What the Chasm's Bed (and Teyvat) REALLY Are | Sun & Moon Pt. 1.8 | Genshin Impact Theory

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foreign extends time into Infinity dreams illuminate each moment within when both shine in unison the sacred Sakura Blooms from the darkness finally free from the clutches of the Heavenly principles now the nightmare has dissipated and reality is made whole uh ma'am what are you talking about Makoto's words have haunted me ever since this Quest came out I mean planting a tree in someone's mind in the past from the future that ends up becoming real in the real world it is a little weird right it's just it's a little strange what the heck is going on here well I gotta tell you the answer is actually quite simple truth is we've seen a lot of what happened in this Quest already most recently in the chasm's bed this space and makotul's Realm Of Consciousness and perhaps all domains are all really the same thing and operate under the same rules but before we dive down this Rabbit Hole a quick note this is a full-fledged speculation and Theory video not a recap of Hidden Dreams in the depths nor a recap of transient dreams as such I will be assuming you've already played both of these quests you can consider this to be the true version of the video I was supposed to come out with months ago time seeds and transient dreams look at me acting like I haven't been gone for four months also this video is going to be very important for a couple upcoming entries in the Sun and Moon series part two and also part 2.5 so in true Kingdom Hearts fashion I hereby dub this video part 1.8 y'all are gonna kill me one of these days now buckle up get your brain juices flowing and let's jump right into the space okay so what do we know about this wacky Little House of Horrors well it's existed for a very long time exactly how long is unknown but we know that it at least predates the cataclysm of 500 years ago everyone seemed to perceive the passage of time differently in this domain to an extreme level after the first day in the space Ito thought a few days had already passed while pymon thought 20 days had passed which is really weird initially no one got hungry or tired which led janfei to suspect their bodies were in a state of suspension but that doesn't last long on top of that Illusions appear that can interact with our heroes and even harm them meaning the line between reality and illusion is extremely blurred this space generates areas objects and enemies based on the memories of the people within the space but also those who have fallen into the space in the past like bosacious and bullion and maybe even the people who used to live in the nameless realization of the chasm remember those Shades we see they look strikingly similar to The Thin shades of anakonomiya with one very important distinction we'll talk about later but their memories might be why we see their ancient architecture everywhere in this domain or this space could have generated them from our happy little band of Heroes memories since they've definitely seen these ruins before either way all this weird causes our adventures to speculate the space is sentient alive in some way Zhao says that it's trying to consume souls and yelon specifically says a higher power might be involved we've heard the term higher power used in a very specific situation and we'll discuss that a bit later so what's going on the first thing that comes to mind is leyline Shenanigans the Ley lines are what carry memories of the world of tavat and everything that lives in it the flow of time itself and the elements and ghosts Shades after images whatever you want to call them them are all merely leyline phenomena memories made manifest but what we're seeing in the chasm's bed isn't just that the space is more similar to one big leyline disorder leyline disorders usually happen because something disrupts the flow of Ley lines in a particular location so badly that reality becomes distorted for example the sky Frost's nail disrupted the local Ley lines and caused an eternal snowstorm an object likely a nail but it hasn't been explicitly stated in the story yet fell on surumi island and brought with it a fog that never dissipated until the traveler and a certain emergency food intervened there are also leyline disorders in domains sounds like we're dealing with something in a similar vein here but there's one other massive thing this domain showcases and that's the power of imagination specifically the power of wishes and dreams or some yanfei says the group's imagination could be used to their advantage to escape this space and it is Imagination that ultimately leads them to the Fantastic Compass the one we use to escape was generated by the space in response to yonfe and ultimately the Traveler's desire to find it the Fantastic Compass was just a product of their imagination that was brought into existence and sustained by the domain which is why it couldn't be taken out of the domain it's not the real fantastic Compass so what we're dealing with here is a sentient domain that can read the minds of anyone inside it create trippy environments Fantastical Illusions and miraculous objects based on the desires and wishes of anyone inside so long as these imagine things are contained in the domain they can remain as real as shitty artifact raids if this ain't the first time we've seen a domain like this we've actually seen a lot of them remember Divine Ingenuity the event that lets you create your own domain let me summarize its story for you the adventurer's guild found a special domain that created whatever a person inside it wanted when they first went in the domain it was just an empty room it had a stone tile floor that only went so far and the rest of the room was just gray smoke they tried going into the smoke several times but they couldn't they would just change directions or reappear where they started it's as if anything beyond the tile floor didn't exist yet after some time in the domain they realized the domain itself was responding to their thoughts and will power and shaped itself to look and be the way they desired if there were a lot of people inside the domain it would only respond to the strongest thought there what you could create depended upon how strong your thoughts and wishes were like the chasm's bed you couldn't take anything out of the domain in order for the domain to keep what it manifested in existence the people who imagined to these places and objects needed to revisit every once and a while yep these are pretty much the same rules and then some that we see applied in the chasm's bed with one exception but we'll get to that later let's write out the rules for each domain there's a master or mind there are people who provide the imagination whether that's the mind of the domain or people who happen to be inside of the domain and then there's some type of energy source that likely originates from the master of the domain or elsewhere like the Ley lines for example you know Kamina harunosuke probably created one of these domains himself the Mystic oatmeal chamber he gave control of the chamber to Shiki taisho after he decides to find his purpose or some aren't we all so shikitaisho became the master of the domain Shiki taisho also supplied the imagination and shaped the domain to his will the mirror monsters are just memories of monsters recorded and channeled Into the Mystic O'Neal chamber by shikigami who accompanied harunosuke's Samurai into battle harunosuke used onmyodo to create the Mystic O'Neal chamber and this is an art of his own creation he made using his knowledge in the Tengu and adeptide arts which means that he probably used something akin to Subspace creation Subspace creation is an adeptide art the Adept I used to create their abodes it functions via imagination our Serena teapots utilize this R2 and these pots definitely follow the rules in this case tubby is the Mind who shapes the serenity part via her own will and with her own adaptal energy she's so tied to the Serena teapot things would destabilize completely if she were to for example have insomnia and you know who gave the Adept eye the means to use this art Jean only yeah geodaddy and archon he taught them how to do it which leads me to my next Point Divine Ingenuity wasn't just some random event it was a very clever way to explain what had just happened in the second act of the imperatrix ambrosa chapter transient dreams it's likely that all of the domains we just discussed are really the same thing Realms of Consciousness Realms of Consciousness and the Chinese version of genshin are actually referred to as pure lands a concept that comes from Mahayana Buddhism without getting too much into the particulars a pure land is a Celestial realm created by a Buddha existing outside reality and within the primordial Universe they're kind of like a physical manifestation of the heart of a Buddha an environment that reflects their enlightened perceptions of reality and each one can have their own unique time flows meaning that one year in pure land might be 5 minutes or 500 years and another this matches up exactly with how the confirmed Realms of Consciousness and gentian operate the plane of euthania's appearance changes based on A's state of mind and the same could be said of Makoto's Realm Of Consciousness which is mostly empty and that makes sense because Makoto is dead as hell in fact Makoto's Realm Of Consciousness looks extremely similar to the way the Divine Ingenuity domain's base form was described an empty room with smoke at its borders which at the very least would imply that the Divine Ingenuity domain and Makoto's Realm Of Consciousness are similar in structure same thing with the chasm's bed Realms of Consciousness are even referred to as domains in the book flowers for princess Fishel described as places owned by people highly skilled in the magical Arts I don't know about you but all the domains we've talked about were created by people I would consider highly skilled in the magical Arts but wait what about the whole making things that are imaginary real like dreams and wishes and whatnot and what about the tiny whiny that happens in the chasm's bed do these things happen in the confirmed domains of Consciousness yup they do let's talk about time first after ether and pymon return to the realm of Consciousness to save a 500 years had passed for a and the Shogun wow maybe only half an hour passed into that not to mention on their way back in our dynamic duo experienced some turbulence in space-time it's almost as if the realm of Consciousness itself was one big leyline disorder and if so what was the leyline disorder caused by the answer is actually rather simplistic to all of this I think the flow of time and domains of Consciousness is determined by how the master of the domain perceived time which is why the flow of time is different in Makoto's Realm Of Consciousness compared to tavat and also why it's all wonky in the chasm's bed in this case time's passage was dependent upon how the individuals inside the domains perceived it people can experience one hour completely different from another person some people are just impatient or anxious or dramatic so 10 minutes can feel like 30 to someone all depending on how that person thinks or feels even though the same amount of time passes for everyone so if time really boils down to how you think about time in a realm of Consciousness or how the master of the domain thinks of it then how did Makoto view time or more specifically how did she view eternity eternity extends time into Infinity a says that Makoto wasn't concerned with outcomes she had a more far-sighted point of view Makoto believed eternity is a period of constant change in which anything can become achievable no matter how much time it takes if you thought you had all the Time in the World to achieve something to chase a dream or a goal you wouldn't really be worried about the passage of time so maybe in her brain domain time was Limitless because she wasn't concerned about it another explanation is that time in makotul's Realms stopped when time stopped for her either way each explanation relies on Makoto's perception of time long story short time is just a state of mind in a realm of Consciousness but what about making things imaginary real in a domain of Consciousness with a thought or wish is that a thing that happens absolutely first of all it makes sense that abstract things like Memories wishes and dreams would become real in a domain of Consciousness because a domain of Consciousness is literally someone's mind it exists within abstract space anything can be real in your mind an imaginary friend could be real Albert's Barbara Sama body pillow he sleeps with every night could be real a tree could be real when a planted the seed of the Sacred Sakura she made a wish on the seed she wanted to save Inazuma from the cataclysm a higher power heard this wish we'll talk about her soon don't worry and the tree took root and not just Makoto's Realm Of Consciousness but into vat too it's like the tree is a and I guess Makoto's dream made real it's also implied in the description of the dream Sakura that the sacred Sakura tree's existence is dependent upon the will of the one who planted it that would be a but as she says her will surpasses time as long as she keeps dreaming the dream and a certain higher power keeps up her share of the work the tree will stand for eternity that's if everyone doesn't die first which anyway what happened in Makoto's Realm Of Consciousness follows our little list of rules but there's still an unanswered question how does a dream or wish become an actual physical thing in the real world this trick of making abstract things real might only work if tivot itself is a domain of Consciousness it's likely the sacred Sakura which is a leyline tree connected Makoto's domain of Consciousness to tavat's Ley lines which is also why the turbulent flow of time to Makoto's realm was no longer a thing when our heroes left the flow of time finally synced with tavats it's likely most domains in tavat are also Realms of Consciousness or at least imagined spaces the ones with leyline trees are connected to tavat and wouldn't you know it the Mystic omnio chamber and Adept eye abodes all have leyline trees as aside from the sacred Sakura abstract Things Are Made Real into that all the time memories in this world can manifest from the Ley lines the fights and trounce domains are all recreated from the Traveler's memories and those bosses drop items that you can use dream solvent to change into other boss drop items they are specifically labeled transfigured dreams and Alchemy is used for the Transfiguration process which is hella sus speaking of the devil remember when Albedo was able to make some chairs magically appear just from a painting in Shadows of its snowstorms Albedo says that his painting is the blueprint and Alchemy allows him to omit the manufacturing process maybe somehow Albedo used the energy in the Ley lines to make the imaginary chairs real that would make some aspects of alchemy nothing more than an application of the rules of a realm of Consciousness or at the very very least the rules are similar somehow Albedo says this process can even produce living beings which makes me question the origin story of tavat and how the primordial one and one of its shining Shades created life and you know what we've seen a living being created purely from a powerful thought or wish on surumi island Rue the Thunderbird murdered his people because they sacrificed rude to her and cursed them after which tsurumi island would replay the day they were slaughtered over and over like a broken record for centuries but isn't a curse just a wish meant to do harm a person's hopes and dreams don't always have to have good intent right so what if her curse was really just a malevolent thought and wish that was powerful enough to be heard and made real the space-time of the island was warped to fall more in line with the Thunderbirds desires like the world was responding to her will it's almost like sarumi Island became a sort of makeshift domain of Consciousness but this curse of the Thunderbirds had another stipulation the Thunderbird wanted to hear Rue's song again so maybe the Ley lines revivified him to that end kept him alive over the centuries kept his body in a stasis not unlike the one the traveler and everyone else experienced in the chasm's bed however Rue couldn't leave the island just like imagined things can't be taken out of the domain of Consciousness in which it's created he had to keep one of the Thunderbirds feathers with him to leave the island temporarily and when ruse promised to the Thunderbird was fulfilled when her ultimate wish was granted things changed the curse was ended we could interact with the souls of the people of sarumi Island and Rue he's started to get tired with his purpose fulfilled and the will of the Thunderbird gone reality was made whole time finally caught up to him he went to rest and we never see him again [Music] okay so tavat a place where if you think and dream hard enough if your will is as strong as a Gods the world will hear you and make miracles happen you could be like a God maybe now we know one of the reasons why the gods are keeping a close eye on Humanity but you know what I've been avoiding the fly on the wall the elephant in the room if tavod is a realm of Consciousness who does it belong to who's its Master who's calling the shots who's dreaming the Dream well if you've been paying attention to my videos so far then you know the answer already it's her one of the Guardians of the ear Mensel tree the tree whose Roots make up the leyline network the one who might be the tree itself the higher power the god of moments you didn't think isroth had nothing to do with this did you that's right I think tavat is domain of Consciousness for several reasons we're not going to get into right now and I also think that once upon a time she shared control of it or maybe the better expression is she changed places every 30 days with her sisters but if that's the case there's something extremely concerning to consider here tavat's borders are eroding which means the mind of the world is eroding it's slowly being eaten away and I think the chasm's bed might be one of these places of erosion it's like this place was no longer functioning properly and it needed to be separated from the rest of tavat or else which is why it was hostile just look at the true appearance of the chasm's bed it's a massive crimson and black colors that are usually associated with corrupted or cursed objects and beings like the volunteer Crimson agates hilly trolls in Abyss order cronies and also someone else I have a feeling we'll be seeing more areas like the chasm's bed and also that the feeling of tavats and pending Doom will become far more palpable than it's ever been I wouldn't be surprised to see to that start to unravel it's just as I said waking world you seem woven from the stuff of Dreams All Shall fade away and I'm just gonna leave it there for today gosh that was a lot but I hope it made some semblance of sense and gave you guys some food for thought what do you think about all this what do you think is going on in this game let me know in the comments below and if you enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching and I'll see you guys on the other side of the moon
Channel: The Little Onion That Could
Views: 38,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact theory, genshin theory, genshin impact version 2.7, genshin impact 2.7, genshin impact chasm, genshin chasm, genshin istaroth, genshin paimon, genshin impact god of time, genshin god of time, hoyoverse, mihoyo, archon quest, genshin archon quest, genshin perilous trail, genshin hidden dreams in the depths, hidden dreams in the depths, perilous trail, genshin impact domains
Id: w4IeAo3dG5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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