WE SLEPT IN A JUNGLE TREEHOUSE (overlooking an active volcano)

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[Music] this is a dream yes this is awesome [Music] we're Karen Nate we've been traveling the world full-time for four years pursuing our goal of visiting 100 countries and we are getting so so close last night we landed in our 99th country of Vanuatu on the main island of a faute we went straight to bed at an airport hotel and today we are heading back to the airport you know you've flown into a small country when the road from your hotel to the airport is gravel out of all the South Pacific island nations we could have visited we chose Varna a2 because we wanted to climb Mount yes sir which is one of the most active volcanoes in the world so the reason that we're back in the airport so soon is because in order to get to the volcano we need to fly 40 minutes south to the island of time so we were supposed to leave about 30 minutes ago and our flight was delayed because the plane weighed too much 400 kilograms overweight so they probably are backed off I thought was the plane that we were going to be on but it's not it's big one I would not have thought 400 kilograms would make a difference on a plane this size well you just came to the realization this giant one this is the first time in four years that we haven't gone through security before getting on an airplane which feels crazy [Music] [Music] welcome Santana no security and overweight plane no problem now to see if our bags made it I love this baggage claim is literally just a hole in the wall that they stick the bags there I actually feel guilty that they left our bags on that plane can't believe it [Applause] [Music] so so the main thing that brought us here was the volcano but the other thing that we're super excited about is that here its traditional for the tribes to build tree houses so we're gonna be living in one for the next three nights you just have two hours in the back of this truck I had no idea we landed we booked everything last minute so we're pretty much clueless about everything that's gonna happen in the next 72 hours [Music] just laid it downtown so apparently this is one of the only stories on the island and there's no water [Music] just made a pit stop at the local gas station according to the reaction of the children I don't think many foreigners stop here and now we're going with it all the locals are just sitting outside like all the kids are just playing in the grass there are beautiful people I already love it here so much it's like so called everybody sitting with their little pile of produce nobody's like yelling at anyone trying to get them to buy anything I haven't really seen anything like this before it's all just jungle and ocean the island of Tata is not that big and I was curious how it's gonna take us two hours to get our treehouse it just let the pavement behind us but you'll of course in snow and the road is like turned into volcanic ash [Applause] that isn't active on me now [Laughter] oh this is such a yes this is our tails oh my gosh we just drove down a dirt road for so long and we haven't seen anything else in so holding scissors this is awesome way high they looked in the photo each nest is about two feet apart [Music] okay the Sun is about to set so I'm gonna give you a quick tour of our treehouse before you start oh sweet Oh this is our big comfy bed we have a mosquito net a blanket two towels and that is literally it like there's nothing else here we're in a wooden tree house and the top of a giant tree with no outlets no Wi-Fi no bathroom I think there's one light don't think the light switches in our treehouse somewhere down there the best part is definitely our unobstructed view of an active volcano right outside our door like we could just sit out here all day and just watch the smoke coming out of it right now this has to be one of the most simple but most awesome places that we've ever stayed we walked out of the airport having no idea that we were getting in a truck for two hours I think the one word that comes to mind is raw like everything has been so we got in the truck and she didn't tell us like if we're making any stops or what we're doing and we ended up making like 20 stops on the way here like dropping off groceries for other people like they would do I think it's one of the most primitive places we've ever been I mean there are definitely like some concrete structures that we pass but for the most part it looks like people are living in like bamboo huts and tree houses people are living in a structure similar to what we're staying in tonight our whole way here we didn't pass anything commercial everything was local its rainforest and volcano as far as you can see yeah it's kind of like this tribal you know I feel like an explorer right now that's what I feel and that's what I've like always wanted to be it's like a real Explorer I said I felt like an explorer we've got two massive suitcases all of our electronics we got in a car somebody took us exactly where we need it to be we're not really without really it's war but like just the setting that were in feels that way do we know where the bathroom is yeah so this building has a toilet and a shower just the toilet believe it or not there's a flushing toilet and toilet paper in this little bamboo building and a shower there is only one nozzle so I'm assuming that means there's no hot water which I feel like is okay in the jungle this feels right and here's the cute little outdoor sink we have running water soap and once again decorated with all their flowers here [Music] Bernadine so as a family who lives here who manages this property and they made us this beautiful meal we have rice chicken veggies some kind of root juice and bananas and we're the only ones here I'm so happy this is so fun awesome as we sat in our tree house watching the fiery red smoke billow from the crater of the volcano we were reminded why we're still traveling for years after leaving home it seems like no matter how many places we visit there's always something new something awe-inspiring that makes it worth continuing the journey to the next destination good morning from the middle of the jungle for breakfast we have you know butter sandwiches just just bread and peanut butter you can put some bananas [Music] on our play night on the way here we watched this movie called Tana and it was this beautiful love story that's actually based on a true story and it gave us such a good picture of what life was like here on this island as recently as the late 1900s it was such a good movie and we totally recommend it but we were talking to our host this morning and she said that it was filmed at a village just a 10-minute walk from here so we're gonna go check it out the steps are so big there's a graceful way to do that so scratch all of that the village where the movie is filmed is actually two hours on the other side of the island still great movie you should still go watch it and we're still going to the local village it's just a different one that's right down the hill apparently the entrance to the village is through a giant banyan tree you know we've just met up with our local guide James taken away all those people this game on and nowhere it was so quiet I didn't see anyone I was like over here and then boom whoa okay what a welcome or unwelcome feel like I just got a glimpse of what Captain Cook felt like showing up to the island and the 1700s apparently this is a hidden trap you can go first this time it's nobody hiding under here they're gonna jump out and grab me and they're going again [Music] well that was not at all what I was expecting much more of a show than a visit to a local village but entertaining nonetheless they were good actors they actually terrified me and then once I realized I wasn't gonna finish I would like smile at everyone and try to get him to smile back and no one ever did they stayed in character the whole time from the moment we walked through the trees like what is happening right now there's no explanation literally we just walked they jumped out at us a bunch of different times we went into a little Hut which is where the chief hello this is much more of local life so to clarify they did tell us at the end like this was an act this isn't how they actually live but it is how they used to be like in the movie we watched like that's how it was but before we showed up we were told we were going to visit a local village that's what was going through our head as we were walking through we are gonna end this video here because in just a couple hours we finally get to do what we came here for the volcano that we watched smoked all night last night we are going to stand at the rim of the crater and look down into lava why [Music] it's my face dirty it's just it's got a little volcanic ash on my face talking to cells like where it is I thought I would feel scared up here being like on an actual tree but it's just so cool like I'm not even scared temple I can go see it okay let's go see the secret temple I like no more doing ten yes sir I'm following the rules in this village [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,433,764
Rating: 4.9339619 out of 5
Keywords: tanna, vanuatu, tanna treehouse, treehouse, tiny home, tiny house, unique accomodations, mount yasur, volcano, treehouse tour, tiny house tour, off grid living, green living, aviation, couple vlog, daily vlog, full time travel, husband and wife, husband and wife travel, husband and wife vlog, kara and nate, kara and nate vlog, travel, travel couple, travel duo, travel vlog, travel vlogger, vlog, what to do in vanuatu, things to do in tanna, tanna movie, treehouse masters
Id: BQoMedPO9Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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