The ULTIMATE Food Weekend in South Carolina! | How Many Uniquely SC Dishes Can We Try??

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[Music] [Music] good morning adventurers from sunny south carolina we are teaming up with discover south carolina and we are going to be spending the weekend traveling all over this great state to taste some of the most delicious and uniquely south carolinian foods that we can find we are starting our trip off here in colombia also known as the soda city then we're making our way down to the low country to try everything this state is known for from barbecue to biscuits and of course tons of fresh seafood so grab your stretchiest stretch pants your biggest glass of sweet tea and let's get to eating [Music] the first stop in our south carolina journey is the capital city of columbia we're here we have mimosas to start the day cheers the best way to start today besides coffee we found this place called the spotted salamander how charming is this place you guys it's in like just an old house in the middle of a neighborhood we were like are we in the right place but that's probably a good sign this is pimento cheese you guys and you can get it all over the place around these parts pimento cheese is super simple it's just cheddar cheese and then you have pimentos which are little red peppers that are super delicious and then i think just mayonnaise and i think there are lots of little variations on that but those are the basic components in the south so we got it topped on asparagus which is one of their appetizers here and they put little cornbread crumbles on it to give it a nice little crunch there look at it that just looks good that was too much for one bite oh baby it's like um sharp cheese so it's just so full of flavor it's so rich and creamy you have the crunch from the little cornbread guys man it's so good you can't go wrong with really super fresh well-cooked asparagus look at this thing it's beautiful as with a lot of foods pimento cheese the origin of it is highly contested where it actually originated from but i do believe that colombia is home to one of the oldest recipes so they have some kind of claim to fame when it comes to pimento cheese all right real good y'all i'm so excited we are getting to try a bonus dish today that is not only atypical here but atypical anywhere along the coast i'm gonna be trying this little soft shell deep fried crab so apparently molting season happens about a week during the year and these crabs travel up the coast and so you get this like little baby window of time where these soft shell crabs are edible like the whole thing is edible it just happens to be this week this is specifically a female crab or a sheet crab i guess and they're supposed to be super tasty and you can eat the entire thing i my brain doesn't want to believe that but this is nashville hot style crab i don't really know how to go about it it's a very intimidating sandwich i'm gonna try to do it like like a sandwich i'll do open face though it's just a whole crab oh god i dropped pickles okay wait i'm gonna get it it's sweet and spicy and crunchy i don't think i got much of the crab meat in there i think i've almost got shelby this is delicious [Applause] there's a crab so the meat in here is so juicy and tender and then the outside is so crispy crunchy and you can see its shell right here i don't even know the texture to describe it almost like a sweet potato skin or something like that it's about right it's just nice and buttery my brain really wants it to be chicken but it's not it's crab it's that natural hot sauce oh god it's so which is luckily not all that hot no it does not it's it's kind of like sweet and spicy i'm digging it spotted salamander huge success now i think we need to go walk off this lunch and explore the city a bit [Music] we decided to take a little trip to the state capitol building which is right here and it's actually really glorious you guys it's surrounded by this really pretty garden that's just kind of isolated from all the surrounding streets it's beautiful you almost forget you're in the middle of a city and this building has some history as you can imagine it was actually completed in 1907 took 50 years to build this sucker yeah also we read that it is completely fire proof so that no documents could be destroyed if a fire were to break out there's actually some little features of this building that i'm trying to find it's like a little scavenger hunt so i'm going to see if i can find them and then report back as you walk around the state house you might notice if you look closely all these little stars that are just placed around the building there's like five or ten of them what do they represent during the civil war while they were building this the city was under occupation and the general attacked the building and they hit it with a bunch of cannonballs so i think these spots next to the star actually represent where a cannonball hit during the civil war that's wild that they left it you can actually go in the state house and just mosey around check this out we're just in the middle of it this place is super classy this is like the library something i was just saying sitting here and sipping some whiskey ooh and that's something you probably don't sit much whiskey in here but it would be very cool we are all checked into our hotel just as you walk in you guys they give you a complimentary drink beer or wine yeah it's not just champagne or something they have they have kegs down there you guys also they have a rope and i'm so comfy right now we're staying at the hotel trundle which is just in downtown colombia and y'all earlier we didn't have room for dessert at the spotted salamander but we got it to go this is an oatmeal cream pie and a cowboy cookie it has coconut nuts chocolate chips i wish you could smell them oh so we're going to snuggle up eat this in peace and then we'll be hitting the road tomorrow we are going to the coast yeah we are there is still so much more of this state to see and we are determined to see as much as humanly possible in this video and mostly eat as much as we can that's the main thing we'll see you tomorrow we had an awesome and delicious time exploring colombia but we are hitting the road and we are heading all the way out to the west east coast idiot we are going to this very picturesque area called merle's inland we're gonna get some delicious food and amazing views but on the way we're gonna make a little pit stop at a place that some people claim is some of the best barbecue in the entire country you know we love our barbecue and now we're gonna do it south carolina style yo [Music] [Music] we have made it to scott's barbecue this place is located precisely in the middle of nowhere we literally had to drive down so many back roads and then it just appeared as this like beacon of barbecue goodness on the side of the road it was opened in 1972 so it's been here for a long time and just by the look of the place and the smell of the place something tells me that it is just as authentic now as it was back then oh man i'm so excited the moment of truth yes this is their beautiful beautiful barbecue which in south carolina just means pulled pork so how do you get to this goodness well here they smoke an entire hog so they split it hog in half put it on a big old pit and then they literally mop it with their sauce with a real mop with a real mop you smoke it i believe for 24 hours and then it's this deliciousness oh my gosh it looks so juicy and you can see there's a little bit of seasoning they've got a vinegar-based sauce on there they're literally sawing bone in the background that's what that sound is i guess someone's got to do it right it's super smoky super tender and juicy and since they already have some of their sauce on there it's packed full of flavor unlike some pork that might just have the smokiness from the pit it's got a little bit of everything a little spicy a little tangy a little sweet a little vinegary it is just absolutely delicious the barbecue plate will set you back about 10 and they are cash only no atm on site so make sure you show up with cash if you forget like us luckily there is a bank just a couple miles up the road they're really going to town in there here at scott's barbecue they don't have just one barbecue pit they have an entire smokehouse back there that's what that is we also came at the right time because they are unloading all of their whole hogs right now that truck is full of whole hogs literally just schlepping them on their backs and taking them into the smokehouse i think that we're going to see if we can sneak inside and take a little peek [Music] [Music] you guys they can cook 20 hogs at a time i cook it just like this check that out i've never seen anything like this that's a lot of barbecue we got a little peek in the back of the house you guys and it is incredible so they have a bunch of wood brought in every single day they have their own splitter and they chop this stuff up and then they hand pick every piece of wood they put them into these big barrels that are slowly cooking all of it down and creating the coals that they then feed into the barbecue pit that's underneath the whole hog it is an awesome operation that they got going on down here but boy those things are hot don't get too close to them almost might have seen just a few hairs there i don't know all right i'm full of barbecue i'm very happy we're gonna get back on the road see more of south carolina [Music] a nice little corner room with beach views oh my gosh so this is where we're gonna be staying for the night nice just to go from a bustling city to like chill at the beach this is so cool we've got some wine we're just kind of chilling we are staying at the sea view inn which is as the name implies right on the sea we have a view of it from our window and from right here sea views everywhere but it's a super charming little boutique hotel with these really clean blue rustic wood vibes definitely our style there's actually a restaurant that's a few miles away that we're going to be headed to we're technically on paulie's island but we are heading up to merle's inlet for dinner and uh spoiler alert is gonna be a seafood delight y'all our food has arrived and this dish is what we are super excited about this is called a low country boil this is very similar to a crawfish boil except instead of crawfish down here they do shrimp so it's steamed shrimp with sausage some new potatoes and corn on the cob and it is all tossed in old bay seasoning also we ordered fresh oysters and she just brought them these are all for me because eric does not like raw oysters i'm so excited you definitely don't get good oysters back home this dish is called a low country boil because it is from the low country region of south carolina you can never be ladylike i feel like when you're eating shrimp right just gotta get in there and rip these little guys to pieces when shrimp is done well it's just so fresh and crisp it almost like pops in your mouth oh am i gonna yeah i feel like you should win a prize every time you get the whole tail out of there i'm gonna get some of that old bay seasoning down in there i think that's what it really needs oh yeah [Music] this is the other dish we wanted to try this is shrimp and grits y'all it's a super simple dish it's just a bunch of shrimp we've got some nice sausage in here some vegetables some peppers and a bunch of gravy yeah and of course the grits and it's funny like these are the grits right here but they look almost like scrambled eggs or something it's a very interesting grit consistency get a bite with some of the gravy a little bit of meat in there gotta get some greenery in there okay this is gonna be too big of a bite as usual let's see but you gotta get everything in there right it's actually really good it's super decadent the grits are definitely the star for me they're just so creamy and buttery and rich and delicious if you come here get this i'm very happy with my this is my dish now you have the my weight oysters you very much [Music] our journey is continuing you guys we were back on the road this morning we headed out uh southwest went along the coast a little bit to a little town called somerville this is gonna be the last stop on our south carolina journey all good things must come to an end that is true and it has turned into an absolutely beautiful day much warmer today so we're excited to get out and about and for our first stop here in somerville we are going to be trying a classic southern dish maybe one of our favorite dishes ever and that is biscuits not just any biscuits not just any biscuits vicious [Music] look at this beautiful biscuit mountain that i got you guys this is appropriately called the fat boy so we have this beautiful flaky buttermilk biscuit i went with the pimento cheese to keep it in the south carolina theme and then we have a beautifully fried piece of chicken in between it all and then they have this um spicy honey drizzle so it should be a little bit sweet a little bit spicy hopefully believe it or not i did contemplate eating this with my hands but then quickly deduced that that was a horrible idea a little bit of chicken got to get plenty of that pimento cheese on there dude this biscuit is so fluffy you guys look at that it's all moist on the inside that's one vicious biscuit that was a big bite this is easily in top biscuit sandwiches that i've had and you guys have been watching our channel for a while you know that we've eaten a lot of biscuit sandwiches but it almost doesn't get better than this the chicken is just perfectly crispy fried i love the sauce because it's sweet and spicy at the same time as expected you get this nice burst of cheesiness from this pimento cheese and just look how legit this looks it's all so homemade and then of course the star is the biscuit they're just perfectly golden and moist and just so much buttery flavor man i did a good job it's my turn to eat now no i'm eating all the biscuits my little beauty is the sea biscuit because it's got shrimp on there get it but it's fried shrimp with uh some thai coleslaw yum yum sauce some spicy drizzle honey drizzle on there and then cilantro but i figure we're still close enough to the ocean getting in just a tiny bit more seafood these shrimp are so big look at that okay i'm gonna not be like eric i'm gonna make a smaller bite okay i'm gonna agree with eric definitely top biscuit sandwiches we've ever had the shrimp is perfectly fried it's so fresh it just pops in your mouth the slaw is a nice little crunch the buttermilk biscuit oh my word so much butter it's so flaky it reminds me of how my grandma used to do it i was wondering how buttermilk biscuit with thai flavors was gonna go oh perfectly it's a beautiful mixture holy cow you guys that was one of the more satisfying meals i've had if that doesn't put some meat on your bones i don't know what will and i don't know that i've ever audibly said mmm quite that many times during a meal no we don't typically finish meals like that because we just feel like it's so you know so calorie intensive but we both ate every last bite they have this funny slogan in there it says body by biscuit and i think we have the bodies by biscuits this turned out to be such a lovely day yeah you guys we've actually just been walking around exploring the town it's super quaint they have all these uh old historic houses and i guess the flowers are in bloom right now oh my gosh the flowers are amazing here in somerville there is one last dish that we were dying to try well it's not really a dish it's sweet tea you guys yeah sweet tea did you guys know summerville is home of sweet tea yeah it's a whoa that is sweet is it holy cow apparently unsweet tea is not a popular thing here you get really dirty looks if you ask for that at a restaurant believe me we tried earlier and they're like we don't even have unsweet tea like she said somerville is considered the birthplace of sweet tea it's actually the home of the first tea plantations in the usa but man this town is obsessed with sweet tea they have the sweet tea trail which is just a trail of a bunch of places you can go to get i guess the best sweet tea there is also the world's largest sweet tea which is just over there we just checked it out it's in a huge mason jar and apparently they fit 2 500 gallons in this thing so they have the world record for the largest jar of sweet tea tea ever poured the jar's there it's not still filled with sweet tea though we also found a place right over there an ice cream shop that also has these huge tubs of popcorn i've never seen anything like it they had low country boil which is what we ate for dinner the other night it was so good we thought it can't be bad on popcorn right i think it's probably just old day seasoning and butter oh holy crap that tastes like a pot of fish stew it's actually actually incredible good drink wow all right taking a little south carolina with us we should go over there and get some more flavors this is actually really good nice score but that's going to do it for our trip here in south carolina honestly i felt full this entire trip because we've been eating and eating so much lots of snacks off camera too yeah it's been the glorious kind of fall though we haven't had a bad meal yet like we mentioned every place that we visited every restaurant every town that we went to that's all gonna be linked in the description below so you can recreate some of this if you find yourself in south carolina which we can highly recommend we're going to finish up our delicious sweet tea then i think we're going to step up to a more adult beverage i don't know if they do alcoholic sweet tea here oh they for sure do i've already looked into it really all right well that's going to be a great way to end our trip we'll probably literally have one glass and go to bed goodbye adventurers we'll see you back at the rv i guess and on the road yeah one day on the road we promise but
Channel: The Endless Adventure
Views: 70,433
Rating: 4.9435797 out of 5
Keywords: The Endless Adventure, vlog, travel vlogger, daily vlog, travel, travel vlog, Eric Bieller, Allison Bieller, south carolina, south carolina guide, south carolina food, the endless adventure food, food tour
Id: -zII9hhByuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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