The Challenges Of Enlisting In The Royal Marines | Royal Marine Commandos Training School | Wonder

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some dragon feet [Music] every two weeks 60 young men embark on the longest most grueling military training regime in the world a shocker this is limp stone the one base that trains every member of the Navy's elite fighting force dad's army body of a white mage BMS each a Marine realistically Marines lose the lives in service the recruits are taught by serving Marines human fresh from fighting in Afghanistan we're here to knock assassin villian mentality out on this military head on them I say yes I would go as far without block next to me what it was up daily gave marks you little [ __ ] this is the Royal Marines as you've never seen them before it's just mental you're just completely stepping into the unknown a third won't leak is come up every time we lose someone we rub around but for those who succeed a new life awaits congratulations all of them I will prod than your pants this is purpo testicles somewhere yeah and take a grip this is what it takes to be a Royal Marines commando [Music] keep in step with my voice today 56 new recruits are arriving at Linton for their first day of training they hope to pass out in eight months time based on 32 weeks of job interview if you haven't got the right set it you know you're not fit enough where you can't pass all the tests you don't get a job get a move on yeah it's not summer camp here lads for the first fortnight they are confined to the foundation block where they will be put through the initial steps of military training this is a new way of how your life will be from now on area it's out of their comfort zone straightaway they will be overseen by just one man corporal Frogg Isha 4 come on you areƶ my voice will own them for the rest of their lives even like when they retire I remember that bloke he was a nightmare on the lockers it would be a label with your surname on it and your military number on top and that number will stay with you from the end of your career do you understand deep down all of them are a bit like unsecured proper scared will have Bradley nuts in their stomach swimming like a [ __ ] pig what I mean just proper rabbits alert lights and you're just like god here we go again if I wasn't nervous I think that'd be something wrong with me it is the toughest military course in the world and that is that for a reason welcome parents they're in the Air Force oh I always fancied it I've never been away from like home without my family before mum wanted me to be a math teacher most of the men here are in their late teens and early 20s but the Marines will take new recruits up to the age of 33 did you see myself not really getting forward in life by becoming a Royal Marine and and give me a chance to provide a better life for my family that's a real motivation for me who's now or never basically how the kukri are is a golf professional but there was always had something that it's always wanted to have a military career before they start training all the recruits must swear their allegiance to the core and the Queen those you don't know me my name is color sergeant all's Flintoff you were referred to me simply as colors once they've done this there is no turning back okay your initial service you were test tonight you'll serve 28 days in the wrong rings weather tomorrow you can't tango actually this is now it's not for me okay you will have another 27 days to serve we've got you after this you belong to me okay so take it seriously fellas this is your career okay this is day one okay there's anybody here who wishes not to attest okay so many brings Chinese human nail followed by the OSI I'll bring the room up to attention remember what now yes make it quick no lights Bishop attest you don't want okay okay I said no shame in it the boss pulled the pin already okay just just go to my office he doesn't wanna test it so he's just on me in office this with the boss hi do you know one of the tests I've pushed into a little Enzo I was like can we dance okay it's the a let's do sir all right just grab a seat man oh this chair discord you mean you're pushed into it family friends so both in the area oh sorry love do you not know it's it's a personal decision my advice would be to you let's fight this country for 20 days why can you say for 28 days it's for weeks and it's because I've got a good opportunity University as well he's just saying that so you can't do the flow weeks I don't you win sir okay so medical okay I'm not going to stop you from not doing this I'm telling you now you are gonna come back everybody comes back and all they say to every other bloke that has any doubts like this is that then do it because you're gonna come back Mars witnessin Hallandale [Music] honestly believed himself I've got a Speak Up now and I think it's little sinful inside we just said right this is it don't want it anymore one it wasn't easy thing to do I mean I was shaking in my boots literally military life is not for everybody it could be a shock to new recruits and people just bottle it just get scared all right this deal was disappointing was calling on I thought he might be thrown away magnificent opportunity and I thought he might regret it but with hindsight atthenes made the right decision without a shred of doubt he's made the right decision but I do think it took a lot of bottle to like put your hand up in front of that kind of audience gonna speak your mind I think it wasn't yeah I think was very more mature than what I've ever been in me life which you were I'm very proud with the fact I made that decision because it's something I wonder do James Smith has left at the last possible moment now short of a medical discharge no one else can leave for at least a month I'm gonna switch off the light all of you will go in your beds and you will sleep no one here we're setting it all in the wolverines you never sleep with boxer shorts or socks on you always sleep naked clearly just as a shower now you are clean so you're going to a clean bed is that clear yes okay what's gonna happen now give you flip-flops off go inside your beds all of you if I catch anyone with [ __ ] boxes on or [ __ ] socks you can stand by okay I'm gonna switch up the lights now this is for real you can't just like skip the fence and go movie night yeah skip school this time you're here you volunteered to be here so you do as we say some of them don't like that and that's a nightmare [Applause] it's 5:30 a.m. on the recruit second day [Music] froggy has two weeks to get this troop through foundation so they can move on to the next stage of training everybody get naked and start [ __ ] running do I need to shower and get all your stuff done [Music] the shock of capture I saw it still isn't it time we gotta be back in the military environment things are taken away from you a lot freedoms that you knew you take for granted reading a newspaper watching the news having a cup of tea have to show our faces in 10 minutes and spring back with the full belly and do this and do that or 200 miles an hour and it's crazy wait you've got to get them into the regime headlock there's your new way of life everything's gonna be done a certain way and a certain way only good I know it's gonna be [ __ ] but what I want to see it's an improvement it's been up so they're not just mugging me off they actually doing what I'm telling them to do and the way we want it can all see the blue board over there on the blue board over there this is a list of like miscellaneous stuff yeah like your address and how to report so when you come in knock on someone's office it tells you you stand to attention get your arms alongside the body then you knock if you don't knock no one's gonna answer you so you knock at the door and it'll tell you how to report properly corporal I am then he says your military number three zero blah blah blah wherever it is recruit your surname of 180 troop all of you here are part of 180 troop and you asked permission to speak is that clear so I'm still [ __ ] doing [ __ ] all now go and read on the blue board over there and start practicing and learning by heart understood disappear [Music] get out of my door [Music] corporal I am three zero two zero six four two zero frequent every point disappear we don't know again disappear the paper as well yes I am start again jellybeans start again yes yes I am three zero two zero six four two zero of 180 troop permission to speak bail for you two oh [ __ ] me you're killing me - attention properly what do you say you're right corporal [ __ ] off next before the recruits can move into full training froggy has to take them right back to the basics and you move down he will be teaching them housekeeping etiquette and personal hygiene can you poppy really if you just let you pop you just piss everywhere yeah at some point you're gonna not listen to you the only course I'm gonna see it's words folded so if open that now show you what I've done so far do you see the massive crease in the center you're guessing the good a bit after you can teach him anything but you need to bring them down and kind of dominate them down it sounds a bit wrong rarely but you need to you know take grip of them and then we're gonna move them the way we want yeah massive crease they're at it yet because it's raising out if you see other side it's going in an ass yeah it's an ass fart came here I've never really I enjoy far like my mom like looks absolutely so it makes on my food makes my bed so not very mature to be honest with you make sure you go all under your chin around your - yeah and under your nose just like put your lens on it to feel if it's a bit rough cliff it's a bit rough you haven't shaved properly have you it's gonna go into the area's waist whether the most get his foreskin out clean these foreskin he needs to be tuned this ass crack but the other day if you come look after yourself on the camp with running water and electricity they're gonna be in the [ __ ] when they go outside in operations well bye if you didn't clean your weapon properly and my weapon will not work later on I might cost your life or someone loves so they need to be self-disciplined and everything they do two t-shirts and two trousers okay I was back home be more relaxed very relaxed as a lifeguard before this sitting on poolside there nothing waiting for someone - John is not gonna John but now you're just always thinking about what you've forgotten or what you have to do next seriously you can [ __ ] count me this than the other go over there this is way this is where this mr. in five minutes that's done isn't it at the end of foundation froggy will test the recruits on everything he's taught them everybody needs a immaculate locker you make it look bad immaculate uniform and the accommodation is to be spotless if they post their final inspection they will be rewarded with a weekend off they are barely allowed to wear from base until then my standards are very old personally I super flexion on my name on me and on the wrong rings all the way down your head finger above your eyebrows is absolutely brilliant like everyone was just fuzzing to help like the bear raised arm and it was just brilliant just looking at everyone thinking like this is the first activity and a proper role Maureen I used to go to college down the road never thought I'd ever want to be everyone weary I looked through those those gates and it just looked like a prison camp I never thought nothing I couldn't think of anything more worse but then get hooked on the bravery and life stuff and they were the turn for comment obsession or dunzo well sort said have you good kids old is it 40 months and you were about to [ __ ] come here well well goofing [ __ ] is it is it will you be on [ __ ] Tiger Woods [ __ ] bollocks there when that how much we all talking come on yeah roughly just a [ __ ] in a [ __ ] ball why have you got a boy or girl boy many of the recruits like 33 year old Colin bell have left family behind to come to training call him David after Miranda he was M&E of a so won't that is something along those lines but maybe makes one kid do something along these lines later on Magnus Brickman has left a girlfriend daughter and stepdaughter anyway I wish that things could be happy to have a normal job go to work come back you know and I've just be a family man like so many other people but he needs a bit more I think I love you I love you bye su tilray it's a booger no an joke now Mendieta now many joke all right for me I might something but really need to get some sleep so how are you the ultimate worry isn't it is you know that's weapons they go away and then people died not just that it was the legs all sorts of things that's that's the ultimate worries and it that's nice that's the worst wherever things all right me my say well bye could be quite tricky for them I've got three kids myself and unmarried oldest daughter she's autistic so you know having disabled child and the other twenty low age so he's quite difficult you know when I'm not on a daily basis the trooper halfway through foundation today they have a practice inspection in preparation for the final one in a week's time is there anything that you're trying to get past corporal yes [ __ ] everything my freakin will I mean holding machine yes keep that a secret cuz you know I mean anything that makes your life easy easy just kentuc off you everybody's gonna try to cut corners you always try to get away with murder but it seems to forget like all the training team will beam recruits before [Music] it's like a big game who's gonna win hey hey just me against like you know 50 of them it's like a big game in its poor place was people still moving getting dressed cutting berries on why should be there facing your [ __ ] front it's not difficult is it apparently nays 20 press up hurry up all of you should have a baryon facing your front stood to attention not fidgeting looking at me [ __ ] off by your beds - attention when I come to you you will report to me corporal I am ready for your inspection is that clear Kabul I am 3 0 2 0 6 8 3 8 recruit Crudup of 182 ready for an inspection caught up do you not see did I say I want this [ __ ] hanging out on the front of your bed he's all the way the [ __ ] bottle goes is it you got to finger part no corporal no he's [ __ ] not corporal I am free zero two zero six zero three nine recruit l'm ready for your inspection how about you do that again along with a bit of confidence a bit of voice take a grip yeah I'm a little proud and your pants this is a perfect testicle somewhere yeah and take a grip you've got to get them into that way of life the way with the wrong reasons straightaway it could be painful in two weeks he just frustrated you so much and just like Wallace you just want to punch walls I'll still be they can be they all want to join my club so there will be two standard look at their fitness I bet you give them in the right way my help a little bit elbow up just go [ __ ] mad shaking it like German I'm Dyslexic his [ __ ] so I designed my lectures so you don't have to write a lot of notes so here's what I going to tell you the only notes you need to write on the very final slide in between the parts of the lecture is gonna be a little designated periods where we actually have little question answer sessions German there's only one stupid question in this world okay and that's the question which does not get asked okay if you ask a stupid question now everybody giggles you look like a tip two minutes it's over if you don't ask a stupid question and you do a stupid thing it's the beginning of week two the troop have only five days until they will be given a weekend off if they're past their final inspection what's almost looking forward to this week Saturday yes I'm the [Music] definitely go out clubbing depends I'll feel I might want to go to bed that's what I want to do right now I just want to go to bed you definitely do miss females that's what makes the weekend count even more when you can go out and just feel like yes females one recruit has been discharged sooner than he anticipated I know was medically discharged in bozek's my flare job on arrival at training it's one of a handful of conditions that are too difficult to cope with on the frontline focussed me home sir you're make just for them well it cheers but what's going on Bell then you speak to an officer and they say that you're just eczema so that's you [ __ ] for life forever you can't come back nothing what your skin will what disappear in the [ __ ] wind so that's you [ __ ] forever you can't come back on the city street carry on golfin you need to [ __ ] think about plan B done yeah I felt a bit sorry for him because I know you was like mighty to do this all his life yeah no job lined up or anything so he was militarily going back to you yeah and do nothing be jobless [Music] it's heartbreaking it's hard Monsieur Treville you can think about it for a long time and you finally gets here and that's a I was they just got what they understand working with them fala Galera self-confident your no used to your unit [Music] such as favor [Music] since I was 16 you wanted to join the war mine's been to Afghanistan yeah but know how to drain instructor back then I was just a young Marine after training GPMG Ghana I'm a soldier first then they're trained instructor second as either earrings five troop will move to left in threes left turn there are less than four days left of foundation the remaining recruits face one of their biggest tests so far their first night in the field welcome to the armory it's one of the most important places on this camp in thirty two weeks time they're gonna be raw brains and mobis into a war zone people more shooting more sugar people you could understand you know it's not you know I'm good PlayStation anymore playing video games this is for real this time you know people will die so they need to understand the reality of this place cuz you might see the nice little pictures in the careers office but they need to know deep down what it's all about the sa80 a2 or the l85a2 this weapon system will become a part of you it's almost like a prosthetic limb and you need to be capable more than capable of being able to use it and be accurate with it because if you are yourself and it would be a deadly weapon understood the last thing you want to be doing is caught out and killed because you didn't know how to use this I can't wait to actually just start firing these guns like what what so rifles yeah I get told off a car they good port arms till the weapon over towards the right hand side cocking handle comes towards the rear depress the hold noting device push it down alright go that far tell them was interested in guns at all he was just interested in Lego and building things and making things just have a happy normal childhood listen to what I'm saying to you or it's not panicking that's the main issue about joining the Marines isn't it that's the reason I didn't want him to go in I didn't see Callum as a killing machine it's too kind never put your fingers over the top because you'll lose the tips of your fingers alright bang goes that way thumb over the top of it push it down now forward assist no hand goes over the top and then just karate chop the back of it I'm happy this weapon system will save your life it could potentially save that blokes next to you alright you need to work hard on your weapon drills okay happy days quick and then straight up to the top good lads go dad crawl up crawl up now run done the Marines must learn to operate in a range of conditions [Music] tonight is the first time the recruits will practice moving from wet to dry kid [Music] [Music] the recruits return from their night in the field and was now clean and dry all their kit it has to be perfect if they're to pass their final inspection this over 50 of us all trying to clean all our kit and small space and make a huge mess to clean up all the mess the compy Annie do that all of this is supposed to be all the easy stuff now you sort of still with the fun [ __ ] that you see on the advert yeah this really tired so like her like to go back to her normal life or just you know just for just for a couple days sit on the card scratch my balls eat some chips oh well the [ __ ] is going on here stop [ __ ] what you've been going for the drawing-rooms yeah take it off jacket stuff so while you've been taking from the drawing-rooms jackets t-shirts how many bats have you been putting over there took about six it's the night before the final inspection and the recruits have left their kit to air in the drawing room oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] seriously lat but the [ __ ] is that in the drawing-rooms what the [ __ ] is that I was gonna drive [ __ ] well isn't it my cool nice [ __ ] an acceptable did I say get all your [ __ ] in one bag and put in there no look at that that is piece went through [ __ ] me or what is that gonna [ __ ] dry so how the [ __ ] we do that tomorrow morning oh [ __ ] me second title view dog's sick and tired [Music] it's the morning of the final inspection and the recruits have been up all night getting ready if they pass they will have the weekend off it's just exhausting cleaning all night no sleep just working a whole night it's quite a nerve-wracking inspection although I did a lot cleaning and stuff a home it's different it's different type of cleaning you know everything got to be edge right moved there everything's got all the same as everybody else next time knows how you do your color yeah and do your zip to the top I start out to dress yourself old here 23 years old 23 yo me to dress you you need to put your clothes on PA give me your PT trainers are you gonna be [ __ ] me or what put your [ __ ] under now what's that it's [ __ ] damp and where did your [ __ ] kid on the floor it's a good starter laws is that the same with for this somewhere for this this and this see I'm seen enough stand to attention face your front what the [ __ ] is on the suck that's good that's [ __ ] dust did I notice a you brush him up beyond your beds did I not it's acceptable no isn't what about that [ __ ] dust isn't it do you live like a pig dear no I don't think so [ __ ] is up there are your knee nice mod isn't it do you like muddy stuff no we don't like Friedmann are we boring yeah we are we keeping you awake corporal I am recruit 3-0 it's all the way you [ __ ] speak to me is it no purple just because you little be tired you just rub your tits in no again no couple couple I am three zero two zero six four two zero recruit freak Minh of 180 troop a little weight trying to play at freak Minh your attitude [ __ ] kills me other minute and what do you see now I think I see [ __ ] give me your webbing out what's up there that's [ __ ] mud you've got muddy kit inside your [ __ ] locker that's [ __ ] Gipping that's actually disgusting I think I've seen enough they're freaked Minh why have you got a bad grip inside your locker why have you got down so your [ __ ] locker ain't [ __ ] me bond no corporal there's no creases or find your trousers or the crease there's no [ __ ] grease even only [ __ ] trousers are you [ __ ] me are they I've never told you where to put that belt did I know [ __ ] me but that's [ __ ] dirty you know acceptable no it's [ __ ] not it's not [ __ ] acceptable Otto absolutely crap face your front early do you fancy me dear so face your front then what's so funny Ashworth and you go you want to [ __ ] after you do you want to laughter you looks like you cannot be trusted cuz every opportunity behind my back you will mug me off and that's why you had me in a [ __ ] cuz you can't even trust it you're not even self disciplining to do your work stand up pay that [ __ ] dog [ __ ] very bad I'd fail you for this game three ranks now no I'm not proud at all at all they were probably the worst robot to deal with and that was an embarrassment for me and for them I've never had a troop who's been like so crap that was the worse inspection I've ever seen all of you failed that isn't out of failure it's all we're gonna do tonight yeah we're gonna recover most of the stuff once more and we're gonna clean this place immaculate but tonight you could have been going to the naffy bring some scrawny and just chill you [ __ ] beam still working out this morning but clear that's not gonna work like this cuz you failed so you're not gonna kill you beans tonight so what you gonna do again we're gonna do it's not difficult is it yeah I know I mentioned that before did I know so while you're not listening to me cuz I'm French don't know French people dear you don't like to be told what to do by a French person is that it you not clear that [ __ ] mess so [ __ ] annoying always trashes my [ __ ] Oh God one hours sleep in 48 hours further everyone was absolute good we was just awfully disappointed like freak gotta drive ourselves because we thought we've done a really good job [Music] the troupe have their weekend taken away and they're made to clean the block from top to bottom again as a freshmen are to take the weekend off they could have chilled Friday evening and I also took their Saturday afternoon off instead they did another inspection 182 was scrapping foundation but every troop our cruffin foundation at some point I was in their boots at one point and I want exactly the same but I tried everything 200% even if I failed I tried again till I finally finished this course and get a green berry and finally be part of this group this special Club the special family I'll warm where is any [ __ ] here actually no you decide to put your [ __ ] on my shoulder [Music] oh it is still joke [Music]
Channel: Wonder
Views: 1,637,355
Rating: 4.868928 out of 5
Keywords: Wonder, wonder channel, survival, commandos, royal marine commandos school, military training, royal marines, royal marines (armed force), royal marines commando, state of mind, royal navy, british forces, commandos behind enemy lines, commandos beyond the call of duty, military training documentary, royal marines training, royal marines commando school, royal marines boot camp, military training exercises, military training videos
Id: vYVbxJR2ffs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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