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[Music] we're carrying Nate we've been on the road for almost four years traveling to 94 countries we wouldn't trade this life for anything but the hardest part about this lifestyle is that we don't get to spend much time with friends and family that's why this week is going to be so special we have been living out of these suitcases for the last two years [Music] is what you call well fat car it is seriously a miracle that the zippers are not best oh yes and the wheels have not popped off which is why we love them so much thank you away the company that makes this awesome luggage has given us the opportunity to help one of our loved ones mark something off their bucket list so last week completely out of the blue we called cares that do you think he's gonna say yes [Music] out of all the places that we've traveled to in the world which country would you be most excited to travel with us if you could so you know what if we told you that we would fly you there for free but it has to be next week Oh our first time to Vietnam was back in 2016 and when my dad saw our videos from that trip they left a big impression on it up until that point he had always pictured Vietnam as the war zone that he had seen on TV as a kid but when he saw in our videos was completely different we have the opportunity to send one person a bag and it'll send him anywhere in the world could you be ready to leave for Vietnam in five days doctor jumping off that call we booked three tickets to Hanoi sync Kevin some new luggage for his journey and one week later we all boarded our flights for Vietnam look at this going to Vietnam waiting to take off from Indianapolis to Tokyo Japan I love this Airlines we have just arrived in Hanoi and we beat my dad here so we've already checked into our Airbnb he should be arriving later tonight but before he gets here I wanted to give him a quick introduction he grew up in Detroit Michigan and when he was 22 he moved to Nashville to work in the car business that's where he met my mom and they've now been married for 33 years he has a lot of energy might be a type in a TV but he has the biggest heart of anyone I know and he's never been to Asia before Southeast Asia is one of our favorite regions of the world and we both feel like being here for the first time is a really special experience it's like culture shock to all of your senses in the best way possible the sights the sounds Mel's food it's just like nothing else you're ever gonna experience back in the United States so we're both super excited to get to share this next week with Kevin as he experiences Southeast Asia for the first time our first time to Asia was a trip to Thailand that we took back in 2014 and it was a life-changing trip because it exposed us to this culture that we ended up falling in love with and we met people for the first time who were travelling long term I remember being so proud that we were on like this two-week trip around the world and then we started talking to other travelers and they were on like a six-week sabbatical or they had been teaching English in Thailand for two years or they were taking a gap year which for us as Americans that was completely foreign it's I think that trip specifically is responsible for planting the seed that ultimately led us to this life of full-time travel I just got chilled out I don't think this trip is gonna turn my dad into a full time traveler but I do think it could be really life-changing for him and a lot away also schools just letting out look at how cute this is [Applause] the crazy diversity no red lights and when you get to an intersection you just turn here the first one to nose out you got the right away the car is right here it's beautiful [Music] they're all motor scooters because you know just to have all those documents right there yes I can't wait so in order to get to our Airbnb you have to hook through the barber shop it's on the second floor [Music] I cannot believe you carry these in your chair Oh daddy swelling [Music] [Music] the way everything is kind of fit they do things and it works like the traffic the way they just all live together in a small area they're happy people it is 10:30 p.m. we all try a massage place and now we're all getting foot massages hard to beat hard to beat daddy's first night in Asia is going perfectly so far complaints our favorite way to explore any new city is through the food so we thought the best way to break Kevin into Vietnam would be by going on a food tour he doesn't know this yet but I picked a few of the foods a few that I think are gonna be really delicious a few that'll be adventurous [Music] he also doesn't know that we're going on the back of motorbikes my life insurance is paid up maybe I will fight for your death Eli Backman he has it why did you hurt him up food chat before yeah yeah you see we have chili thank you so now you need to use your hand to pick the leaf and put another boat I cannot believe this I thought we were bringing my dad here to learn something about Vietnamese food but turns out I have a lot to learn apparently there's a rule here with noodle soup you never touch chopsticks to your mouth you only touch the spoon chair mouth you make the perfect bite with all the flavors in the spoon makes perfect sense pain I need noodle soup frogs my entire Vietnamese life [Music] [Music] I ordered illness - what do order me we're also at someone's house right now like the top floor of the home they live in this part of the house and they cut down on the street because enough room to cook in the house how's that going well I think here we take you tomorrow take that TV - Mel nope oh yeah very fresh so they get by when we order this is why the adventurous stops that's not a big stretch I think he's nervous very much for you how much we have inside and ginger up it makes me nervous when I'm told that I need to add something to it you don't but it's good for my stuff we're not really sure about your story so we all eat the top soft chewy goodnight do you happy there's four right here she's been helping me this because it's good for something tonight maybe just one you first what are you duck woke up paint available here but how we eat this so with these songs they already have flavor inside hold on and then you try to close your eyes and try oh yeah oh I got a good job oh you ready okay we are about to eat duck a duck a duck a partially formed baby duck fun [ __ ] weird texture mm-hmm no we got a different piece let's never pieces going on here the yoga actually tasted like an egg like tastes like boiled oil chicken that just like falls apart a little bit easier than chicken necks I just I was just kind of sad for lo duh and I'm always told myself never could I do that bit I like its ending time just one I'll have another piece of this right very good I never thought you would outdo me tickle me baby I have to say I'm really impressed with Kevin and I think I've learnt where Cara gets all the positivity from I was saying good things [Music] eleven that it's like dessert on steroids this is what traffic like a theater no life they throw our first Vietnam scooter experience elves wild but really everybody drives so slowly nobody gets mad that's what surprises me it looks like you just cut somebody off there's no big deal they just wait till you pass over you wouldn't make it here Oh daddy you never had Vietnamese soup before this what do you think correct very good it's seriously one of the best ones ever what she loves every food in our next video we continue this journey with my crazy dad you gotta tell them they only got me a bottle of champagne [Music] good father son-in-law bonding yeah thanks again to a way for making this all possible click the link in the description below to check out the luggage we've been traveling with the last two years I never knew that I thought they feel like they look like this war lightning flit away Kevin what'd you say about the rain better than a good day and work with sunshine what's the rule when you oh did I just drop the seed no not yet not yet not yet tarantulas grubs brain test cold eyeball day we literally had everything and I never thought I could do that but it was probably the least disturbing pretty normal yes hey what about the Orville [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,000,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vietnam, vietnam vlog, travel, travel vlog, hanoi, vietnamese food, food tour, foodie, food vlog, random acts of kindness, travel vlog music, travel vlog 2019, travel vlog vietnam, travel vlog hanoi vietnam, what to do in hanoi, what to do in vietnam, vietnam travel, travel vlog airport, first impressions of vietnam, hanoi street food, food vlogs, southeast asia, travel channel, adventure travel, vietnam vlog 2019, vietnam vlog food, travel vietnam hanoi
Id: E-ioeGwcXr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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