24 hours at the world's weirdest drug store

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Hit me, but I think the part of answering questions feels more like the old episodes back when they were doing Q & As and I quite liked it. Hey, Nate even admitted that he is cheap and they love planes more than vans :) It feels more genuine than the last 20+ videos or so. Even the video was not that much interesting though.

Oh, and they really bought a boot. Should be interesting ...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/modnerd1138 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I like the episode, nothing great, but an enjoyable 20 ish minutes.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PriorAd7865 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

โ€˜The things we do for this channelโ€™ is an odd choice for a title. Little effort has gone into showcasing the states theyโ€˜ve visited.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 33 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Betsyis12 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

No one had mentioned about the 7 days without shower??

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hutter22 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I was expecting more things in wall drug, bucees video was definitely better

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Satansbeefjerky ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Sign pollution. Consumerism. TMI re hygeine. And a little bit of the state at the end.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Songhees ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The 2 minutes of the video where they showed some of the Badlands was great.

The rest of the video I spent asking myself, even on a lazy Sunday morning where all I want to do is watch some brainless tv, why am I still watching these two extremely unlikeable people remind me about why they are so unlikeable.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/nowheresville99 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
if you've never heard of wall drag it is a south dakota icon what started as a humble drugstore in a town of just a few hundred people has now become a pilgrimage site for travelers attracting over two million visitors per year so we're going to spend the next 24 hours living here in the parking lot to give ourselves plenty of time to figure out what the hype is all about [Music] as soon as you enter the state of south dakota you start to see all these hand-painted signs advertising everything from free ice water to western wear and they're all advertising for the same place it's called wall drug and if you drive through south dakota you can't miss these signs we actually read that there are over 3 000 of them and we've probably driven past hundreds ourselves and after driving past enough of these signs you can't help but get curious or at least we did the world famous wall drug here we come buggerless item the anticipation has really been building on the interstate i'm not gonna lie all right we've made it to wall it's a tiny town of 818 people so yeah it was our curiosity that brought us to the parking lot of what could be the world's weirdest drugstore not too long ago we spent 24 hours living at the world's largest gas station convenience store in texas in just a couple weeks that video got over a million views and people seemed to really enjoy it so we decided why not try the same thing here at waldrop they're both iconic roadside attractions so i'm kind of interested to see how they stack up against each other but before we go inside let me give you a little history on this place so you can better appreciate it i'm gonna let you in on a little secret we haven't showered in five days until today it's pretty much been below freezing and we were scared if we turn on the water we would bust another pipe so if we look a little bit rougher than usual that's why i think that's as good as it's gonna get so the story goes that ted housted bought the original drugstore in 1931 in the small town of wall at the time the town had less than 400 residents and although the drugstore sat next to a busy highway they struggled to attract customers so ted and his family ended up just barely scraping by for the first five years of owning the place that was until ted's wife came up with a brilliant marketing idea on one scorching hot day she proposed that they put signs along the highway offering travelers passing by free ice water that doesn't sound like a big deal today but back in the 1930s they were driving cars like this which most definitely did not have air conditioning plus ice wasn't as readily available as it is today so brie ice water was a bit of a novelty i'll leave it to the women so having nothing else to lose ted put some signs up beside the highway offering free ice water and it said that ever since that day the business has never been lonely for customers so it started as a humble drugstore has now grown into a 50 000 square foot i still don't know what to call it but to put that in perspective bucky's which is the world's largest gas station convenience store is 67 000 square feet so this place is almost just as big let's head inside and see what this place is all about [Music] look how gross this is melted ice cream trash things we do i thought this was a person i like this one oh you think this is ted teddy boy let me crush a custom anybody don't hang about go ahead and drop a little money in the slot below you this is so not what i was picturing i think this is like a pharmacy museum with like old medicine bottles what in the world this has to be the world's only drugstore that has a chapel inside i actually read online that they still have service in here every single sunday you get some easter eggs an apron get a wall drunk belt buckle cowboy hat cowboy boots jammies can you get one of these for the band it's like a a western disneyland without rides exactly look at the prairie dog so it turns out wall drug is more of a western mini mall i was picturing one giant 50 000 square foot store but it's more like a big building with a bunch of individual shops inside one of the biggest differences between this place and bucky's is that bucky's was really all about their own branding almost everything in there has a beaver on it here it's a lot more just about the western theme they do have plenty of wall drug t-shirts oh they also have coffee mugs oh it's starting to smell good thank you so bucky's had really really good fresh food but you can only get it for takeaway wall drug on the other hand has a full sit-down restaurant that seats 530 people the waitress recommended their buffalo burger we also got the special of the day which is chicken fried chicken i wasn't really sure what that meant so what is this special the chicken fried chicken it's like you've had a chicken fried steak it's just chicken and it's breaded and fried okay so it's just fried chicken chicken fries it doesn't have bone in it looks like they've smothered the chicken fried chicken and white gravy and it looks so good like if this is bucky's chopped brisket sandwich whoa you got to try it wow it's so good as you're driving down the highway reading all the wall drug signs they make a big deal about a few things the first one is their free ice water which they are still serving 90 years later along with almost every other business in america cheers to wall drug for starting that trend i think they're out of their free ice water the other thing that they make a big deal about is their homemade pie fresh homemade apple not impressed it's good but it's cold normally this is the off season they've been like unusually busy the last few weeks because of the movie nomad land apparently it was film careful you are one of those lucky people that can travel anywhere so free ice water isn't that big of a deal in 2021 [Music] but five cent coffee [Music] you would pay for what did you just ask me are bunnies with antlers are real you've never heard of a jackalope i've heard of one but i don't think i could have told you i saw like the stuff in the store and i thought they just took antlers they did bunnies with antlers do not exist she's she's 30 years old i thought she said that they were that's why i was so confused so did they get this big in real life i know these guys are real look like the guys on yellowstone we never set this table up anymore unless we're filming all right well that wasn't so bad so since sean evans has never invited us on hot ones before and while drugs sold a large selection of hot sauce we decided to do our own segment of hot ones if you've never seen the show before he interviews celebrities and they eat really spicy hot wings in the process going from the most mild to the spiciest i'm sweating just thinking about it we asked instagram what questions would they ask if we were on hot ones kara has given us a very generous dab of hot sauce and uh we're gonna ask each other some questions while we eat some wings some cut up chicken tenders from wall drug this isn't like trying to knock off hot ones we genuinely enjoy the show we just thought this would be kind of funny cheers oh you ate it all in one bite have either of you ever forgot a birthday or anniversary i i did forget cara's birthday in college we were separated for the weekend i knew it was coming i just i knew he forgot when he texted me good morning i didn't say happy birthday and i just didn't say anything that was very mean of you day and at like midnight i got a text that was like a sad emoji and it just said i'm sorry that's how i knew we were gonna work out long term was she stayed with me after i forgot her birthday i haven't forgotten one sense what's your laundry situation in the van non-existent i have a teeny tiny dirty clothes bag if i wear something i put it inside out and that's how i know it's dirty and then we booked an airbnb with a washer whole thing no no i guess oh my gosh nate you can't do that hmm the roof of my mouth is burning that's cause you ate it the wrong way my nose is already sweating it's not bad is nate less frugal now yes i'm pretty great well we started traveling our goal was 75 a day and we had a limited amount of money that we had saved up for our first year of travel and once that ran out we couldn't travel anymore so i was extremely frugal the first year and then it carried over and it took a while to break the routine i'm still cheap a lot of our arguments in year one were over money and things that i wanted to buy that nate didn't and what was worthy of being in our seventy five dollars a day a budget but we got through it and here we are would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses what in the world i guess one horse-sized duck can you imagine how big that thing's beak would be multiple would stress me out and i would feel like they were all gonna attack me at once at least i could like get it over with what are duck-sized horses gonna do to you i don't know my nose is already dripping i cannot lose that's so hot i'm scared what one thing you dislike about each other i hope this doesn't turn out bad lol i know this is hard i don't like how long it takes you to get ready hmm i don't like it when he leaves his crap everywhere that's what you get who is your favorite youtuber to watch right now oh that's so hard well casey is always my number one playing your video right here don't forget to like and subscribe he doesn't post anymore are you still my number one oh so his brother van is probably my new favorite like as of recently love him in the back it's perfect for two keep loving it so what is the plan now you ask oh my gosh best ever food review show we've been watching a lot of we're on a huge kick with sonny right now he's so funny and the most difficult part waiting if you don't wait you don't eat and if you do wait maybe you still don't eat you can literally close your eyes and click on any of his videos and it's a good one it makes me laugh okay i once does a segment called explain that gram nate and i have our karen a instagram that we're very active on daily for the last five years but we both have personal instagrams and they go way back so we've each picked out a picture from each other's old instagram account to explain that one touched my lips and now my lips are hot let me get some more i need you to name that gram are we gonna put that on the internet who are these people all of my best friends at the time we were all obviously very comfortable with who we were your hair was so thick what are you trying to say okay oh here's a good one oh that's so fun okay so this was in zimbabwe and we're staying at this really fun hotel with this restaurant called boma and all these people come out and dance [Music] and they gave a few people drums to play whenever they came out and dance as i was playing the gym and i was like nate take my picture and he was like fine took my picture they now use this photo on like their advertising for the restaurant like one day we just saw it on the internet and it was me they didn't ask us if they could use the photo it's in the airport like if you fly into the victoria falls airport a picture of cara playing the bongo is in the airport advertising for this restaurant makes me happy [Music] spontaneous combustion whoa is there any left for me are you doing the whole thing yeah we're going for it yeah we're actually doing it all right here we go that one's hot it's getting worse hey what is the hardest part of your job ah sorry question while you're thinking what's your favorite red trip album uh i've really been enjoying the new chris stapleton that's what i was gonna say are they the hardest parts is the two of us coming to a creative agreement yep while we're filming it can be challenging it's really hitting me yeah i'm spy faces yeah you're really sweating can you see how much sweat is on my forehead right now have you had to create van rolls to address living in such a small space rules yeah yeah i'm trying i feel like i come up with little things it's mostly to keep nate organized like when you take your shoes off they have to go in this basket you've done a great job look at this i'm just salivating this is a new one sean i've never seen the onion rings on hot ones hot o's no no oh they're not very good anymore i'm not crunchy anymore at all oh that got me van life or playing life oh 100 airplanes grateful for the opportunity to be able to travel around the us in the van but very much looking forward to getting back on an airplane wow i thought i got a sneeze should we open the milk yeah uh milk is so bad who's your celebrity crush i don't think i have one what whoa my lovely crush is ripped from me i could guess not now we're just eating on your ring great gara thank you for coming on the show now's your chance turn to the camera tell people where they can find you what you're working on um you can find us at karen nate on every social media platform and we're working on going all 50 states atlasco we have a couple businesses atlas co create your own custom travel map okay fair drop get cheap flights around the world we need a drink you laugh but i think that actually worked that's pretty much like ice cream all right the mouth has finally cooled off and one major benefit to wall drug over bucky's is they do allow overnight parking so this is our home for the night all right now that i can use my taste buds again i'm going to try our last snack that we got from wall drug just like bucky's they make their very own homemade fudge thank you so much fudge that i got at bucky's was one of the best i've ever had and waldrug had the exact same flavor so i got it so we could compare the two it's like two giant chunks of fudge with caramel in between and sea salt on top yes once again if this is bucky's dark chocolate fudge i think waldron might take the cake on the fudge might take the fudge and have the cake better [Music] all right before leaving wall drag there is one more thing i have to try [Music] been looking forward to this moment since last night i'm going to give wall drugs famous donuts a try i have a feeling this is how it's going to win its way to my heart oh they smell beautiful it's a maple glaze by far the best thing i've put in my mouth in the last 24 hours i'm so glad i got two of these it turns out takeaway coffee isn't as good of a bargain this cost a whopping 99 cents like drone footage [Applause] it is 77 degrees and there's not a cloud in the sky it is very windy but i could not be happier because three days ago we woke up it was 14 degrees outside we went on a very short hike around devil's tower and i thought i was going to get frostbite my face is so cold badlands national park is just right down the road from wall drugs so we just got to our campsite for the next two nights inside the park we have about five hours of sunlight left and we're gonna take advantage of this beautiful day and go on a 10 mile hike i chose sandals i did not know they were going to be rattlesnakes feels good just to move when it's cold we just end up sitting in the van it's a little bit harder of a hike that that was gonna be quite the start so we learned the badlands gets its name because it's cold and windy in the winter and it's hot and dry in the summer we're here in the spring and we're getting a little bit of both a little windy do rattlesnakes like the winter or the summer definitely the summer what a day and what a view it feels like you can see forever out here and at times it's felt like we were hiking on the moon we're about seven and a half miles into our hike didn't quite make the 10-mile loop my feet are on fire but we have found the perfect sunset spot up on this rock we still got a lot of good exercise had a lot of good conversation that's one of the best parts about hiking we have our most like dreamy conversations on hikes we're currently buying a boat yeah today was about living on a boat every once in a while these crazy ideas materialize but for every idea that materializes we probably have a hundred of these crazy conversations also uh look where we came from right there's our van [Music] well there goes my resistance band workout i was about to do i just got this thing lindsay said i could also try a sports bra so if you don't have a band you could always try rolling up a sports bra we'll see how this goes seven days [Music] we haven't had a single power shoe in the van since we left nashville in january which means we've pretty much been camping off the grid since we left home and it has been awesome but the good thing about camping in an actual campground oh gosh oh it's freezing oh it's getting warmer okay let's do this ah so we planned to end this video with a visit to mount rushmore however wildfires are burning across south dakota closing mount rushmore forcing the evacuation of more than 400 homes so instead we plan to spend the next couple days enjoying badlands national park probably going on some hikes and coming up with more crazy ideas we'll see you in the next one everyone go message sean evans we are not near famous enough to be on holiday still try he might be desperate if social media is your job it's funny how much you don't know how to do anything on your phone thankfully they have a miniature sized version of mount rushmore here so it's maybe as close as we get wow like a billion little rocks it's uh very slick how did you do it very carefully [Laughter] i hate that feeling hold on what is a jackalope a bunny with antlers but it's fake correct is it a south dakota thing okay it says made in south dakota i thought it was like stuffed and mounted in south dakota it doesn't mean they made the animal up they should have it did a good job making it look like these rabbits actually have antlers no no i didn't think they were real when i saw him in here the first time you called it a jack [Music] you
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 588,056
Rating: 4.955761 out of 5
Keywords: #vanlife, couple vlog, daily vlog, full time travel, kara and nate, kara and nate vlog, morning routine, off grid living, sprinter van, sprinter van conversion, tiny home, tiny home on wheels, tiny house, travel, travel couple, travel couple vlog, travel vlog, unique accomodations, van life, van life couple, van life usa, vanlife, vlog, wall drug, wall, south dakota, van life south dakota, challenge, 24 hour challenge, hot ones, bucees, buc-ee's, q&a
Id: r5yDfkrphPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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