2056 Elegoo Neptune 4 Max - A First Look #elegoo #neptune

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[Music] hi everybody so in front of me I have elgu's latest offering in the fdm printer range now elu are a Chinese company who began in 2011 selling oh Arduino kits consumer electronics that kind of thing and it's my belief that a company's history really affects its um ethos and how it approaches its product of development and starting in what is uh perhaps one of the hardest Industries you can start in to satisfy people that is Arduino kits and electronics where the idea of support and sharing and good product are key to success it they really cut their teeth in perhaps the hardest way they could and they brought out their first filament printer I think it was in 2019 it was the Neptune one and it didn't look much different from every other 3D printer around there then they brought out the Neptune 2 which is still available and I believe that's about $160 or something like that and I got involved at the Neptune 3 only 11 months ago when they sent me Neptune 3 to review since then I've obviously been doing an awful lot of 3D printing because I'm not a worshipper of 3D printers what I want from the 3D printer is that it will well do the job it'll make stuff I can use without causing me a crit deal of pain worry stress and standing over it nursing it to do everything that I want it to do and these aligos really have fulfilled that need now as I say I've had what these allig for about 11 months we're coming up to the one-year review and we really haven't had that much in the way of issues with them and what issues we've had I've shared with you and that's in the eligo playlist so I found them to be excellent machines for the price point incredible and then really easy to set up and use which is of course exactly what I want I just want something that is a tool for me to do the job I wanted to do without me requiring an enormous tool set to do exactly the same job and these things fulfill that need it's astounding I think what you can actually create with these things one of the stories that I read about was this young lad who created a motor it's Robert Sanson he won a $75,000 prize for his innovation in switch reluctance Motors that were 3D printed and didn't use any rare e magnets places like the University of Sheffield are rethinking the electric motor with the Ed of filament printers jet engines have being printed with filament printers so these are well to quot the marketing of elu the essential tool for improving creativity and probably every engineering student up and down the country is wanting a filament printer because they are just so enabling for what it is we want to do study think about or explore and the issue with them have been speed they take a little while to print things now that's never been an issue for me I just set a print going and go and do something else the engagement time that is the time you stand over it is very short indeed but the print time is still long and what they've been doing is looking at bringing down that print time which is where the elu 4 series comes in and you're looking at things like uh 500 mm/ second so that's the top speed of this one using something like pla plus the set speed is 250 mm/s and you need to set that against 60 mm/s so speed is an issue and speed is one of the issues that this company is actually addressing and certainly on the Neptune 4 it's blistering in how fast it can print and I'm expecting the same thing from this kind of thing now I am by no means an expert I had no real contact with filament printing PRI to 11 months ago when I got that first printer but I found that it has changed my approach to these things if You' previously asked me I would have said no rubbish stick with the work room now if you ask me I would say this is an essential tool for moving you forward actually more quickly so although you can produce things individually more quickly by hand your contact time is actually longer so the contact time is much shorter the availability of tools is much better the space you use is much more reduced and the amount you can produce well it's just astonishing so 11 months I've had these things and I'm a convert and I can say that quite happily but I'm a convert to the use of them not a convert to the worship of them they are a tool to use and they're a very impressive tool indeed but I've yet to take this one out the box now like I said this is the mac daddy so the print bed is 420 mm X 420 mm by 480 mm and if you think about it that's half a meter cubed four of these I could print a washing machine that's amazing how big that is for the speed that it's got and of course it comes with other features but first things first let's get out of the box get it together and have a look at it okay and that's it out of the box and as I said the machine comes in two basic parts here's the bed and here's the support arm here for the print head itself and that's got four bolts that hold it on here now it's a large machine moving quickly and so they've given a couple of extra support bars that fasten on there to that bit to keep it a bit more stable and upright and this is the print head itself when we look at the reverse of the print head it's very uncluttered there's a hot end here now it's it's a 60 W all brass hot H with a ceramic heater underneath that rubber shoe right there the electronics is very clean and neat which is there and there's the front end of the print head with its cooling ports and it has a dual gear feed right here the sensor isn't integral to this there's a filament feed sensor to tell you when the filament's running out and that's usually at the top of the eligo and it's the same here and that's a real benefit because you can actually see when the filament is running out and there's something to hold it when it does run out this has a um pause function as well so you just press the pause change the filament and carry on and it also has a recovery from Power outs now we did get a power out here about 6 months ago and all of the machines recovered beautifully so I'm expecting this one to do exactly the same thing okay let's bolt a few pieces together so I do get a bit carried away with these things wanted to get to the machine and get it working as it were but the things like the packaging and the boxing of important and the packaging is really substantial so this thing arrives as no damage good strong strong cardboard box lots of foam filling very well packed okay and that's it set up and it really did take 20 minutes and I haven't bothered to do it because it'd be padding it for no good reason it comes with a manual it's half a dozen screws pretty pictures in the manual and you'll be set up in the same time or no time at all now it is the biggest one that they currently have it's their brand new product although they have released something called the Orange storm Giga and that's 800 by 800 by one met and it's there offering into the industrial side of things but who wouldn't want to get the hands on that but this one at 420 by 420 by 480 is a very impressive machine and it's along that Neptune lines so the look is the same the build quality is same the ease of putting together is the same and we're going to find out about the ease of use but I'm strongly suspecting it'll be same the same now this comes with the same connectivity that is as a USB port at the front there's a a network cable here and it has this Edition which I have yet to fit it has a Wi-Fi card as well and this little addition goes on the side there and we should be able to find that on our Wi-Fi and connect that through Wi-Fi as well so the connectivity is really great so this is a brand new machine I mean it goes on pre-sale uh this Saturday 23rd of September but it's currently only available for review and I'm lucky enough to get a hold of one now in terms of the build quality the thought of the design process it it's really up there it's on par with all of the other elu machines that I've had and reviewed and I've had no problems really with the eligo stuff so I'm quite excited to get this going and to um use it in a real way but first let's finish that setup stuff now put it next to the Max 3 so this is the max 3 this one's the max 4 the new one we've got three jobs we need to do we need to level the bed we need to connect the Wi-Fi and we need to load some filament and although it sounds like three difficult jobs actually they're three really easy jobs this leveling the bed has two parts to it there's a manual setup and then the automatic leveling setup manual setup is done with these three knobs underneath here there's three on the right and three on the left all you do is go into the screen and press level okay so the screen's a capacitive touch screen and you can see there are four controls print prepare settings and level and we want level when you go to level it ask you to confirm you want to do that and then it takes a second to heat up and the next screen that we're presented with is this one and what we want is auxiliary so you press auxiliary confirm and you will get this display here once it's gone to home we're going to press these points here one 2 3 4 5 and six and that will take the head to the position marked by the number and what you need for this is a very technical tool a piece of paper I'm going to press six because that will be that one there and when it's there you take your piece of paper and try to slide it under if you can slide it under brilliant if you can't this knob needs adjust and you injust a knob by turning it that way which will loosen off and that means that the bed which is on a pivot point in the center will go up and it will get tighter if you tighten it up which is that way that will pull the bed down down and then you can slide the piece of paper underneath then you loosen it off until it just grips and then we repeat that with all of the other points when you've done that pressed home then you exit the assisted level it will ask you to confirm and it will automattic ically go to the automatic leveling heat the bed and test the bed level at 121 points and you just wait for that to finish once leveling is completed it will automatically pull up the screen asking you to confirm and warning you about the Zed offset we go back to this screen and we can see what the Z offset is so right there what you do is exactly the same Tri Tri we take a piece of A4 paper and try to slide it under the head if it won't slide under then it's too low if it slides under but too loose then you need to lower it and we do that by pressing these up and down buttons this is the amount that it'll move it by so if I press that and down it'll move it by a millimeter .1 of a millimeter a 01 of a millim as it happens that paper was quite good so down 01 of the and test the paper until you get a tight well a bit of resistance on the paper and then you're ready to go when you've done that press the back arrow confirm and it will save your data and return you back to the input screen now then the next thing we need to do is connect the Wi-Fi and for that we go into the settings and you can see wireless land now for a while eligo didn't have Wi-Fi settings and you could modify the um Pro 4 to make it work on a Wi-Fi and I did have a look at that but it was such a lot of trouble it was unbelievable on this one we just press the Wi-Fi button and it will find the Wi-Fi network there's my Wi-Fi network and if I don't have it then I click on it to connect it it will pull it up and ask you to enter there you go now I need to enter the Wi-Fi password which I'm not going to do because that's not my Wi-Fi and when I've entered the Wi-Fi code back to the men's screen and that's all there is to Wi-Fi setup with this which is pretty cool when you think about it the last thing to do is load some filament and it's done exactly the same way in all of these machines put a roll of filament up there on the filament holder feed it through the filament sensor and bring it down to the print head to load it press this little lever here here take your filament and shove it right in don't be shy keep shoving until you feel the resistance when the filaments at the print head press prepare extruder and then load when you press load it'll warm up the print head and it'll begin the gear which will load it little gear on the top will start to turn and you'll get a little stream of plastic coming out the bottom there there you go that is the filament loaded and that's it all set up and ready to go now I'm pretty Keen to give it a go but that's quite a lot of information and so we're probably going to be doing prints as we go so there'll be more videos on this when we're doing prints on it and I'm quite Keen to find out what the speed difference actually is which is why I set it up next to the max 3 and the max 4 we can do a speed test and see how different they are now the software comes in a little baggie and there's a couple of spares there a spare nozzle and a spare feed tube ELO always do that actually this will be a modified Cura it's elegu Cura we've used it before in many of the other videos and I've done videos on how to use Cura and it won't be any different it'll just be find this machine and click install and then you'll use it just like you used Cura so if you're interested in using Cura at this basic level remember everything I do is pretty much at a basic level because I'm only interested in getting the thing to work and do the stuff I want it to do that's what I'm really interested in so the machine side of things is all very basic but luckily elu is made for idiots like me it's so easy to actually get up and run with it and make something well really from the day you get it I mean this has taken me I think an hour all told and that includes doing the video for you guys so I hope you enjoyed this video thank you very much for watching look out for more on the max 4 and please do remember to like And subscribe
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 23,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elegoo, neptune, max, robert, fwg, tnt
Id: sxUpwEurKkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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