107 Things You Didn't Know About Minecraft

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hey what's going on guys my neighbor is Antony today's video is a long one everybody so prepare yourself bard anyways as you guys can read by the title today I'd bring you 107 facts you might not know about Minecraft now a lot of you have been requesting this video for ages so here I am today to bring you exactly that now if you guys do enjoy today's video then be sure to give this video a like as its gonna help me out a huge bunch but anyways without further ado let's go ahead and get straight into this ginormous video I hope you will enjoy it when minecraft was first created it was previously known as cave game the person who purchased the one millionth copy of Minecraft actually received a special cave it is not possible to destroy the nether star with any form of explosions minecraft is now over seven years old an egg has a 1 in 256 chance to spawn four chickens at once the first development phase of Minecraft only lasted six days minecraft is currently the best-selling PC game of all time selling over 24 million copies zombies can see players from up to 40 blocks away whereas other mobs can only see the player from up to 16 blocks away in the PC version of Minecraft there are currently 370 splashes that can be shown on the main menu if you look closely the new boats that were added actually have moss growing underneath them the Minecraft logo used to be different and it was made out of cobblestone standing inside of a cobweb will absorb some of the damage from TNT and creepers when cows were first added into Minecraft they didn't have horns on their head you can make a creeper explode by using flint and steel critical hits can only be done when falling and not jumping if you jump and hit the mob you won't get a critical hit but if you hit them while falling you will get a critical here back at the earlier days of Minecraft slabs were planned to be added into the game however here we are six years later and we still don't have them the dual wielding feature that was added in the wall when nine update was originally planned to be added in the 1.3 update when n portals were first added the texture for the end portal frame looked completely different to how they look today you have a higher chance of catching a fish when it's raining fence gates will actually be lowered if they are attached to cobblestone walls you can avoid most of the damage from TNT by placing glass in front of you you can change the color of a tamed wolves collar by using any dye the original Steve skin had a beard this was likely changed due to some players thinking it was a smile you can tell if your tamed false health is low or not judge it by how high or low its tail is as you can see when you give it food its tail will rise zombies will chop their head if they are killed by charged creepers back in the earlier days of Minecraft the crafting table was originally called a workbench the elektra item is actually a reference to the Whincup item Mario wears in the game Super Mario 64 great game by the way rabbits used to be bigger in Minecraft 1.8 whereas in Minecraft today they are a lot smaller the iron swords texture was actually taken from notches unfinished game legend of the chambered the apples texture was also taken from legend of the chambered ender mites will suffocate and die if they are on Sol Sun when Enderman were first added they originally had green eyes and emitted black smoke instead of having purple eyes and emitting purple particles baby zombie pigman dropped the most XP out of any other mob in the game apart from boss mobs the best way to avoid damage from skeletons is to dig a two-block gap and stand inside of it and you will notice the skeleton arrows won't deal damage to you back in the earlier days of Minecraft you could only find three strongholds per world whereas in Minecraft today you could find 128 strongholds per world the legs of a bed turn completely invisible when you go underneath there before biomes were added into Minecraft world's looked like this as you can see they look a lot as the grass is a very bright green color the bottom part of cacti is actually a recolored texture of wood chickens were originally bred using wheat whereas in Minecraft today they're bred with seeds zombies will not burn in daytime if they are inside of a cobweb you are actually able to find your spawn with a compass without actually crafting it just simply lay out the recipe in the crafting table and as you can see the compass will point towards spawn creepers will chop a music disc if they are killed by a skeleton dead bushes chopsticks if you fall from a large height into an end portal then upon entering the end you will be greeted with death right-clicking on a creeper in spectator mode will actually provide you with the creepers vision which I think looks pretty cool Enderman used to be able to burn in daylight back in the earlier days of Minecraft not the creator of the game plan to add exploding arrows but it's sadly never made it into the final game placing carpets on top of fences are a great way of getting in and out of farms this is useful because hostile mobs are not actually able to jump over the fence you can actually make a staircase by using fences and carpets it's impossible to hit an Enderman with an arrow egg or snowball as of the Minecraft one point an our day and amend can now spawn in the nether back in the earlier days of Minecraft food was not stackable which was very annoying for players if your nether portal breaks in the nether then don't worry a gas can actually reactivate it for you with their fireball the crafting recipe for the enchanted golden apple has been removed as of the 1.9 combo update which means they can only be found in generated structures this is how it used to be crafted the green villager remained unused for a very long time in Minecraft but they finally officially been added in Minecraft 1.7 if you fall from a height onto hay bale then it reduces the full damage by 80% boats travel insanely fast on ice iron golems cannot take full damage when the killer bunny was first added into Minecraft it actually had a 1 in 2,500 chance to naturally spawn however you can only spawn them using commands now there is a 1 in 10,000 chance that the Minecraft logo will say minx raft instead of minecraft hostile mobs will not spawn in mushroom biomes including the caves underneath the Bayern when villages were first added they had a nametag above their head that read test if occur the missing nose brush is actually a reference to the infamous Pokemon glitch found in the first generation of Pokemon games missing no I'll salt the Minecraft 1.7 update you can properly use name tags on villagers without opening the trading interface spawning a bed in the nether will cause it to explode and potentially kill the player if you save and quit the world right before you hit the ground that you will not take any full damage upon entering the world again before the base of 1.8 Update players could not sprint as it was not yet added meaning it was a lot harder to outrun mobs also lots will attack and kill chickens if you kill a zombie pigman in one hit then the rest of the Pigman won't agro towards you you can fill a large area completely reporter if you place the water diagonally and do the following around christmastime the chest texture will actually change to a Christmas present texture in an unused area for the zombie Pigman texture the words thanks so phobia can be seen this was written by not to give credit and thanks to the original creator of the zombie pigmen texture minecraft is actually harder around Halloween time as zombies skeletons wither skeletons and zombie pigmen can spawn with pumpkins on their head which means they won't burn during daytime the quiver item was an item that could be used to hold arrows and it was going to be added in the 1.9 all day be it was sadly abandoned you can make a rainbow sheep by using the name tag Jeb underscore as off the my crop 1.9 update you can respawn the ender dragon by using end crystals in the first development phase of Minecraft you actually left to place blocks and right-click to destroy bugs which as most of you know is not how it is today the poppy flowers you can find in your world actually replaced the rose flower which quite a few players were sad about including myself in the beta 1.9 version of Minecraft the appearance of the Sun was changed from square to a more rounded look that this change was surely reverted back to how it looks today the first ever texture given to cobblestone was actually taken from notches unfinished game Ruby done you can always get four blocks of wool from a sheep by doing the following so if you punch a sheep seven times one two three four five six seven then punch and share the Sheep at the same time and you will get four blocks of wool you can breathe two different sheep with collars that can be combined to form a new color during the snapshots of Minecraft 1.9 the boats crafting recipe was also to have an additional shovel as well as the five wood planks but this change was later reverted sheep can still eat grass through half slabs the higher your difficulty is the more accurate a skeleton will be with their bow and arrow back in the earlier days of Minecraft using a potion of invisibility on a sheep was kind of useless I'm sure you could see why skeletons have a five percent chance to spawn with a bow in their left hand you are able to sleep during daytime if there is a thunderstorm placing a slime block right before you hit the ground can actually save your life you can share the pumpkin of a snow golems head in earlier versions of Minecraft skeletons and zombies with not burn in daylight if they were standing on soulsand placing a boat on a slime block will cause the player to launch up into the air when they get inside the boat you can change the mob that spawns from a spawner by using a spawn egg which is very useful for map makers you can control the speed of spectator mode by using the scroll wheel on your mouse this is very useful for making cinematics standing on soul sand in the overworld will actually make the sky darker back in the earlier days of Minecraft cobblestone used to of stone slabs your own tamed wolf will attack you if you hit yourself with an arrow if a Bing Decatur is given the name tag Johnny then they will attack any nearby mob suck in the earlier days of Minecraft zombies used to drop feathers if a villager is struck by lightning it will actually turn into a witch the width of boss will attack all living entities including the ender dragon why would wolves will attack skeletons sheep and rabbits the green liquid in the zombie pigmen texture was originally going to be red to resemble blood in Minecraft Alpha creating a world had a 1 in 4 chance to spawn with a certain well type known as winter mode where it would constantly be snowing by anyways that just about does it for 107 facts you didn't know about Minecraft be sure to let me know in the comments how many of the facts that you knew but yeah thank you so much for watching the video everybody I really hope you enjoyed it I worked very hard on this video not gonna lie it took a very long time to make but yeah I hope it was worth it so thank you so much for watching everybody have a fantastic day and I will see you all in my next video goodbye Kati is amazing but also a beer for peasant [Music] [Music]
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 2,007,423
Rating: 4.8867936 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 107, things, you, didn't, know, about, minecraft 107 things, minecraft 107 facts, fact, facts, 107 facts, 107 things, minecraft things you didn't know, minecraft facts you didn't know, things you didn't know about minecraft, minecraft facts, minecraft things, minecraft 107 things you didn't know, minecraft 107 facts you didn't know
Id: 7bcCPFBt7g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2016
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