The Galactic War so Far! (Helldivers 2 Story Explained)

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with 210 billion bullets fired 35 billion enemies liberated and 982 million hell divers killed in action let's see what we've accomplished for super Earth we're going to go through the story so far of the galactic or all the way up to today April 24th starting from the very beginning no promise I say these planet names right so let's get into it the bugs start with a large scale attack completely taking umlout Draco mirin and lrad and Sten and started fighting over Orion Heath and Angel's venture on the bot side they launched an attack immediately taking Maya Duron and tibit and then fighting us from a levelon creek and uban a moment of silence for those we lost at mlon our first major order was to combat the disgusting terminats our orders reading freedom is under attack the terminate outbreak threatens to spread out of control and probability of child eviscerations is at an all-time high in response our scientists have developed determined control system a planet-wide bug extermination Network the TCS will be constructed on an unbroken line of barrier planets quarantining the bugs behind them the worlds leading to the barrier planets are crawling with terminates this infestation must be cleansed objective the bugs are out of control they must be pushed back to the barrier planets where the terminat control system will be built liberate all planets between superar and the barrier planets Heath and Angels Venture this operation took 7 Days however superar came out on top the hell divers successfully pushed back the bugs all the way way to the barrier planets to prepare the planets for the termined control system the next major order to come from superar was similar to the bugs yet our mission was more defensive the orders reading briefing the automatons have launched cowardly surprise attacks on multiple highly populated superar planets the superar armed forces in the region have been overrun millions of citizens are in grave danger of death or worse disenfranchisement this Grievous attack on freedom will not go unanswered the homes of our citizens must be defended objective win at least eight defend campaigns against the automatons after 14 days of fighting and billions of Hell divers lost we were unable to defend the planet from the automaton Scourge failing our first major order in the war with the hell divers full of shame but no time to rest they used their shame to inspire them to fight harder for super Earth proving how disgusting the bugs can be they launched a surprise attack of their own attacking the peaceful citizens of Heath and Angel's Venture superar sent orders briefing termined spores have engulfed Heath and Angel's Venture spawning hordes of terminats that overwhelmed our Colonial malicias clearly the bug hiive instincts Orient their mindless expansion towards dishonoring the memory of those who fought to free these planets countless hell divers paid for these lands with their lives we cannot lose them now objective the Terminator swarming superar planets designated planets must be under superar control when the order expires Heath and Angel's venture over the next 8 Days the hell divers proved their their love for superar by holding the planets the entire time with no sign of faltering we received this message from superar seaf reinforcements have arrived and throughout the judicious application of personal massing tactics terminate Advance has been repelled your efforts to hold both planets were essential good work hell divers you have honored the memories of your Fallen allies no more than a few hours to celebrate we' were given our next orders briefing contain the terminate outbreak before the bugs are able to spread further objective liberate veld this was given as a major order but the main reason was to fully Liberate the Orion sector the order was completed in no time at this point the number of Hell divers fighting was at an alltime high superar then sent us a motivational message well done hell divers seaf containment teams will take over cleanup and inoculation operations from here colonists have been advised that there is absolutely zero threat of further terminate violence and to settle their families with total Peace of Mind additionally the pilots allocated to Spore clearance on veld have now been redirected to Hell diver support operations as an added bonus all hell divers were given access to free Eagle napom strikes for around 24 hours isn't superar the best what better way to celebrate than Delight everything on fire briefing tianquan is home to the sole arsenal of new exoit technology it's only a matter of time before the automatons Discover the Arsenal and steal it for themselves liberate tianquan before it's too late objective secure the new line of combat EXO suits by liberating the planet where the production facilities are located liberate tianquan rallied by the Democracy spreading capabilities of the EXO suits hell divers completed the order in record time this feat allowed hell divers permanent access to the exo suit given their Destroyer has the permit for one the mission ended with this message well done hell divers tianquan has been returned to the care of managed democracy the Morganson Arsenal and its stockpile of freshly produced EXO suits were recovered in attacked the EXO 45 Patriot Exo Suit is now available for requisition with the exo suit factories liberated we turned back to the bugs the hell divers were needed to activate the terminated control system here were our orders briefing upon each barrier planet now stands a network of massive termicide dispersing Towers the termicide control system once activated the TCS will exterminate every terminate on that planet and inoculate it against future infestations however surges in terminate activity have forced the seaf engineers to evacuate now Only Hell divers can ensure the safety of our citizens the termined control system must be activated at any cost objective the termicide dispersing Towers have been built all over every barrier Planet they need only to be activated to quarantine the bugs for good activate the termined control system on the barrier planets Arata Prime fenra 3 Meridia and Turing this this major order also had a special Mission type in which hell divers had to defend the termicide towers from Bugs while they are turned on the entire process took four days but on March 14th all termicide Towers were successfully activated it is said that these towers will last for well over a year our debrief read the termined control system is fully activated the termicide is working as intended calling millions of terminats on the barrier planets our citizens May finally rest easy knowing their children are forever safe from being eaten alive by fascist insects thank democracy for the safety of the children it was around this time that some hell divers were claiming to see flying bugs however these rumors were put to rest when superar assured us that bugs can't fly our next orders came through after a night's rest briefing in support of Civilian population expansion and new energy demands for FTL travel the hell divers are ordered to call the termined Swarm within the quarantine Zone through liberation of several planets objective with the TCS securing our citizens lives now we can secure their economic future by calling the terminate population and harvesting the e710 they provide liberate fory Prime and zagon Prime with the total allotted time of 3 days the hell divers got busy however halfway through we received an intelligence briefing intelligence brief a new strand of flying terminates has suddenly appeared across all termined planets with no prior warning or indication of any kind while the ministry of intelligence has always known this was a possibility the abruptness of the evolution indicates a high possibility dissidence concealment the deployment of terides was fortuitously timed doubtlessly it averted an even worse Evolution hell divers are advised to exterminate these mutations whenever encountered this Evolution with no prior warning wrecked the hell divers causing our second ever failure of a major order as we only liberated 4y Prime our defeat was marked with the message from Super Earth though many terminats have been mercifully C the hell divers were unable to penetrate as far inside the quarantine Zone as ordered the expansion of our citizens to the new planet will be reduced in line with the reduction of expected element 710 to be produced further procreation applications will be denied until further notice with the inability to file procreation forms hell divers had nothing to do but fight for the next major order briefing civilian biomass collection teams bcts are gathered and processing inert terminats on liberated bug planets the hell divers must maintain control of these worlds until these operations are complete objective designated planets must be under superar control when orders expire Hy Prime anantu cria and H Helm over the next four days hell divers erased and eradicated any and all bugs on the four planets our closing message reads the last of the crude solid e710 has been collected processed and shipped off Planet providing a healthy boost to our Colony settlement affectors the planet can now be left behind to allow terminats to repopulate under careful supervision with the bugs handled we were given the major order of all major orders operation Swift disassembly briefing interrogators have extracted alarming information from captured Bots through use of unpleasant sensory experience simulations the automatons are planning something called the Reclamation which appears to be a massive invasion of unprecedented scale further details are scarce in resp response High command has authorized operation Swift disassembly the objective eradicate the automatons entirely it will consist of several phases each critical to overall success phase one disrupt communication phase one briefing we have identified a long range communication array deep in automaton space its capture May reveal critical intelligence about the enemy's plans in order to support the destruction of the automatons the ministry of Defense has fast-tracked new sport weapons for immediate distribution blaz 99 quazar Cannon and the mg 206 heavy machine gun are now available for acquisition Bas one objective liberate Tru over the next 24 hours the hell divers are making good progress until superar gifted us democracy's greatest gift against the Bots the LA 99 quazar Cannon we also received the mg101 heavy machine gun but the quazar Canon was made to fight the Socialist with the new technology hell divers dispensed Liberty at the speed of democracy the next morning Phase 1 was complete with our monitors already providing us with Phase 2 the automaton comms array on Tru has been decommissioned strangely it appears to been broadcasting outside the galactic Frontier analysts are working to determine more but much data was already deleted however we did discover a transmission containing blueprints for a new automaton type aerial gunships with this advanced warning our hardworking Factory laborers have been instructed to accelerate most of our most effective anti-air weapons phase two reduce non-sentient combatant production Phase 2 briefing Intel analysis have identified the planet tibit as the most significant producer of illegal automaton combatants liberating this planet would significantly impact the enemy's capability to replenish decommissioned socialists it would also limit further theft of planets natural resources from future generations of inarguably sentient humans phase two objective tibit after 2 days the Bots managed to fend us off tibit for the time being many believed because we had too many hell divers on Malon Creek we were greeted in the morning with our new order the automatons have retained tibit and its manufacturing facilities reports indicate they have already begun increasing production elsewhere intercepted Bots chatter includes expressions of great sorrow for the quote murder of in development Bots a transparent attempt at disinformation as Bots can neither feel nor be considered alive however the simulated Oaths of Vengeance May indicate actual strategic intent a counter offensive is likely briefing several weeks ago our citizens watched in horror as molon Creek fell to the automatons millions of valiant Heroes perished attempting to defend it for too long the Bots have maintained their illegal occupation desecrating the memory of Fallen by rapidly depleting the planet's exceptionally Rich rodium deposits this travesty will be allowed no longer take Vengeance for the Fallen honor our heroes and end the theft of valuable minerals liberate Malon objective the automatons have illegally occupied in mind Malon Creek for too long the time has come to take it back liberate Malon Creek as any veteran will tell you the fight for the creek started at the very beginning of the war and has persisted since with the full support of the hell divers the planet was liberated within the day with a beautiful message at long last Malon Creek is free the heroes who died in its defense can finally rest in peace knowing justice has been served and the planet's rodium deposits will be mined by the citizens who rightfully own them colonists are returning to the ruins of their settlement pickaxes in hand hopeful for a prosperous future for at last Dawn breaks upon a free Creek hell divers cried tears of joy and sorrow as we no longer had to lose lives for the creek now with the creek liberated the full might of the hell divers can be focused on phase three phase three briefing the automatons clearly having calculated their impending shutdown have put their remaining resources into a large scale Counterattack desperate as it is should this reinvasion succeed it may jeopardize our ability to destroy the bots in time to prevent their incoming Invasion hold ground phase three objective designated planets must be under super Earth control when the order expires levelon Creek uban and drop near Midway through our defense of Duty we received a motivating message from the president of superar presidential decree the president of superar has officially recognized this day as Malon Creek Memorial Day every year on this day superar citizens will unite for a full 3 minutes of their lunch break in solemn remembrance of those who gave their lives to free Mal Levon Creek in addition all hell divers have been issued a Special Commemorative Cape so that they may carry the memory of the Fallen companions into battle I person always wear this cape but the day after the announcement our defense operation was over here is the debriefing the automaton Counterattack has been repelled they no longer have the resources to sustain an offense on such a scale but the timeline of their phase out has been extended it remains Within Reach with our ground held we can begin the Final Phase of operation Swift disassembly hram message the automatons have been a thorn in the side of freedom for long enough though the ministry of intelligence has not yet discovered where they come from or what they want we can no longer wait there's only one sure way to defend our citizens from the Bots total eradication phase four briefing final Annihilation all hell divers are ordered to make an allout push to completely destroy the automaton Legion despite the enemy's losses automaton messages still include references to quote the Reclamation they must be annihilated before this plan can be carried out countless hell divers gave their lives to acquire this opportunity do not let their sacrifices be in vain protect our way of life destroy the automatons at any cost face for objective designated planets must be under super Earth control when the order expires Maya tibit and Duron during our deployment we received some motivational reinforcement the automatons are lifeless emotionless hateful socialists they murdered innocent families they ravaged Malon Creek and worst of all they threatened our way of life all without any provocation or cause save a hardcoded hatred of Freedom save our citizens save managed democracy annihilate the automaton Fleet once and for all with the motivation at our backs we liberated tibit within the day this was a foothold for our operation shown by this dispatch the factories on tibit have been destroyed now the enemy will be forced to distribute their existing forces more thinly lowering their planetary resistance the automatons are beginning to Crum crumble keep up the attack with even more motivation the hell divers liberated all designated planets and more importantly completely ered the automaton threat we received this picture and message via transmission the automaton threat has been fully eradicated from our galaxy our citizens safe and our heroic Fallen Avenged with the Bots eradicated and bugs contained the Galaxy is free once more the supposed threat posed by the so-called reclamation can be considered fully ended out of an abundance of caution seaf teams will continue to search what remains of automaton facilities and servers for any additional intelligence finally the Western Front has been put to rest and we can now have every single hell diver focusing on the bugs our new orders came within the next 12 hours operation rearing briefing but the automatons eradicated and determin it's contained the time has come to work towards a more prosperous future for all citizens to that end construction of new safer and more efficient e710 Farms will soon commence on these Farms terminates will be raised in spacious enclosures and enriched with state-of-the-art nutritional supplements all under careful supervision clear the way for the safe construction of the E7 tin Farms objective clear the way for the construction of new safe and more efficient E7 tin Farms Liberate the designated planets Helm hantu and crims with the full mind of the hell it's no surprise that we blasted through this major order here's what we fought for with the planet cleared laborers have broken ground on the first of many terminated enrichment and extraction centers new security measures e710 extraction procedures and accelerated growth additives will be tested and perfected laying the groundwork for Development Across the rest of the termined quarantine Zone thanks to the hell divers the future of humanity is bright procreation applications will now be considered for approval following the typical 180-day review process when we all thought things were okay things were looking up the Bots were gone and the bugs behind the wall of the termicide planets we received a truly devastating transmission high priority broadcast all units to lubcon 1 Federation under attack multiple planets have fallen a massive automaton Invasion Fleet comprised of tens of thousands of War shipped arrived from FTL jump to the valdis sector and overran nearly every planet in just hours attack on communication networks delayed warning until now seaf reserves are scrambling all hell divers are called to deploy a immediately to the defense this Fleet dwarfs the automaton armies destroyed in operation Swift disassembly as we predicted from the start they were merely a Vanguard this is the automaton true Force where the automatons hid this Fleet and what their true intentions are those questions must be answered later the Reclamation has begun operation courageous defense briefing the automatons have revealed their true force a massive Invasion Fleet sweeping through our territory defenses are scrambling slow it's Advance as much as possible objective succeed in the defense of at least five Planets super Earth Destroyer Fleet upgrade in response to increased enemy threat hell divers are now authorized requisition level four modules for all Super Destroyer systems like previous upgrades the level four Suite significantly upgrades the Super Destroyer with cuttingedge technology provided by defense contractors who are Galactic leaders in quality and safety these critical upgrades will be installed without delay upon submission of the requisite number of samples proof of commitment to further the cause of Liberty the ship upgrades didn't matter we weren't nearly ready to handle we were torn to shreds the automatons have seized control of many innocent and once beautiful Worlds the Valiant and tireless defense raised by the hell divers was commemorable but it was not enough to stop such a large and cowardly assult ass any colonist not driven from their homes were likely slaughtered their votes lost forever we may have lost but the hell divers are known for their resilience and numbers our new mission is here briefing we must halt the automaton Advance hell divers are ordered to establish and hold the minant line consisting of planets minant and leth establishing this defense line will allow SCF Engineers to begin construction of orbital defenses on those Planet deterring the advance of the automaton Fleet and allowing counter offensive preparations to begin objective the automaton Advance must be halted establish and hold the menant line to allow establishment of orbital defenses designated planets must be under super Earth control when the order expires minant and lei now that we have our bearings we were able to barely complete the order we started receiving rumors of very large walking bot factories but no time to think about that we're getting a new message the defense held the minant line has been established the automaton advance has been arrested rudimentary orbital defenses have been established along the line and We Begin augmenting by hardwork seaf and civilian laborers meanwhile the seaf forward command base on Vernon Wells is up and running providing fresh recruits and supplies to the front no time to rest we under attack operation copia briefing with the ment line established the automaton fleet has been forced to divert their plans now they're attempting a concentrated effort to punch through at a single planet the automatons are likely to muster the entirety of their strength for this endeavor you must Outlast the enemy hold the planet no matter the cost intelligence brief the automatons have deployed a new heavy unit the factory Strider previously deployed in very limited quantities likely prototypes this massive Abomination is a walking automaton fabricator it is heavily armed and armored and should be engaged with coordinated Firepower and unes hesitating aggression objective the automatons are attempting to punch through the line at a single planet hold it at all cost designated planets must be under superar control when the order expires marar thanks to our advanced intelligence and our Superior Firepower the factory Striders were not a problem the automaton Invasion fleet has been repelled the Bots committed much of their reserves to this attack even the large scale deployment of the factory Strider could not break the resolve of the hell divers the situation remains d the automatons still illegally occupy vast swats of our territory but with this Victory the hell divers have won the opportunity to turn back the tides with a second to breathe we have a new Mission Harvest e710 from the bugs briefing thanks to the Valiant and unceasing defense of the hell divers a robust defensive line has been established this is likely only a temporary respit while the Bots refit in preparation to break through our defenses once more we now have the opportunity to refuel our war effort the defense effort depleted our e710 reserves in order to allow for a counter offensive the hell divers are ordered to manually produce termined corpses for conversion into e710 objective the automaton Invasion has slowed thanks to the Valiant defense efforts we must take this chance to refill our e710 reserves in order to Stage a counter offensive kill two billion terminates we had a total of 6 days to complete this Mission yet we finished in 12 hours one of the fastest major orders to ever be completed in further proof of their Elite Training and irreplaceable value the hell divers reached to the Target set for termined biomass production far faster than anticipated while additional destruction of super Earth's enemies has always beneficial e710 revive refinement pipelines are full at the present time there will be ample opportunities for additional biomass production in the future superar High command commends the hell divers for their boundless enthusiasm to destroy the enemies of freedom now back to the Bots this operation is currently underway but in case you haven't seen it operation enduring bull workk briefing freedom is under attack once more in an act of sinister synchronicity both the terminats and automatons have launched large scale assaults the hell divers must now defend our citizens on two fronts at once overview both the terminat and automatons are attacking defend our territory on both fronts succeed in the defense of at least 10 planets message from command during the ongoing attack of Vernon Wells the automaton hordes have managed to knock out longrange communication arrays allowing us to track our forces across the Galaxy this means that unfortunately we will be unable to provide updates to Liberation percentages in ongoing Galactic War progress for the foreseeable future superar High command has dispatched expert seaf engineer teams under the protection of our hell divers to repair these arrays as soon as possible in the meantime error and incomplete data may be displayed on Destroyer systems and tracking software continue the fight we are currently 6 out of 10 with little more than 24 hours left it does not look good on the outcome but the hell divers have done more get out there hell diver
Channel: True_Cyan
Views: 15,723
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Id: m-TM9o6XfEo
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Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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