$230,000,000 Minecraft base raid.. has the RAREST spawners inside!

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guys the raid you're about to see might be the richest rate that we have done in a very very long time this right here is the fifth richest base on my server Overlord round they are worth a whopping 233 million dollars usually when we're a basis they might be worth maybe five million maybe four million if they're rich but like this is next level rich like 233 million this is an active faction no and some of the members that live inside a space are actually online so fingers crossed we get into this and as you can see by here we're going through a lot of walls if you guys enjoy this give that like button down below let me know your party notifications go out and let's get into this video I'm so excited let's get as much value as we can from this base hi guys we are one wall off this base a 233 million dollar base like if we get into this this will be insane there are people online as you can see right there and there let's see what happens we've got to fire I think two more shots we're in because it's canon right now it's freakin triple shot and like that is really bad but it's getting the job done and were one more laughs so hopefully everything will be okay even if they catch just now I don't think they can stop us next shot should get in a sink oh my god right well it kind of it kind of it's like split the bomb do we do we go down hey guys we made a hole down below in the base all right it's gonna nuke right now oh here we go oh they definitely weren't lying ok so inside here I believe there's a blaze bonus oh my god be careful if we fall to our death that would be good bad I mean but inside here this blaze burns I can definitely hear them I want them we all want them foreigners equal value um there we go we're in ok we're in line I think we're lined up with this corner here so the the blaze photos are inside here place borders are decent spoilers as well for souls nice shot yes we got they were on the Deathly on the floor okay and they fell down they down here hello blaze faunas grabbing you okay they're safe there wasn't as many as I talked but still they save up and there were four laurenmolly so I'll take that okay right so there's apparently iron golems inside this box right here the thing is iron golems are worth a ton because they're an afk type spawner which you can sell on the weekend and we might be to raid their loot in a second as well actually but I don't see any iron golems falling so I'm kind of concerned that there's no iron golems here ah the IDS are down there there's so many of them they just keep burning down below alright I get it now that's why I'm not falling because they're just stacking right there how many are Jesus they have Gucci they have they have five IGS and their value is 25 million dollars each or no that five million dollars each at 25 million dollars for five of them oh my god that's a lot of money right there oh okay right so we got the spiders Porter's by a ztp the wrong person I'll keep his head and use as blackmail if he decides to basically say I'm gonna expose the raid if you don't so easy when to go TP me but I accidentally TP someone else into a box basically to minus bonus and stuff since it got ruined my PV but I just get dropped by creep presents so currently right now we are attempting to get into the IGS it's just taking a little bit of time alright guys so apparently we got the kind of working that we actually might be able to get these IDs right here if we get this is the main thing that you get that work did we just miss oh my god that guy just died that didn't work I don't know we killed the guy but that's about it maybe it wasn't lined up correctly by the people who actually made it whoa dude this base is huge okay so as they're trying to like get into the eye jeez if it's possible cuz they might be at the back stack let's just walk around explore them we actually managed to break into another part of the box down below it's just like loads of chess rooms the space is huge I guess that's what you expect for a Tuesday and 33 million dollar basis in order to be raided hello we got picks bonus we got team T we've got ahead so where everything nope it's absolutely worthless but still cool was this raided by us no I thought we just broke into this we got like a half a box here with nothing inside it we've got a vault here okay so like we've got three boxes right here right these two boxes are done correctly you can't see anything look you can't get in there's no way of saying them you can't press buttons you can't shoot those buttons but then this box right here it kind of has a bit of an air bubble in so maybe it's actually possible to get into and I have a charge creeper I can everything just possible again - hello go on oh my god okay they're actually ending in it though that's the question mmm probably not knowing my luck nope nothing inside the box aw come on there must be something down here and this has already been raided by them but I don't think so I'm the first to come down here space is huge alright guys so new plan while I was exploring they were obviously deciding what they're gonna do and like obviously didn't messed up on how they're gonna get the I G's because that's obviously what we came here for and that's the mission for today is get those IDs out of those boxes box right there so they decided the current cabinet they have they're gonna get the skeletons with them instead I don't know where they are maybe they've already got them I'm not sure so they've already got the skeleton so at the moment they're building a one stacker to hopefully get di G's but right now we're breaking into a member's box so we'll see if we got anything here alright well shouldn't this box I hope there's something inside it oh that's a little bit overkill but it's all good right anything inside the box oh my god that was a lot of P 3 that's a lot of stuff on the ground oh my god we got prot 3 and we got like parts of stuff I'm just literally looking to see if we've got spawner is there the main things I'm gonna get over it and he good in chance that we got lying around here ancient charms and I'll take it open up in a second why not charms or charms can't can go wrong them lows as loads of stores basically just loads of stuff I wonder what's inside here oh wow well we've got she got like proper little chest covered up here raid sharp let's play some CEG's by tens eggs buy a flute and seal and let's see what we got inside here if we got I think there's probably enough in this item so you can get these by sagging them oh dude we got you got stuff TT oh I'm a ha I'm actually shocked I didn't think there'd be anything inside oh I just dropped a good sword I didn't actually think that'd be actually anything it's like more - dude it's it's filled with TMT oh oh it definitely is these are TMT stories chess 100% that one's real that one's filled is that more T&T in the floor here no that's armor and stuff oh my god there's so much stuff in the Florida we want to pick up okay I'm taking this back to the base hold holy smokes one sec okay let's see what else we got tell you put the snake down oh oh dude that guy just wait I can't why can I get there we go there we go guys Oh more T&T let's go full inventory take that back to the base this is just filled with tea and tea okay hang on you know blows up you got stand back buddy they don't know how to do it you got to stand back like this Morty oh my god yeah these are definitely definitely TNT storage HS let's blow up this one there we go stand back and click come on come on why can't I get there we go no you came out oh we're still GG nice oh yeah okay yeah we got a lot of TNT which we might be able to use in the one stacker to get their IDs which would be a dirty move but would be good I can definitely see why this base is worth 233 million oh my god every time I come back I just get another full inventory of TNT it's insane slash back again will my inventory fill up here we go just to prove how much dad she is no okay so our being rated or mostly is it's not be taking out no because I'll be taking out the chest oh my god tier t4 days this is actually really hard to ride because it's just constantly going back and forth I believe all those chests there you saw at the beginning we're all filled with TNT and we've just literally rated at all that's mad look at this and for once it's not instant trench ett it's real T okay so apparently the Gucci members logged online and they started mining the iron golems we were setting up a new cannon try and get them they managed to mind two of them are some Lightning and there's like two of them left that we're now just gonna try and protect them and see if we can get into my don't know if it's possible or not but see I just hope we can get sell my G's if not I guess it was still a very very good raid but the IG is really what we came here for it's a shame you ever set up the cannon didn't line it up correctly okay so someone was apparently trying to mind the endermans got killed open the boxes and we actually managed to get them so that's more value that we thought we weren't gonna get so even though we can't get the IDS well I don't think we're going for anymore we managed get the things are they opening the boxes one of the Gucci members literally tried to be sneaky open the boxes - bonus but he got killed just as he did it - we actually ended up getting the spawn as our actually safe and sound how much fun is that nice we just got about five million dollars in spawners all right I think that is all for the raid it is a massive shame that we did not get the IGS maybe next time I just would have loved to raid those I mean I've yet to raid those they're such restfulness to find and they're always in bases with like billions of walls and like just big massive faction bases like they're incredibly hard to rein people protect them with their lives but what we're doing right now is we're running around like crazy seeing will he open up another vault and see if we can catch him out and grab some more spores but I feel like after that horrible mistake he is not going to do that or maybe you will who knows so the server just restarted not long ago and Gucci are now worth a hundred and eighty four million before the grade they were worth two hundred and thirty three million so we have managed to raid a decent amount from them there's still the fifth richest faction but they have dropped along they dropped by we managed to raid 26 percent of their value like it might not sound like a lot but when the factions were up two hundred and thirty three million dollars it's frickin a lot it's just a freaking shame that we didn't get those iron golems warriors [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 287,320
Rating: 4.824811 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, creepersedge, kid friendly, minecraft funny, minecraft video, Minecraft base, minecraft raiding, as the RAREST spawners inside
Id: JF2zTpFovUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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