[2.6] The Thief Was Not Scaramouche - Genshin Impact Irodori Festival Recap and Analysis

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[Music] i don't know about you guys but i thought the irridori festival was adorable we had the arataki gang and cosplay mikko and kokomi being nerdy pen pal shincho experiencing his first comic con it's just so cute of course it wasn't all fun and games there was an unexpected amount of lore dropped in this event which i think is going to serve as significant foreshadowing for some future patches and it also gave us some new information about kazua who we now know is actually a bit more important than initially thought and not just because he blocked the musou no hitotachi in the archon quest that's that's a separate thing altogether but we'll talk about his importance in another video i just wanted to mention it here because it came up in the festival for now let's just have a quick recap of the events of the iridori festival and then later on we'll speculate a little bit on some of the more vague orbits that we've been given alrighty then let's dive on in okay so the main plot of the iridori festival actually has two stories being told in parallel the first one is about the legend of the five kasan and the second one is about the fall of the kyoda hara clan now there are a lot of variations of the five class ends legend but the one that we're told is one where akahito is framed and exiled after being falsely accused of plagiarism after the accusation sumizome noticed that the suspect poem lacked akahito's signature red seal so she dipped the foam in water to prove it was fake because you know poems would have been written with higher quality ink that wouldn't have bled when they were wet ao no okina witnessed this event and recorded sumi zomei's findings in another poem that was then compiled in a book that suiko was supposed to present to the shogun but ao no aquino was threatened by a nameless figure the night before supposedly kuronushi and he ended up removing the poem that he wrote about akihito being framed from the book what you didn't realize the cutscene was told out of order yeah okay neither did i at first well anyway this legend serves as a perfect parallel to the events of the actual irridori festival see just before the festival began it was discovered that a fatoui spy who we'll talk about later had been breaking into the warehouse where the kayahara family's belongings were being stored the fatoui spy seemed to be searching for something but they never actually found it eventually they had to leave by boat and ayato decided to let them leave since they hadn't actually achieved their objective he also conducts his own investigation and with the help of yay miko decides to overly complicate a pretty simple situation by sending the traveler and co on a very weird scavenger hunt during this time venti loses his visa letter because he was drunk he finds it eventually but in the process he's more or less assigned the role of suico who also lost a very important thing because he was drunk in addition venti notes that he vaguely recalls some information regarding the books that were stolen from the warehouse that he was found in just like suico remember to figure the night the poem was stolen so parallels anyway as it turns out the books were ones that were written by shengcho who also stole them at the request of his editor because his editor messed up and promised a live book signing that xingcho was having a really hard time delivering on because of his really poor calligraphy skills so because he stole the books at someone else's request he was assigned the role of ao no okina because that that's what happened to him too the next day kazua arrives and is immediately assigned the role of akahito even though he hasn't really done anything yet but he does offer to create a wooden seal which would help solve shincho's signature problem and akihito was known for his signature red seal so that makes sense uh akihito was also falsely accused and so was kazua and his family so i guess that also checks out but also spoilers we'll talk about that in a little bit with one more problem solved ayaka shows up with venti she has found one of the poem papers while preparing for ikebana lessons and venti recognized it so thought it would be a great idea to you know share it with the rest of the class so to speak but ayaka's paper is missing lines unlike everyone else's so they decide to dip it into water to see if any new lines will appear due to magic disappearing ink that only shows when wet and of course the lines appear ayaka is therefore assigned the role of sumizome since tsumezome was not only skilled in flower arranging ikebana but was also one who dipped poems into water to prove akihito's innocence and all of these events remind kazua of his family's history of having been a member of the infamous ride in gokuden a group of the five most prestigious swordsmithing schools in all of inazuma but of those five schools only one of them the amenoma remains today the rest of them were lost or destroyed over a very short period of time about uh 80 to 120 years ago many of the time suspected foul play but it was later written off as kind of a really unfortunate coincidence but kazua is now starting to wonder if it might have actually been foul play because of something that he remembered about his great grandfather kazua decides to go investigate by himself for a little bit and remembers that his family was part of the original isian school which was one of the five ride in gokaden schools during the time of his great grandfather his clan was actually tasked with the forging of a very very special blade but they failed to actually forge it repeatedly many times so fearing punishment the sword smiths that were in charge of this fled and a group including kazuo's great grandfather kaidohara yoshinori and the yashiro commissioner of the time pursued them but to find out more details kazua and ko decide to rummage through his family's former estate and eventually they find a stack of papers in the bottom of a bonsai pot after dipping those papers in water again a letter documenting the events that his great-grandfather witnessed appeared on the page the fate of the swordsmiths is unknown but the ones who pursued them were ambushed by none other than skaramoosh who took everyone out except for yoshinori instead of killing him skaramoosh asks him if he knows a miwa and it just so happens that miwa was the original surname of yoshinori as he had been adopted by the kaiataharas after his father went missing skaramoosh then instructs yoshinori to tell her presumably a and that his name is kunikazushi and then he leaves because that's what scaramouche does he comes in raises a little bit of havoc says some really cryptic things and then poofs just vanishes no explanation no nothing he refuses to elaborate and it's infuriating he's done it three times now but if you were confused as to why scaramucci is showing up here and what his possible motivations are we'll talk about that in a minute in the meantime having learned the truth of what happened and the real reason behind his family and the yashiro's commission decline all those years ago kazuwa is satisfied but i i am not satisfied i am not satisfied at all how can kazua be satisfied with several big mysteries still unsolved it's just unfathomable to me so i think it's time we investigate a couple of these big mysteries because they bug me and i wanna talk about them most people seem to think that the person who ransacked the kayadahara estate recently was skaramoosh but i'm not one of those people well it's possible that it was scaramouche the more i think about it the less it makes sense in my opinion trying to cover up the events of 120-ish years ago doesn't really fit with scaramouche's characterization at all at least so far i just don't think that skaramoosh has any motive to find the tampered forging diagram or the letter left behind by yoshinori he has nothing to gain from it and also nothing to lose i won't get into too much detail here as i've already made a video on skarmush's backstory that i will link below if you're interested but here's a super quick tldr for context because we're gonna need a little bit of context while i talk about my rationale for why i think he has no motive scaramouche was a prototype shogun puppet created by a about 500 to 450 years ago who was subsequently abandoned and then left to sleep for eternity but he woke up wandered around inazuma alone for a while and was later found by a man named kasuragi who became i'm assuming somewhat of a parental figure to skaramoosh however katsuragi's boss nagamasa who was a swordsmith and an inspector for the tenrio commission did not like scaramouche and wanted to get rid of him because of reasons that we're not really clear on katsuragi cared enough about skaramoosh to help him escape nagamasa's judgment and ended up being executed as a result from that point on scaramouche swore revenge on the bladesmiths of inazuma and spent well over 300 years planning and executing his revenge however after the encounter with kazua's great-grandpappy he appears to have lost interest in his revenge altogether at least according to the husk of opulent dreams artifact set anyway because of this i would argue that none of the three options that ayato presents to the traveler at the end of the irridori festival main quest actually matter to scaramucci that he actually has no motive for trying to hide the truth of his past so none of these are really good reasons for the events that occurred if you don't believe me we can just look at them individually so here's reason one kaido hara yoshinori knew that the family was framed this doesn't work eskara moosh doesn't care if anyone knows the family was framed or not he was the one who told yoshinori that he framed them and again his artifact set says he no longer thinks about this stuff anymore his artifact set even states quite clearly that he has quote left yesterday in the dust and no longer thinks of it so why bother digging up this old stuff he has to have some other reason if it is him at all and then there's reason two that kayadahara yoshinori knew that the culprit was named kunikazushi i don't think this is a valid reason either scaramouche told yoshinori his name and told him to tell the shogun herself why would knowing his name even matter like 120 years later yoshinori is dead even if his name is picked up in a letter what would anyone even do with it it's not like it's broadcast around anywhere where are they just gonna slap koonie kazushi on a most wanted poster and hope someone just asks around saying hey you named cooney kazushi yeah man oh i'm gonna turn you into the tanrio commission okay but that's not gonna happen besides generally speaking he's been going by the baladir or scaramouche not even kuni kazushi so what is the name matter here and then we have reason three that kaya hara yoshinori was spared by his opponent now this reason is the only one that i personally think is even remotely plausible and even then only just scaramouche might see sparing someone as a sign of weakness and not want anyone else to know about that little bit but at the same time you can just argue a case that he let them live so that they could serve their purpose about carrying his message which is not a sign of weakness at all so i'm not sold on this one either and as for the whole thing about ayato catching sight of someone sneaking into the warehouse well listen scaramouche isn't sloppy that's not his thing he's clever and crafty and wouldn't be clumsy enough to be caught by normal guards sneaking into a warehouse especially multiple nights in a row that just seems incredibly out of character for him he's not that careless and also scarborough already got what he wanted he got the destruction of the ryden gokuden and then he decided that the whole thing was rather dull he got the gnosis he always wanted and left inazuma this is stated very clearly in his artifact set so what does he care if the truth comes out unless you really want to try and convince me that he's now got a guilty conscious because he finally got his gnosis heart i'm i'm still so skeptical that it was him who was actually rummaging through kazua's stuff if it wasn't skaramoosh to that i would like to propose that the culprit was child okay so hear me out we already know that child has been specifically tasked with finding scaramouche because he disappeared with the gnosis and we know that the saritza wants the gnosis so she probably went to chat and i'm like hey dude where's my missingnosis and he's like oh scaramouchette and she's like well where is he's like i don't know he went missing we'll go find him then and child's like okay i'll go find him and we know all of this thanks to the cheeky thai show event now note child is not a good spy and he's not the stealthy type if you remember back to the arkon quest when he was gonna sink all of leeway harbor you know remember that the traveler and literally everyone else around him was suspicious of him the entire time there was never a moment where someone was like totally enamored and happy about child being there and thought he was a totally good dude that did not happen the fact that even while just wandering around like normal everyone was super suspicious of him just tells you immediately that he's not a good spy he's not good at like staying under the radar or anything he's he's a brute force kind of guy or sometimes i guess you could argue that he could try to charm his way in but i don't even know if he can do that he just buys his way in with a lot of maura which i don't know anyway the point is he's not skilled in stealth he could easily be caught and he has access to lackeys and grunts if he really wanted somebody else to do the job for him and who knows how skilled they are and we also have to remember that the rather aged notes that you can find all over tatarasuna that talk about scaramouche's history are labeled as being plundered during a recent raid on the fatoui meaning that they were already in the fatoui's possession so even if it wasn't child that was rummaging through all this stuff a child would have still probably had access to them and could have been trying to use them to predict where scaramouche may disappear to or what his weakness was right but the notes themselves are rather vague and would have been some of the only records that child would have had access to so it's very likely that child doesn't know most of the details of what went down or scaramucci's motivations or anything so he could easily miss important documents like yoshinori's letter if he doesn't know exactly what he's looking for further evidence to support the fact that the person who ransacked the kaidohara estate was not skara moosh is this line that you can get if you examine the likeness of kuronushi after talking to ayato the line reads the way ayato puts it it seems that the person who tried to furtively search for the secret was a fatoui spy but who would want to hide kunikazushi's past this line is almost explicit in suggesting that there is someone who is not skaramoosh involved here even if it's not child this heavily implies that the person ayato saw was not scaramous it was a fatoui spy or that there were two people breaking into the warehouse at separate times scaramouche being one of them and later a fatoui spy but this seems a little bit unlikely to me and i'm sure you're all wondering that if it's not scaramouche who was rummaging through all the stuff then how in the heck did albedo know what scaramouche looked like in order to paint the you know portrait of kuranushi and that one's really easy to answer he just had to ask yay miko remember from earlier that miko and ayato conspired on the whole five kasan thing together mikko knows scaramouche really well so it's likely that she caught wind of ayato's attempts to spy on the fatoui spy and then provided ayato with some additional information as to the truth of who was behind the fall of the kayahara family so ayadoke could have some context for why a spy was rummaging through the kayahara estate and probably what to look for albedo could have then been directed to mikko courtesy of ayato in order to get a description that he could paint a portrait of easy peasy yeah and i want to point out that the whole point of the portrait of being kuranushi was not that they could figure out who the future spy was because aito appears to think that the identity of the fatoui spy is less important than the identity of who it was that caused the downfall of the ryden gokuden because he believes that kazua and the traveler by association are going to have to face him at some point in the future hence the foreshadowing that i talked about in the very very beginning of this video and that is why i don't think it was scaramouche that was going through all of the stuff in the kayahara estate i think he's been long gone for a while but i digress now that i've established my stance on why scarves probably doesn't care enough about this 100 year old event to actually bother rummaging through someone's old stuff in order to hide it let's talk about the reason skarmoosh abandoned his original revenge plan of destroying the ryden gokuden in the first place let's talk about the mysterious niwa there is a lot of speculation on who or what niwa is in relation to scaramouche since that name came up the moment he changed his mind about destroying what was left of the ride in gokuden so far i know of two popular theories the first theory is that niwa is a surname of katsuragi and scaramouche didn't want to kill any of katsuragi's descendants because you know he likes katsuraki this is pretty unlikely since katsuragi is already a surname and it'd be kind of weird if his whole name was just two surnames put together it's possible but not really plausible the second theory is that skaramoosh killed yoshinori's father who was a niwa and suddenly realized that he was acting like the very person he hated i.e nagamasa and therefore had a change of heart i'm not really sold on this idea but i guess it's as likely as anything else but since these two popular theories are kinda weak and i'm not that convinced of them yet they would like to propose a theory that borders on crack that niwa isn't referring to a person but to a thing that's related to the niwa family namely the asian art now we know that niwa nagamitsu was one of three master swordsmiths of the asian art depending on how the timeline shakes out kazua's great grandfather's father was either nagamitsu himself or a descendant of his that went missing presumably killed by scaramouche but that's debatable in another topic for another time but makoto's sword was the muso isin the same sword a decided to house her consciousness in and the one that performs the muso no hitotachi it's considered a divine blade and is quite special i don't know if the reference to ishin here is related to the asian school but i'm gonna roll with that assumption for now for crack theory purposes now the word ishin means one heart or wholeheartedly which is interesting because scar mush's entire backstory revolves around his missing heart which should technically be the gnosis which in chinese is called the heart of god it's even in his constellation which depicts a doll holding a heart and yes that is his constellation and yes it's adorable in light of this i'm hypothesizing that the ishin school may have been the closest to the shogun herself so when skaramoosh tells yoshinori tell her my name is kunikuzushi he may have done so because he knows that they can get the message to a and that he may not have meant to destroy this particular branch now i'm mostly speculating on this because it's possible that scara wanted a dimension splitting sword of his own but that's a bit of a stretch even for me although that would be really cool anyway when you really stop to think about it this might actually be bat and still work because see the other surviving art the amenoma is run by a dude at the smithy and inazuma and that guy shares a few design elements with scaramouche which is most explicitly shown by the purple and white ropes that he wears i'm pretty sure that in the context of skara much and technically ito because he has them too that these are supposed to be kabuki references but i think it's kind of interesting that there's an overlap here it's also worth noting that the amenoma means divine eye which is very similar to the eye of god titled given to visions in chinese so if you think of amenoma as an i and ishin as a heart then these might be references to scaramouche receiving a vision and shelving his nose's heart since the asian art was never actually destroyed but instead shelved okay okay okay crackpot theories aside there could be a much simpler explanation while newa is probably not katsuragi's surname there were two other people present with katsuragi nagamasa and scaramouche all those centuries ago namely kinjiro and nozomu we don't have recorded surnames for either of them and we don't really know much about either of them but they were friends of katsuragi and they could have been aniwa maybe skarmoosh just doesn't want to kill any of katsuragi's friend's descendants although again it's so much of a stretch but regardless of who or what niwa is there is no denying that they play a significant role in the reason why skarmoosh had a sudden change of heart that day but you know at the end of the day the irridori festival actually gave us a preview of what's to come a grand finale to the inazuma story chapter complete with a scaramouche boss fight featuring kazua you know since kazua did promise to take action should the perpetrator of his family's fall ever show up again and you know gentian's limited time events always seem to act as teasers or previews for future patches so and i actually want to explore this at length but it's going to be in its own video because i have a lot to say so stay tuned for that for now i'm off to write more on the little murder munchkin and has perpetually zenned out foil so thanks a bunch for watching this video guys i'll catch you in the next one where we talk about the finale to the inazuma story chapter in preparation for sumaru i'll catch you all on that one guys i'll see you later goodbye [Music]
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 114,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact, mihoyo, theory video, game lore, genshin lore, hoyoverse, scaramouche, irodori, kazuha
Id: gcANqP_qyoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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