Helldivers 2 is in trouble

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H diver's 2 player numbers are dropping is the game in trouble but there's been a bit of discussion around this where people are saying hang on a minute the player numbers are at the lowest they've been since launch is the game dying is it falling off a cliff what is going on well don't worry we're going to break all of that down we also we're going to take a look at some news hot off the press about Patrol spawn changes because they're a bit broken at the moment and they are going to get fixed which is good and we've got the CEO talking about assault rifles but we've got a lot to cover in this video so let's just get stuck into it this is the current steam DB chart for hell divers 2 so this is just players on uh PC so it doesn't include PlayStation players so you can probably Chuck another 40,000 onto this figure but at the moment you can see there's 92,000 people playing hell divers 2 this number will start to increase cuz it's only early evening over in the UK and this generally gets a little bit higher than it tends to Plateau off anyway you can see we had a massive peak of 458,000 players and it has slowly declined since then but why but why but why but why well there's a lot of things going on here with the game of course we've had the controversy with steam with the PSN and all of that stuff which is currently still ongoing we still don't have the game relisted in the regions it needs to be relisted in and there is also this massive debate going back and forth is it steam that imposed it is it Sony well it looks like the publisher obviously is for steam's hand so it is a little bit murky it's not steam hasn't just gone out there and done it of their own will Sony is those countries cannot be sold those the game sorry cannot be sold in those countries cuz you cannot sign up for a PSN account so valve have gone well hang on Sony they can't sign up for PSN account so we can't sell the game in that region cuz they won't be able to play it so it's a bit of both but really valve if they're acting and and they definitely are acting to remove it they have to do it to cover themselves but also it's Sony's fault whatever way you look at it it is Sony's fault it's not valve Sony's fault like be under No Illusion there guys anyway these player numbers what's going on well there's been a lot of stuff going on with the game like I said the PSN stuff um you've got the crazy weapon balance you've got the very limp war bonds they can feel I guess I mean I I always get caught up in the hype okay wow it feels great to use a new weapon straight away but then after a few minutes you start to realize actually this isn't that great and I really like the video I made like looking at the new war bond weapons recently uh in the polar war bond where I was like hang on this actually feels okay the tenderizer but then you slowly start to realize it's actually not that good and you're like okay this isn't great the plasma weapon is literally the worst weapon in the game the SMG is fine if you want to take the uh the shield with you as well or you just want to roll the SMG cuz you're just I don't know gangster but it's uh it's okay but it's it's kind of Limp isn't it the incend impact grenade is okay and then the pistol uh the verdict is actually I quite like that deagle it's it's pretty good but anyway it's not been a great war bond and these war bonds haven't really contained weapons or stuff that have set the world on fire that made us go oh my God we really need this this is insane so people don't care about the war bonds this is a problem because the War Bomb bonds are monthly game updates where new content is added in the form of weapons Primary Weapons and secondary weapons and players want new weapons that well because they're fun also we get new strategems every now and again coming through major orders or coming through just game updates as we're playing through the game remember when the quazar got added and the mech which was a really strong start when the mech got added we've not had any of those kind of events recently so I think that is also contributing to less players the big thing here is though guys it's burnout and and it's burnout of playing the same thing over and over and over again now the game launched in February we're now in may there was a poll that they put up on the Discord server a while back and they're asking people like what do you want more of and and the the overwhelming response was we want more missions we want more maps more new stuff to play on it's not so much about constantly adding weapons constantly adding strategems which don't get me wrong that is a high ticket item that's going to make people want to come back if they're insane I mean look at the quazar cannon when that dropped it was insane it was like oh my you can like charge this massive bolt of plasma up and fire it this is insane this is actually insane like what a weapon great design and the mechs were the same even though the mechs are kind of a bit crap but the way they were added to the game felt awesome right everyone was running around in mechs great addition to the game at the time although obviously as I know balance is not particularly great with the mechs and they are generally pretty broken you tend to still kill yourself quite often with them and the aim is really strange for the mechs like it's it's super weird but you never really see them you might see them on eradication missions but beyond that yeah and you're not going to see them against automatons cuz they are literally going to kill you so what we've got is this issue of the the average player base this is you and me as well included right yeah we might sit here and like oh go on about the finer details of weapons and whatever but really we want new biion if I could speak we want new biomes to play in because we're either on a desert Planet a jungle or a snow Planet I mean is there anything in between well there kind of like the um the green planets I guess I'll call them they look like the Scottish Highlands yeah what would you even call that t no Tundra is uh snow isn't it but whatever that's kind of it you don't really get anything else we're not fighting in cities we're not fighting in totally different uh terrain which I think is what the game needs cuz it's very syy it's getting a bit boring it's getting very boring if I'm totally honest we need more enemies we need more maps we need more objectives this is what we need and we need more major orders that are a bit more engaging instead of just kill two billion of this try and defend these planets trying it needs to be tied with new gear as well I think that would make a massive impact and pull players back in because I think what they've actually managed to build here is a game that is got fantastic gameplay um the weapon balance is a little bit strange I'm sure they'll find their footing at some point the war bonds are being made too frequently and they're just not interesting enough I mean even on a very basic level the polar war bond doesn't contain any free or ice or weon you think it would because it's the polar war bond but it's got in fact it's got flame weapons makes no sense you know it's like what it's like they're just shoving stuff into the war bonds that they've got ready to go and of course remember we had the issues with the uh verdict only refilling half of its ammo half half of its magazines from an ammo box or uh well a Reload box I guess you could call them whatever and when really it should get eight back but it only gets four back well the ammo changes made it so that weapons primary and secondary get full mags back when you pick up an ammo crate um but the tenderizer and the verdict don't because they older versions it's weird right so I think it's just a culmination of everyone is's working a bit too hard this is a massive storm this game and they're trying to like capture it they're trying to keep it going but they do need to sit back and just chill and try and get some of the basic stuff sorted we'll go on that in a second cuz I think there's an interesting topic on that but just to sum this up I do believe what we need critically and and really fast is new maps to fight on and new biomes the enemies yeah we need new enemies we know the illuminat are coming at some point when they're added to the game I'm sure there'll be a lot more people coming back and being interested cuz there's only so much you can keep playing through these missions right cuz you just it's the same thing over and over again it is fun don't get me wrong and this is just a co-op H shooter but it needs to be spiced up a little bit doesn't it and I think the easiest way to do that is going to be with new planets to play on right you could also argue and say well they should probably get rid of a lot of the negative modifiers on missions like the AA modifier is so annoying the fact that you only get uh three stratums instead of the the standard four it is super annoying when that happens maybe there could be an objective on the map that you could destroy like the AA guns or whatever and then you get your your extra strategy back again I'm not sure how that could work um because how would you select a strategy unless you pre-select it at the start of the game I don't know like it's a programming problems whatever I'm not a programmer but that would be cool if that was actually in the game anyway I think critically they need new MCH to play on and I don't think anyone will disagree with me there all the other stuff is kind of adjacent to that you got to keep the game fresh new maps new enemies so I picked this up on Reddit and and this is maybe this is like the Reddit view on the game so this is obviously it's the meme and you've got these persistent issues with glitches Network stability and balancing are really affecting the enjoyment and player count yeah they are they are right and then someone goes well hang on I'm still having fun and they're like well anyway I really love the game and I'm concerned about the longterm longevity uh all this sub does is wine now there are two things going on here the first one is it's actually good if people are moaning about your game because it means that they're not um you know they're they're they're invested in your game it's not that they don't care it's that they do care and they're invested in your game the thing is though especially with places like Reddit focusing too much on things like weapon balance I don't think that's going to make much of a difference to the average player things like crashes definitely are the game crashes it's bad and at the moment it's actually it's very hard to play with friends like you'll end up getting disconnects all the time which isn't great and then that's piled on top of the fact maybe there was like I don't know you play with two other friends so you had a group of three there's Patrol spawn problems at the moment so you're getting loads more spawns and you're just getting destroyed it's like what that's not fun these are problems and I do I do completely agree that they're going to put people off the game but I do think this view is a little bit like it's a bit like the elite players versus the general average population players and like I said I honest believe hand over heart that what they want and and what we all want really is new maps and new enemies to fight that's going to spruce up the game and also New Missions and new objectives on the map as well that would make a big difference to the game I think rather than like little changes to weapon balance and stuff although don't get me wrong that is essential and does need to be fixed and obviously the crashing issues need to be fixed as well this comment sums it up off Reddit so if people complain and show their criticism for a game that there still people being invested in said game the worst that can happen to a live game is that people lose all interest and fully move on being mad about the state of the game is still loving the game at its core and it's true I mean if players become apathetic to the game they just don't care and then that's when your player base really is very difficult to bring back hell divers I don't think it's a problem with hell divers right cuz players will just come in when they see new content and it also has to be said I should have covered this a little bit earlier on in the video but people play other games and I've got to be honest with you guys me right now today when this video is done I'm going to play home World 3 I love I absolutely freaking love home world it's so good I'm going to go and play that game I play different games I don't just play the same game over and over and over again relentlessly you know take breaks this is the beauty of Hell divers it's not this game where you need to chase after things and catch stuff up you can jump jump in drop out some days I might play for 40 minutes some days I might play for four hours you just it comes and goes when you want to play when you don't want to play yeah that's how gaming is and I think that's actually a massive bonus for hell divers cuz it doesn't have this like ingrained grind where you've got to constantly be playing as you're going to miss out and stuff and I think a big Testament to that is the fact that the battle passes I the war bonds don't actually run out they're not fomo they're not time restricted you can always work on them at any time which is massive and I think is is great this drop in drop out nature of the game is fantastic so what about assault rifles well over on X uh this user says they also need to evaluate the place of certain weapons in the weapon sandbox ARS for examples that for example have absolutely no place even if you aren't super meta concerned like me they hit like modded BB guns and serve zero purpose and the CEO actually responded to this and says I agree on assault rifles their representation has become diluted now this is I think interesting because assault rifles like at the moment you guys have seen footage in the background here of me playing it's on Hell di difficulty but I'm using the diligence counter sniper incredibly good against the Bots this is you can take everything out I mean absolutely everything apart from hulks you can still kill hwks if you shoot them in the back but like you can just take everything out with them is fantastic obviously you can't take fact shers out and it would be more difficult to take out gunships but you get what I'm saying right really strong assault rifles though yeah I think I totally agree like where where where do assault rifles sit in this game you know shotguns are really good close range they put out a lot of damage really fast I guess the sickle is probably the best assault rifle just because of its constant up time maybe I don't know maybe the The Liberator is okay I use the Liberator recently it's fine I don't think it's insane but things like the tenderizer on paper should be insane but they're not maybe they'll get a buff but yeah I do agree with this I want you guys to let me know the comments below what do you think they could do with assault rifles cuz it is a bit weird at the moment they're almost like it's it's the I guess the main category of weapons but it's also like the most forgotten weird twinbeard gives us an update on patrols he says this yo divers don't want to make this an announcement I just want to mention that we've conveyed to our esteemed colleagues some of the details and concerns on the state of patrols and spawn rates uh for missions with one to three players that they're too hard spawn rates are too high or bonked which leads to frustrating gameplay when playing in teams with fewer than four players at the moment we know a lot of you feel the need uh some checking into thanks for heading thanks for the head for the heads uping or if when we know more we'll holler okay that was for some reason very difficult to read sometimes twin beard the way he writes it's a very I guess Swedish way of writing in English or I'm just an idiot and I can't read it but it doesn't really flow and my brain expects it to flow so I read it often I'm like anyway I'm not editing that I'm just going to leave in the video cuz that's the kind of quality content creator I am but anyway this is good news right so they're going to look at these patrols cuz there there are loads of enemy patrols and against the Bots it's massively Amplified cuz they will engage you and they will drill you from range and those godamn heavy Devastators with the shield and the and the and the laser which doesn't even have to be looking at you and still shoot you is absolutely for straighten as hell there is a new poll over on the Discord now they've actually deleted all the other polls I think it's because they were put up by the old Community manager who's been fired so I guess they've just deleted all of his stuff I don't know but anyway this is a new poll it just says what do you think of polar Patriots so far it's great it's okay but I want more stuff in each war bond it's okay but I'd like fewer war bonds and more patches it's okay but the items don't fit the theme I don't like it well there's there's there's a sixth option here isn't there it's not the quality I expect and I think that's what I would vote for but it's not even an option so I think out of these I'd probably vote for it's okay but the items don't fit the theme because they really don't they there's no Polar Ice stuff in it it's just like yeah the armor sort of looks like it belongs in the snow but beyond that it doesn't give you any benefit to being on the snow one of them's even got the ice spikes hasn't it the armor I'm wearing in this gameplay clip and well it doesn't stop me sliding or it doesn't make me Sprint faster on snow or whatever which would be cool if it did that so what do you guys think about this yeah I think this is a bit weird but this actually opens the whole debate about the state of war bonds and and how frequently they're being added to the game would you agree with me that the quality needs to really be worked on for them and they need to have a bit more impact and does that mean they're going to have to delay them could you be okay with a war bond every two months would that be a bit too long maybe every 6 weeks would be a good sort of um Middle Ground I don't know but I think if the next war bond is anything like the previous one or the current one there's going to be a bit of an issue then cuz I think players are starting to going to get really turned off to the war bonds and uh I think that could be an issue long term for the game all right guys thank for watching the video I hope you enjoyed that if you did let me know what you think about all this in the comments below like I said I'm still playing and enjoying this game and loving it um but yeah we'll see what happens and I'm expecting some sort of an update this week possibly to weapons and that could be pretty funky but yeah we'll have to see where that goes all right guys thank you for watching the video and I'll catch you lovely lovely lot on the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 75,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: PDFbnBT4_qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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