25 Items That Were Renamed in Minecraft

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if you guys enjoy my videos and play Minecraft you may also enjoy my minecraft server now the IP is on screen or it's in the description below anyways enjoy the video so what's going on guys my name is Anthony like this video if you are excited for 1.13 but anyways today i will be bringing you guys 25 items that were renamed in minecraft now if you guys do enjoy today's video then be sure to give this video a like rating but anyways without further ado let's go ahead and get straight into today's video I hope you guys enjoy it the crafting table was added in the in-depth version of Minecraft and it's pretty much the item that made minecraft into what it is today but did you also know that the crafting table was actually referred to as a workbench by the community back in the day from in dev all the way up to beta 1.2 as you can see on screen I am playing on beta 1.0 which was when item name tags were introduced and you can see that the crafting table is actually called a workbench but then in the beta 1.2 update the name of the crafting table was changed to the crafting table as it used to be called the workbench gunpowder was added in the Minecraft in dev update and we all know that it's dropped by creepers and used to craft TNT but did you also know that the original name for gunpowder was actually sulfur but then it was later changed to gunpowder in the beta 1.3 update as you could see on screen this is me showing some gameplay in beta 1.2 where the Gunpowder was originally called sofa in the Minecraft Alpha update stairs were added but the only two stairs that were in the game were the wooden stairs and the cobblestone stairs but did you also know that for a very long time the cobblestone stairs were actually named stone stairs until they were finally changed in the Minecraft 1.8 Update don't worry Mojang only took you four years to fix that sugar cane was added in the Minecraft Alpha update but did you also know that the sugar cane formerly had an old item name that's right before beta 1.2 a sugar cane actually used to be called reeds as you can see on screen but then it was later changed to sugar cane which is what the item name is to in beta 1.2 The Rose was added in the classic version of Minecraft and it was in the game for a very long time all the way up to the full release of Minecraft 1.7 when they actually renamed the Rose to poppy and also changed the texture of the rose to a poppy now there's not really much else I can say about the Rose being changed to the poppy to be honest because a lot of people in the community were just very saddened by this all I can really say I mean I'm sad that they changed the rose to the poppies so all I can really say is rest in peace Rose you will be missed the ink sack was added in the beta 1.2 update and is of course jobs by squids the ink sack had a slightly different item name in the earlier versions of beta 1.2 that's right as you can see on screen the spelling in sack for ink sack actually had a K on the end and then in later beta 1.2 versions it was changed to White's name today there are four types of stone bricks that I in minecraft so firstly we have the stone bricks and then we have the cracked stone bricks and then we have the mossy stone bricks and finally we have the chiseled stone bricks now for a while all four of these stone bricks did not have their own unique item name as they were all named stone bricks for quite a while until the Minecraft 1.3 update now three of the stone bricks still have the same item name they were given in the 1.3 update all the way up to minecraft today but the chiseled stone brick actually had a different item name in the snapshots of 1.3 so basically during the snapshots of 1.3 the chiseled stone brick actually used to be called the detailed stone brick until it was changed in the full release for 1.3 the dog was added in the IMP dead version of Minecraft and since there was only one type of door in the game until the 1.8 Update where a bunch of different doors were added the name for the dog was actually different so as I said before the other types of doors were added in the Minecraft 1.8 Update the door actually used to be called just the wooden door before it was later changed to the oak door as you know all of the other doors were added and of course they needed to help their own different name as well wall was added in the classic version of Minecraft and is of course dropped by sheep but did also know that during the classic in dev and alpha versions of Minecraft mu was actually referred and named as cloth before it was changed in the beta 1.0 update to the name it has today which is of course all horses along with hay bale were actually added in the Minecraft 1.6 Update but did you also know that during the snapshots of 1.6 the name of 4d hay bale was actually different in the 1.6 snapshots the hay bale was actually called the hay a block into it was finally changed to the hay bale in the final 1.6 Update netherrack makes up most of the nethers terrain so it is very easy to find and it looks like this now as you can see it's official item name is of course a netherrack but it hasn't always been called this that is right guys back in the earlier days of Minecraft in the alpha stage of the game netherrack used to be called bloodstone and then it was later referred to by not as nether stones so yeah it's how two different names before he was called netherrack bloodstone and nether stone so we all know that cobblestone has a mossy counterpart known as mossy cobblestone but for a very long time the item named for mossy cobblestone has actually been different so ever since mossy cobblestone was added in 2009 it has always had the item named Moss stone as you can see on screen but this is all about to change in 1.13 as they have renamed the block to a mossy cobblestone I am so glad they have done this it is a much more fitting name for the book and it goes well with the normal cobblestone counterpart it's trivia time this is the part of the video where you guys that show me your Minecraft knowledge by me asking you a random minecraft that question you used to be able to craft horse armor in Minecraft true or false this yellow flower you guys can see on screen is called the dandelion flower and it has been in Minecraft since 2009 in the classic phase and it hasn't always been called the dandelion that's right you guys are going to be blown away up what this flower used to be called because it used to be called well just flower mode that is the most creative name you've ever given to an item ever when the dark oaken logs were added into the game in the 1.7.2 update it originally had a different name in the snapshot phase now since the dog oak logs can only be found in the root forest biome they originally named this block the roof to oak as you can see on screen but yeah in the official release for 1.7 they changed it to dark oak to match all of the other log names beds were added in the beta 1.3 update back in 2011 and of course their primary purpose is to allow the player to sleep and skip the night cycle now for a long time the name of the bed is well just bed but since the addition of all the colored beds in the 1.12 update they have been renamed to their corresponding color as you can see on screen both hardened clay and stained clay were added in the 1.6 point one update on April 24 2013 and it goes without saying that a lot of people have referred to these blocks as well hardened clay and stained clay however since those new glazed terracotta blocks were added into Minecraft in the 1.12 update both the stained clay and hardened clay have now been renamed to terracotta okay let's just get straight to the point so when you kill a cow they drop a raw beef upon death and when you cook that raw beef in the furnace you get steak but in Pocket Edition it's actually not called steak because as you can see on screen it's called cooked beef instead the regular default generic fish you see on screen has been in the game since minecraft alpha and you have of course been able to fish it out with a fishing rod but for a very long time it has just been known as raw fish and cooked fish however in 1.13 the generic fish has had its texture changed to resemble cod as you can see which basically means that the fish has been renamed to raw caught and cooked cod now for a long time the melon food item has just been called melon but the melon block has also been called melons so to avoid confusion they have renamed the melon food item to melon slice but anyways that just about concludes today's video about 25 items that were renamed in Minecraft everybody I really hope you all enjoyed it and all found it's informative now if you made it this far into the video then be sure to comment diamonds in the comments below because it will let me know that you made it this far but yeah I am going to go now everybody because I just need a drink man it is so hot in the UK right now I am dying from this weather so I think I'm gonna go get a drink so thank you all so much for watching this video have a fantastic day and I'll see you all in my next one good bye Katie you are cool but I am dying from this weather help me [Music] you
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 2,382,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 25, items, that, were, renamed, item names, block names, changed, minecraft items renamed, minecraft blocks renamed, 25 Items That Were Renamed in Minecraft, item, block, feature, update, version, workbench, rose, renaming item minecraft, things you didn't know about minecraft, minecraft 25 things, minecraft 25 items, 25 things
Id: p4zlj3WQEI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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