Minecraft Worlds USED to Look Like This...

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I got his point. It was in-between pleas to hit the like button and reminders to leave a comment, but I get it.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/PaintTheFuture 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

The game is obviously a lot better now, but I do agree that the terrain generation isn't as unique or as inviting to explore terrain wise. However I also like all the new biomes apart from roofed forest maybe which is not really interesting or inviting so I just wish mojang could combine the interesting terrain aspect with the new biomes, and yes maybe make the colors a bit more vibrant.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/flaccc 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2018 🗫︎ replies

What? No.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ExcessusMentis 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

MiNeCrAfT wAs BeTtEr WhEn It WaS sHiTtY

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
I have been playing Minecraft since 2010 so it goes without saying that I have been a part of the long journey of watching this game grow and develop into something huge over time I remember when I first started playing minecraft back in Alpha in 2010 there wasn't a lot going for the game at the time things like MPC villages strongholds and all of the variety of biomes such as Mesa and Savannah didn't exist at all making the exploration part of the game feel very different now I don't know if I'm being blinded by nostalgia in this video but man creating a new world to explore in the alpha and beta versions of Minecraft just felt well dare I say more exciting I remember creating my first world there were extremely tall mountains beautiful overhangs weird random floating blocks and of course trees animals oars and cave systems scattered all over the world there were also flat areas of the world that allowed me to build my first terrible wooden house to survive the first night watching it get dark back in the day was so scary watching the lighting change as it got darker and darker really creeped me out because I had no idea what was going to happen as nightfall approached now in this video I'm specifically going to be talking about the world generation when you create a new world and how different it was in Alpha and Beta in comparison to Minecraft today because man things were different to make this video easier to explain I'm gonna talk about the world generation in alpha then beta and finally the full release of Minecraft so let's get straight into it minecraft alpha began development on June 2010 and ended on December 2010 now right from the start you can already see how different this minecraft world looks in early alpha the entire world only contains one set color of this bright green grass due to biomes not yet being added but don't let this put you all everywhere you explore in early alpha is a new adventure the terrain differed greatly there were so many random at large mountaintops that could take forever to climb but man once you got to the top the view was just simply stunning you also only had five world slots rather than having as many as you wanted so you had to make each world slot count on October 2010 alpha 1.2 was released to the public and this update drastically changed the world generation for players this was because bios were introduced which meant the grass color and sky color would change depending on what biome you are in you could now also find desert and snowy environment but despite this changed world generation was still as random and exciting as ever I created this world about 5 minutes ago and honestly I am blown away by how incredible this terrain looks the mountains looks so random and amazing the sky is so blue and inviting tree placement is so random sometimes you'd find lots of trees or hardly any at all I mean look at that I can only see about 2 or 3 trees which in a way is a good thing there's lots of flat land I can build on I don't have to spend ages destroying lots of trees just to clean out a good area to build but I digress minecraft beta development began on December 2010 and ended on November 2011 minecraft beta is a tricky one things such as spruce and birch trees were added into the game birds were added as well which meant you could now skip out the night cycle weather was also added so it could now rain or even thunder which was very exciting but despite this world generation still remained the same and most importantly surprised and inspired me each time I created a new world the beautiful tool round and mountain structures remained there are these crazy overhangs stunning views but most importantly gravel became more common to find to which vent you had these random events of gravel falling and it was just awesome the seed generator was also added in beta which meant players were quickly discovering incredible never seen before worlds for other players to explore does anyone remember the scene 404 it was a seed that spawns you next to a gravel beach that when destroyed would cause all the gravel to fall and drop the player into a huge dangerous cave this seed was so interesting and different that the finder of the seed decided to make it into a challenge and call it the 404 challenge the challenge was to gather resources by nightfall you would then break the gravel fall into the cave and try to survive as long as possible you weren't allowed to use torches either making it near impossible to see which meant you'd had to rely on lava as a light source another popular seed in Minecraft beta was the seed Galatia this seed was extremely loved by the community due to its beautiful terrain consisting of tall mountains that would overhang a lake I mean just look at that it looks very stunning this was one of the many unbelievable seeds that could be found in beta and you truly won't find anything as random and exciting in a seed in Minecraft today and to me that is where the problem lies with the current world generation nearly every world I create in the current versions of Minecraft just all look the same to me sure sometimes I'll find a random mountain or waterfall and think that looks awesome but most of the time I feel so uninspired in nearly every world I create and let me explain why I think the first problem for me with current worlds in Minecraft is that the game doesn't look as colorful and vibrant in comparison to alpha and beta the color of the grass looks very washed out in most biomes especially the Plains biome the sky doesn't look as vibrant as it used to in every biome and overall it just looks like that the game's color has gone for a more grungy and washed-out approach to add realism my second problems are the biomes themselves to me each biome just all so similar in each world I create and I really don't like that in beta when you generated a new world you honestly didn't know what sort of world you were going to get it could be a mountain II world with hardly any trees or a beautiful forest with lots of trees along with great mountains next to it in Minecraft today when you find a Plains biome you already know that you're likely going to find a roofed forest biome or a regular forest biome next to it which to me takes away from the random surprising events that would unravel as you explore in your Minecraft world because biomes are now based on temperature you will almost always find the same biomes next to each other an example of this is a desert biome being next to a jungle biome or a forest biome the third thing I don't like about the current minecraft worlds is that there isn't many spots that have flat terrain without you having to clear out trees or grass the planes biome for example is a good biome for its flat land but almost the entire biome itself is covered in tall grass which means you have to spend a very long time clearing it out now I don't want you guys to think that I'm just bashing the current versions of Minecraft because that is not the case at all I really care for this game I've been playing it since 2010 so obviously I want this game to do well and obviously for a game to do well it needs to receive criticism and I am honestly criticizing the current world generation that exists in Minecraft today because I personally don't like it very much now I know that might be a very unpopular opinion because you guys may love it a lot of you may really enjoy the current world generation but to me I'm just not a fan of it compared to the old versions of Minecraft I will give credit where it is due however because in current versions of Minecraft there are things such as generated structures such as the desert temple or the NPC village you know things like that didn't exist in beta so your world felt very lonely and you also didn't really have much of an objective either we could really do is build and find diamonds and that was much it in current minecraft there is so much to do which I absolutely love about the current versions I also loved some of the new biomes that exist in current minecraft such as the Mesa biome the ice spikes biome and the flower forest biome I just love some of these biomes because the Mesa for example is extremely rare it's very hard to come across so when you do find it it's a pleasant surprise I think the only thing that's really missing in current minecraft is just the interesting and random world generation that used to exist I just I just don't get that feeling anymore man does anyone else agree with me yes no I am really curious to know what you guys think in the comments section below do you prefer the old world generation or the current world generation you should let me know in the comments and why not anyways guys I think that concludes today's video about Minecraft world generation it was something new I wanted to try and watch how it's a new video style that I've never done before and I actually quite liked how this video turned out but let me know what you guys thought in the comments but yeah I'm going to go now everybody so make sure to leave a like if you enjoyed this video because it will help me out a huge bunch but yeah I'm gonna go now so thanks for watching and I'll see you all next time goodbye I bet a lot of you are going to comment below on how I didn't say hey what's going on guys katie is awesome
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 1,040,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, worlds, used, to, look, like, this, minecraft world, minecraft worlds, minecraft world generation, world generation, history of minecraft, evolution of minecraft, things you didn't know about minecraft, Minecraft Worlds USED to Look Like This, minecraft world seeds, world, seed, generation, feature, removed, update, alpha, beta, terrain, history, evolution, 404 seed, glacier seed, things you didn't know about minecraft worlds
Id: IJ8hlb0YmYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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