[2.8] An Analysis of the Yakshas - Genshin Impact Theory and Analysis

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[Music] this is shao he's a yaksha and you see these guys they're reaction too only they're pretty different from this guy now this might confuse you i mean they've all got that masked power ranger thing going on and they look pretty similar and they seem to regard each other as some sort of found family so what makes xiao so different from the rest of them and what makes a yaksha a yaksha well to answer that we'll be taking a trip to liwa and doing a deep dive into the history origins inspirations and quirks of the infamous guardian yaksas but we're mostly going to talk about xiao [Music] you probably don't live in liwa so you don't have a yaksha to keep you safe but what about a shark not just any shark i'm talking about surf shark vpn the sponsor of this video the basic job of a vpn is to mask your online activity from sneaky thieves who want your data by hiding your ip address encrypting the actual data that you send and receive and monitoring your account for suspicious activity 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back to it [Music] so what exactly is a yaksha well in gentian yaksa are basically the same type of entities as the adeptdai which is why xiao is often called adeptus xiao both the adeptai and the yaksha are from a race of semi-divine immortals known as illuminated beasts this means that they are enlightened animals first and foremost that sometimes take human form now the difference between the yaksha and the adeptai is mostly in the nuances as far as anyone can tell yaksa are particularly well suited for war and combat while the other adept eye may have other skills think of the yaksha as morax's military generals and the adept dies overall imperial court it's not a perfect analogy but it conveys the general idea it is also important to remember that all yaksha are adept i but not all adeptdai are yaksha now in buddhist and hindu mythology yaksha actually possess two forms or rather they come in two flavors i guess they can either be benevolent nature spirits which matches most of the adept i like cloud retainer and moon carver or they can be malevolent and violent ghost-like creatures that attack indiscriminately which matches the yaksha although those are rather discerning in their targets but more on that in a little bit it is important to note that in mythology yaksa are not particularly well defined as a race they are often lumped together with other divine races such as the gendarva the ashura the kinara the deva the naga the maharaga and the garuda some of these probably sound a little bit familiar to you as they should especially garuda garuda is the primary inspiration for xiao which requires a whole section to explain but i'm bringing this up now to point out how genjin still considers him a yaksha despite being a completely separate race in mythology the same thing appears to happen with menogius who has some references to the ashura race and you can also make the same case for bosacious being a naga or maharaga since his beast form is basically a snake interestingly the maharaga kanara and the gendarva all share strong associations with music and dance especially the gendarva this association is not traditionally shared by the garuda or the yaksha in general which makes it all the more interesting that genshin decided to design their rendition of the yaksas around a type of theatrical performance the nuo opera the nuo opera is a type of religious theater whose purpose is to drive out evil spirits and diseases actors within the nuo opera would don ceremonial masks which ranged from depictions of terrifying monsters to beautiful characters and perform a wide variety of dances to ask the gods for blessings and to drive out evil and diseases which is exactly what xiao is doing whenever he uses his burst it even references this in his name card this is especially noteworthy because when the arkhan war ended around 2000 years ago leewa was riddled with plagues diseases and disasters all created by the lingering resentment of all the gods defeated during the war seeking an end to his people's suffering morax tasked the five foremost yaksha with the responsibility of cleansing the land by slaughtering whatever was left of the former gods and since those gods were already dead the yaksa would have been fighting a type of ghost-like thing which would have made their task more like a form of exorcism to don a fearsome mask while cleansing the land of malevolent spirits makes the yaksa's actors in a nationwide ritual nwo performance however exorcism comes at a cost both in gentian and in mythology buddhism and hinduism believe that committing foul deeds is how one accrues karmic debt little by little that debt accumulates and corrupts the person or deity in buddhist teachings there are times when a yaksa is born in an ugly ogre-like form supposedly because they were humans that committed sins in their previous lives which caused them to accumulate a lot of bad karma they then gain a thirst for violence which causes them to commit more sinful acts which in turn causes them to accrue more bad karma which increases their overall karmic debt in the case of genchin however the yaksha are doing good things purging evil from the land through negative methods aka slaughter this causes their karmic debt to increase exponentially eventually a yaksa's karmic debt becomes too much to bear and the yaksha succumb to madness or they'd die in combat this is the cost of their contract with morax and whether or not he was aware of the repercussions at the time he signed it well no one's really sure speaking of morax though he has a couple of interesting parallels to the deity known as kubera or vashtravana kubera is the god of wealth and contracts relating to money and is generally considered the king of the yaksas as well as some other similar deities now morax has basically the same traits he is also the god of wealth contracts and the leader of the aksha and the prime of the adept died so that checks out in addition to that both morax and kubera have yellow eyes and morax's choice of weapon the spear comes from vashravana who was depicted with a trident more often than not anyway kubera and vashtravana are also equated to bishomon the god of warriors and treasure in japanese buddhism which might be where morax also gets his title of war god from okay that should be enough information for you to understand the basics of what a yaksha actually is now it's time to meet the five foremost yaksha or rather all of the action not named xiao [Music] while the five for most yaksha are the most prominent there are actually six total yaksha that we're aware of however pervasis is the most unyaksha-like yaksha ever this is mostly because he's a crane which is the symbol of peace and prosperity which makes him totally unfit for war now while i can't confirm this i believe that pervasis might have been a regular adeptus who admired the yaksha and wished to train to become one only he died before he was able to go past his junior rank i don't think he had the aptitude to be a yaksha so i'm honestly not going to cover him any more than that now the other yaksha not named xiao have a lot in common with each other implying that they have some sort of shared roots for example each of their animal forms can be found in the chinese zodiac a snake a dragon a monkey and a rat now you might have noticed the complete absence of a crane or a garuda that i mean there's a rooster but i don't really think a rooster works in place of a crane or a garuda even though they're both birds i mean come on it's a it's a rooster in addition to their shared beast symbolism these four yaksas also share a naming convention they all have a primary name and then a military title that includes the name of their beast form now while the latin versions of their primary names are mostly nonsense with the exception of monogias which we will cover i did notice that their chinese names appear to reference the four noble truths of buddhism now i am going to grossly oversimplify this concept for the sake of clarity but i will leave a link for further reading in the description if you're interested please note that these names are not definitively explicit references to these truths they're just some interesting similarities that i thought were too coincidental to be accidental these four yaksha play a very important role in xiao's overall character arc which is mostly about learning how to release oneself from suffering thematically the four noble truths ended up aligning really well with the four yaksa of his past which is why i'm even bringing it up because the four noble truths are all about the process of releasing oneself from suffering so you kind of see where i'm coming from right now my unenlightened non-buddhist brain has translated this exceptionally complex teaching into the following truth 1 acknowledging the symptoms of one's suffering truth 2 diagnosing the cause of one's suffering truth 3 prescribing and discovering a solution for one's suffering and truth 4 is ongoing treatment for one's suffering and once again the cool thing about this reference providing it holds up and isn't just a coincidence would be wild is that it kind of describes shao's overall character development arc because each of his yaksa friends would then represent a stage of his own enlightenment or rather a lesson that xiao can learn to ease his suffering in life because he has so much this will make more sense for later when we do a deep dive into zhao's character development but for now we're going to take a look at each yaksa individually and i'll kind of explain my reasoning for each rule assignment to each yaksha's name okay this is the electro yaksha bosacious marshall soaring snake in chinese he goes by fuchsia and marshall tangshu instead now atengsha is a little bit more of a legless armless wingless dragon than a snake so maybe flying serpent would be a better way to describe him i make note of the dragon aspect though because his body is covered in these cloud tattoos the same kind that are usually included in artwork for dragons it's kind of ironic since his human form has four arms that his beast form is typically without any arms at all and it kind of feels like some overcompensation you know now bostatius is the leader of the yaksha second in command to morax he also appears to be the eldest since all the others refer to him as big brother interestingly if he's older than xiao and xiao is anywhere between 2 500 and 3 000 years old then bosacious would have been alive prior to the start of the arkhan war and may have even been part of the guayli assembly unfortunately there is no way to be sure of that at this time i think bosacious represents the first noble truth the acknowledging one's symptoms of suffering because this truth is all about accepting the state of the world as a whole as suffering his chinese name fusho uses the same characters used to describe the illusory world of buddhism and it's the same phrase used during the inazuma archon quests in reference to a's whole meditation debacle acceptance is the first step towards releasing yourself from the bonds of suffering and this concept seems to be reflected really well in bostatius's personality through his pranks and easygoing nature and his acknowledgement at the end of the perilous trail quest that he is the one who has fated to make the greatest sacrifice his end will be tragic and likely painful but he has accepted it and as a result it became a great source of immense pride for him and he is able to live every day free and without regret now this is the hydro yaksha bonenes general spiral snail in chinese she goes by fanan and general lo chian a spiral snail is less a snail and more like a conch but her design didn't really scream snail or clunch to me at all so while there are some very famous chinese myths about a snail girl i think bonanus might actually be based on a creature known as a joao tu a zhao tu is a dragon like water creature that lives inside a snail or conch shell or it looks like a snail or a conch shell no one's really sure i can't find a very good source to clarify this for me but given bonanza's claw like hands and horns i think the draconic reference is a bit of a better fit than a you know snail lady now her chinese name fanan in my opinion fits the third noble truth the best as it's prescribing a solution for suffering her name means difficult to cut and the nuance here is that finding solutions to problems is difficult especially when things that tie us down are generally intangible i'm reminded of the imagery of xiao's karmic bonds cutting something out mentally is one of the most difficult things to do all right so this is indarius the pyro yaksha general fire rat in chinese she goes by yingda in general huo shou now ahu's show is literally a rat that's on fire or rather a rat whose coat is completely impervious to fire that's legitimately all i could find on it now her chinese name yingda appears to mean response reached which seems to fit with the fourth noble truth i've dubbed ongoing treatment of suffering once one has identified problems and found a method to deal with them one must actually put solutions into practice there's not much else i have to say here because that's all the information we have on in darius yeah i cannot say the same for monogais though because we have a lot to talk about with him this like i said is menogeous also known as general mind monkey in chinese he goes by minou and general xin yuan so menogeous is kinda unique here in some less than obvious ways first off mind monkey is a direct reference to son wukong making him the only other yaksha besides xiao to reference a unique mythological figure rather than a generic race or type of beast now sun wukong was born from iraq which seems appropriate and then obtained like 72 special powers through cultivation and then he used those powers to rebel against heaven heaven got pissed off and imprisoned him for like 500 years and remember this we'll come back to it now the other thing that makes minoguius unique is that his latinized name actually means something and sure he shall's name aletus means winged which does suit a bird which is what he is but the other latin names are just bunk menogeous on the other hand appears to be a direct reference to the greek titan meniscus who is known as the titan god of violent anger and rash action which is ironic because monogias looks like super chill but this connection actually has some merit because his chinese name is minoo which just flat up means anger even better is the fact that the ashuras are often equated to titans and they live in a realm that is often called the realm of anger and yes i know he's a yaksha but remember what i said earlier that yaksa isn't like a super clearly defined race it is often equated with other similar deities and among those deities the ashuras are included so there's that now uh i'm i'm gonna don my tinfoil hat for a second here if any of you have seen my last harbinger video that i made right after the release of the lazzo teaser you might remember my absolute crack theory about copy tattoo being the geo yaksha because they have some visual similarities in capitano's armor looks like the arm of the yaksha statues and leeway and [Music] i did emphasize that this was complete crack it had like a two percent chance of being right but now i think those odds kind of went up to 10 there's still a 90 chance i'm wrong here but anyway see the biggest reason i thought that this was impossible even though it'd be cool was that the timeline just didn't work out minoguius would have died about a thousand years ago and while i don't think death can stop any historical character from being a harbinger all harbingers so far share some kind of experience with the cataclysm of 500 years ago except for child but he doesn't count he's an exception to everything so you know looking at that we're about 500 years off the mark right only that menococcus is a reference to sun woo kong who was imprisoned for 500 years which means that if he died 1 000 years ago he may have actually been imprisoned or restrained and then released 500 years later putting him at the era of the cataclysm itself i don't know how i feel about the fact that there's actually a way to make this timeline work now because i am i am so bothered by this anyway i am removing the tinfoil hat now also i think menokis is supposed to be the second noble truth under diagnosis of suffering since anger and emotions in general can definitely be a source of suffering also if this is true and i'm also right about him being capitano and i'm right about capitano being ranked number two in the harbingers and he's the second noble truth that's a lot of number two references because he'd also be second in command probably to bosacious and you know what i said the tinfoil hat was coming off and it didn't actually come off i am actually removing it now seriously though if this is batshit if it actually works cause like there's a 90 chance i'm wrong but i play gotcha games so that's a 10 odds and that sounds kind of spicy sorry um let's let's uh move on to xiao shall we our little resident anomaly [Music] okay this is the yaksha most everyone is familiar with this is xiao he is also one of the most misunderstood characters in the entire game that's not really his fault though there's a lot that got lost in the localization now the majority of the english community seems to at least see him as an edgy emo character or a tsundere stereotype in reality xiao is an incredibly serious detached overprotective and horrendously stubborn independent character with no sense of self-worth it's not quite the same thing when xiao was young an evil god exploited his weakness his true name and enslaved him he was then forced to commit atrocities against his will including eating people's dreams which i know doesn't seem now that horrible but the nuance got lost and we'll come back to this it's because of this that chao carries an extreme amount of guilt to the point where he places next to no value on his own life meeting morax was the turning point for him morax killed his former master and gave chao three gifts he gave him a new name issued for his own protection he gave him the freedom to choose his own actions and he gave him a found family in the form of the other yaksha xiao's fierce loyalty to morax comes from this act specifically and there's some really cool mythological basis for all of this loyalty too but to understand that we have to learn a little bit more about xiao's inspiration and all of that starts with the look at his names because he has a few now unlike the other yaksa xiao has three names not two and he does not use them the same way that the others do the name morax gave him shao means mountain demon and it was chosen because it was the name of a person in another world who suffered greatly which is fitting since the other yaksa are named after ways of overcoming suffering you see my thematic parallels here now the problem is xiao did not appear to use the name xiao commonly until after the other yaksa the other yaksha call him aletus or jinpeng in chinese but that is not a name that is just what his beast form is a golden peng it'd kind of be like if the other yaksa called each other steak and rat and you know like it's very impersonal but xiao likely did this or asked them to do this because he did not wish to use his true name since it had once been used to take advantage of him by his former master if i had to guess about why he didn't just use the name xiao instead my guess is it's probably because he didn't feel worthy of this new name now we don't actually know what xiao's true name is but during the a new star approaches our conquest xiao says this my name means swiftness take my power and run as i do and then he promptly buffs your movement speed the thing is neither xiao nor alitus or jin peng have this meaning of swiftness like i said xiao is the name for a mountain demon or something tiny alitus just means winged in latin and jinpeng is just his beast form which is a bird this leaves me to believe that xiao's true name might be something more like shinshu ye or chiachi it means swiftness or swift ghost respectively options here were presented courtesy of teal clover on reddit there's a link below also please don't make fun of my chinese i'm really trying it's very hard now i've mentioned it a few times in passing but xiao's beast form the jin peng is very significant jin peng literally means golden peng peng being a type of bird specifically a type of kite falcon or an eagle on its own this seems kinda inconsequential but if you look at the chinese name for xiao's constellation the reference becomes really obvious xiao's constellation in chinese is golden wang peng king which is the english name for da ping jin chi ming wang whose full name was golden pung to pang king of illumination and who is confirmed by xiao's developer insights to be a primary source of inspiration for xiao now da ping chin ching ming wang is another name for garuda an important buddhist and hindu deity related to the races of yaksa deva and ashura in mythology garuda is related to aruna the deity who leads the chariot for the sun god surya when garuda's mother was enslaved garuda fought all the gods in heaven for her freedom and won it wasn't until he met vishnu that he was taught how to be humble and the two became an inseparable coupling of a king and his retainer garuda being the retainer this parallels xiao's story granted it wasn't his mother that was enslaved it was him but he did fight countless gods as a terrifying bloodhound morax in this case would be vishnu the one who earned garuda's loyalty vishnu was considered to be the epitome of everything a king should be while garuda represented the power of the king you can kinda see this paralleled in how zhong li and never touches his spear it's all telekinetic and his movements are very smooth and precise when using his shield he also barely moves this enforces his kingly position since kings are not that free to move about in any way that they like a king has an image to maintain and needs to be visible and unruffled around his people for this reason a right-hand man so to speak is necessary by contrast shao's movements are wide sweeping and fast he goes where he pleases and eliminates targets with reckless abandon he moves so morax doesn't have to likely all of the yaksha would have been similar to xiao in this way though but what's kind of neat about xiao in particular is that his signature weapon the primordial jade winged spear tells the story of the time morax fought the sea dragon bachao by fashioning a stone kite the bird not the toy to defeat it out at sea garuda is generally considered to be of the kite or falcon family so this feels especially fitting now i could of course talk about the nuances between garuda and xiao for ages but there's one thing in particular i want to talk about which takes us into theory territory namely that xiao might not be from liwa at all he might actually be from sumeru in my opinion xiao is the only yaksha with a direct tie to sumeru see garuda specifically is supposed to guard mount sumeru in buddhist and hindu mythology it's true that there's no explicit evidence for xiao having the same relation but there's a lot of circumstantial evidence see morax and co defeated a lot of gods all over leewa during the arkhan war xiao's former master was included in this while the purpose of the war itself was to secure a seat in celestia most of the battles seemed to have taken place as if they were territorial disputes this is most explicitly seen in the case of havria who was weak and couldn't hold onto her land and it just kept shrinking and shrinking and shrinking and shrinking her story overall suggests that each god originally had more or less a set territory which suggests to me that the exact borders of liue were not clearly defined until the end of the war that means it's very possible that xiao's former master had territory that bordered on both lewi and sumeru's modern border i'm specifically placing the territory around this general area of leeway sumeru borderland because we've learned recently that the dendro arc on kusanali and possibly the dendro element itself is related to the concept of dreams now you'll remember that xiao was forced to eat the dreams of his targets at the order of his master so it's very possible that his master was either of the dendro element or related to sumeru in some way now in chinese the types of dreams zhao devoured are very specific xiao was only instructed to eat good dreams this is likely referencing the mythical creatures in china known as mo and in japan as the baku originally the mo devoured sickness in order to help people recover but the baku myth kinda changed things up instead of devouring sickness you could call on them to eat the bad dreams so that you could sleep peacefully so the idea here is that if eating bad dreams gives the person a good night's sleep being forced to eat good dreams would cause people to have nightmares instead he'd be inflicting trauma upon his victims by stealing away the dreams that brought them peace and happiness or potentially devouring their dreams as in their ambitions as in the things that visions are supposed to be either way this act of devouring dreams is very different from the adeptal art of dream trawler wherein a user separates mind from body to achieve enlightenment or zhong li's methods of sending the occasional message to people through their dreams and as we've been getting more sumaru teasers i've been able to spot more suspicious hints that connect xiao to sumeru remember how garuda guards mount sumeru well mount sumeru is described as having the shape of an hourglass and in one of the most recent sumaru teasers we got to see a giant double pyramid mountain in the shape of an hourglass out in the middle of the desert the camera even starts off upside down and then rotates like an hourglass wood heck its location in the desert might even be a whole sands of time reference which would be kind of wild when you think about it in the desert tombs that we saw in the same teaser have some statues that look like bird men now granted these statues look more egyptian than anything else in our rumbly depictions of horus and anubis but if i may don my tin foil head again for a minute horus was usually depicted as a falcon and a falcon is a type of kite just like garuda he's also a symbol of kingship just like garuda through his relationship with vishnu he's also a sun deity and garuda's brother was the charioteer of the sun god horus also had an antagonistic relationship with the god set who assumes the form of an animal that looks quite a bit like a baku or a mo with that weirdly long curved nose now i'm not saying they're related i'm just saying they're sus for all i know these statues could just be of konsu instead and that idea also has some merit but it's a completely separate discussion and has nothing to do with the adept die and yeah okay i i know i know that xiao is an adeptist and i know that adept eye are supposed to be unique to leeway and therefore it's impossible for xiao to even be partially from sumeru but consider the possibility that illuminated beasts are going to be found everywhere in tivat they may not even use label of adeptai but they'll still have all the same attributes yai miko is a perfect example of this phenomena and her existence as well as the existence of the half animal characters like goro and sucrose lead me to believe that the illuminated beasts are kind of like demigods while half animals like diona are the product of humans and demigods intermingling over time which therefore means that these demi-gods can exist in all nations as different types of beasts but i feel like i could make a whole video on this topic so i'm just gonna leave that there for right now now we still have one loose end to tie up so let's talk fate by looking at xiao's constellations [Music] i mentioned before that each of the other four yaksha had a sort of life lesson that they represented for shao and i think this is mirrored throughout his constellations as those outline his character arc now several of xiao's constellations are referred to as eons or in chinese as kalpas it's exactly what it sounds like a period of time generally a part or a whole cycle of death and rebirth in buddhism there are specific types of kalpas that relate directly to xiao's constellations xiao's constellations begin with dissolution referencing his enslavement to his former master and the kalpas of destruction this is followed by his second constellation annihilation which is a little bit less obvious the annihilation calpis is about liberation which suits the part of chao's life where he was freed by morax the third consolation then conqueror of evil is simply one of his titles likely one obtained during the war then there's constellation iv transcension the extinction of suffering you could take this a couple of different ways but i've come to think of this as xiao reconciling the death of his yaksha comrades since i think their chinese names are referencing the ways to end suffering this is shao learning their lessons that makes his fifth constellation evolution origin of ignorance xiao's journey to seek out the truth which allows him to become his true self the guardian yaksha at his final constellation 6. story-wise xiao appears to be around constellation 5 as of the perilous trail r conquest i mean the whole quest was just about shao seeking out the truth of what happened to bosacious and ironically it's morax that stands in the way of xiao and his pursuit of the truth because poor morax thinks it's too dangerous and he doesn't want to lose any more of his companions and quite frankly i can't really blame him now my favorite part of the entire quest here starts at this moment where we get to see xiao confronting morax about this very topic on the surface it looks like xiao is requesting permission to go on a solo mission but that's not actually what's happening here this is actually the continuation of an argument that these two have had at least twice xiao is stubborn by nature and thinks it's his responsibility to seek out the fates of his comrades so he has been slowly wearing down morax's opposition over periods of time this is the moment that his king finally relents to his knight and allows him to do as he likes with his reluctant blessing and not to backpedal on my own statements here but the real reason why morax didn't want to give shout permission in the first place wasn't because the journey was going to be too dangerous it was because morax knew exactly how much zhao does not value his own life if given the chance he can and will sacrifice himself without considering any other options i personally think morax regrets what happened with the other yaksha and that he wasn't able to help them and now that xiao is the only one left he feels like a greater sense of responsibility towards him es especially since xiao isn't very keen on keeping himself alive or old man has lost way too many friends over the years can't blame him for this so morax's permission came with some fine print specifically that he would be watching over shao from a distance and would interfere if he deemed it necessary you'll notice that he did not ask permission to save xiao nor did he tell him to be careful and he probably didn't even tell him that he'd be nearby in case something went wrong if he had done any of those things xiao wouldn't have looked so shocked during this absolute banger moment i mean put yourself in chao's shoes for a moment and imagine that the person whose opinion and judgment you value even above your own just saving your life without a single word of warning reprimand or condition they decided that your life was worth saving so maybe just maybe your life might have some real value after all that's the lesson that xiao has to learn and is learning in his constellation 5 in order to obtain his constellation 6. morax wants xiao to fight for his right to live he is not a weapon that can simply be discarded that is completely at odds with how xiao views himself and not only is there this whole silent conversation happening between zhong li and xiao but there's this really subtle subplot happening throughout the entire quest at the same time remember that yanfei was brought to the chasm due to a will like a last will and testament and throughout the entire quest there's this kind of ongoing discussion about meaningful deaths fulfilling the wishes of the deceased and what it means to be a survivor and honestly what it means to have survivors guilt this applies to yelon and xiao in particular although yaelon is in a slightly better healthier headspace than xiao is now here's the thing in the book heart's desire and in shao's developer interviews it's stated that if an illuminated beast dies with its wishes unfulfilled they leave behind a crystal heart and in the official artwork for the quest and the menu screen for the associated event xiao is seen holding a small item that looks a bit like a rock inside of a pale flame behind him is the silhouette of bosacious now for all the emphasis placed on this item in these massive artworks we never see it during the entire quest but at the end of the quest xiao talks to the traveler about his attempt to bring back a stone that he found within the chasm and that he intended to leave in pervasi's temple as a monument to bosacious there is reason to believe that that stone was not a normal stone it was a crystal heart left behind by an unfulfilled bosacious now in shangley's second story quest we learn that stones can hold memories the more pure the stone the more memories they can hold and the clearer those memories become by that logic a crystal or stone heart left behind by an illuminated beast or yaksa is basically just like a last will and testament so that means that when bosacious told shao that it's the responsibility for the surviving yaksha to pursue the fates of the ones that have fallen he was really telling xiao to collect and maybe inherit the last wills of his companions and by forcibly preventing xiao's self-sacrifice morax really emphasized that in order to carry out those last wills and to understand what it means to be the one to have them xiao needed the will to live and that is the only way he can become the true guardian yaksha you can't protect anyone if you're dead you know i could honestly talk about the action on the adept die for hours but i think this is enough right now zhao is the character that convinced me to play gentian in the first place so the yaksha will always hold a very special place in my heart and i loved the perilous trail arc on quest so much it makes me so excited for future story beats and i cannot wait to share those moments with all of you thanks so much for watching this video guys i know it was a long one but i hope it gave you the same appreciation for xiao and the yaksas that i have whether it did or not let me know down below i want to give a special thanks to zen zara and schwann who all helped me work on this theory and thanks to all of you for watching again especially all new channel members you guys are amazing and i wouldn't be here without you so you know what take care i'll see you guys in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 210,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact, mihoyo, theory video, game lore, genshin lore, yaksha, liyue, xiao, perilous trail, bosacius
Id: KAurswn4PII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 33sec (2313 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.