WE’RE BOTH OVER THIS (rough week)

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Was anyone else bothered - or even aware at the unhealthy level of codependency Kara exhibits ?

I still like K&N but they’re definitely less relatable ¯_(ツ)_/¯

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Rain-Showers 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Omg another hour long episode. 😁

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Ataiatek 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Everyone’s different but if I was riding my bike all day the last thing I’d want to hear is Kara going OMG LOOK AT THAT BOOBOO ARE YOU OKAY BUBBY

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/foxtrotnovember69420 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
i'm beginning to hate this trail [Music] so our goal today this is one of the most physically uncomfortable i've ever been bring it on ct it's becoming personal if you can't tell this is terrifying we're karen nate and we spent the last four years traveling to 100 countries but 2020 brought us back to the us where we bought a converted sprinter van to explore our own backyard if you missed last week's video nate his brother dusty and our friend rick are attempting to ride the entire length of the colorado trail which stretches 500 miles across the state and has an elevation gain equivalent to climbing mount everest three times on a bike nate had been on a mountain bike approximately this many times before he was talked into this trip so his first week on the trail wasn't exactly easy i see it well that flight grosses me out his brother flew from practically sea level and suffered from a mild case of altitude sickness for the first few days and rick well rick is thriving while the boys are testing their physical limits each day their support crew consisting of myself rick's wife beck and their two kids evie and frankie are keeping them fed and moving the vans along the route so they have a warm bed to sleep in each night after eight straight days of riding the boys have completed 248 of the 570 miles is today eight or nine today is day nine and this is the hardest it's been to get back on the bike it's not even because this is the most tired that my body's been it's just because this bed was the most comfortable so good and i'm clean and i woke up this morning just thinking you know i've ridden 200 of the 500 miles of the colorado trail that might be good enough bye-bye today i'm doing a few loads of laundry and i'm taking a shower it's going to feel so good to be clean hope this bike feels heavy this morning why [Music] going on a little jog around the neighborhood before i get in the shower because i think i've been eating as much as the guys have but i'm not the one burning a million calories a day on the bike stop at ten thousand feet i can barely run a mile without feeling like i'm just completely out of oxygen i don't know how the guys are doing this all right we're going to try to knock out 40 miles today starting with another road detour should be about the easiest 15 miles of the colorado trail yet [Music] van life makes you appreciate the little things in life like long hot showers today essentially starts the second half of the trip we have eight days left until dusty's flight out we did the math this morning that means we have to average at least 35 miles a day man this is great the colorado trail's so easy it's crazy so a couple weeks ago kara complained that she was the one having to do all the work in the relationship while i was out having fun riding my bike thanks a lot nate just kidding but really so this week it's my turn to tell you about surf shark which i'm more than happy to do because they continue to support these crazy adventures we dream up and they also offer the best vpn on the internet if you don't know what a vpn is it stands for virtual private network and what it does is it encrypts all the information sent between your computer and the internet so that no one can steal your sensitive data so when kara's doing all the work and she goes to a coffee shop and uses their public wi-fi to upload one of our videos she's protected with surfshark a vpn can also be used for fun things too like unlocking your favorite show just by changing your virtual location if you don't already have a vpn we highly recommend surf shark we've been using it since the beginning of the year it works great and they're the only vpn to offer unlimited devices on one account plus if you use our code cara nate you can get 83 off plus three extra months for free and there's a 30 day money back guarantee so there's no risk to try it out just click the link in the description below to get started whoops well we got water doing all this van life stuff basically by myself last week has been really cool because one i've come to really appreciate all of the little annoying things that nate always does like fill up our water tank charge the van dump the p tank figure out where to park drive and also i don't think it's something that i ever would have really finally learned to do on my own so i'm glad i did please be open please no no i was already so disappointed oh the morning was off to to such a good start we pretty much just rode 15 miles downhill we were super excited about getting to buena vista because we heard there was this bike shop that serve belgium waffles and it was clothes today and there's two famous ice cream shops in town so i thought well that's a decent backup plan and it's different when you're biking you just sit there and you think about this stuff as you pedal for hours on end you get yourself really excited we're not giving up yet we're still on the hunt oh something smells delicious one more ice cream oh the door's open the last ice cream shop in town literally has a sign that says nope i just got this picture from nate i'm glad they're treating themselves a little bit and i'm glad i didn't have to make lunch we didn't find ice cream but we did find donuts it's going to be a really long day and a lot of road riding which i know they don't really enjoy so i hope everything goes smoothly at least ever since we left buena vista we've just been climbing straight up this mountain on the side of a road trying not to get run over by cars like that one dusty don't break the speed limit six you got it four miles an hour that's how fast we're pedaling up the hill all right now i'm gonna get a little work done scary looking over there that's where the guys are oh today was going so smoothly we crushed out 24 miles early on we had some pastries and then then it started raining when we got on the trail and everything was a little wet and ugh are you okay yeah i think i'm just feeling tired today it's getting lazy how bad it's fine doesn't it [Applause] so we hit our 40-mile goal for the day we ended in some hot springs that we were considering visiting and somehow we talked ourselves out of going to the hot springs and going for another 10 miles and it's been nothing but walking our bikes uphill for the first three miles but everything we do today we don't have to do tomorrow poor nate that just talked to him and said that they're freezing and wet all right so we just got to the trailhead i'm gonna make them some hot chai tea [Music] i can't believe they're still not here tonight's dinner is one of my personal favorites because it is so easy so yummy and reminds me of southeast asia it's peanut butter ramen and it is just as simple as it sounds well dinner is completely ready so i guess i'll start on their breakfast so i pretty much made the same thing for the guys every single night for breakfast and that is overnight oats so back in the girls went on a walk up the trail that the boys are supposed to be coming down they're not back yet and the boys aren't back yet and try not to get all worried again like last time oh i hate those i feel like i kind of have a reason to be worried this time because nate told me earlier today that they were planning on being here at five and it is 7 20. what the heck nate where are you yay finally i hate this trail i've never been so happy to be back in the van are you so cold no i just hurt i'm so sorry nate are you okay the first one was from the first wreck and then like 30 minutes ago my foot slipped off the pedal and i just smashed my shin pedal and that's what those three are from you hate it in your shin uh i was just like i don't know it's been a weird day i'm so sorry that's okay i'm glad you're okay though yeah i was so worried i would put on a rain jacket yesterday was just it was just a weird day for me as soon as we left the pavement and got onto the trail i took a pretty hard wreck but it was different than any of the wrecks i've taken before because i still don't even know what happened it was just like one minute i was riding and then the next minute i was on the ground and that was kind of scary and i feel like i rode the rest of the day just like really scared that something bad was gonna happen so that kind of took a lot of the fun out of it for me and uh it's 7 30 a.m we're about to have another huge day that's super rick swears by the beats so i'm going to choke me down each morning something about uh circulation superfood at this point i'll try anything to make it easier for my least favorite part of getting ready for the day i enjoy putting sunscreen on as a kid still don't enjoy it now and it's just like guarantees that dirt sticks all over my body it cracks me up how long it takes the guys to get ready in the morning like i feel like from the time we wake up to the time they actually leave feels so long because they have to pack their lunch put on the chamois butter put on their sunscreen get their cameras get their wheeled thing oiled look these two fingers still don't work oh my gosh they just do things like cross nate that is weird just hope it started working again after i quit biking i love you love you i hope today is better than yesterday see you lunch it feels so strange saying bye to them every day i'm so used to being with nate 24 7. and when i say bye and have like no idea what he's about to experience or what kind of mood he's gonna be in when he gets back it's a pretty foreign feeling for us that's good that's good to miss each other sometimes all right we made it we're back on the colorado trail last night we ended up camping about a mile off the trail so this morning started with about a 45 minute push straight up the mountain just to connect back up to the trail so our biggest day yet starts now also we've got a new team member joining us for the day this is rick's friend andy from leadville hi guys what do you think of the channel so far i'm loving it and i appreciate you letting me tag along today happy to have you when we first left on this trip in my mind i was gonna have all of this time like i was gonna wake up when the guys did super early i was gonna get a ton of work done and then me and the girls would go on a hike or explore a new city that we're driving through then meet up with the guys that evening have dinner hang out repeat for two weeks straight but it has actually been nothing like [Music] that instead by the time they leave i get myself in the van ready and by the time that happens it's about time to drive and meet them at the halfway point for lunch make them lunch then once again i get the van ready to go drive to our camp spot for the night set up camp make dinner then i find myself being the last person to go to bed because i have to stay up and do our work that i usually sprinkle throughout the day i'm not saying any of this to complain i just need to work on my time management a little bit okay time to get to work i'm beginning to hate this trail everything about it dude that was like the first fun part of the trail looks like we're going to be here a little bit longer can't stop oh wow last night we conveniently camped right next to the trailhead and there's a public restroom literally right next to the van which is kind of stinky but overall i've been very impressed with the public bathrooms here in colorado so far they pretty much all look the same what do you think of the bathrooms here haven't been in them yet you haven't used this one yet so they pretty much yeah i like the effort they have these little fly catchers a little air freshener i mean it doesn't smell good but we've definitely been worse and look at all this toilet paper [Music] like that's really nice to have every toilet has that sign frankie thinks it says don't look down in the toilet because a bunch of pumps in there our toilet in the van works great but whenever there is another option i like to use it just because the less we use our toilet the less i have to dump our waste out oh eat it mountains me for shoe today ah trying to kill me and i'm trying to survive like this oh yeah now i always do that oh that hurts so bad time to go meet the boys for lunch how's this work all right we're making the chess cam handoff we get some footage of andy shredding it down the hill yeah buddy let's go i bet now it's like a putting green after everything this is pretty crazy all of a sudden it's super dark and cloudy again which is great for the wild fighters not so great for our wild bikers the trail just keeps throwing new challenges at us we've been hiking uphill all day right before we start the two mile downhill descent starts pouring to make it slick and dangerous for us to get back down to the vans [Music] look at this it's actually hailing this is craziness oh gosh stepping on it we're coming for you boys yeah andy take this hardest section while it's hailing [Applause] beautiful day in the rockies straight ahead is just darkness we're still 11 minutes away hang in there guys [Applause] up the hell is so loud when it lands on my helmet [Applause] just sub to the bone [Music] it kind of like fueled me though like i was just mad at that point and i was like bring it on mountain let's see what else you got i was waiting for one of us to get attacked by a bear yeah i guess like the only thing that hasn't happened yet that was brutal i crashed i had the camera on it's like one of the few times i actually had this on i'm good promise yep i'm glad i hope my bike's good but i thought i'd try to show off for everybody for a second and i probably went over the handlebars and went headfirst into a tree it might have hurt the tree slightly the line is so defined so we just finished segment 14 which was about 14 miles and a little over 3 000 vertical feet we're gonna try to knock out another segment today it's already 3 30 and it's essentially the exact same we have another 14 miles and 3576 vertical feet but it's pretty much straight uphill from the beginning just look at this how you doing i'm not anywhere close to quitting like i'm not going to quit unless i can't walk but at the same time that doesn't mean that i'm going to enjoy i feel like i've been like so lucky not to get seriously hurt that i'm starting to get nervous on all the downhills and then the weather and i'm wearing soggy clothes my left hand doesn't work which makes it hard to tie my shoes it's a 403 i'm giving us a 90 chance of getting down in the dark 10 chairs we walk i really hate that the last couple days has been so tough for nate but at the same time he signed up for this knowing it was going to be a challenge there's few things that i've started in life that have such a high chance of failure i think that's why he signed up for this so he's getting what he hoped for for sure fingers crossed this is what the next 10 miles looks like oh i'm so happy rick just takes it and said this is quite possibly the smoothest gradual single track i have ever seen yay man after those last two segments i'm just grateful for every flat inch of this trail ah i'm on my way for misery to happiness so right before nate took off on the bike he said hey are you going to the store for anything and i said no what and he's like never mind oh they tell me what you want he was like no nothing and he wouldn't tell me i just passed this cute little local grocery store so i'm gonna go in and try to guess what he wanted [Music] i have no idea i like those can all be flowing single track i guess [Music] okay hopefully i picked up something close to what nate was craving i begged him to tell me i wish i was doing that for the camera it's almost like walking in sand it's like you get about 50 percent of the effort that you put out [Music] i don't think i've ever parked the van the street before makes me a little bit nervous parking area great [Music] i'm gonna stay here and get some work done this descent is like this is the second half of one of what they consider in the top five mountain bike dozens [Music] [Music] sweden [Music] all right back on the road we are driving about an hour from salida to the campground tonight and the guys should come right past us all girls as planned which sometimes it does and that's it slowly descending into our campsite oh that didn't sound good okay well this is our home for the night we have zero internet so hopefully the guys find us time to make some guacamole that's what i'm doing what are you doing are you setting up the chair yeah thank you [Applause] this is terrifying if this mountain biking for me wasn't already dangerous enough we've added a new element of danger bad time to find out that the batteries in your headlamp are super old and you look at that are you shining this right in your eyeball and it wouldn't even hurt i'm gonna die oh this is the face of a man who is happy to be alive this is the face of a wife who's happy you're alive i gotta tell me all right thank you will you please tell me what you wanted from the store pickles are you serious why didn't you tell me that because i didn't want you to go to the store i got everything but pickles you did get everything with pickles thank you this is a beautiful care package you're welcome so yeah today we rode for 11 hours and 19 minutes 31.26 miles and the big kicker this is definitely our record we ascended 6545 feet honestly i feel probably better than the day the first day where we did like half that i mean it's amazing that 10 days in how your body just starts to become one with the machine he's big time speaking for himself right here whatever the morning is off to such a good start so me dusty and rick have had this ongoing bed that whichever one of us sees a moose or a bear first the other two have to eat shammy butter on a piece of toast which is the stuff that you put on your groin so you don't get a rash and at first i heard something and then i realized there were a bunch of cows in this field but then there was a moose standing with the cows hey can you uh can you tell me what this is this is a picture of me eating shammy butter apparently where'd you get this did you download this from the internet it's probably still out there has everyone seen it but me yeah congratulations so today we're trying to do all of that segment and then all that segment too there's not a lot of water or shape and there won't be a sign for the campground it's it's freezing this morning and we're also realizing that we did not do enough mileage in the first week so now we're putting in some huge days the day before was the biggest day we had ever done yesterday was bigger than that and today we're attempting to do more 45 miles and 7 000 feet of vertical elevation if it's like the trellis yesterday there's no way we'll finish it how long do you think it's gonna take well i think it's gonna be dark again how much elevation have we done so far we have done 883 feet we only have like 5 000 something left to go one hour in first night break of the day we've done about four and a half miles so about a tenth of what we're trying to do today we still have a very long ways to go [Music] i am still freezing man appreciate it this is riding uphill oh it never ends holy crap oh i'd honestly rather pedal uphill than do this oh it should be the crap out of me i just like i just can't stop sounds from coming out of my body this is why i have 50 strength left in my hands i feel like i've said this a lot lately but i'm a tad bit worried about nate today they are about to do the most vertical elevation that they've done the whole trip and he just was so worn out this morning here we go again oh crap i feel like the more tired he is the more likely he is to have an accident all right here we go time to get beat up also just really cold and grey oh i hate this so much what he signed up for i've hung back from the guys a little bit so they can't hear my negativity but this trial just sucks apparently they let dirt bikes ride this section of the trail and it just breaks up all the rock into like loose gravel so you can't ride up it and riding down it feels like your place for me just holding on to a bucking is bronco 30. we're on another dirt road to our campsite and it's raining unfortunately it's still pretty cold too amazing thank you oh sorry this is amazing my segment 16 is done there was nothing fun about that that was just one of those that you just kind of grit your teeth and put one foot in front of the other and get it over with also you you know it's a weird day when the highlight is a spam sandwich that's amazing this has to be at least a thousand calories cheesy bread this thing's loaded i wonder if i'm gonna lay down and eat at the same time like we're at 11 700 feet in the middle of the field [Music] oh this is good it's almost like we're back in the van i'm gonna have to set an alarm robot all right we have found our home for the night in the middle of the forest hopefully you guys find us because we have no cell phone reception it's all not downhill from here stardust segment 17 20 miles to go off to a decent start i'm freezing that wind is brutal actually never mind we don't think this is our home after all i just hit a tray just slightly though okay let's just get a wider turn after reading the guy look a little more closely we think we might need to go another 1.2 miles this campground didn't have like a sign or anything so we felt a little weird about it anyways i don't know how people lived without the internet this is so brutal i can't see straight my head's bouncing so much all right major change of plans we ended up just driving to the colorado trail and parking at the end of it and we think we'll just wait here the rest of the day for the guys we're pretty sure we're allowed to camp here that is where they'll come out and then that is where they will continue it's about 2 p.m starting to rain again and i think i'm gonna sit in the van and have a nice relaxing afternoon of work all right i'm just gonna narrate how i feel in the moment because i know when i get done with this and i look back i feel like it wasn't that bad but this sucks it has just been a miserable day because we're over 300 miles down my legs are tied so getting off and walking my bike used to feel like a break but not anymore and then you work really hard to get uphill and at some point when you get a downhill it just beats you to death and it's almost as tiring or more tiring than it is going uphill dusty said he was feeling motion sickness like i have a headache for my brain smashing around my head for so long today of the probably 25 miles we've done at this point maybe four of them have been kind of fun to ride just all around not a fun day still working i suppose i could put this box back outside i don't have to sit with it anymore also i'm not getting close to quitting because today is the first day that i've started to question why i'm doing this i wasn't a mountain biker to begin with wasn't something that i necessarily really enjoyed pretty much going for two weeks without doing any work not to catch up on a lot of that when i get done with this putting a lot more pressure on kara both just being the support van and everything that goes along with that but also like all of like our business work is falling on cara i'm probably not in quite as bad of headspace as i sound right now but i'm just bringing up all the feelings that i've had at different times throughout the day plus dream rick are somewhere way ahead of me and they can't hear me sorry my day has been so boring to watch i'm really excited about this welcome ending though oh i don't think that was the right line oh what is this let's beautifulness baby spot down as much as you can and just and just just be calm just relax majors like carrots except for these rocks [Music] wow ugh [Music] so we have a slight problem but one that i think is fixable unfortunately her power is down again so never mind this is such a pain it's starting to seem like any time we don't plug in for a while and then it's cloudy for one day our battery plummets so if it gets below 50 it starts beeping and then the next morning nothing works beck had the idea that we could plug into her van because her battery charges off of her engine and when we did it tripped the breaker every time so this isn't a huge deal but one i will live by fake candlelight the rest of the night two i don't know if we'll be able to charge everything for tomorrow and three nate won't be able to make us coffee near in the morning but thankfully beck can provide all of those things for the most part so we should be fine oh it's just so annoying it doesn't help that i don't really understand any of this stuff either like maybe there's a way we can fix it but nate's the one that usually does this stuff and he's still not back what time is it 8 14 so i feel like i'm allowed to start worrying now it is so dark it's terrifying i cannot imagine him biking up in the trees with just a headlamp and now it's starting to rain hurry back date gosh beck is so chill like you can tell she's done this a million times with rick because she's like maybe at like 10 30 or 11 if they're not back yet i'll drive back into town and see if there's a message and see their location and i'm just like okay come on boys i see three little bike lights i can't see anything i was trying really hard not to worry about it [Music] there was zero fun in that day i have to agree i bet we hiked our bikes more than we wrote them let's give you a dry clothes that's the last of the terrible sections left the whole trip that's what he keeps saying talk to him the highlights of the day for me we're eating a sandwich and nate pulling out a piece of toilet paper about that big soaking wet and being dead serious and going then you don't have any extras tp this is all i got left and it was crumpled up wet in the bottom of his pack he couldn't have even wiped it over and it was just the laugh that we needed at that point it was like halfway through the day i was really crying imagine riding your bike over train tracks sideways right now imagine doing that for 42 miles that was what today felt like it's just i just like felt my hope slowly fading do you think it gets any worse no was no [Music] hello [Music] it's day 12 and everything [Music] good hurts dusty good morning how are you feeling i don't know spike just flew over you know i've been complaining about not having hand strength i took the fingernail clippers outside to cut my nails this morning and i can't squeeze hard enough to cut my fingernails i think i have hand strength just not finger strength that doesn't hurt no you don't have hands straight why does this happen i think it's just from going down the mountain good day 12. you're going to crush it what are you having that's how exhausted you are and you're about to get on a bike for 60 miles ah we can do it this is the toilet paper that pulled out of my bag yesterday that everybody was making fun of me for at one point it was a few sheets [Music] the most they've done in a day so far is 47 miles today they're attempting 62. they're crazy so this is what i'm left with most mornings it's a little worse today than it usually is because since our power was low and i had a lot of work to do i didn't wash a single dish the last day and a half and this is the result i feel like this trip has been good for my ocd though usually i have to have like four swept counters wiped all the dishes clean and dried and put away before i go to sleep and really just let go last week and a half i just can't wait to get on the road again this life i love is biking with my friends all right it's about 10 30. we are finally back on the road after getting everything picked up put away i ran around with the girls blowing bubbles for a while to burn some calories and now we are driving 27 miles to the town of creed they have an rv park there where i can plug in the van make sure we have plenty of power yeah i think it's right down towards the car well now we got a 64 mile day we missed the turn at some point that rain's cold on a more positive note we're backtracking downhill which is nice and it's very hard to ride over rocks with one hand oh that was almost like the worst wreck of the trip we'll just kind of eat as we ride yeah you know when our body needs to drop yeah don't forget to drink water okay it's easy to get like dehydrated because you're getting rained on so you kind of feel like you're hydrating but you need to put it in your mouth what are you doing with your hands here oh that's the this is the back to my my rain jacket and this is back to my buffy jacket and this one's not exactly waterproof but it's a little bit warmer than not having it our goal today is not decreasing good goal we can do it not sure if bessie can do it oh the poor guys i know that they are getting some rent right now all right we're back on the right track we all have on all of the clothes that we have with us which for me includes this rain jacket and a puffy vest underneath it oh but the wind's blowing right about 10 000 feet it's probably 50 degrees and we are freezing and the worst part is we probably won't see the vans for another eight hours there's also no end to this rain in sight oh they have to be so cold and miserable and it's like the beginning of the day and so they're just gonna be like soggy this puffy vest is keeping my core warm but my rain jacket's already completely soaked through and my arms are like popsicles man i just feel like they haven't been able to catch a break the last today i don't know how they're still doing it it's raining like this for over an hour everything's soaked this is one of the most physically uncomfortable i've ever been in my entire life my fingers are so cold that i actually have to look down to see which gear i'm touching when i want to change gears but at this point i really have no choice except to just keep moving it's the only thing that keeps you warm this is really what this journey is all about though pushing through these super uncomfortable moments and just just seeing how much i'm capable of oh yeah the puffy jacket inside is soaking wet is it oh look how pretty my hands are i still cannot feel my hands or my feet my toes just feel like bricks just feels like one solid toe oh these were actually clean too when i started another we got brown juice waterproof shoes are like they're great except for the big hole in the top where you put your foot in then it just becomes a bucket i was wearing buckets oh getting worth taking them off oh yeah toes again it's worth doing okay i can't feel my fingers center my shoes i'm glad i didn't push the sos button it crossed my mind i got high hopes for creed i picture like a campground with wi-fi and steak restaurant nice red wine cowboy hat oh that was a mistake i'm not going to want to put those back on we're going to pee and grab some stuff sounds good getting some gas i mean diesel i'm getting some diesel 1000 once again the highlight of the day this one's got turkey on it turkey and spam popcorn you find yourself looking normally nate's around to stop me i might finish the bag before they get back tonight you hear that guy um gotta hit the gold the treasure forest finn here's the treasure for spin all right sun's out we are back on the road and i'm sockless and gloveless they are strapped to my handlebars hopefully drying out over the next couple hours mountain views rv park there are mountain views that's for sure and we're joining about a million other rvs here let's see how much power we have do we really want to do this 45 yeah probably well this is our home for the night something interesting always seems to happen when we do this so i'm hoping this is uneventful i think we're charging there are two different chords in there and sometimes he uses one chord at certain places another quarter other places and i don't understand any of it i was wrong apparently this is the cord i use here yes would i do without back [Applause] these cool tiles this white cool tiles and then the brown tiled floor and these really nice toilets that flush unfortunately we have to drive an hour to pick up the guys this time so bringing my computer with me in the van [Music] we've got a 2500 foot climb straight up the mountain road this is the first time i've resorted to just putting in headphones i'm just doing my best to zone out my quads are burning i've done my best to be present for this whole trip but if this climb could just be over i'd be very happy i think this might be the first day that i've gone all day long and haven't heard anything from mate i feel like i have no idea what to expect like what kind of mood he's going to be in what kind of day they had and five minutes later it's raining again and we've got about a 20 mile an hour headwind bring it on ct it's becoming personal if you can't tell we were just trying to figure out we had to turn on that road one of the hardest things i've ever done are you serious oh i'm totally fine in five minutes but i hurt right now oh rick's telling me really bad things oh i'm sorry it's a thousand more feet to the top of this time my idea was just get dropped off here tonight and go eat dinner i thought you were going to say you want to do let's smash it out i cannot fill my groin right now yeah my butt every like 10 pedal strokes i got to sit down for the last like i think thank you i'm a little bit closer to knowing what childbirth feels like i've been wondering if i was ever going to be able to have kids oh it got so cold when it was raining that i couldn't even shift with my thumb anymore i was using the palm of my hand to just push it down so compared to yesterday yesterday like today was hard but it was like i don't know like kind of this fun challenge to overcome yesterday was just terrible today was way better that's good how's phil driving a lot easier than biking so last night after the girls picked us up we drove into the town of creed which we were excited to visit for two reasons one it's the set of this wild wild west themed netflix show called godless and two we were all really excited to eat at an actual restaurant it is so quiet are you in the middle of the world which by the time we got there ended up being closed it is they suggested the gas station i'm not sure what they thought we could eat there the gas station actually ended up being closed as well and we ate ramen in the van last night now we've left the campground and we're heading back to the trail but first we're doing hamburgers we're doing it it's happening okay this looks beautiful there's this general store that feels like it's in the middle of nowhere like this town could not have more than 100 people but we heard from someone backing creed that they serve delicious homemade hamburgers and give it like a six out of ten everything is delicious except for the burger itself it's pretty sad with how angry you were that you're disappointed it must be really bad i think when we're on the bikes i just like hyped food up in my head to this level that it could never possibly reach until you eat my dinner oh wow wow yep spiders make that one i've needed this in my life i'm going to feel like crap this afternoon you're telling me ladies are burning off what is it 12 12 miles today it's something like that yeah [Music] this isn't where we're starting the bike trip i just took my bike off the rack for no reason okay to the triad i'm not bringing this book good idea wait we can do it is there anything else we don't need to bring we need water i might have to keep that toilet paper handy i'm keeping this filter you never know today was supposed to be a rest day we slept in eight hamburgers and then we were just gonna get dropped off and finished the segment that we didn't finish yesterday which is still what we're doing but we've now realized that it's over 2000 feet of vertical elevation gain and 12 miles between us and where we're camping tonight so not near as big a day as what we've been doing but definitely not a rest day see you in a few hours there it goes the easy way up this is the next three hours of our life putting one pedal in front of the nest and just not stopping while literally climbing a mountain from 10 000 to 12 000 feet this is definitely a little more boring but it's easier on the butt hey holding up i'm good i'm really good actually kind of feels good to be back on the bike in a weird way feels good to be burning off those burgers yeah my stomach still feels like hanging over my shammy waste i don't know it makes a boring day a little less so much more fun we just made it to the summit and the girls left us a present for the dads this is uh how the kids refer to us the group of men even though dusty and i are not dads we're still called the dads they have three dads now we have some explaining to oh that do a nice break i think we're breaking the speed limit this is terrifying no how are you beating me you tucked too late get out of here i came out of my tuck to slow myself down to 35 miles an hour that's so scary you almost hit a deer on your bike [Music] that went by so fast an hour and a half with the beer break so today actually did end up being a rest day it only took us an hour and a half to do that whole thing and now it's only six and we're already getting things ready for tomorrow morning because the goal is to get out of here by seven to do our biggest day yet seven thousand vertical feet of climbing so this one packing food wise these waffles are probably my favorite thing to eat these pop tarts are supposed to be cooked but still tastes pretty good i haven't tried one of these yet looking forward to that these it's like eating chocolate icing with caffeine in it all right i don't know where that came from or anything about that and then a water bottle and also a full two liter water bag so the water bag takes up this entire side and then all the food and the water bottle easy access right up front there it is so this is like the elevation profile of the whole colorado trail and this line here is 12 000 feet so up until now you know we've poked above it briefly here briefly here and that's about it over the next four days we're living up there about 12 000 feet above 12 000 feet in the middle of this is 13 so we'll be poking up above 13 first in time too and we're trying to do 7000 feet of vertical each day up in those rarefied airs it's gonna be interesting the reason that we're spending so much time prepping for tomorrow tonight so we can get an early start is not only is it going to be our biggest day in terms of elevation but there's also no way for the vans to get to us so we have to finish [Music] wow i'm really nervous about today mostly because nate is nervous and he's like the most level-headed person i know so if he's scared then you know it's something big i kind of feel like i'm drinking and driving when i have this stuff not as good as shammy butter we're also sharing a deodorant sized uh applicator who's next do hour now yeah all right according to walter only naps for six to seven all right i'm gonna see if i can do this without hitting the tree go ahead [Music] ah i think it's good it just got caught right here yeah i think it's totally good i was thinking on the way up you know there's like these places in the world that's just i like spiritual hugs there's like sedona arizona house yeah and mount shasta this place is like the opposite of that it's like where the energy it's a negative energy vortex yeah like a black hole the way he pulled out that toilet paper is like he was prepared to use that what well okay like he didn't know if we had any or not he's just had this seriously like he's like he's like does anyone see anyone else have any other toy paper any chance it's i don't have enough hand strength to wipe my butt properly i've never heard something i almost used all of your tissues because i couldn't apply any pressure oh man yeah that was a lovely before spam was the best part of your day which is saying something it but it was almost bad because as soon as we ate it was like well yeah what do we have to live for now we should have drunk and drag that out i don't even have spam all right what were our stats for the day there's not a category here for mental anguish i feel like that number would be really high did y'all ever answer the question how much would someone have to pay you to do it again tomorrow i think we landed on ten thousand yeah ten thousand bucks dang it almost yeah [Music] did you have did you have an accident down there it was like you had diarrhea all over yourself let's see rick this is that right up the boat i think when you're suffering through stuff everything becomes a little funnier yeah we went on a cattle drop we don't know we got video approvals we were riding across the road there were like cowboys and like 400 cows going down the road and we were just riding behind them they were they were getting out of control once we got there we sort of straightened out the cattle drive and then pushed him on in and we gave a tip of the hat to the cowboys you
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,145,171
Rating: 4.9100618 out of 5
Keywords: van life, kara and nate, kara and nate van life, travel, vlog, travel vlog, tiny home, tiny house on wheels, colorado travel vlog, colorado trail, mountain biking, travel couple, couple vlog, couple travel vlog, husband and wife vlog, travel vlogger, sprinter van, converted sprinter van, van life vlog, what to do in colorado, where to travel in the usa, usa travel vlog, united states travel, best state in america, denver to durango, colorado travel, CO trail, challenge
Id: zkpIq4JaxNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 57sec (4137 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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