Fast Aggressive and Slow Instructive Chess (FULL STREAM)

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so my goal is to win the tournament after late joining uh it's hourly super blitz arena about to join over 20 minutes late okay no time to waste hello to reformed foot is first in the chat and first time chat from reformed foot welcome to nick joe choco addict t oh let's turn off zen mode uh i'm the berserk and uh play super aggressively which might mean a staffer gambit or not bishop d3 is a main line um try and achieve some sort of okay this is probably already better for black it's reminiscent of a staffer declined i do f5 probably this and this i already might be threatening to take cinco pedo welcome back and shugo shin welcome welcome yeah if you're just joining the stream just begun and defend this pawn and this pawn because tactics so i'm playing a 57 minute long tournament but this is my first game in the tournament so that should be interesting let's reinforce the center i have to watch out for like these ideas but it doesn't scare me too much i'm wondering um have any like sort of threat with knight c5 maybe not um things seem close to working though hello to more people good to see you guys queen a4 wow so takes um it really felt like i had a tactic there i mean it's it's complex still let's check so there's a funny line takes and then this move and then now there's bishop bishop f1 though or even that move i can take i don't know what's going on anymore hmm i gotta move i have 27 seconds are we trading everything we can get some optical our bishop position oh no my bishop is stuck let's move up how to do this i'm in trouble [Music] okay i have outside passer at least then give away a pawn in c7 let's play this you're just joining hello no queen b422 oh i'm so sad what a game to start the tournament hello to people that was my first game of the tournament oh no well this was going to be more of a challenge uh no no wasting time ouch okay so now i have to play even more aggressively good to see my time yeah we'll try and manage my time better it's not the easiest thing to do when i berserk thank you lustery that chai tun the chai town dude welcome back uh let's play i'm really going all all out here with the pawn storming uh so there's queen b6 then i have knight b3 and defending both pawns calculating queen b6 g5 which could be interesting i have some idea of g5 and then maneuver the rook to h4 at 97 expected okay so i defend the pawn in the event of takes considering this actually oh there's a funny line okay so bishop takes g5 and then queen g4 bishop six queen g7 does it work i have some like weird windmill i think i'm up a piece in the end king h8 rook f7 king g8 rook g7 king h8 rook g6 and if rook f6 we trade everything uh i mean this looks strong oh there's a funnier line okay so if the wait a minute does it work does this work this might work it's so funny oh no my bishop and my queen it's so beautiful it's like a lollipop hey eric i love your content i hope you're having a good day my day has just gotten better okay no more pawn on g5 hey it's shastojo welcome to the raiders if you're just joining i just had this position queen h6 oh no my queen um because if takes its mate and if this i mean black could have taken but then i win the queen okay so for everyone just joining i late joined the hourly super blitz arena uh i lost my first game but i'm still going to try and win the channel a funny line for the win opponent resigns and d4 they didn't want to face to london probably okay so two quick wins in a row or maybe my my opponent saw my previous game was just terrified thank you mission control okay playing christopher or something something [Music] i'll pre-move e5 which means we'll either have uh oh i was gonna say stafford or england but we have something resembling a reverse alekhine maybe i'll play a5 let's take going for the throat now a5 trying to trap the knight and rook a6 idea to swing over there is some line um i think emery tate used to play in this fashion against alekhine probably should have played rookie six first let's play this move oh no my pawn oh no my rook i mean i'm i'm playing super aggressively i think it's paying off though oh no my knight wait i have this move and if takes i take and then i lose a pawn but maybe i get some initiative wait where's the mate it seems really close to mate bishop f7 or bishop f2 seems really really close this is where i slow down to calculate i'm not seeing it though maybe rookie six so there's bishop e2 and then queen e7 give gifting white the rook it's a fascinating position if it takes and i i think i'm just meeting unless there's king d1 i don't know what's going on anymore but we'll see what happens shortly i could probably pre-move this if castling i take when they change bishop f2 i'm really not sure i could defend everything ah let's go for this this is really risky okay risks pay off let's go there's quinji aiden then king d7 queen g4 but uh okay i got the mate sometimes you need to take risks to win quickly yeah hello to more people sorry i can't acknowledge everyone but thanks for subbing chess noob dinner official uh shout out to chess dojo by the way i think you blunder prone villain twitchy okay i'll play e4 this game and let's play b4 maybe ooh this line okay i'll play d4 queen d2 bishop f4 or maybe i'll go for like h4 and g4 it's already looking pleasant because g6 is coming very soon maybe right away if takes i probably take first on each seven if f takes then and this looks pretty good because the bishop is kind of sad some idea bishop d3 to then take or take and then take if knight takes e5 i have to recapture because knight was defending g6 okay so now i'm threatening this with multiple types of tactics back about to castle queenside wow impressive this is going to be a fight so i'm down the pawn but uh maybe have an extra minor piece to work with because this is just a dead piece for now and the plan is probably this and this or this as nice i'm controlling uh most of the developing squares for this bishop bishop b7 still probably knight d4 [Music] ah but then queen let's start with this move i didn't want to lose e5 okay so now i'm hitting the pawn if queen d5 have bishop c4 and meanwhile yeah it's hard for black to defend oh okay i'll do this i know the best way to win the pawn [Music] probably this we end up trading rocks quack quack quack there's gonna be pressure against c7 like queen f2 i do stuff with my bishop um queen b4 not seeing what to do i want to keep queens on the board though threatening this and this welcome back david lancore there's g5 and g5 doesn't scare me okay i can win the bishop defend the knight over here it's mate let's go okay just over 20 minutes left in the tournament where'd i go hey 25th place 15 points leader has 30. still a lot to make up uh what is this opening what is e4 what what was that i had the funny thing is that was not my quickest win of the tournament my quickest win is when i played d4 earlier and my opponent resigned okay london time c6 going for e4 the dream is real the dream is real yeah the more i dream the more real it becomes okay so e4 is typical to counter attack the knight if takes i take knight g7 i play bishop g3 thank you jeeves wooster oh i'm top 10 now after that that three move win okay so i maintain the bishop here unbox moving the same piece way too many times probably so i have a slight lean development mighty e6 and queen h5 if black plays e6 probably h4 trying to nibble away at the king side um i could have taken but i didn't want to make things too murky this is a nice situation because interesting takes takes i think d5 if takes takes bishop e6 i take it looks like i'll be winning a pawn okay so i'm preventing queensland castling which i don't even know what black wanted to do but there's some dream of mating on d7 okay 92 it looks reasonable okay now i'm trying to accomplish my dream oh i allowed rook to eight though oops okay i'm giving up castling rights actually i already gave up casting rights a long time ago g4 [Music] so some queen a4 idea [Music] f3 that rook is almost trapped i might play queen a4 goes to some some end game very unusual position here interesting i have to be really careful about this h-pawn no more ombusson for black 23 seconds h3 i play visual h2 okay time scramble time f4 [Music] knight g1 [Music] okay pawns are smiling this pawn is now weak idea this and this hey it's a fork oh it's a oh what is this let's go okay i went on time a slightly messy ending there but got the job done so i have 24 tournament points why did the goose fall down on the ground when it started to fly in the air because what goes up will always come down ah fancy sounds like gravity okay that's berserk and i haven't had a real stafford yet i had the my first game my opponent also played d4 oh this is like some opening theory i don't know this line f5 maybe i really don't know this line actually looks okay though [Music] b6 yeah i accidentally like went into mainline petrov but uh okay idea to redevelop to g7 and d4 could be a long term target i have a slight space deficit but it's not too bad i think if rook takes never mind the a5 hmm really not sure how to approach this position 97 if we trade we have six we could trade some more i do have the a file pawn is a bit weak knight c3 i'm trying to calculate an xc3 let's play h5 i can't take on d4 yet it feels like i'm making some progress some idea bishop h3 rook should be on a3 though [Music] okay we'll trade idea rook b3 i really want to target the pawn [Music] yeah there's rook b2 i have to take so now i pin and one of the goals is to bring the knight here and after knight d3 play bishop f5 okay now yeah i can't defend the pawn but it's it's an endgame grind still takes some technique to win this advance the pawns might as well trade bishops game space um check how to do this h3 i think the knight wants to come all the way around and now d4 is a target i want to play this and dominate white tonight actually the knights already dominated check okay so i forced the trade hit the bishop are there more doors or wheels in the world yeah it's been circulating on twitter i don't know you can ask which maybe maybe this move let's play this move first after the trade i'm guaranteed to promote or i take on h2 hmm oh what's going on here at night's really annoying okay now it's less annoying oh the bishop's annoying what is this what's going on okay i want on time i don't just happen there oh i'm playing a person in the first place this is actually a really key game and they're not besting back probably for good reason try and keep my composure here e4 there's my t4 the queen's not great on c6 you probably end up moving again now i'm threatening this threatening this now how does black defend h3 let's play this move i do want to play bishop h3 at some point maybe right now we end up trading a lot so i'll end up taking on d6 and then wow oh tricky tricky let's move very tricky wow okay no draw this is a risk i'm allowing g5 ideas to take and muddy the waters really does that work so it kind of works okay i'm gonna be down the piece and down about a minute too it's kind of sad i should play queen a3 target the pawn so rook d8 bishop f3 group d2 if d5 rook t1 d4 i have to play b3 here [Music] looks wrong but between c3 i rook c1 and probably end up winning the night actually trapping the queen wow you can see three rook c1 okay a7 was randomly hanging i want to play h4 i might want to play this and this i could have won the pawn but i'm still attacked time is leveling out um [Music] now i guess i'll win the pawn oh no i blunder i have this no oh no i have this move [Music] no this isn't good oh no oh what to do i liked the position at some point i played well though yeah i think there goes my hopes of winning the tournament but still some hope of what like top three maybe i think after this tournament i'll i'll try and play some slower chess keep it a bit more chill okay stop for gamba time casting i think queen f6 is the best move get the w yeah this is a kind of a rare line white doesn't usually play this move order uh [Music] i mean it takes first and then queen h4 looks pretty good and if takes takes and its pawn is very tender now there is queen e1 after which i'll take and take on c2 that other rook should have taken so now it's a fork yeah this is probably going to be the last game that counts for the tournament unfortunately ooh almost some mating ideas i just want to hug the king tightly okay i'm gonna go for uh g5 g5 doesn't really work though it's really close to mating okay i want to go for this and then g5 mate that would be nice hey it's going gonna happen g5 mate hey let's get some g5 emotes i was a funny mate okay uh if i get one more win i do maybe playing person first okay let's be aggressive here now we're just kind of just trading stuff um almost made a really bad pre-move there wow i want to play this in this this position okay we're gonna trade and d2 c3 in the end looks pretty good this knight is randomly trapped c2 incoming let's go okay pairings closed that's a nice game to finish things off with okay top three oh so the person who i just played it looks like they're gonna win the tournament unless the sky wins they have nine seconds to win and they are winning but they need to win in less than five seconds didn't happen i almost got mated okay the end do i end the stream now oh do i put this on youtube maybe i'll put this on youtube the humic nubits good games zaddy yeah who's your zaddy oh okay so hey tj is making history being the first person to redeem the new channel point reward i added a new reward just like an hour ago it's redeemed photo or i'll share a recent photo i took and then tell the story behind it uh who was it i was looking through my discord recently and there is a a very useful like suggestion from emberg who is like giving suggestions for channel point redemptions and redeem a photo was one of them so but before i share a photo uh thank you to [Music] everyone who's here including ballerina girl subbing or no hi i missed your challenge the other night during the charity stream because i was at my lab bench doing work can i challenge you to a blitz game smile uh you can or no actually you can't because i have challenges turned off well i have challenges turned on maybe later i think there are a lot of people missing the like not showing up for the games that stream it's kind of what happens when it's a long stream let me just thank some people from earlier thank you to [Music] uh guift subbing for six months noob and rivaro subbing for six months mcnubbits for the one year ballerina backer was first time with prime yeah ziggy p um maybe at some point later i'll do challenges but i'm probably going to join like a rapid arena very soon oh and phil g8s with the bits saying i'm not twitch sub due to time zone issues oh your aussie probably means australia i sub on youtube love your content oh especially for london attacking ideas i will be posting my uh my london opening lesson with andrea botez uh hopefully pretty soon year of rose and rosen rose and rose and rosen oh yeah is that every year oh that's evanism's last year yeah something for 12 months welcome back heavenism hello to dj prometheus with a first time chat with bits okay i'll share a photo um oh i have i have some interesting photos to share there's a photo i wanted to share on reddit but maybe i still will at some point but um i'll share a the most recent photo i took i made a new it's a new i don't know what we call it recipe kitchen creation i learned the other day how to make chia pudding or you literally just put chia seeds in milk and then wait for several minutes so i made chia pudding and it was really good i used oat milk there's all these youtube videos like how to make fancy chia pudding but this was just three ingredients is chia seeds oat milk and raspberries um and yeah i i actually like i probably waited a few hours because the chia seeds i guess they expand or they they absorb the the liquid it turns into like this interesting texture and yeah it's really good i think it's healthier than like normal pudding because there's no need to add sweetener this was taken with my iphone this is portrait mode i tried to stage the shot with uh some balance in the background anyway i hope that satisfies the redeem photo now i think there's a cool down like i said a cool down of like 15 or 20 minutes so um after a photo is redeemed you have to wait like 15 20 minutes before someone else can redeem a photo but i do have more to share if uh if it gets to that point have you ever had acai bowls yeah i don't know if i've made an acai bowl so acai can be sometimes hard to find but uh when i went to bali i'd like this really good acai bowl i don't know if i have a photo of it though oh i do okay one more photo this was an acai bowl i had in bali it was pretty good but there was an even better one which i'm struggling to find it's somewhere on my instagram anyway um i think what i'll do because this was like really fast paced and uh maybe not the best quality chess is i will slow it down a bit and let's play yeah i'll join the hourly rapid arena my wife thinks you're better for me than my hypertension medicine i'm not sure if uh if any doctors would just prescribe watching my stream but maybe i can help with some hypertension do i berserk i want to play rabbit chest i guess i'll berserk it'll be blitz first game of the tournament turning into a blitz game yeah g3 it's uh it's very playable this can transpose into uh i guess we're probably going to see a king's indian attack i'll play a bit more solidly i'll go for a bishop e7 casting and then like b6 e4 right away i'll take a slow high quality chess lots of time for good analysis and ample time for shower thoughts yeah yeah it'll be some uh some nice contrast hopefully the chest i've played so far so i want to play b6 but then there's e5 and maybe it's okay actually let's do it calculating okay like just pre-move castling um yeah i'll play knight c6 so this is kind of my main setup against kings in the attack and it's a little bit uh what's the right word offbeat because usually the pawn's on c5 but one of the points is to maneuver the knight to c5 and then especially when white split c3 in combination with queen a4 there are ideas of this now if i play this right away there's takes takes and i lose a queen and probably end up losing material [Music] i'm thinking knight knight e5 idea knight c5 really hammer away at this d3 square i mean f4 is still maybe probably coming i'll play this move what's probably going to happen is knight d3 and i'll end up taking on c1 and it seems weird to like move the knight so many times to trade off for a bishop that hasn't developed but i value the bishop pair i think white has to move the rook here i can expand with c5 so white played what's supposed to be the king's in king's indian attack but i don't feel too attacked so far because whites played it without pawn e5 but white is moving quickly i have to manage my time wondering if i can play this move idea to pin the knight to the rook there's another idea to take i'm trying to pressure the pawn leader yeah really got to watch my time another thought is 95. maybe i'll play 95. there's a case after takes takes f4 it looks like i lose time but f4 could potentially weaken this diagonal and um [Music] oh there's a funny line so i'm setting up a trap if bishop f3 which looks very logical there's rook takes d2 does this work it looks like it works wait no it doesn't work stream title does it oh i have to change the stream title sorry about that i thought that worked but it doesn't work uh okay let's just repeat once and then queen g6 i really wrap it arena okay extreme title updated all right let me try and take over the d file if rook d2 we trade i win this pawn interesting i think f6 just preventing knight e5 f6 also allowed for queen e8 okay there's b5 how to do this b5 at first i was concerned about knight a5 but i think i would just move back yeah the goal is probably to get up on the c4 get the bishop in and then get the queen to g1 now i don't want to play c4 and allow knight d4 maybe i should play e5 okay we might end up just trading all the major pieces oh i'm losing a pawn oh no wait am i i have c4 immediately i'm gonna lose a6 i have the bishop here g5 first [Music] i'm down upon but maybe it's not so bad oh okay got some trixies so if takes i have this and if this i take and then c2 wow it's still not over though [Music] i think it's winning my white's going to have like this clump of ponds on the queen side okay you really should be winning this move yeah i had to stop a6 and then ooh wait it's really not clear wait what did i do ah my king was on the wrong square oh no [Music] oh that was unfortunate no what to do oh that's so sad mine is 19 too i got too excited to take the pawn my king had to be here it should be a winning end game there's a drawing wow it's drawn i guess i found a way to lose it then good game to my opponent though ouch okay well i feel like there is uh some deja vu from the previous tournament i lost my first game um [Music] no more berserking maybe maybe i'll just try and try and focus on quality over over winning no berserking i'll play e4 good job to all the doubters who doubted me now are winning channel points um i'll play bishop c4 h6 h6 is a sign black is scared of uh of knight g5 36 is generally not considered a good move because it really slows down development and essentially i have a scotch game up at tempo if she asking eric will that be the first time you travel to [Music] oh i think you mean iceland rather than ireland um i went to iceland in 2016 for two days but yeah coming up i'll be in iceland for more than two days so i'm excited to to take photos this is a very photogenic country oh is that how you like the the spelling for iceland in iceland is ireland but do they pronounce it iceland i'm kind of learning something new here yeah i'm looking to target the pawn i don't really care about the c2 pawn um i guess now the queen's a bit tied down to f7 so i'm looking at bishop bishop d3 but even still knight t5 oh this is a starbucks mug yeah it's a dallas mug of two but it has a starbucks logo somewhere everything's bigger in dallas it was sent to me by brad mcclelland but it's nice because it's a super large mug wow bishop d8 yeah it's a question like how to make progress as the position looks so so good but it still takes a bit of work and maybe what i'll do is just like develop the bishop d3 queen e6 let's develop i want to connect the rooks there is a line [Music] is there a line well now bishop d3 queen e624 there's f5 takes we trade a bit but maybe just bishop c3 just improving c2 is still hanging yeah i'm really not concerned about the c pawn even if there's not like any immediate tactic the the thing about this position is um [Music] the vengeful attack on the king side and black is a little bit paralyzed with queen side development now maybe we'll see d6 but very soon i do want to play this move even this move or this move choices choices yeah i don't really want to take the knight i think i'll play 93 which prevents knight f5 and oh it accidentally defends e2 but now i have this move yeah so now if queen g5 or queen e6 i'll i'll be ready to play queen e4 and have the the meeting battery i think queen e6 was a little bit better because after f5 on poisson i would um i'd have to trade queens in this case f5 on poisson i'm still threatening this f4 is also maybe coming rocky c asking what's the best tea you've ever had uh probably in taiwan went to like this because taiwan there's so many tea farms and hiked up to this like very high it was like a hill or a mountain [Music] and had like this whole traditional tea ceremony that was amazing the tea was like very flavorful it was some type of like either green tea or oolong had a few different types of tea so this move there's this move i might as well do it queen c5 king h1 yeah milky oolong tea is really good yeah i'm playing a slightly different style than how i was playing in my my blitz games where i'm not in any rush to me i'm just kind of optimizing the pieces and waiting for some opportunity maybe i could have played that five yeah it's move 19 and black has two pieces developed but the problems kind of stem from the opening this uh this h6 move early on okay knight f6 i'm trying to find the follow-up after king g7 i think maybe just g4 because f5 there is knight f5 yeah just going for a full domination here also had really good tea at uh the stafford london hotel had afternoon tea it was amazing during my short stay in london watching you always chills me out makes me comfortable and usually teaches me something thanks for all the great content stay happy victory hand thank you so phil i appreciate the words man okay i'm beginning to look for like crazy things but i think i'll just move back to d5 and now the kings on g7 align with the bishop i'm threatening this and this yeah i guess this is what happens when you don't complete development as black only the queen is developed yeah we're reaching a point where there's just probably a lot of ways to win for white um i just didn't want to trade queens there and that h5 would have been clever takes and then check okay f6 f6 or e6 now let's play f6 hey thank you so film gifting to improbable spork would knight h5 have worked uh very likely yeah um hey always play f6 let's get some f6 bam emotes yeah i think there are a couple comments asking oh engine actually likes us the best but even here like knight h5 because if takes there's check in may next move um and if this i assume yeah everything's winning that was too much fun okay uh back to tournament okay uh top 60 is the second game yeah it's 8 26 p.m my time um i've been on a later schedule than usual recently why is everyone playing like the h-pong early in the opening [Music] uh so this is like a wait a minute i could play a london i'll just play a london with h3 included i feel like already we have like a completely new position h3 knight t4 we might see another example of how to punish the opponent for not developing [Music] i want to play bishop c5 let's keep developing 97 a3 okay so when the opponent plays like this it makes sense to grab space uh and then space can sometimes lead to exploration or just more space so after it takes takes yeah the org knight c1 the point is to develop the bishop to c5 and now i'm already threatening queen b6 to have a double attack bishop b4 we could trade trade queen b6 i'm considering this move as well [Music] i think i'll trade though as that was white's only developed piece now the annoying thing is like i'm not necessarily winning here at all because there's not any like clear weaknesses however it should still be very pleasant um i could castle there's some idea of this in this some e4 idea e4 we trade okay i kind of like e4 e4 does allow actually let's go for this it allows d4 which it looks like white one like does want to close the position but then there's cool idea e3 to just loosen the kingside pawns and it's upon sacrifice but i'm opening up the e4 square and if takes i have queen d6 and then f3 i mean both knights are kind of paralyzed i'll play queen d6 threatening maiden one i think f4 is the only move is there's rip g1 [Music] rook do you want to have knight here and then there's some funny lines like if g4 i play queen h2 rook g2 queen h3 oh no my knight and queen h4 and oh no white's king thank you figataki okay so the the two main moves to consider here are [Music] these captures i think they both work i'll take on f4 okay so now another may threat rook g2 would stop made in one but allow made in two okay sam asking when is twitch gonna partner with spotify that's an interesting question also gigi okay um if anything i feel like there'd be room so twitch is owned by amazon and amazon has uh also owns amazon music obviously so if they were to like do some partnership with a music platform it'd probably be amazon music wait what i'm playing fake eric rosen oh dear i wonder what fake eric rosen plays are we gonna see a fake stafford gambit what's up super mata thanks for being awesome eric oh thank you okay let's see it fake staffer gambit but this is a real staffer gambit what is this okay let's refute the stafford gambit i have to be careful though to remember my uh my refutation prep time for the stafford elo gains oh thank you paulie b so i'm playing what i would normally recommend for white to play against the stafford this is a strong a strong line now if i'm black here actually i don't want to say anything as black i would still be an opening prep hey it's sonja thanks sonia welcome back to sonya queen d4 usually i play h5 first queen t4 is interesting though um i actually haven't seen this like this move order but this is never a move i've played so we can now confirm this is actually fake eric rosen as opposed to the real one it's like coca-cola versus pepsi [Music] wait but don't both of those coke and pepsi have like fake ingredients in them i like to compare it to like the real like pure maple syrup versus versus artificial maple syrup okay bishop e3 queen b2 okay i'll play i'll play c3 yay i think you're zootopian but coke versus pepsi i haven't had coke or pepsi in a long time fake eric rosen only drinks coffee yeah that's probably true i did have coffee earlier today the impossible burger versus the whopper [Music] wait is there an impossible burger now it's another thing i haven't had in a while is mcdonald's or burger king okay so the dust is settling queens are traded i have an extra minor piece hey derek hoops i mean eric oh hey little texmax uh yeah i have to show my fake counterparts no mercy wait a minute takes takes uh it should be okay there's a line like takes takes takes takes takes so for that reason i would take with a bishop and everything should be okay i kind of want to analyze the opening though because queen d4 is an interesting or are you welcome back okay there are other eric rosens that exist like it's actually kind of a common name [Music] but there's probably more fake eric rosens that exist thank you gigi ian good oh asking [Music] something about shogi i have to defend the pawn somehow i could move the pawn but maybe i'll [Music] be adventurous i'm trying to strangle the king from all sides i guess c8 is a little bit hard to control have you ever played shogi i tried learning at once but i this would be 100x funnier if he was streaming too um yeah how difficult would it be to like create an avatar where you use like machine learning to have an avatar like speak like me the same way that um there's a whole genre on twitch and youtube they're called v tubers it's actually kind of scary that technology probably exists for like someone to create like synthetic synthetic audio of my voice yeah it's called deep fakes yeah thankfully i'm not playing deep fake eric rosen easier to detect oh it does oh yeah sound would know it'd also be cool if if i could have like a a deep fake tts that would just read tts messages in like my voice or [Music] other random celebrity voices how do we know you're not synthetic you don't know i could just be one of these like uh uh avatar bots that would be a cool project actually just like outsource my whole streaming career to like some machine learning and have a bot that just plays in my style plays all the dubious openings i feel like in like maybe five or ten years i will be a bit more realistic thanks for the content sir oh thank you zenthorne yeah the problem this is probably a good thing but also a bad thing is there's just thousands of hours of me talking on the internet it's not too hard for someone probably to just sample or have like a large sample of my voice okay how do i win this guess i should start winning pawns so if b6 i play this nevermind i don't snoop in from behind yeah here we're going to see the power of the bishop pair over half a bishop pair there's some really pleasing symmetry here i have the same ideas i had earlier also with synthetic eric rosen we could have people donate bits to control your mood i like 100 bits to make you angry 200 bits to make you nice i feel like you would have to pay a lot more bits to make me angry which would then make me happy oh there's a workaround okay i'm gonna win this pawn and then yeah one pass pawn should be enough to get the job done here it's turning into a somewhat long game my fake self is putting up resistance i wonder if i can mate with just like without promoting the pawn it's about to happen dad didn't happen hey wait a minute it's going to happen very soon now this isn't stalemate wait how do i make this happen this move now let's win the pawns first i have to prove who the real one is nice okay uh i could have made more bishops but uh king c7 checkmates too sweet to pass up ah yeah bishop bishop c6 was a fake stalemate trap it was a fake oh no my bishop um analysis board so uh i'm a little bit curious about the opening though because i've so i've had this position 200 times as black and i've never played queen d4 which is how we know my opponent was was fake i always almost always play h5 few games with knight g4 but queen d4 oh engine doesn't like it yeah i canceled here castle castling's the best move i'm curious about h5 here ah c3 queen d6 yeah i guess black is a little bit too slow to get in knight g4 okay i thought this could be maybe an interesting improvement but turns out to be just uh probably a bit worse in the main line okay i'm gonna take a break um and then i'll come back with some more games so i pause the tournament watch a game [Music] put on some pentatonic watching sultai who beat me the other day actually all right brb so okay oh sultai has uh 17 points i see the prediction too yeah so three out of three means will i win the next three games [Music] how do we know this is a real eric rosen well i'm playing my main uh my main repertoire against c5 okay i'm going to turn off pentatonic just because i don't want to fall asleep too soon but for those that are interested in the sound setting it's um it's one of the settings on the chest pentatonic yeah this is a it's a playable line for black but there's a nice line e4 black has one move here i discovered this many years ago the point is it's a temporary pawn sacrifice after a g takes e4 i'll have queen g4 hitting both pawns and black can defend both with queen e5 and then i have bishop f4 and there's some nice initiative still some speculation about what's real and what's fake oh dear it could be interesting to like make a a mask that's just my face might also be a little bit creepy i'm ocean born asking how many gm norms you have i have zero unfortunately the closest i've been was in the 2015 chicago open i needed to win the last round and i was winning but i drew and mr norm okay queen f6 if i'm not mistaken i think bishop takes b8 the best move here it feels wrong to give up the bishop hair but the point is after it takes i have bishop b5 and i take away black's casting rights and i also win back the pawn so now black has to play not knocking d7 but bishop d7 or probably king f8 yeah uh for the last several halloweens i have dressed up as myself which kind of just means i gave up on finding a costume like a queenside castle here why not this allows black to win a bishop allowing queen queen g5 uh but the point was if the queen went to take then i would have a d8 in the end and life would be good okay let's continue if i played rook d8 there there's king g7 i'm just trying to complete development hey it's toggy oh tagi with uh toggy has a new sub badge which i designed a couple hours ago i'm beginning to freshen up some of the sub badges and add some new ones too okay so box how's fix the problem of the king played this move this funny line if pawn takes bishop h6 and then it's mate next move oh thank you gm gm yvonne is a big fan h6 is uh yeah very logical and the issue is now if i move back there's b5 there should be seven with tempo [Music] so what to do if i take i'm thinking bishop e2 even though it looks kind of wrong there's some logic to it because i keep the d file open and ensure that black can't play b5 with tempo [Music] very soon i'm ready to take if black allows do i have any energy for blindfold simul uh ask the same question in an hour and i'll let you know currently my my energy levels are pretty decent i can probably go for a few more hours looks like black could maybe throw in this move but okay the the nice thing about taking on g6 is i'm going to get a slightly preferable pawn structure because regardless of like if pawn takes or if knight takes or king takes um either this pawn or this pawn will be isolated yeah i don't think i mind the queen trade rook d7 [Music] ah there's another four so maybe rook d4 was just a prophylactic move biz was asking how did you get into photography um i started taking pictures there's more this was back in 2009 i was a freshman in high school i took like an intro to photography course did some darkroom stuff then did some digital photography and after that course i got a camera i was a canon t3i and then yeah i've been been into it every ever since um got a few gigs like at chess tournaments and then also other random gigs like concerts and nightlife and it's still a hobby slash passion sometimes a side job too okay i want to play this move but then there's bishop f3 i have to trade actually there's a weird line like rook b6 takes takes and then takes now if takes knight takes takes and knight g6 probably don't want to go into that hmm and it's also really tempting just to take and take but um okay rook b6 we trade yeah i think i just moved back it's really not what i want am i the four's coming ah but neither four i win e5 one of the issues for black here is this uh this pawn needs a constant babysitter so it's not easy for black to play rook d8 and take over the d-file because after takes takes i win the pawn f6 is logical um thinking this idea h4 there's another idea knight h4 takes takes takes and then rook g4 the problem is rook g8 so bishop d3 e4 i don't think is a huge concern because it would be rook e1 [Music] another 4 bishop f5 it's going to turn into a blitz game i'm both below 5 minutes okay so the calculation was this this and then threatening rook d7 and even in the event of takes rook d7 there should be enough counter play yeah sultai is still leading and if rook d8 uh again i would trade if rook takes like when the pawn king takes side i still have this idea so i'm not sure what black's gonna do here oh shawarma asking when playing eric do you mute the stream or snipe his ideas i've mentioned before i don't i don't usually don't mind if people like listen while they play me but i guess morally you should probably mute the stream if anything i could be distracting to listen to all my thoughts and even when i share all of my ideas sometimes they're not so easy to stop okay so just making sure like there's some 92 check some random checks but i don't think they're too damaging there's also this move i take and um yeah it looks like i'll i'll just be up a pong oh any new tea that you've been liking i've so much tea these days like most of the tea i have are like there are various teas that people have sent me um i had this like i'm still working through this autumn like tea variety pack from adagio and i finished a few of them but the one i've been liking recently is pumpkin spice which i'll probably end up finishing within a few weeks okay so yeah these these checks are still playable actually we might get some ending some rook ending i was gonna say but okay now it looks like this pawn's a goner rook a7 coming and if i win a6 i maybe could win f6 like there's a line rook g2 takes king e7 check king goes back and then eventually rook f7 oh there's a funny line where i mate but it's not happening it feels close to mate how to do this rook d7 yeah i think i'll start with this the idea is to provoke king c6 and then play wow b4 i mean now i have this move actually which i might as well play oh no my money oh he asked your money thank you yvonne caramazol [Music] the first maybe sorry for butchering your name okay this looks really nice because if this is meat if this it's a pen and if this it's a free night and if this that's also a pen so i'm either winning the night or mating hey what's up thomas oh i forgot about that move but i'm also winning a night there and yeah now i might as well might as well activate the king so the rook holds the pawns together okay if i were black i would uh i mean there's a funny line like f5 takes check takes check and stalemates but of course i wouldn't go into that i could take the free rook anyway uh back to tournament overall that was a pretty smooth game it's actually a nice opening um yeah bishop b8 is actually the only way to keep an advantage okay so i have 12 points leader has 26 points i guess there's two leaders i'm debating whether to berserk i don't think i want to though i'd rather uh rather have some time to work with but maybe i'll i'll still play aggressively what's the cm cm is candidate master which i believe you get when you you achieve like 2200 feet ooh b6 oh oh no i thought black was the one who was gonna like fall into a dirty pre-move thing i just blundered a bishop i was expecting bishop g7 not h6 oops now i'm just down a piece okay i'll try and show how to fight down a piece uh my h-pawn is pinned not my proudest moment h5 maybe i'll play h5 h5 is no good though i'll still play h5 okay so i'm down the piece uh situations like this it's important not to get too emotional and realize that uh yeah life goes on knife six is a good move hitting both pawns now what i wanted to do is this this and then this but it hangs a rook i'm thinking i'll still how to do this actually i'll still play e5 i mean there's two ways or like two different strategies when you're down material one is just to cut your losses and try and like play solidly another is try to try and make things as messy as possible [Music] um it looks like i might go for the ladder my takes takes ah let's take at least a knight is a a bit lesser in the game now now queen g4 so i hold on ready to castle the square is potentially weak yeah i have to focus on the bright side of life um i don't think i want to ambisant but do i have to sign i'm thinking bishop f1 here it looks like such a sad move actually no let's let's not pass on avoiding the brick if queen takes i have 92 bishop takes i'll just castle this is going to be really difficult to come back from [Music] uh is queen f4 is coming f2 is hanging let's see 92 there's actually a funny line knight e2 takes and then takes um there's one thing i don't like there king b1 there's also knight h3 maybe knight h3 is the way to go this does a few more things it defends f2 prevents queen f4 also hits g5 there is this move which makes a ton of sense from black's perspective the nice thing is at least i have a target now black either has to like awkwardly defend the pawn [Music] i mean if this i don't think i'd take the pawn maybe i take the queen first ah yeah retreating a little bit there goes my g2 pawn also this is a major threat i have to play knight g1 oh this is uh this is kind of like a downward spiral i was trying to cut my losses and not maximize my losses i do have this move now wait there's also this move and f4 okay i'm trying to cut off the bishop from breathing queen f2 thank you kali twitch bot collie twitch spot is just a bot that randomly cheers bits it's not a human unless it is if you're a human say something that's what i thought okay um castling well now i have this move wait i feel like there's hope it's still a just completely losing position but all i need is an ounce of hope [Music] hey 94 first okay how to make progress i feel stuck now rookie one fc3 i guess rookie won i really don't know what to do though there's g5 a4 maybe king b1 i'm gonna play c3 it looks wrong but i wasn't sure what else to do oh thank you anonymous gifting to the bot that's kind because there's some ideas like b4 and then this there's also this idea yeah another strategy in these scenarios is just to like avoid trades at all costs and just try and have a really long game and then go for the eventual flag so it's good to see black taking time maybe they're not sure exactly what to do thank you hope your evening is going well this is going well could be going better this position is a little bit sad but uh okay i'm trying to fight back yeah blacklight knight b8 like maybe concerned about this move but now the knights have been out of play the dream is this this and this and then this no that's a scary move i wonder i start with this i'll start with this wow okay now i have this move i know that's working though what's going on there there there i'm calculating silently takes i don't think it works i'll play this i want to play this but there's knight d3 okay i mean things are getting confusing [Music] which is maybe a good thing so i'm trying to drive the queen away from defending the pawn mission accomplished and maybe going after this pawn now now this bishop is still a bit stuck i was kind of expecting this line so i do have a choice which piece to take problem is if i take this there's queen e2 so i think i have to take the bishop at least f7 should be falling expected move 92 i'll take the pawn slowly but surely i mean i'm still down a full piece but it doesn't feel as bad because i'm getting some activity allowing this i mean here here and then here some idea to do things against the king also threaten this and this yeah it's not so simple for black maybe it is looking at a line that doesn't work yeah so queen f3 is probably the best move i want to play this but i don't see the follow-up so i'm actually thinking of playing this first and here i'm i'm giving black a lot of options but there's still a threat of this um never mind for queen b5 okay [Music] a5 perhaps there's also d now d5 doesn't work and there's this move um [Music] what to do i lost a bit of momentum there you're the best chess streamer out there love you everybody [Music] i love you too uh okay going into the sign 29 seconds down a piece black still has some small issues okay trying to target this knight now threatening this if this i have i'm also yeah also ideas of knight d8 96 i have d5 okay so i think b5 bishop s6 was a good move c4 connect 4 the point is i really want to get in b5 mission accomplished it's still really tricky finding a fork now hey okay i went from being down a piece to being up a piece and up on time wow okay oh that was a stressful game this is a game i stepped away for a minute just returned and pleased to see you have found a funny line to be equal material i think the the most pleasurable move that game was c4 because black was playing really well to like prevent my knight from attacking this knight i played b4 looking like i'm getting in b5 then c4 and uh yeah i go connect 4 for the win okay oh key walk says 3596 thymissa oh i missed knight d6 yeah i missed a thing i was so scared because i wanted to play queen h1 but this allows this and i'm almost getting mated i should have conserved 96 and white's better wow okay yeah i was under a lot of like time pressure and positional pressure back to tournaments so next game i'll try and not lose a piece in the first five moves um 12th place yeah no chance to win the tournament maybe a chance of like top five um [Music] staffer gambit no staffer gambit i'm going to play aggressively here 92 wow i really want to punish this takes i think i'll start with man there's some weird options there's this move knight h3 and then take take 1993 here it takes takes not sure how good that is for black though i'm thinking i'll just take just to start with and then i want to hit the pawn so let's play this move thank you ray the gifted five yeah i'm not sure how much this is leading to like anything but i mean the goal is to provoke f3 okay now i feel a bit better so i think knight f3 was a better move realize knight b3 might be coming okay queen d7 oh thank you murph first time prime sub [Music] thanks dave from earlier and chamba and coin conor mars chess yeah sometimes it takes a little bit for me to acknowledge people thank you lucid alder okay um and white's really provoking me i really want to take and then bishop f2 it really feels like there's tactics here there's b5 as well to consider knight d4 okay i think all queensland castle so now i'm threatening to take remove the queen and then do this and then yeah for some reason i thought b5 93 and then take but then b5 is hanging it still might be playable though there's a crazy line i don't think it works but b5 knight e3 bishop a2 queen b5 queen d2 and then take i don't think it works because there's some like queen a6 king d8 queen a2 i almost have a windmill but not quite i might still play b5 and then just do something else like a6 and it looks like a fun position there's also takes there's also 94 man so many moves to consider here oh i really shouldn't be going too crazy though not a five maybe not a five so i defend the pawn i strengthen control over c4 because there might be knight c4 at some point also b3 could be usable and this pawn is still hanging oh goodbye to tagi thanks for stopping by also thank you duke nukem subbing for one year okay here we go yeah my dreams are finally coming true here oh or are they is this turning into a nightmare i mean i have knight b3 i also have queen e6 just accepting the fact that i'm forever forked but the point is i want to play this in mate and it's not so easy to actually deal with a threat wow id5 okay now all my pieces are attacked by pawns i'm still forked but i don't see how white stopping this move okay knight b3 king b2 i don't have any like great looking checks but i do have this line queen b3 right away but then queen b2 wait what's going on here this is so confusing all my things are hanging like the queen rook and bishop and knight but i'm temporarily up two pawns i want to play knight p3 ah maybe i'll play i'll play this first okay it's about to get messy young children close your eyes so basically if white takes twice on d8 i take on c3 and then this and then this and it looks pretty good wow queen b2 i'm still really confused here bishop e3 i'm spending so much time too i'm just trying to internalize the position i have this move queen a4 man i'm too old for this i could take first maybe i take first that way i don't have to worry about my rook and then queen a4 i'm really forever forked white hasn't taken a single like neither bishop yet here but now the point is if pawn takes night i pin and win and i fond of bishop i check and also probably win so the king has to move here which goes into the line of discovery but there's still a question like how do i how do i finish this off because the position is so awkward maybe i just move back hey it's a fork okay i'm happy now wait should have played king c1 yeah i don't know like if objectively it was at the very least it was uh perpetual i'm not sure if there was a clear win for me okay here we'll see the coordination of the knight bishop and queen [Music] okay i have any bishop discovery that i can dream of i'm thinking this move actually it allows this but at some point i'm going to want to play bishop b1 pure domination by a powerful man yeah so a2 is the only square that allows me access to this diagonal and now the queen cuts off the fourth rank rook cuts off the e file the pawns cut off the sixth rank this or this were the only legal moves and then mate okay that was a funny game uh yeah so was i just winning the whole game i was was queen e4 oh yeah everything's winning here apparently even h6 but where's the win after king c1 engine wants this this and then wow just h6 i guess i just what the bishop e3 takes king d2 uh eventually i have this and i win the rook okay good game back to tournament top ten playing congolev i'll play e4 again um we have appeared so i'll play bishop c4 this is a pet line of mine and then queen e2 the point of this move order is i get away with defending the pawn and not allowing or not having to play knight c3 hey it's lafong what's up shout out to lafon i appreciate the raid yeah if you're just joining uh i'm playing rapid chess we have kind of a weird type of pierce modern [Music] um [Music] yeah i was going to say that if bishop g7 i would play knight f3 and then go for a very quick e5 but now [Music] yeah now black is going to feel some pain because the king's not going to be casting anytime soon wow or maybe it will be wait a minute okay time to calculate bishop f7 king f7 knight g5 oh but then king moves back and knight's defended if i play this then there's rook g8 and somehow the the bishop is trapped what is this there's h3 in that line but maybe i'll play this move it actually reminds me of the previous game i played where i provoked f pawn to move and then yeah then the opponent has some casting issues go back to d2 and now i'm actually threatening to trap the knight okay hey it's david pakman something something political something something oh david pakman is a political wait is the eric rosen of political streaming ah i really don't know what that means can you be the bob ross of political streaming i want to win the night but okay h3 here there's takes takes i don't think it really does much so i might as well develop and make my other things happy thank you kiktawi or kikatui the 14 month sub oh okay tactics time so this is actually a really nice uh use of the whole board starting with h3 forcing the h6 and i take queen d2 with a double attack and there's no way for black to defend both things okay i also feel good tactic 14 move win um i'm gonna take another break time to use the restroom pause i'll observe a game sound pentatonic chap behave yourself and i'll be back very soon [Music] [Music] okay yeah shout out again to lafong and la fong's adorable cats benoni nice to see somebody emotes uh join the tournament next game could be my last game but in order to finish like top three do i go all out and just try and like finish as high as possible and berserk what does chat want because there's only nine minutes left kavita says yes with two s's and three x slams okay i'll do it for kavita and thundering arrow and jason and everyone else saying go for it but it requires starting a game okay oh i'm playing borat yakshamesh i've played borat a handful of times before it's budapest gamba time i leave on the pentatonic no wait i don't want to fall asleep again standard okay yeah the goal is to at least get in another game after this one and bishop d2 expected uh yeah i think it makes sense to take even though i didn't really want to trade so yeah the plan here is to rook lift thank you eric you teach us to love chess and find beauty in the struggle i appreciate that junior seeker yeah this game is maybe going to be a struggle uh to win in the next seven minutes but hopefully we'll find some beauty in it yeah so i play a5 just to enable this what's the easiest way to punish budapest and claim an advantage um if i remember i could share it after the tournament there is like a nice line i recommend it's a bit of a trappy line too that uh i get black's not careful i can lose a piece pretty early there's a line um [Music] knight h3 also like kramnik style and kramnik used to play in a way of like putting them on f4 and then just controlling d5 ooh f4 uh good thing there's a pawn on c3 if there wasn't a pawn on c3 i uh i'd be mated okay it looks like i can take that but do i want to take it i guess i do so hitting the bishop bishop f3 is expected in the 97 and then the rook can come in eric you are like light square to my dark square oh that's cute or am i like a rook to this bishop thanks everyone for subbing jrad over 100 teeth moscow mule appreciate the first time prime subs yeah i want to do things here maybe this move it allows f5 all right let's do it anyway thank you warbatron a lot of prime subs okay so hitting the queen a very strange position here but i think it should be fine for black although i'm not sure and then queen is kind of tied down to them defending the bishop but at the same time my rook is attacked by the pawn there's a weird line like takes takes takes here and thankfully after bishop a3 i have d6 and after it takes back i take this but then there's rookie 1 bishop d7 seems to be okay any big day jitter coping mechanisms oh you're writing your lsat tomorrow just get some sleep your brain will function better if you get sleep have a good breakfast maybe meditate you can use an app like headspace or waking up or just search youtube for like uh one minute meditation or five minute meditation okay i think i'll play rookie gate i had to save the rook now the bishop still attacked ideally i would like to play this move wow there's a b1 okay so these pieces are officially kind of sad but can i win the game in a minute and 47 seconds uh yeah i'm gonna start playing as aggressively as possible i mean i've been trying to do that this game [Music] sometimes it's not easy so this pawn is hanging i guess i have to trade some idea queen b6 i think i want to start with this and then set this up ooh also enabling my bishop to enter the game okay mating attack incoming it's still not easy though some bishop a6 maybe maybe i should have started with bishop a6 so close that's not going to happen and no time left okay uh oh did i have time left i probably had time left can we clip it i should have taken on g1 [Music] i wasn't expecting to have forced me that quickly though wait here's a replay so close okay so it was white smooth did i play queen g1 with tournament time left wait did time left i was too slow okay uh oh i did i have time left so let me share there is a funny line um i was more expecting bishop d3 oh my name is borat said i didn't expect it either so there's uh actually really funny line bishop d3 takes takes and then black to move made in it's some sort of force mate uh but the the maid is rook takes e1 first and then the kind of classics mother mate here and then this is playable but even more efficient is knight h3 oh no my queen and then mate don't be sorry my name is borat you gave me a chance and uh i i don't even know what i was playing for maybe like top five finishing sixth nice tournament congratulations to cayman zero eight sultai cecil cuevas oh yeah ardubair was asking about what to play against budapest which maybe could benefit my uh my last opponent um where is my most recent game okay so if you're white and you encounter the budapest um i'm pretty sure kramnik played in the style masteries yeah so kramnik's fiddler 1992 knight h3 was not played wait what oh kremlin played knight c3 but then basically the idea is to you develop the knight to the edge but with intention of putting it on f4 which is a really nice square and then this is although he played something a bit different because black stopped not four and then he was still a nice positional game yeah like pawn f4 and white gradually expanded um the other line i was going to recommend is i'll have to remember though what was i going to recommend oh yeah it's to play knight f3 um now knight f3 allows bishop c5 which most budapest players will play and then after this black will almost always play knight c6 to try and win the pawn and then there's a really cool move here which is not the most common is to play bishop d2 the idea the idea is actually twofold so one of the points is to play bishop c3 but then there's another like hidden idea and the main trap is if black so most players on the chest take and then take take uh and then we play bishop c3 and if black plays pawn d6 here it's white to move and wind material so i'll leave this as a puzzle for chat f4 it does look like it wins material because maybe you target g7 but it weakens e3 actually position can get very murky after f4 knight g4 and like bishop g7 so i think in the end black wins e3 so yeah rather than f4 the material winning move is is b4 uh which was one of the main points of putting the bishop uh to this diagonal early and now after bishop b6 there's actually two ways to win material but both involving trapping the bishop play c5 immediately or even simpler as takes trade everything and then c5 so [Music] i did show this at some point in the past good job to those who like remember me showing this at some point um it's not the most like common opening trap but uh let's see how many people yeah 182 people knew to play b4 as white so black has to play like queen e7 but then yeah then the bishop's already nicely placed and white can develop as usual oh i showed nemo this i don't remember showing nemo this but maybe i did hmm i wonder if it's on youtube yeah not queen takes e6 i had a game against geary where uh we went into this what was it that was how gary beat me in four moves i was white he played this line and i played this move expecting him to pre-move 97 but he didn't yeah this game and he took and i resigned i was really sad oh ipsy redeemed share a photo okay i have a i have a photo to share uh i haven't tweeted this photo yet i actually took a few photos wait let me find okay so for those that don't know okay here's the first photo the saint louis chess club is like expanding and [Music] they are like they took over the neighboring restaurants and they're um they're gonna be like doubling or tripling in size at some point but the the place is still under like renovation or construction thank you the long line entitled hawk so it's really hard to see in this photo but there is uh there is a funny thing that if you look really closely you can spot thank you joker neri and also uh yeah i just like if you spot what uh what it is about this photo i wasn't responsible for it i was just passing by so i'll zoom in i'll share a closer photo um and then closer so this was uh i think this is a new addition to the the overall portrait of some of the players yeah so there's some rumor that it was banksy and banksy made a small visit to st louis anyway that's the photo sequence for for itchy hope you enjoyed that one thank you big jorge says whenever i play a move that discourages an opponent's move i say prophylactics oh wait is it prophylactics or prophylaxis wait pro [Music] pro [Music] are both words valid because i thought it's with an x also i think something crashed there for a moment but this might also be a valid word both are valid okay okay what to do oh i discovered a really cool opening trap on twitter the other day but i forget who it was from okay i want to share an opening trap hey it's startled cubit gifting 20 subs thank you startle cubit i really appreciate that man there's someone there's this uh person on twitter who like tweets some really interesting insights into like chess openings and data let me see if i can find it here we go okay oh i'm not following him okay so there's this twitter uh twitter person also a chess master data scientist i should follow he tweeted a really cool position which i had never seen before but he said this insane position occurred 116 times in leeches database uh which makes more sense when you realize it follows one of i am rosen's opening traps and when i initially saw this tweet i didn't realize what exactly the line was and then i had to recreate it so i want to share this opening trap which for those watching you should never try but it's really really cool um but the reason why you should never try it is because you do it as white it requires you to fall into an opening trap to begin with and it starts in this dumb uh gambit line which i made a whole video about where uh you go into this line white takes and then 97 and [Music] yeah though the whole video is on youtube but the the basic point is that white should not take the knight because then white loses a queen after takes takes and takes and if we look at the stats here wow there's 25 000 games wait when did i make the video real quick tangent so yeah to find the video sort by most popular and then it's my fifth most popular video on youtube is this one okay so the crazy thing about this uh like the stats here when i initially made this video there were about 420 games in the variation on me chess but now there's over 25 000 people falling for the trap r.i.p to the 36 people who took the queen first oh that's kind of funny but anyway so the opening trap that uh that was tweeted by by nate um it happens when white goes into this line and gives away a queen and this is known to just be like winning for black blacks up a queen but there's a really funny line which happens after knight c3 black takes on c2 knight d4 and we'll just follow the most common moves queen g6 and now knight t5 and yeah white gets some interesting initiative holds on to the e7 pawn most played move is knight a6 which i think is the best move but the second most played move is queen d6 and here we see the position that matches the tweet and this is white to move and win and there's no reason to ever try to enter this position but the winning move is pretty incredible for white so i'll leave it up to chat one person already found it actually the only person to suggest a move yeah good job to stephen willy and it's pronounced thomas oh 41 that's saying bishop f4 bishop f4 would sadly lose a knight but there's a better way to lose a knight is knight b5 and now the queen's hit and if queen takes night white wins back the queen and it's white who's up a piece here and the funny thing about this move is white is sacking either knight because black also has this move and after a bishop e3 uh whichever knight is taken the other knight will come to c7 and fork the king and the queen so it's just some really beautiful geometry and if we look in the database almost no one finds it 111 games white played e4 but nine nine people found this and white wins like almost all of them yeah queen c5 vision e3 and yeah the problem for black even if the queen doesn't take either knight and moves to like c6 and then we can see uh yeah there's a few ways to win engine gives takes king d7 rooked e1 and the compensation is just overwhelming uh what is white threatening why does threatening the very calm g3 oh there's a funny line is there a funny line there's almost funny line i was thinking g4 but um [Music] anyway uh yeah this is this is absolutely crushing for white oh there is a funny line knight b6 wait so if wait a minute so let's say black just wastes a move knight b6 takes and then mate knight goes into the corner with mates unfortunately there's king e7 here but it's still somehow winning knight bd5 yeah this is just such a such a fun position with the rook both knights upon an e7 uh so it goes to show that some people can as black and trick whites but then uh very quickly get into a losing position in knight b5 so anyway i might uh i might put this on youtube as just like a quick opening trap video i want to title this video [Music] what do i want to title this video the coolest opening trap you should never try and big credit to nate sullen for uh for discovering this i'll link nate's twitter actually has some like cool dad insights into uh into like lee chess openings oh fake eric rosen should try this trap this would be a nice fake eric rosen trap maybe someday i'll try this wait what are the stats so most people still wait after not queen takes but pawn takes 97 [Music] yeah majority of people still take the knight which is kind of crazy that was actually funny because uh i shouldn't hurt this tweet one of the replies to the tweet was dude eric rosen has done damage to licha's stats would be interesting to measure his influence over time [Music] stafford and england have silly percentages and lower rating brackets and it's 100 no it's got to be like some percent due to maybe due to levy but uh yeah i'm happy to what take credit or blame [Music] for some of the stats [Music] device will update outside active hours okay okay um what to do shall i wrap things up maybe it's time to wrap things up it's 10 18 p.m i think we got a decent amount down the stream i played two tournaments i played the the super blitz the rapid i shared some photos i shared this secret opening trap thing i already did the chess hold for today sorry next time i'll try and plan ahead so it'll be like fresh so i can do it on stream anyway um let me hey i think you could eat a thousand bits oh i had muted the tts um yeah i appreciate the bits thank you earlier to pepperoni md or pepperino oh there is also tempest earlier ahoy champ thanks for being a legend and keeping everyone entertained with chess p.s when are you coming to australia oh i was in australia in 2017 and 2018 but i don't know the next time hopefully within the next like two to three years okay i'm going to send the raid to uh st louis chess club actually i think they rated earlier this stream did they they've read it a few times in the last week uh yeah very instructive stream is harrison kaiser who is a strong player and uh very instructive streamer too doing some rapid chess we played sometimes um in the past so yeah i can also encourage people just to check out the twitch category or the chess category on twitch because there's a lot of streamers streaming chess anyway i'll be back in the near future very possibly tomorrow also working on some new youtube content too a lot of videos in the pipeline so stay tuned and goodbye
Channel: Eric Rosen Extra
Views: 29,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, lichess, eric rosen, imrosen, im rosen, chess strategy, opening traps, full twitch streams, eric rosen vods, twitch chess, international master, chess 2022, stafford gambit, london system, chess tutorial, how to play chess, chess asmr,, queen's gambit, blitz chess, instructive chess, slow chess, chess tactics, blunder, checkmate, stalemate, chess tips, chess tricks, chess traps, eric rosen extra
Id: a3c8JHKP18g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 57sec (10857 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.