✔ Minecraft: 15 Things You Didn't Know About the Axe

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if you guys enjoy my videos and play Minecraft you may also enjoy my minecraft server now the IP is on screen or it's in the description below anyways enjoy the video so what's going on guys my name is Anthony and today I'm going to be bringing you guys 15 things that you didn't know about the axe in Minecraft now if you guys do enjoy today's video then be sure to give this video a like rating like this video if you love chopping down trees with a diamond axe I mean come on it's so satisfying but anyways enough of me rambling let's go ahead and get straight into today's video about the axe in Minecraft I hope you guys enjoy it the axe was added along with the pickaxe and the shovel in the interphase of Minecraft on December 31st 2009 however at the time the axe could not be obtained by the player but it didn't matter anyway because it didn't have any functionality or use whatsoever now fast forward a week or so to January 11 2010 the player would now spawn with an axe in their inventory upon creating a new world and its primary purpose was to now a gather wood 400 percent faster than by using your hand but then on January 24 2010 a change was made to where the player no longer spawns with an axe upon starting a new world instead there were multiple chests in the starter in dev house and it looks like this containing a stack of every available blog and item in the game including of course the axe when the act was first added into Minecraft you will notice that the appearance for the tool is quite different this is because if you look closely you'll notice that the axes texture appeared as being double-sided as you can see on screen and I have to say it looks very strange however in a later in dev version of the game half of the axes head was removed from the axes texture resulting in the item and looking like this and it has looked like this ever since another thing your probably notice is that in minecraft in dev and axe held by the player actually appeared in a 2d light fashion making it look very very strange I mean just look at this axe the player is not even holding it correctly it just looks very very old however a few days later this was changed so an axe held by the player appeared in a more 3d like fashion and it's looked like this ever since and I have to say I'm so glad they changed this because the 2d lookin axe it doesn't look right the iron axe was the first type of axe to be added into Minecraft and as I mentioned before it was added in December 2009 however the other types of axes in Minecraft that you guys know today actually came a bit later as the wooden stone and diamond axe were added a week later or so on January 29th 2010 now we cannot forget about the gold axe can we because one day later on January 30th the golden axe was added into the game as well as of the 1.13 update right-clicking on any type of log with an axe will cause it to become a stripped log which is a new type of wooden log block introduced in 1.13 now there is a stripped log variant for every type of log in Minecraft and here on screen are all the different variants of the stripped log blocks very cool indeed The Vindicator mob will always spawn with an iron axe however they will only equip it if the player causes the mob to become hostile towards them The Vindicator also has an 8.5% chance to drop the iron axe they equip upon death which is very cool another cool feature is that naming The Vindicator mob Johnny will cause the mob to attack any nearby mobs with the iron axe they are holding which is very very funny to watch I mean just look at this Vindicator and chasing after the creeper although the creeper might sometimes explode and kill the Vindicator which can also be very funny so you guys obviously know that the fastest way to destroy a wooden in minecraft is to use an axe well back in the earlier days of Minecraft this was actually not the case this is because the original wooden slab that was added in the beta stage of Minecraft used a wooden planks texture but it wasn't actually onto a wooden type book category instead the wood slab was under the stone slab category which meant the player had to mine it with a pickaxe instead of an axe which was very strange however in version release 1.3 a change was made so the wooden slabs were actually wooden type blocks which meant they were destroyed quickest with an axe if you select the bonus chest option when creating a new world you have a chance to get both a wooden axe and a stone axe inside of the bonus chest which can be very useful for quickly collecting wood for the first night in Minecraft back in the earlier days of Minecraft in the interface of the game when the player would gather logs from a tree with an axe instead of getting the one log itself you would actually instead get three to five wooden planks this basically meant that in the in dev phase that the player could obtain more wood due to being able to get five wood planks per log rather than always giving the play up four wooden planks per log by crafting them throughout most of the in dev phase of Minecraft all of the types of axes such as wood stone iron gold and diamond would all chop down trees at the same speed and all the tools would have infinite durability as you can see on screen it's trivia time this is the part of the video where you guys that show me your Minecraft knowledge by me asking you a random minecraft that question the pig was added into Minecraft before the cow true or false speaking of durability the durability on each type of axe in Minecraft actually differ quite a lot the wooden axe can use up to 60 uses before being destroyed while the stone axe can use up to a hundred and thirty two uses the iron axe can use up to 251 uses before being destroyed while the Golden Axe only has a measly 33 uses before being destroyed thus making the Golden Axe just absolutely terrible now the diamond axe however is just insane because the diamond axe can use up to one thousand five hundred and sixty two uses before being destroyed as of the Minecraft 1.9 update the axe can also be used as a weapon as the damage done when using an axe actually does more damage than a sword but the recovery time is a lot longer as you can see on screen the axes attack speed is based on the tier of the axe so the wooden and stone axes have an attack speed of 0.8 while the iron axe has an attack speed of 0.9 the diamond axe has an attack speed of one obviously making it the best choice of axe to use in Minecraft as off the 1.3.1 update axes could be traded with villages so in one point three blacksmith villages would sell one diamond axe for nine to eleven emeralds and one iron axe for six to seven emeralds in one point eight however a change was made to where the blacksmith a villager would sell an enchanted diamond axe for nine to twelve emeralds and one iron axe for six to eight emeralds the unenchanted diamond axe I mentioned earlier were removed from villager trading in 1.8 both the golden axe and the iron axe are able to be smelted in a furnace resulting in the player receiving one golden nugget or one iron nugget but anyways that just about concludes today's video about the axe in Minecraft everybody I really hope you all enjoyed the video and all found it informative now I haven't actually addressed this in a video yet but I just wanted to thank you all so much but nine hundred thousand subscribers we are 100k away from the big 1 million and I cannot be more excited to be honest as you can tell I'm a little bit lost for words I cannot believe I am at nine okay I just I just never thought the channel would ever get this far to be honest I just started the channel making videos with my friends you know for fun and all that and I never thought it would be my job or anything it's just insane so thank you all so much for the support guys I just cannot thank you all enough but anyways I am going to go now because I need a drink after doing all of this commentating and I'm also quite tired as well because it is almost 3 a.m. yes that's right guys I record my videos at really stupid times so um yeah I'm gonna go now so thank you all so much watching the video Mario videos are coming soon so definitely look forward to that as well but yeah I'm gonna go so cheers for watching guys have an awesome day and I'll see you all next time goodbye Katy is a legend but also a bit of a peasant I'm joking [Music]
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 1,451,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 15, things, you, didn't, know, about, the, axe, minecraft 15 things, minecraft 15 things you didn't know about, things you didn't know about minecraft, facts, fact, 15 things, 15 facts, minecraft axe, minecraft weapon, minecraft axe facts, minecraft axe texture, things you didn't know about the axe in minecraft, minecraft 15 things you didn't know about the axe, feature, removed, update, version, texture, weapon, tool, villager, mobs
Id: 754VacjWhPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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