2022 Yearly Blitz Arena: TRICKY CHESS

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it's a yearly blitz arena i'm joining two hours late okay um i was going to say that i would berserk the early games but i don't think i'll bizarre this opponent i've got a chance of of getting to your king oh morning then you've got a chance of getting to my king i forgot to turn off the other did something like knight f6 i should turn off yasser i'm gonna start the the first game with pentatonic just to try and get him a more calm state this move queen d4 [Music] i'm trying to make sense of uh of queen d4 there's also this move but then takes takes in queen a4 i'm gonna try this the point is if takes i take with queen hitting the rook and then takes takes i'll still be threatening d4 really it's d4a3 hello to more people good to see you guys okay i'll just castle and bishop here thank you ntf something for four months unwavable [Music] take me all the ways okay i should focus here only in the first game if i play queen d6 or is this move queen c5 i lose a pawn i win a pawn so uh for those just joining i recently woke up from a nap so my voice is still kind of warming up and uh hello son oh hello red dev welcome back this is the first game of the stream it's a yearly blitz arena um it's a six hour long tournament and it's five minutes [Music] let's take with pawn rook c1 is probably coming rook c1 queen v6 probably 11 month gang hey happy 11 to starbug resilient welcome back i'm doing well it's going to take a few games for me to like fully awaken and warm up welcome to barry wait where is barry from barry from mia standers whoa me too eleven month gang hey happy eleven do you prefer pentatonic or gin tonic i i think i prefer penta with my tonic i'm still a newbie oh it's okay every grandmaster was once a newbie f2 is a bit tender i have this move so a5 a5 actually looks nice if b5 we trade i was thinking a3 would hang in the end but maybe not this takes takes takes and white defends [Music] hey i appreciate the raid from sao oh salad 73 hi eric thanks for your contents for one year with prime i do appreciate the people who sub with prime consistently i know it's sometimes easy to forget to renew the sub if c5 i i lose a pawn [Music] um i really want to do things against f2 i also have d4 here and d4 looks enticing actually the point is to remove the knight from defending the pawn even though this pawn is kind of pinned to the rook i take the pawn i hit the queen and if this or this takes i have this move with the battery skewer thing some potential hello kebabs elton khan's new time sub oh to be a with a first time chat subs before they chatted go roses for tuning no mercy no mercy no mercy with the arrows there's a line uh bishop c6 i take the knight i lose a rook but then i take the bishop and yeah that looks pretty good for me because i have two minor pieces for a rook maybe black or white would win a couple pawns the white's probably going to be losing on time very soon pb bulltok welcome back subbing for 18 months [Music] um i want to do things here i want to play this move looks like a cool move instead of taking the rook i hit the bishop and if takes i take one year introducing my students to kung fu chess through one of your videos today they are big fans of yours oh nice to hear i hope they don't they don't get too addicted okay appointment was a little bit too slow i think the final position is probably much better for black oh much better for white i play too recklessly i thought it was going to be winning material but i guess white has good compensation here fe3 yeah this pawn is hard to win okay back to tournament so that was the first game [Music] uh ooh wait what oh i had another tattletail that's berserk and e4 i'm going to turn off pentatonic i don't want to fall asleep again we have an elephant gambit i haven't encountered the elephant in uh a while i think but nice e4 i actually don't know theory here i'm gonna play knight c4 hey eric thank you for existing love all your chess content oh thank you grimer i appreciate your existence as well good luck for the arena oh thanks so much for being awesome i really want to play this move uh let's do it i'm berserk in this game um it calls for some aggressive maybe slightly dubious chess i just want to open each file and uh eventually checkmates so there's a line uh takes takes knight g4 but then i have bishop e2 which like pretty much traps in knight or maybe it doesn't oh [Music] okay let's take a pawn because g5 was hanging um queen was attacking this is really risky though play this move so i'm down a piece and i'm like uncastled and pinned but at the same time i feel like i'm pretty close to mating because i'm ready to castle queenside even ready to play a move like queen h3 wow queen g5 i wonder if i can play 93 here it's a really confusing position so 93 a lot of things just happened after this move i'm hitting the knight but i also unpinned this knight so i'm hitting the queen and i have a still a decent amount of attacking potential and i want to castle queenside wow uh before b4 is probably no good you just c3 oh i want to do things i have to take i think we'll have to wait even the move like knight f6 check is really interesting takes and then takes then takes in king d2 i mean visually it looks really good because the king is completely naked and i i'm controlling all the squares around the king rook h8 is an a threat there's two checks but then after king d2 rook takes e3 maybe king f1 yeah because there's a line uh this this this and if take so it's queen f5 okay so the riskiness paid off i was probably objectively much worse acting uh oh we already have the computer analysis yeah um but okay one in 20 moves thank you saluki okay so the goal is to break into the top two thousand that's the first goal hey saluki sharing a hundred bits and then a thousand bits appreciate that um i'll be right again mix up the openings a little bit bishop g7 yeah normally this this is not a great development scheme for block but um it's not always easy to punish just a matter of developing harmoniously okay i'm uh i'm trying to unleash my inner mama tiara the early g4 position is already crumbling for back um also yeah hello to so many people um also thank you to those who cheered or subbed who i didn't discovered my favorite name for an opening ooh the whale the web c4 e5 e4 oh i didn't know that was that was called the whale because that would that would kind of be like a baffinic english okay it feels like christmas uh winning a lot of material here it's that time of year already super sugar it is yeah it's a yearly early blitz arena i think i've played this in previous years too [Music] okay where's my meat uh okay i'm gonna try and set up f3 checkmates so here here and then threatening this this and mate hey it's gonna happen always play f3 checkmate okay that was pleasant next game closing in on top 1000 thanks again super sugar 71 mb3r oh solid 73 with a sub f3 f3 quack quack okay let's dessert again [Music] yeah or always play f3 and it might be mate oh what's up hoga shout out to akash okay so i have a pretty pleasant position just similar structures to the previous game but the previous game i went for this early like g4 push this game it's going to be a bit more positional i have some idea of taking and doing things maybe this oh it's not blender and knight play this move usually the knights here and then i could play this move i play this there's b4 okay so yeah the plan is to gradually expand the center the e5 is probably the main goal [Music] so bishop f6 threatening e5 a5 queen b7 c5 is another idea i think this works this could just lead to a train i'm i think i'm getting the bishop hair whoa it's la la laney gifting 10. i appreciate that thank you la la lanie thank you aguerio pine guy didn't get a notification um who got notification there there had to be some people right sometimes it's just a matter of enabling notifications i know some people just like have my twitch channel open so that whenever i go live they'll just be here automatically oh maybe sometimes people get notifications late too take a while for all of them to go out yeah there's also discord notifications as well for for twitch and youtube tony was watching and i am rose and on twitch and got notification i i guess i'm competing with my past self for some people's attention okay so hitting the queen in the pawn queen doesn't have too many squares once i take the pawn then the knight will be skewered and pinned and bishop will be vulnerable too wow wow quack welcome back hsw yeah i think white's in big trouble here okay it's starting pretty smoothly 1023 um [Music] i should make a goal i'm probably going to play the rest of the tournament so i think top 10 is a reasonable goal top five may be a bit more ambitious but it's doable if i can stay sharp try and stay clean too consuming your videos therapeutically love them so much thank you less than three oh i appreciate that thank you jonathan oh does the merch code still work even though it's wednesday uh it does i forgot to disable it so people can still take advantage of the uh the tuesday coupon code what to do here bishop c4 is reasonable knight b6 bishop b3 that's already like difficult for about queen e7 is uh um like a common mistake because it blocks a bishop it slows down development it still takes work to get a sizeable advantage okay hitting the pawn plugging the rose and discord hashtag code channel a surprisingly high quality community of programmers and the reason i'm finally learning rust oh that's awesome [Music] hello everyone yeah there's some channels i mean i'm i'm already like not so active on discord but uh i know there's a nice community and there's a lot of different channels too so yeah link is in the chat for for discord can i take a knight d5 i think i'll start with rook start with this move utilize open vials and take a knight d5 not sure if i'm actually winning anything though like 26 calculating um 26 knight c7 queen e5 knight a6 takes takes and i'm threatening mate there's queen d5 in the end but then queen or queen f7 i get mated or i lose a queen oh f7 is wait no oh wait b6 is hanging yeah i was expecting queen e6 to like keep things defended okay should defend there's a sneaky move rook a6 which i couldn't play last move because h2 is hanging but now i can play it and now the point is i'm threatening made in one and if black takes a rook it's still made in one [Music] so it's a question will the rook or the queen checkmate on eight i don't think that can stop it actually maybe black can stop it but it's not going to be pretty for black this position is uh is very nice there is some people say in chat noise oh it's jane galt oh jane gold is the creator of uh chess also quack so just so you know trophies have changed or wait no wait i i got confused i thought you were i miss red change the face of chess i guess people can accumulate rose and trophies by playing these uh suspicious openings [Music] wait what am i doing here yeah bishop c5 was a good move um i guess i'm winning am i winning a piece it's close to mating now yeah we have a rosen score command i was sharing this website the other day i'm not sure if the the creator of the site is present in chat okay that was a a nice finish given i was running kind of low on time oh thank you berlin it's loving for 14 months yeah here's a maybe i'll come back to the site at a later point i love you eric oh i love you too robert okay i'm insisting on stafford uh let's play this move okay already uh pretty nice opening success well i could take the pawn the problem for white is the king is a bit stuck because there's no castling queen side and the bishop is completely blocked in we might see g3 another five i might just take in king f8 oh we have not had any troxers yet um this is my first game with the e4 e5 as black oh what to do and queen g5 setting up a trap if like castles i have queen e3 takes take slamming the knight and if king h1 i take the knight i lose f7 and everything's okay wow queen enough too oh maybe i'm not winning anything i'm not winning anything here knight t7 or maybe c6 i'm leaving tension i'm waiting for the knight to move back for bishop e3 white's playing well though the white's playing very carefully knight five's a good move i should not have allowed knight five oh what to do in this move hey what's up irene i burned a lot of time this game ah the other night's coming to f5 i'll undevelop the bishop and then let's defend the pawn now the good thing is i'm i'm still up a pawn but my structure is a little bit ugly let's play f6 always play f6 if i can get a knight to e5 i'll be happy yeah white should have probably tried to get a rook in sooner [Music] bishop b3 i'll play c5 or maybe no need maybe king f7 rook g8 writing this okay plenty of time where's my mates okay yeah i feel a little bit rusty but uh so far so good dessert winning all the games except the first game i did in berserk top 500. let's go oh thank you earlier to dr davey sobbing for two months derek bananas the prime sub all right i'll keep it going um just for joe who was asking earlier oh never mind i wanted to play a traxxar let's play a schliemann i haven't played the schliemann in a while oh no heart rate i i can actually turn on the heart rate monitor um if i can find it yeah it's usually just a matter of me opening the app on my watch it connects to some app which um there we go yeah it's set up with uh with like a stream like browser source hey below 60. i wonder what my lowest heart rate has been on stream queen e2 i don't remember in my theory here i think it's this move it takes takes d4 bishop g7 takes castling or there's some weird line i went through a very brief phase of playing the schliemann uh this f5 opening in tournament play this was back when i was rated around 2200. i used to watch the um it was called it's a series of videos relaxing mf stream but not been watching on youtube for a couple years oh welcome og puddin pop so before the days of like chess on youtube i would watch these video series on icc the internet chess club and there's a series called gambit guide by boris alterman grandmaster and he made like probably a 15 to 20 hour series maybe ten maybe five to ten hour series on uh on the shemen and that's where i learned most of my theory okay so we have an interesting position it's um the material imbalance i have two minor pieces for rook and jupines okay so i unpin this pawn also after takes takes i'll be hitting f2 pull on pentatonic for 5 bpm dip i wonder would pentatonic like decrease my heart rate can i get below 50 okay i'll put on pentatonic my heart rate might go up though because i'm getting low on time to take a deep breath i wanted to take take take but there was queen c4 check winning the bishop oh although i had to queen d5 i think the bishop's a bit better on d6 [Music] gifting 5 subs if you get your heart rate below 50 bpm oh that makes me more nervous now it's above 60. it's not going to happen this game i have 50 seconds left i do have the bishop hair bishop pair should help me relax i'm funny like queen h4 g3 bishop g3 been watching your stuff on youtube for over a year now great stuff oh thank you quasi chaser akd thanks for gifting five so i'm threatening mate and g3 uh bishop g3 is a funny tactic because takes takes and bishop is saved [Music] okay the rook's tied down to the pawn [Music] finding this maybe this was better actually [Music] rookie seven of rick g6 winning the rook the backwards discovery oh akd gifting 5 subs for the heart beating at whatever rate that's an easier challenge to accomplish we just have to stay alive you're writing this [Music] hey gifting five thank you heavenism that king's very safe with bishop on e7 this pawn is probably gonna fall very soon or not this is g6 mate um [Music] time scramble time it's a very relaxing time scramble actually okay yeah usually when there's time scrambles my heart rates will sometimes go above 100 but not this time i missed 500 free rooks yeah i know actually i didn't know back to tournaments okay um let's move on let's play e4 so i'm gonna play c6 i'll play d4 i was ready to play a grand prix attack i'll still play aggressively [Music] hmm take with queen i lose a pawn this looks nice though a bit more development okay after this game i'll turn off pentatonic because i do want to stay awake yeah let's open the position temporary funny pawns i'm smelling tactics but i'm not seeing tactics i have to work on my senses queen d2 maybe just very simple improving so i'm stacking f3 but i just want a castle and made on d8s maybe it's tacos tacos oh yesterday was taco tuesday i didn't have any tacos it's actually been a long time since i've had a taco yeah this is what we call superfluous nights now i want tacos oops this is what happens when i hold down the z key i'm toggling zen mode and this is what happens when i hold down the f key okay let's stop doing that f is useful though because you can [Music] get a better sense of how the opponent is feeling uh take a pawn [Music] no need to take the knight too soon f7 is a task oh i really want to sack my queen for meat um okay i'll start with this i wanted to take and then do this but the king would eventually run so here here i take the knight with check and i'll be up a piece wow queen b7 [Music] okay upper queen and down a little bit of time but uh yeah it's plenty of time for this position and if rook takes rook i'll take with king because the knight is pinned and it can't be defended and there's one check that kings he won this pond's been hanging for a while rook d3 would be an interesting move because maybe some players would pre-move queen f3 [Music] i can play this and say oh no my bishop and then mate i have to be a little bit careful [Music] oh no i'm getting pinned yeah the bishop is pinned to the b7 square basically not that it matters so much okay uh yeah that was a nice game got some nice uh nice attacking position from the opening i was i wanted to be fancy here like take take and then check king d7 but i didn't see made in that line okay back to tournaments top 300 35 tournament points a leader has 105 yeah sergey is giga one of the top players on the chest i forgot to stop brewing my tea i'm making a new type of tea today you can see this it's uh it's watermelon cooler berserking's dangerous um against someone over 2200 that's not t those are cubes yeah uh i think it's like it's a mix of like apple pieces and some watermelon goodness some rose hips okay we'll have a very symmetrical position oh let me trim off pentatonic yeah thank you clutch spork one clutch spork gifted sub um i think this is okay this is usually the idea of like the early g pawn push i'll take with knight um what to do here h5 there's f5 maybe a queen d7 f6 is covered by the knight i do have to be careful when playing this move because there's triple fork potential queenside castling and i really want to start doing things d4 is actually a good move um g4 is a really good move i'm probably in a bit of trouble here takes i'm actually in a lot of trouble here i think i'm just losing a piece actually i have to focus it might be too late though [Music] i'm flagging too oh no [Music] okay the plan is to do this and sack and hope it's meat sack everything it might be checkmate okay hitting e4 now good move yeah i'm getting just fully punished for my recklessness white's played well though hitting this pawn and queen g4 may be coming let me hear this move turning the bishop queen g4 there was rook h4 it was defended by the queen um ah i tried the still me trick it didn't work though oh no my heart rate okay first loss yeah i got way too long time that game and too low on material but that's part of life life goes on yeah i couldn't force a stalemate there i mean i had to be somewhat hopeful okay uh time for carol khan so black is actually walking into a uh it's like one of the most common traps that amateur players walk into in this line um which i covered in my how to crush the caro khan video most people play bishop h7 after which queenie tribe is very strong always fun watching you eric much love lll thanks for the love l for love epoch 44 welcome back thank you ice cream sunday okay pleasant position i didn't win any any material but uh yeah the queens have been misplaced h5 or bishop d3 will come with tempo [Music] okay so officially less than three hours to go i had the goal earlier of top ten which is probably still pretty ambitious but i'm going to try wow f5 hello chat oh hello oh pbr welcome back okay so i'm attacking the bishop but i'm also i was also attacking the pawn but black defends oh there's a funny mate involving a queen sack it could happen in the next like three or four moves or not i'm waiting for black to castle queenside there's also a funny queen trap i'm finding this this and then bishop h5 there we go yeah the funny mate was if uh black could castled and i would go for the i think it's called the bowden's mate um how do i save the night i'm just losing the night i have this move i guess i'm winning a pawn it looks awkward though yeah bishop h6 was probably the wrong decision this move still trying to save my knight it's never a blunder it's a gambit yeah we have to treat every every blunder as a gambit what is going on here i like gambit all my time okay i'll take here um black's actually fighting back very creatively but there's this pin so i have a pretty strong attack still okay threatening this rook g7 g7 almost drops my queen i'd have to play queen a5 oh no okay it's a gambit it's a gambit i have to give my opponent a false sense of security actually i'm i'm kind of trapping the bishop i'm also meeting okay i'm i'm living up to the quote on this mug that was such a bad game overall i want a queen that i proceeded to blunder most of my pieces but then i made it so it's a happy ending okay i i didn't gather any rating there thankfully oh this is playing liam 64. so we have a london turned into a queen's gambit type thing play queen b3 maybe h3 some g4 idea yeah maybe a4 wasn't the best move there the pawn would like to go backwards but it's too late on the bright side this bishop is uh it's a really unfortunate piece although e5 yeah okay so things are going to open up i do have the bishop hair wow d4 d4 is a good move actually um i'm a little bit pinned okay there's a funny line rook d one [Music] and if it takes i'll play knight e4 and takes i take with rook and i'd be hitting the queen and the knight and i'll play knight knight f3 a confusing position now it's also bishop f3 yeah the bishop's well placed here and after it takes i probably just take back i have slightly weird pawn structure but have some files wow okay six okay let's take this yeah so i'm opening up the queen i'm also controlling this d6 square ideology 496 or bishop d6 okay forking coming quintuple fork these things don't matter as much as these things about a lot of targets in black's position [Music] rookie 7 is probably most likely ooh okay so i'm obstructing the queen from defending the pawn um the goal is to win the pawn at some point see all these ponds are potential weaknesses interesting move i think bishop f7 would have trapped my queen there like crazy move i still have to be careful with my queen on the edge um bishop c6 i think i'm winning a knight yeah thankfully g6 didn't drop my queen if black stocks on f3 i'm gonna win g6 at some point okay threatening this i'm threading rook f8 mate yeah i should have played rook f7 in the first place okay i should go back and show i'm pretty sure like i i would have been in big trouble this game um after queen h5 it's like kind of out of nowhere looks like my queen has squares but there's about seven i just have no squares for the queen yeah like only winning move too okay that was close uh let's go top 200 back on a streak i'm playing alan triple five let's work again berserking's okay as long as i like stay focused and manage my time oh no my knight it's a funny opening line actually this bishop takes e4 and there's d5 and black wins back a piece this one i think knight just goes back threatening e4 i'll admit i don't know lunch theory here but i assume this is this is okay for black because i defend the pawn i break the pin white could take either way i'll take back with bishop thank you kristoff my first time rhyme sub haven't scanned it next game [Music] um yeah i'll keep mixing it up between e4 and d4 next theme i probably do for d4 or up for e4 but i still need to learn some evidence gamma theory um yeah five here yeah i don't think i'll be playing a bongo this tournament unless i get like heavily bribed okay time is looking pretty good this game i'm already down less than two minutes hmm so white's going for trades i'm really tempted to play this move which is a it's a temporary pawn sack this takes uh like could take the pawn but then bishop f5 and i'll win back some stuff bishop e3 is probably more likely um or that move so if white takes twice i i mate in the end and bishop e3 i'll keep the bishop here oh what's your favorite gambit i mean uh staffer gambit by far but after after stafford maybe boo the past budapest can be pretty fun which is maybe a bit strange because uh i i prefer gambits for black over cabinets per white am i losing a pawn i might be winning it back though actually it's complicated i think i'm just losing a pawn the good thing is white's kind of weak in the light squares so um and i have lights for bishop i'm probably threatening rook g7 [Music] now the move i wanted to play okay how does whites oh it just defends like that that bishop three i think the knight is trapped only move is knight a7 and then king b8 and i'm threatening this i control c6 with the bishop and i'm up on time okay good things are happening here and i'm winning this pawn okay maybe not the cleanest game but got the job done still striving for top 100 [Music] playing mazdi oh it's a what is this i play this move and d4 it takes takes it's like a reverse fried liver but with c4 included it should be good because there's no c3 it's a weird opening um i want to play this move knight e3 but let's be sane thank you atticus oh it's a whale ah this is a whale oh what do i do probably a5 all hail the whale maybe this move hail the whale yeah yeah brazilian was mentioning the whale earlier oh not sure this is winning it looks close to winning i wanted to play this but after it takes our b bishop to h3 i'm going whale hunting this game will hunting or real fishing whales aren't really fish also that's probably frowned upon in most places right hmm where's my mate i have to move the knight i don't want to move the knight call him ishmael oh super illegal okay but as long as i'm playing legal moves hopefully i'm staying within the [Music] the realm of the law so i'm hitting both nights with this move i'm more interested in winning this night because it's preventing me from mating in two okay there goes the whale okay hey top 100 let's go 51 points zhigalco has over 100 119 but making progress please play danish gambit your wish is my command danish candid time c2 now c2 i don't think is so common i mean it's one way of declining the second pawn but now i'm only down one pawn and yeah i'm feeling pretty good here e5 nice thing about danish is if black even just accepts one pawn it leads to really nice development lead for white and it's going to be hard for black to complete development bishop g5 probably coming yeah i don't want a queen trade here um if i play this there's 95 knight g6 might be coming i think i can probably just harass the queen like queen c5 bishop e3 queen a5 b4 queen a4 i trapped the queen the queen might just be getting trapped here actually or i'll like win a thing yeah 95 [Music] i could take the queen but i'm thinking queen e4 and the the black queen is still ah but the knight of three check i want to take on f7 but i don't think that works i'll take okay so black black kind of survived that and now we have a slightly strange material imbalance i have an extra bishop but black has three pawns for it i don't know what to do in this move if c6 i'll play bishop c5 okay now i know what to do oh yeah box been resourceful this game but now i'm winning back some pawns knight moves i have bishop g6 if knight doesn't move i i win the night also thank you earlier to their socksy another new prime sub okay this is made in three okay danish gamma's success thanks to whoever suggested that that was a huge menses it was a very timely opening request thank you kept winning i'll do my best so i've lost one game this tournament but uh yeah overall things have been pretty good so far i'll keep berserking too okay evans gabit time this is a request from earlier from joe i don't know if joe is still here but i hope you're happy joe oh joe is still here okay um yeah i have no idea like evan's gambit theory i think this is a line all i know is you're supposed to sack stuff and then check me at the king okay this is working out really nicely uh where's the meat there's probably not me here oh no my bishop i meant to play this as a mouse slip i think i think ben is realizing if pawn digs bishop it's made in one so where is my mate oh no i'm getting triple forked okay uh i mean it seems like mate is close but but no cigar i have this move just preventing any knight e5 shenanigans there's a funny line now if uh if black takes the bishop i'm not meeting but i would still be making this work h3 okay let's let's just trade i'm up a whole rook here or no i'm off a whole exchange for a pawn maybe i could have gone more but uh okay it's working out try and use my kingside pawns bishop d5 is a resource probably threatening rook b1 these all these things are a bit tender i might play g3 just to over defend the pawn to mobilize her rook it's hard to find a move here for that because night's kind of pinned to both pawns and the bishops tied down to defending the knight yeah i think i'm just winning a pawn here rook video i have roxy savannah ooh there's bishop c6 which is almost kind of clever but then rook c8 [Music] i just want to defend the pawn maybe i'll push the pawn okay so now i'm up a full rook plenty of time if kim g5 uh there's a funny mate there would have been king here here and then [Music] some eventual mates [Music] so thank you the ultimate potser solving for 20 months okay um i know there's been predictions running i'm gonna request that ahmad made one last prediction of whether i'll finish in the top five and top five is my goal it's gonna be difficult but uh i think maybe it's doable actually i'll make the prediction oh we have a poll going too actually i won't make that prediction because i need to focus on the game okay i'll play this g5 line again the one game i lost this tournament was in this uh this g5 italian but it was slightly different yeah for those that don't know rosen trophies uh it's referring to the the rosen score website and we do have a rosen score command if you want to find out how many rows and trophies you have uh what to do here and take and reach okay i'm liking uh liking the position things have simplified a little bit now there's there's a lot of pressure on the king side [Music] looking at this move yeah because takes takes queen d2 i was looking at bishop f3 there's also bishop h3 um yeah might as well be material okay this rook wants to enter the game i'm thinking the king is safest on f8 if a bishop d5 i do have c6 going for h4 very soon i can take the bishop because uh queen has to defend the rook queen f4 looks pretty straightforward so after takes takes all i'll win the g3 pawn [Music] that looks a little bit awkward though the king can't really do much damage actually everything here is untouchable so basically what i can do is just march march up the king in the pawn i think everything's a safe free move um okay another rating point gained top 40. yeah prediction's still going so uh wow most people don't think i'll finish top five look at this what is this there's so many doubters i feel so inspired now almost a million channel points on no okay i probably shouldn't have deserved this opponent but too late now oh it's not a poll it's a prediction they're slightly different i think i'm throwing e5 never mind i'm actually not thrilled with uh this position you go for c4 okay resembles some like hedgehog sicilian ivan rozzi mine set up probably bishop c3 coming e5 ideas and there's cases where the bishop might want to go back to f1 an event of knight e5 although 85 i went upon [Music] okay things are getting spicy now hitting the knight but there's some x-ray vision against the queen there's another five ideas just preventing any d4 shenanigans position actually looks really nice i maybe could have played queen f4 there so i want to unpin and threaten to take the knight interesting we trade i can win a pawn but i don't know if i want to win a pawn deciding not to i think the attack is more valuable it's still queen f4 queen g4 ideas if g6 i'm in this pawn and see if i have a b1 i'm allowing g5 but it could get really messy also along this move what's going on turning on the f7 pawn also hitting the knight oh my blunder [Music] i think i've laundered um what to do yeah this is a big trouble i'm sure i missed something somewhere yeah there goes all my pieces well played to my opponent i have three seconds left yeah no still mates okay what to do there is a cool line um [Music] i wanted to play e6 maybe i should have to set up this i just wasn't sure that it takes because then g7 would be defended let's see wow plus seven oh nine h6 first and then this with check yeah okay tough game um so my goal's top five which requires oh that requires a lot of winning okay because i have 60 tournament points i think top 10 is it maybe a more realistical but some people in chat maybe believe i don't know why i'm observing now it's reflexive oh this tilts okay let's say the tilt is setting in but uh let's take let's play a hippo it's interesting position g2 there's some x-ray vision uh that's a good move if i take i have to move the rook i want to play this yeah i'd prevent it on poissant let's create a triple battery good luck in the tournament great content as always so much mr potato or mr pitou welcome back there we go [Music] there's no wind um oh that was a bad move this bishop f3 okay oh the pawn can't be stopped there we go okay got the job done i'm sure there was something a bit easier there oh just rook g2 i can see the thing was hanging g2 was defended for so long okay got the job done though all right um i think i have to deserve to try and maximize my score it's risky though so i defend the bishop i want to take back with the knight of this move i know this is a crazy line i'm not so thoroughly prepared like takes i take on c6 um maybe just this check threatening this now really oh queen d5 queen d5 queen b3 threatening rook t1 some bishop f3 in the error okay so king b i have queen g3 chuck bishop c5 maybe he's still queen g3 should probably castle though uh queen g3 i might be throwing e3 and b4 depending where the king moves [Music] i cover d2 keep defending the knight the bishop is pinned so there's no bishop f2 i'm still threatening discoveries as well [Music] wow knight g5 after rook f8 because after it takes i take and win both pieces i'm also threatening a triple fork so this move in itself is a fork threatening the knight triple fork and the pawn a cool game thank you nico timba the prime sub okay yeah just rook yeah rookie 3 i think is simple enough there we go hey hey it's hikaru what's up hikaru i appreciate the raid if you're just joining i'm i'm playing chess it's kind of like chessel but with actual chess pieces shout out to hikaru yeah i would love to say hi to everyone specifically um [Music] but i don't want a flag i don't want a blunder either yeah trying to grind down what's the best strategy here win a pawn make a queen or just trade brooks i'd be careful for like stale matrix hi to eric specifically oh hi to jack tiggs specifically uh oh no my rook okay that was a fancy way to simplify oh it's almost like the ending just searching for bobby fischer but not quite alternative ending okay yeah welcome everyone i appreciate all the energy so yeah for those joining uh this is a yearly blitz arena it happens once a year i late joined um it's a six hour tournament i joined two hours late but i'm trying to finish as high as possible my goal is top five which might be difficult but um okay back on the streak lost two games so far did i miss maiden one did i actually miss maiden one uh it's too late now okay uh let's try and get a staffer gambit staff or gambit time it's the first stafford of the stream don't hurt me i actually i like it when white starts thinking in this position this clear light uh maybe isn't super well prepared yeah so with h3 that prevents knight g4 but uh now we go into this line and white house be really careful in this line because there's some idea in a g4 king h1 i think still knight g4 because f2 is less defended everything made in one if takes takes uh the file opens and i'm still mating if f4i i go in for the fork um don't play this but there's knight e2 i'll do it anyway queen h4 ooh [Music] i take i don't think it works i wanted to take but 92 nice thing is i'm up on time and not material and white has a big center let's play this move white's actually playing this well i don't feel like i'm getting so much initiative as long as the center can liquify [Music] the problem is this bishop is just it's not involved so i think the way to make it involves is to play this and this ooh and this move [Music] yeah i'm realizing d5 is just uh it's annoying move okay that worked out nicely good game pompous clunker okay top 30. let's go 77 points um yeah less than two hours left chicago has 145 so i have slightly less than half as many points as jigall go grandmaster burr this is uh out of zoria okay because working continues so i'll transpose into a some sort of appearance i'm going for quick aggression wait 77 oh i can't do math it's slightly more than half of chicago i was thinking 144 but it's 154 um [Music] h4 maybe just h3 usually h4 is a go-to move on h4 it's a little bit weakening to the square but eventually i'll play f3 maybe g4 i might play queen d6 just make it positional hmm okay so if b5 i think i get away with taking meanwhile i just want to like dominate the d file let's play this so if a3 then b4 [Music] here i'm just doing a pawn am i winning more a pawn is good enough i might be actually winning two pawns a4 hangs when knight takes i have rook d7 yeah b4 i should have played b3 uh where's the mate in this move idea rook d3 it's kind of passive but i just want to win the pawn the black wants to win my pawn so i'll bring the king to b3 um a it's a fork there's knight b6 but then rook b8 rogue a6 b5 i guess there's c4 maybe i just take i'm taking is way more simple and check and win the night yeah i have a lot of pawns here so i'm setting up a classic mating idea f6 and rook g7 yeah this is not stalemate okay let's go thank you quail king subbing for half a year okay 21st place so we did have a prediction earlier whether i'll finish top five and most people think i won't so i have to prove the doubters wrong another double wizard game hmm and just g6 or maybe not maybe 96 or queen queen h4 i'm so indecisive so i hit the bishop and the this tactic doesn't work because i have 96. same thing with queen queen d5 probably 96. they called like windy for just offer queen trade after it takes takes and i hit c2 okay so we're getting some weird like queenless middle game i'm a little bit stuck with the queen side development but becoming less stuck okay much less stuck here and sometimes it's not easy to win a position like this um oh no my sub oh yes your sub thank you sponge like cannon yeah so time is a very important factor here time and patience i should probably should have taken the pawn okay opponent really wants to draw i have this move now there's an endgame situation where we trade off uh lightweight bishops and rooks yeah and then i play a4 so i'm fixing the pawns and dark squares uh let's not plunder upon [Music] have to play this on the surface this looks draws but black has a a substantial edge here just because the pawns are fixed on dark squares um it might still objectively be drawn but it's going to be difficult for white to play a decision to make i think this move so i'm threading this you might have to like move something yeah the pawns are just too weak for white there's a funny maid of bishop here and some meat all of white's pawns were falling that was pleasant a nice uh nice kind of endgame strategy there so 87 tournament points um still takes a lot of work to work my way into the top 10. any tips for improving my reading um don't worry about like increasing your rating just focus on improving your understanding of chess and have a growth mindset try and learn something from every game especially your losses but also your wins and as uh as your understanding of chess improves so so will your rating sometimes it takes time for your reading to reflect your understanding so patience is important but uh yeah a lot of people get fixated on rating when uh what's most important is that you you enjoy the journey um losing a pawn here i think we're both gonna be casting queenside this pawn is very tender oh i thought that was winning the pawn but i guess not knight d5 i'm king b1 it's a slow move but some prophylaxis so i hit the queen i'm bishop e2 bishop v2 the pawn is still tender and it's actually a very nice like positional game here because white has better structure uh interesting move there's knight c6 check i can't get away with taking it black is fighting but i'm also fighting okay now i have a passport uh looks like black is just going a little bit crazy as long as i'm not getting needed um thanks for subbing you don't even know it i'm still struggling to win this okay got the job done there it's difficult to stay like focused and alert a whole game but i have a nice streak going i lost to this opponent earlier maybe not this tournament though okay now we have the first budapest gamut of the stream um now this thing earlier this is probably my second favorite gamut behind the stafford because even in a position like this it does offer black some nice attacking chances also some nice retreating chances yeah this is a typical budapest idea queen age four another five i take the pawn i want to play rook here upon here got all the things involved ooh someone buying merch nice shirt i had to have one uh i want to play this move i don't think it works um okay i'm mission aborted i might go for this and then still this and it looks so wrong though thank you la baguette cocky i do appreciate the subs and doughnos and all the support ooh [Music] um [Music] a very tricky move is a really funny idea i don't know if it works but i'm gonna i'm gonna go for it rook h3 so it looks like rogue age one was unstoppable but now i'm hitting the knight i'm just not sure about this line like bishop f4 knight g6 takes takes king f3 and also take this way maybe wow what's going on does it mean four one two or mean three queen h5 bishop e3 meet wow that worked out nicely i wasn't expecting the rook to just land on [Music] uh or the the kingdom land on f4 i did miss uh rookie three here too but i didn't even consider rookie three because i saw the force mate in another line okay uh that worked out nicely berserk win with the budapest 15th place the berserking street continues thank you talon factory okay it's berserk and try and get another stafford okay opponent falls into this uh a very basic trap already very difficult position because the king can't castle either way probably queen 25 with the battery king d2 probably has to be played that move i can win the pawn [Music] might as well i'll throw in queen c3 check for the giggles at rook b1 i do have a queen queen d4 maybe in this move because i want to just clamp down on the d4 square and the plan is probably c5 was my plan c5 rookie at f5 in combination with b6a5 yeah white has nothing on the queen side and now this pawn is a weakness bishop d7 ideas have a similar game earlier where yeah in end games where each side has a bishop of a certain color you want your pawns on the off the color of the bishops so white's not really following that rule and still takes some work to win but now f5 yeah so this is weakness this is weakness how to do this i just want to get a pawn cube oh let's move okay no more fooling around let's just push pawns oh [Music] am i in trouble i think i'm okay the reason i didn't see that coming i have this move this is not intended don't hurt me thankfully i have a nice time advantage it's a funny line okay so now it's a queen ending oh let's advance check okay one on time not the cleanest finish but as a finish nonetheless hey over 100 tournament points 14th place top five requires yeah requires still a lot of work also just 90 minutes to go 93 minutes to go i have more space but uh any point black can get the bishop here i think the plan in the position like this is just like gradually improve like 92 c3 i even go for h4 at some point hey thank you niku do you have any romanian friends i do i was in romania uh i went to romania two years in a row in was 2017 and 2018. i played the fisca open it was in the town of jupiter rather than the planet um there's a few romanian chess players or players in the us from romania christian carrillo who's probably like very well known in romania also sabina foyser and i'm yeah i'm friendly with both of them uh oh let's go let's go for this i'm waiting for the day black takes on g3 so then i can take back and get a nike f5 or knife to f5 oh i want to do things e5 e5 doesn't work queen f4 is interesting i think i'll play queen f4 yeah they'd used to take it might get weird the king could move they excited win the bishop the king moves i have queen f5 there's funny line king d7 queen f5 takes on an e5 okay now the bishop is pinned to the pawn what are the odds when he moved knight c8 doesn't really do much though i think the main threat is e5 another idea in the f7 and then e5 unleashing the battery okay so yeah we can trade g3 restrict the knight defend the pawn i'll bring the knight to f1 [Music] so another idea of knife f5 b4 actually i'll go for night uh i wanted to play knight f4 it looks like i'm winning upon the end am i maybe i'm not oh but maybe i am and king takes was maybe a bit better if i'm down on time but it probably won't matter because i'm winning pawns yeah night before all of course a trade okay that was nice game oh patch tv bought my london course but having trouble studying it uh well there's videos that go along with all the exercises so if you're having trouble you can you can watch the videos and then maybe come back to the exercises yeah we do have the london command to get the best price on the london course uh oh playing a good player they're not berserking i was looking at this other day like early b5 and c5 so i think i'm threatening to take in 97. okay a lot of trades there some idea b4 [Music] takes in b4 looks nice so this is what we call the minority attack it's two pawns swarming against three pawns i'd used to eventually have a weakness to target the weakness of c2 um i'll reinforce a very strategic game so far i think i want to maneuver the knight to c4 wow e3 um taking makes sense and what else to do another option of 97 g97 i kind of like it's a temporary pawn sacrifice i like and take take and take but i think i have rook a1 and then follow with the knight coming in yeah at first i thought i missed this move but after it takes lightning f8 in response to rook e8 i'm realizing the knight might want to redevelop to c6 just target the pawns now if takes takes rookie it is not me because bishop would take back uh i think this makes sense i wasn't sure about knight c6 bishop d5 in that line it was probably okay but safety first i forgot the knight was defended let me take position looks nice but it's still very much of a fight that's a good move i want to play rook 82 soon hopefully it won't be too soon b5 b5 i take the bishop i'm preventing any rook b3 nonsense okay this is a skewer now a a oh that's the first letter of the alphabet that's also the shortest word you can mickey guy really i want to do things for the bishop but i'll just win a pawn um yeah i'll bring the king to f6 and that's kind of sheltered by the pawns hmm [Music] who's trying to mate who g5 i'm losing all my pawns but i think i'm just meeting hopefully probably definitely maybe definitely maybe i feel like that would be a decent like quote to put on a mug or a shirt yeah so the king is very much attracted to the rook this is pretty nice okay a common meeting idea uh white couldn't really stop it once uh the spike checks ran out okay let's go 12th place ooh yeah it's going to be hard to finish top five top 10 is with insight one win away from top 10 right i'm playing the person in fourth place a key game yeah there's a threat of knight d5 here i've had this position it still works and now i hit the queen um so this is nice opening yeah queen d2 i had 97 mate hmm you see four actually c3 defend the pawn i'm hitting e7 oh what to do i probably want to go for d5 at some point a3 the black's controlling d5 with a lot of things so it still takes some work ooh well now the knight is a little bit stuck on h4 g5 i would take it um i don't think bishop a3 is such a big threat although maybe it's a little bit unpleasant how to do this rook g3 i might want to play c4 which is a win connect four mission accomplished there's an idea of this and this okay pawns are the pawns are frowning but okay this is this is leading to happiness uh let's take up on oh my meeting don't see mate i think i just want to play this move okay it's like a little work already passed a hundred that game okay top ten so only two losses this tournament gain some rating uh over an hour left still yeah chicago chicago i think has been playing since the start ah queen b3 i guess queen's it's a line here queen c8 yeah another example of a minority attack g4 might happen yeah the whole point is to induce some weaknesses okay g4 happened interesting uh let's not play rook b3 maybe this move no uh how to do this rp2 there would be two i wasn't sure thanks for subbing on bassantosaurus that's an amazing username um i'm not sure who's trying to attack on the king's side there's a funny line that ends with queen a6 i'm threatening uh like if the pawn takes or pushes jack and queen a6 with king f1 [Music] because we have to trade um that didn't do anything i have no time this isn't oh this is really bad oh there's a funny trick though rook takes his rook beam on ah oh that was a difficult position to play in time pressure it's a little bit too slow what should i do okay i'm gonna do with my top ten yeah i have a lot of fives going that's a nice berserking streak ah harvey 131 yeah my heart rate's getting closer to 5 5 5 5 etcetera yeah the position was really nice in the middle game i was just uh yeah a little bit too slow there okay i'm going back to my uh real openings or my main repertoire yeah this is actually one of the best ways for black to play this line um but it's imbalanced black has more center but i have the bishop pair pressure queen h4 ideas this will end up trading d5 is a target i think the plan is just very simply rook d2 rook d1 if knight here i think i play bishop f1 [Music] also some knight h4 ideas okay now there's three attackers i guess e4 is a good move now i have an idea of this and this roxy five i mean black is like purely defensive after rook c5 but i'm not sure if there's a knockout below i'll still require these patients now i want to do things i play rook d2 to prepare this idea so i've actually had a decent number of games with a similar situation where there's bishops of the same color and the opponent's pawns are on the same color as a bishop this one might be harder to win though b4 um i have c4 here just win a pawn it gets weird though yeah maybe you should not have allowed this oh there's a funny line though i can start with taking like here i take like b3 of bishop d5 okay here i was looking at a3 i promise takes um i have to play this move i don't know what else to do i think i might just try and draw it should be close to equal okay box playing for a win but i think black already like went wrong because now i have this idea and now i'm playing for a win h4 reverge one rook h2 okay i'll play take some takes where could should i play king a3 air king b5 i'll actually have gone after the pawn i might be losing this actually i'm just losing or am i i'm just losing ah what should i do oh the position was good again [Music] just a little bit uh imprecise in the end game blackout counter play i had no time to do okay it gets tough i have to persevere played this opponent couple times in the past i've never been to finland i want to go someday though it's a risk berserking um i think it still makes sense for the like determined situation though let's take i'm stacking upon it's probably a little bit reckless um i'll start with this move the bishop e3 i take and play this and hit multiple things if queen e2 trade yeah so i'm down the pawn here i probably should have considered this move but there's bishop d3 d4 start with this idea this and this uh okay let's not blunder i take i mean i'll take and accept triple pawns also divina what's up divina shout out to divina i appreciate the raid if you're just joining i i just have triple pawns no longer down the path also quack it's amsterdam thanks hamsterham yeah for everyone joining this is a uh it's a yearly blitz arena it happens once every year and i'm doing my best to finish strong less than an hour left in the tournament uh let's check some idea c4 so is key e2 or king c2 regardless i play c4 there's a funny line f4 knight d3 rook c4 knight b2 which i think was actually okay for white um c3 [Music] just gotta move mwah mwahaha knight d3 really risky but i gotta try something [Music] i'll be losing a pawn might be losing two pawns that's already not looking good this move bishop d2 doesn't maybe biz of d2 from bishop g5 i'm still down with pawn but soon to be two pawns it's completely losing but still got a fight please do it i tried there are so many stalemate tricks there were a lot of still matrix towards end there why also got kind of low on time what to do um [Music] okay no more berserking let's cut the losses and i'll still try and play quick and aggressively i just want to stop the bleeding yeah i'm getting a workout this tournament i wonder how many calories i'm burning like playing these games uh let's play h4 h4 is like a newish idea um engine inspired a lila stockfish a lot of the engines uh we'll recommend each four in these sort of positions uh is this a move look at this move knight g6 so if takes i take the rook and then i'll be up exchange and if takes i can even take back and then take i think i'm just winning oh there's rook t8 though lock's gonna find rook t8 yeah not winning anything let's take and move back that was almost a cool tactic so i'm hitting this pawn [Music] i do a um g5 and this knight is really out of play black wants to play f6 uh i think i just allow it and play knight g6 now the pawns attacked but it's yeah it's way more positional queenside castle so ideally i'd like to get a structure with f4 i don't want to allow knight g5 so let me start with this move another idea is to play e4 play a4 um the box handling this well [Music] knight g5 is probably coming and i'll just accept the fact that it's planting itself hey it's gotham what's up gotham shout out to levy i appreciate the read uh i hope you had a good stream hope your dog is doing well [Music] if you're just joining i'm i've lost the last three games in a row i'm trying to avoid throwing a rolled out like temper tantrum but it's difficult uh maybe f5 maybe g5 even though there's three things hitting g5 i have uh 95 tricks ooh yeah that's annoying move if i take first doesn't really make a difference oh there's a funny line okay this might end badly for me but it might end really well too the point is after black has a few options here oh i have b4 as well b4 d4 let's play b4 i was gonna take and taken rook 8 but this is interesting okay now i'll take and play rook a7 the white might just be completely winning here kind of a cool pawn diamond thing with the imposter pawn yeah knight takes i take with a rook and then we simplify and jagalgo passing 200 tournament points so here i go for this move maybe you should have thought this through i think it's okay though calculating this in the 95 i'm realizing it's not so simple or is it so simple it might be so simple i'm threading maiden one king f8 is made in two knight g5 i push upon it sounds pretty simple yeah i was thinking just h7 and blocks a little bit stuck here knight g6 it seems like there should be a few wins this might actually be the simplest win it looks scary but let's do it idea knight g6 oh no i'm getting forked okay so i'm threading made in one and i don't need a queen and the black's not meeting me the block's checking me oh no my queen okay queen wasn't taken i would have rook 8 in the end so um i'm trying to work my way back to top 10. it's not easy though nigel short okay back to berserking if i take maybe 95. yeah the queen is a target some cool idea queen g3 also a cool idea attack the knight with everything wow [Music] black has cool ideas too what does this move i didn't see that coming of queen queen e3 i don't think taking the queen works it's about to get confusing queen b8 i might as well take so it's equal material black has a bishop here um knight c4 probably coming hit the bishop take with a rook um oh no or oh yes what's going on here t3 i think it's okay i don't know what's going on here i think things are defended though because there's a pin don't hurt me when you suffer i take with check okay maybe now i can hurt the opponent i'm the one who pins it's still tricky though because i have some background mate vulnerabilities although queen c6 i think i play this queen c1 rook t1 i should probably move upon h4 so still threatening this never mind or cure hmm rookie [Music] 97 wow [Music] i feel attacked don't hurt me don't worry me it's okay i was scared of weird checks but it worked out let's go both place about 40 minutes yet left thank you yaakov the prime sub okay um let's try and stay focused here it's tiring playing so much chess been live for over three hours i appreciate people tuning in um thanks to all the raiders and people subbing and being here giving some nice energy okay so white's kind of trying to play a hippo but i'm playing a crab delayed crab either want to play this or this i'm not sure yet okay probably this yeah keeping the bishop this is expected and then i'll play this in this i mean white doesn't really have too many options here oh so bishop e2 probably bishop here i mean liking castle or that move king f8 a little bit conflicted here maybe i'll play play this move defend the pawn now king f8 i'm keeping the rook on the h file is there some idea of this and this ah b4 is a good move i'm in trouble [Music] i'm still like go all out though to do this work here c6 bishop b8 how to do this oh no don't hurt me i'm knight d5 actually and there's funny line takes takes takes and check and then takes so maybe it's okay time is dwindling oh i didn't even see that move i was scared of queen a1 my g7 pong was hanging completely oblivious to that maybe it's okay though wow okay i have to take i always played well and f4 i guess [Music] ah what to do take this doesn't work wait what i was not expecting rook b7 ah that's not quite stalemate where's my stalemate trick almost still means i should probably resign ah i flagged i was also getting mated oh what to do yeah position was good from the opening but then the center kind of crumbled okay it's going to be a challenge to just finish in top 10. 31 minutes left jagalko is going to be the clear winner just have to make the final push thank you love her or love hater i'll call you love her thanks for subbing for six months in advance thank you on pantosaurus eric your content is an inspiration i've never had so many opportunities for self-improvement since getting married quack doodle do ah man congrats on your marriage okay so another berserking game uh playing trying to play aggressively this is some london line if i take bishop e5 is like a typical typical resource for whites there is pressure against d4 from multiple directions two months yay quack thank you e funnel i want to keep the rook on each file this move looks a little bit sauce idea oh it was c3 but c3 doesn't work so never mind c pawn is pinned okay so i lose a pawn uh probably king f1 was reminiscent of the previous game [Music] g4 maybe things are getting spicy hey it's jane galt still believer i'm trying i'm trying it's tough though um the g5 should be coming g5 opens up the queen as well and the bishop if this i play f3 quack a lot of quacks thank you too crazy person a quack is a sound that a dog mate duck makes but also a crazy person makes all right knight h5 takes queen h4 in the end so f6 coming it's really close to winning i gotta go for this i'm just not seeing the wind d4 i thinking bishop d3 we trade try it so takes takes i mean where's the meat and it's gotta be made somewhere remind me later there's one check and then king ji one pawn digs b2 i think it's made in like three or four oh thank you jingle for faster game storm some kings gambit i haven't played king's gander yet this stream so i'm down a piece here but material is not so relevant it's all about whether i can checkmate and visual page 7 is probably what i want to do [Music] king g1 mm-hmm yeah where's the meat [Music] in this move not seeing it okay now writing mates 13 seconds left letting it slip no oh my yep clock yep clock didn't quite make it uh also black has a really nice defensive resource queen g2 and white's just losing here um i guess knight h5 also it ended up working is it nothing more than a draw it was queen d7 white is slightly better after ah that's probably close to a draw what to do this crazy position okay goal of top ten top five is uh very unrealistic at this point still some fun games though playing pursle bomber napa is working back going for appearance bishop h6 here yeah so the main idea is h4h5 as king h8 is preparing this it's a question how i break through on the king side not so simple the a5 is interesting maybe this and [Music] i think c7 but also pinning the pawn also some idea knight e3 to f5 okay connect four that's looking better here some g5 ideas incoming knight e3 still on the horizon i probably want to start with like queen f3 knight e3 g5 um which pawn to take with probably this pawn and then still put the knight on e3 yeah so the ideal setup where's my queen wanna go queen probably wants to be on g3 and knight on e3 okay i'll avoid the bishop trade oh no my bishop so i'm threatening made in two and it's not easy for black to stop that's one way to stop it i can take and take um i mean it's it's completely winning it's just a matter how i wanna get things done thinking i'll leave the tension and go for rook g1 i mean g6 uh g6 for the the lulz [Music] i still have to move quickly here play this move because the knight's completely restricted where's the wind in this move idea bishop f7 i just want to hug all of lax pieces maybe not the cleanest conversion simple plan h5 eventually take uh that's a move i better not lose this black is unhugging me now this is gonna be difficult to win now i got a little bit too relaxed there plenty of time no i'm so sad i'm so sad with that cream oh i primo queen h6 that's such a bad free move oh no oh what to do yeah opponent dirty tricked me too many times oh what i do i think it's the nature of like playing playing almost four hours non-stop let's try and oh tracks our time i haven't played the tracks already yet this stream okay no track sir i don't know what i'm doing here a little bit tilted from previous events but actually i don't mind the position idea h6 g5 oh no i blundered it's going downhill white's taking time though yeah white finds it oh what should i do my bishop's getting trapped b5 doesn't quite work or does it no it doesn't work um well now i have to live with the consequences yeah h6 was bad i should have played um an a5 move first but i'll still try and fight here either want to play pawn g for bishop g4 probably pawn g4 and then pawn h4 upon h5 playing punch 5 first i think it's a little bit more flexible 93 is coming f4 of all if i take and take on c3 i gotta try this um there's like g6 in the end or that move okay still down the piece and down on time probably rookie five i think i'm also threatening to take white's giving me some hope oh fancy [Music] play this move should play b6 soon create some passer okay just want to bolt down the board the bishop is completely dominated by my knight and this knight is completely dominated by my other things i don't see how white stops the pawn let's go okay wow i didn't uh i didn't expect to win that i just lost a piece in the opening and i deserved but that's why you should always fight okay let's try and finish strong it's still within range of top ten [Music] the same opening as previously oh okay no time to waste let's go so back on the berserking streak some of these players have been playing for almost six hours straight so uh it's that time of tournament where blunders are a bit more prevalent hey thank you chimba hey eric any chance you could say happy birthday to my chess best friend sam yeah happy birthday sam let's get a chant i'll make all of chat say happy birthday sam happy birthday sam wait is there no more chant command how do i chant command oh twitch got rid of the chant command i'm playing of berserk but everyone can say happy birthday sam okay at least i get to play the person in first place h6 not sure if i've seen this move before f4 may be coming zigo's also been playing for six hours nonstop um i kind of blundered bishop c2 there's queen b6 ideas but i'm hoping something works okay i like the position now that's probably the final game for me in the tournament this final game that counts for the tournament roxie a queen a6 i might lose c3 but i might win a seven [Music] takes no draw because we're trading a bit i have f5 here we need to queen b4 that move i missed oh no i'm king queen b2 is such a bad free move also i i like i like queen bee one hanging queen i play queen b2 hanging a queen oh what should i do good game though did that count for the tournament it did okay well that wraps up the tournament 13th place out of almost 9 000 people yeah the top five was a very ambitious goal from earlier but it was fun oh chicago is streaming i wonder how happy he was when he he beat me like that let's do some reaction washing machine wait let's see oh no [Music] it's gonna be painful for me to relive this wow he's playing one-handed with this how do you do that i guess it's normal to play one-handed i was up 10 seconds all i had to do was not blunder my queen oh no it's about to happen okay i was still up like six seconds yeah no reason for queen b2 oh what to do
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 730,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, Chess.com, chess game, chess video, lichess.org, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, chess 2021, yearly blitz arena, london opening, london system, opening traps
Id: QlJs51SMKg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 16sec (14236 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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