Elegoo Neptune 4 PLUS Fast 3D Printer UNBOXING

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wa I think I'm I think I'm live is it the uh let me see what the audio is coming through as uh cool zv1 let me pull up the chat here as well uh starting a few minutes late give me a second can we see can we see can we see is it streaming is it streaming is it streaming I can't honestly tell it looks like it's black is it black to everybody else hold on reboting hey are you guys able to see me is this coming through can you hear me hello from Sweden hello yeah no glass this time [Music] um Dragon hello fellow Clayton um let me make sure I'm not flashing my shipping address anywhere here um yeah loud and clear perfect perfect perfect listen I am was so excited to do a live stream I was going to be doing obviously this we're going to be doing we're going to be doing this here um what I was really excited to try out and get working uh I bought these tiny look at this look at this little it's like a little camera it looks like a little movie camera and what this is is is it's a wireless streaming camera that can do 1080p streaming uh connects to your mobile phone it has I have three of them so that I can dool like a top down straight on like this or maybe at an angle or I can handhold one move it around for you guys has mics built into it I'm sure the audio is horrible on these things but uh oh actually you can even F I didn't realize that you could potentially Focus this I don't know if they're actually focusing or not but um the problem is they suck yeah I I this was a Kickstarter campaign it's the first Kickstarter project where I ever feel like I've gotten kind of scammed on so um yeah I'll be doing a full video on these I'm going to give it some more tests and see if I can get it up and running I uh recently joined their Discord or a bunch of users that I've also purchased these lots of issues with it and that's uh you know I got the product the product looks great the build quality is amazing on this but it it comes down to actually being able to use it and you can't get it to connect and display the feed and I don't know it's uh it was weird I you know I had a option in the app to connect this directly to my YouTube channel but yeah I'm not I'm not doing that I I'll connect this to my computer and go through OBS I'm not whatever this app is I'm not giving them like my key token key to the to my YouTube channel hey everybody um yeah we are not doing a giveaway sorry the the folks over at eligo have been uh everybody like in China's on uh like holiday for the next or for the past 10 days I think they're back this week so this literally just showed up so I figured let's unbox it together and it's Friday evening I don't have anything better to do so let's get this thing unboxed and set up and see if we can get a print going on it I have a print that just finished on the Neptune 4 Max which I'm excited to show trying to get a video going for that uh the the challenge that I'm having with that machine is that it's so big everything even though it prints fast I'm still printing big things and it still takes you know a good amount of time for these things to print because it's a it's a big a big Hefty machine uh IU stop man uh yeah also nice try thanks brother um also I wanted to quickly say thank you to everybody that joined the other night when I did the um when I did the streaming with with pooch rep cord when we were here the other night and some of you folks were way too generous and totally did not need to do that but donated a bunch to me to get some actual proper tools and it just so happens that I have a uh a you know one of the the rotary sawce here not rotary saw what is this uh I can't remember the name of this thing off top of my head here but it the uh I got a like a big DeWalt kit and I'm amazed the like the big thing that was to me is every time I go to use the drill it's like insane how much more powerful it is compared to the drill that I've had for years now that you know the battery lasts maybe 15 minutes at best 20 minutes maybe on a good day the DeWalt man it's just insane how powerful that drill is it's just ridiculous absolutely ridiculous putting this away before I hurt myself I will not be I will not be power uh Power tooling and streaming that's for sure I don't pay enough attention as it is here uh yeah a re a re re reciprocating saw thank you a rip saw um yeah the uh Derek debating on ordering this I'm very excited about the Neptune 4 plus I'm actually potentially more excited about the plus than I am the Max uh the plus is like build volume wise is perfect for just about every single helmet that you're going to want to print uh the max is uh just like the three max the the challenge with the three max is it's so huge and finding a spot for it like a proper spot for it so the only place I've been able to find for the three max is on the ground I don't have a shelf big enough to support it but the plus it's a perfect perfect size so we'll get we'll get running with this here um uh yeah yeah I'm not Jeff I'm not GNA definitely not going to be using the saw to open this even though I did I post that thumbnail I can't remember what my thumbnail was for the stream I had a thumbnail where I was using the saw on not using it but acting like I was going to use it um let me put the the the Shady Kickstarter cameras away and we will unbox this uh I'm still very bitter about those cameras I have faith that in due time maybe the software will be updated where it will properly support but yeah this this is the uh the Neptune 4 plus which if you're confused on the many different eligo printers which I think a lot of folks are because there's so many different ones coming out here continuously that uh this is the newest iteration so the four series of printers are the faster bed Slingers so this is still the bed Slinger design which meaning the the bed is going to move back front to back here and this should allow you to print some fairly large things things pretty quickly here compared to the version 3s of the three printers as well as they're pretty dang affordable for what you're getting here so I'm excited to get this out of the box and get something unboxed here and up and running with y'all uh this one did not have a bunch of filament attached to it I did get a whole oh hold on hold on hold on uh I have something really cool to show you so so elu sent me some of their new Fast PLA and they have a new Green for their rapid PLA and I am loving how vibrant this green is a lot of the green filaments that are out there are uh like a not like a a dull green almost this is almost a neon green so it's it's it's a fantastic vibrant green and just loving this I hope I hope they make some more colors like this and uh yeah excited to check them out um but those those faster plas are supposed to be designed to print better with a lot of these new Fast 3D printers that everybody's rolling out with here so of course I don't have my garbage can next to me I'm so not prepared um but yeah we got some basic instructions I've got the manual here that I'll be going through some mounting stuff here this I mean this should be fairly similar to the four Max in terms of all of the different things that are on there um and then uh here is the fan system so I know this is a lot of people were curious about the Neptune 3 Max as well so on the excuse me the Neptune 4 Max as well uh so here on the four plus and then the four Max it's just two large fans versus the Neptune 4 and the Neptune 4 Pro which have four smaller fans on the back there so this helps uh everything just printing in order here um yeah how long ago did you order the Neptune 4 plus yeah I did I didn't order if you didn't know or didn't see this is a a sponsored stream by eligo they uh kindly send me some cool stuff to show off to everybody and uh I like to print some cool stuff with it and uh oh my goodness this is crazy packed in here hold on there's one thing that these you know companies like elu have gotten so good with packing their 3D printers and these compact boxes okay so here's the vertical frame that we'll be installing keep in mind uh I talk a lot cuz I'm on stream here with you guys and trying to rehat and whatnot so it'll take me a good bit longer to install this than it normally would for yourself when you're just standing there and plugging away at this so This should hopefully we'll hopefully get this done relatively quickly because I want to get a print going unlike the last Neptune stream we did where I wasn't able to get a print going for this let's see I've got a control unit here as well oh and I need to pop the chat out here um can anybody recommend does anybody hear the chat do live streaming or know of live streaming and have suggestions on um is there like a chat application that I could be using to better see the YouTube chat or do I just use the builtin chat there can I test how loud the fans are oh we will be checking out how loud the fans are I'm sure they're going to be pretty pretty loud but but there was actually uh on the Neptune 4 Max there is uh non-advertised are some cool things like input shaping so on the table here I was able to run those tests to help reduce some of the sounds that are coming from the 3D printer as it's printing uh I believe after doing a firmware update as well it also took care of some of the fan noise like it it's it's still loud but it didn't seem as loud but I could be entirely wrong um yeah Jeff in the chat here uh will uh knows knows more about all that he actually helped me with the firmware update which is cool um hold on let me pop this chat out here YouTube chat is kind of rough yeah man YouTube chat is very rough and I'm just dealing with you know I don't have anything special in here I'm just popping this out so I can zoom in and see it a little bit better larger on screen let me just do the Chris what up dude thanks for joining the other night actually I see a bunch of names in here that were on here the other night thank you guys yeah I I I am so happy so I went out the next day after the other stream with pooch and uh found an amazing DeWalt kit of tools and purchased that and used those donations so thank you all for everybody that donated for that was totally not necessary but went a little above and beyond what was donated and got a crazy kit of seven tools two batteries the charger um I was really on the hunt for one that had the uh orbital sander as well since I'm always doing a bunch of sanding and I've never had a hand like not a handsfree a battery sander I've always been you know tethered by a power cord so I I'm excited about that and itself so uh yeah the the what's cool about the plus is so it's obviously it's it's bigger than the standard Neptune 4 but it's much more manageable I can easily fit this on the table here I can angle this if I want to my table is 2T deep or 24 in and can angle this a bunch of different ways I can move it forward move it back the uh bed's going to obviously slide forward and back a bit here uh I do not have my ruler over here I'm doing a bunch of construction work in one of the other rooms so uh apologies on that so I can't get the measurements for you guys here off off hand um uh how big of a table do you need for the printer being stable and how much free space do you need to be not be blocked yeah I mean it's uh it's about this wide I don't I'm sorry apologies maybe once I get this set up I'll uh maybe I'll run to the other room and grab the the uh the the ruler that I have not ruler measuring tape and we'll get that we'll get it properly measured out here and see how just how long this is uh who makes my table my table is a Home Depot um I think it's a husky a husky table and it's adjust it's got legs that are height adjustable and I've got it up to almost the highest option because I like my tables to be kind of waist high when I'm making videos but you know obviously not necessary for everyday use but it's pretty nice to have it Up Up High um you know I'll deal with this here just a second I'm just trying to get some of these things going um but it is Friday night and I'm super excited I am after this stream is over I'm going to be heading home and watching the latest Loki episode that just dropped Loki season 2 with my sun we are super excited about that so we have been waiting and excited to catch that tonight um what is about the this wide and eligo per Uncle Jesse squared uh the what the what oh no uh uh Rick St I don't know I don't I Rick I don't know if I saw the uh the other video but I'll I'll I'll be on the lookout for it and see uh Dave thank you for posting the dimensions of the Neptune 4 plus uh I should have the give me one second here you know what I should do is uh also do this um hold on hold on link I have to you know legalities here I'm supposed to pen these things as well there we go so if you're interested in the Neptune 4 plus I just pinned a link in the chat and uh yeah I need to check on this as well because I cannot remember yeah it's 320 uh 320 by 320 on the X and Y and uh 385 vertically again I think just like the Neptune 4 Max we're losing a little bit of the vertical height because of the larger potentially the larger extruder or maybe the fans I'm I'm not entirely sure the reasoning uh but it is slightly shorter than the Neptune 3 versions of those printers so uh let's just get through we got our bags of tools here that I'm going to open up here I'm trying to I can't believe I did not bring my garbage can over and it's in the other room and wasn't thinking oh nice okay so uh this also has Wi-Fi built into it and I'm assuming it's going to function the exact same as the Neptune 3 Max one thing that I feel like eligo has not mentioned that is such an amazing feature of the Neptune 4 excuse me the Neptune 4 Max uh and the Neptune I'm assuming it's going to be the same on the Neptune 4 plus here is the Wi-Fi connectivity it's super easy to set up so I connect it to my my network here it's just like select what network type in the password it's going to give you your IP address you go onto your computer type in the IP address and you get the whole Clipper interface there and it is so fast to upload files directly from uh from your computer to the printer I'm kind of in awe of how fast it is able to upload and I wish a lot of the other 3D printers that I have that have Wi-Fi and network connectivity would actually transfer that fast because some of these files I mean you're printing big things and they're going to generate really large G-Code files like 200 plus meg G-Code files potentially and I want those to be able to transfer relatively quickly here so and they it does a fantastic job so far with that um um let me pull this up hey STL Denise hello it was great seeing you at Earth and I see Three Musketeers isn't in here wait is p Pooch isn't in here uh Nero Hey Oh See You Nero I see you goodbye it was great seeing you um you mentioned how bad the hen is when the hen didn't break in front you broke the door with your Inc confidence stop saying it's bad design when it's not thank you Primus yeah yeah and uh just to let you know they sent me a whole another machine that I also received today so uh we'll play around with that one here maybe next week but I yeah this is the filament run out sensor I've got a little dinky thing uh pla here um I mean those little dinky ones appeal it's good for like the little buddha I'm guessing um we got an extra nozzle little PTFE tube there that's going to go on the hot end our little USB stick it's probably got some files and an install I'm assuming it has a video on there I just kind of follow the instructions here and get these assembled and then all of our labeled bolts and tools I'm very happy with how far we've come in the past handful of years when it comes to a 3D printer assembly and everything being just properly labeled in individually baggy here it just makes your life significantly easier when it comes to installing things cheuck but pants on the dummy Chuck I am at this point never going to put pants on the dummy because it always is a Hot Topic and uh I will let you guys in on a little secret every time someone comments in a YouTube video about the pants or no pants or lack thereof pants it's engagement and I love it I love it but seriously I I I keep saying I'm going to throw my old uh Magneto costume on this guy or build something else for him I originally was making a um uh a Dr Doom set of armor I was going to slap it on there but I need to do something there trog door you this great content now get the tools TR I I did thank you thank you thank you thank you I um I ended up going with a DeWalt set the milwa I was going to get Milwaukee I don't know how you people afford milwauke Walky tools those things are insanely expensive and if one of these things break broke break broke uh or I lost it or I don't know left it outside in the R I would feel horrible Dall at least is you know pretty good but not uh not going to break my break break my bank here oh wait is this uh is this the old it is the old chat I'm looking at the wrong chat that was the chat from the other thing oh my goodness you got guys I am going crazy here I am going crazy um do you know what I was just doing I had the old chat up so I was reading old chat I was wondering why it wasn't moving oh my gosh uh Rick uh sorry I just rolled back up I'm gonna I will do a search for the Uncle Jesse Meme and and see if I can find that all right let's uh let's get going with this let's get going with this before my my camera overheats which apparently I should have done more research into on the Sony side of cameras before purchasing this one um but my camera that I'm using it overheats after like an hour of use so yeah man ditto the Milwaukee stuff is just insane I don't know like how people I want to say how people afford that it's that's some that's some crazy uh Financial spending there for for some tools a thanks Jeff man I can't believe I was just reading the wrong chat I had the chat open from the last stream my goodness my goodness and to think I made a coffee before uh starting this year hey uh I've mentioned it before I think I learned this from Joel the 3D printing nerd when assembling a printer stick the one half off your table and you can e more easily get up under to put those bolts in it uh makes your life a slightly easier slightly easier all right let me not tighten that okay spin this around spin this around I'm going to try not to break this this printer by the way I have uh had a streak of printer luck oh you know what I'm going to do okay we did this the last time with the Neptune 4 Max and because I just turned it on the side here on this side of the printer is the is the voltage switch and I am I have official no man I need my phone I need the flashlight I can't see if I switched it or not I what I think's happening is yeah man I can't I can't get it to flip it's it's like it's it's flipping plastic it's uh like it's skipping over the plastic lip and i' I've got to stick the tool in the hole to to flip the switch um there we go all right the trick is you got to use a smaller Allen Wren like a thinner allen wrench to get in there and then there's like a little slot a little Notch and you can pop it over all right confirm in that I've switched that to 115 because I am here State side and that's how we roll that is how we roll um does it come with spacers that you can replace the adjustment Wheels um there are the there there are the six wheel adjustable wheels on this as well so just like on the max had the adjustable Wheels uh so you are going to manually level it first and then do the auto leveling which has worked I've only leveled it the one time which was on the live stream and I've yet to level it again so that's uh that's worked out really well on my end for my 4 Max um let's get these installed again we can get moving on here um hello hello [Music] hello did just see what was that yeah I did make sure the switch was labeled I got that I I do I I've gotta got to get in there with the flashlight and and flip that on there yeah I could get some chaps for the mannequin I I keep saying I'm going to do like a maybe I'll go into a nomad and design a a leaf or something for it we uh we'll do something we'll do something I did see over on one of the Facebook groups um someone had has designed a life-size articulating action figure mannequin so it's got all the joints so that you can pose your mannequin you can probably expect me to be printing that at some point here soon well you know after I get to the Magneto statue which I'll be I'll be starting back up on that I'll be starting back up on that once I get caught up with everything once I get caught up with everything Magneto statue should be like the top priority of things thank you everybody do a spawn cosplay man I love me some spawn I was really hoping that we would get that Spawn movie there was a you know there was rumors I think that Jamie Fox was going to be involved and it was going to be like a really dark mysterious version with spawn which would have been really cool oh my gosh okay this is definitely a good good bit lighter than the for Max as well oh thank you uh David for emailing me about the Sony camera okay um let's get the yeah so I did just like the three max or four Max I I skipped the installation steps I installed the frame first before installing the the hotend I find that to be a little bit easier here the whole extruder assembly process is slightly easier once I have a place to actually Mount this to so I can move this here we need the PM 38 PM 38 PM PM 38 that sounds like fun project a life-size J he has Magneto yes I could get behind that that thing is never happening I swear the Magneto statue will come back at some point here I get so sidetracked with projects it's it's a little scary oh my God Phil uh yes so um shoot who was that that had the so at Earth someone had a Fallout pow suit statue and I thought it was just a statue like fully 3D printed I think they said it take took like some ridiculous amount like 70 spools of filament or something I can't remember uh but it was amazing what was even crazier is you could remove the front panels of it and it's actually wearable the guy that made it could actually wear it and I can't for the life of a me remember who that was if somebody remembers please uh mention that in the profile uh comments here um yeah someone release some linear rails for the Neptune 4 I'm wondering if like I'm still wondering I haven't heard anything you they had the Neptune X right if they were going to do that at some point here um okay so let me pay attention for two seconds to make sure I am installing this correctly this is a very important step a very important step okay and then this goes like this this goes like this this goes like this I've already installed this once you'd think I'd know how to do this right let's go for the bottom the bottom mount [Music] okay did I get that I got it boom that's the way we do it hello hello um okay so yeah I actually have a very very specific print I need to get going this evening on this so I'm hoping we can get this set up and running so I can get this print going tonight because I need it for the 4 Max it was a I had a print that needed a few parts or two parts specifically and I kind of want to print one of them here off of the four plus the a smaller part um my muscle memory yeah man I getting old folks I can't remember these things so well um thankfully these are all pretty straightforward assemblies um except for when you can't remember where things go uh and I also have not confirm but there's usually a video they have like an assembly video that eligo does on the uh SD cards as well which are great to walk through they normally post those on YouTube as well in case you for whatever reason might have deleted what was on the SD card um it also should come with a copy of elu Kura cira cira Kura cira and um have some profiles baked in for you to start with for these machines um you can also use those as starting points to copy over and into other slicers if you don't like using cira like this guy um which is what I've done as well so and I know um because I was talking to Jeff was mentioning Orca slicer I have installed that as of yesterday so I'm going to start playing around with Orca slicer and look into to start making some profiles with that because I really like the layout of that and find it really easy to work with even compared to prusa slicer uh which at times I find a little wonky and there's definitely a few things in Orca slicer when it comes to laying out files and how things are arranged just finding it a little bit easier to work with um okay and oh by the way and I think uh when I downloaded Orca slicer I saw that there are already Neptune four Pro profiles that you can start with which is exciting so I haven't tried those out but I'm going to test them out compared to my other profiles that I have that I have on my patreon for uh my patreon members for the Neptune 4 uh 4 Pro it's actually just one in the same but the uh excited to see how those compare and maybe I'll build out a pro my profile on Orca slicer um I'm not saying I installed this wrong but I installed it wrong Orca slicer flow calibration is great thank you I will take a look at that is that where uh is that the little line test that I think I've seen people post about before where it prints the like different rows of filament of the filament and then you can compare them to see which one had the best that's got to be it yeah that sounds like a flow calibration test to me um oh the other thing that I wanted to do is so I've got my all of my printers on these like heavy duty shop shelves in here that people use for storage [Music] and I think I'm going to go to all of my Neptune printers and remove the side plates and look into printing something that I can just Mount this on the front like on the front of my workbench or the the shelves so it takes up less horizontal space for the for the printers not that this takes up too much space but it'll be like any any extra room I can find here in the shop I'm especially when it comes to having multiple printers next to each other is a good thing okay that's good and then I can put the little WiFi dongle on there in a second I'll take this off I didn't even take my time with that I just ripped that sucker off okay yeah put some magnets on the shelves I I mean right it's one big magnet on the back there right that's probably all I need to do that just no it's not yeah you're right I just need to put a magnet on there the magnet's in the in the holder not in the case um all right so let me try and is it this one yeah it's this one oh look at that I can actually you guys can't see it sorry I'm screwing in the wifi adapter here actually I was able to almost do that with my hand that's was a lot easier than the last time is that I can't tell if that's this just spin spins can't tell if this is going to ever tighten I feel like I've all right there we go it does okay cool um can I compare the later plus and Max to see the real difference yeah I actually this evening um I have a oh well it's going to be a little difficult for me I should say because the default that the the four like all of the Neptunes come with as a04 nozzle including the four plus and the four Max come with with A4 nozzle on there on my three Max and my 3 plus I've swapped out the four point4 nozzle for a 6 nozzle and I'm not going to swap them back because I'm too lazy but I will do a print compare uh I will spoiler alert let you know that even with a 6 nozzle on the Neptune 3 machines they're printing faster than excuse me the Neptune 4S are printing faster than my Neptune 3s with a point 6 man why was that so that was so hard for me to say get my my mind wrapped around So the faster machines are indeed faster even though they have a smaller nozzle diameter they're still able to print faster than the the machines that I have with the larger diameter nozzles um and uh just cranking out prints there so I void warranties with four Pro does not have level Wheels I don't know what that was but cool oh no yeah moving is not fun okay so I've got the Wi-Fi installed this is installed let's install the spool handle here oh my God this is so much easier on the Neptune 4 Max is a little when you have it up on a table it's a it's a little higher up so a little bit more difficult to to get to let's see here um that was that this is what am I looking for here the 418 the 48 418 okay and then we'll get this we're we're close to getting this thing going here oh man I was hoping this had the drawer in the front it doesn't the uh the Neptune 4 Max has a nice big drawer in the front for storing all your goodies extra nozzles your tools dropping bolts on the tabletop here uh yeah too bad you can't upload I I've uh I've wondered that is like it would be great to be able to upload pictures to this but I could see how that could very quickly become a uh an issue an unmanageable issue of bad things being posted all right let me see if I can line this up no no okay nope there we go sorry folks this is the boring part me uh bolting stuff stuff down and having to pay attention to that uh ooh faculty D20 I need to check that out I love me a good Millennium Falcon um oh so here's something random for y'all that I'm excited to hopefully show off in the next week or so I am picking up I'm going picking up a a quest three next Tuesday I think it's next Tuesday when it come out the 10th and uh getting back into or getting uh trying it back out with VR 3D modeling so uh I was I've got the quest two and it's good and it works really well especially when you have it plugged into a computer and you're using some of the the 3D modeling applications from your computer that are powering it uh directly to the VR headset but it uh it's it's like the vision on the Quest 2 I was getting really nauseous really easily where if I wasn't exactly focused Straight Ahead everything else was kind of blurry and I've heard that the quest 3 is the like the peripheral peripheral view is a lot better on that it's a just a lot clearer on that so I'm I'm looking forward to to trying that out uh where's my Earth vid I have not had a chance to edit anything I've had Pooch Pooch just left yesterday and uh so that was the first evening that I was able to like just relax and hang out with the family and stuff so uh hopefully this weekend I'm going to try and crank something out maybe tomorrow I'll get that edited and up on Sunday uh which will be really fun but I do have a bunch of Clips on there I realized on the drive home that I never recorded a proper like ending to the video so I need to record something here uh I've just got a lot of Random clips from from the show but it was such an awesome such an awesome show and uh was really excited to see everybody and I'm still upset that I didn't get upstairs to see a lot of the cool maker projects that were upstairs um let me plug this in let's get this let's get all this wired up here can remember that go over no it goes under under and in like so man I need to I need to lower this just slightly okay let's get this is powered on and going sorry for the horrible angle here for you guys for you for you all for you all let me plug that into there like so and then I was oh my gosh I was almost again wondering where does this cable where does this cable go and it goes to the fan it goes to the fan I just haven't installed the fan yet so I need to wait and install the fan and um that will be good that will be good okay and then I should install this as well um how did I do this again there we go I put that in backwards that's how that's how we do things backwards okay I was also informed that I I'm supposed to be using the taped section for this but uh you know we we do things differently here we do things a little rogue oh yeah Jeff um uh it will actually be interesting to see I'm I'm interested to see how like if this machine if this unit comes with it as well um so on the Neptune 4 Max I'll explain this in my video as well that I uh hopefully will have I wanted to have it this weekend but I want to get some more prints done so it'll probably be early next week the Neptune 4 Max video maybe Tuesday Wednesday um but the when I initially got it and had everything printing when it was doing the Homing there are no uh there's no sensors on the bed so it's not detecting anything like where to stop or when it's homing left to right here normally there's a little uh Z like a little stoper a sensor there and there's not and so what it's doing is inside the Clipper functionality it can detect the uh the force or whatever it is like that it's that it's that it's hitting something and then it should stop and that it's it's homed uh but what was happening was you you'd hear it grinding for a split second and then it would stop and that's where the firmware update came into play that immediately took care of that where it's it's no longer on my Max making any of the the uh the noise there so that was a that was a fun one to to find out at first cuz I was like this doesn't sound normal it's shouldn't be grinding like that so uh yeah there was a firmware update that was needed on that so hopefully before these are all officially shipping out they'll have those firmware updates already on the on the machines and we'll we'll find out here very quickly if this is the same thing on the Neptune 4 plus all right so I need to install the rods it's great that these come with the rods as well um so these are the 48 rods here I need the longer and the shorter shorter up top hi yeah it's it's it's an interesting I mean that's the fir I want to say it's the first time that I've used a printer that's like that but I uh honestly I could be wrong I'm sometimes I'm just not paying attention to what uh what all the functionality is that's on some of the machines that are floating around out there um and again I'm not too familiar with the whole still not too familiar with the whole Clipper thing I know how to now send my files to the printer start jobs from the printer uh how to level the bed from the or excuse me from the from my computer um so there's all sorts of fun crazy things that you can do in that that interface um but one of the cool things was again it had the input shaping so it was doing like a little it does the vibration tests on your Neptune printer um let's see all right trying to quickly get through this what time is it 53 man we need get to the print I'm doing too much yapping here too much yapping okay that is in tighten this [Music] down okay that is good and then put the fan on 450 it's got to be the on that has the here we go I was like there's got to be this one there's no other no other screws left that that got this and then should be straight into here like so I mean it's a pretty straightforward assembly especially if you're not talking the whole time um oops I swear man I never I I never get the right key okay there is one and there is two there is three okay and then we can plug this last Cable in up top just joking why is that not plugging in there we go okay and then how's the bed o there's a nice solid heated pad on the bottom here as well man that is nice um is that on all the other Neptune printers is it just me am I just noticing this for the first time this has like a really nice padded heated pad insulation on the bottom here I don't think the other Neptune printers have that maybe the four Max does and I just didn't never noticed it all right let's get this thing plugged in and fired up uh how we doing Wheels that's a little loose bed is not wobbly that's not wobbly how's the belts that's good I'll maybe tighten that a little bit sounds good I think we're good all right let's plug this in and get it fired up yeah it's on the four Max yeah it's my for Max is across the room on the ground it finished a print as we were starting this stream up all right let me plug all this stuff back in here garbage oh I need this as well okay the Neptune 3 has it as well yeah I wasn't like it just feels like it's like extra seems like a really thick heated pad under there I am going to confirm this I will look into this and see because I do not feel like the Neptune 3s have something like that that okay uh system is good let's do a little preheat thing double check if that's working all right by the way so let me see it's it is doing it so the other crazy thing about the Neptune 4 Max that's also the same here on the Neptune 4 plus is I just set hit preheat and I'm already at 110 12 130 the heat up for the for the hot end is so much faster than the older Neptune printers this is that's incredible it's uh 180 190 200 just it just goes so fast I love that I love that all right let's uh oh shoot I need to level the bed first things first I should probably level the bed confirm I'm not going to do my normal Titan the wheels down even though I probably should it's good okay sorry I was just looking into things here um yeah I mean it's it's uh it's crazy quick how fast that heats up compared to the other Neptune printers I mean I know there's other machines out there that have similar functionality it's just awesome to see it on a budget machine like this that's not $1,000 um the Neptune 3 Pro does not have the padded bed Dave thank you um I would like an elu phone uh hello yes uh uhhuh I need at least two pizzas in an order of wings um okay let's see let's do the manual bed leveling hold I don't have my piece of paper here anymore my leveling my leveling instruction paper here is actually my Loki uh assembly crowns so the horn crowns this is uh for when people buy those off of etsy here is a way that explains how to assemble them or at least uh finish them if you're interested in sanding painting and all that other good stuff with them so yeah let's do the leveling here let's go to front corner uh what's on the table oh spool table uh spool holder thank you yeah I would have I would have noticed that I would have eventually notice that I do not like how much slack that had there let me adjust that okay I have been 3D printing for many a years now and I still to this day have trouble remembering what direction I need to spin the the little wheels in uh no I have not I'm watching it after this stream I'm going home and watching it with my son we are super excited to watch some new Loki I am very excited I have like stayed off of tick Tik Tok I love Tik Tok but is the absolute worst because immediately spoilers will be everywhere for movies and shows there we go right a a wire that was getting caught okay so I'll do a quick uh yeah I know you know I I would you'd figure I just remember the Motions of how these are supposed to slide but no oh also I did get a new new I saw Chuck helc chep at Earth and he gave me one of his new e- levelers so I should try that out with one of these when it comes to the manual leveling process here but I mean when it comes to these you're just kind of it doesn't have to be pinpoint accurate you just need it somewhat level hey no worries man thanks for dropping by uh okay that's good that the auto level is 121 points dear Lord that uh we'll have to test and see how long that takes is that pre or post is that on this firmware on the release from where 121 points that's some that's some excellent data there we go I'm going the wrong way there we go I mean is this what you guys plan on doing this Friday and watching some guy use a piece of paper to level his bed I swear you buil that for two second okay this is good let's go into confirm I mean it did it did just home there for Jeff it HED for a second and it did make the little it it uh it's it's much better than my Max was so well there we go it did it did it again there there so it it maybe it does need the firmware update so it's it's like it's like a slight grinding that you'll hear there but after that firmware update it it's like a super soft it's it's almost like it just senses a very slight yeah all right so it's going to do the whole leveling thing um yeah this is the Neptune 4 plus which is up for pre-order over on elgu's website uh there's a a a link pinned in the comments here if you're interested in that which is also an affiliate link that helps out the channel here thank you helps put a little food on the table so to speak and it is 100 in 21 points of leveling that it's going to go through it's pretty quick we're already at that's 11 right there so it should only take a minute or two maybe three uh but yeah it's $350 the build volume for this is 320x 320x 385 mm High uh LED lights built into this both on the top and the side uh it has ethernet capability here so you can plug this in and manage it that way or Wi-Fi and again I mentioned this at the beginning of the stream my Neptune 4 Max the Wi-Fi setup on this thing is stupidly easy you pick which network you enter in the password that's it it gives you an IP address jump on your computer type in the browser that IP address and you get access to the printer via the Clipper interface and uh for me sending so I can slice my files in whatever slicer I'm using generates a G-Code file and then I can upload it directly to the printer and it's like seconds it's honestly amazing that is in itself just stupidly awesome that you'll definitely be here talk a good bit about on the video for the Neptune 4 Max uh earlier next week um so let's see [Music] here um hello [Music] hello oh thanks Jeff Jeff get in there and appreciate yes it is running Clipper um I don't know offand which iteration of clipper I honestly am not the person you want to talk talk to about Clipper I barely know what I'm doing here yes yes see Jeff you know um I'm just looking at the menu here the menu here I'm looking I'm just looking at the menu here I don't have the fans on I'm going to kick the fan on into the on position it's talking about the auto leveling using the paper first and then printing a model oh you know what we'll use let me yeah I've got the green filament right here um so this test model what we'll end up doing is finding whatever Beni I'm assuming there's going to be a fast Bene on here I don't know how fast it's going to be we'll take a look at it and see but I'm going to use their new neon green uh filament here it's just green but it should be neon green because this is like a stupidly vibrant green uh I actually enjoy the super sof gring yeah it was uh the first time I did with the my Neptune 4 Max definitely had initially like the gr it was much more noticeable than what I'm seeing on this like it was like for a second and then it stops uh after the firmware update it's like a a tap and it and it stopped which is great so I think there must be just something in the Clipper settings to account for that I I don't know I'm not quite sure how technically all of this magic works I just like printing the cool stuff um of course I don't have my laptop plugged in as well which is great um yeah I'll I'll I'll definitely be posting some profile I've still got to refine my Neptune 4 Max profile um I like I mentioned before I'm I'm already starting to take a look at the um not soft fever that's the company that does it it's um Orca slicer sorry I have it up on my computer um so plan around with that I'm definitely so next week I'm going to be playing around with that more and I'll at some point here next week or in the next week after that I'll probably be releasing a profile for the max the good news is uh in general you like similar properties on the max I can use on the plus for the most part so once I have that for the max it should be just a matter of tweaking it slightly for the Plus in most cases at least it's worked fairly well for me uh the print house is it locked down Clipper Jeff would know I I don't Jeff in the chat here nope wide open perfect I literally had no idea what that meant as it locked down clier I was like no I'm in there I'm in there clicking around and probably shouldn't be clicking on some of the things that are in there but it's what's cool is like you don't need to uh if you're like me and maybe feel little intimidated by it you don't have to use that you can just go directly through the front interface of the of the print and by the way we are it's still doing the 121 Point Auto leveling and we're at 88 right now so it is you know it might take 3 minutes 5 minutes something like that for this to complete yeah is it's the 42 point no It's 121 points of leveling I think 42 was on the old on the Neptune 3s Maybe ah now the as far Robert as far as I know um I have been on the hunt for some new for some other nozzle options uh and waiting to see what I can find I think it's so new that it's not there yet and it is a different nozzle than the other machines it's similar to a volcano nozzle but not the same so I'm not entirely sure um waiting to see what I can find on it and we'll definitely be posting some updates on the additional nozzles it does come with an a spare point4 I wish it came with a 6 uh it looks like the cable could get in the way uh I don't know if I have this I don't think I have it slacked out enough to be honest here we go there we go yeah it is a 22.5 mm volcano ah all right I am writing that down 22.5 mm volcano in my notes thank you sir um Jonathan yeah the max review it's not a review since it'll be sponsored but I will give you guys my honest feedback in it as but you know as I do uh definitely some things that I wish were different like the nozzle there you'll definitely be hearing me talk about it on a machine like the max I wish it came with a 6 nozzle not the point4 and I have been saying that for over I think a year now when the max came out and the plus came out um so uh but yes early next week probably Tuesday or Wednesday I'll have that video up all right pay attention to the distance the nozzle and the thickness can change the Z offset perfect hi uh yeah I have pretty much profiles for most of the Neptune printers over on the patreon definitely the Neptune 4S and the Neptune 3s uh the three Max and the three plus are all on there uh I don't have8 profiles but I've got 04 and6 I believe um no sorry I'm just adjusting the offset and then I'll save this and we'll get a print started come on there we go starting to touch maybe a little too much that's good I want a little a little contact there with the paper all right so it's saving and let's get a file printing hear what this thing sounds like I'm doing this doing hold on hold on there we go I could I couldn't see I couldn't see where I was plugging that thing into oh here we go oops let me not lose the tube and the nozzle here set this to the side okay um let me move this up prepare we want to move by 10 I want to move that up okay let's start the preheat oops oops I don't know why I'm doing this backwards when I can just take this off the thing all right preheating pla let's bump that up to 220 and let's see if I got a file in [Music] here nice an 18-minute Beni okay let's load this up okay we're going to do this in neon green cuz this might be my new color I love I can't I honestly if they did a purple like a super vibrant purple I would love that all right there we go click pin all right let's start this Beni up grab that little stray yeah time to set sail with the Benji all right so did you hear that there's like a little uh a little bumping a little bumping I'm going to adjust the camera for you guys for you all for you all how's this how's my camera feeling h o can I uh let's adjust the white balance here sorry I'm on the Fly adjusting the white balance of the camera and it's uh this is driving me nuts it was so yellow so I went too far all right there it goes there's the fan there we go oh man how uh how delayed is that okay there we go somebody should have told me my hair was absolutely crazy I would put it on a hat that is flying flying it's what I want to see that's what I want to see we lower this oops my gosh okay there we go okay sorry and it's going to vibrate like crazy because this thing's printing now uh yeah my Sony camera the it overheated so we're going to we're just going to rock the webcam here and hopefully you guys can hear me and see everything here apologies apologies but it's uh no audio can you hear the audio now okay oh my gosh we got audio holy moly my table is shaking like crazy by the way that beni's looking a little rough but it's printing holy SM I probably should have done the input shaping test on this holy cow should have left the hat off I know as soon as I go put the Hat on my camera overheats no it's the Sony camera man they uh apparently a few of these cameras they basically don't have internal fans or whatever it is and they overheat pretty easily what I love about the eligo Benes as well it's not like a uh one of those speed benches or anything like that race where it's like I don't know it's just a Beni it's just the Beni file I can see the infill looks like it's I don't know like a 8% infill or something like that maybe two walls I don't know yeah I should use the printer fan I should take one of the other printers take that fan off and mount it to the camera that's a great idea actually I put my NEP through three on the $35 Walmart table now that yeah I would agree that is some shaking I tend to leave my my Max printers on the ground man this thing is flying this uh honestly again I think I'm I'm very excited about the max the max is just enormous it's so enormous and it's great for printing really big things the plus might be the one like this should be able to print most of the helmets that I'm looking to print or a lot of the cosplay pieces that I'm looking to print it's a little bit cheaper than the uh than the other one but yeah it's this thing is flying here all right now now I've got to get another print going and I'm wondering how long so once this ends I've got to fire up this next print um that's for my Max video but I wanted to print it on the plus like a part of it on the plus and I'm wondering how fast it is going to be to to print uh yeah uh zarth zarth this um yeah the the Max and more than likely the plus is also at least my iterations of them because i' I've got them so early are going to need a firmware update uh when it does the Homing since there's no sensors on the X and Y it it should sense like a a slight tap and automatically stop it but with my Max it was doing a a a gentle grinding uh this the plus was certainly a lot easier on the grinding so you'd hear it go for a second and then it would stop but the firmware update completely resolved that I'm I'm by the way I'm holding my laptop and I keep almost dropping it here um Johnny man please don't bring that up I've been pretty good with my eligo printers however I did break my uh I did break a one of the Mars 4 Ultras I got resin stuck and cured inside one of the screw ports I still need to get that screw out um yeah this Beni is looking a little rough I'll show you guys when I finishes but it's it says it's 35% done and I think it's got 12 minutes left on the Beni and this is again the new uh eligo rapid neon green filament there there uh one of trick for these uh for Fast Printing is orientation when this is done you'll likely see quality differences on the left side compared to the right side ah yeah due to the cooling F Randy that's a great uh a great call out as well I've always wondered like especially on the bed Slingers wouldn't it make more sense for the Beni to be printing front to back not left to right and thing's moving you no I just got the Sony camera don't do that then thank you it wasn't necessary yeah I I do love this new camera the new Sony camera I got I'm I'm like in loving I'm loving um yours needed work on The Eccentric nuts no I my bed was solid I might might need to adjust this eccentric nut on the side here it did seem like it was a little loose now it's tight it's super tight right now I can't spin it JD uh let's not talk about the life-size Magneto my man uh but don't seriously I promise I will be getting an update on the life-size Magneto here at some point soon hopefully before the end of the year yeah chep's leveler is awesome his original one and he's got a new one so that's what I want to test out is the new one maybe uh how that works with better leveling uh machines like this which would be really cool uh have I heard of the Magneto X yes I have and I saw that at Earth it was pretty cool Mark is a super awesome dude over at the poopi team so uh exce excited to see that in action and up and printing uh does the link not work for anyone else no oh it should work the link should work freaking me out over here freaking me out over here uh hold on I lost my popup window great I lost the chat window oh my gosh hold on restore chat uh pop out chat there we go my goodness um just not enable Proby calibration I don't know yeah it I mean two-headed uh Panther the eligo machines really are like one of the reasons why I love them is the I mean the quality is great but the uh affordability is a great option I mean you're not you don't have to spend $1,000 $800 $600 to get into 3D printing for like what is this 250 350 yeah 350 for the Neptune 4 plus to get started with that or uh the Neptune 4S are like even easier to work with because they're smaller and can typically you know you'll just have less to do when it comes to the leveling and all that other fun stuff um and we'll see if we can finish this before before my my camera overheated my laptop batter is about to die it said I've got 10 minutes left or 10% 10% left I'm adjusting the brightness on my screen is the filament looped uh no it's just it's through the um through the sensor there hello from New York Mr in Philippines I'd love to go to the Philippines one day um let's see okay I'm sorry you can't even see you're like looking at me I just saw the camera there we go so this is still going I'm going to put this just so you can get a sense of how this is shaking that's my laptop put directly on the table oh my goodness there is uh 6 minutes left on this Beni we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it let's see uh no charge table in sight for the laptop no like I oh sorry there is hold on yeah yeah yeah I just I just spotted it I have battery power yeah here we go definitely a lot of ribbing on that on that Benji but it's moving what does it say it's printing at oh yeah it's printing at 500 millimet a second so it's it's jumping between what's it 113 189 500 180 100 yeah the uh just because your printer can print at 500 doesn't necessarily mean I would recommend printing at 500 mm a a second uh oh the nozzle I didn't even realize that the nozzles for the four Pro the plus and the max are all the same that's great yeah ringing yeah I mean there's there's a lot going on with that Beni but we'll we'll see does it have power recovery I believe it does have power I think all of the most recent past few years of Neptunes have had power recovery so it should be good um no no no no I didn't uh did I compare it to the nozzle I thought the tips the tips were slightly different than the the four Pros I think I'll take another look at it and see doing working on that upper part there God hold on let me see if this is camera is still overheated see if I can do one of these that's not good oh we're back in business back in business baby back in business baby hold on there we go and then let's get off the MacBook and go back to the camera audio see yeah there we go hey everybody we're back I I I I had a brilliant idea I could swap the battery on the camera to see if that helps with the overheating and that I believe did the trick so you can see it's moving I mean the Beni looks decent it's decent it's not the best looking Beni I've ever seen it's not the worst but look Beni I've ever seen but I mean for something moving this fast at 500 mm a second 200 mm a second now jeez Louise thing is just hauling yeah there's the jet noise yeah adjust your audio as needed uh no I just swapped the battery so that I mean that worked I think I can't tell at least you're not seeing the uh laptop camera Shake anymore just the table violently all right let's see yeah I'm not quite sure if it's the battery that's overheating it says it's the camera that's overheating but maybe it's the B because even when people have said that they've got the dummy batteries plugged in so that they don't need to have the you know they just having it wired to the camera it still overheats all right one minute left they just doing the little tube on the top there oh man I would Randy I would love to get power recovery on resin printers would be really cool yeah the ne the St odds odds world the the standard Neptune 4 is a like a phenomenal machine I have a very hard time like I I don't know if I could spot the difference between a print that came off of the Neptune 4 versus the 4 Pro uh no uh Jesus I'm I'm running in uh 1080 on the I I set it to 1080 on the camera uh to try and keep it cooler versus the 4K nerd guys hey man what's going on dude I'm doing good excited to watch some Loki after this oh and it just finished uh 18 minutes 18 minute Beni has finished return hold on hold on hold on hold on I'm dropping everything I'm dropping everything uh yeah it was printing at five it was bouncing all over the place between uh 500 mm a second to like 200 to 120 or something like that that I could see on the screen uh but it would definitely max out at 500 this has got to be like the highest settings that they're using for that um but yeah let's take this off and take a look oo on you know what it's the front looks a little there's some ribbon ring let's see if it'll I'm going to cover my face there you go there's some ribbing on the front of the boat it's a little hard to see the green but yeah that's not bad for an 18-minute Beni that's really not bad let's see little stringing there here's the one side compared to the other so this is the side that was facing this side was facing the fan this side was noncing the fan but not bad not bad let me adjust the adjust the see if I can make it a little darker so you can see it a little better I mean not not horrible not bad not the best I mean it's uh pretty decent for an 18-minute Beni I'm I'm fairly happy I hold on I'm rarely going to be printing I'm rarely going to be let me see if I can reach over and adjust my camera here oh my tripod's locked hold on I didn't want to move here we go uh yeah I rarely just because these can print at 500 mm second I will rarely ever print that fast 250 200 is typically what I'm going to be printing at for most of these to get good quality prints if you're wanting to do some really rough uh test prints for fitting or sizing that's you know printing at 500 that's a perfect example just crank that out super fast don't care about the quality so much uh that's a great way to do that but yeah this is the Neptune 4 plus linked in the comments there above um in the comment section it is 350 bucks I will have a video up on this here doing a whole bunch of PR prints if you follow me on Twitter uh or Tik Tok I will be probably posting some of the prints there over the next handful of days week or so uh but I should have my Neptune 4 Max video up probably on Tuesday or Wednesday I just need to get some more prints finished up on that and that's about it I need to get out of here the print has finished I got to go home and watch Loki season 2 I need to get a print started here and a print started over there before I head out of here hey thanks again uh Jeff thank you so much for hanging in here and uh answering some questions for everybody especially on the um Clipper stuff because I am not a Clipper person I don't know what I'm doing in there hey thanks again everybody I want to like do my exit video where I'm like hey thanks again everybody I'll see you next time but uh yeah it's a stream I can't do that all right I'm ending the stream I got to hit the button here good night everybody have a great weekend
Channel: Uncle Jessy
Views: 26,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Uncle Jessy, 3D Printing, 3D Printed, 3D Printer, Cosplay, Elegoo, Elegoo Neptune, Elegoo Neptune 4, Neptune 4 Plus, Neptune 4 Max, Large Fast 3D Printer, Fast 3D Printer, Affordable and Fast 3D Printer, Helmet, 3D Printing Cosplay, Large 3D Printer, 3D Printer for Helmets, Best 3D Printer for Cosplay, Best 3D Printer for Large, Neptune, K1 Max, K1, Bambu Lab, Input Shaper, UncleJessy4Real, Unboxing, Live Stream
Id: 36wr_FaBT4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 45sec (5505 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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