2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention: In God We Trust - Pt 1 (10:30 a.m. CT)

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join with me father in jesus name all of us together agree as touching this asking for the anointing asking for utterance asking for the eyes of our heart being enlightened asking for answers incorruptible spirit seed sown deep into good soil of good hearts that will take root and put roots downward and spring up and produce fruit that manifests your goodness your light your righteousness your glory in this physical world we ask you for it we thank you for it in jesus name amen somebody say i'm receiving exactly what i need right now thank you lord you can be seated you can be seated would you turn in the in the wonderful bible to the book of psalms psalm 60 2 psalms 62. we're so thankful for the gift that brother kenneth and miss gloria and their family and their staff are to the body of christ unless you've done what they've done you don't know the commitment required the things that you would encounter the persecution the challenges because they don't talk defeat and they don't talk problems to hear them talk you would think they hardly ever have anything to do with but the enemy will not just sit by and let you reach the world with the gospel without trying to stop you and doing whatever he can and the uh the testimony is living example that now decade after decade and now at uh in in his 80s and and going so strong aren't you don't you think this is a wonderful example wonderful example to follow hallelujah and it really does whoever you follow closely uh that affects you and gets on you and gets in you you don't want to follow the wrong people because you find you wind up at the wrong place but the bible said that we are to follow the faith of those that god has placed over us considering the end of their their lifestyle thank you lord psalm 62 are you are you going to find that with me psalm 62. now i'm going to read this in the king james and then i'm going to read it in another translation but he said truly my soul waits upon god from him comes my salvation he only is my rock everybody say he only is my rock and my salvation he's my defense i shall not be greatly moved verse 5 my soul wait thou only upon god for my expectation is from him he only is my rock and my salvation he's my defense i shall not be moved now listen to uh young's literal translation of this and this is the same man that god that the lord used to author young's concordance and all that so this is obviously somebody that knows the language and uh he held closer to the way it was written in the original structure-wise listen to how it reads in young's literal verse 1 it starts with this only toward god is my soul silent from him is my salvation verse 2 only he is my rock and my salvation my tower i am not much moved verse 4 only from his excellency they have consulted to drive away they enjoy a lie with their mouth they bless with their heart their reviled verse 5 only for god be silent o my soul for from him is my hope verse 6 only he is my rock and my salvation my tower i am not moved on god is my salvation and my honor the rock of my strength my refuge is in god trust in him at all times o people pour forth from him your heart god is a refuge for us say life so this uh many of these psalms were accompanied with music so this is not just a uh you know a dry quoting of uh a phrase or poetry but what would the what would the title of this song or what could it be only somebody say only only what let me read it again only toward god do i wait on him in other words he's my salvation only he's my rock and my salvation only do i wait on him i trust in him at all times somebody say only only only we have experienced in the country and in the world some trying times and uh they they continue and this is not the only time throughout the history of man there have been many times there have been serious things and in times where the norm is shaken or disrupted you find out who your source is you find out who your rock is you find out if you've made it you know great for 20 30 years and then this thing hits and the whole company folds that you had your tenure with and now you're out of a job you find out what your source is who you rock is why because when you really need something there's only two directions you can look is everybody with me not not three only two what do you mean you can look to god or you can look to man that's the only two directions you can look now man includes yourself depending on yourself depending on others but there's only the two and if you're smart you have already made your choice and it is only oh come on help me out y'all going to help me preach this or not oh only on him or somebody say only only only on him only on him only on god is my my heart trusting and waiting on him what does that mean i'm expecting from him i'm counting on him some years ago the lord helped me i corrected something i had been saying you know i would say you know praise god i received some money or received some things from a totally unexpected source and the lord quickened to me one time after saying that he said there's only one source and i changed it i no longer say that i'll say i received it through an unexpected channel unexpected channel there are many channels only one only one source y'all with me only one source and you can tell where you're where you've been looking what you've been relying on what you've been depending on if and when it's no longer there if it's removed you know most people have their identity and their sense of self-worth attached to something in their life down here maybe they're a great athlete and maybe they're they have a great mind for math or maybe they're great at programming or a lot of times it has to do with their profession and and uh that's not okay because when that's no longer happening who are you what are you if tomorrow you could no longer do what you're doing do you lose your value people do people go through crisis right i mean somebody that's trained all their life to be this athlete and and they finally make it to the top and and the next game boom they got an injury that puts them out of the game you see people go through they get to the point of being suicidal why because that's all of their identity was wrapped up in that and their sense of value and worth was in that and if they lose that they don't know who they are they don't know what they are our value was set before we were born come on help me out now huh what do you mean the next time the enemy tries to bring a thought or feeling to you that you're not worth much ask him how come the highest price that's ever been paid for anything was paid for you that's what redeemed means you were bought with a price the bible said you are not redeemed you know with with silver or with gold the bible said the the value of a soul it ceases forever what does that mean there is no amount of money big enough to buy a soul not enough billions not enough trillions there was only one thing one thing only in all the all time in all space and all the universe that was valuable enough to buy souls it was and it is the precious blood of the spotless lamb of god because the life is in the blood and the life of god himself is in the blood of the lamb and it's perfect and pure and spotless and he shed it all to buy you what's something worth you know there's all kind of debate about that i came phyllis my wife and i came out of a restaurant a while back and and there was a new uh mclaren sitting in the parking lot well i i like fast cars and i noticed that and and i had read in the magazine this thing cost 1.3 million dollars little bitty car i mean little bitty carbon fiber thing and i mentioned that to somebody they said oh that's ridiculous there's no way that car's worth 1.3 it was to him it was to the guy that paid paid it for it you can't say it wasn't worth it what a thing is worth depends on what somebody's willing to pay for it that's what determines the worth and your worth was determined a long time ago it's not based on your performance down here it's not based on your developed skill set it's not based on your athletic ability because if you haven't noticed that's going to change real soon you're getting older and i mean the economy changes uh procedures change professions change things are changing right and left which is why we don't need to be over invested in these things we don't need to be relying and counting on them to see us through we don't need to be counting on the government to see us through let me ask you a question where do they get their money from where do where do they get their money from it's not some magical place where it just appears if we don't make money they don't get money somebody hasn't figured that out yet people likewise it's just this mysterious place where the government gets all this money the problem is if they're if they're looking to us as their source they're going to be disappointed if we're looking to them as our source we're going to be disappointed if you're looking to man to meet all your needs to fulfill you you're going to be disappointed if not now tomorrow or next year why because even people that are completely faithful they get to the point where it's beyond their ability to do for you what you need or want and they can leave here and go to be with the lord right now what are you going to do oh but when you got your eyes only only on him nothing can shake you i didn't say you wouldn't notice it but nothing can shake you you'll hear people say well i just i couldn't handle it if mama died i just don't think i could make it i or my spouse died you know well honey it's not a matter of if they're going to die the lord darius is coming they're going to die you too and your cat and your goldfish everything is headed that way right so you better get ready for it one of the biggest things that all of ministry one of the biggest priorities and jobs is that we get people ready to die you're not ready to live until you're ready to die you're not you'll be limited by and in bondage by fear the fear of death makes you subject to bondage but when you're ready to die which means you're saved you know you're saved you know what happens to you when you breathe your last then you're ready to live and fulfill your you know call and your commission but you don't want to say things like that i just couldn't make it you know without mama i just couldn't make it without my spouse because you you likely will need to make it without them and you'll see people who uh months and years after somebody's past they're still incapacitated they're still not able to function well that means they had uh that person had part of their heart that only the lord should have it's okay to love people it's okay for them to have a place in your heart and life but they shouldn't have the place the lord should have and when the lord's got a big enough place in your heart and life and mind you can make it through anything because he is your rock and he is the anchor to your soul oh somebody say he is come on say it out loud he is my rock [Music] and the anchor of my soul that means you can make it through anything because he will always be there he will never leave you he will never forsake you he will never let you down and you will always be just as valuable to him a million years from now as when he was willing to pay that high price to get you to start with he's not going to get tired of you and decide you're not worth anything anymore the lord knows the end from the beginning he's already determined what your worth is and is so high because we are the apple of his eye we are worth that to him we are precious to him and one of the big things that makes us precious to him is that we don't know how far things go back into eternity past we have no idea but what you do see is an evil pattern of god's created beings rebelling against him oh you see it over and over again whether it's the angels whether it's mankind i mean in the days of noah you you could only find eight human beings on the planet that cared about god at all that's how bad it had gotten and the earth was completely filled with with violence and and god he just i don't know how to else to say it fed up with this rebellion he hates it and it just has been too much of it for too long he has and it's no cause of his own he's always been good he's always been gracious he's always been faithful and yet his creation has rebelled against him and defied him so among those that in this life in this curse-filled dark rebel-filled world that would choose to say lord i believe you i love you i'm willing to sacrifice for you i will follow you oh child of god your name is recorded in the lamb's book of life and he will never forget it he will never forget it throughout the ages to come you and i are special to him we're precious to him we are the redeemed and in order to be secure he must be our only somebody say it out loud he is my only rock my only rock thank you lord i got a uh what do they call a shoe malfunction thank you mike thank you mike would you turn with me please to the book of uh jeremiah to the book of jeremiah are you okay thanks be to god thanks be to god you know i'm not ready to go to jeremiah go to psalm 20. we're not done with psalms psalm 20. psalm 20 verse 7. yeah that's better mike thanks psalm 20 verse 7 it says some trust in chariots and some in horses but we we're not so we're not son you got some and then you got we we will remember the name of the lord our god verse 8 they what happens to them they are brought down and fallen why why help me out why because they trusted in the wrong thing they relied on the horses and chariots which is trusting in man because man's operating and using the horses and chariots back in that day a metal chariot with a big strong fast team of horses was some of the ultimate weaponry today you could say the same thing if you're trusting in tanks or in fighter jets y'all got quiet huh are intercontinental ballistic missiles uh unless the lord builds a house they labor in vain that built it unless the lord keeps the city the watchman wakes but in vain didn't know what the scripture said what does that mean now here's the thing that some folk have gotten confused on and we'll be talking about this more i think but he didn't say you couldn't have a horse he didn't say you couldn't have a chariot in fact we can see all the scriptures here in a minute he said the horse is prepared the chariot is prepared we'll see that in just a moment but the problem is not the horse the problem is trusting the horse instead of god and that's a giant problem and it's easy to say oh well we we trust the lord we trust the lord we trust the lord that seed is easy to say until you really need something then we find out if you trust him or not by who you look to who you go to what you reach out for what you're depending on some trust in chariots some in horses it's not the horses it's not the chariots it's the problem it's the trust in them but we are our only rock is the lord will remember the name of the lord and because they put their trust and faith in the horse and chariots instead of god they are brought down and fallen now this is not just something to know theory wise you see how quickly the world system can be brought to its knees do you see that and things can rock along seemingly good and normal for 50 years 100 years but that doesn't mean it's secure institutions kev had existed and been strong for a hundred years and they can completely collapse tomorrow if you put your faith in anything other than god you are sooner and later will be disappointed will be let down but nobody ever trusted in the lord and was made ashamed am i quoting scripture nobody nobody no one ever believed in him and really held on to him and was let down never has happened and he's not going to start with you now this is confusing because it will look like in some cases that it did happen but it didn't because even though the person was talking a good game about trusting god it was just in their mouth and not in their heart in their heart when it came time to to really rely they reached for the arm of flesh and that's confusing to people because they don't know the whole story well i thought they were trusting god well remember jesus said they're in cases where individuals you know their their mouth was talking about his praise and worship but their heart was far from him so your heart is not at the same place that you're talking necessarily now when the pressure's on out of the abundance of the heart the mouth leaketh [Laughter] when the pressure is on it's like a sponge when you squeeze it whatever's in it it's going to come out and so when you're really squeezed you may holler mama instead of jesus even though you talk to good game at church do you see what i'm talking about which is why you need to fill yourself with things about faith in god and practice trusting god on the little things on everything don't just when you need something don't just reach in your pocket don't just pick up the phone and call somebody wait a minute ask the lord how i should get this and many times he'll tell you you leave them alone don't do it that way wait on me can you see this and if you if you've not been used to practicing trusting god and something big hits well it's uh it's unlikely that all at once you can god is merciful but you're probably going to keep doing what you've been doing which is trying to make it happen yourself trying to produce it yourself if you need more money don't just go get another job don't just start selling everything you've got y'all with me or not why at some point we need to trust god what do you mean you realize even if i can't even i think i could make this happen i should not try to make this happen well they offered to make it happen that didn't mean it was the lord we need to learn to be led inside not by external things and there'll be time after time the lord will check you no don't do that no don't do that wait on me look to me and learning how to trust him through adversity in the smaller things and if you practice that as a way of life then when the big things hit the world you know you don't have this big learning curve you're all you just you just keep doing what you've been doing remember what the psalmist said though the earth is removed though the mountains shake and quake and they're cast into the sea what i won't be afraid hallelujah because god is my refuge and my strength he's a very present help in the time of trouble he's right here right now my only my only rock my only fortress my only source whoo my only source they are brought down and fallen verse 8 but we are risen and stand up right why because we trusted in the one and in the things that don't change that can't fail they're independent of what's happening down here they're above what's happening down here my god shall supply all my needs according to this is big right according to the current world economy huh the dao s p the huh huh how my company's doing how am i how my group is doing now you know the right answer but do you know that millions of christians that know the right answer when it comes down to it and that's no longer there they are shaken to the core they panic why because it shows that's what they've been relying on that's what they've been counting on and the only way the only way to demonstrate that that's not your rock is to have it removed i'll remove you from it there's no other way to demonstrate it i know i some years ago i had been preaching and teaching on god being your source god being your source and i was already in the traveling ministry and had a full schedule and had a ministry staff at home and and uh we're nearing the last quarter of the year and uh i for some reason i hadn't scheduled some meetings of course you got the end of the year coming up you got uh christmas bonuses you got right into the year's stuff so you really need extra money going into the end of the year and for some reason i had i just had a check every time i'd go to to schedule i'd have a check have a check and here i am now to the end of the quarter last quarter of the year and i don't have the meeting scheduled and i'm praying one day about it i said lord this is getting serious now you know we need to uh need to get he said you've been preaching on me being your source because you understand i'm already concerned at this point because i can see where this is going i said yes sir he said i want you to i want you to act on this i want you to stay at home the last quarter and trust me he said those meetings are not your source huh those meetings are not just now it's easy for you to sit out there and clap but the same thing is if i say okay you're not gonna work at your job for the last quarter and the only way to prove that only way is to do it i mean you can talk all you want to but man i checked my heart i checked my heart i thought come on am i really is this really right and and i knew it was and so i i did i didn't schedule anything until after the first and i got three months and no meetings and i'm a traveling minister and i don't misunderstand me whatever your profession is you're supposed to do it because there's also a scripture that says if you don't work you shouldn't eat but that doesn't change the fact that you should not look to your job as your source and there's only one way to grow in that and you got to wean yourself off of it somehow i know the lord had already taught phyllis tonight some things about that when i was at rhema kenneth hagin's ministry in that uh i worked as a volunteer for a long time and yet we were still she had a a good paying job and i was working there 40 hours a week but just not getting paid and but money was coming in through other channels and so uh when after a few years they asked me about coming on staff i had to pray about it because i was doing well not being on staff i thought well i don't want you know i'm learning how to trust god here i don't want to mess this up but the lord dealt with me no you go ahead and do that that's right but then by the time i left uh rhema i was an instructor there and working in the healing school phyllis and i's giving to that ministry was greater than my whole salary for the year how can you do that well it's obvious then that's not my source i'm not just talking about me i'm talking about you is this god's will for you so that whole last quarter i just stayed home rode motorcycles hung out and of course the whole time i'm riding i got to cast thoughts out of my mind you know what are you doing you know bills keep coming staff's got to be paid et cetera et cetera but do you know and i know you're not surprised but more than what we normally had come in came in every week every month far in excess well the lord was was setting me up because uh he was dealing with me then to do more meetings where that the budget of what we were giving in to them uh far exceeded any offering they were giving to me well that doesn't make sense on paper but that includes mission work come on can you see that when you go overseas and you invest you know scores of thousands of dollars and more into a meeting and they don't give you anything or they give you a few hundred back as an offering well if you're if you're looking at that as your source you're not going to do that anymore but if god's your source it doesn't matter i said it's god your source it doesn't matter what they give to you or what they don't it will come through different channels and that's not your business because you keep fixed on the same one only unchanging unlimited [Music] source [Applause] hallelujah and so as years went by and and the lord dealt with me about transportation and about uh aircraft and about other things and about investing into things it it had nothing to do with budget or what i or the ministry might get out of the meeting that's not what i'm basing my decisions on and that is freedom come on sir come on sir i said that is freedom when we first started out in the ministry phyllis and i traveling and we did it for years because i'm still traveling but we we couldn't go to a church to hold a meeting unless they uh paid for our airfare and our hotel room and our meals if we had to pay for our airfare to get there we couldn't go we didn't have it and that went on for years but through learning things like what i'm talking to you about about you know the lord saying just trust me this last quarter see you take steps and to him it'd be baby steps but if you don't take the little steps you don't get to the big steps but then he's got us to the place now where we have in the ministry a ghost supply people sow into it to send us so we can go anywhere in the world at zero charge to the people we're going to our travel everything is underwritten before we leave the house well then you're not looking to the people about the offering if you're a pastor your church family is not your source that's right pastor everybody say it with them so it won't be isolating but pastors especially say this say this out loud my church congregation is not my source not my source only god is my source can god bring resources into your church from outside the church family you know it he wants to do it he wants to demonstrate it to you and to them you know the bible said in the psalms uh what is it psalm 78 that they turned and limited the holy one of israel limited how in the world could you limit god you can't limit him in himself but you can limit what how much he's able to do for you and you do that through wrong thinking and through looking to the wrong things as your source i was teaching on this some years ago and i got into this phrase i said stop saying we can't afford this stop using those words and stop thinking like that why can't you afford it now when you when you're saying that what you're saying is in so many words we can't have this because i only make so much at my work really so you can't have it because you only make so much at your work then that means your work is your source why can't you have it the lord directed us as a church and as a ministry to have a vision list and so we write down the bible said write division make it plain and the lord challenges us he said this to me some years ago and phyllis and i privately were doing this and he said uh i want you to write down anything and everything you'd like to have and do if money was no factor if money was no issue and we sat down and tried to think and write and after the first 30 40 minutes i saw one of the reasons he told us to do it we looked at the list it's pitiful this is as big as we can think and every time we start to write something down we'd go do you know how much that and the lord said i said if money is not an issue money's not even a factor because you don't have to even pay for a thing that's right god can get it to you for half price he can get it to you for a quarter price a third price he can get it to you at no price can he do it or not so then you don't have it because you couldn't afford it you don't have it because you think you can't have anything beyond what you can produce [Music] stop saying we can't afford it we can't afford it that's that shouldn't be the question the question is should you have it should you have it and if you get settled in your heart yeah we can have this we should have this we can have this we'll then dare to step out and ask for one and claim one by faith and so and i'm talking about something you can see no way you could ever pay for it or buy because until it gets there you're not in faith if you can figure out how to pay for it and how to make it work then you're not in faith yet just claim one put it on the list lay hold of it by faith we have seen amazing things happen in our life in our congregation in our ministry with this a few months after that i got a uh a letter from a single mom and she said that when she heard that it it startled her because she had been saying it all the time i think she had three little kids and because they'd say mommy mommy i want this mommy mommy and she said maybe we can't afford that maybe we can't afford that and so uh she got a hold of this truth and she next thing she went next time she went to say it she better live maybe we can't and i said you know why can't they have it are they limited to you as their source or is there really a god el shaddai jehovah jiren is there really a rich daddy big daddy is there i said if you you know in the teaching i said if you don't mind your children having it don't say you can't afford it if you think it's okay for them to have it let it be an opportunity for them to start learning faith and you say well baby we we don't have that right now but uh let's believe for it let's believe for it you sow something you got a toy or something you can sow into one of your friends and then take hands with them and pray the prayer of agreement we agree is touching this thing and ask you for you know why a lot of parents wouldn't do that they're afraid their children will be disappointed they don't want to give them false hope which means they are faithless in this area well she dared to do that she said well baby i don't have it right now but you know god can get it to us so think about anything you'd want to sow to one of your friends and immediately i mean kids get this immediately she thought she had some pink stuff i think it was she wanted to sew to a friend because she wanted yellow stuff now and but anyway it was a good seed and so they released their faith and they agreed for it well in just a few weeks here comes a letter in the mail with money for the child from a completely unexpected channel huh if you said source um see just habit right completely unexpected channel and it made out for the little girl well at that same uh week they're having a sale because she wanted a bicycle that's what it was they were having a sale on those bikes a couple of blocks down the uh the from the house so they took them the check they got it cashed they went to the bicycle store she picked out exactly what she wanted they paid cash for it and she's riding it home down the sidewalk and mama didn't give it to her the easter bunny didn't give it to her santa claus didn't give it to her the government didn't give it to her come on it wasn't the republicans or the democrats come on it was jesus it was the lord yes she'll never forget that come on she'll never forget that she'll never forget that and if you can believe him for a bicycle yes sir come on it just comes up from that you can you can believe him for a car you can leave him for a college education you can leave him for a good spouse you can believe him for a wonderful family successful ministry but if you just throw up your hands and go we can't afford that you think money grows on trees around here and the reason people get so defeated and weary and bitter is because sometimes they're working themselves crazy and they can't produce it and their family is not having the things they want them to have they're not living on the level they want and it's it's frustrating and it can be you know demeaning and it can be you know lead to feelings of despair but it's only because you have tried to take the role of the provider and tried to take the role of the source and limited yourself and yours to only what you can produce you are not the provider don't let anybody make you their provider don't you do it because people will people will try to pull on you and go well you know you got it you should give it to me if i had it i would give it to you i doubt that seriously but that's something people like to say but we all have the same source everybody some people will not look to him they refuse to they won't ever look to him and you don't want to let the enemy use them to rob you of resources you should be using on something else he will you need to be led by the spirit including with relatives yeah but they need it that's not a leading yeah but they want it so bad that's not a leading they need to learn to look to god too [Music] they need to learn who their source is we've all got exactly the same source if we'll acknowledge it come on say it out loud i mean it's freedom say it out loud i'm not the provider sure you're supposed to work and do what you know to do but you're not the provider say it out loud i'm not limited to what i make my family's not limited to what i make you better break out that vision list is that right get some things down that are bigger than you can produce that are bigger than you can make happen and dare step off into this rarified air called faith hallelujah it's exciting oh it's exciting somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord go to psalm 146 in closing i i think psalm 146. if you can come back maybe we'll get into jeremiah did i say that yeah another time it'll still be there it's been there a long time it's not it's not going anywhere [Laughter] thank you lord psalm 146. i want just a few verses here i want us to read all of it uh verse 1 are you with me let your eyes rest on this praise ye the lord praise the lord oh my soul so he's talking to himself while i live will i praise the lord i'll sing praises to my god while i have any being put not your trust in princes nor in the sons of man in whom there is no help his breath goes forth he returns to his earth in that very day his thoughts some translations say plans perish happy is he that has the god of jacob for his help whose hope is in the lord his god oh somebody say my faith's not in man i know how frail man is i know how quickly man's plans can cease my faith my faith my trust my hope is in god only he only is i can already sense increased strength [Applause] hallelujah huh you just get this this unconquerable sense about you it is the spirit of faith it's just this confidence not in yourself but this confidence that no matter what happens i'm going to make it [Applause] by the grace of god by the goodness and faithfulness of god no matter i mean a thousand may fall at this side and 10 000 at the other but i'm going to make it i'm going to make it institutions may collapse i don't want that i don't desire that but i'm saying even when it does i will not panic i will not fall out i will not become suicidal i will not become hopeless why because god was here before they got here and he's still here after they're gone he made the earth he made the sun oh he cannot fail and he's not going away he's always there for you and me having that full persuasion having that abiding confidence just makes you fearless it makes you unconquerable makes you more than a conqueror hallelujah an overcomer keep reading verse five happy is he that has the god of jacob for his help whose hope is in the lord his god another word for hope is expectation if you're are you if you're in faith then you are expecting something and who are we expecting to make it happen god god and if you're really expecting god to make it happen you're not putting pressure on people that's right that's right yeah but with all this stuff you know and everything that's gone down and everything you know talking to the congregation y'all got to give y'all got to give actually they don't they don't got to give yeah but yeah but my people my people honey child they ain't your people [Laughter] when you become is everybody awake and listening when you become fully dependent on god alone you are no longer dependent on anybody else for anything you talk about freedom you talk about liberation when you come become completely dependent on god you're no longer dependent on anybody else most people don't experience this kind of freedom but it's available to every child of god when you choose to trust him only he only is my god and my rock and my salvation happy is he that has the god of jacob for his help whose hope is in the lord is god which made heaven and the earth and the sea and all that therein is which keeps truth forever you know you i found in doing bigger business you need to go to the person that is in charge the person that can make things happen well this is true in life and you can you can save yourself a lot of hassle just go straight to the top i'm talking about somebody that can make it happen people get so annoyed and frustrated by being entangled with people they say oh this is impossible oh this is impossible we can't no that's against the rules no we can't do that we don't have the resources i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry don't get frustrated you're just talking to the wrong people that's right come on leave them alone quit bothering them and go straight up oh yeah you got time for one more story a few years ago uh mike that came got my shoe while ago he and i travel together he helps me and uh we were going to a place and i turned i don't think he'd ever heard me say this before i said i don't know why we're going here that might have gave him some current concern i don't know but uh what i meant is i didn't know the the we're going to a church and i'm going to speak for this this pastor in church and i didn't know the man at all and i didn't know anything about him and i really was a little puzzled as to why i were going the only thing i had i felt like the lord prompted me to go well that's all you need to know that's enough so i'm going we went i spoke i don't know a couple of times through whatever it was went real good good things happen and as as i'm leaving the pastors walking out with me great guy great great people glad to get to know him and he uh he said brother keith i think i should tell you something i said what he said he said well a pastor and i here in town had a big falling out and we didn't speak to each other for years i mean it really went bad and i'm praying one day and the lord said i want you to go to him and apologize and make this right he said it was hard on my flesh and my pride but i did i called him i said can we talk he said yeah i went and i started out and i apologized and asked him to forgive me and and next thing you know he said i apologize and asked him to forgive him they started crying and they prayed together and it was wonderful wonderful and he said i was so glad as i left his office i'm walking across the parking lot and and just saying thank you lord thank you lord thank you so much for helping me with that and he said the lord said uh thank you for doing it son is there anything i can do for you he stopped in the parking lot he said yeah i want brother keith to come speak at my church i laughed i said you went over my head you went right over my head oh you can get things done by going over the head go straight to the top straight to the top straight to the top he made the heavens and the earth he can get it done he can get it done let's finish it he said he executes judgment for the oppressed he gives food to the hungry if you get hungry you can count on him he gives food to the hungry the lord looses the prisoners the lord opens the eyes of the blind the lord raises them that are bowed down the lord loves the righteous that's you the lord preserves the strangers he relieves the fatherless and the widow but the way of the wicked he turns upside down the lord shall reign forever even thy god o zion unto all generations praise ye the lord stand on your feet stand on your feet everybody praise ye the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord oh somebody say praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise you lord praise you lord praise you lord praise you lord oh praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you lord come on just keep praising me lord we praise you lord we praise you lord we praise you we praise you we praise you we praise you we praise you lord we praise you we praise you we praise you glory be to god in the highest thank you father praise you father glory be to god glory be to god thank you thank you thank you thank you if you would just close your eyes and focus your heart and attention on the lord himself not on me not on anybody else around you right now just only on him pray this prayer if you mean in your heart father forgive me for ever relying on the arm of flesh depending on myself depending on others instead of you that's not my heart that's not my choice i choose to look to you as my source only source there are many channels but only one source of life and good you are my savior you are my provider you are my protector you are my sustainer you are my rock i trust in you hallelujah hallelujah praise be to god hallelujah and i'll give you my title at the end of the message here in god we trust to us it's more than a phrase can you say amen praise god hallelujah you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 75,731
Rating: 4.8688102 out of 5
Keywords: 2020 southwest believers’ convention, channels, faith, finances, identity, job, keith moore, needs, one, only, price, provider, rock, salvation, souls, source, trust, value, worth
Id: RmCsnsKEQkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 54sec (4014 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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