34 EPIC Chess Games in the Titled Arena

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ten nine okay seven six five four i thought arena time with the tournament one thanks so much electric guy so now i'm playing title players i don't think i play the title player yet today playing oracle i'm going to still play this this gambit uh opponent's not walking into anything it's still transposed to a staffer though thank you cowboy cookie okay idea to play g5 and g4 if i give up the bishop pair but i do have ideas of knight d4 rook g8 get the kingside attack like already there's some nagging pressure oh [Music] i may have missed that move if i take there's takes [Music] good move i thought it was much better but i might just be much worse or it still just might be interesting [Music] takes now let's take with pawn yeah actually it's still interesting because this pin is really hard for white to resolve my cc3 ah white resolve the pin well played nh4 gotta try it he's probably coming f3 bishop d7 life does go on pq bombs do the bomb i'm only down two pawns this bishop's really annoying just pierces through the position but it doesn't really help defend the king side i mean it could though [Music] along with the queen okay rookie eight rookie four is probably coming some idea in f6 okay before i take it and the plan is h5 h4 okay intention india rugged seven i'm threatening to take in rug h2 [Music] but not really maybe queen c1 the rook is stuck now kinda yeah this shouldn't be so bad about to get meted there top okay dirty time scramble i mean we were both trying to dirty flag each other but only one person can dirty flag the other person multiple rooks were hung i don't feel so great about that thankfully i have facial cleansing towelettes which have been sitting on my desk for a while and i forgot about they're for normal skin [Music] um maybe i'll use them later wash away the dirtiness okay a win is a win um 85 so soon yeah this is some kind of unpleasant line i think i take probably d3 i'm gonna lose upon eventually so [Music] try and get the most for it okay very positional game good move don't fully know what to do here it doesn't look great but doing this i'm not better here but i don't know how much worse i am the king's a bit more active for some counter play i'm down a lot of time but i think it was worth spending that time to at least get some chances [Music] i'm just down the pawn i should have taken the rook um [Music] this should be a draw white stroke is really misplaced okay i was really kind of the opponent oh what a good human person okay i was expecting to get dirty flag there is that just a second game that was the second game oh is my opponent streaming too shout out to my opponent everyone follow their twitch channel okay i'll be very conscious of time here point of a3 is to maybe put the bishop on a2 target the pawn now block's building up nicely that's the free pawn i think hitting the knight twice probably trade rooks can be six in the end i think i can play queenie two keep things defended if queen b6 because there's no like great discoveries there's this or this but i move the queen again f4 is a bit weak um and i think it's okay oh it's not okay okay maybe it's okay i think knight c3 was better there back f7's attacks another one of these end games how the time flies yeah my time is flying right away right now welcome back to bella's up clubbing for five months there's some mating idea oops i gotta go for the meeting idea let's block defend there's one way to defend that's another way i was thinking f6 the f6 was maybe a little bit stronger i can win the pawn first i wasn't expecting black to take on g3 okay plenty of time here no stalemates okay uh undefeated got two and then one and then three no sign of carlson i don't think uh i don't feel like berserking does that make me a bad person just trying to like not wear myself out too much i think this is okay [Music] yeah this is a really pleasant structure i love knight d4 though [Music] over b4 queen should be elsewhere wow actually queen should be here of the a-file now takes still working if i give you a prime sub do you get a better sandwich than if i gave a regular sub and depends on the toppings problem is b5 is weak in these lines think i'll just go for [Music] this win connect 4 maybe oh i blundered [Music] upon uh what to do oh this is about to crumble i should come to d5 [Music] this is really bad wait what i'm not sure what my opponent was expecting there okay that works out unexpected gift of a rook i was about to like lose when not berserking [Music] i can lose having time odds i'm tied with jagalko nice yeah i think i don't know if it was a mouse slip or just uh a misjudged pre-move maybe my opponent was expecting something else thank you eric oh thank you hey it's pam welcome back pam pam i'm sure you're you're aware i'm sure i mentioned this when you were here previously but there's a pam emote all the subs can use the move order is important in this line is uh 897 there's a line with knight c6 might be similar though of castling it's a weird position a lot of tension [Music] lots of mess in the center yeah the idea is to eventually win a pawn i think i can take here i'll hit the bishop in the end like takes takes and both things are hanging i'll be up upon there is this move and then rook d4 oh that's why pam said thank you oh that's nice okay emote only mode for this game because why not usually it's a viewer redeeming emo only mode but i can redeem it too hey i'm back over 2600 i didn't even realize i guess it does help not to lose any games in a while okay so that was all expected rook d rook d4 rook c8 uh would depend oh there's e5 have this move you have three put the rook on e2 [Music] assuming there's some invasion that's a good move work see it's coming it gets weird i'm preparing b4 but my rook is a little bit a little bit in uh in over its head gone a little bit deep a6 is a good move now [Music] maybe i can get away with this still it's really materialistic ideas to rook back somewhere it's super passive black should have played rook t8 there possible also active rook d8 maybe this move right moment i want to play c6 and trade hmm i'm not sure what my plan is or i had to prevent this and this now i over defend this so maybe my book can free itself but maybe not c4 and c4 is probably the way to go i'll lose back upon but we at least got a game at a point of when it's to play a3 and keep things together it's a good move let's play this well i can't trade rooks like when the kingpin ending i think or do i infusing position [Music] that was probably a mouse slip but i thought it was low on time that was a cool game interesting rook ending that emo only mode lasted a while there okay again i don't feel like was working i don't wanna like disturb my rhythm and last time my opponent berserked and i didn't berserk i almost lost but i enjoy having a little bit of time to think 95 here okay [Music] i looked at this line briefly recently if this move just dropped the bishop g6 h5 it's already getting weird bishop looks interesting couple pawns are potentially vulnerable f3 could be with threats let's go i have two sets of adjacent double pawns let's go [Music] f3 the thing is after takes i hit the rook and the knight's still hanging now knights attacks so many times or inside castling as a move it's super risky let's try it triple pawns next to double fawns look at this upside down tee e7 here this is such a crazy position [Music] i still have triple pawns partial distancing or d7 i take the rook oh i didn't see that move am i losing oh no that move kills all my [Music] fun oh no my fun [Music] i might just be losing here have to take the rook or still some hope oh no don't hurt me stop hurting me don't do it [Music] i kind of smell it coming i'm already set up in decent position wait for it wait for it the other people smell it too [Music] smelling it from a distance the smell was very strong there was such a funny game i don't know if i get any frozen trophies for the pawn structure but i got something for the sail matrix yeah shout out to the clips channel if you're watching in the future on the clips channel you can also watch live on twitch that game was so funny there was quadruple pawn potential there was also quintuple pawn potential because i had triple pawns with two pawns on both neighboring files it's just such a bizarre structure okay new new game so i'm playing this new gambit which i'll talk about a little bit later um it's very similar to stafford gambit but there's some slight differences okay so now we're just transposing to stafford and white falls for one of the most basic traps bishop e3 is really the only move and then i went back the pawn you know three bishop d4 um i should know what to do here probably queen g5 bishop g4 h5 here i'm not sure if i'm winning anything though and generally it's just a nice position that i wonder if i can take click on e2 with queen e2 bishop h2 the king okay there was king e2 but the point is if rook takes i have queen g3 check meanwhile i just want to play bishop g3 check knight f2 expected still bishop g3 22 months oh yeah much love was wondering what your favorite genre of show or book is uh nonfiction actually a documentary [Music] i'm just counting enough seven i should have enough counter play oh it's getting some play though this first the queen f7 rook f8 i also have this move to attack both pawns there's knight c4 in that line a queen f5 i don't think i mind we're probably getting some end game again not so simple um probably not better here i don't think i'm much worse but i am losing a pawn [Music] g3 i want to invade from behind rook f6 i do have kiney seven usually makes sense to grab space go for some small positional gain oh okay it's about to get weird young children close your eyes almost two years wow opposition i'm not threatening meat but i do this okay i do have mating ideas and i'm sacking pawns going for a mating attack and a rook ending yeah that didn't work at all [Music] okay i'm in trouble i'm kind of smelling it again though the smell of stalemate is so strong wait i'm not even worse am i i am no i'm not stalemating uh i made two queens okay that's my first loss what to do let's sad too his opening was so good ah i did try nobody's working i want to say above 2600 or at least a little bit longer and win in five moves so even if i berserked i would not have gotten extra points the game needs to be at least 10 moves long i think i've been so many people with that this queen f3 move so many people pre-move bishop e7 okay moving on it's a nice way to recover after losing a tough game they'll win in five moves at c5 is a little bit too early because now black has to play knight a6 and i'll get some structure with uh a c3 and a4 uvt student and jamie lemlem two new prime subs yeah friendly reminder you have prime you can sub for free it does help support the channel you have the prime command i mean white's slightly better here but it's not uh not like a huge advantage just a bit more pleasant and knight c7 can't be played because takes and takes and tactics happen probably time to castle okay so this is a threat rook and this is also kind of a target but we defended oh forgot about the pawn i could win a7 actually lucy iii i'm also afraid about this pawn uh knight d3 this is actually not so good i should have been a little bit more alert there i mean thankfully i didn't plunder f2 like sometimes when you plunder it can be very easy to downward spiral you know i have f three and bishop d6 come back time i mean here 95 first i don't want to take the rook too soon yeah no need to take the rook just infiltrating with all the miners click on b7 now this rook's trap this knight is also kind of trapped the queen might be trapped too trap all of black's pieces in black's own territory might be it loses a rook yeah like everything's crumbling here wow one two three a lot of attackers against the queen oh this was so bedazzling i wasn't sure what to take the queen with all right so that was some nice recovery a couple london wins okay wow provisional reading really new title player okay another london queen c7 it's a ponzac um this line is still a little bit tricky though supposed to play e4 here maybe queen e2 [Music] idea to play e4 black play z4 find a way to cope there's d4 here not so simple be some like knight take on c6 there's queen c4 actually it allows bishop e6 and we maybe repeat queen a4 in that line the queen is useful covering a lot of pawn targets okay so this is possible because b4 takes e3 or that first i'm probably a little bit worse here not the end of the world just castle life goes on ah down a lot of time idea is to bring the knight to e3 because these squares are juicy this is okay i mean there's knight d4 [Music] e4 should be fine it is kind of scary though i mean g6 is natural down a minute i have a lot of supporters on f5 in time i blunder upon i can't trade queens here um [Music] x doesn't work at all it doesn't if it does not pretty though getting completely outplayed this game uh maybe hanging didn't move [Music] it's so unpleasant man rookie five in the end too there goes my king okay oh that was brutal i played a good game there just played quickly put me under pressure um what to do when can we see the extra footage from the hikaru slash hanson fight oh uh i don't think i'll be posting anything to the extra channel okay playing habib amini um play knife six i had this earlier i had the same opponent earlier i played some a6 move no it was uh the warm-up arena earlier and a similar position e5 i take and knight d7 i had the same structure earlier ah that was a game where my opponent like mouse slips from rook a1 pre-mover okay one okay going for minority attack usually when it's two on three the minority attack is used to induce some weakness in in the majority structure like b4 is a nice way of trying to undermine everything i do have to be careful of getting mated i do have nada fade if needed b is pretty standard preventing white from playing b3 and essentially isolating the a pawn there's knight d4 here doesn't quite work liking this idea knight c4 i still have to be careful but has ideas but i wouldn't mind trading rooks paid or not to trade to think or not to think okay so b2 is vulnerable back rank there could be some issues for white e4 is also the weak h5 might be coming but then i just take there's no way to defend the pawn if my rook can infiltrate life will be good e3 is hanging i might just take on b2 first betrayed knight c4 [Music] end game okay three knights e5 i'm winning the pawn oh no rook a3 i win the rook in this case i win the pawn but still my g5 ideas looks okay okay rook b7 rook f8 just can't let the bishop come around hitting the rook i'm completely restricting the bishop it's a weird thing to get out of though this move is to try and trade knights also threatening this maybe i don't think that's a threat but um [Music] i'm losing back the pawn but it's a more pleasant position for black wait now that's two just wins i saw this from a distance i thought i'm just losing the pawn but i'm winning i'm winning the rook or after takes takes black white can't stop the pawn which is crazy because the rook and king are in such close proximity but the pawn would cover him one this pawn's in the way of the rook and this pawn's in the way of the king that was nice okay back on track top 60 yeah one of the biggest challenges with esported tournaments is just staying focused all throughout but so far i feel in decent form i can keep doing what i'm doing here we have some like philidor fix play positionally here a little bit passive for black between d2 or d1 nothing too special for white just trying to put pieces on good squares at some point maybe not f5 or knight d5 potential ideas with queen two the queen hold the center there's f4 one idea of f4 is to drop the bishop back to reinforce a pawn and black plays bishop f8 and also eventually play e5 also this idea even to go all the way upon the g6 f1 is pinned it leaves the king a little bit loose there's no need to do it right away oh no my pawn f takes takes never mind it'd be bishop f7 in the end i want to play e5 here i'll just take in this e4 takes d5 and move back might be a bishop bishop h4 97 anything to look shaky for black cool idea 97 knight b5 takes in queen anything wrong with it i would hit the bishop and threaten some like full force mates that's a move oh the epon's hanging maybe got a little bit too fancy there still a good position i think 95 like b4 b5 not threatening to take so do some lifting my queen is tied down to defending the bishop let's tie down to the thing the pawn i might play this and then like king's stock on the g file now knight d5 85 allows bishop b5 really close to working i think i'll just go for it after bishop b5 knight f6 check if khan take on a seven if takes rook here bishop here queen d4 it looks really good for white let's do this anyway that takes time because most of black's pieces are not helping defend the king most of my pieces are ready to destroy the king some defensive resources maybe but maybe not in here it takes takes its mating ah that loses the rook almost clever though okay feel good again i'm gonna take a small break okay two hours left thank you princess brah helping with prime appreciate it yeah thanks everyone for tuning in so there's less chat interaction this stream but i hope people are enjoying the games playing paradox okay afterwards i'll explain the backstory of this gambit but so far there's been a lot of transpositions to stature or d5 or there's also bishop g4 which looks nicer even this pawn's a bit overextended i am down the pawn but white's already under pressure kind of a decent move that playable that is a move i can take he takes yeah it's a little bit uncomfortable actually uh i have six ideas this bishop is stuck along with a knight like these two pawns restrict essentially all of my pieces all my queen's eye pieces that's a good move uh i take actually i can take twice i might as well go for this and pressure against f2 this is really really dubious but what else to do the king doesn't have like a great square there's d2 maybe the queen h5 is coming g6 there's some issues with knight g6 during c5 the queen h5 i do have g6 and the king and bishop might be fighting for the square there's cases where i play like c4 now d4 or hinge c4 i might do it anyway though do it really quicker and now these squares are accessible i'm down a piece and not even for a pawn but the king is kind of hilarious he's gonna hide on b1 now take this wave first and your rig f2 this move looks so much more attractive to take a pawn with check but i have to think long term all the pieces want to get involved not just at night okay definitely feels like there's a lot of compensation now have six coming i want to enter this diagonal annoying move i can take though now the rook returns h4 b7 is hanging but that's the least my worries unscramble time found a piece but trying to make do [Music] oh just happened there oh oh good game though i i should not have given away the rook i had like a second left though good game that was a fun one got some conversation hey eric thank you for the great streams if you ever get the chance you should check out a game called wordemont on mobile it's basically competitive goggle oh that actually sounds fun on mobile i wonder if i could stream it so what is this line this move is coming i don't want to be passive here okay let's be active um yeah it's probably already an opening success for white it should be five bishop d7 vietcoin f5 want to put the queen on g6 have some attack this is some plan it might work i do defend the pawn super risky also some idea 95 and the point of this move is to just make white think idea might be also this actually this on the side making progress here it feels like the attack is working my bishops 27 controlling all these squares if takes takes because we'll see what happens on is going to probably come to g3 but maybe also this idea of this i do have queen e5 as well even f6 a lot of moves to choose from a g3 another five i take in mates knights kind of stuck and i could return i'll be down a piece but still a lot of all the pressure on white how to handle this bishop f5 idea bishop e4 remove the knight and then mate i can just oh no i can't interesting move oh i got my queen over five did you have four or rook f6 very tense game takes and this knight is actually kind of trapped here there is this this move five or i'm getting funny pawns they're so funny it's funny mating idea too [Music] doesn't work though okay man i almost stumbled there really almost stumbled that was a funny position i was really like close to meeting but not quite i don't think okay 77 [Music] calm down this is a slightly slower line than usual probably go for c4 24 ideas a6 i don't think i can actually take i really want to sack the queen here how bad or how good is it it's not good let's not do it uh i'm not so tilted yet uh back the queen in such ways that's a good move though now box playing well i probably want to play e4 if i get the chance interesting i'm going to just try and chill here x takes you curious let's go let's go let's also not get hurt it's really scary don't hurt me there's a d5 i take it black is really trying to hurt me here i could take the knight and bill out and this is either a really strong pawn it's really strong or really weak uh we're about to find out there's bishop yeah opposite six i have to play this move very confusing position [Music] i get a chance i probably want to play b3 queen b2 the queen's not uh not getting hurt here oh this is coming bishop d3 i have three attackers okay it looks so passive like my pieces are all just ridiculous but there's potential energy i still can't take the pawn i want to play this but i lose d4 so over defend okay so now the bishop has been cut off i've i have four attackers but black's about to have four defenders but then i have a3 everything should be okay i think the whole game's revolving around the c2 pawn one two three four one two three i can count one two three four count to four all right uh this is looking much better now yeah this is a potential energy turning into kinetic energy bringing into trapping a bishop oh my knight that's still pretty good except not blender anything too big [Music] okay i took work man that was a difficult game i felt like i was getting outplayed but it was super double-edged i only scored one four-point victory this whole tournament vladimirovich is leading is this oh andreikin breaking is pretty good at chess playing scarlet dawn london time this line okay let's take and do this there's d4 might be three queen b4 check that's probably not anything special i walked into some weird prep this bishop is sad i could play e5 soon pull the d4 square and open the bishop a weird move ah knight e4 coming but then g5 it's okay knight d4 will be threatening knight c2 being the bishop as well in text the queen takes i have bishop f5 92 in the end it takes takes takes 92 winning the the knight otherwise queen here here i have knight c2 i think e7's defended i should have probably played f5 though the same tactic but then i'm trapping the bishop this still looks pretty good anything better h5 kg7 going in deep 93 bishop e6 got my gun maybe i should have played this move with running rook g3 in each queen's 5 i would take it oh i forgot about this i mean i could i think i should just draw wait no i can't even defend the rook oh dear i got tricked actually i could maybe i'll go for this white has a choice actually f5 in the right moment not working [Music] outside passer about 97 man still interesting though fix and then push [Music] hmm well played [Music] still not over though wow [Music] very well played just made next move wow oh i thought i was being tricky but yeah the problem is knight t8 then i can't play rook c8 because 97 oh played yeah rook d1 was not a good move in hsu is very uh very clever oh it feels bad you have to exchange in good position that's uh nature of chess still above 2600 approaching the halfway point yeah my opponent dismantled the gun okay moving on there's a trap takes takes takes and then i win back the queen a way more positional game here i think this is playable actually because if take 6 i have f3 in the end always play off three now takes and it's still tricky oh there's funny line queen d4 this takes takes and then i'm threatening to trap the knight i'm also threatening rook takes e4 here removing defender and defending my queen the rook creates a move or rexed f3 i don't know what black does here actually we can move somewhere let's move to no this move i take black might take take uh f3 you take take and then g4 if i control the c file yeah knight is trapped in the center this almost works this takes his check that i take with pawn okay so we play this position okay important to stay focused position's good but still takes a bit of work bring the king in first those pawn is backwards and these pawns are going to be weak eventually along with this pawn two pawns if takes i take this hitting a6 and h6 there's some rook check maybe you should not have allowed that but it's still winning top i had to free the g2 square for free everything for the bishop to control okay and so i've had this weird pattern of like losing winning two losing winning two losing winning two losing how winning won i win two or three or four i think i'm far so this is a bush gas gambit this is uh [Music] yeah this is okay we're not going into anything super fun just an italian i might go for this plan initiate f5 so if takes takes takes there's some bishop tactics um am i in trouble do you have knight h6 the queen h5 almost hurts me i think i'm okay it's scary though i think i would like to push push there's some pressure against f2 from a distance now this is some idea rasa queen like a weird standstill here at this move controlling some key squares running to trap the bishop maybe rook b8 first do this first that blunder is a queen wow how long is no i have a rook f7 though wait six takes i should play this first like if this i i take with a rook so i haven't been blundering a queen you might end up trading queens though the idea is to eventually play bishop h5 and probably g5 g4 also threatening this random move doesn't quite drop the knight though [Music] rook d1 bishop h5 wins material upon is pinned logical probably want to play bishop f7 mine with b5 knight's a bit out of play but i think it's okay let's move now f2 still a target every remove x takes wow hopefully my rook is trapped what also called bishops though so [Music] kill some fights um um go for meat somehow don't make me though okay i was close to winning though i was close swimming on time i like how white employed the staircase maneuver with the queen like the queen just walked up all the stairs and meet me or not it's a stalemate me staircase just stalemate that was so funny okay that was a draw so my my weird pattern of wins and losses comes to an end used to be ice water now it's just water clean cable box i had a similar structure earlier be a little bit different very positional though earlier i was able to trap the knight on e4 it's a nice game [Music] this time 94 probably rook d1 get the pin there's also an e7 i think f4 makes sense move i probably played eventually i have five ideas knight t5 is playable here i mean f5 is very close to happening there's 94 it's gonna get spicy it's our subiversary hey happy summerversary mark a donk i take there's rook b8 maybe this move i don't mind the queen trade especially if my knight can get into d6 i might be losing a pawn actually [Music] and now it's time to just attack we need two and shift everything over king f6 looks good now queen he wants to enter oh i forgot about that yeah h6 coming [Music] still be okay i'm just sacrificing the whole queen side rook c4 is an idea hmm i'm gonna go in this way just want to target f7 my queen might go back my rope might come to h4 [Music] there's this move take the knight and taking the knight actually looks really nice easier position to play now it's still tricky there's some funny lines of takes i take with the queen wait no that doesn't work at all okay work that's so funny if it works know if it works let's try it takes i take x and then takes because there's king eight nine h6 yeah they just take on a3 knight t6 yeah bob probably saw it and was just scared between h6 i take and take okay now it's back to being very safe looks like i joined just in time for tactics yeah i still have to convert though with the time situation okay ah yeah that was some uh there's some fun tactical lines there it's fun having another d6 green on e4 okay raising the rating still top hundred thank you dear hunter handler welcome back thank you think box hoping for nine months oh thanks uh mad archedonk i think i called you markadonk but uh i appreciate the sub for one year playing mud lockoff i'm not bizworking and i'm not feeling bad about it interesting b4 [Music] the problem is knight g5 tactic could take and just uh try and be solid interesting that's a funny line stock c6 maybe when c2 maybe not maybe one h4 though there's g5 in the end you can play this okay and this looks playable getting the thing i just losing after takes oh no it still looks interesting but queen takes was less expected take on a3 now i have tons of things but i might just be lost big sticks really not what i want it's interesting though oh i'm not i'm not even drawing i forgot there's perpetual oh it's so sad okay the king's still cut off [Music] there goes my rook oh what did i do is there any hope a risky line to enter wait taking left 2 is bad engine doesn't understand though it does it oh it does it's still fine i'm actually better here oh i didn't even consider this move this is so obvious looking at it i don't know why i missed that what to do thank you e-trots yeah i was so confused by the position it took time there too it's still top hundred import nick up there [Music] thank you guys all [Music] oh yeah the backwards magnus carlsen is playing nestle rock sun gam uh no berserking no queen trade there is some threat of knight uh not sure if i can make it work though be patient h5 [Music] the structure is not great for black because dark squares are weak and black only has lights for bishop looks like i'm getting an h5 if takes take some castling i can take on d5 i think black was maybe expecting this this but yeah simple tactics i'm also hitting this pawn so this is a pork not over though okay i can t i can play knight f6 and then it should be pretty decisive okay no simple chess up two pawns structure is not ideal but it's okay weird tension [Music] entirely sure what to do here this is okay really i'm overthinking everything but it should still be winning after the b5 fun i'm so sad now oh i could have been so happy that's so sad that's why you don't resign oh such a bad [Music] what move i do thank you gabriel valente ah i was playing too like cautiously there then made a really bad move it's the nature of a long tournament just have to try and minimize those types of blunders a blunder goat is proud of me i'm competing for blundergoats title okay what to do i've been sticking with the same avatar and getting decent positions h6 h6 is slightly mysterious we've transposed into something where h6 is a useful move trying to neutralize h file d4 doesn't work as knight b3 knight g4 is interesting maybe still [Music] an ip3 i might go for e5 and then some knight d4 also some idea of rook h4 there was some carlson game at some point he played this move i mean e5 is scary though it's hard to stop okay what to do the other night move now i don't know what to do here play c4 people look so wrong but it's an attempt of uh discouraging e5 especially if i can get the bishop to c4 the queen b4 queen d2 now i think i'll taken castle inside rook d8 queen d2 and black's probably doing fine but i'm staying alive what matters intention it takes six takes rook b1 [Music] b7 if takes there i could consider taking the pawn okay one doesn't work not a great way of uh treating this but it's a safe way pawns are gonna roll soon 56 kings of bishop hitting the pawn bishop there e5 now it's still very interesting f4 [Music] bishop wants to come here this looks winning [Music] maybe it's not though what's black thinking about and i have six i have queen of fade bishop d3 g6 queen f7 and it should be winning i think it's actually force mate okay it wasn't easy i think i was in trouble at some point in that game at some point got initiative though accidental exchange sacrifice thank you x cerebe xerabri new prime sub okay the goal is top hundred hour to go try and finish the last hour strong do 8 counts 19 months i'm tempted to agree i haven't researched in a while and now we have this uh the bush gas gambit uh still offering a stafford okay and knight g3 is interesting objectively it's uh it's not so good for black but we'll still try and have some fun here [Music] any way to have fun i'm allowing the trade but threatening this and this okay now we're having fun lots of fun so much fun yeah that works out at night to the whole tour of that game where'd that night start from but sorry from here okay yeah the wild knight i was not domesticated okay got the berserk win i'm 90. optimistical is top 50. within range like if i get some kind of streak okay let's try the same thing uh okay still offering the same pawn deja vu okay slightly different this game i had someone fall into the same trap earlier i ended up losing try and redeem myself this game [Music] earlier my opponent played knight d1 did some queen g5 this loses exchange rook d2 i skewer and if king b1i skewer now there's queen g3 but then bishop e5 oh i also have takes queen b5 intakes go for this looks more fun well these two pawns are hanging and i have queen b1 i'll go ahead and castle queenside after takes i i check take and defend the pawn and then bishop e2 in that line i have rook rook g8 rook g2 e4 might be played but then queen a5 check meanwhile i have a pass pawn well that's a move bishop h3 untapped i think i'll just play this and i do a line with the king but i'm turning this due to the pin [Music] that helps i always have to watch out for like weird tactics but i just recapture with rook the bishop h3 is likely resigning also maybe possible uh let's not celebrate too early here realized i'm up a pretty clean exchange a pawn will roll maybe rock or the rook trade so takes i think queen g5 over a minute uh this move looks nice writing made in one and threatening this okay that was nice number 70. oh why do you prefer d4 over e4 i've i play e4 a lot but this tournament i'm sticking with london um especially in blitz it's nice when i can [Music] play into uh a repertoire that i'm very familiar with i'm capable of playing e4 and yeah i'll uh i'll play a lot on stream okay so taking it takes rook here threatening bishop c7 black really wants to play this oh or that's this move attack the pawn wait not so simple let me trade everything yeah let's trade everything i have three in the end brooks come in this is actually a tempting move i'm curious what black will play against it this takes takes oh c6 isn't hanging in that line though i can take on a6 rook evie queen d7 the c4 is hanging c6 is weak e2's hanging a2 is weak if i can win c6 on the knights undefended [Music] uh in g4 it's still equal material but black has two weaknesses i just take interesting cake okay four on three knight for each person aggressive d1 king h2 i probably want to trade rooks and then try and trade knights eventually objectively it's probably a draw but i'll try and grind the town you can start walking maybe not too far though never mind i have to walk the king to h2 and then play g3 never mind man i feel so claustrophobic right now oh that's threefold okay i guess i can't complain yeah it's hard to actually get out of this bind maybe i should not have like had that structure maybe you played g3 sooner um ideally i'd like to try and like the fight for longer but what to do good game [Music] okay top 70 42 points playing zer ability fellow streamer i think playing a knight's tango first night's tango of the stream i might do an a g4 or an h5 f5 even knight d7 and b4 to do this c6 might also be a move maybe c5 was more called for [Music] uh i don't know what to do here actually d7 i'm just trying chill for a moment my rook should be on f8 knight should be on e8 and then f5 f4 and c5 might be coming [Music] c5 i might just ignore it go for my own plans it's not pretty e5 bishop e6 position it's it's pretty rough still not i have not yet played that five but time is okay my queen doesn't have a great spot to go i'll try this okay so it takes i think i have to bishop's going to land on c5 and maybe i take on e4 yeah scary move okay how do i not lose immediately it takes and queen c8 94 i got a sack exchange just go full throttle on the king side bishop c4 is coming though king h is not a move i want to spend time on what else to do i hope maybe 6 f3 [Music] i have no time what happens all my time good move oh it's kind of sad oh i got mated the game that was a rough one uh yeah i didn't choose the right plan in the early middle game okay life goes on 40 minutes left different opening no nights tango we have a queen's gamble declined hey it's stephen gray hello eric what is this about lee chess world championship ah yeah it's a champion of the world on the chess uh it happens every month there's a whole uh leachate blog post about it it was like half joking but also kind of half serious yeah four is a typical idea it's kind of chill in front of white's face uh maybe allowing this and then queen c7 wow i mean there's a funny line i think i'm going to go for this if takes and i have to decide um i think it's okay queen h7 i don't think hurts me it just gets weird king will go to e7 oh maybe it does hurt me [Music] ouch yeah i'm getting hurt there's no reason to do that i actually have bishop d4 though maybe it's still okay i think in kingdom 7 takes takes i lose a pawn but this still looks playable bishop defends the pawn i can't i mean can i play e5 maybe i can if i've worked off three spending too much time here here this move the laid bomb cloud threatening to trap the queen the bishop still defends um ah the tactics almost work actually do they work they're gonna have to first if takes takes a knight defends a rock but if i take first i think it works i dream of this that's a funny line long cloud worked out not sure what white's considering here maybe just crying about losing material uh still takes work though f5 oh in the pawn eric was born ready richard dratie was born ready [Music] yeah a lot of people like refer to richard reity as ready but reity is uh i think the better pronunciation let's defend i gotta watch my time actually oh and my rooks walk the king in that didn't work oh no push the c pawn everything's covered on the sixth rank should be winning still okay pushing p plenty of time here i'm not proud of getting forts i am proud of just about converting this position [Music] so i built the bridge time for mating it's mating season okay i always have to stay focused interesting i also found an online tts simulator so i can try my lines before i send no more poo poo poo poker face oh have you figured out how to say papa [Music] what did i just do i'm just losing a pawn [Music] okay it's a it's a new type of gambit confuse opponent gambit i'll keep my poker face that's kind of like a smith mora except much worse those takes i take somehow this is kind of playable it takes takes takes um we'll see what happens there's bishop b4 i think i should keep my electorate bishop and try and use the g file like a g h7 queen b3 hitting f7 not sure if black is sacking b6 or blundering or blundering g6 we'll take it the fonz pinned and now the bishop's pin so i'm threatening to take here interesting there's a funny line eggs and then queen d4 [Music] overloading the pinned piece okay so now one two three attackers i don't care that the pawn is staring my king in the face the box not surviving this okay so it was worse than the smith mora but somehow it worked out uh oh actually no i can't celebrate too early actually a good move wait this is still weird i think rook g4 this is still very weird i'm down a piece too where'd my piece go [Music] let's just be losing i have this move though right there there i think i have to try it now let's work g4 doesn't even work try this oh my queen's hanging oh it was worse than the smith morrow how bad is it i'm down to rook and the knight for two pawns i do have the bishop here though there's some funny ombre soundcheck on passage [Music] it i'm so sad now again [Music] everything is crumbling okay uh yeah i think king h7 i'm probably just losing that's so sad [Music] what to do still top 100 still above 2600 too less than a half hour left oh lady gaga would be proud for my pop-up poker face okay have an even score against this opponent mainline there's a few moves i can play here there's this there's this there should be seven is like a trendy move among super grandmasters i had this earlier actually e5 i got in trouble earlier you don't play queen c2 this time eyeing the h7 pawn now there there's b4 [Music] it's materialistic mb3 blaca center i'm up upon probably should castle at some point before the center opens up too much hey it's a pawn diamond caller rosen trophy let's go okay i'm happy now even if i lose a game [Music] i kind of want to take pixar's knight t5 i think it's okay because takes i just moved back and then d-pawn should be falling even threatening to work the night and pond but then the knight hits me interesting good move [Music] big so i kept the rook defending the a2 pawn i have two attackers against d2 i might lose e5 yeah we're just trading oh tactics time oh no my pawn [Music] this is why you should do puzzle rush or puzzle storm or read the tactics book now it's not over i i really had can't celebrate too early i just won the exchange but it still takes work here um i think i'll put the rook back on d2 and there's this move too activate this rook i had knight e4 as well uh maybe now knight d4 three i have to be really careful here uh f3 i don't want to get stuck i think i have to do this um e7 is a plan anything can still happen box running maiden two i just got a queen side castles with a skewer on the queen link to game oh nice sounds pleasant a castle skewer okay check me okay it really takes focus to win a winning position ugm benjamin with a new sub oh ivy oh i see your link okay uh there's still 22 minutes left to the tournament so if you remind me a little bit later afterwards um i'm gonna try and finish strong here oh buzzer play into [Music] the other gambit should be here and then here hi queen b6 idea bh6 h5 is a move well this pawn is pinned so there's no c3 just trying to undermine the structure e5 is a bit weak five's now a threat might move somewhere never mind am i doing so i meant to play five still okay allowing queen e4 but then some weirdness happens rook c3 is now a threat i meant to play roxy too mouse slipping too much there we go that's still my win okay i'll slept a couple of times that game but uh [Music] still managed 49 points gaining a little bit of rating this tournament thank you to scorpio 84 the five months okay playing um pedro gill [Music] final 20 minutes go eric oh thank you kooba oh what line do i want to enter let's enter the main line this is as close as i've gotten up up poker face oh that's actually a clever way of approaching it uh knight c4 i think is playable usually it's with the bishop on e7 but i think the same idea applies if here i play here but it's still very much a fight rookie one i control the whole third ring with this rook affecting the cis or that should probably take the night before this happens no need to take the pawn t5 may be coming i think the bishop is happy here and then knight can be here oh i've worked before [Music] did not have a lot of that though never before bishop h3 rook h4 it's a weird position it's queen for rook bishop two pawns i take the bishop i think i have to take on e5 first queen c3 hmm h4 preventing rook g5 [Music] i just want to trade a pair of rooks might end up losing a pawn or two bishop d5 f3 it's hard to solve rook p8 i might win a seven in the end if check here here takes here but then lose a2 all three results are still possible oh e7 is hanging too and there's this idea interesting leave some tension a quadruple fork indeed i might lose a pawn go for this very clever black can't take on f3 or on e4 the king wants to run away long there's a b3 it's still tricky though there we go okay yeah the pawn on c6 prevents the bishop from ever uh controlling eight in like two moves so okay that was nice and took work to win that cool opening idea i wasn't entirely sure if that's actually like a good line for whites hey thank you gary shifting to nickel nick hey 66 top 50 is still within range playing cable box again uh i guess i'm not berserking maybe i show the berserked ah this line yeah we played this earlier i like the position i got earlier and keep it very positional i might have to play queen d1 there's an idea to um [Music] say this is us maybe launch a kingside attack rookie three the ideas small trough queen d6 uh rookie four repeat once doing this now um [Music] oh i'll admit i missed that move but it should be okay queen h5 it's still tricky black might not take the rook actually e6 is a move i promise my night gets trapped in the end oh there's a funny line i think it's gonna happen queen c7 queen e7 i have knight g4 i win back material or do i i missed h5 well played i'm gonna have to go into this still fighting hmm this isn't good okay sure i do have this not pleasant [Music] still kind of surviving [Music] there we go okay oh that took work to win and i went wrong with a middle game attack but it still worked out okay trying to finish strong close to top 50 playing king's crusher i'll play c5 and now this uh let's play a line with rook b8 it's playable maybe a little bit risky but it takes king's crusher wants to hurt me queen h5 may be coming i don't think it's so bad though let me try that castle we trade [Music] in b6 a little bit unsettling [Music] i don't know what to do here i really don't know what to do uh he's playing so quickly too fine i'll just go for this the lights are a little bit loose once i got the bishop in action f5 of 95. that's a really difficult position [Music] it could be one i have f never mind it's about to crumble it's already crumbling small chance of hope wait i just plundered a thing oh no try this no time and pretty much no position uh [Music] f3 yolo [Music] ichi is really close to working oh played oh i got a difficult position from the opening shout out to king's crusher okay final game berserking all the way built no time hopefully not too much tilt interesting wow okay idea e4 both knights are hanging we have this move i want the queensland castle [Music] box pieces are kind of funny i don't know what to do d5 is a bit loose now c4 is loose made luft okay that's the end pairings are closed that was fun i hope people enjoyed it um thanks everyone for tuning in if you're watching in the future on youtube let me know if you made it this far leave a timestamp in the comments with your favorite game yeah thanks everyone for being here there were 437 players total i finished in 59th i gained i gained about 30 rating point hey 30 rating points on the dots
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 91,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, chess game, chess video, lichess.org, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, chess 2021, london system, stafford gambit, lichess titled arena, titled blitz arena
Id: HhazJI-_EKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 53sec (10613 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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