NEW Crafting Recipes Added in Minecraft 1.13 Update

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so the 1.13 update aquatic is almost here and there have been lots of new features added in this update and that includes some new crafting recipes so what's going on guys my name is Anthony and today I will be showing you all the new crafting recipes added in 1.13 now I made a similar video about this a few months ago but it's very outdated and a lot of new recipes have been added since that video so today I'll be showing you all an updated version like this video if you are excited for the 1.13 update aquatic but anyways enough of me rambling let's go ahead and get straight into today's video about 1.13 crafting recipes I hope you guys enjoy it okay guys so the first crafting recipe I'm going to be showing you all four 1.13 is a recipe that has been anticipated by so many players for years now and that is a crafting recipe for the packed ice item now this block can be found in ice bike biomes right here as you can see and I absolutely love this biome it's super rare and it looks amazing right so packed ice now how do you think this block is going to be crafted well it's obviously gonna be crafted with ice now if you want to obtain ice you're gonna need a silk touch pickaxe so let's go ahead and collect some ice right here by using deep pickaxe there we go we should have enough to craft some Pike dice now if we go over to the crafting table right here and get the ice we have collected and just put it in a the grid like this and you'll see that you only need nine ice and you are good to crafts and pack toys so that's right finally in 1.13 they have implemented a recipe for this block and a lot of players have been waiting for this so I'm really glad they finally implemented it I'll hold it there guys we are not done with ice just yet as I will be showing a crafting recipe for a new type of ice block that was added in 1.13 now this block is known as blue ice and it generates in a new type of structure known as icebergs and ice pokes look like this as you can see they look very interesting and if we go over here you will see that there are some blue ice that naturally generates but you can actually craft this block as well if you don't want to collect it so if you want to craft some blue ice then you just simply have to collect some pack toys fry tear it's very simple to get pack ties as I just showed you guys a crafting recipe for it so if we go ahead and go in the chest right here you will see that we can get nine pipes ice and it's a very similar recipe to the first recipe I showed you so if we go ahead and put the packed ice in the grid like this you will see that I am simply able to craft some blue ice right here now I absolutely love the look of this block it looks absolutely beautiful I mean just look at it I love it the texture is amazing now what separates blue ice from normal ice and packed ice is that it is a lot more slippery than both of those ice blocks which means if you put a boat on it right here as you can see and get in the boat and travel on it you will see that I go a lot faster I mean just look at this but it's just crazy for a boat say yes I really do love the addition of this blue ice and it's very handy that you're able to craft it okay guys so the next crafting recipe I'm going to be showing you all that has been added in 1.13 is the new conduit item now if you don't know what this item is it's essentially an underwater beacon in Minecraft okay so in order to crop this item you are going to need a few new items that have also been added in 1.13 as well and first off we have the heart of the sea item now it looks like this it looks very interesting that you can see and they can be found in buried treasure chests so what you need to do is basically find an underwater Brewin which will have a chance of having a buried treasure map in it and then you need to use the treasure map to find a buried treasure chest then there is a chance that you can find the heart of the sea item in it and once you have that you then need to get a fishing rod and do some fishing to find this other item that is called the new Tillis shell now it looks like this right here as you can see it looks sort of like an animal crossing show and it's really really cool but yeah you're gonna need to fish some of these up in order to craft the conduit as well and once you have both of these items I'll show you how to craft it right so once you've got all of the items together you're gonna want to head over to the crafting table right here and put the heart of the sea in the middle and then surround the heart of the sea with the new to this shell items and as you can see I am able to create a conduits right here which serves as an underwater beacon so if we go ahead and go underwater right here you will see that I've already got a conduit set up and when I go close to it it provides me with conduits power right here now I'm going to explain what that does basically first of all it increases your underwater visibility so it allows you to see a lot better underwater first of all and you are also able to mine a lot faster when you have conduit to Palace that is very useful too and last but not least it actually prevents drownings so it actually allows you to last a lot longer underwater too and you'll basically not die which is really cool another new crafting recipe that was added in 1.13 is a simple crafting recipe for the new bark block now bark has a very similar texture to regular log as you can see except it has the bark texture on every side you can simply craft a three a bog blocks by placing four logs in the crafting grid and just like that you've crafted bark enjoy the next crafting recipe that's been added in 1.13 is a recipe for the new turtle shell item so in order to craft a turtle shell you need to collect shell pieces aka scoots from baby turtles baby turtles will drop scoots once they grow into adult turtles and once you have at least five scoots you can craft a turtle shell helmet which will give you the water breathing status effect which of course will in turn allow you to breathe underwater for a lot longer it's trivia time this is the part of the video where you guys that show me your minecraft knowledge by me asking you a random minecraft that question the birch log used to give the player oak planks true or false another new crafting recipe that's been added in 1.13 is an alternative recipe to obtain wooden planks so I'm sure all of you know that placing one log in the crafting grid will give you four wood at planks I mean come on guys it's one of the first things you make when playing survival you have to know this now in 1.13 the new stripped log has been added is also able to be used to create all different variants of wooden plugs which is cool consider in the texture for this block is completely different now if you didn't know to create stripped logs just simply right-click on a normal log with an axe and there you go you've created stripped logs the next crafting recipe that's going to be added in 1.13 is a crafting recipe for the new droid kelp block now the dried kelp block can be used as a fuel in a furnace lasting up to 200 seconds meaning you are able to smelt up to 20 items were there now in order to craft a dried kelp block you need to do a few things firstly you need to search for regular kelp plants which I found underwater so just go ahead and collect some next up you need to cook the kelp so it turns into dried kelp just use the furnace for that very simple then finally you just place a nine dried kelp in a crafting grid and you will receive one dried kelp block the next crafting recipe that has been added in 1.13 is a recipe for all the types of prismarine stairs so Mojang added prismarine stairs in 1.13 which means they also come with the crafting recipe now the recipe is the same as crafting any other stair you just simply place the corresponding prismarine block in the crafting grid like so and you'll see that I've created some prismarine stairs very cool indeed now not only did Mojang and prismarine stairs in 1.13 they also added slop variants of all the prismarine blocks so you're able to craft those as well now to craft prismarine slabs you just simply place a three of the corresponding prismarine blocks horizontally in the crafting grid and there you go you've created the new prismarine slab and i have to say they look very cool the next crafting recipe added in 1.13 or recipes for different wooden trapdoors so you've always been able to craft a normal trapdoor by using any wooden plank type but in 1.13 however you must use a matching wooden plank to craft a specific trapdoor so for example if I want to craft a birch trapdoor I'd have to use the birch variant of wooden planks if I want to craft acacia trapdoors then I'd of course have to use acacia wood planks I think you guys get the point anyways moving on Mojang have also a similar feature for the pressure plates so before 1.13 you could use any wood plank type to craft an oak pressure plate but in 1.13 they've added different variants of pressure plates so you have to use the corresponding wood plank type in order to get the pressure plate you want and finally a Mojang have also added the same feature for buttons so in 1.13 you must use a specific wood plank type in order to get the button you want as demonstrated on screen I think this is an awesome feature because no longer will you have an oak button that looks out of place in your spruce house part anyways that just about concludes today's video about the new crafting recipes that have been added in the 1.13 update aquatic everybody I really hope you all enjoyed ear and all found its informative now be sure to leave a comment in the comment section below telling me what you are most excited for in the 1.13 knot day because this is a huge update they have added so many things into the game and I really cannot wait for this update to be released but anyways I am going to go now everybody so thank you all so much for watching the video have a fantastic day and I will see you guys in my next one good bye Kati is awesome and my Mario videos will be coming very soon everybody I know I keep saying that but they are actually in the making I cannot wait
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 372,377
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Keywords: minecraft, 1.13, update, new, crafting, recipes, added, minecraft 1.13, minecraft 1.13 update, minecraft 1.13 update aquatic, minecraft 1.13 new crafting recipes, minecraft 1.13 new features, NEW Crafting Recipes Added in Minecraft 1.13 Update, minecraft 1.13 features, minecraft 1.13 crafting recipes, minecraft 1.13 underwater, feature, features, craft, blocks, items, weapon, add, changes, changed, underwater, aquatic
Id: Qsr3zcYTRBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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