grown into fine young men investing their efforts into becoming captains within the knights of fevonius it was soon after these achievements that kaya and d luke had been met with the death of their father d luke was in disbelief and kaya had nothing but a smirk and a remark that the world was truly fascinating it was the same day after the death of master kreppus that kaya and d luke had diverged down different paths after being consumed by the guilt of being caught in between his birth nation and the one that welcomed and raised him kaya confessed his secret to deluge that secret being that he was an agent of conriya placed in monstat to serve their own interest deluge and kaya then fought and as the fight progressed deluxe flames they had been met with the newly obtained ice from kaia's cryovision it was then that they had separated and never spoke of the incident to anyone it's from there that kaya then becomes cavalry captain whose methods are questioned by gene but remained respected as kaya gets whatever job needs to be done done it's from here that we're going to now talk about some details about kaya that aren't exactly organized into a story narrative so first thing of note kaya keeps detailed notes on treasure hoarder members as well as having connections that run deep into unsavory types of people next his constellation is named pavo oculus in roman mythology the constellation is made up of peacock feathers which are made up of hundreds of eyes of the giant argus this constellation was used as a watchman for the goddess hera onto what mona says when she reads his future she speaks that he believes he made an escape from his past however he will one day have fate catch up to him and when it does he has a major decision to make next speaking on his talents he has one named excellent blood and one named glacial waltz these specific talents will be referenced later and lastly for his talents he once before had a talent named heart of the abyss which was changed to glacial heart isn't that a bit interesting to think about now one thing that most people can agree on is that kaya speaks in half truths and he also has a form of elegance and charm to him and when you take a look at what he says about fishel you think fishel having one eye covered is very fitting given her title of princess and devrytalen if that's the case that must make me a future royal progeny too no it makes you think that this right here is foreshadowing a few other things of note kaia speaks hiliterian and has a very similar appearance to that of a abyss mage these are all things i want you to keep in mind when you listen to my theory speaking on the theory the last thing before we get there is kaya's last name albrecht this name is a reference to an old german name which means ruler of supernatural beings it comes from an old german legend of a dwarf who guarded his kingdom's wealth it could more so be a direct reference to a play that took place in the olden days i do feel like it is a little bit relevant so i'm gonna go ahead and sum it up for you guys in the play albrecht is a dwarf who steals gold and returns to his underground home after being rejected by women he loved he crafted the gold into a ring which gave him the power to rule the world this ring was eventually sought after by the gods who needed the ring to fulfill a bargain that involved them regaining their god of beauty and youth which they needed in order to remain young and strong after the gods found outbrick they had tricked and dragged him to the surface where they forced him to give up the ring for freedom it was then that albrecht cursed the ring to cause anyone who had it to live in anxiety same and eventually be robbed and killed for it it is after he gives up the ring that we don't exactly know what happens to albrecht and from there we have one more legend that i'm going to discuss with you guys this one involves the dwarf forging the legendary sword dane's leaf the sword had been imbued with magic that made it so that whoever drew the sword could not sheath it until it took a life the sword could not miss and even the lightest scratch would result in death this is very interesting to think about it isn't the only thing that kaya and dainsley share they do have similarities like their diamond shaped pupils their similar clothing designs and the fact that they both share this specific design with hilly churro architecture so as you can see gaia has a lot going on and i bet your head is already buzzing with theories if you think of something i don't please let me know in the comments down below anyway let's get into the theory the monsters created by the alchemist gold were separate from the creation of the abyss order the abyss order are cursed members of the eclipse dynasty which were cursed by celestia as punishment this was unjust and wrong but celestia blamed them the entire region for the ruin that gold's monsters began to spread throughout the world this leads me to believe that not all the eclipse dynasty were turned into the abyss order and some of them are still attempting to survive in the ruins of kanriya however i believe their numbers are dwindling and the abyss is taking over this would also explain why hillary churros do side with the abyss order if they are in fact the people of kanria if they have nothing left why not side with the people who are attempting to save their nation the curse would also explain the appearance of danesleaf's arm as he did spend a long time in the abyss so the curse could have potentially been affecting him to turn him into that of an abyss herald the abyss order blinded by their hatred for celestia are willing to do anything to accomplish their goal this includes even the sacrificing of the entirety of taiva this is where the bowkeeper draws the line however our sibling still sides with them this leads me to kaya the prince yes the prince of kanriya left in modstat by the king to gather information on its people and potentially finding a cure or anything to get their nation back from the damage caused by the alchemist gold but why monster well monstat is the closest region to conria as you can see from the entry point of spiral abyss it's a neighboring nation not only this but there may be some animosity that the eclipse dynasty holds against the nation of monster as they were not strong enough to repel the alchemist gold's original forces which led to their curse from celestia this and also the fact that monstat's arkhan is not as apparent as the other nations leaves for them to be an easy target for a spy now back to kaya we know he can speak hilachurian and in this cutscene with the first abyss mage we ever see he is lacking an urgency to kill it almost as if he had another option like speaking to it and while yes kaia's loyalty is currently pledged to monsta we can speculate with this that he may have a soft spot for his people his people one of them being boat keeper dingsleef now in the old legend that i previously mentioned danes leaf was a sword crafted for a king however our danes leaf discarding his loyalty for the previous abyss order i believe is a sword with no master and i do not believe that kaia is the master he'll be seeking there is a connection between the two absolutely however i believe danes leaf walks his own path and the path that danes leaf walks is the tie-in for us the protagonist to be tied into conria and we can kind of see this from the main story trailer however the question is what will be the big decision for kaya what is the thing that will cause him to have such grief and internal turmoil i believe that will be war not just war between monsta and conriya but all of tevap vs conria this war would be so that the abyss order can gain enough power to fight celestia and with being led by her sibling i do believe the abyss order will gain complete control over conriya this includes the members of the eclipse dynasty that fought off the curse for as long as they did one of them being kaia's father his father now turned a disorder calling for his son to rejoin him with all the information that he's gathered i feel like this may be the decision that decides whether or not kaya will be for destroying or saving tevat we do have to keep in mind however that whatever decision kaya does make could lead to a double cross on either side but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves regardless kaya will have to pick a side he is the prince of kanriya and he has a love for his people and if the abyss is who they are now if the only way they can be free is to fight all of tavat what will he do when the loyalty that he has pledged to monsta the place he grew up the place he was raised and protected for so long is up against him we've seen him bothered by this decision in the past when he came clean to d luke but which will he really choose we've seen from mona's reading that he thinks he's escaped his past so when fate steps in and presents these options for him what do you think he'll pick what do you guys think let me know in the comments down below alright then king's queens and majesties that's it for me if you guys liked the video be sure to leave it a like if you liked me be sure to hit that subscribe button and turn on that bell icon to be notified when i post a new video and lastly follow me on twitter to keep up to date on all the latest channel news thank you guys so much for watching later you
Channel: Whale Stat
Views: 322,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact lore, genshin impact theory, genshin, kaeya genshin impact, kaeya theory, kaeya genshin impact theory, kaeya abyss, prince kaeya, prince kaeya theory, genshin impact story, genshin impact story theory, kaeya past, kaeya story, kaeya story quest, thekingfenrir, the king fenrir, the king fenrir genshin, thekingfenrir genshin impact, genshin theory, genshin lore, genshin kaeya, kaeya genshin
Id: N62SjA5iUNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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