Thoughts and Misconceptions of the Genshin Characters About Their Visions [Voice Line Analysis]

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a fascinating concept in my communications research studies is the interpretivist theory known as symbolic interactionism this theory was proposed by george herbert mead and herbert bloomer and it dealt with the relationship of interpretation interaction and meaning according to the theory everything in our society is based on symbols symbols can be anything from gestures to expressions to images to language to physical objects the meaning of these symbols however is something independent to the person interpreting it each person can have their own perception of what this symbol is and what it quote unquote means the way a person defines the meaning it gives to the symbol is based on their interactions with society meaning originates from the person's interaction with history ideals culture and social context that meaning is never stagnant much like how society is and that individual's meaning of that symbol constantly perpetuates depending on the changes and interactions they have and that ladies and gentlemen is a theoretical framework of today's video the visions in the world of gen chin have always been a difficult debate in genshin's lore the mystery of such an item is unparalleled that even those that use it on a daily basis have no idea what it really signifies today however we're not talking about the objective or theoretical truths of the vision but instead something more important the visions are only significant because they have a certain subjective meaning to each of the wielders whether it be meaningless like a tool or the apex of human ambition instead of focusing on the divine aspects of the vision i want to investigate how each of the wielders interpret the meaning of these mysterious artifacts let's begin before we put into consideration the more human characters we can also make inferences based on the archon's thoughts on the visions or more specifically their distribution a's voice line cements that the archons have no jurisdiction over how the visions come to a wielder and that even though they have a designated location or element he says that even she doesn't know the criterion on why the electro vision stopped being distributed really so when all this time no new electro visions have appeared in the outside world well what i can say on this topic is subject to certain constraints but it is not by my will that visions are granted or denied the key is people's desire and well there's another side to it too additionally her and john lee talk about visions having an alternative side to the power that they're supposed to give visions are also a type of contracts you should know that all power comes at a price for every bit of power you gain so too do you gain more responsibility to add to this venti's dialogue about the visions is pretty telling out of all the three archons instead each archon has an internal magical focus that resonates directly with celestia itself known as a gnosis it's just a glowing glass ball i carry around to avoid suspicion you want to know about my vision oh go on then take a look for yourself i can make you a matching one if you like first it's pretty neat that the fact that the archons can't create their own visions was already hinted at with venti and john lee's fake visions think about it this way if the archons can create visions why don't they just make one for their human personas why bother making a fake replica we know that venti and johnny's visions don't resonate with the meteors in 1.1 or the stone in the 2.4 archon quest because they're fake and they have no elemental energy within them secondly the gnosis may not be connected to the creation of divisions either neither does it connect to the arkhan's originality 500 years is such a long time for aid to have risen to the position of the electro archon it also left her noses with the eye a long time ago around the time of kunikozushi's existence but the distribution of electrovisions only ended a year ago venti and john lee's noses were also taken away by senora only around the time of the traveler but their existence in tivat has been longer jonly is already an established employee of the wangshan funeral parlor thirdly venti opens the term allergens and the purpose of the visions in truth every wielder of a vision is one who can attain godhood and ascend to celestia we call such people allergens this seems to be information that is private to most of the archons in the manga the tory also says this line of dialogue meaning it's possible he learned it from the zariza just the thought of the archons knowing what the visions are for recontextualizes certain actions like the vision hunt decree maybe a knows something about ascension and visions that she doesn't want to divulge but now we move on to the perceptions of the users i will be separating this segment into the three nations investigating whether the common themes that wielders from the nation share with each other it's actually pretty fascinating to see that each of the nation's wielders have differences in how they perceive a vision some feeling stronger than others while some just prefer to be apathetic i'll also be connecting them with possible contexts from that nation society and structure granted i won't be able to go through all of the dialogue from the characters of that nation given the sheer amount of them so i'll only be using brief examples and you guys can look for the ones that i've missed so with that let's begin with monstat monstat's allergens tend to talk about their visions in a much more quizzical fashion one sets characters appreciate the vision and carry a more lighthearted perspective on why the gods gave them their visions most of the time the simple explanation of the gods thought i was worthy is good enough for the monstadian characters they also tend to be more expressive with showing their emotions about the visions whether it be distaste curiosity or joy the first similarities are between the scholarly characters who are more open to ask about the elemental interpretations of the visions characters like lisa kaya and alberto share fascinated approach about their visions asking or answering what are the mysteries behind the gem still struggling with how visions work let's see how can i explain it the apparatus that allows us to see is our eyes a vision is the apparatus by which we control the elements simple is it not my vision ah that's nothing more than the tool to aid in my experiments no different from a beaker or crucible the one thing about it that really intrigues me is the principle behind how it works one day i will uncover its secrets it's only a matter of time visions ah they're a necessary device in controlling the elements with you being the sole exception of course hmm as for why that is perhaps we can find the time to experiment a little to be honest i'm feeling a little dejected well sure this vision proves that the archons think i'm worthy but why is it a geovision some characters and ones that show their apathy for the vision there's this underlying thought that they don't really need the vision for anything massive and that it isn't really indicative of their true skill sets my vision is my most important research tool why without it i'd be unable to proceed with most of my elemental research combat oh i suppose i use it for that too when i'm out in the field looking for materials a vision could be proof of strength or a medal for having survived who knows there are two sides to every coin i won't limit my vision with ceremonies and definitions it witnesses me and i witness it that's all but the last correlation is that they're individually idealistic mostly focusing on what the vision means to them personally it's actually pretty interesting to see how individualized their answers are when you compare it to how the leon and inazuman characters answer for their visions monstat vision wielders also shared this level of personal interpretation on how the visions work not really conforming to an objective truth the wielders instead give you an interpretation based on their ideals and beliefs vision helps razor fight with lightning tooth protect lupica this little marble is supposed to be a present from barbados to say well done well done for what though hmm he is the god of freedom i guess maybe that's why he likes me all right from now on i'll say thank you to barbados by showing that i have the freedom to blow up as many fish as i want am i doing it right visions are a light in the sea of darkness that surrounds those who have lost their way but for those who have faith they are little more than badges of conviction descendant of a depraved dynasty isn't the most flattering reputation to have the only way i can shake it for good is if i keep avenging my kin in my own way those who desire vengeance need power first so it makes sense that i would get a vision getting recognized by the gods was the last thing i expected seeing as how i'm so unlucky all the time but if the gods haven't given up on me i guess that means i shouldn't give up on me either for monstat as always is the gunhilder family motto every time i use my vision i am reminded of my mother and the hopes of the people of monstat for monstat for freedom that is what i fight for the fact that the city of freedom has the most individualized explanations of their visions is indicative of how manchester's ideals are integrated into their citizens they never really had the grace of barbados the way that liu and inazuma had moraxes and bowels to them visions have a more relaxed symbolism mostly positive therefore it allowed them to have a more flexible mindset of the visions as opposed to the other nations religion is a part of their culture yes but the absence of their god contributes to the methods monstat's culture was raised in now we move on to the liu and characters leo's characters have a more rigid form of dialogue liu and dialogue has always been very flowy and formal definitely a contrast to the more relaxed vocabulary of munstadian characters as for their perception on visions the same can also be said the characters root themselves in two ideas its practicality for business contributions to the land of commerce and its significance to the gods and rex lapis firstly some characters don't care for the vision and its intricacies we see this in the more business-oriented characters that have other endeavors than simply beating hilly charles up with the elements there's no need to use a vision and affairs that maura can solve as far as affairs only a vision can solve go i know of only one vision vision oh this thing yeah whatever hmm my vision my suppose the lord of geo must be a fan of the opera perhaps the old man was so delighted with my performance that he decided to grant me a vision visions are powerful but one would be foolish to place blind faith in them personally i trust more in thamaturgy and martial arts in the end one cannot become truly proficient without vigorous training this perception is really interesting if you think about it liuen characters are from a nation of wealth and trade which builds a reputation of efficiency stricture and rigor it would make sense why some characters don't care about their vision since they have other careers to prioritize secondly however are those that respect the ideals of vision represent leon characters follow a stricter definition of what a vision represents which is the manifestation of desire ambition and aspiration instead of them freely characterizing a vision they take the vision's preconceived meaning and explain their take on it you can see this in the more formal characters hiding i'm hiding nothing i just won't speak of desire to others do you mortals not have a rule about spoken wishes never coming true what do you mean that's not the same so this shiny gemstone is called a vision the gifts that fate brings fake can just as easily take away if one day my connection to this vision comes to an end that'll be it and the light inside of it will go out if a vision means the approval of the gods then i don't see why i should want one in fact i find it quite insulting it's like trying to say everything i've ever achieved is all thanks to the gods looking out for me well i got to where i am today through my own hard work the gods had nothing to do with it with authority over a thousand comes responsibility to a thousand rex lapis knows the meaning of hardship better than anyone else in liue he has seen everything that has happened from ancient times to the present day and yet he was forced to give up his entire life compared to him i'm just an everyday vision holder with everyday responsibilities i can't complain about my workload but thirdly much like manchester leo does still have characters that don't really mind putting their own interpretations into what visions are or what the gods had in store for them it doesn't matter if they're right or wrong in their interpretation but they will stand by what the vision means to them visions appear in response to strong desire so as someone with ideals it's only natural that i should have received one because above all i wish for all people to live honest lives and abide by the law but some people will always insist on playing by their own rules and causing havoc for everyone else those people can expect to be prosecuted so hard they won't know what hit them i'm guessing that i'm the only person in tibet who uses the fire from their vision and rock performances some say i should respect that power more but the way i see it the gods gave the vision to me so they lack my style don't you think my vision can't turn back time but at least it gives me the power to protect the people that matter most leo is culture despite rex lapis being a larger presence here is still rooted in the freedom of the people the relationship between the humans and the adaptai are relatively banal and while the adept tai like to believe that they are only now passing the torch over to humans history would indicate otherwise humans in the adeptai have coexisted in leo for so long that it gave them multiple benefits they do seem to have a deeper understanding of the visions than monstat's characters and are also much more inclined to respect the divine representations of it rather than making their own of course that's not to say leo characters are incapable of making their own conclusions of course just that religion and the divine are so rooted in their culture but the last nation of innozuma shows a stark contrast between the three innozuma's characters are much more sentimental in how they perceive their visions holding it to the highest level of significance as opposed to the other nations which makes sense other nations never had the threat of their visions being taken away from them meaning inazumans grew that extra threat of attachment to something they can lose a vision is an eminently useful tool so it only makes sense to put it to good use also i like to think it's happiest in my possession because it has the chance to shine away in all its glory there is hardly any room for flexibility in their definition of division its ambition and approval of the gods unlike the other nations the characters of inazuma centered their voice lines around that idea as well as the idea of defying those that tried to take their ambitions away don't don't even ask just the thought of it makes my blood boil first first the shogun's army goes out and steals everyone's precious visions which already a heinous crime right but then then they go and stick them all over that statue with absolutely no sense of organization whatsoever i i mean think about it the more powerful the vision the higher up on the statue it should go that would make sense right but no some classy jerk in the tenrio commission thought it'd be funny to put my vision right at the very bottom come on in my book visions are symbols of aspiration an aspiration is a precious thing indeed this is exactly why the resistance was formed to oppose the vision hunt decree aspiration should never be abandoned or forcibly taken away my vision amplifies my abilities in battle it allows me to take greater responsibility on the battlefield and forge a way forward for the troops but i also understand that one person alone no matter how strong is never enough to turn the tide of a battle the key to victory is everyone's united effort fighting for a common cause as i see it a vision is the proof of one's strength not the source of it it symbolizes the mortal desire to always keep moving forward but in this endeavor we samurai place our faith in our blades alone visions are a seal of approval for those who are most ambitious as for my own ambitions they shall remain private for now it is nothing more than an insignificant dream only if the gods cast their gaze upon you will you receive a vision since my own vision was granted by the almighty shogun i shall return it to her in the end without hesitation and with no regrets there is a repetition of a more human emotion in their voice lines attachment or defiance the vision hunt decree truly shaped the way people perceive their visions i think that if the vision hunter never happened some of these characters would have a more relaxed approach to using a vision it's fascinating to see how an important event can shape a person's meaning of a symbol and that's mostly for me today i hope you enjoyed today's video and i know this is actually pretty different than my usual theories i really wanted to share you guys the theory of symbolic interactionism because i think gentian's lore is open to interpretation the story is mostly told in the third person limited meaning anyone and everything can be subjective i think that's what makes tension slower fascinating but anyway my name is astor and thank you for chilling with me [Music] you
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 72,636
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Keywords: genshin impact, genshin voice lines, yelan, ayato, genshin lore, genshin impact lore, genshin story, genshin impact story, genshin impact voice lines, genshin 2.6, genshin traveler, genshin archon quets, genshin venti, genshin archon quest, genshin zhongli, genshin ganyu, genshin xiao, genshin yae miko, yae, genshin impact voice line analysis, genshin theory, genshin impact theory, genshin discussion, genshin impact discussions
Id: N9iNoakjv2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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