EVERY 3D Printer I've Used Tier List

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So today we're going to talk 3D printers a tier list to be specific now when I was at work earlier this week I had a guy stop by my desk and asked me what printer I would recommend for him to start out on he wanted to get into 3D printing didn't really know anything about it knows that I do a lot of 3D printing so just kind of ask me what my thoughts were it got me thinking about all the printers I've used over the last few years ones I've used on the channel one of the ones I've used at work the ones I've actually just kind of used in the background and I wanna I think it'll be fun if we reflect back on all the printers I've used we'll make a tier list of what I think about them now what I would I buy them again because some of these are still available or have upgraded versions so I thought it'd be fun so today we're gonna make a tier list of 3D printers so I have the list here set up in chronological order so we're going to start with the first printer I ever had on the channel and if you've been around since the uh the the old days uh it just got serious you might remember this printer the Tebow tarantula Pro and I I have mixed feelings about this printer it was great because it was my first 3D printer I don't really remember how I even ended up with it I think one of you guys recommended it to me if I'm honest I think I got an email after asking what printer I should get for my first printer and somebody said this one and I just said okay clicked buy and it showed up at my house as a box of just parts and I was like whoa I might overdone it but you know it was good and bad it the printer was nothing special you know it did print but it didn't have automatic bed loading it didn't have a removable build sheet didn't have any of the things you'd get nowadays but I learned a lot from having to put it together I learned even more from trying to get it to just print good it was a mixed experience these things are still available I think they're 179 now definitely would not buy them I'm hopeful that they come with some of the stuff that my TiVo tarantula Pro didn't but yeah I wouldn't buy that again in its defense though I did give that TiVo tarantula Pro to a friend of mine after I put a BL touch on it and a removable build sheet and he still uses it to this day so it's still out there it's still kicking I learned a lot from it but I wouldn't buy it again so seats here for for the very first printer I had the second printer I ever had or the second one I ever bought was the prusa Mark III S and this thing was pretty pretty good to me I had to again I bought it as a kit so I had to put it all together but since I had already done the the TiVo I kind of knew how that all worked you know say what you want about prusa they make printers that that work this thing has literally never failed me I mean it had it's I've had filled prints on it but structurally the thing is just as solid today as it was when I bought it years ago the actually the mark IV is out now so you I mean you probably can still buy the prusa mark 3s I I definitely wouldn't it's a bit of a bit of a data design now the printer did me good it always printed well I'll give it an a tier now the next printer I remember getting is the FL Sun Q5 and you've probably heard me talk about this thing so much I I actually love this thing well I like Delta printers I think they're just fascinating to watch this thing's still available for 1.99 which I think is a pretty reasonable price for an entry level Delta printer I never had any real issues with it it was really easy to assemble I don't really I don't have it anymore I gave it to my brother who still uses it to this day so it's still out there kicking I think it's a solid printer I liked it I would give where's that thing I would give the FL Sun a beat here now I start to get into the stuff that uh kind of all YouTubers run into and you get to a point you probably heard this where just every company Under the Sun just starts blasting with emails want you to check out this printer and that printer and they're pretty much all some sort of clone of the the prusa and for a while there I was the BQ B1 was one of the first ones I took a look at it's still available it's 249 definitely not worth it wouldn't buy it in the printer's defense so it did it did work I mean it printed decently it had automatic bed leveling had a removable build sheet it was pretty average the only downside I can remember is the the drivers were pretty loud especially the extruder driver to the point where it was like almost unacceptable but you know it worked I wouldn't buy it detier then I got to experience the lobbyist et4 I think that's how you say it printer's still available 279 not worth it not worth it then really either I mean it wasn't super expensive but it was very basic I mean it was just like the B1 it had the bed leveling it had the build sheet removal was it was pretty unremarkable it printed okay uh but you know D tier and then I actually had another et4 the Annette et4 and I never even opened the box in this one I had gotten the other et4 and this one just sat in my garage forever and then I remember hearing I at some point heard the rumors or the the drama that was going on with Anna at the time where they were like you know the printers were catching fire and stuff so I was like I don't even want to mess with it it looks exactly the same as the other one so I didn't even open it D tier I did give it to a friend at work and he still uses it and it's never caught on fire so there you go I wouldn't buy it now so this next one's kind of weird do you remember the elugu Neptune 2. this thing it came out I got one a lot of other YouTubers got them and it was priced well it had a lot of good features it printed really good it was a pretty solid entry-level printer but it like never really existed and I don't remember any point in the past where this thing was actually available there might have been a little bit of time but I remember right after it launched not being able to find it for sale I just checked recently been putting this list together and unless you're in the EU this thing doesn't exist which is super weird if you are in the EU it's like 119 which is really good for what you get I would you know if if you could buy it I would say B but you can't so F tier this the next one also very this this one touches a nerve with me the Ender seven do you remember the Ender seven probably not but this thing came out a while ago it made a lot of noise let's do this for a little bit there I liked it personally I thought it was built pretty well it printed really good it was pretty expensive it didn't have automatic bed leveling which I thought was a crime but you know it did still print decently however I I remember wanting to add automatic bed leveling to it forever and then I you know I had talked to creality I was like when do you have the software available or the firmware to upgrade it for BL touch and they said yeah we're working on it but it's not available yet but eventually it did come out and as soon as it did I was super excited I bought a bail touch I put it on the printer as instructed in the creality you know documentation I upgraded or updated the firmware as specified and the printer just like bricked itself and I'm not talking like bricked itself as in it just stopped turning on it it died in the weirdest most frustrating way imaginable it essentially took the build plate and broke it into like force and only used one-fourth of it like you would like if you printed a benchy on dead center of the build plate in your slicer and then you send it to the printer it would print that benchy dead center of this corner build part of the build sheet scale down to as if it was that was the size of the whole bilge it didn't make any sense if you did the automatic bed leveling it would just do it in the corner it drove me nuts I tried to figure it out forever I eventually gave up I asked reality hey this is the issues I'm having with it I don't understand what's going on I've tried to flash it back to the old firmware remove the build touch nothing works and they were less than helpful like after a few weeks I just gave up the printer sits behind that door right there still broken I can't even give it to anybody because it just sucks doesn't work and that experience soured me to creality I've you know I've had them reach out since then asked me to look at other printers and I was just like didn't even respond I'm like it's I don't even want to deal with it so that one for sure F tier this is not the first time I've heard of creality's customer service sucking so I'd like to know your what your experience is worth with reality but for me f tier would not buy again I would not buy any Crowley printer to be honest with you moving on the FL Sun super racer big fan of this thing I kind of just like all the FL Sun stuff this kind of just took the place of the Q5 it was basically an upgraded version of the Q5 it was bigger taller faster built a little bit better it was a bit pricey you know you can still get them which is it's not too bad for for what you get my only gripe with it was he didn't have and I didn't have a direct drive extruder which wasn't unheard of at the time for Delta's you know big old extruder flinging around there didn't really help out when you're trying to go fry speed but I like this thing a lot I don't have it anymore I did give it to another friend it's still out there working somewhere definitely a b tier Ethel Sun super racer ooh the Cutie eye Fest so I got this thing a while back and I remember when I first got it I was so excited because it was the first time I've ever got to use a dual extruder for your printer not counting the one at work that we'll talk about later and I got to you know print with PLA and PVA so I got the dissolvable sport material I got to print with two colors which was nice got to kind of finally start exploring that area I don't use it too much anymore it's got a pretty decent side build volume the only gripe with it was it's pretty expensive now it's 1 759 which is better but I definitely wouldn't buy that printer in 2023 right now you know I did like it I got to experience dual material printing it was it was c a little overpriced but it was cool I forgot about this one the we do Tina two this was uh there's not really much to say about this thing it was basically a toy if I'm honest it was like if you had really small kids you want to get into 3D printing it was kind of it was it was a kid's toy it did print but there was no like heated build plate the build plate was like this big so therefore there was much you could do with it but you know if you have a small kid that you want to get 3D printing it's okay it worked D tier then I got another QD printer the xcf pro I like this one a lot this was my go-to well not my go-to it was like my second inline printer if the prusa was busy I would throw it on the uh this xcf Pro this was also one of the first printers I got that was set up for high temperature materials and stuff you know it had a hard nozzle so it could run you know stuff with particular in it like a carbon fiber nylon bit expensive uh I will say it's still available for 1 359 which back then was okay but again that price doesn't really hold up anymore given what else is out there so I wouldn't buy it again but I liked it a lot that was a b tier printer for me the FL Sun V 400 so the third FL Sun printer I've had and this was essentially an upgraded version of the super racer it had now a direct Drive extruder so it ticked all the boxes for me you know direct drive removable plate Delta because they're just cool it printed well I I really like this printer it's still set up right there and I don't use it too much anymore based on what the other printers I got but it's still available it's 849 which is a bit High I'd like to see it more like in the 600-ish 700 range definitely I would go eight here just because I liked the Delta printer I still think the proofs have printed better than it not to say that it couldn't but I'm not one that likes to mess around with print settings that much the pros the profiles on the proofs were just Top Notch so this next one was never actually on the channel it was the printer that we had at the office the Fortis 250 MC and this is you know like I said an oddball because I never use it here it's never it's not a printer anybody should have at their house I mean you could but it makes zero sense especially nowadays um it's very it's very very expensive I think it was I think we paid like 60 Grand or something for this thing back when it came out if I remember right this thing came out in like 2013 and we at the office got it in 2014-15 I didn't work there at the time but that's when they got the printer and at the time way back then this thing was pretty pretty solid like it had automatic bed leveling and had dual extruders so it had you know you you could only print ABS which is its biggest downfall today but back then was okay you print abs and then you had a proprietary support material from Stratus that you could use as the dissolvable support material we had a wash tank for still do if I'm looking at it through the lens of 2023 the biggest gripes with it are it's no longer supported from Stratus which sucks because it's a commercial 3D printer just for an example after using it for so many years the belt within the printer dry rotted and I got a hold of Stratus to try to get that replaced and they wouldn't replace them it was no longer in warranty it was no longer supported they said we can come out and put a new Gantry in it it'll be like fifteen thousand dollars does that sound good and I was like no that sounds horrible after some talking with them I was like Hey listen just the belts in this thing or just rotted out can you sell me the belts I'll buy the belts and at first they didn't want to they eventually came around to it they sold me just the belts however they wouldn't provide me with any material on how to take the printer apart and put the new belts in but either way I got the belts I just took the thing apart figured out how the belts were wound in there put new belts in it it really wasn't that hard and the things back up and running it still runs to this day it's not super good the door seal is kind of wearing out you have to make sure to seal the door really well or the pretzel Warp it's it's dated let's to say the least also the material is super expensive it's 450 for a spool of abs and you might think well it must be special ABS it's not it's ABS it's basically a spool of ABS inside of a plastic shell with an RFID tag on it and they charge you 450 bucks for it so it's a real bummer but yeah the Ford is it's you know Grandpa Fortis was good he still works good I mean for an industrial printer seat here but definitely don't buy one if you see one come up for sale run away now we're getting to the newer printers I got the bamboo x1c and there's this thing's there's nothing that's better than it at least in my opinion right now at this moment time if you want a good printer if you want the best printer it's the x1c it does it all it has multiple material hard nozzle lidar build plate removable automatic bed leveling just everything you could ever want in a printer bamboo Labs is currently got it the biggest issue I think people have with the baby labs is the proprietary Parts in it which I get I guess it's if someday bamboo Labs sells like 100 000 of these things a million of these things and then they they get everybody locked in and they raise the price of their spare parts that could be a huge issue but right now it's not all their spare parts are easy to get they're cheap and this printer is just it's so much better than any printer I've ever used s tier easily it's the main printer I use the second payment lab printer I got was the p1s and it sits right beside the x1c and I use it just as much as the X1 it doesn't have the hard nozzle or the lidar it has a lower you know resolution camera but when it comes to printing like ASA and Pla they print pretty much identical the the p1s also s tier highly recommend it the AMS system that goes on top of it not required but I do like that as well and now I threw on some of my resin printers I've had I as you know not a huge resin printing guy but you know I've done it I have some if it if it requires it I'll do it the first one I ever got was the OG Mars the Mars one and if I'm honest I hated it I hate everything about it I had this could probably be the same reason as the TiVo I had bad experience with it probably because I sucked and didn't know anything about it but I had always had prints sticking to the the vat like the bottom of the vat the whatever that Sheet's called that clear piece of demon paper they always stuck to that thing I just never I never got anything really good out of it and I eventually just threw the whole thing away so I'm gonna say just because of my experience F here sorry Mars I I you're probably better than that but for me you weren't I have two of the I have two of the Ender seven so they're both an F tier I don't know why there's two the next one I got was actually the Mars three and I will say I had a much better experience with this thing it actually worked properly I don't know if I got better since the using the Mars One or the printer itself got better but you know the Mars 3 worked good you can still get them I think they're there's probably a new version now I think it's the mar 3 8K or 4K and then there's Mars 4 now but C tier my go-to printer though was the mono Photon SE or the photon mono SE I like this thing a lot I don't know why it was still about the same size as the Mars printers but it had some like activated carbon filters which I really like because the smell of resin Predators sucks the build quality seemed a little bit better I this was kind of my daily driver resin printer at the time so that's a b tier printer then I had the Nova 3D Benny 4 mono I think it was called and it was okay I don't even actually have a picture of it down there but I used it once I think I think I printed that copper filled radiator and it worked good um then I just gave it away to somebody that wanted it deter there was nothing special I used it once then the next one I got was the elegu Saturn you've probably seen this one a lot this was kind of like my go-to printer for a long time it was larger than like the Mars or the photon and that gave me the opportunity to print like fans or just larger stuff on it and I had a pretty good experience with this thing it seemed to print good I had a lot less failures with it and that was my you know my go-to resin printer for the longest time until I got the the Jupiter so recently we had a video on the Jupiter the Jupiter is on a it's on a different level than any resin printer I used before that it's huge for a resin printer it's huge the build quality is like exceptional it works really good I printed very very tiny stuff with it that had come out with amazing you know resolution I've printed large stuff on it it worked good the only downside of this printer is just the fact that it's a resin printer it's set up way back there in the mechanical room far away from the world because it you know it's still a resin printer and has resin smells but if I have to use a resin printer the Jupiter can do it all and it's definitely s tier so here you go I guess the s to your printers I think are definitely the bamboo x1c p1s and elegu Jupiter in the resin category I would definitely buy every one of these printers the LG was pretty expensive for resin printers about a thousand just under a thousand bucks but it's it's worth it if you do a lot of resin printing you need a big build volume I mean there's a few other options but the lgu build quality is just it's almost like commercial resin printer status the bamboo Labs speak for themselves they're just ahead of everybody right now a tier prusa say what you want about them but they make printers that work they're a little overpriced nowadays and the v400 solid solid printers still set up here so I hope you guys enjoyed that if there's a printer that I didn't talk about that I've never tried in the past that you think is exceptional make sure to let me know in the comments down below if you have any other recommendations for videos let me know as well thank you all for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: Major Hardware
Views: 123,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tier list, best tier list, new tier list, tier list of 3D printers, every printer I have used Tier list, 3d printer, bambu labs, major hardware, what 3D printer is the best, 3d printer tier list, list, teir, teir list, tier, all 3D printer tier list, top 10 printers, top 20 printers, top 10 3d printers, top 20 3d printers, what 3d printer you should by, the best 3d printers you can buy, what 3d printer you should buy, buying a 3d printer, ranking 3d printers, top tier list
Id: nhe7jAQDs9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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