[2.7] A First Look at the Fatui Harbingers - A Genshin Impact Theory and Analysis

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introducing the much anticipated the incredibly mysterious the overly hostile anti-celestial force we all love to hate the fatoui harbingers in reverse order we have tartalia sandrone pantalone and the big daddy of them all piero okay so the order is partly speculative as are all of these constellations because we're missing official ranks for numbers ten seven four and 2 but i'll explain my reasoning on their placement a little bit later in this video now i have changed my opinion on a few things since my last prediction video because child decided to outright tell us that the harbingers are ranked by strength hey a future ash guy here as it turns out child's talk of strength does not indicate raw combat power in chinese it's difficult to explain the nuances of it but basically the reference does not only include combat power but also overall value and utility for example puccinella is ranked number five and may be weaker in combat versus someone at rank 10 but may bring more power and versatility to the table as a government official which would give him an overall higher rank this nuance makes rankings incredibly difficult to gauge accurately just because we don't know enough about each harbinger now that said in my last predictions video i ranked all the harbingers based on biblical numerology and interestingly that method still works here even though some of the ranks get shuffled around a bit from my last round i will leave a link to that video if you want to learn more about that but just know that my ranks are a little bit different from video to video and that's okay there's different reasoning just note that all of the rank predictions in this video in particular were written before i was aware of the subtleties in the language used in the original chinese okay and back to past me anyway let's go ahead and get to know each harbinger in this speculated order i'm skipping tartalia because we know basically everything about him already and scaramouche because i'll be lumping him in with the gnosis and piero because he requires a much deeper dive he's a very special boy grab a snack and get comfy guys the introductions start now [Music] we know next to nothing about sandrone officially this is not only her first appearance in this teaser but this teaser is basically all the information we have to go on so i can't provide all that much for you but what i can tell you is that the original syndrome from the chameleo was actually a character adopted from a traditional puppet show which is where all this marionette imagery comes from originally sandrone was a male puppet but he did have a puppet wife so looking at harbinger sandrone coming in as a pair i'm not actually sure immediately which one is the true harbinger it could be the sentient robot that makes pretty humanoid doll androids or it could be a pretty girl who likes to make fancy robots i could argue either case honestly for now i'm going to assume it's the pretty girl who makes fancy robots because that seems more hoyo vs style now i originally ranked her at number seven but i'm moving her to number 10 for a couple of reasons first i think without a robot she might actually be kind of weak so a lower rank makes sense and second well i did say i wouldn't talk about biblical numerology here but i have to mention the number 10 can symbolize the whole world being connected or unified which is relevant to why i shifted her rank in the first place so i guess i'm mentioning it c while sandro's most striking feature is her super fancy ruin guard which is kind of odd because the last groom guard lab we saw actually belonged to dettore and not syndrome but whatever the most interesting thing about her is how much she looks like catherine adventurers guild catherine now if you've ever been to one of my streams you've probably heard my whole theory about how all the catharines are just robots being puppeted by a remote operator somewhere they say error and rebooting all the time and the adventurer's guild is actually headquartered in schneshnaya and look at all these little subtle similarities between the two they've got a similar haircut the bonnet the way the bustline is cut the style of dress the collar the crossed hands it's actually very possible that sandrone is operating the adventurer's guild that would make her an intelligence agent and she therefore wouldn't need to be all that strong herself you know that also makes sandrone aka marionette number 10 of the fatui harbingers with the marionette as her constellation [Music] i'm just going to say it because we're all thinking it pantalone has massive bioshoe vibes and i regret to inform you that there's actually more to this theory than just their looks like okay yes baiju and pantalone have similar glasses hair speech patterns and sassy says these little smiles but it's also possible that they are both from leewa this is because pantalone's backstory parallels ninguangs both of them grew up extremely poor only to become extremely wealthy later on the difference is ninguang really loves mora truly and loves earning it and according to the pale flame set pantalone kind of resents it even though he lusts after it he sees control of the financial sector not because he likes money necessarily but because he sees it as the heart that beats around the world and his goal is to force that heart to stop beating by his will alone he also runs the northland bank so pantalone could be easily linked back to leeway just because he has so many fingers in that pie like a suspicious amount and here's the thing the constellation that i'm pretty sure belongs to him is the open palm with a spiral this as far as i can tell is a native american symbol from the hopi tribe known as the healing hand and it also may be a reference to jainism's ahimsa hand which is from india which represented a vow of non-violence but the constellation itself has detached fingers which make it look a bit more like a handprint and you'd get the biggest gaps between the palm and the fingers if you were wearing a lot of rings which pantalone is on his left hand if this is not a handprint then his constellation would actually be depicting his right hand upon which he is only wearing one ring on his ring finger and lo and behold the one finger on the constellation that differs from the other is the ring finger now in some eastern religions men wear their wedding rings on their right hand which would line up here and guess what baijiu and changsheng his snake are based on the myth of the immortal white snake wherein a white snake demon took human form and married a pharmacist which means that chongqing could be baiju's wife foo that would also mean that pantalone is married which doesn't really quite seem like you know holy versus style but whatever it is suspicious in addition to this that he's referenced in yelan's story quest though especially if he has a connection to baiji because jaelon frequents the pharmacy but only does so in a lot of different disguises can you imagine these two interacting regularly both under different aliases and different disguises it's hysterical absolutely hysterical but the the problem with this is that arlo aquino basically says straight up that pantalone doesn't leave shnishnaya very often so baizu being a disguise of his wouldn't really work unless baijiu is some kind of avatar that gets piloted remotely and is overseen by chongqing that would explain why everyone says he's sick even though he doesn't show any symptoms and why he's not around the pharmacy all that often and why his most trusted companion is a conveniently forgetful zombie and why zhong li doesn't really recognize him even though that guy remembers everything and also why baijiu isn't playable yet or even in like the forecast for the playable future like what what but you know even even then pantalone does not have a vision so if this does end up being true then baiju's vision will actually be fake or maybe a disguised illusion it's complicated and okay sure one of pantalone's rings looks a bit like this constellation instead the heresy symbol but comedia's pantalone and detore are actually very closely linked to each other sometimes even alter egos of each other so i'm not going to use this as evidence to suggest that this is pantolone's constellation when i think it's detores instead i would like to propose that these two are actually quite close to each other so that's my take on pantalone aka regrotter the ninth of the fatoui harbingers in charge of economic policies owner of the open hand constellation [Music] so senora is actually dead like dead dead like i'm not even really on the hopium she might come back as rosalind train anymore she's pretty pretty dead deader than i thought she was pierro even straight up says that wherever the future are going rosalind is not going to be there with them so and i have no idea what's in that coffins and she was like vaporized but what's really interesting about this is that her coffin has a lot of similarities with the unified civilizations architecture so like enconemia and the buildings in the chasm and it's not just the coffin that has similar architecture and that has some really neat implications that we'll kind of talk about a little bit later but not a whole lot just it's a neat observation i guess i don't know if i really need to explain her backstory do i by now everyone should know that she was a citizen of monstaff 500 years ago who studied in the sumeru academia and then turned herself into the crimson witch of flames out of rage and grief when her lover rostem died in the cataclysm i mean she was recruited after that and then she stole two gnosis and got vaporized by the shogun that's basically the whole story she is now very dead so uh pour one out for la senora aka the fair lady number eight of the fatoui harbingers a diplomat of shneshnaya and the moth constellation ah yes our latino twitter's new darling arlaquino runs the house of hearth orphanage in schnishniya where she raises and trains orphans to be outstanding soldiers of the fatoui everything we know about her comes from this quest with gendo ringo who well i won't actually spoil it for you if you go to this place in inazuma you can trigger the quest and explore it for yourself i highly recommend it but just know that it's like literally time time-gated and it takes a few days her title the knave is a term usually reserved for young male servants or young androgynous servants or it can be another name for the jack and a deck of playing cards of the three face cards within a normal deck the jack is always the lowest rank within the royal court now i do concede that this would usually put her around rank four i guess but her competition for the rank is with dettori and capitano and i struggle to see her being stronger than either of them honestly besides she addresses both pantalona and puccinella numbers 9 and 5 respectively in such a way that makes me think her rank would sit in between them and the only open number there is seven i did originally rank her at number two in a previous video because in the chamedia arlaquino and piero are generally equals so rank 2 just made sense but i started to realize that while the physical traits of the harbingers are pretty faithful to the chamedia their personality quirks are kind of contrary i already mentioned one instance of this with pantalone who in the chamedia loves and adores money while harbinger pantalone seems to love it on the surface but actually kind of resents it another example is tartalia who in the chamedia is an old man who's a bit slow and talks with a stutter while the harbinger tartalia is the youngest of the lot outgoing and silver tongued this makes me think that something similar is going on with arlaquino and that she may not actually consider piero a rival or an equal at all it would therefore not make sense for her to be his near equal in strength at number two i'm far more confident about her constellation than her rank though after my last video was brought to my attention that the clawed hand is actually called a hand of glory which is kinda gross actually it was a severed hand of a dead man thief or other criminal that was either turned into a candle or a candle holder hence the flame since child has suggested that she'd easily betray the fatui to suit her own needs this feels like it kind of suits her it's got that traitor vibe to it you know it could theoretically work for capitano but he has too many honor and pride and all that kind of stuff vibes going on so i don't think it's his therefore i think arlakino aka the nave is number seven of the fatoui harbingers and the head of the house of hearth orphanage and the hand of glory constellation [Music] this was not at all what i expected for puccinella first off this is the same guy in the travail trailer you'd never know it but that shot was just a really flattering low angle second this dude has elf ears likely that makes him the fourth elf-eared character in the game and all of them have white hair and they're small and no i didn't miss count there are actually four i'm just not allowed to talk about number three yet the other two are obviously klee and janssen i have no idea what it means but i am so bothered by the existence of these ears like what if he's actually related to clee like maybe not directly but alice did say they were from a long-lived race so what if puccinella is another one of their race what if he knows alice that's such a i don't know what to say about that also this symbol on his hat really bothers me because it looks so much like a hilla churro mask i mean look at it what are the implications of that i don't even know brain worms aside though something neat i noticed is that his hat is not only full of feathers but the brim is kind of structured like a pair of wings and this is super cool because his title is the rooster and it also suits his bona fide beak of a nose like jesus look at that thing puccinella however is a government official the others call him mayor which i in my opinion is kind of a weird choice of words and spares only really govern towns as far as i know but child describes him as a really good guy who he likes a lot and he takes care of his family while he's away but like i don't know about anybody else but i get like massive godfather vibes from puccinella like he'll be nice to you on the surface treat you like family but if you say so much as one bad thing against him you'll have gone against the family you know guys like that use innocent people as leverage against their subordinates if putinella is close to child's family then he's basically got child on a leash he's got leverage and he was the one who even selected him to join the harbingers in the first place i find that worrisome as for my choice of his constellation i will concede that he could be this symbol now i called it the heresy symbol and i assigned it to detoure but i will admit that it could also be a globus cruciger which is a symbol of authority and the mask could be a plague doctor's mask but like that's so obvious and boring the torah is a doctor so let's give him a plague doctor mask however i still think puccinella is actually the plague doctor mask and the reason is he actually looks like a plague doctor like straight up it's the round glasses it's the long nose it's the right shape he's even got the same hat man like it's the same thing and just for the record most plague doctors were not doctors or at least not like really trained physicians they were either new physicians or just any person who decided that they wanted to participate in treating people like a volunteer but they actually got paid but the thing about plague doctors is they did treat people regardless of their income and i actually think that that suits putinella because puccinella is described by child as actually being pretty generous a fair and just politician that wants to earn the favor of the people like he would would effectively treat everyone equally regardless of status so i think this still fits i am sticking with it he's the plague doctor mask also if i might just add this the plague doctor mask actually does look a lot like puccinella's commedia mask with the long elongated beef kind of thing so there's also that anyway that's my take on puccinella aka the rooster he's the mayor of nishnaya i guess and the number five of the future harbingers with the plague doctor mask constellation i'm sticking with it [Music] this may surprise you but there is more than one detore in fact i can count at least four that we've met so far now according to child detore took snapshots of himself at different stages in life and then created new bodies based off of each one and gave them different responsibilities and assignments the oldest dettori who i will call the tory prime is this one while a slightly younger version is the one attending senora's memorial note that this is an assumption that i'm making because the exact wording was the segment in the prime of his life which is kind of subjective about what age that is dettori himself seems to favor being older compared to being younger though so a prime age to him seems like it would be the oldest in my opinion but columbina does call it a segment so honestly it could go either way but it's one of these two now i think there are two different tutorials in the manga both are much younger and more unhinged than detoure prime there's this one that attends dulux banquet and then there's this one that presumably stayed in heresies which would be his lab kind of fatoui base thing it would explain the differences in their attitude towards deluge's delusion one of them really wanted to study it and the other one kind of just thought it was trash now granted the delusion was broken at that point but still studying a broken delusion is probably still worth something right anyway dettori isn't actually a medical doctor the pale flame set is very very clear about that but he did study at sumuru academia which might make him more like someone studying for their doctorate degree or his name could just be ironic like it says in the pale flame said it could be both dettori kind of thinks of humans as machines and he may even be mostly machinery himself and that's an ideal that earned him the title of heretic during his time of the academia he was later violently chased out of his hometown by an angry mob which pitchforks and upon recruitment dettori offered to create anything pirro wanted even a god because he thinks of them as something you can just assemble right and offering some mysterious guy who just comes along and says hey you want to work for me he's like yeah i'll build you a god that that's a bit ominous and it's also the reason why most believe that dettori is responsible for unlocking scaramucci's sealed capabilities having been a divine puppet the opportunity to tinker with a body created by a god would have been too perfect an opportunity to pass up in fact the whole situation in inazuma may have been part of a plan that dettori fabricated in the interest of researching the exact methods behind the fabrication of a god-like entity and what it would actually take to use the gnosis properly we'll talk about that a little bit more later but it's uh it's kind of terrifying what do you think about it i'm sticking with my original ranking of number four because i don't think he's the strongest after piero but i do think he's stronger than most of the harbingers i'm sticking with my original prediction for his constellation as well i really do think this is a heresy symbol i got a lot of questions last time about where the heresy simple actually came from and after a lot of digging i found out that it's actually a twisted interpretation of the sacred heart of christ its association with heresy has its roots in the teachings of jansenism as far as i can tell but for the proper reasoning rationale and history i'm just gonna let you guys research that on your own but since dettore prime was busy with a little experiment and blasphemy i'm really inclined to attribute heresy to dottori as well blasphemy and heresy are indeed different but they are also quite similar plus he's literally called a heretic in the pale flame set and he was even put on trial for heresy that's when piero actually recruited him like right after his trial it would be absolutely insane if his constellation isn't also the symbol for heresy like like baffling mind-boggling i i i don't know what i would do but that just means that i think dettore aka the doctor is number four of the fatoui harbingers and has the heresy symbol as this constellation oh uh but you know that whole experiment in blasphemy thing he's just setting a tree on fire right but that causes coley to wake up in a panic which suggests a possible sumaru connection because that's where she is and seeing as the previous gender archon would have been a tree god given the relationship to kusanali which i won't go into right now and then it's very possible that de tori is setting a very important tree on fire maybe an irman sultry or a tree left behind by the previous archon when they died and uh you know how you set dendro slimes on fire in order to lure them out of the ground what if that's what dettore is doing but with an archon we'll come back to this idea a little bit later [Music] please keep in mind that this is columbina's only mention and only appearance in game so far this teaser is again all we have to work with well that and one voice line from child now i did expect colombina to have a very young creepy child model based on that voice line but this isn't exactly what i was expecting she is hitting all of the right horror movie notes like being a little girl and a tiny dose of that insane asylum aesthetic coming from the white straps on her back while she's humming a creepy little tune and i i love that but the fact that child looks at this kid and thinks no thanks i don't want to fight that it's creepy means that she's going to be deceptively powerful who doesn't love an overpowered creepy little girl trope she also has wings in her hair which suits the whole bird motif of this crying dove constellation that i assigned to her in my last harbinger video and now i kind of think that she's also supposed to have a songbird theme going on i have seen suggestions that her hair piece looks a bit like a seraphim's wings and while her eyes are kind of sealed or bound like a seraphims would be and fun fact that is her singing the creepiest remix of senora's theme song and the teaser and the seraphim are supposed to be continuously singing holy holy holy so cool meena coming out with the creepy angel motifs too like she's she's doing work now as far as the comedia goes columbina was frequently a lover of our laquino or played cupid to a potential lover of characters within the play known as the ida marathi however as a creepy child that looks like she has the emotional range of the twins from the shining she feels like she's going to be the exact opposite of the committee as columbina i guess we'll have to wait and see to say for sure anyway columbina aka damn which is a stupid name it's not even a word i'm not going to call her that is a number three of the fedu harbingers and she is definitely the crying dove constellation [Music] admittedly i have had the hardest time reconciling capitano's position because we barely know anything about this guy initially i suggested he was number 10 but having now seen him and heard what child has to say about him i have some new thoughts child suggests that capitano is a marvel on the battlefield but thinks he must be ranked too low for capitano to take notice of him now if capitano was indeed number 10 then being separated by one rank makes this comment feel weird especially since child seems to have no qualms about fighting scaramouche who's he's been assigned to chase and that little munchkin is ranked six so capitano would need to be ranked higher than scaramouche meaning numbers two or four i am still convinced dettori is number four which means capitano has to be number two which still feels weird to me commedia's capitano is a cowardly braggart all bark no bite which is why i originally was inclined to rank him quite low but child says he's the exact opposite of this victor even says that he'd prefer working for capitano over senora but never says why maybe it's because of prestige and rank i i'm not sure but if i may don my tinfoil hat for a second there's something super weird about this guy and it might be because i just finished writing a 5 000 word complete analysis of the aksha that i have this idea nibbling away at my brain but kapitano looks a hell of a lot like the yaksha statues in leewa from the helmet to the lack of face to the armor to the twisted designs all over the front of him these two are weirdly similar and uh that's not all it's kind of hard to see because it's so dark but capitano's hairstyle literally matches that of the geo yaksha menogeous perfectly and the chains that hang just below where his eyes should be they match up with the markings on monogias face and yes i know this is a ridiculous idea because monogia should have died around a thousand years ago not 500 but like i still can't shake this suspicious feeling on the one hand being a yaksha would totally explain his prowess on the battlefield but on the other hand capitano and menoges don't share voice actors so i'm like really torn here and the thing is the only constellation left that i'm not sure about is the crossed nails these are a symbol of passion which originally meant torture you can look it up in entomology they literally meant the same thing the yaksha were tortured by their comic debts so isn't that a little weirdly coincidental and not to debunk my own theory but all illuminated beasts do have their beast forms as their constellations so maybe this doesn't apply unless monogaius died came back and because he's been resurrected and is now inside of a suit of armor he has a completely different constellation i don't really know i'm confused as you are i really am i don't know what's going on it's just really suspicious i thought i'd share and yeah that makes capitano aka the captain number two of the fatoui harbingers with the cross nails for his constellation first off we know that skarmoosh is a puppet made by a god supposedly possessing powers similar to that of the shogun puppet and he's only the sixth strongest of the harbingers that is a terrifying prospect that means there are several non-god-like entities that are stronger than this god puppet that's crazy second no one seems surprised or upset that scaramouche is absent capitano makes it sound as though his disappearance was almost planned or at least accounted for dettori talks about scaramouche receiving the divine gaze which kind of implies that the whole reason skarmish was even involved in the events in inazuma or the harbingers at all was because he possesses a unique capacity to understand something crucial about the gnosis if it wasn't something unique to him then any of the other harbingers would have been able to do this with the two gnoses that they already have but they don't they send him deliberately to get the electronosis which was supposed to be his to begin with now child thus far is the one that's been sent after scaramouche and it is possible based on his wording that he is not the only one with this assignment the harbingers are waiting for the correct moment so i wonder if the gnosis once activated almost functions like a beacon like if scaramouche does not conquer the divine gaze then he cannot be tracked but the moment he accomplishes it they could find him almost immediately but on the topic of the gnosis but also kind of unrelated it is fascinating to me that the saritsa doesn't have the gnosis piero does and that he's using them all as literal chess pieces on the board the nice thing about this is that we can confirm 100 without a doubt that venti is the queen piece and not the king because there was some room for doubt about that even if it was kind of unlikely and we can also speculate about which chess piece actually belongs to the electoral archon but to do that we need to talk about the actual chessboard layout the game board might seem random but it is actually a historic game it is game one move 34 of deep blue vs gary kasparov 1996. for non-chess nerds this game was the first in a series of games between a computer ai and a chess master wherein the ai won for the very first time now note that deep blue the ai was white while kasparov the chess master was black in this game on the chessboard the fatoui are black and i guess celestia is white we know this because senora's hellfire butterfly lands on a fallen black pond that gets captured by a white knight this means that in this game senora was the pawn and the white knight was the shogun puppet that killed her what's fascinating here though is that celestia is in the position of deep blue the computer ai that means the fatoui are actually representing humanity this is a very interesting take given that pierrot is in fact confirmed conrien now and through dane's lift we learned that conriya was a nation without gods and it had no need of gods this implies that conriya put immense value on the power of humans but in this first game of chess the side representing humanity loses there's a couple of weird things about this game board though by now you've probably seen the theory on reddit by jen dice claiming that due to positioning aventis gnosis is actually a king piece and not a queen piece as originally speculated and if you're looking at this positioning on the board and comparing it to game 1 move 34 of deep blue vs kasparov you'd be right however all the pieces on the board are from a standardized staunton chess set which makes the two pieces in the middle of the board kings and not queens meaning venti's gnosis is actually a queen piece but it is in the position that the king should have been if referencing game 1 move 34 so either mihoyo made a booboo or the roles of the king and queen piece in the game have been switched piero also makes this comment that the game does not end with checkmate what i think he means is that there are more games to play deep blue and kasparov have six total games deep blue only won once kasparov won three times and there were two draws it's quite possible that scaramouche is a pawn on this board and they're expecting him to reach the other side and promote into a knight to match the electro gnosis before game two begins there is a bit of a problem with associating each chess piece to either an archon or a harbinger namely with the numbers see there are 11 harbingers plus the saritza for 12 but there are 16 pieces per side on the board that's four pieces in one color unaccounted for unless they're represented by agents that are not harbingers this is a mystery i can't solve or even theorize about right now i just lack information but it does raise some serious questions about what pirro is actually trying to accomplish so let's talk about pirro a little bit [Music] let's start with commedia's piro a sad pining clown dressed in white from head to toe that at least suits the aesthetics of the harbinger piero but comedia's piero is clumsy a bit dim and a victim of pranks very frequently harbinger piero by contrast is a boss calm serious and in complete control of everything this is emphasized by how unfazed he is by the death of senora and how certain he is that he will still accomplish his goals without her as for who he is well okay it's been long theorized that pirro was from kanria due to the way his artifact the mocking mask is worded and now i'm happy to announce that we if we just you know zoom in a little here enhance and increase the contrast and boom he's got the primo gem eyes just like danes lift kaya and hafdan this dude is one hundred percent bonafide conrain now the most popular theory out there right now is that piero is kaya's father and i have to disagree while it is absolutely impossible to ignore the similarities within their design which we will cover in a minute there's actually another possibility that makes more sense to me pierrot might be kaia's grandfather yeah the same pirate grandfather that kaia supposedly inherited his eye patch from in fact what kaya actually says is look at my eye patch i inherited it from my grandfather and this is solid proof that we are related by blood this is no different from children inheriting their hairstyles from their parents which i know sounds like a throwaway line but here's the thing kaya has this light whitish streak in his hair like it's just starting to turn white pierrot has a dark blue streak in his white hair now in kaya's story quest he sends us on a treasure hunt but it's mostly a ruse so he can catch some treasure hoarders but the things he says during it are really strange look i know daluk says that kaya tells lies but it is my firm belief that kaia doesn't lie he just spins the truth in such a way that no one actually believes him because it sounds so crazy and this sword he keeps talking about the one supposedly hidden in the arcadian ruins well arcadia is a mythical place in greek mythology which wouldn't be significant except for the fact that the first unified civilization of tavat that was ruled by the primordial one is based on ancient greece and at the end of this quest while he admits to there being no treasure in this location he gives us a harbinger of the dawn as a reward now consider that kaia was left at the dawn winery by his father when he was a child and kaya knew that he was considered a pawn of conria which is a really deliberate word choice that is somehow only found in the chinese version as far as i know but all these visual connections and thinking of himself as a pawn and then there's piero playing a game of chess i mean even their clothing is similar from the fur trim to the style of lapels similar earrings and even the skin tone is the same which is huge for a game that's 99 pale skinned you know there's no way there's not connected and i don't think they're father and son because the timeline doesn't really add up for reasons i don't have time to explain today but i made a whole video on it if you're interested there's also another really popular theory that's been around since the very beginning of the game like since launched that if true and seems like it actually is a very very very good chance of being true would completely refute the idea that you know piero is kaia's father and that is the whole kaya is a prince of kanriya theory now this isn't as crazy a theory as it sounds at first cause like his constellation is a peacock and peacocks are usually associated with royalty his constellation one is called excellent blood or excellent lineage indicating an important bloodline which is what a royal would have plus his normal attacks are actually called ceremonial blade work while every other knight of fevonius has favonious bladework instead plus if he's really that important of a piece of survival for conriya as his father seems to imply when he leaves him at the winery then kaya has to be important on some level he can't just be a random kid now if this theory ends up being true most would just say oh piero must have been the king of conriya but that actually can't happen we know for a fact that piero is not of royal blood in the mocking mask he says he failed to earn the favor of the previous ruler because his wisdom wasn't thought to be as valuable as the sages this makes him sound more like some kind of royal advisor since he was at least in contact with the royal family so he had to be important to some degree right or at least you know famous so consider the possibility that pierrot was quite literally a royal advisor whose son had married into the royal family this would allow for the prince kaya theory to persist without piero being a royal himself and still having them be related and since there was already another ruler on the throne kaia's father would have been a prince rather than a king i also don't think piero could be kaya's father because if he was kaia's father then he would know where kaia was he would be in monsta which would mean that piero and kaya would probably be in contact with each other and that would mean kaia is also a secret agent of the future i don't buy this even if it is kind of a tempting theory if kaya was a secret agent of the fatui he would have been very well aware of what kolei was experiencing in the manga but he wasn't he also wouldn't have had the incentive to use such dirty tactics against the fatoui in the manga either but he did he also wouldn't have had tried to stick the fatui with a massive food bill during the tanuki event out of spite but he did if piero were in direct contact i'm pretty sure those things just wouldn't have happened or they would have happened very differently of course this is just my opinions that's really all i'm going to say on this but i kind of have one other thing that's kind of bothering me about piero that i want to talk about since he's confirmed to be konrian now that means we have two antagonistic organizations that are now associated with the leaders of conria so the real question i have is why aren't they working together and the answer to this question is why i think piero is kaya's grandfather and not his father so let me explain that idea [Music] as i mentioned several times already kaya's father left him at the dawn winery and said this is your chance you are our last hope before he disappeared entirely it's implied that the hour here is referring to conriya now the abyss order wants to revive the homeland which is speculated and heavily suggested to be conriya since the abyssalings are the former people of kanriya which makes that their homeland it just makes sense we're aware of two of their operations that they're going through to accomplish this the first is a loom of fate operation and the second is the removal of their curse the loom of fate operation logically appears to be an attempt at seizing control of fate time or destiny and re-weaving it as danesliff puts it in travail to me this sounds a lot like they want to rewind time and change the outcome of their last encounter with celestia maybe properly destroy them this time seeing as conriya has no need for gods basically they want to restore what they once had kaia's unofficial title of conriya's last hope seems kind of appropriate for this purpose but piero and the saritza are really keen on burning away the old world and creating something entirely new kaia can't really be the last hope of conriya if the plan is to destroy it this only works if the new world is a new version of conriya which seems kind of unlikely piero seems really disillusioned by what used to be conriya i mean they didn't listen to him at all so it makes sense that he'd want to seize power from the divine and remake the world to his liking it's also worth mentioning that piero doesn't seem to have any issue with the divine i thought he was working with the saritza as an equal partnership originally but in the trailer it kind of sounds like he reveres her almost like a proper god or a queen that also puts him at odds with the mindset of the abyss order who do not respect the gods at all now what's interesting here is that danesliff a royal guard of conria doesn't seem to share the opinions of either the abyss order or pierrot dainsley has no desire to fight the gods and he has no intention of revering them either he's this weird middle ground between the two which i think will be really important later on but speaking of danesliff there's an interesting parallel to something he says in the travail about sumeru and something piero says at the beginning of this teaser the sages think themselves to be all knowing but we alone are wise to the virtue in those acts of folly in the city of scholars there is a push for folly yet the god of wisdom makes no argument against it now here's what's really interesting about this in sumeru the highest ranking individuals are the sages according to hostiani and sumeru is the next stop on the traveler's journey now de torre is seen at the end of the teaser burning down an enormous tree which is probably in sumeru by the looks of things and he calls it an experiment in blasphemy now blasphemy is doing something offensive towards the divine while folly is doing something foolish and the fatoui are fools who see virtue in their folly so what if the ones that are pushing for an act of folly in sumeru are the fatoui and the sages themselves may disagree with this act but their archon decides to let it happen anyway if that's the case i think we're gonna be in for a wild ride come 3.0 but that's all i have to share for right now this interlude teaser has spawned us several new theory ideas in my head that i need way more time to process in order to make some more coherent theories but uh i'll i'll be real with you guys all i really want to do now is put gaia dain sleep and piero in one room and just shake their mouth until they spill out all their secrets just shake them up but hey have you made it this far thank you so friggin much you guys are awesome humans but i am i'm i'm gonna go and like take a week off and not talk to anybody like a good little hermit should and uh maybe i'll i'll take a nap i'll catch you guys later [Music] foreign
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 547,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact, mihoyo, theory video, game lore, genshin lore, fatui harbingers
Id: lt_gdf47eGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 36sec (2496 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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