Primary Tier List for Terminids | Helldivers 2 | Post Patch 01.000.300

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hey what's up guys this W video here and today I have another chist for you guys for primaries against the terid this will be post patch 01.00 .300 it's definitely a mouth po there was a lot of changes to primaries in this patch namely marksman rifles some energy weapons there is some what I would believed to be reworks but I kind of think that it was an overall Nerf instead of a rework um but for the most part I I I thought it was a good patch I think that you know there's definitely still some weapons that need some love but a lot of weapons got touched they did get some Buffs and some of them did get some reworks uh some give and takes shall we say and we will discuss that now please like on the video really helps me out it circulates the video and the YouTube algorithm and also if you if you enjoy this type of content please subscribe to my channel try to get to 1,000 Subs soon as possible and any support greatly helps me out so let's get started so to kind of describe the the tiers here before we get started um s is there's no downsides to the weapon it's great in every scenario that requires a primary there's really no downsides to it and the weapon is unique enough that it has its own flavor to it and it's really really good in 789 difficulties like the higher difficulties um a tier would be has some flaws but you can overcome with practice but it's definitely an above average weapon it's very very good it definitely has its own place in The Meta it has some unique abilities but but it's not great in every scenario it has some flaws but you can definitely overcome those flaws either by using the gun a lot you know just just getting over the flaws and once you get over the flaws they can compete 7 eight n difficulties B is average has some Niche uses to it but for the most part these are kind of like you know this is where you starting get into like your plain Jen guns they're kind of bland a little bit they might have some unique abilities but those but those unique abilities don't come to it's like a wow factor right it's just they're just average see tier you know the these are more like your below average guns definitely need some buff Buffs to them um possibly even a rework but mostly I think that these guns just need some changes to them either in damage ammo economy um even like the handling and the feeling of the gun this is where I think there's definitely where Buffs are needed to make these guns better and of course D tier is really really bad like it's not usable or if it is usable it's has a lot of flaws to it um and either needs a ton of Buffs to it or it just needs a complete rework to the weapon let's get started so the adjudicator definitely think that it is a c tier weapon um it's definitely better than what it was before it was probably like one of the worst primaries if not the worst Primary in the game um it definitely got better by more ammo and it had um less recoil but in my opinion it still jumps all over the place still I don't I don't like how the way that this gun feels um it's now an assault rifle now instead of a marksman rifle thank god um I didn't understand that category at all but it definitely needs still some changes to it in order to make it good the only thing that's kind of like the saving grace to the gun is that can medium armor pin but there are definitely better options out there already that can not only medium armor pin but it has better economy it feels great to use there's just way more options out there the explosive crossbow kind of surprised me a bit so they did a rework to it they basically gave it less mags um smaller explosive radius but the arrow itself flies faster so I don't understand why they took took so much away from this gun only to make the arrow faster it that doesn't make any sense to me and that's why I'm putting it in C tier until they do something else with this I don't understand why you would ever run this it's I I think at some point they had mentioned that they wanted to make this into a a medium enemy medium siiz enemy so basically like armored enemy type of gun for medium armor which is fine it just doesn't do much like I like I tried this on terid and it's not that great still it doesn't really do Crow control and it doesn't really handle the bigger bugs any more efficiently than it did before so I want now it the gun feels better because the arrow is faster but I kind of think that that they should have kept the gun the way that it was before and just gave it the extra muzzle velocity the feeling of the gun is great it's just like you know the shooting and stuff but the actual power behind it it just sucks uh the counter sniper I think is probably B they did buff the damage of it you can definitely one tap some bugs at times um but and and this say me number pin personally I think the marksman rifles are just better for automatons because you want to have those range you know like that range combat I just don't think Marsh rifles are are really good against bugs cuz you get overly swarmed quickly and you need something that can consistently one-hot bugs this can oneshot like small bugs and some like light armor bugs so like hunters and stuff like that um it's good against nursing spewers and it's good against um the bow spewers as well I think it's it's fine against those but everything else if you get swarmed you have to bring a secondary that can easily take care and like repel repel bugs off of you um if not you'll definitely be caught with your pants down on number occasions so counter sniper is it's it's fine against bugs but I think it's better on tomaton overall um same thing with the diligence um both these Guns by the way in in the latest patch got a damage buff um you know that they feel the same in my opinion I think the counter sniper feels like a little bit better now but I still think that marxman rifles are still a little bit underpowered in my opinion I I think they need to feel better at this point than just they do more damage and I think that's all they need and then they'd be fine but other than that these are more like beat your weapons against terides um kind of like the super citizen like pre-order submachine gun it's fine like it's okay there's nothing wow about this it kind of feels like a better Redeemer and that's it it does okay but other than that like there's no wow factor to the gun it just feels like an average submachine gun in my opinion so I'm putting in B uh the spray and prey I like how much ammo it has but it's birdshot um so it handles trash Ms very well so like little bugs and Hunters it handles it pretty good but anything that's like bigger than a hunter it just sucks like really bad like it really falls off now this used to be the worst gun in the game it is longer I do think that's serviceable in terminat it's average but I still think it needs something either way more ammo to it or more ammo to it cuz they did knock down the the magazine of this gun or it needs more power behind it but put but if you put more power behind it becomes basically like a better breaker at that point um so I'd probably say just more ammo to it um if you're really wanting like a spray and pron give it more ammo the concussive rifle I think is still probably B tier um it it's it's it's fine it's it doesn't kill much except for like may like little bugs more um if you head shot a hunter it'll kill it in one shot this is mainly crowd control but not in killing but in pushing enemies back especially bigger bugs cuz you can knock back like Brew commanders and the the other armored Place uh plate bugs in the front you can actually push those bugs back including like nursing Speers as well which is really really good but other than that that's it it lacks kill power but it but it makes up for in um stagger cuz like it's an explosive weapon so but it doesn't really wow me that much like I rather just take a Dominator at that point if I'm looking for stagger and power now I'll have less ammo but you know uh you know a dead bug in my mind is a good bug or a good bug is a dead bug it's fine I used it they buffed the damage of it here recently I really don't feel that much of a difference to it Liber penetrator it's nothing still it does fine work I think that all assault rifles are kind of meh in my opinion the best assault rifle in the game is actually a submachine gun I think that one's probably the best well the and and and and probably the sickle currently I just think that all the assault rifles that require or that are actual like bullet fed guns I I think are just bad or or or or like they're like they're not bad but they just there's no wow factor to them there's no like man this is a really really good gun it's just kind of and that's it right um and and Liber uh pin is one of them you can use it kind of like a DMR cuz you can triple burst it um but you know it still kind of feels bad to use like like again like this is almost like the adjudicator you please make these ass rifles feel good to use and then people would probably use them more often and I just I feel like these guns are just they just feel really really really bad to use the Liberator I think is probably the best out of the assault rifles currently you know as far as like bullet fed guns I do think is the best um but it's still average it's not it's not wow you know it's just a normal assault rifle but it is the epitome of you know the average gun you know like the average hell diver gun you know like they gave this to you at the time you become a hell diver or whatever right um you know it does it does fine work but it is an average gun um other than that it's it does it's fine Punisher is probably a but it's probably like low a in my opinion like it's like it's kind of in between a and b for me um but it's probably more towards a than than B I think that it handles Hunters very very well um if you get swarmed of course it doesn't do that great but it does have a it does have a really good kill potential still um it was really bad at the very beginning of the game but but since a couple patches ago it's it's it's been doing pretty good work you know it's fun where it's at you know it doesn't really need any changes to it really unless you just want to make that kill shot you know farther out give it less fall off or something but you know as it's fine has has good animal economy as well so punch is really good the Slugger I think is still good still um they nerfed it a while back um basically they gave it kind of like less damage fall off or sorry more damage fall off less ammo to it as well I think it it was s tier at some point but now it's a I still think this weapon is still good though it just requires like a little bit more finesse to it than than what it was before but other than that slugger's still solid Defender is a it's just a solid like this is like this is a good assault rifle but it's a submachine gun great animal economy does decent damage um has a great sight to it as well and you can oneand it right so you can pick up an objective he and then you can oneand the the uh submachine gun so it's good in that regard what would make it better is maybe giving it more ammo but even then like I don't think it needs more ammo I think it's fine where it's at uh the scythe okay so controversial take after the buff I feel that it's an a tier weapon one of the worst weapons in the game because it did it just didn't have them enough kill power to it what they did is that they buff the damage but they gave it less ice so less ammo recharges for it right this gun can shoot infinitely as long as you you know watching you know like you're overheat level you can shoot it forever you just have to be careful it kills bugs very well it does trash mobs kind like the hunters the uh the the the other like medium light armor bug it's kind of like the like normal looking bug or whatever it does very very good against them Brew commanders it even does kind of good against them um it is basically just a trash mob gun but you can do it from so far away at times cuz like this gun has like little to no damage fall off this is the trash mob and that's why I think it belongs in nature now I don't think that it's the best you know I think that the sickle is definitely the best one as far as like out the out of the energy based kind of like assault rifles I think it's I I I still think that the CLE is definitely best better but the scyth is now kind of competing right now the ejector I think is what it is or like the Eruptor or whatever I think will become an a tier primary at some point they are going to make a a fix to it or hot fix for for it that whenever you shoot it into a bug hole it won't explode anymore which will definitely hurt the weapon cuz the utility is gone at that point um they cut the magazines in half but it's still going to be kind of what the explosive crossbow should be in my opinion um but it's going to be but but it's but it's better because it's still going to have that AOE bug killing potential to it and and it's still going to do like like a like a lot of damage to it it just won't be as good as it was before so putting an a TI at the moment in time uh the plasma Punisher so this is like the uh it's kind of like a grenade launcher almost but um but it's kind of like a shotgun almost it's it's very weird like you lob like these little spheres and and they have like a little small explosive radius to them um I think it's s tier now um before the the balls were really really slow to shoot well not slow to shoot but the projectile speed of them was really slow so what they did was is that they kind of gave like a give and take type of thing right they they decreased the amount of ammo was in the gun I think but they made the sphere faster they made the projectile faster that's all the gun needed because before it was discount scorcher now there is a no there is a difference between using the scorcher and using the plasma Punisher you can kind of use both of them how you kind of want to it's really good against armored enemies it's really good against brute commanders um you can use this against B Titans so if you use a rail gun against a b Titan and then run to the to the side where the plate armor has been shot off of the B Titan you can then use it on that side and about four or five shots you can kill a b Tian with it because it is explosive damage very very good gun do not sleep on this weapon now the Dominator the Dominator still us here um they Nerf the damage of it by like 25 points or whatever it used used to be 300 now it's 275 I I don't know a difference between the gun dude um I used it before whenever was 300 damage it was Overkill and I'm using it now and it's still Overkill so it's still really really good it's a better Liberator concussive you know the only thing that they could change May maybe in the future but it would make it kind of overpowered cuz The Balancing Act is is that it does a lot of damage it can stack like a but it doesn't have that much ammo to it right so what they would need to do to it to make it really overpowered is give more ammo but they're not going to do that right I think it's I think it's perfectly balanced where it's at Scorchers Z tier um this gun is like it's I I think the Scorch is probably the best primary primary in the game it's really good against taking out armor in it's really good against taking out Speers um I don't know if you can kill Bott Titans in the same way as the the plasma Punisher but it really doesn't need to it's you know has a pretty fast projectile speed to it and it ignores armor because it's because it it's explosive right you don't have to lob the rounds like you do the plasma Punisher you kind of just point and shoot and you can start getting kills with it it's very very good has a small explosive radius the only problem that you have to worry worry about is that if you get rushed by bugs and if you use it you can kill yourself with it so you have to be kind of careful with it but otherwise it's a fantastic gun it's probably the like the best Primary in the game currently um but I think it's a very balanced gun though to be honest with you uh because it doesn't have that much ammo to it but what you get in power it does really well so uh the breaker shotgun I still think is like a here I don't think it's s tier anymore because of the um the amount of ammo that they sucked out of it as far as like in the clips but it is still a very strong primary it's not as strong as it was before but it's still very very good it's good at taking out Hunters you know smaller enemies brood commanders uh spewers like the whole nine yards it's really good at taking out those things um it's just a good like trash mob clear and it does like a lot of damage to someone like the uh the more meteor beefier B bugs um but other than that it's very very good if you knock off the um the leg of a charger you can definitely kill it very quick with the the breaker has a decently you know quick reload as well it's just it's just it's just very very good it's it's still a very very good primary still the inary shotgun I think is probably s tier um it just does very very well against terminat um because terminates are more acceptable to fire anyways you can clear a a a breach of of just trash mobs very easily with this gun um the only problem with it or like the only change I would make to this gun is like to give it a full auto mode but I think that's the balancing act that they have to have for this gun um the sickle It's s tier I'm sorry it it's it's it's it's still good um they nerfed the animal economy but it needed to have in their under the animal economy in my opinion um you just you just have to be smart with it that's a you know it's not as brain dead as it as it was before it's still very very good at clearing up trash mobs it still does a really good amount of damage um and it has the biggest amount of or like the largest amount of ammo in a assault rifles type of weapon because it's infinite ammo and plus if you if you wanted to to just shoot forever whatever has like what like 50 rounds in it like you know 50 rounds in like a magazine or like an ice that's ridiculous plus it does good damage so people that are complaining about this gun being nerfed to the ground it's not nerfed to the ground all they did was change the Amo economy to it and it's still busted it's still very very good the gun to use against the terminats in my opinion is the Blitzer okay this was by far the sleeper pick okay I was going to make a video about this before they buffed it I thought that the Blitzer was already good against bugs people were sleeping on this people call this gun trash and no this was the best gun to use against the terminin at one point and now it's even better okay so what what made the Blitzer good well it's Arc damage and it has unlimited ammo to it so you can shoot this thing forever and another good thing about this gun is that it was basically a taser it could stun enemies so you know there like annoying little B spewers and nursing spewers will just vomit on you and that big crowd of like bugs that are coming towards you okay you can either on-shot the bugs right or you just stun them and they just stop the ball Speers if they started throwing up on you you could shoot them once and then they would just stop they would just stop completely sometimes it would even AR to a boss people right next to it and it would also stun them as well it was fantastic and did pretty good damage too it can like oneshot certain bugs like I I like you could onot brw commanders with this gun they made the gun better by improving the rate of fire to it now it fires faster right it didn't really need well I mean like it did need a buff before right it didn't feel good to to use but once you got over like the not so good Feelgood part of it it was a very very good gun to use against termin heads now it is very good to it's it's it's probably like the best gun to to use against the termined it's my favorite pick it is probably going to be my only pick right now for the termined until like another gun comes around the corner but Blitzer use it it is the sleeper it will always be the sleeper in my heart and hopefully they won't touch the gun cuz the gun isn't like the gun is in a really really good place right now so this is my tier list um what do you guys think let me know down in the comment section down below about your opinions about what guns are really good right now versus what guns are not so good you know do you feel like the changes to the weapons overall was fair by Arrowhead or do you feel like nah no I just you know I feel like this is a bad patch and all they did was Nerf and stuff like that cuz I'm kind of seeing that sentiment right now and I don't think it's like particularly fair but that's just my opinion you guys kind of rationalize what you think Down Below in the comment section thank you thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: WiseGuyVito
Views: 16,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vito, WiseGuyVito, helldivers 2 game, helldivers 2 tier list, helldivers 2 primary tier list, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 primary, helldivers 2 weapons tier list, helldivers 2 gaming highlights, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 info
Id: vZhGvhFnFFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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