The Chasm Archon Quest Breakdown [Genshin Impact Lore Discussion and Theory]

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the archon quest is finally here and oh boy do i have some stuff i want to break down before i break down so without further ado here are my theories analyses discussions the whole nitpicking galore into the archon quest of 2.6 and before we begin this will have massive spoilers because i am connecting and further theorizing from the content in the archon quest call me radar because we are dissecting this like how he dissected 138 missing children or was it 139 i can't remember also i will be assuming you've understood the story and this isn't your first time walking through this i will also refer to lumines my best sibling for pronoun sake hey catherine got any new commissions for us today um also how come you look so happy to see us what have you done i went to the shrine to draw a fortune slip earlier the shrine maiden told me that it is the season for an unexpected reunion okay so when you say unexpected reunion you mean running into us right who can say but the anticipation of knowing that an unexpected reunion is due is making me happy to see everyone i cross paths with today opening us up with catherine being the mysterious entity as always this line of dialogue actually reveals a whole lot about the events of the archon quest where the unexpected reunion comes in the form of dane sleeve and half down additionally paimon hits us with the important question of how and why in the world did catherine get all the way to innozuma and back or why was she even drawing portion slips in the first place catherine obviously doesn't explain it and i swear she's the real protagonist of kenshin impact but this actually supports the theory that catherine is able to use the waypoints for some unknown reason honestly while it's possible that she is a robot all i can say is that i am a firm believer catherine isn't human altogether very well add astra abyss this time you are truly bound for the abyss good luck to you both following through with this she does have knowledge of the abyss and has been the first person to contact the traveler whenever anything abyssal happens in 1.3 she introduced us to the mysterious blonde abandoned in eyepatch and basically hinted that we should go look for him in 1.4 she was also the start of the mission with dane and now we have this i doubt it's a coincidence but i don't think catherine's significance to the abyssal plot is still fully realized so this line of dialogue sets the scene for what we can expect in this story now we have the chasm being open to the public the chasm was a place sealed off by the mililanis and the leo achieved thing after the horrible calamity this is the location of the tenacity of the military and presumably where the purple yaksham met their end it's only recently been opened up but be noted if atui in the liu chi sing had an agreement to allow the fatoui to investigate into the calamity this agreement lasted before the events of the lever archon quest the chasm is also known as the huge abyss of stratified rock in chinese japanese and korean the rock structures in the chasm are also connected to the geological stratified rock structures where its namesake comes from while one of the miners was on a break he suddenly noticed a few hilly trolls walking his way they seemed like they were in a daze or something now we go over to the hilly troll situation in the trailer where hillary charles are clouded with mysterious energy before entering the chasm that used to be sealed off this is where we cut off to the world quest surreptitious seven stars steal sundering where we follow chi chiong in breaking the seal placed by the liuichi sync to enter the chasm proper i won't be going into this because i'm still having more flashbacks for how long this unvoiced dialogue heavy world quest was but opening the chasm proper we find the mysterious underground upside down civilization older than conriya itself and here we find dane's leaf oh city that's floating in the air upside down just look at this place doesn't it remind you of something you know the statue we never really broke apart in the 1.4 archon quest that is still in there at the mention of the defiled statue i actually have several theories in why the default statue was needed in the first place by the abyss this archon quest continues with the theme of purifying the sins of the past and cleansing the people of conroy from the curse if this location is known as the only way to cleanse the curse i bet that they were trying to recreate its properties through the defiled statue the abyss might have used this location or more specifically the upside down purification pools inside as an inspiration for the default statue both of them seem to have divine properties and it's possible that the defiled statue was a way to mimic that kind of celestial energy remotely think about it this way while this place would be a good way to revitalize the curse there's no guarantee it would work or that it would even be strong enough not to mention limiting your activities to only the chasm because that is the only way they can cleanse themselves is impractical so consider the defiled statue of j7 as a prototype for a portable cleansing pool a purification totem like how we as travelers use the divine powers of the statue to heal or rejuvenate so we actually find out two things first is that the abyss portals can be redirected by an abyssal entity meaning the scene from 1.4 where the traveler couldn't enter was most likely because the herald or the sibling didn't want them to follow the insafe being from kanrya could have bypassed the entrance requirements but wasn't able to completely follow because he was sent to manchester next one is that the abyss herald we fight and this story is not the same as the abyss herald we saw in 1.4 then we asked about the eye of the first field teller and densif assures us that it's in a safe place first and foremost this is absolutely sketchy there are multiple theories on who dance is in present time i've covered the theory of dancing being piero the first harbinger but regardless of who he is right now who is to say that dane sleep does have a safe place because unless he's working with a an interdimensional pocket space to keep the eye of the first teller in like serena teapot or b an underground network of people to protect the eye of the first tiller like the fatoui or a secret organization altogether where in the world is this homeless wonder supposed to hide the eyeball of a ruined guard in his coat i don't know what came over me where's i have the first feel till ordain i need answers we also get more information about dancif's paths of being the twilight sword and he says that he didn't want to conceal it we just never asked it once stood for the glory of kanria but now it is but a cruel joke my curse to bear twilight's sword was my title as captain of the royal guards when i witnessed the destruction of my entire homeland first hand i believe my reluctance to raise it in conversation is quite justified but then we have the dialogue that gives us a good time period of when lemien and dane travel together thane was busy in the front lines when the destruction first happened which means that the journey with the abyssabling had most likely happened after the cataclysm while lumine was recuperating the loss of her brother i can't remember if i said this in an old theory but i'm actually happy that this was the case it would make more sense that they travel after the cataclysm because if lemine knew that dane was with her the entire time leading up to the destruction of kanriya she would have no right to be angry at dane for seemingly abandoning the people when she knows that he was with her journey and we do know that dane was giving direct orders to the royal guard while the cataclysm was happening we both partook in a painful journey of searching for our fate but regrettably we did not make it to the journey's end together moving on we have the environment that's weakening the curse of immortality this i think was really fascinating because it's difficult to see a place glowing with purple guru miasma to be a place of purification connecting further we get the revelation that the hilly trails are from conriya and were the citizens and civilians that were caught up in the crossfire we get more explanation about the curse of immortality your body is not physically aging but your existence is eroding i believe that this is a theme of immortality that also plagues other immortals in the game the theme of erosion where the tides of time are constantly beating you down and wearing a fin strongly enabled admit that despite their status as gods even they are not safe from the erosion for john lee in his story quest he says that it's possibly memory loss for a on the other hand the ryden shogun accuses her of her mental and willpower eroding away if we put it from that perspective it's possible that all immortal creatures meet the same fate as the hilly charles or the abyss when the hilly churros realize that the end is nigh for them it seems their instinct is to seek out a calm and dark corner of the world in which to finally say goodbye to the centuries of suffering they have endured and of all the places they could lay down to rest one that can ease the effects of their curse would surely be their first choice next we meet hafdan a member of the royal guard and the revelation that all the black serpent knights were the morphed versions of the royal guard this was actually pretty interesting because abyss heralds were thought to be the vanguard of the people but now it seems that abyss heralds classify closer to what abyss lecters are maybe instead of being militants they are more clergical the names herald and lecters could be connected to them being evangelists which allow royal guards to be in the form of the black serpent knights how is this possible how could he have retained self-awareness for 500 years without it this line of dialogue is actually super heavy in implications 1. the curse can rob someone of self-awareness so if the abyss order were people of conrio and this applies to them this means that the term self-awareness refers to their mental weakening the abyss heralds and lecters being evangelists sages and clergy would be seen as being more heretic spouting about revelation and the glory of the abyss like some political activists on the other hand black serpent knights who were from the royal guard and were disciplined to be a certain way mentally degraded to concentrate on their actions of loyalty for the next 500 years that's what they're zeroed in or on the other hand what if the abyss order never experienced the same mental weakening as the black serpent knights maybe they also are in possession of this it that dane is talking about it could be an ancient artifact it could be country and technology it could be a delusion or this could be plot armor i have no idea now we also have the implication that there does exist something in this world that can help a person retain consciousness while being cursed with immortality in my opinion this can connect well with other potential creatures from country that have retained a level of self-awareness for example rhein daughter albedo's master was the alleged cause of the cataclysm while it was never confirmed that she has the curse of immortality it's difficult to think she survived for many years until the point of leaving albedo in the care of alice so assuming that she's also cursed with immortality she must have had a way to retain her consciousness because she was still able to create and teach albedo for possibly centuries so that's another important consideration next we have knowledge of the ancient civilization being older than conorio so that's cool connery and kanemi existed around the same time period given they had an interaction but because dane doesn't know the civilization this might have predated such history and was already destroyed before connery and kanemia were established i think the civilization existed among the first human civilizations in devot along with salvindignir but i personally haven't played enough of the chasm to piece enough lure together so i'll go back on that in another time and now we move on to the absolute tear-jerker of the black serpent knights protecting the hilly charles i have nothing else to say to this this broke my heart but we do get clarification that thane sleep was present on the day of the cataclysm which actually disproves a lot of suspicion that he betrayed the people of conriya or was cast out by the dynasty prior the incident he was there to make the final orders but what's interesting was dainsley said he returned to the palace on the day of the cataclysm presumably to protect the eclipse dynasty or the ruling body of conriya or maybe it's something else entirely we don't actually know because we of course were royal guards but this would mean nothing in the events that followed royals common folk these identities made no difference and this line solidifies the events in the cataclysm if you have never read the self-proclaimed prophet and the breeze amidst the forest you should because it details the events of kanye's cataclysm very well henry's first problem was the alchemist gold allegedly raising her army to destroy the entirety of conriya but what's interesting was that the initial problem was already done honorio overturned that problem and was proposed to have been saved by the wrath of gold in her army the problem was that celestia set the land to burn this is what dane means by the events that followed conriya had already been saved from the initial catastrophe but celestia still delivered the promise of divine retribution imagine how painful that is to hear it's possible that it's punishment for other transgressions but remember even if the upper ruling class was at fault for any of the events of the cataclysm celestia still affected the civilians and the common folk when we arrive to the water pool that's supposed to keep the curse at may something about dane's perspective on the curse is actually quite fascinating the pool must be part of the entire city structure a relic of this ancient civilization and more importantly it is the very thing that is weakening the curse here my whole body feels more at peace than it has in a long time the effect is stronger here than it was before and i think it's because that water pool has something akin to a cleansing effect cleansing so that means the water in that pool can wash away the curse for good no that would be impossible i have lived with this curse for 500 years and i have been fully conscious the entire time suffice to say no one understands the curse like i do even now i can feel the curse slowly permeating my entire being part of me slowly but surely replacing me perhaps it may be possible to suppress the corrosive effect of the curse for a time but cleansing it entirely consider it tantamount to burning away an integral part of your body it is not a process that one could ever hope to survive when i actually first played this i immediately criticized dainsley for several things if the abyss were trying to use the pool's magic to cleanse the curse why was he stopping them surely if he believed that he fought for the people of kanrya the curse was something that he needed to deal with so why is danger against the removal of the curse of immortality but now that i think about it what lane says is actually very fascinating dane says that he is slowly but surely being replaced by the curse but removing it is equal to removing a part of yourself the first time we get a reference to dane's curse was actually all the way back in 1.4 you're rick of a corruption familiar to me then we are the same we're both dangerous but dangers from outside of the abyss order must be caught and caged we also know that just because a creature is with the curse of immortality they aren't inherently a disorder as we've seen with the black sermon knights i theorize that if the curse is ever to be removed a person immediately regains that 500 years of lost lifespan remember the curse is the only thing keeping them alive for so long but the problem with that theory is that danesev says that the curse of immortality is akin to eroding slowly so the long life isn't without its drawbacks so now we're presented with a contradiction lane says that the life given by the curse is equivalent to a slow descent into a loss of existence but removing the curse itself is like cutting off an integral part of yourself this man is truly filled with contradictions ever since we met him whatever the reason dane is so against removing the curse we know that the abyss order is trying to revive the people of conrad to their former glory that's the purpose of the pool and now we have the flower the flower known as intivat which is one of the most questionable flowers that has ever been named but i digress this actually supports my theory that if a being from canary was to return to their former estate that 500 years would relapse on them and their body wouldn't be able to handle the time span it would only last two weeks before wilting but if you were to pluck one and take it out of conriya the petals would stop growing and turn hard only when it finally returned to its home soil would the petals grow soft once more and finally turn to dust also this is the flower in lamine's hair and most likely in the trailer of genji impacts our conquests meaning we will return to the sea flowers in the future where assumably we will fight daneseif and save our sibling well that's ominous following this we get the stunning revelation of the abyssabling's plans of reviving conriya and removing the curse of the people surely they would rather return to the natural cycle of life and death as soon as possible than continue to exist as they are without a shred of dignity they cannot be made to continue paying the price for those so-called sins first we now have confirmation that the abyss are trying to thwart the heavenly principles in 1.4 they only mentioned that they wanted to topple the defined thrones but now we actually get the proper name drop of the principles which means it's interesting that the abyss and the fatoui actually shared the same goals confronting the heavenly principles i mean this was an excerpt from the funerary mask of senora so now we have two organizations created 500 years ago by a country and figure fighting the heavenly principle one is present humanity and the other are actual citizens of the catastrophe honestly they should just do a collaboration and i wouldn't doubt that if that were the case in the future both seem to be hostile against the gods anyway from that we also get the revival of the homeland this plan was actually foreshadowed all the way back in launch that's our conquest your highness your humble servant returns when your homeland returns to this world we shall revel in its glory at the time we had no idea if the word homeland was the sibling's original planet or conriya but now we have slight confirmation that it's conroya homeland returning couldn't possibly mean this building's original homeworld if it never came to davao in the first place cautery on the other hand would be so much easier to explain this also means that lumen did have sentimentality with conriya the mention of sins by the sibling is reminiscent to how the ancient civilizations refer to themselves sins of tohoyo for the ncaa mia the great sinner alchemist ghoul who destroyed conriya and kaya even calls the khanrian sinners fascinating dancing's answers following this is very pessimistic i told you already that no one knows this curse better than i having lived with it for five hundred years there is no redemption there is no undoing the curse trying to remove it by force will achieve nothing but to inflict further suffering so make sure you are clear in your mind you have to tell yourself they are no longer human if you cling to false hope and allow yourself to become too emotionally invested the only way is down you will end up just like them mired in hypocrisy the traveler's response to this is actually pretty telling because remember this is the traveler that witnessed the vision hunt decree the traveler understands what extremes can do to people and therefore either can't accept lumines actions we finally see the diversion between the two twins leading up to the end game a one percent chance of redemption versus a 99 chance of suffering and death nobody has the right to make that choice on another living being's behalf especially not when these hilly churros have already chosen the end that they desire honestly this is fascinating by the way because mostly when it comes to shonen hero stories it's stereotypical for the protagonist to agree with redemption it's a popular motif for a hero to go if there was even one chance of redemption to save the world wouldn't you go for it but this time the protagonist actually thwarts the idea and considers that one percent isn't worth all the cruelty the abyss are doing to devat moving on we conclude the story with the traveler and dane stopping the abyss lecture and the very stunning cutscene of half dan sacrifice conriya didn't fall did it since you're still here correct so no need to revive the homeland but yes that's all my personal thoughts about the chasm's r conquest and i'll definitely be breaking down the chasm lore in future videos when i get around to playing it i really enjoyed this archon quest i think it did what it needed to do and it wasn't too short or was too long we didn't really need to get emotionally invested in half that but more so contextualizing dean's perspective on the whole situation which i think it did wonderfully the art conquest for me was short and sweet and simple the plot was executed appropriately and there are enough plot threads to connect it to future archon quests but yes that's all for me today nevertheless my name is astor and thank you for chilling with me
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 72,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin voice lines, yelan, ayato, genshin lore, genshin impact lore, genshin story, genshin impact story, genshin impact voice lines, genshin 2.6, genshin traveler, genshin archon quets, genshin archon quest, genshin impact voice line analysis, genshin theory, genshin impact theory, genshin discussion, genshin impact discussions, genshin dain, genshin aether, genshin archon, 2.6 archon quest, archon quest, story, genshin fatui, fatui, genshin abyss, abyss
Id: _l1Q9NZ-oFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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