Minecraft: NEW Crafting Recipes That Should be Added

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if you guys enjoy my videos and play Minecraft you may also enjoy my minecraft server now the IP is on screen or it's in the description below anyways enjoy the video hey what's going on guys my name is add to be like this video if you want to see a 75 facts about Minecraft video but anyways today I will be bringing you guys a video showing off a more crafting recipes that could maybe be added into vanilla minecraft now if you guys do enjoy today's video then be sure to give this video a like rating as it's going to help me out a huge bunch now as always if this video is able to hit over 5000 Mike's then that would be amazing not gonna lie but anyways without further ado let's go ahead and get straight into today's video about crafting ideas in vanilla minecraft I hope you guys enjoy it okay guys so the first crafting recipe that could maybe be added into the game is going to be a crafting recipe for the grass blog now this book at the moment can only be obtained by a tool that has the silk touch enchantment on it so let's go ahead and collect it right here and you can see that I'm able to collect it because I've got silk touch on my shovel but if you don't have silk touch you cannot get this book at all which is kind of annoying so I thought a cool idea for the grass blog in order to craft it would be to collect some grass by using some shears right here you know very easy to do very easy to craft shears as well so that shouldn't be too much trouble and then if we go over to the chest you'll see that I've got some dirt in here and we can go over to the crafting table right here and pretty much the crafting recipe I thought of well it's already out there on the internet but I still think it's a very good recipe and the recipe would be to have three dirt right here and then three grass above it you know very simple very easy to do and the recipe would give you three grass blocks which is quite a fair recipe if you ask me and yeah that is quite a simple but very useful recipe for players that don't perhaps want to get silk touch so yeah let me know what you guys think so right now I am in the rare but fantastic looking mushroom biome right here as you can see and yes they are extremely rare to find so I figured the next crafting idea to put in this video would be a crafting recipe for this mushroom block right here because you know you can only obtain these if you perhaps find root forest biomes or mushroom biomes so they can be quite hard to get so I figured I'd add a little crafting recipe for them so if we go into the chest right here you'll see that I have 9 red mushrooms which is you know gonna be used for the crafting recipe and if we go in the crafting table and get all of these red mushrooms and put them all in the grid you will see the I craft one that red mushroom block right here which i think is quite an appropriate recipe for this block so let's go ahead and craft it and there you go you will now have another way to obtain this block in the game but let me know if you think this should be added now since I made a crafting recipe for the red mushroom block I figured it would make a lot of sense to also make the exact same recipe for the brown mushroom blocks now you guys can already guess how these are gonna be crafted yep that's right instead of red mushrooms you would just use brown mushrooms so let's go ahead and go in the crafting table and put in nine brown mushrooms and you'll see that you're able to craft the brown mushroom block as well so yeah that is another book in Minecraft you could potentially obtain by crafting it instead of finding it naturally very cool indeed okay guys so I have just been doing some mining and look what I found I found some diamonds right here let's go ahead and mine it there we go I love finding diamonds in this game it makes me so happy but yeah I can finally craft a diamond pickaxe now so let's go ahead and do that there we go or sumn I've got a diamond pick and what does that mean well I can now mined some obsidian here we go this is really fun this is getting boring oh my god I don't want to do this this is gonna take so long why can't I just craft obsidian okay let's go back to the crafting table here we go oh I've got a lava bucket and a water bucket right here what if I put these on top of each other hmm what's this I've got a crafting recipe for the obsidian oh my god why can't this be in the game this is just be amazing okay I get it I know you have to play Minecraft and you know spend all that time mining obsidian but it does take forever I wish there was just a shortcut so times but let me know if you think obsidian should be crafted the next crafting recipe that could maybe be added into Minecraft is a set of recipes for the horse armor now as you guys can see I have a horse right here with some horse armor equipped already and I actually crafted this with some items so let's go ahead and head over to the chest right here as I have some items in it to cross some horse armor and as you guys can see I have already laid out the recipes that I think the horse armor should be crafted with now if you you know old-school Minecraft this didn't realize already this is actually the old recipe the horse armor used to use before it was removed so if we go ahead and take the wool and the diamonds out of the chest right here and go and put it in the crafting recipe you will see that I am able to craft some diamond horse armor right here which is very cool now this was the recipe that was used in the 1.6 snapshots but Mojang decided to just remove it from the game and made it so you could only find horse armor by look at his dungeons for example and yeah you can only find it naturally but maybe they could add this recipe back into the game but let me know what you guys think okay guys so the next crafting recipe that could maybe be added into Minecraft is a recipe for the creeper head and the skeleton skull now the skeleton skull for example is extremely rare to get because you know you can only get it if a charged creeper kills a skeleton now what are the chances of that happening that is that's pretty rare to be honest so I thought I'd come up with some silly crafting recipes for these mob pets so let's go ahead and enter the crafting table right here and for the creeper head I figured 8 dong powder around the edge and then one TNT in the middle would be quite fitting for the recipe because creepers drop gunpowder and creepers explodes so you know TNT makes a lot of sense so that is the recipe for the creeper head and then for the skeleton skull I figured eight bones since you know the skeleton drops bones upon death and then a bow in the middle since the skeleton wields a bow as a weapon and yeah those are pretty much my recipes for the creeper head and the skeletons goal let me know what you guys think it's trivia time is the part of the video where you guys that show me your Minecraft knowledge by me asking you a random minecraft that question in older versions of Minecraft you could destroy bedrock true or false okay guys so I have talked about this crafting recipe hundreds of times on my channel by still to this day have not decided why I think this crafting recipe should even be and that is the crafting recipe for chain Armour so if you guys didn't know back in the earlier days of Minecraft you used to be able to craft chain armor by using fire and you can obtain fire in survival mode but that was the crafting recipe for chain armor but yeah now you cannot craft chain armor and I thought the crafting recipe idea for this item should be done with iron nuggets now to create iron nuggets you just get iron ingots and put them in the crafting grid and there you go you get iron nuggets right here so if I go over to the crafting table right here and try and craft some chain Armour like so so if I craft a helmet you'll see that it's done the fire nuggets which is pretty cool in my opinion I think this is quite a fitting recipe since chain Armour is sort of the worse variant of iron armor and you know it makes sense that it's a bit cheaper to craft it and yeah I feel like it should just be done behind Nuggets to be honest or you know if you want to maintain the fire aspect of the chain armor recipe then just use lava buckets I mean that's the closest thing you're gonna get to fire because you can't get fire in survival mode to this day I still don't know how chain armor should be crafted you guys should definitely let me know in the comments below but yeah chain Armour alright guys so in this clip I am joined by my two friends Ryan and wil and in this clip will is going to be my test subject do you're looking forward to that nope yeah there isn't much enthusiasm from will because he's going to be dying in this clip so pretty much what I'm gonna be showing you guys is a crafting recipe for the cobweb because I personally think this item should be craftable because it could be a great weapon to use against your friends so a crafting recipe for the string with the string sorry the cobweb would be five string like so it's a very simple recipe as you can see so just get five string and you've got cobwebs so let's go ahead and craft it and I'm gonna go ahead and place down four of them right here and my test subject is gonna jump into them there you go and Ryan is going to be killing him I think I'm gonna touch your loop oh my God look at his body guys look at his body oh my god this looks hilarious look at him this looks brilliant Ryan what did you do okay guys so the final crafting recipe idea we have on our list today is going to be the ability to turn armor back into the material you crafted it with so for example I've got diamond armor right here and I would love to be able to just put my diamond helmet back into the diamonds I crafted it with now the only condition of doing this is that you cannot damage any of these armors otherwise it will not work at all so as you can see I could put my helmet back in the crafting grid and I can get my five diamonds in return and if I want to craft the helmet again I can do it like that and then just do the reverse recipe once again so let's go ahead and put all of these you know armor pieces back into the diamonds there we go I've got my eight diamonds from the chest plate and now let's do the leggings seven diamonds right there and finally let's do the boots and there we go four diamonds so in total we've got 24 diamonds and I've got all of those from the armor pieces that I created what anyways guys that just about does it for today's video about crafting recipes I really hope you all enjoyed it and or found it informative now once again if you want to play on my minecraft server then the IP is palade id MC hopped on there but I'm gonna go now so thank you all so much for watching the video it is 2:00 a.m. so I need to go to bed so thank you all so much for watching have a fantastic day and I'll see you guys next time goodbye if you made it this far into the video comments diamonds below Katie I think you're sort of cool joking you're really cool [Music]
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 828,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new, crafting, recipes, that, should, be, added, minecraft crafting recipes, minecraft new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting recipes that should be added, minecraft crafting recipes added, minecraft crafting, minecraft crafting recipe, minecraft new features added
Id: c0EjHLerKIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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